Document 10627905

Motion in Design – Spring 2016
Tianjin University, School of Architecture – Motion in Design
Spring 2016, S206E057, 1.5 Credits, 24 course hours 5/16/2016-5/26/2016
Email address:
Meeting time & place:
Course Web address:
Chiu-Shui Chan, Ph.D
See the course schedule, Rm: 西樓107
“I can never stand still,”
“I must explore and experiment,”
I am never satisfied with my work,”
“I resent the limitations of my own imagination.”
-- Walt Disney --
1. Students with Disabilities:
ADA policy statement: If you have any condition, such as a physical or mental disability, which will make
it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined below, please notify me in the first two days of the
meeting period so that we may make appropriate accommodations.
2. Tentative Class Schedule (will be changed as necessary)
EV: 西樓107,
6:30-10 pm
AM: 西樓107,
8:30-12 pm
PM: 西樓107,
1:30-5 pm
PM: 西樓107,
1:30-5 pm
EV: 西樓107,
6:30-10 pm
EV: 西樓107,
6:30-10 pm
3. Introductions
Digital design and digital architecture consist of the following major concentrations:
1. Geometric and solid modelling, BIM modelling
2. GIS / City modelling
3. Virtual reality and interactive environments
4. Digital fabrication and construction prototypes
5. Generative, parametric and evolutionary design
6. Design tool development
7. Shape studies / Shape grammar
8. Collaborative design / Virtual design studio
9. Ubiquitous and mobile design computing
10. Human-Computer Interaction / User participation in design
Some of these concentrations are available or have been covered here at TU. Yet, in this course, the concentration would
be on:
1. Parametric modeling of Rhino, algorithmic reasoning in design through Grasshopper, basic programming of
Python, and the interface between Python and Grasshopper in Rhino.
2. Backward design thinking.
3. Interaction between platforms.
Two components of digital media had been explored historically and explicitly in the class. One is “motion in
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Motion in Design – Spring 2016
design product”, and the other one is “design through motion”. “Motion existing in design products” relates to the
methods, impacts, and effects of putting motion into design, whereas “design through motion” refers to the design of
motion and action. Motion that existed in design products could be accomplished by animation (see video), whereas
design through motion could be done by utilizing motion capture to catch the motion data (see video) or by utilizing
parametric modeling to catch the results of movement. This semester, parametric modeling for accomplishing
motion in design is the focus.
4. Objectives
This course will cover three major and one minor components of parametric modeling in architectural design to visualize
the motion in design. Component one is Rhino modeling. Component two is Grasshopper, and the third component is
Python Programming in Rhino. It is expected to work in Rhino to generate a design for the purposes of equipping
yourself with a good knowledge and skills on parametric modeling. You have to “spend time” to do a lot of exercises for
being able to fully control the use of the system, particularly on consciously utilizing and formalizing design logic and
reasoning. We have to decide which major concentration that we shall spend more time on it.
5. Installations
For your information, the Rhino program has free trial version that could be used for free with the condition that it
provides 25 times of saving files. If it is over the limit, the system will be expired. So, you have to be careful on the use
of free trials. Yet, Rhino offers student version with very attractive student discount (around $100).
The Grasshopper, Processing, and Python interpreter are free download software. These three platforms are
independent system, but, all run inside the Rhino environment. Therefore, Robert McNell & Associates, the company
developed these systems, handles the operation and management of these plugins.
Please load these files in your own machine and bring the machine to class and work in class, if you want to. But,
these systems are available in the lab as well. After going through the lab exercises and lectures, you will be very
familiar with skills on 3D solid modeling, algorithmic application, and computer programming. If you have any
questions on programming, we could do the best to fit the learning curve.
6. Projects and exercises
It is expected to apply Rhino to generate a digital model through the Grasshopper and Python programming. Two
examples are given here for your reference. It is not required to have the physical form completed as the final
requirement. Yet, it is required to generate such a form digitally.
7. Expectation and grading
All assignments will be graded by points, and the final grade is the accumulation of all assignments weight and
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Motion in Design – Spring 2016
determined by the following scale:
Point grade
(max 100)
Quality of work
Exceptional work, above standards
Satisfactory work, meet standards
Unsatisfactory work, below standards
Deficient work
Failure, course needs to be repeated
8. Things that would affect the final grade:
1. Projects will be graded on the completeness of presentation, imaginations applied, and the creativity
expressed. The schedule of deadlines will be strictly enforced. Incompletes will not be given without
extenuating circumstances.
2. According to the general department regulations, students are required to attend every class. Class
participation is critical for final grade evaluation.
3. More than three unexcused absences during the course of the semester may either result in the reduction
of the semester grade, or fail the course. An absence of class will result in many times more effort and
time to catch up with the class.
4. During the class, turn off your cell phone and put it away. It is not respectful to answer cell phone calls or
send text message in the class.
9. Tutorial Resources:
Here are the on line tutorial resources.
1. Rhino: Rhino 5 Essential Training:
2. Grasshopper:
3. Grasshopper: Up and Running with Grassphopper at,
4. Grasshopper tutorial:
5. Rhino Python Tutorials:
6. Python: Up and Running with Python,
There are course outlines available that will provide detailed steps and procedures of executing tasks. You
should complete every exercise to get good understandings of the three major parametric modeling systems.
10. How to Learn in This Class:
The tutorials are designed not only to let you master the fundamental knowledge of computer applications, but
also to introduce you with some systematic methods of design computing and animation. You should focus on
the application of tutorials, on homework and projects. Learn the theories behind the applications. Don't miss
any tutorials or any part of a tutorial. All tutorials are important for completing the assignment projects.
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