G 0 ALL II N 0 N a VV~TI EYNAUA L A T 1 0 Gordon 0, MoOutohan a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requiremente for the MASTER OP ARCHITWTURE degree.....September 1950 Massaohusetts Institute of Technology. Oambridge MIT Libraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: docs@mit.edu http://ibraries.mit.edu/docs DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. This following pages within this thesis are unumbered. to Margaret 285 Westgate West Cambridge 39, Mass. September 1, 1950 Professor Lawrence B. Anderson, Head Department of Architecture Massachusetts Institute of Technology Canbridge 39, Massachusetts Dear Professor Anderson: This thesis entitled "Cooling by Natural Ventilation" is respectfully submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the "Master of Architecture" degree. Sine'rely yours, Gordon C. McCutchan TABLE OF CONTENTS INTBONOT ION PART I AIR MOVEMENT AND BODY COQLING Heat Loss from the Body Conduction Convection Radiation Evaporation Relationships under Varying Conditions The Ideal Climate Comfort Chart, ASHVE Comfort Zone and Air Movement PART II BEHAVIOR OF MOVING AIR Air and Temperature Velocity and Altitude Changes in Velocity and Direction Summary PART III AIRFLOW AROUND OBSTRUCTIONS Bernoulli and Venturi Streamlines Simple Geometric Forms Wind Around Fences Around Buildings Two and Three Dimensions Pressure Distribution Change in Shape Change in Wind Angle The Sheltering Effect Summary PART IV - AIRFLOW THROUGH BUILDINGS Objectives (1) Currents at Body Level (2) Reduction of Radiant Temperatures (3) Maintenance of Air Temperature Temperature Difference Forces Wind Forces Shape of the Building The Air Wash The Unknowns BI BLIOGRAPHY IliTROIJCTION With the remarkable present-day air conditioning equipment it is possible to create almost any thermal environment desired by man. However, the cost of installing and operating the necessary equipment prohibits its use in a great many buildings. Those of us who have experienced the long hot summers of the Southwest are probably more acutely aware of the desirability of any successful cooling method, however crude or inefficient. Realizing that some cooling can be had without recourse to mechanical deivces, architects have provided greater comfort at lower cost by experimenting with various shapes and materials. But in contrast to the work of air conditioning engineers, architects have had to content themselves with trial-and-error methods. This has been due to either an absence of information or to the fact that existing information has been scattered and fragmentary. In designing to take maximum advantage of the climate, architects need more precise information in more useable form. This report is a first step in providing such information. that--a first step. It is only It will give some of the required information, but in the great majority of cases it will only point a direction. This can be understood from the fact that few other studies have attempted to bring together the many bits of information from the several broad fields that can contribute to the subject. Henry J. Kaiser, the fabulous industrialist, was quoted in a recent periodical as saying that he had no problems. One of the "secrets of his success," he said, was the substitution of the word "opportunity" for the word "problem." The big opportunity of this study was to become acquainted with the literature of five relatvely unfamiliar fields. Physiology was delved into rather deeply, for a layman, in the investigation of the effects of air movement on the human body. In dealing with the behavior of moving air, meteorology was most helpful. Aero-dynamics entered both the section on natural air currents and airflow around obstructions. Civil engineering offered the in- formation about pressure distribution on buildings. And of course, mechanical engineering (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) was a thread through the whole discussion. It appeared that the general subject of cooling by natural ventilation fell naturally into four divisions. Since the object we are trying to cool is the human body, it is first necessary to determine how air movement effects the body. Since the medium for this cooling is the air that nature provides, something should be known of the properties of this air and the manner in which it is delivered. Part III, airflow around obstructions, was a necessary preliminary to Part IV, airflow through buildings. The principle objectives of this thesis are to define the problems (i.e. opportunities) of the architect in designing for natural air movement and to give some specific criteria with which to work. Therefore, emphasis is given to the first three sections. Some ex- 1-111'..---- amples of application are given in the last section, but no attempt was made to recommend architectural solutions. It was felt best to devote the limited time to supplying the elements that would enter such decisions. THE IPORTANCE OF COOLING In a certain sense, it would be a waste of time to dwell on the importance of more cooling in hot climates. Certainly the individual requires no charts or formulas to tell him when he is uncomfortably hot; he senses this without instruction and, in the extreme cases at least, instruction will not change his opinion. Neither are statistics necessary to show that people desire a cooler environment than nature offers them in most of the United States during the summer months. Despite these obvious facts, there has not been sufficient compulsion to cool adequately a large majority of work places. And only a very small percentage of residences can boast of comfortable conditions during the warmest days. This neglect can be attributed partly to ignorance of the price paid for inadequate cooling; a price paid in unhappiness, ill-health and inefficiency. Happiness is difficult to measure, and the relationship of this complicated subject to the thermal environment cannot be included in this study. However, there is little doubt that a sumnary of all the little irritations caused by hot weather would show significant correlation between heat and conduct. On the other hand, cents, and it is efficiency can be measured in dollars and believed that proof of increased efficiency will do more toi bring about adequate cooling than any similar facts regarding personal pleasure. There is much work to be done in this field also, but there are some studies which show definite results. There is some evidence to support the widely-held belief that climate influences health. Winslow and Herington devote a full chapter to the subject of Climate, Season, and Health in their book on "Temperature and Human Life". After analysis of a wealth of data (cited in the book), their general conclusions are as follows: (1) Even the extremes of heat and cold in the United States may increase mortality rates as much as double their normal volume; (2) Minimum mortality rates occur with a daily mean temperature of 600 to 700 F with a mean daily relative humidity of 60 to 80 per cent; (3) Achievement is highest in climates where the above conditions prevail, with a stimulus given by moderate variations toward the cooler side of optimum; rhthms of physiological activity; (4) The human body has regular annual (5) Seasonal and climatic variations in morbidity from communicable diseases are particularly significant, and always tend to show an increase in intestinal infections under hot con- ditions. Figures for accident frequency in coal mines show a minimum at a point near 600 . For semi-skilled labor in a munitions factory, accident frequency is at a minimum near 670 with an increase in frequency of accidents on both sides of this figure. Recent information from the Royal Navy shows that mental tasks are affected as well. Their data show that in radio code reception errors are more frequent under conditions of thermal stress. But it is quite possible that heat, like sound and light, can do damage when the individual is not conscious of being uncomfortable. On same of the very hottest days in Washington, D.C. some officials have seen fit to stop the work of hundreds of office workers, that they might seek more com- fortable surroundings anywhere they could find then. Undoubtedly the efficiency of these workers was not at a peak during the hour or two it took someone in charge to make such a big decision; and in all probability there were many days before and after the unexpected vacation when climatic conditions were very similar. climatic fatigue is a ditch. Dr. L.P. Herrington has said, "what we call not comparable to the fatigue a man gets from digging It is worse, because it frequently involves the sense of tired- ness without the reward of work accomplished". Having been convinced that a hot environment is for you", neither pleasant nor "good there are some rather striking contrasts between the amount of effort put into winter heating and the amount of effort given to summer cooling. Look at the average man in winter. He sleeps comfortably, because his house is heated or because he uses such accessories as a hot water bottle or electric blanket. He rides to work comfortably because his automobile, bus or subway is heated. He works comfortably because his office or shop has an expensive heating plant. His wife at home can also go about her work with a high degree of thermal comfort. this same man sleeps in In the summer a pool of his own sweat, arising unrested to start the day. His conveyance to and from work offers him little from the heat. At his place of business he is uncomfortable both because relief the air and walls are too hot and also because he is wearing clothes illsuited to the climate. His wife has the choice of either becoming extremely uncomfortable at her work or of simply not doing it. Another example comes to mind; perhaps extreme, but true. Take the case of the backward child who must go to sumer school to keep up with his classmates. In the first place he doesn't learn as fast, even under ideal conditions. Secondly, he would much rather be out playing with the other children. environment. Finally, he must attempt to learn in an uncomfortable The poor kid has three strikes against him before he enters the door. But the illustration of the school child need not be so extreme to illustrate a need for adequate cooling. west it is In many parts of the South and South- very hot during the regular school session. And even the average or brilliant child deserves an environment conducive to his best efforts. It is little consolation to say, "well, he has only one strike against him". Thinking beyond the individual, the widespread practice of summer cooling might influence the development of whole world regions. Climatologists and historians have shown that the highest civilizations have developed in either a naturally favorable climate, or have developed with the advent of efficient heating. In the past century the powerful and efficient nat ons have been those of Northwestern Europe and Northern North America. In these climates the temperature rarely goes above 750 and winter conditions are controlled by adequate heating. With as efficient and wide- spread utilization of summer cooling, there is reason to believe that the tropic and sub-tropic areas might develop to the same high degree. PART I Air Movement and Body Cooling Since our primary concern is consider first it seems wise to the process of heat production by the human mechanism. Winslow and Herrington put it, combustion". with cooling the human body, "the whole life process is The "fuel" df food and oxygen is of tissues, for work, As a form of slow utilized for the regeneration and for heat. Physiologists use the term metabolism to mean the quantitative relationship between the intake of this fuel and the resultant work and heat produced by the body. Metabolism is influenced by such factors as individual body build, age, sex, and the amount of muscular work performed. Therefore any reference to metabolism should allude to the special conditions which produced this metabolism. Most of us are familiar with the term, if not the meaning, of basal metabolism. This concept was introduced to eliminate the many variables connected with metabolism alone. As defined by Winslow and Herrington, it is "the level of metabolic activity displayed by a subject at rest at an air temperature of about 700 F and at a period long enough after a meal to avoid the specific dynamic action of food". After looking at a number of references on body temperature with a laynan's point of view, other nonphysiologists are cautioned to be aware of the important difference between metabolism and basal metabolism. basal metabolism is For persons of average weight and build, roughly 60 calories per hour. Women have slightly less metabolism than men, and in both sexes the maximum rate is achieved at about 10 years of age, dropping off thereafter. For reasons which appear later, metabolism is body. related to surface area of the The surface area of men varies from approximately *91 square meters to.2.1 square meters. Most people have a metabolic rate of within 101/1. of 39.7 calories per square meter. The variance with age and sex is indicated in the following chart: METABOLISM PER SQ. METER (CALORIES PER HOUR) Male Female AGE 49I~ 35.5 14-16 70-80 43.0 33.0 These figures refer to basal metabolism. While they may have some value in the design of buildings, (for example, the contrast between bedrooms designed for a boy's school as against those designed for an old ladies' hame) by far the most significant variable is muscular work. is The range from about 60 calories per man hour when sleeping, up to a maximum of around 1200 calories per man per hour when performing extremely strenuous tasks such as rowing. The following chart gives some indication of the metabolic rates for a man of average weight and stature when involved in various activities: Occupation Sleeping Sitting at Rest Typewriting rapidly Walking 2.6 m.p.h. t 3.75m.p.h. Stone working Swimming Walking upstairs Calories per man per hour 65 100 140 200 300 400 500 1100 It is is attributed to the effort required to overcome gravity. interesting to note the very high figure for walking upstairs. remembered, This It should be however, that a persan can't continue to walk upstairs all day. I - -- Only a figure of between 500 to 1000 calories can be maintained for as long as an hour. to most people. The 2.6 mph figure for walking is a rate about normal Military marches are continued at approximately this rate for many hours a day, with only very short rest periods. The daily totals for various activities vary from about 2000 to 5000 calories. A normal day for a carpenter would run something like this: 8 hours sleep @ 65 calories per hour 6 2 8 " 520 calories sitting at rest 6 100 cal. per hr. light exercise @ 170 " "t carpentry work 0 240 " " " " 24 hour total 600 340 1920 3380 calories The influence of atmospheric conditions on metabolism is very strange indeed. Within the comfort range, metabolism seems to be unaffected by the environment, but outside this range the metabolic rates increase. Below the comfort level (cold weather) the increase is clearly an adaptive reaction, useful in maintaining body temperature. (hot weather4 Above the comfort level the increase in metabolism is not an adaptive process, but is a vicious circle which may be detrimental to health. To quote Winslow 3'& and Herrington, "under extreme conditions of heat, the warming up of body tissues was accompanied by an increase in metabolism, which, in turn, accentuated heating up. The body temperature rose to 1050 -1100 F and death promptly ensued". It appears that the whole purpose of temperature regulation by the body is to maintain a stable deep-body temperature. The control mechanism (both thermostat and thermometer) is in the brain, and seems to get its instructions from the temperature of the blood which peruses it. Under all normal conditions the body produces more heat than it 7 regeneration of tissues and for work. can use for the Excessheat is stored in the tissues for gradual discharge over a period of hours. This heat must be eliminated at approximately the same rate at which it is produced if the temperature of the tissues is to remain at a level which affords comfort. We see that the problem of the themal environment is loss from the body, to control the heat so that the rate of loss is approximately equal to the rate of production. In winter the natural environment will drain heat fram the body at a faster rate than the body can produce it. summer the difficulty with the natural environment is two-fold. In Not only does the atmosphere keep body-heat-loss below the optimmn rate, in sane cases it is adding heat to the body, thus causing the vicious circle mentioned above. HEAT LOSS FROM THE BODY There are four methods of heat transfer utilized by the body. convection, conduction, radiation, and evaporation. These are: Of course the four avenues of heat emission are connected in a rather complex way. all four are put into play at once. At other times the heqt loss from the body is channeled through only one of these methods. one separately, then in At times Let's consider each combination, and finally analyse in detail only those concerned with air movement. Conduction Conduction is the transfer of heat between two surfaces of unequal temperature by actual contact of the two. example of this is taking a bath. the skin gives up heat to the water; If Probably the most conmon the water is if cooler than the skin, the water is warmer, then the skin is heated. The reason conduction is considered here first is that this method of heat transfer is the one least used; that is, the periods of time when conduction is used make up such a small percentage of a person's Activities that this method is not usually shown as a separate percentage of total heat loss. In most discussions, conduction losses are included in the figures shown for convection, vection is or the total for conduction and con- indicated as one sum. For el1 general purposes this seens a very reasonable way of handling conduction. However, it should be borne in mind that this method is rapid of all, and would probably play a significant role in conditions. It the mzst very extreme also appears possible to make more use of the principles of conduction in the design of furniture and gadgets for human confort. may not be too fantastic to consider, for example, It a mattress cooled by some mechanical means which would do the same thing for the sleeper in summer that the electric blanket does for him in the winter - or even circulating cool water thru the tubular frame of a metal lawn chair. Convection Here we are concerned with the transfer of heat between the body and the air. Convection, like conduction, can work both ways: either the body gives up heat to the air or receives heat from it, depending upon the relative tenperatures of the two. There are two components to the measurement of heat interchange due to convection. The minor component is the amount of heat required to warm the air we breathe. The major component is the heat transfer between the surface of the body and the air which circulates by it. Heat loss by convection is ddpendent upon four variables: (1) the mean temperature of the body surface, vective heat loss, (3) (2) the area of surface exposed to con- the mean dry bulb temperature of the air, and (4) the rate of air movement. Radiation Heat transfer by radiation does not depend upon contact with the air or any other material. Radiant heat waves are transmitted thru the air from one surface to another without directly warming the air in between. The amount of this transfer depends upon (1) the relative surface temperatures of the two bodies, (2) the distance between them, (3) the amount of surface area exposed to transmit and receive radiant energy, and (4) the radiant properties of each surface. The so-called steam radiator actually warms people less by radiation than it does by convection. the individual, It exposes a relatively small amount of surface to generally has a poor surface for transmitting radiant heat (especially when painted a dark color) and does most of its raising the temperature of the air. heating by The fireplace and the electric radiant heater are our most familiar exanples of a primary radiant source. Of course nearly every true radiant source also heats the air indirectly by first heating the objects which intercept its The human skin is remarkably efficient when it rays. comes to this method of heat transfer, being almost 99 per cent amnissive and receptive to the infra-red (heat) rays. Evaporation When a wetted surface is surrounded by air that is not saturated, it con- tinually gives off moisture to the air. In this process it is also Variables in this process are: transferring heat to the atmosphere. (1) air temperature, (2) air movement, (3) relative hunidity of the air, (3) area of evaporative surface, and (4) the available moisture for evaporation. Everyday examples of the evaporative process are hard to find. An interesting use of this method was found, however, by troops in the tropics during the last war. If you put a can of beer in a helmet with some gasoline and force a jet of compressed air thru the gasoline, you have to be careful to stop soon enough or you'll have frozen beer. Unlike the preceding three methods, heat transfer by evaporation from the hunan body is always cooling. Under basal conditions, that is with the subject at rest in an average environment, nearly one half of the heat loss due to evaporation may be contributed by evaporation from the moist membranes of the nose and throat. This percentage is materially altered under varying atmospheric conditions, but all evaporative loss has two components - one from the mucous menbranes, the other from the sweat given off at the skin surface. RELATIONSHIPS UNDER VARYING CONDITIONS We have seen that there are five factors influencing the heat exchange between the body and its environment. These are the heat production, or metabolism, and the four avenues of heat loss or gain from the surroundings. As is customarily done by physiologists, we shall combine conduction with convection, and since conduction is the lesser of the two, the term convection shall be understood to include both. heat production by metabolism, (2) That gives us: (1) heat gain or loss by convection, (3) gain or loss by radiation, and (4) loss by evaporation. Winslow and Herrington have expressed this relationship as a formula: Metabolism minus Evaporation plus or minus Convection plus or minus Radiation equals Zero; or bI-E-C-tR:o when a state of equilibrium exists. The following chart gives all the relationships between the three methods of heat transfer and the nine physical and physiological factor's involved in the heat interchange between the human body and its environment. Evapo Physical Air Temperature X Air Movement X Relative Humidity X Conv4 Rad. X Mean Radiant Temperature X Physiological DuBois Surface Area X Effective Radiation Area Area of Evaporative Surface X X Mean Skin Temperature Available Moisture for Evap. Frca the foregoing chart it X X X can be seen that air movement across the body can influence only evaporation and convection. And these two methods, in turn, are in some way altered by seven of the nine physical and physio- logical factors. It will be impossible to eliminate radiation from our considerations, but emphasis will be placed on those elements which are enclosed in boxes on the chart. However, in the total picture of body heat loss, air movement can influence radiation. That is, temperature of the radiant surfaces which add or take- away heat from the body can be altered by the movement of air. This will be taken up later, and will not be considered at this time. Apparently several attempts have been made to develop a single figure for the combined influence of air temperature, and mean radiant temperature. according to air movement, relative humidity, These attempts have been abandoned because, inslow and Herrington, "only an independent determination of the four distinct factors mentioned above can give a real measure of the thermal demands of the environment". There have been, however, several more-or-less successful efforts to combine two or more of these factors. Ventilating Engineers have developed, temperature". The American Society of Heating and and use, a tea odled "effective Effective temperature shows the relationships of air temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity which give an equal sensation of comfort. This is of course a subjective measurement, and was determined from votes of a numberof subjects tested by the ASHVE under varying conditions. This quantity makes no reference to radiation, since the temperature of air and walls was always the seme in the experiments. The Pierce Foundation has developed a term called "operative temperature". Operative temperature is a figure representing the combined influence of air temperature and mean radiant temperature. A formula involving con- stants for both radiation and convection has been devised, but for most suual situations a mean between air and wall temperature gives approximately the same figure as operative temperature. Effective temperature and operative temperature should not be thought of in terms of one being better than the other. for different things, and are useful in They simply give figures different ways. They are cited here to reduce any confusion that might result from reference to them in this discussion or elsewhere. The "ideal" climate Since this thesis is limited to the cooling effects of air movement, it is necessary to attempt to locate the comfort zone as a point of departure. Some physiologist and climatologist seem to be especially wary in discussing the ideal thermal environment. variables involved, this is Considering the number of a natural attitude. However, we can get some indication of the ingredients of the ideal climate from a reference made to it by Dr. L.P. Herrington in a speech to the Building Research Advisory Board conference held in Washington, D.C. In this talk Dr. Herrington said, "The ideal indoor climate occurs in this general latitude in the months of October, early November, or in May, to use any artificial heating or cooling at all. the air outside is about 600. when it is not necessary Under these circumstances We have sunny days and, due to radiation effect, the structure itself has a radiation temperature 40 to 50 above the air temperature. Due to the moderate temperature outside, the windows are open, air movement is considerable, and the air changes through a structure Mao=&%" are perhaps 15 to 20 an hour, but variable from moment to moment. "In this internal environment with wall temperatures having infra-red radiation values, characteristic of radiation frcm surfaces around 700 to 720, and with air tenperatures about 40 lower, people feel very good. This is the ideal indoor climate for this latitude, and for people with the kind of seasonal weather experience typical of our geographical zone". Wolfgang Langewiesche, in one of his articles for the Climate Control 21 Project of House Beautiful magazine, gave a less technical but more generalized criterion of the ideal climate. He said that the ideal climate is simply where the individual is not conscious of climate at all. You don't want to take off your shirt or put on an overcoat; you don't want to move in front of the fan or over the floor register; you don't want to take a cool shower or a hot bath; you just don't think about the climate. Assuming that both the above observations are correct, we need to know whether other combinations of the factors involved in heat interchange will give equivalent sensations of comfort, and how far we can deviate from the optimum before the climate becomes intolerable or unhealthy. Cofort Chart, ASHVE Any amount of physiological data would be valueless unless the conditions it prescribed also produced a feeling of comfort for the individual. Therefore, the comfort zone should be determined primarily by subjective measurement. The Research Laboratory of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers has used such a system of measurement in the development of their comfort chart, shown on the following page. The special conditions to which this chart apply, given in the note accompanying the chart, should be carefully considered. In addition to those qualifications, recent information has indicated other possible variations. There is some evidence to indicate that the comfort zone could be extended beyond the 30% and 70% relative humidity lines. There seems to be a rather wide spread of effective temperature called the summer comfort zone, ranging from a preference of 30% on the cool side to 50% on the warm. However, the graph shows all percentages, so the designer will know how many people are likely to be satisfied in any given condition. This chart makes no provision for the influence of radiant heat. experiments condt.cted in connection with this chart, tures were approximately the same. The A.S.H.V.E, In the air and wall temperaGuide states, "Radiation from occupants to room surfaces and between the occupants has an important bearing on the feeling of warmth and may alter to some measurable degree the optimum conditions for comfort previously indicated. radiant temperature of a space is Since the mean affected by cold walls and windows, as well as by the warm surfaces of heating units placed within the room or embedded in the walls, these factors must be compensated. Likewise, in '?K. D01 0 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE*F A.S.H.V.E. COMFORT CHART FOR STILL AIR Note.-Both summer and winter comfort zones apply to inhabitants of the United States only. Application of winter comfort line is further limited to rooms heated by central station systems of the convection type. The line does not apply to rooms heated by radiant methods. Application of summer comfort line is limited to homes, offices and the like, where the occupants become fully adapted to the artificial air conditions. The line does not apply to theaters, department stores, and the like where the exposure is less than 3 hour.. The optimum summer comfort line shown pertains to Pittsburgh and to other cities in the northern portion of the United States and Southern Canada, and at elevations not in excess of 1000 ft above sea level. An increase of one deg ET should be made approximately per 5 deg reduction in north latitude. densely occupied spaces, such as classrooms, theaters and auditoriums, temperatures somewhat lower than those indicated by the comfort line may be desirable because of counter-radiation between the bodies of occupants in close proximity to each other. Such radiation will also elevate the mean radiant temperature of the room". The Guide does not indicate any method of determining the quantitative compensation which should be made for significant variation in radiation. A short discussion of how this might be done will be given in later paragraphs. Comfort Zone and Air Movement This comfort chart is for minimal air movement of 15 to 25 feet per minute. We are, however, given data vhich can be used to convert the comfort chart for higher air movement. The fish-shaped chart shows how effective temperature varies with air velocities up to 700 ft. per min, the line A-B on the chart. Consider We see that for a dry bulb temperature of 760 and a wet bulb temperature of 620 , the effective temperature at an air velocity of 20 to 30 ft. per min. is slightly over 700 When air velocity is increased to 600 ft. per min., effective temperature drops to 640. It should be remembered that effective temperatures are equivalent com- fort conditions. In the above example, we have an air temperature, humidity, and air movement producing 640 ET. feeling of comfort as still, This would give the same saturated air at 640. Obviously, effective temperature has no practical meaning unless used in conjunction with the -120 I 2 Do- 0709 70-1 -6o50 6o- kii o* ~ EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE CHART SHOWING NORMAL SCALE OF EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE, APPLICABLE TO INHABITANTS OF THE UNITED STATES UNDER FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. Clothing: Customary indoor clothing. B. Activity: Methods: Sedentary or light muscular work. Convection type, i.e., warm air, direct steam or hot water radiators. plenum systems. C. Heating comfort chart. Few people have any occasion to know how it feels to be in still, saturated air at various temperatures. Our objective is to determine the influence of air movement on the comfort Assuming that we l-ave the conditions to which the ASRVE comfort zone. chart applies, let's take one example for illustration. Suppose we want 80% of our tenants to be comfortable (we're mad at the other 20%). relative humidity remains constant at 70%. The The chart indicates that an effective temperature of 730 must be maintained. For still air, our wall thermometer must not go above 760 ; ponding wet bulb temperature will be 690 .. the corres- Now if we can in some way, natural or otherwise, increase air velocity to 700 feet per minute (approximately 8 mph), the room thermometer may rise to 830 and our tenants will be equally comfortable. It's something of a nuisance to check it, but the figures on the effective temperature chart which give this condition are: 83.50 dry bulb, 75*50 wet bulb, giving 730 ET at 700 ft. per min. Thus, an increase of 8 mph in air velocity allows us an increase of 70 dry bulb temperature for an equivalent comfort condition. The 30% relative humidity at the other end of the 730 ET line does not give quite as good results. By increasing to the same velocity, dry bulb temperature goes up only 60 , from 820 to 880. These figures give us, very roughly, the upper limits of the effectiveness of air movement for an almost ideal (80o satisfied) comfort condition. That is, 880 at low humidity, and 830 at high. However, it is believed that the importance of natural air movement will not be in satisfying an ideal condition, but rather in bringing an intolerable heat down to an acceptable one. This would lead us to believe that even higher dry bulb temperatures will enter the comfort picture, and they might under certain conditions. But there is another joker in the deal. Allen and Walker say, "the maximum air velocity which can be tolerated with comfort by human beings at rest is approximately two feet per second". Converted, two ft. per sec. equals 120 ft. per min. or about 1.4 mph. This low air velocity may be a desirable goal, but it. is believed that if the choice is between a higher air velocity and disagreeable heat, most people would "tolerate" at least twice that velocity. W7hile no data have come to the authorts attention regarding the effects of air velocity on various normal activities, such data undoubtedly exist; and it would seem advisable for the designer to determine such things as: at what velocity does a newspaper become unmanageable; leave the desk; when do letters and other papers what air movement makes lighting a cigarette difficult; etc. All the preceding discussion has been on the basic assumption that the temperature of air and walls is the same. It would apply directly to those rare situations when a building ig well insulated, well oriented, well shaded, etc. In other words, air and wall temperatures will not be the same in most situations, and especially at the elevated temperatures with which we are primarily concerned. Therefore, it seems reasonable to look for data showing the influence of radiant heat on the comfort zone. We are now in trouble. A thorough search has revealed no comprehensive information on the subjective measurement of radiation and comfort. The physiological reactions of the human body to radiant heat are well documented by Winslow and Herrington, but references to which conditions produce a feeling of comfort are rather sketchy. We can get a hint by comparing their charts relating skin temperature to operative temperature and skin temperature to sensations of pleasantness. Remembering that, for engineering purposes, operative temperature may be taken as the mean between air and radiant temperature, the above comparisons would give some indication of how radiation affects comfort. However, generalizat*ins from this data will not be hazarded in this study. In reference to the ASHVE comfort chart, Winslow and Herrington have this to say, "'%ork now in progress under the Society's direction will probably result in twro scales. One of these, the familiar effective temperature scale in present use, will quite possibly be restricted to use insituations -where traffic in and out of conditioned spaces places a premium on shortperiod contrast sensations. It is expected that to this will be added a similar scale for equilibrium conditions applicable to the comfort-conditioning of spaces with relatively long periods of occupancy. This added equilibrium scale will probably base its equivalent combinations of dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity on lines of equal skin temperature, experimentally determined by methods similar to those which we have developed in connection 3'C with partitional calorimetryt . In the absence of more precise information, it appears that for the present 10 10C 901 s0 Ws7C (r6 0 .5 5 50 RADIANT 60 70 80 90 100 TEMPERATURE (*F) 1. RADIANT AND AIR temperatures are inter-related in their effect on winter comfort zone. Rise in either temperature requires corresponding drop in temperature of opposite factor to maintain equivalent comfort condition. The resulting comfort temperature is simply the arithmetical average of the two factors. 40 RELATIVE 60 80 100 HUMIDITY (%) 2. HUMIDITY as it affects comfort band. Using preceding graph as basis for temperatures, lower humidities are shown to raise upper comfort levels but to have almost no effect on lower. Upper level is further raised by increased air movement. Greatest cooling effect is obtained when air is relatively dry and moving rapidly. 0 100 VELOCITY OF AIR 200 INFEET 300 400 500 PER MINUTE 3. AIR MOVEMENT as it affects body cooling. As velocity increases, upper comfort limit is raised. Air movement becomes still more effective as relative humidity goes down. These graphs are not intended to show precise lines of upper and lower comfort range, but nature and trend of band under influence of various factors. we might make some adjustment for radiant heat by a rough combination of That the ASHVE comfort chart and the concept of operative temperature. is, take operative temperature (mean of radiant and air) and use it as dry bulb temperature in the comfort chart. One might assume that because we can simply average radiant and air temperatures and somehow relate this figure to comfort, that it wculd be equally desirable to have high radiant and low air temperature as it would be to have low radiant and high air temperature. human body, marvelous machine that it is, and bring about thermal equilibrium. This is not so. can adjust for either condition In doing so, the amount of heat dissipated by each method of heat-loss varies over a wide range. cue is The The that the stress on the body is not the same when losing heat by evaporation as it is when losing it by radiation or convection. As a starting point, let's see what the porcentage of heat loss is the various avenues of heat interchange under basal conditions; for that is, for a resting subject, moderate temperatures, little air movement, low relative humidity, and air and walls at about the same temperature. In this situation, radiation accounts for 2/5 of the total heat loss from the body, convection 2/5, and evaporation 1/5. of conditions. these percentages. It But that's a whole mouthful seems almost impossible to make any generalization about Some results of experiments made by the Pierce Laboratory of Hygiene will indicate why. Air Tem. Wall Temp. Percent Heat Loss Due to U 3 _Evag. Rad. Cony. A 17.1 19.0 10 40 50 B 16.0 49.1 21 C 22.8 22.8 17 D 29.4 52.4 78 E 35.4 36.6 100 Series 79 13 70 22 In Series A - Body temperature was falling. " It - There was more gain by radiation than was produced by metabolism. " "t " " " - High air movement of 264 cm per sec. D - Gain by radiation was 66% above metabolic rate. E - Heat gain from both air and walls. These figures show how widely the percentages can vary under different conditions. But although generalizations are hard to make, we can tell what will happen if we know the conditions beforehand. To do this we must know how each avenue of heat loss varies as temperature, humidity, air movement, etc. are altered. The chart on the following page shows how changes in operative temperature influence the heat loss or gain by evaporation, radiation and convection. This chart is for a single subject, so the values given should not be applied to people in general, but the relationships would be similar. Figures above the zero horizontal line indicate either heat production by metabolism or heat gain from the environment. loss. Those below indicate heat Radiation and convection are shovm as one sum because operative temperature governs both processes. Considering the curve for radiation and convection, we notice that as operative temperature increases, less and less heat is lost by this method. 120 100 80 60 40 a! 20 0. (n 0 I o -20 U -40 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 -200 -220 T. * TOTAL o HEAT METABOLISM CHANGE o * RAD. AND CONVEC. EVAPORATION Factors in heat balance between the unclothed human body and its environment at various Operative Temperatures. In this case, at an operative temperature of about 840 F no heat is lost, and the body is beginning to gain heat by radiation and convection. Evaporation, on the other hand, remains fairly constant at lower temperaAt this tures, until an operative temperature of about 800 F is reached. point the rate of increase by this method jumps very rapidly. Obviously, evaporation is beginning to take over all the heat losses from the body not only that demanded by metabolism, but that gained from the environment thru radiation and convection. Thus we see why it is said that heat loss by evaporation is accomplished only by greater stress on the body. Note where the curve for evaporation crosses the curve for radiation and convection. This area has been termed the "zone of thermal equibibrium". Operative temperatures below equilibrium has beeniermed the "zone of body cooling" and above equilibrium the "zone of evaporative regulation". Mean values for thermal equilibrium, using a group of subjects, have been determined to be as follows: Oper. Temp. for Equilibrium, OC Nude subjects in reclining position Clothed subjects in reclining position Nude subject performing active work The question might well be asked: - 29 to 33 25 to 29 19 to 21 what significance do the preceding facts have in a discussion of air movement? They tell us that at operative tem- peratures above 210 C to 330 C (or 700 -90o F) we are dealing only with evaporation, and that evaporative regulation produces the greatest stress on the body. Therefore, we should give attention to means of reducing operative temperature by air movement. PART II BEHAVIOR OF MOVING AIR Before attempting to control the wind, it seemed wise to try to get a fairly accurate picture of what the wind is like. the properties of air must be known. physics of air. And before studying the wind, So the first step was to review the Following this, a search was made for information regarding the characteristics of unconfined, natural breezes flowing without obstruction. Finally, the effects of obstructions, such as buildings, will develop. In this section, we will be concerned only with the air and natural air movement. The following section will deal with the flow of air in and around buildings. Air and Tenperature It might be well to make a brief summary of the dlementary physics relating to air and temperature, in order to have this well-known informationfresh in our minds. Air is composed of about 80% nitrogen, 18% oxygen, small amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases, and water vapor. When it comes to cooling, the most important variable is that water vapor. The psychrometric chart (page ) shows how an increase in the temperature of the air increases its ability to hold moisture. ture against grains of moisture in the air. This chart plots air tempera- Among other things, it shows the amount of moisture required to saturate the air at various temperatures. This is shown by the top curve of 100% relative humidity, which is saturation. Notice that only about 80 grains of moisture are required to saturate air at 600 f, whereas some 160 grains are required to bring 800 air to saturation. a: < 160 I 0 S120 Ix ~0 80 z DRY BULB TEMPERATURE F PSYCHROMETRIC CHART, PERSONS AT REST, NORMALLY CLOTHED, IN STILL AIR As air is heated, it expands - that is, it becomes less dense, lighter, and has a tendency to rise. The low pressure area thus created must be filled by the cooler, heavier air adjacent. movement. This is the basic cause of all air The worldwide air currents have been shown by meteorologists to be the result of the changing temperatures of the air. Strong upward currents occur over the hot land masses, particularly deserts, and cooler air from over water or from polar regions rushes in to fill the low pressure area. Of course this is a super-simplification, but it illustrates the basic principle. These two facts about the air-expansion and ability to hold moisture - account for most weather phenomena, on large or small scale. The proper utilization of these facts can be extremely helpful in an effort to provide greater thermal comfort. This study will not attempt to discuss whether a certain locality will have natural air movement. There are existing works which give comprehensive pictures of regional climates throughout the United States. However, these studies are-for sizeable regions, and may not give a true picture of the microclimate, that is, the climate of the immediate neighborhood, block, or Therefo;e, lot on which a building is to be erected. the air acts as it does will be given. a few facts about why This is not an attempt to survey microclimatology, but rather to give same hints as to the value of this field to design. The most significant relationship is between air, land, and water. The land changes temperature at a much faster rate than water, gaining heat fran the sun more rapidly during the day, and radiating it to the sky faster at night. This accounts for the sea breeze. As the land heats during the day, it raises the temperature of the air next to the ground. This air rises, and the low pressure thus created must be filled by the cooler air from over the water. This breeze may extend inland from the ocean as far as twenty miles, whereas in the case of a small lake, its effects may not be felt over a few hundred yards. water is The whole procedure is reversed at night when the warmer than the land. This sea breeze may not be the"prevailing" breeze in some areas, and its benefits may be cancelled by attempting to oppose a larger force. has been cited as a good example of this opposition of forces. the prevailing breeze is toward Lake Michigan. Chicago In summer Due to the conditions mentioned above, the purely local "sea" breeze is of course fraam Lake Michigan. Therefore, the two have a tendency to cancel each other, leaving the city with little natural air movement. And when the rush of cool air fram the lake is felt at all, it carries for only a few blocks. Obviously, on the opposite side of Lake Michigan, where the two forces are cooperating, the weather is much more ideal. Another phonomenon worth mentioning is the downward flow of cool air. While this effect is either negligible or non-existmnt during the summer, in areas where the land is relatively flat, it contributes to significant velocities in mountainous areas. The so-called "mountain breeze" is a result of air being cooled' by the lower temperature surfaces at high altitude, and descending into the valley. It has been said that residents of such areas seek to place their houses at the mouth of a valley in order to benefit from this breeze. It heat from direct should be noted that the air gains relatively little solar radiation. Finch et. al. state "... the atmosphere absorbs directly only about 10 to 15 per cent of the solar energy that comes to it. absorption takes place mainly in the upper layers of the air. Such This process, therefore, is not very effective in heating the layers of air close to the earth." However, the same reference goes on to say that the re-radiation of solar energy from the earth is readily absorbed by the atmosphere - "some It would seem that this method of heat transfer 90 per cent" is estimated. from the earth to air by radiation would heat the air more or less uniformly. That is, the radiant energy would have to travel same distance before it would become completely absorbed. On the other hand, comes in air is a very poor conductor. Therefore, the air which contact with the heated surface of the earth trqnsmits this heat very slowly to adjacent air, end a film of warm air forms. assume that this film would always rise immediately, in contact with the heated surface. One might allowing more air to come This is not true in all cases. In one of his articles for the House Beautiful Magazine Climate Control Project, Wolfgang Langewiesche refers to the "stagnation" of hot, low,air. Apparently, this hot air forms in a sort of bubble, and in open areas it balloons away periodically. However, when this air is confined in a snall space such as a patio or enclosed garden, this bubble sometimes doesn't rise. The comparison is made to a soap bubble, which will remain stationary until activated by some small breeze. mentioned above is The renedy for such stagnation as to allow access to even a small air movement - by a gate, breezeway, or similar opening. Many more interesting examples of the influence of the surroundings on air movement and temperature could be made - the cooling effect of trees and lawns, radiation from paved areas and buildings, not relate directly to this subject; etc. - but they do so let it be sufficient to say that the importance of the surroundings to the otal design picture cannot be overestimated. Velocity and Altitude In the search for information about the behaviour of natural breezes, an interesting study came to light. The practical application to the cooling field of the results of this study are obscure, but since so little information of any kind is readily available, it is cited here for the possible bearing it might have on future work. In their paper, "Air Conditions Close to the Ground, and the Effects on 35 Airpla.Ine Landings," the authors report finding that average air velocities will be greater at higher altitudes than they are at ground level at the same time. formula . They have even expressed this relationship in terms of a = (h)" A graph of this formula and their experimental results are shown on the following page. These experiments were conducted on an airfield where the breeze could travel for about mile over unobstructed, flat terrain before hitting the test instruments. Measurements were made at intervals fram six to fifty one feet above the ground. Fluctuations in vertical and horizontal direction were recorded, as well as fluctuations in velocity. The test runs were of some 36 seconds duration, and results were computed from .36 Q-2 - o, 0 - ) 3 20 /0 0 ., 4 '?4 <20 0 0 /0 ...... - 4 /0,4 - - 50 0 /2 8 4 /6 20 24 Time, seconds 28 32 36 -Wind speed and inclination fluctuations for an average ground wind of 8 niles per hour. Run 1,July 8, 1932. 112 ExperimnentaI 1z ')1V b 0~ 0 0 /0 20 30 40 Height above gr-ound, feet 50 60 Average wind speeds expressed in terms of the average wind specd at altitude of 51 feet. photographs. Results of one test run of average velocity of 8 mph at ground level are reproduced here as an example. No question is made of the validity of these results when used under the conditions outlined above. The procedure of these experiments is mentioned to explain caution in attempting to apply the results to any other conditions than those under which the experiments were made. Certainly an unobstructed approach is demanded, and there is some doubt in the mind of the writer whether similar figures would come of longer test periods and measurements at higher altitudes. As was said, the relation of this pheonomenon to ventilation is not quite clear. It probably has no bearing on the problem of the one-story building. But it seems that it could be important in taller buildings, particularly when the building is not divided by floors, as in some industrial structures. 'What would be the indoor effect of air entering the five foot level at 10 mph and at the seme time entering the fifty foot level at nearly 15 mph? Changes in Velocity and Direction Fluctuations in wind speed and inclination are of interest also. The preceding charts of these variations show changes in inclination sometimes as often as every second, and rarely farther apart than three or four seconds. This would indicate that the wind has a sort of wave motion of rather high frequency. Changes in wind speed are not as frequent, but do indicate a definite pulsation. It is doubtful whether these changes would be conspicuous to the observer, and records for such short periods would not indicate large gusts, but this is evidence that the behavior of wind is far from the smooth flow found in the wind tunnel. It was expected that the fields of meteorology and aerodynamics would offer many references on the behavior of the wind, and they do. But unfortunately, the vast majority of this information cannot be used in connection with Meteorology concentrates on the large-scale causes of natural ventilation. winds, and the wind patterns over vast areas. Present-day aerodynamics has little use for any air movement of less than about a hundred miles per hour. Not a single comprehensive study of wind behavior at low velocities (below 20 mph) was discovered. In the search of aerodynamics literature, after being confronted with subsonic, super-sonic, much numbers, and many, many airfoils, it gradually In dawned that the very early literature might be of a different nature. 1893 The Smithsonian Institution published, as one of its "Contributions to Knowledge", a pamphlet by S.P. Langley called "The Internal Work of the Wind." Aside from its bearing on this study, the paper is thoroughly fascinating. It is a story of observations made by a man who was later to make some of the most important contributions to the development of heavier-than-air craft. Of course the date precedes the first flight of man by about ten years. Langley was trying to find an explanation of the soaring flight of birds. Since he had assumed that this phenomenon was due to the vagaries of the wind, he set about to determine the precise nature of air currents. His paper offers data on the changes in wind velocity at very short intervals of time. The technique was to build an extremely light cup-anemometer so as to reduce the effects of inertia. Recordings were made as often as every Graphs half-revolution, which would sometime mean as often as every second. of these recordings, one example of which is shown on the following page, are very similar to those of Thompson, et al, mentioned above. Langley's results were substantiated by other findings, though not extended materially, and apparently little more is known about the wind today than was known in 1893. Irminger and NAkentved it is state, "The wind having such an irregular structure, obviously necessary to study it most thoroughly, and to correlate the results with those obtained by experiment, in order that data applicable to They go on to report essentially practical conditions may be evolved." the same characteristics mentioned above; and in reference to pressures on structures, say "The available knowledge, however, is insufficient to enable any definite statement to be made." This same inadequacy can be applied to ventilation. Summry In the investigation of natural air movement, we first looked for the basic properties of air and their relatonship to temperature. found that when air is heated, it It was expands and rises, causing a low pressure area which must be filled by other air. This is the basic cause of all air movement, from worldwide currents to the draft in your fireplace. The natural means of heating air were discussed, and reasons given for the hot film of airthat forms on surfaces and sometimes does not rise. This same change in temperature governs the ability of the air to retain moisture. Hot air can hold more moisture than cold, therefore having a greater power to evaporate moisture from a surface. L111 PLATE II. 5 m 5 53- 541" 55m" 56rn 57"' bw" Wind velocities recorded January 14, 1893, at the Smithsonian Institution with a light Robinson anemometer (paper cups) registering every revolution. Abscisso = Time. Ordinates = Wind velocities in miles per hour. The present state of knowledge about the behavior of unconfined, natural air movement is generally inadequate. far from a auooth steady current. We know that a natural breeze is Its absolute velocity changes rapidly, wide fluctuations having been recorded as often as every second. Mean values over longer periods of time also give a changing picture. At the same time the velocity is pulsating, the wind is changing direction, both horizontally and vertically. It was shown also that the mean velocity of the wind will increase with altitude, within certain limits at least. With regard to the rapid fluctuation of velocity and direction, it that no generalizations can be made from existing data. observation will be made here: to demand that it ventilation. Only this the evidence of fluctuation is be accounted for in seems sufficient any theoretical solution to natural This does not mean that the phenomena will necessarily influence engineering applications, but proof that it either does or does not must be shown sooner or later. The already complicated procedure of making comparisons between wind tunnel tests and full-scale results is not made easier when this fluctuation must be considered. PART III AIRFLOW AROUND OBSTRUCTIONS The preceding section discusses some of the properties of air, and its behavior when unrestricted and unconfined. The following discussion will deal with the happenings when an obstruction is placed in the path of air currents. The possible number of shapes and combination of shapes is infinite, so an attempt was made to select examples which would have the most bearing on building considerations. Certain simple geometric shapes are discussed first, with the thought that these will serve for generalizations about airflow around more complex shapes. Another reason for using these geometric forms is that most experimental investigations on building shapes use only the standard rectangle and gable roof. It should be noted that, with rare exceptions, all of the results used in the following discussion were derived from steady-state wind conditions, either produced in a wind tunnel or assumed for calculation. Such a procedure ignores the actual fluctuation of the natural wind which was shown in the preceding section. HoweVer, we must be content to use existing information, keeping in mind the limitati ons as well as the possibilities. We are, in general, looking for two things: (2) variations in pressure. (1) the path of air flow, and Without changing the temperature of the air, one way to maintain air movement is simply not to obstruct it. "When an Y obstruction is placed in an air stream, it has been found that the new currents form high and low pressure areas; and as has been shovn, air will rush toward an area of lower pressure. Bernoulli and Venturi Another general statement that can be made is: there is low static pressure; pressure. where there is high velocity, and conversely,low velocity means high static This fact gives rise to the Bernoulli Principle and the Venturi tube, which take cognizance of the compresibility of air. Since many of the effects of obstructions on air flow will be illustrated by smoke-stream pictures, it should be noted that "In all air-flow pictures, wide, diverging smoke streams indicate decreasing velocity andhigh static pressure; whereas narrow, converging smoke streams are a sign of high velocity and reduced I7 static pressure." The photographs on the following page illustrate Bernoulli's Principle, or the Venturi Effect. As air passes thru a construction of decreasing area (such as a funnel or between two inclined surfaces) it moves faster than the rest of the stream because it is compressed into a smaller space. Streamlines Everyone is familiar with "streamlining" although it t is often confused with rounding the corners" - witness streamlined coffee pots and baby buggies. True streamlining is a recognition of the fact that air resists an interruption of its movement, and if interrupted, seeks to regain its smooth homogenous flow as quickly as possible. On the second page following will be found two forms which offer the least resistance to air flow, and allow the air to regain its "equilibrium" in the easiest way. The lenticular section is also A. Flat Plate at right angles to air stream. Drag 100% B. Entering wedge. Drag still 75% A I C. Entering wedge turned around. Drag still 75% Plate XX. Illustrations of Drag-Flat Plate and Entering Wedge A. Stationary cylinder. Drag only 50% B. Half-cylinder and wedge. Drag reduced to 25% Plate XXI. Illustrations of Drag-Cylinder and Half-Cylinder with Wedge A. Air velocity= 15 mph. Airfoils stay far apart B. Air velocity = 30 mph. Airfoils move closer C. Air velocity= 45 mph. Airfoils move still closer Plate V. Demonstration of Bernoulli's Principle A "streamlined" section, particularly efficient at high velocities. Ludington 27 states, It is "There is no such thing as the perfect section for all speeds." interesting to note that when a non-streamlined body is flow of air, the air has a tendency to streamline itself. placed in the Smoke stream pictures show the lines diverging befare reaching the obstruction, and a cloudy area behind the obstruction (on the leeward side) around which the snooth flow lines gradually converge. Thus, in a steady stream of air, turbulent areas are formed around an obstruction (called vortex regions) allowing the rest of the air to follow a path of least resistance. In connection with streamlines, it diould be mentioned that the patterns around a body freely suspended in a wind tunnel are not the sane as those where the body is resting on the "ground". And it is not accurate to take the symmetrical picture of a freely suspended body and assume that half of it will show the ground conditions. "For a body freely exposed to the air current, the irrotatt onal stream flow on the windward side will almostreach the body itself, and only form a xnall vortex region; further, there will always be a point at the surface of this region which is normal to the flow, giving rise to velocity pressure on a small area. "This does not apply to a body placed on the ground with which the windward vortex layer issues from the ground, and consequently velocity pressure is not fully developed at any point. "Another and very important difference between a body placed on the ground and a body freely exposed to the air current is the formation of the shape of the leeward region." Simple Geametric Forms On the next pages will be seen the air patterns around a flat and cylinder. These photographs of smoke streams by Ludington objects freely suspended in the air. reduced velocity and high pressure. 27 are of Notice that the streams are wide and diverging in front of all the forms but the "entering wedge". This indicates In each instance there is a foggy, tur- bulent area on the side away from the wind. or suction, plate, prism, This indicates a low pressure, area. The illustrations following are from Irminger and N)kkentved i and show the measured pressures of a plate, prism, and cylinder under two conditions. As stated on the graphs, one curve is for the object freely exposed, the other is for the same object placed on the ground. While patterns for the two conditions have a certain similarity in appearance, the pressure (suction) for the model on the ground is pended model. generally sailler than the one for the sus- With more complicated shapes, even the shape of the curve may be markedly different. Although deviations from these forms should be investigated separately in order to get an accurate picture, a study of these patterns will give an indication of what might happen around various architectural shapes. example, the flat plane on the ground is a fence; cabination of the flat surface is the shed roof may be a plane and either of the wedges, toward the wind. For depending upon which 25 .50 75 /x? % n 71 Pr-e-asre curves for an ,>finife/y /ong poAne. The upper curve-s; o./aed w/h a p/ane placed on /he ground The low-er curves; ob/aned wi/h a /win model of /he p/ane freely expoied 0 25 50 75 /00% 4/ P-esure curveJ for 6n infn/e/y lon9 cy/mnde,The upper curves, ob/aired w/h a semicy//rder p/aced on 4he ground The /ower curves, ob/a/ned w/h a whole cy/inder freely expofsed. 5 0 25 50 2 75 f00%/?/ Pres-ure curve.s for an 'nfini/ely /on9 pr/sr w/lh an pe away fron the wmnd he upper cur ves; ob/aine d w1h the prism p/aced on the grouind The lower curves5 ob/ained w//h a /w/n mode/ of the prism freely exposed 0 Pressure curves an apexr towards for an 25 75 50 in//in//ely long /00","l/ triangular prism wi/h the w/nd The upper ctirve;, obtained with the prism p/aced on the ground The lower c urve-s; ob/aned w/h o wh nodel o/. heprism freely exposed Wind around Fences It is doubtful that fences can be used to increase the cooling effect of the breeze, but they are often detrimental to cooling; often necessary for privacy or security reasons, around then should be understood. and since they are the behavior of the air We will first look at the patterns around a fence standing isolated, and then consider the influence of a fence on the air movement around a nearby structure. The subject of fences seems a rather prosaic one until it is realized that it may be an indication of the sheltering effect of any structure on another. In an article for the House Beautiful Magazine's Climate Control Project,1 Dr. Joseph E. Howland gave illustrations of several fences, showing how each affected the air temperature on the leeward side. on the following page. These are reproduced The test procedure is not given, so no generaliza- tions will be hazarded from this information; however the Thermal Radiation Laboratory of the University of California was the source, so it is assumed that a scientific procedure was used, and that the figures are comparable. Unfortunately, this article was discovered at a late date, so the original source material could not be obtained in time to be included here. Around Buildings This discussion will be limited to the flow of air around buildings with all windows and doors closed. This is obviously as far from ventilati.on as you can get, and no defense is offered for such an approach. The only reason for handling the subject this way is that much of the existing literature is concerned with wind stresses on the structure of a building, and deals with air flaw in this manner. It is believed that the patterns and pressures around a "solid" building will be of some value in ventilation Herimstal 1. The cdhking ee o uemd is proportionate to its speed.So youM be warmer in the lee of any fence. Scientists call this "comfort temperature." The solid fence was a surprisingly ineicient windbreak. Maximum warmth was at distance about equal to height. 4. &p added to top of solid fence increases protested area in lee quite a bit. You also get higher cemfort temperatures than with fence above. This is due to way baMe deflets wind up in gentle are. avoids downward. wave-like whirlpooling. 5. Trfl t 2. A aophasg ione, tilted up away from wind, proved better. all-around windbreak than solid fence at left. Temperatures were not quite as high but protected area was wider. This fence would be good where wind velocities had to he reduced but ventilation kept. sheams deen, however, and you've get auotner kettle of lien. fais maxes the least effeetive windbreak of all fences tested because the louvers bounce the wind right down into the area to be protested. This is not a "warm" fence. .. 2..0...1 S. Shut the befe toward the wind and you get a somewhat sumalter protected area. But note that, close in lee of fence, you get highest temperature readings in any fence tested: 67.5* F. Even at three times its height behind fence, protection was noticeable. 6. Veried latha, spaced a half inch apart, made good iwindbreak. Although temperatures were fairl low in immediate lee, they rose steadily as you moved away. At a distance of three times its height, this fence gave best protection of all. but absolutely no assurance has been given that the patterns will be the same, or even similar, when openings are made in the building. Mention has been made of the tendency of moving air to create its streamlines. Graphic illustration of this phenomena is photographs of the following page. solid model, shown in the The pictures are made by drawing a attached to the tground" thru a tank of water on which aluminum powder was sprinkled. as the model, own The camera was attached to the same frame so that when a long exposure was made, the grains of powder appear as streaks, showing the streamlines. The top photograph is made at a lower velocity than the bottom. Notice how the vortex regions are beginning to form - a small triangular area on the windward (left) side, and a whirling eddy next to the leeward slope of the roof. In the lower photograph the triangular region at the base of the building toward the wind has increased in size, and the leeward area is greatly enlarged. These vortex regions will not continue to grow indefinitely, but will reach a fixed shape characteristic of the building shape and wind velocity. It should be noticed that the grains of powder in the forward triangle do not show as streaks, indicating that they remain fairly still. This shows the combination of low velocity and high pressure mentioned previously. The condition on the side away from the wind is just the opposite, high velocity and low pressure. lip Two and three Dimensions Thus far, we have seen how the stream patterns vary with the shape of the obstruction. wind velocity. We know that the total pressure (suction) varies with the What we want to know is the value of the pressure at each point of the surface of the building. All the foregoing illustrations have shown a two dimensional stream flow -- that is, the models would imply a building of infinite length. The most we could assume fram such studies would be that the pressure distribution around the center cross-section of the building would be somewhat similar. The next step, then, is to examine the three-dimensional flow around a building. In determining the pressure on all surfaces of a building, the following variables are involved: (1) the shape of the building; the slightest overhang, should be considered; (3) all surfaces, even (2) the wind velocity; the angle at which the wind strikes the building; obstructions, such as fences, trees, other buildings. (4) nearby We will consider each of these variables, and cite a few generalizations that seen fairly well-proven. Such generalizations are very difficult to make, and are done with same hesitancy, because of the myriad of possible variables. For those who wish to examine examples other than the few given here, references 17 and 18 give the pressure distribution on rectangular buildings with roof slopes from O0 to 600, with angles of incidence of the wind frm 00 to 900. Also given are graphs for open sheds, buildings with curved roofs, as well as prisms, cylinders, pyramids, etc. Pressure Distribution In dealing with the four variables above, we will consider first a building with a sloping roof and with the breeze striking it long dimension. perpendicular to the Mention will be made of the effect of changing velocity. As an illustration of difference in shape, a similar building with a flat roof will be shown. This same flat roof building will be used to illustrate a change in angle of incidence of the wind. Diagrams on the following page are for a building (model) 50x50xlO0 mm, with a 200 roof slope. shown. as it The air current is normal to the long side, as At the top of the page the building is would look in a paper pattern. shown "flattened-out" Each hole in the surface where measurements were taken is shown with the maximum value recorded at that point. The average of maximum values for each face is shown in the box. Each wall and roof surface is line of holes is lines, numbered I, given a letter, A thru F. given a roman numeral. II, horizontal sections, III. Notice that each There are three cross-section Numbers IV thru VII refer to the four beginning at the ground. It should be noted that the left section in the middle of the page is for external pressures, whereas the same section on the right of the page shows the difference between external and internal pressures. Both diagrams at the bottan of the page are for pressure difference. Consider the section showing external pressure. There is pressure on the windward wall, and all other surfaces show a suction. On the windward wall, pressure is greatest at the middle of the building (curve II), &',/d/n97_ 50x50x/OOmm -5/ope of., ro of 20 0 f7g/ef of1ncdelzce v=20.55 7Y5ec 57V-5 4 9o- -34.6 ?&3k -~5--51'5 /7foo~-0 (mneo5Urecd- 0-72-5) IFT F 0 0 vf ff 0 0 00 0 jIfJ 0 _,7_ ? 00 0 IT -Y IF 000 65 '4' -0 xo ox 69,5, -900 0 x caverage rea'i1g 1 F J7J 7, 0~.7 ri( Fld __ 5ecbbns17 C/- rlqlft C'rY/es to roofs/o1pe pPi 0 0.5 /0/77/- dropping off toward the two sides. The greatest suction is developed at the leading edge of the roof. The cross section showing difference in pressure has much the same shape curves, but the windward pressure is greater, roof suction less, and at the leeward wall suction has changed to slight pressure. Horizontal sections show a rather uniform pressure difference on the windward wall, but on the side wvlls the greatest suction is near the leading edge. Change in Shape It has been found that roof slopes up to 450 will show curves similar to the ones just illustrated. Above 450, however, suction will change to pressure, meaning that the roof is now acting more as a sloping wall. The next illustration shows a building of the same dimensions, wind still at 900, but this building has a flat roof. Curves for wall pressures are very similar to those of the preceding example, with same shift in the position of the maximum suction on the side walls. The roof is all in a saction area, and test results indicate that this will always be the case, regardless of the height of the building. Proportionally wide flat- roofed buildings may show that part of the roof away from the wind to be in a pressure area. Change in Windle Now let us consider the same flat roof building, but with the wind striking it at 300 instead of 900. torted. As might be expected, all curves are now dis- The lower right hand diagram (sections at right angles to the 5ud/7g50-50'/00mm1n S/ope a/root 00 Mn'/e of incidence 900 2- OO'/sec //=250 AMm p; -- -2 -P3 7-n/ FE -F' A o - C 5 7 - /7 46277 A! /7 /~ -, 4JO "~ /7 -1/6 - 'awrage 70-ed readingr~ L77 A' AOf-''' 'A U11o - 17 K 7 Tii /7/ -/4erno/ . - K 121/ - /'n - pressure 5ec/Sop- Sec/hon, M'onzon/o/ 7 A /bra.4/> - presure + -- -e os/0r57/es /o roo/ .ope 0 05 /On/ 5u,/dit~q .50 '6O"'/c017Mm 5f/opog' c//-o 0- 67,6o~su 0d-O/0V W 51uy IF -7 17 17 -w A- .44 - ,/ 41erenc A, ooalr/qoe p041 -R/ U L 0 1ii a5 Vol/ roof) is particularly interesting. eave; Curve VIII is for a line near the curve IX is for a line parallel to it, nearer the center. From these curves we can see that near the center of the roof on the right side there will be a point of slight pressure. Nearby will be a point of rather great suction. When we lot the wind strike the building from the end (angle of incidence of 00), we are in for some surprises. tribution. The following page shows the dis- As would be expected, the long walls now have an external suction instead of a pressure. But look at the horizontal section of differences in the internal and external pressures. We find that the leeward wall, formerly indicating suction, now is under pressure. The long "side" walls show a suction toward the wind, uniformly decreasing until a pressure is developed toward the leeward end. The Sheltering Effect In the first part of this section are references to the pressure distribution on a flat plane, and to the influence of various fences on air temperature. Now we want to consider how an obstruction on the windward side of a building effects the pressure on that building. An attempt to generalize on this subject was made by Irminger and Nokkentved by experiments with solid and perforated screens in the wind tunnel. Several screens of varying heights were placed in front of models and pressures on the model were recorded. The screens were moved farther and farther from the building, so that the effect of distance could be shown. I 8u111al q 50x50fa /Ol.0 50 oe c/r.o/o o~ /7nq/e 0//n'e?Ce1C 0' vi = 0 '1ve ,o -025d-0171 95 ~/9~7 FT VT V /[7 -- -26 -/26 -16 -/ II C /7 K 10 19 y ,Iva 'o x 6'v~r~7c7e /Y/ V45/d'e7c4/ -96.261 a ~Z7A 17 2f ~/ bgA.wn - I. re,~idrq ,ndcc~/'o/ I * p~35Uf~ 4 Iv .5ec/iot~ ,.5ecllclr, E iC f F ITTi 0 0- 10171 .54eC/,on.- G/P/-W5/ / roof oa-77/ /ope P4 -/ - These experiments were made with the screens extending completely across the tunnel, and plates were affixed to each side of the model, so the results are for a two-dimensional stream flow only. The authors are aware of the limitations of these results, and emphasis is given to the need for further studies. However, the figures will be accurate for a center cross section through a building, and will positively show how the sheltering effect changes with the height of the screen and its distance from the building. The following illustration shows both a solid and perforated screen of height h equal to the height of the building, at a distance a from the windward face of the building. The section is through the center of the building, and 14 numbered points are shown at which pressure was recorded. Charts beneath the sections show the magnitude of pressure or suction for these points. Five curves are shown: curve 0 is without any screen, and curves 1 through 4 are for increasing distances from the building (indicated as ratios in the lower right of the page). Pressures on the windward face of the building sheltered by a solid screen are pretty much as would be expected. Where there was great pressure with- out the screen, there is a large suction when the screen is close to the building. This suction decreases more or less uniformly as the screen is moved farther and farther from the building--apparently approaching the condition without the wall. On the roof the situation is not quite the same. With the screen near, suction on the roof increases over that with no screen (curve 0); as the Building h- b Solid screen slope of roof 00 Height-h -too Perforated screen , Height =h 44 I . I 14 Ve.t 0 without screen I - 6 2 3 4 0 -50 - loo .8. *1t screen is moved away, the suction drops below curve 0 and continues to drop. It might be assumed that when the screen is somewhere beyond 11 times the height of the building (curve 4) a minimum value would be reached, and then the suction curves would climb back to the original value. There is no positive indication that this would be so, however. On the leeward wall, the influence of the screen is relatively small, except in the case where the screen is very close to the building. There are two particularly significant observations to be made about the influence of a perforated screen. 4 and 5. First, notice the curves between points Where most of the windward wall is under pressure, here at the eave line there is a sudden change to suction. Experiments with other building shapes and other screen heights show that this phenomenon occurs near any edge where one surface has a positive pressure and the adjacent surface has a negative pressure. In the case of a steeply sloping roof where the windward roof surface is under pressure, this curious happening takes place immediately next to the ridge. The second observation about the perforated screen is the fact that curves 1 through 4 are grouped together. When the screen is first placed in front of the building, there is a sharp change in pressures, but as the screen is moved farther away, the curves remain parallel and close together. Several general observations can be made about these test results for solid and perforated screens. In the case of the solid screen, what is taking place is that the building falls completely within the rear vortex region of the screen, creating suction on all sides. So long as the building under consideration continues to be completely enveloped by this vortex region, the screen could be assumed to be the windward face of another relatively thin building. In the case of the perforated screen, the leeward side is not a rear vortex region, but a region of reduced velocity. "Naturally, the sheltering influence just behind the screen is much greater for a solid than for a perforated screen, but the flee' behind a solid screen soon disappears and is followed by a very disturbed vortex region. Behind the perforated screen the sheltering influence is less, but it is very constant for a long distance--at least 8 times the height of the screen." As the solid screen can be taken for a building (with limitations), so can the perforated screen be likened to planting. Trees and shrubs will have much the same influence. It will be noticed that the curve for a screen distance of 11 times the building height (curve 4) still does not equal the results where no screen was used. The authors explain that their wind tunnel did not allow them to make experiments at greater screen-to-building distances. Therefore, while it is obvious that the influence of either screen is felt at a greater distance than llh, and it is expected that the influence of the perforated screen will be felt for the greatest distance, we do not know at this time what the maximum values are. Other investigators have indi- cated that the sheltering effect of trees may extend to 20 times their height. Summary As the necessary preface to the study of airflow around buildings, some of the general principles of aerodynamics should be known. One of the most significant of these principles is that of Bernoulli. It will be shown later how the increase of air velocity by directing it through an opening of decreasing size can be of vital importance to cooling by natural ventilation. The general procedure for interpreting smokestream patterns was shown also--how vortex regions are formed, and the importance of them. As a body "streamlines itself", the forward vortex region becomes an area of high velocity and low pressure. The reason for such a lengthy discussion of these pressure areas, and subsequently the more precise pressure distribution, is that this pressure distribution is one of the few opportunities at our disposal for coaxing air through a building. As was shown in a preceding section of this study, air will move from a high pressure area toward a low pressure area. If we can determine with sufficient accuracy where the high and low pressure areas exist around a building, we can locate openings to take advantage of the pressure difference. It should be remembered that the examples shown were for buildings practically closed. hone of the literature examined gave any evidence for buildings with normal openings. Irminger and Nokkentved show that when one complete side, or one com- plete gable, of a curved-roof building is removed, the external pressures on the other surfaces do not change. They also show that when the only opening is a ridge ventilator, a powerful suction develops at the ventilator. But these cases of open side and ventilator are so far removed from the usual conditions of building occupancy, no particular importance can be placed upon them now. This does not mean that a knowledge of pressure areas gained in this way is valueless. On the contrary, a great many buildings exist which show proof that when openings are placed in the high and low pressure areas shown on the preceding charts, air will travel between these openings. However, there seems to be no practical method at the moment for predicting the velocity and pattern of air movement through a building for any given set of conditions. We can give assurance that by using pressure patterns we can get more air movement than by opposing them. The sheltering effect on a building, by placing a solid or perforated screen on the windward wide, was illustrated. viously mentioned is the change with velocity. Another variable not preSince the sheltering effect is governed largely by the leeward vortex region on the screen, and since this vortex region varies with velocity, it is obvious that velocity must enter any design consideration of the effect. We found that the solid screen has the stronger influence on the building, but that the influence of the perforated screen is more constant as the distance from the building is increased. Also, it is probable that the perforated screen will effect the building from a greater distance. PART IV AIRFLOW THROUGH BUILDINGS In this section an attempt will be made to correlate the bits of information in the preceding sections. As has been done throughout this report, general statements will be made as much as possible, rather than specific ones for certain buildings. It should be remembered, however, that it was necessary to limit the study to small buildings (one or two stories), and examples will be taken from this category. We must have a clear picture of just what we are trying to do with this natural ventilation, so certain objectives will be outlined first. It will then be shown that there are two forces at our disposal for controlling air currents--temperature difference and the wind. Next will be a discussion of how the shape of the building effects these forces. Finally, a few of the big unknowns will be mentioned, with some recommendations for further study. Objectives. (1) Currents at body level As was stated in the first part of this study, we are not interested in cooling buildings--for the sake of cooling buildings. We are only interested in cooling buildings if this results in also cooling people. It is possible to reduce the temperature of building surfaces by natural ventilation, and this is a very important aspect of the problem; but it is not the most important aspect. Our primary concern is to get air movement around the human body. The physiological data in the first section assumes that the velocities mentioned are striking the body, and here "a miss is as good as a mile." Perhaps others have had the experience of sleeping on a low bed in a bedroom where window sills are two or three feet above the In such a case, the air velocity may be sufficient level of the bed. to hold the drapes away from the wall, but there is little benefit from this breeze at the level of the bed. This is an indication that one of the currently popular techniques of design may be questioned. This is the practice of placing low windows on the windward wall for the entry of the air, and using a high clearstory on the other side to exhaust the air. In cross section a smooth arrow is drawn through the window, diagonally across the room, and out the clearstory. It is also questionable whether the air will take this route, but for the moment let's assume that it does. room divided into two triangles by the air current. We now have the If the bed is placed near the window wall, maximum cooling should be derived from the air, the sleeper receiving a direct blast. however, if the bed is placed against the wall opposite the window, this air current will be moving high overhead, and the cooling benefits seriously reduced. Obviously, the turbulence created by the air stream will be of some benefit, so cross ventilation is better than no cross ventilation. The point is that the air stream should be at body level wherever possible. (2) Reduction of radiant temperatures By directing air across the body, more heat will be lost by convection and conduction. The Pierce Laboratory experiments mentioned previously have shown that radiation must also be considered, so we must look for some means of reducing radiant temperatures by natural air circulation. The technique is to lower wall (ceiling, floor) temperature by moving Actually the wall will be losing its cooler air pest the surface. heat by convection, but the fact that the temperature is lowered means that the radiant temperature is lowered also. (3) Maintenance of air temperature This third reason for moving air through buildings has been called "maintenance" of air temperature because the goal is the lowest possible temperature of the air, and no method is now known to reduce air temperature by air movement alone. In other words, the objective is to prohibit increase over the natural air temperature. The entering air may be heated by the walls, which have gained their heat from solar radiation. It may be heated by people, who must always be giving off heat in some manner. And of course it may be heated, he many mechanical devices found in buildings, such as lights, motors, kitchen ranges, water heaters, etc. Therefore, if the entering air is allowed to remain inside the building for extended periods, it will probably become hotter than the outside air. This hot, stagnant air will, of course, be found at the ceiling, where it will transmit its heat to the surfaces in contact with it, and will gradually heat the lower layers of air. emerature-difference forces To quote the ASHVE Guide, "The stack effect produced within a building when the outdoor temperature is lower than the indoor temperature is F due to the difference in weight of the warm column of air within the building and cooler air outside. The flow due to stack effect is proportional to the square root of the draft head, or approximately: Q = 9.4 A h (t-t.) where Q equals air flow, cubic feet per minute. A h t t 9.40 " " " " free area of inlets or outlets (assumed equal), square feet. Height from inlets to outlets, feet. average temperature of indoor air in height h, OF. temperature of outdoor air, OF. constant of proportionality, including a value of 65% for effectiveness of openings. This should be reduced to 50% (constant equals 7.2) if conditions are not favorable." We have, then, these variables: (1) area of openings, (2) vertical distance between openings, (3) effectiveness of openings, and (4) the difference in outdoor and indoor air temperatures. The best use can be made of the temperature-difference force in the design of industrial buildings where the processes involved produce large amounts of heat. The temperature difference will, of necessity, be rather high, and the vertical distance between openings is often great. With regard to the combined effect of temperature-difference forces and wind forces, the ASHVE Guide states further, "When the two heads are about equal in value and the ventilating openings are operated so as to coordinate them, the total air flow through the building is about 10% greater than that produced by either head acting independently under conditions ideal to it. This percentage decreases rapidly as one head increases over the other and the larger will predominate." relationship is shown as a chart on the following page. This 40 1 oll 30 --- z az 20 CL) - - 10 5 4 3 2 RATIO OF OUTLET TO INLET OR VICE-VERSA 1 6 INCREASE IN FLOW CAUSED BY EXCESS OF ONE OPENING OVER ANOTHER 7 6 CL 0 2 0 20 40 6o so FLOWDUETOTEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE AS PERCENTOFTOTAL 0 DETERMINATION OF FLOW CAUSED BY COMBINED FORCES OF WIND AND TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE In most other buildings, where the heat being produced in the building is small, and the ceiling heights are not great, the advantages of this force is relatively insignificant. As was shown previously, it is de- sirable to have no temperature difference, and it is obvious that as this value in the formula approaches zero, the temperature-difference force will become no force. Wind forces In considering the natural wind force available for moving air through a building, four variables must be taken into account: (1) average wind velocity, (2) prevailing wind direction, (3) variations in velocity and direction, and (4) local interference by trees, buildings, hills, and other obstructions. It is a rare case when an architect can have recordings of wind velocity and direction for a specific building site. The number of buildings that can be placed on the sites of existing post offices and airport terminals is relatively small (and even in these cases, it is doubtful that the architect will have any usable information for anything but the roof). However, the recent "Regional Climate Analysis" being published in the A.T.A. Bulletin and in House Beautiful magazine will give much valuable information regarding the seasonal and daily averages for the first three variables. Data, such as that given in this report, on the sheltering effect of obstructions will be of assistance in allowing for the fourth variable. As an indication of the range of velocities under consideration, a quick check of a table of average wind velocities showed that a maximum of 12.0 mph is found at Ft. Smith, Arkansas, and minimum averages are found at Birmingham, Alabama and Washington, D. C. of 5.2 mph. The ASHV offers the following relationships as a means of arriving at the quantitative value of wind forces. Q where: Q, equals " A " V " E - EAT air flow, cubic feet per minute. free area of inlet openings, square feet. wind velocity, feet per minute, (mph x 88). effectiveness of openings. (0.50 to 0.60 for perpendicular winds, 0.25 to 0.35 for diagonal winds) This formula assumes that inlets are facing the prevailing wind and outlets are in the low pressure areas of the building. It is cited here as a means of getting a first approximation of the quantitative value, and since no other evidence along this line could be found, it must also be cited as a last approximation. From the information given in this report, one could determine whether a given condition would produce a greater or lesser air flow, but how much is not known. Shape of the building On the following page will be seen a wind tunnel smoke test of a building model. It is necessary first to cast some doubt on the validity of this test, since there is apparently no "ground." However, it is believed that the addition of a ground plate would influence the magnitude more than the pattern on the air flow. There are two interest- ing features about this experiment--the influence of the leading wall, and the ratio of inlet to outlet. In the tests of solid buildings discussed in the preceding section, it WIND DIRECTION A% -... wMMMMJ d was shown that the windward wall is all under pressure, and that relatively flat roofs are all in a suction area. In this case, apparently the streamlines is tangent to the "sill" of the opening rather than the eave, contributing to the high velocities (converging streamlines) through the opening and across the roof. The other, and perhaps larger contribution to the high velocity through the opening is due to the Venturi action. This is because the inlet area is smaller than the outlet area. The Venturi effect has been mentioned a number of times in this report, but no quantitative value for it has been given. On the preceding page of illustrations is shown a graph that can be used for calculation. Notice that the curve levels off at something less than 40% when the ratio of inlet to outlet (or vice versa) reaches about 5. From this it appears that the extreme example of a small slit for an opening on the windward side, and no wall on the leeward would not give the terrific velocities that might have been expected. On the following page are shovm two more illustrations of how this effect might be used. It is interesting to note that in common prac- tice the adjustment of openings on one wall will be all that is necessary. The air wash Mention has been made of the importance of getting air movement at body level. Considering body height when sitting, this will mean that openings should generally be low in the wall. But we have also mentioned BREZI the detrimental effects of stagnant air near the ceiling. To move this air we mast have openings near the ceiling.. When there is an air cur- rent, the hot air will be swept away; when there is little or no air movement, these openings will allow the hot air to drift out as it rises. The double-hung window suits the above requirements surprising- ly well. Another important use of the air wash idea is to circulate air inside a hollow wall or roof. The attic fan is based on this principle. Of course the reason for trying to circulate air through the air space in a wall is to reduce the radiant temperature. The true values of radiant temperatures of a wall are not well understood. Mackey and Wright con- ducted experiments with various solid walls to determine the influence of "time lag." There is not time to go into a discussion of these findings at any length, but generally it was shown that this time lag varied with the material used and the orientation of the wall. The total amount of heat transmitted over a 24 hour period was about the same for a 16" brick wall and a 1" cellular glass wall. Hourly chan- ges in temperature for the brick wall were relatively slight as compared to the glass wall. For example, compare the two walls located on the west side of a building. In one experiment, the highest temperature for the brick wall was 87.50 at 3 a.m., lowest 860 at 3 p.m. Highest temperature for the cellular glass wall was 93.50 at 3 p.m., lowest 830 at 4 a.m. The times of maximum and minimum are almost exactly re- versed, and the values widely divergent. No similar studies for hollow walls came to light, but it is assumed that the pattern will be similar. Mention is made of it here in the hope that the time of maximum heat for such walls might be coordinated with the times of maximum air movement, and produce a significant lowering of the heat radiated into a room. The unknowns Throughout this report there have been references to the inadequacies of present knowledge. categories; The more important ones seem to fall into three (1) the influence of radiation on the feeling of comfort, (2) the natural behavior of moving air, and (3) the influence of architectural shapes on air flow at low velocities. Qu.ite possibly there are a number of individuals and agencies working on these problems. In the first category, it appears that the Pierce laboratories and the ASHVE laboratories may be expected to find a method of taking radiation into account. As for the natural behavior of moving air, great strides have been made by those connected with the House Beautiful Climate Control Project, and it is expected that the consulting metiorologist will enter the long list of consultants now working together to produce buildings. The Texas Engineering Experiment Station is known to be conducting ex- periments, under the direction of Mr. W. W. Caudill, of the influence of architectural shapes on air movement at low velocities. Any contributions to any of these three fields will be welcomed by those who must design for the wind. Perhaps it will not be too strange that the strongest recommendation is for a continuation of the study at hand. Correlation of the information from the various fields in- volved in cooling by natural ventilation, of which this report is a beginning, should be extended in an attempt to find quantitative values for the many variables cited. Searchers can be assured of a most in- teresting and instructive experience. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Allen, J.R. and Walker, J.H. "Heating and Ventilating." McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1931. 2. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Ventilating and Air Conditioning Guide." New York, "Heating, (published annually by the Society, N.Y.) 3. Baker, G. and Funaro, B. "Windows in Modern Architecture." Architectural Book Publishing Co., Inc., 1948. 144 pp. 4. Building Research Advisory Board. "Weather and the Building Industry." (Proceedings, Research Correlation Conference, Jan. 1950) D.C. 5. Apr. 1950. New York, Washington, 158 pp. Calderwood, J.P. and Mack, A.J. "Comparative Tests of Automatic Manhattan, Kansas, Engineering Experiment Station, Ventilators." 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