Vinod Prasad Khanduri

Faculty profile:
Vinod Prasad Khanduri
Associate Professor
Department of Forestry
Research Interests:
Forest tree flowering phenology
Pollination Biology
Forest Tree Breeding
Seed biology
Forest Ecology
Current Research:
Reproductive biology of Melocanna
baccifera and other tropical trees
Vinod Prasad Khanduri
Positions Held:
- Presently Associate Professor, Department
of Forestry, Mizoram University
- Lecturer: 2005-2007 (Mizoram
- Research Associate: 2001-2005 (Forest
Research Institute, Dehra Dun)
- Ad-hoc Lecturer: 2000-2001 (HNB
Garhwal University)
- JRF & SRF: 1996 – 2000 (HNB Garhwal
Forest tree Breeding and Improvement
B.Sc. (1994), M.Sc. (1996) Forestry, Ph.D. (2000)
Forestry: HNB Garhwal University
Contact Info:
Department of Forestry, Mizoram University
Tanhril, Aizawl-796009 Mizoram
Phone: Office:-0389-2330394; 2330534
Fax: 0389-2330416 Mobile: 919436199694
Research Project Sanctioned:
Books Published:
Sharma, C. M. and Khanduri, V. P. 2007.
Vegetative and reproductive phenophases in
Aesculus indica Colebr. at two different
altitudes in Himalayan Forests. Current
Science, 92(2): 216-225.
- H. B. Naithani, S. S. Negi, M. Pal, S.
Chandra and V. P. Khanduri, 2007.
Vegetation Survey and Inventorization of
species in the Ridge Forest of Delhi. Forest
Research Institute, Dehra Dun, 625 pp.
Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma, C. M. 2003.
Ecology of microsporangium dehiscence and
pollen flow in Himalayan long-needle pine
(Pinus roxburghii Sargent). Current Science
85(11): 1620-1624.
- Reproductive biology of some tropical
tree species of Mizoram. By: CSIR-New
Research Papers Published:
Thirty Four (34)
Current Publications:
Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma, C. M. 2002.
Pollen productivity variations, pollen-ovule
ratio and sexual selection in Pinus roxburghii.
Grana 41(1): 29-38.
Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma, C. M. 2002. Pollen
productivity variations, microsporangium
dehiscence and pollen flow in Himalayan Cedar
Khanduri, V. P.; Sharma, C. M. and
Singh, S. P. 2008. The effects of climate
change on plant phenology. The
Environmentalist. 28(2): 143-147.
Rawat, B.S.; Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma,
C. M. 2008. Beneficial Effects of Coldmoist Stratification on Seed Germination
of Abies pindrow and Picea smithiana.
Journal of Forestry Research. 19(2):125130.
Khanduri, V. P.; Lalnundanga and
Vanlalremkimi, J. 2008. Growing stock
variation in different teak (Tectona
grandis) forest stands of Mizoram, India.
Journal of Forestry Research. 19(3): 204208.
Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma, C. M. 2007.
Wind pollination in Pinus roxburghii.
Progress in Natural Science 17(1): 32-38.
Sharma, C. M. and Khanduri, V. P. 2007.
Pollen mediated gene flow in Himalayan
long needle pine (Pinus roxburghii
Sargent). Aerobiologia. 23: 153-158.
Ghildiyal, S. K.; Sharma, C. M. and
Khanduri, V. P. 2007. Improvement of
germination in Chirpine (Pinus roxburghii
Sargent) by a presowing treatment with
Hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Tropical
Forest Science. 19(2): 113–118.
(Cedrus deodara Roxb. ex D. Don). Annals of
Botany 89: 587-593.
Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma, C. M. 2002.
Intraspecific hybridization in Pinus roxburghii
Sargent. Current Science 82 (8):1003-1005.
Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma, C. M. 2001.
Pollen production in relation to pollination
behaviour in some multipurpose Himalayan
Trees. Journal of Tropical Forest Science,
13(2): 394-396.
Khanduri, V. P. and Sharma, C. M. 2000.
Development of groups of male strobili,
anthesis and microsporangium dehiscence in
Pinus roxburghii. Grana, 39: 169-174.