S206E057 – Spring 2016
S206E057 -- Lecture 21, 5/26/2016, Python – classes
Copyright ©2016, Chiu-Shui Chan. All Rights Reserved.
Python has the notions of classes and objects from using dictionaries and modules to facilitate repetitious tasks. Information about
the definition of modules, classes, and objects could be found online and manuals. Materials provided in this lecture are compiled
partially from the following page: http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ex40.html. Major applications of modules and classes are
to set up some definitions of variables for a design routine, then save them and used by or in other design projects. Here are brief
explanations of these concepts.
Modules are like dictionaries.
A module is a Python file that (generally) has only definitions of variables, functions, and classes. Notions of constructing modules
to make dictionaries have the following sequences.
1. You write a Python file with some functions or variables in it.
2. You import that file to a file in use.
3. And you can access the functions or variables in that module with the . (dot) operator.
Exercise one: coding of a module example
Following these notions, here is an example of module in
Python. I have a module named mystuff.py, which will make a
print (of A), define a function of “apple”, a variable of tangerine,
print the tangerine variable (of B) and call the apple function to
print (C). The image on the right shows the code in it and the
results of execution line after line.
Once these codes are written and saved as mystuff.py
module, we can use this mystuff module with the built-in
function of import from another file of callmystuff.py to access
the apple function and the variable of tangerine in mystuff.py
file. The codes of the “callmystuff.py” and its run results are
shown on the lower right image.
import mystuff
In this call file example, when the module of mystuff.py is
loaded to callmystuff.py, it will execute the entire mystuff.py
file line by line as it runs itself until it is completed. Then call the
apple function and print C, call and print the value of tangerine
as B again.
For correctly running modules, save the files first and reopen
them for test. You can think about a module as a specialized
dictionary or container that can store Python code and be
accessed with the . (dot) operator.
The following one is another shorter example that runs the
similar program, but, coding parts are in short cuts by expert
programmers. The file name of these two lines of coding is
mystuff = {'apple' : 'I am apples.'}
print mystuff ['apple']
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In this file, mystuff is a variable, it has a key “apple” with contents of “I am apples” declared. Then I saved this file as
“mystuff1.py”. Then I could print, from other Python scripts (i.e., callmystuff1.py), the item of “apple” inside the variable of
import mystuff1
print(mystuff1.mystuff['apple']) #Note: the pair of
parenthesis after the print function has not been used
before Python 2.7.4.
Python also has another construct that serves a similar purpose called a class. A class is a way to take a grouping of functions
and data and place them inside a container so we could access them with the . (dot) operator.
Classes are like modules:
Python is called an “object-oriented programming language.” It is because that each program could be seen as an object used by
others, which is the notion of object-oriented programming style. In Python, there is a “class” that lets you structure your program
in a particular way. Using classes, we can add consistency to our programs so that they can be used systematically. Thus,
classes are a good way of encapsulating functionality that can be kept together and passed around as a complete module for use
in other projects.
A class could be seen as a blueprint. It isn’t something in itself, it just describes how to make something. We can create lots of
objects from that blueprint – known technically as instances. From the data base point of view, a class has the ability to create a
data structure for containing various contents. Therefore, a class is something that just has structure, which defines how
something should be laid out or structured, but doesn’t have any object (or instance) yet. Then instances should be developed
next. An instance is a specific copy of the class that contains all the information.
A class is simply a description of what things should look like, what variables will be grouped together, and what functions can be
called to manipulate those variables. Using this description, Python can create many instances (or objects) of the class, which can
then be manipulated independently. Think of a class as a cookie cutter – it is not a cookie itself, but it’s a description of what a
cookie looks like, and can be used to create many individual cookies. Similarly, it could be thought as a tax form. A particular tax
form is a template that requires people to fill out. So, everybody has to fill out the same type of form, but the content that people
put in to the form differs from person to person. A class is like the tax form or cookie cutter that specifies what content should be
like. Your copy of the form with your specific information is like an instance of the class, which specifies what your content
actually is. Thus, we can create objects, rather than simply procedures or variables. Classes are defined by the keyword “class”
followed by a name, a pair of parenthesis, a colon, and definitions. A class template looks like this:
# Defining a class
class class_name:
statement 1
statement n
Exercise two: coding of a class example
class Foo:
def __init__ (self, val):
self.val = val
def printval (self):
print (self.val)
Parameter self
class name
Class member variable
Instance variable
The class Foo creates a class and its functions are defined inside the class (shown by indentation). Following it, the
__init__(self) creates an empty object with a specific initial state. This method is called class instantiation operation. The Foo
class could generate many instances, and when it is called, it needs to know which instance it is working with. Therefore, Python
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will pass the value via the self parameter. Self is a variable for the instance (or called object) being accessed. In this example,
when a value of val is provided by users, it will go through the definition window of __init__, to create an instance, and put the
value to val that belongs to the instance.
class Foo:
def __init__ (self, val):
self.val = val
def printval (self):
print (self.val)
obj1 = Foo("great")
obj2 = Foo(200)edie
In this example, after the class is defined, we create two
instances of the class (or two independent objects), obj1 and
obj2. When the obj1 is called, Python automatically calls the
__init__ function for us and passes the value of the string “great”
through the variable declaration of val to its own instance member
variable of val. The same thing happens for obj2. If we want to
execute a class function for an instance, the statement must have
the instance declared first and followed by the function name.
Thus, if we want to apply the function of printval to print, the
statement must have the format of obj1.printval(). Of course, the
ClassFoo could also be called by other file of callClassFoo.py to
implement the functions existing in ClassFoo. Yet, the execution
sequences are to implement the class file first and run the call
class file to two more prints at the end. See the image on the
right. If objects are created in the class file, then they could be
called and used in the call class file. If objects are created outside
the class file, then use the from filename import* (import all
items) method to call the class. This function will only run the
needed items and functions, and it is not necessary to include the
filename of the class when call the functions or variables.
#import ClassFoo
from ClassFoo import*
obj1 = Foo("great")
obj2 = Foo(200)
Exercise 3: Example of a class on applying geometry
1. Defining a class named Shape first.
#An example of a class
class Shape:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.description = "This shape has not been described yet"
self.author = "Nobody has claimed to make this shape yet"
def area(self):
return self.x * self.y
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def perimeter(self):
return 2 * self.x + 2 * self.y
def describe(self, text):
self.description = text
return self.description
def authorName(self, text):
self.author = text
def scaleSize(self, scale):
self.x = self.x * scale
self.y = self.y * scale
The function of __init__ creates an instance of Shape when this function is called - that is, when we create an actual shape, as
opposed to the 'blueprint' we have here, __init__ is run. You will understand how this works later. The key word of self is how we
refer to things in the class from within itself. Here, self is the first parameter in any function defined inside a class. Any function or
variable created on the first level of indentation (that is, lines of code that start one TAB to the right of where we put class), Shape
is automatically put into self. To access these functions and variables elsewhere inside the class, their name must be proceeded
with self. In other words, function has its own variable scope, class has its scope as well. Variables could be defined inside the
function without having self in front. But, after they are completed (function scope), they disappear. But, variables defined with self
in front are active inside the class (class scope) and accessible across functions. Those variables defined in the __init__ function
part with self in front will be accessible across functions inside the same class, which are the conventional ways of Python coding.
2. Making a class from the class definition
How do we use a class? Here is an example, of what we call creating an instance of a class. Assume that the code example on
section 3-1 has already been run:
rectangle = Shape(100, 45)
What has been done? The __init__ function really comes into play at this time. We create an instance of a class by first giving its
name (in this case, Shape) and then, in brackets, the values to pass to the __init__ function. The init function runs (using the
parameters you gave it in brackets) and then spits out an instance of that class, which in this case is assigned to the name
rectangle. Think of our class instance, rectangle, as a self-contained collection of variables and functions. In the same way that
we used self to access functions and variables of the class instance from within itself, we use the name that we assigned to it now
(rectangle) to access functions and variables of the class instance from outside of itself. Following on from the code we ran
above, we would do this:
3. Accessing attributes from outside an instance
print rectangle.area() #finding the area of your rectangle:
print rectangle.perimeter() #finding the perimeter of your rectangle:
#describing the rectangle
rectangle.describe("A wide rectangle, more than twice\
as wide as it is tall")
rectangle.scaleSize(0.5) #making the rectangle 50% smaller
print rectangle.area() #re-printing the new area of the rectangle
As you see, where self would be used from within the class instance, its assigned name is used when outside the class. We do
this to view and change the variables inside the class, and to access the functions that are there. We aren't limited to a single
instance of a class - we could have as many instances as we like. We could do the following coding:
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4. More than one instance
long_rectangle = Shape(120,10)
fat_rectangle = Shape(130,120)
Both long_rectangle and fat_rectangle have their own functions and variables contained inside them - they are totally independent
of each other. There is no limit to the number of instances we could create.
5. Execution A: Completed execution codes are the following. This is the entire file of execution A. We could also separately
save the class function to a file named: “ShapeClass.py” and put the remaining object instantiation plus the four print
function-calls to another file named: “CallShape.py”.
class Shape:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.description = "This shape has not been described yet"
self.author = "Nobody has claimed to make this shape yet"
def area(self):
return self.x * self.y
def perimeter(self):
return 2 * self.x + 2 * self.y
def describe(self, text):
self.description = text
def authorName(self, text):
self.author = text
def scaleSize(self, scale):
self.x = self.x * scale
self.y = self.y * scale
rectangle = Shape(100,45)
#initiate an object of rectangle
long_rectangle = Shape(120,10) #initiate an object of long_rectangle
fat_rectangle = Shape(130, 120) #initiate an object of fat_rectangle
#utilze the area function in the class.
Instantiate objects in this area with a number of
Definitions inside the class.
Initiate objects. Rectangle is the name of the
object, Shape is the class name, 100,45 are the
values to be passed into the class of Shape.
Use print to print the result of the object of
rectangle by the function of area.
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6. Execution B: This is the portion of the codes saved on “CallShape.py” file, which will call the class definition defined on
the file of “ShapeClass.py” class by the statement of from ShapeClass import*. The ShapeClass is the file name of the class to
be imported. This form will import the needed item (Shape), or all of them (represented by * sign) to the file. The “import all” might be
troublesome if there are objects in the program with the same name as some items in the module. A better way is to import a module in
the normal way (without the from operator) and then assign items to a local name.
from ShapeClass import*
# Shapeclass is the class filename and import all the items here.
rectangle = Shape(100,45)
#initiate an object of rectangle
long_rectangle = Shape(120,10) #initiate an object of long_rectangle
fat_rectangle = Shape(130, 120) #initiate an object of fat_rectangle
#utilize the function of area defined in the class.
Object-oriented programming has a set of lingo that is associated with it as listed below for your information.
1. When we first describe a class, we are defining it (like with functions).
2. The word 'class' can be used when describing the code where the class is defined (like how a function is defined),
and it can also refer to an instance of that class - this can get confusing, so make sure you know in which form we
are talking about classes.
3. In class, the functions are frequently referred to as “method” when defined within a class.
4. The ability to group similar functions and variables together is called encapsulation.
5. A variable inside a class is known as an Attribute.
6. A function inside a class is known as a method.
7. A class is in the same category of things as variables, lists, dictionaries, etc. That is, they are objects.
8. A class is known as a 'data structure' - it holds data, and the methods to process that data.
Note on coding techniques and conventions:
1. Class names are usually capitalized, EachWordLikeThis, but this is only one of the Python coding conventions, not a
2. The second aspect is the “values of variables inside a function”. When a variable locates inside a function, it is a local
variable and the value it carries only exists inside this function.
3. The third convention on coding is to control the flow of executing the codes. Sometimes, the pass statement in Python
would be used. It is used when a statement is required syntactically but you do not want any command or code to
execute, which is like an empty set of braces (), [], or {}. It is a null operation, nothing happens when it executes. It also
is useful in places where your code will eventually go, but has not been written yet. Here is one example:
for letter in 'python':
if letter == 'h':
pass #or (),[], {}
print('This is pass block')
print('Current letter is:', letter)
4. Fundamental methods of developing good
coding skills are to make the coding shorter
and more efficient. Logical thinking and
systematic processing are the critical
thinking style that you have to develop for
developing computational codes for
architectural designs.
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