I ,,- 14 ~C_JULI THE VTLOCITY POTENTIAL OF AN HYPERBOLIC HORN by JOHN EDWIN FREEHAFER B.S.,Lehigh University 1931 M.S.,Lehigh University 1933 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY from the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1937 Signature of Author.. v.............. Department of Physics, May 13, 1937 Signature of Professor in Charge of Research ... Signature of Chairman ojDepartment. Committee on Graduate Students.... / _.,-_.-- \ ~C1_ __ --1C TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I II III INTRODUCTION V VI . . . . . . . . . THE CHARACTERISTIC VALUES . . . . . . 1 . . 7 THE FIRST CHARACTERISTIC VALUE AIND FUNCTION . IV . . . . . . . . NORMALIZATION OF THE FIRST CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION. THE SECOND AND HIGHER CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS THE RADIAL FUNCTIONS . BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 215592 . . . . a * . • 0 • 0 S 0 20 ** .0 0 . 0 0 0. 0 0 24 14 . . 32 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 40 I_ ~- --1- ABSTRACT The wave equation is separable in the oblate spheroidal coordinate system, and hence it is possible to reduce the problem of finding the velocity potential within a horn bounded by an hyperboloid of one sheet to a study of the ordinary differential equations which result from the separation. It turns out that both the radial and angular functions can be obtained if we have adequate knowledge of the solutions of the one ordinary differential equation (-_1) W"- 2(.Q.+I) 7 W' + (b -C2)W where a is an integer, c =0 is prescribed by the frequency of the wave and b is chosen so that W(1)= 1 and W (z.)- O, zo being the cosine of one half the angular opening of the horn. In the case of a velocity potential which is symmetrical about the axis of the horn, a is zero and this case is the one which is investigated. For a given value of cZ, b is limited to a set of values b, , the so-called characteristic values. The b,'s are functions of c , and a method is given for expressing the b's in a series of powers of c. Simultaneously one obtains expressions for the characteristic functions. For the range of values of c2 in which we are interested, the b's are approximately linear in c . Curves giving the first MWF-M_ three characteristic functions over an appropriate range of values of c for 15"and 300horns have been obtained experi- mentally by means of the differential analyzer, the characteristic values having been computed from the theory. These curves show that the first characteristic function is the one most dependent upon c* . A given characteristic function shows less dependency upon c , the smaller the angular opening of the horn. In order to obtain the radial functions it is necessary to represent solutions of the differential equation, given above, over the entire imaginary axis. The exact representation is rendered difficult by the singular points of the equation at 1. Accordingly the W-K-B approximation is derived in such a way that it is possible to get a second order approximation and hence to establish the validity of using this method of representing the radial functions. Two cases occur according to whether b is positive or negative. In the case of positive b, there is a region in the vicinity of the diaphragm within which the disturbance is not propagated as a wave. It is also shown that the phase velocity at points near the throat is a function of frequency; so that the air behaves like a dispersive medium. Finally a picture is obtained of the velocity potential of the elementary waves, which combine to form a given wave within the horn, which in the case of the first elementary wave shows a marked departure from the conditions which obtain within a conical horn. NW-PNMi i -- · THE VELOCITY POTENTIAL OF AN HYPERBOLIC HORN I Introduction Since the wave equation in the oblate spheroidal coordinate system is separable, it is possible to calculate the velocity potential of a horn formed by rotating an hyperbola about an axis perpendicular to the line joining its foci. Consider points lying in a plane through the f-axis making an angle qý with the f-axis and let r be the distance of a point from the 7-axis. The coordinates jA and 8 are defined by the equations By eliminating r= -~coshA sine SSIl@A COS6 e, we obtain O + showing that all points for which~Ais a constant lie on an ellipse whose foci are at r=+-oi and whose major and minor axes are cos and respectively. By eliminating .A, S'cl we obtain I S- and hence, all points for which A•is a constant lie on an hyperbola whose asymptotes make an angle 6 with the ~-axis and whose foci are coincident with those of the ellipse. See Fig.1 The Cartesian coordinates f, r and 7 dal coordinates are of a point whose spheroi- 9,, and 97 are therefore given by - S Q sin 6E) cos csi51"o 2 sinC The boundary surface of the horn is obtained by putting 6= 0o where e8is one half the angular opening of the horn. The radius of the throat is(,/X)SiyeO Proceeding in the usual manner, we assume that the velocity potential V(heCP,t)is given by v= y (,,e.cp)ez -1- i ---- -· 111*1111-- where V is the frequency of the wave. The differential equation for 4) (obtained by putting V into the wave equation) is where v is the velocity of the wave. Let K= Z2 where N = wavelength. Equation (1) in oblate spheroidal coordinates is COA oA_ I Put - A- 2J - 'S/in 9 6E) 0 cosVIk sibn e () U Y = H () 0(e) + ) 4Q Equation (la) separates in a straightforward way, yielding the three ordinary differential equations __ (cios _ dt + + a and (32 are the separation constants. and hence a must be an integer. Fig. 1 -2- (3) fis single-valued __ ~ii~ii --- Now let us consider equation (3). We shall first change the dependent variable, defining W by the equation 0 = W sinae Equation (3) becomes -p )W=o a•--•Coso S+6(n a cose We now change independent variables by putting e= Case The equation for W is or (4--) where -2(4L+I)t +(b-e' U b . -.ftk- .. W 0-o LI) C Putting in the value of Iwe find -sin Radiation of shorter wavelength than the radius of the throat is not appreciably diffracted; accordingly, the maximum numerical value for c' in which we are interested is given by (Sin, 0 For a 15. horn -_00 < < 0 For a 30W horn - 160 < 0O Let us now return to equation (4), and change the dependent variable to F and the independent variable to x whereos M= Fo'sh >A X SIVAe Equation (4) then becomes or using the notation introduced previously +%.x+- F (b+c )F 0 (+(b) It is worth noting that by putting x= iz, equation (6) is reduced to equation (5). With the equations written in the form of (5) and (6) both x and z are real and 04x while z,< z<1 Now we shall seek V, a complex solution of the wave equation whose real part is the real velocity poteneA=o tial within the region bounded by the surfaces e-e. V must'satisfy Then R. and "= co. We shall call this region the following conditions: (1) It must be finite and single-valued in R. (2) Its normal derivative must vanish over the surface 8= eo Its normal derivative at.=o must be a function L(e. p.t) prescribed by the behavior of the diaphragm. (4) For large values offA, it must represent waves traveling out from the origin. *. If it is to repLet us consider the function resent conditions at the diaphragm which make sense physically, it must be a periodic function of p with period 2n . We shall assume that it is also periodic in t with period zu Now condition (2) requires thatA&(/c (=Q We can satisfy this requirement. y choosing b so that for a given pair of values of a and ct, (0/de=O. From this fact and the differential equation for the O's, it can be shown in the standard way that the O'sare orthogonal. That is, (3) J sl i O = 0= when b and s are unequal. 0 According to the Sturm-Louisville theory the set of O'sis also complete, so that we are able to write. Q. b,. In the notation used above, a b or c written as a subscript is intended to represent the ordinal number decreased by one of the particular member of the set of permissible values which the parameter is assuming at the time. We use bn to represent the(n+ st characteristic value because the (n+ st characteristic function has n zeros. -4- qii-~-I .·IW ·._ ~_ Thus o.4, means that a is zero, b is equal to the fifth characteristic value, and c has a value corresponding to ti second harmonic. Then by making use in the usual way of the orthogonal properties of the functions involved, it may be shown that Yk -i) C 0 The function V is then expressed in the form V = R, abe When r e MZ abc(ue Wet :o we must have by condition (3) that Thus to satisfy the boundary condition at the diaphragm we put For the simple case in which the diaphragm is assumed to move like a piston, the velocity at the diaphragm is independent of position and L= Vo• where Vo is the maximum velocity. For this case 0 Thus B is zero unless a = 0O and u=-We . We shall drop the sat scripts a and c, B. being the coefficient when b= b., a= 0, and c has only the one value obtained from the frequency at which the piston is being driven. Hence e. B, = V sine e,ade fO B n6 -5- s,ede .•~ .. Or in terms of W and 7 BA = V . W, (cose) de W, Il (cose) de and the velocity potential is given by v e .w.l Wt) F. n=0 -6- T II THE CHARACTERISTIC VALUES We now seek integrals of equation (5) which are consistent with conditions (~) and (2) stated above. Equation (5) has a regular singular point at +1. One integral of the equation is analytic at +1 and the other independent solutions have logarithmic singularities at that point, The condition of finiteness requires that we choose the analytic integral. The requirement that the normal derivative of the velocity potential shall vanish at the boundary requires in turn that LBI =o or in terms of W and 7- that - .)lk•I - .W-o2 =__ (7) These two conditions upon W limit the permissible values of b for a given value of cL to a discrete set, the so-called characteristic values. When b is a characteristic value, the integral W which is finite at +1 is a characteristic function. It is convenient , though not essential, to choose W(1)= 1. Let us represent the set of b's by b., b, , b2, where b,< b,, . We will label the corresponding functions Wo, WI, Wz, etc. It is well known from the Sturm-Louisville theory' that in the region from i°to 1, Wo has no zeros, W,, one zero etc. There is an interesting geometrical interpretation of equation (7). w(*)/w~gis evidently the distance between the point Z.and the intercept on the z-axis of the , then when a= 1, tangent drawn to the curve at- .. Let D=_:i the tangents drawn to the characteristic ~functions at a. all pass through the point P which lies on the axis at a When a = 2 all of the tangents distance D to the left of 4•a pass through P'which is only one half as far away from e. as P etc. When a=0 the tangents are parallel to the ?-axis. These relationships are indicated in Fig. 2 See Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations Chapter X See Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations Chapter X -7- C.= 2 Fig.2 and When a= O, the velocity potential is independent of<r horn. the of axis the about symmetry cylindrical shows hence We shall confine our attention to this case. Equation (5) reduces to 0 C••0___(-e (Q--•) lhkW _ (W and the characteristic functions W have zero derivatives at L,. Putting z =l in equation (5) and recalling that W(1) = 1, we obtain (= W'(1) u- Now b-cialmust be positive at least over a portion of the range from ?- to 1; otherwise the functions are monotonic and could not have zero derivatives at Z. . Remembering that c' is negative we conclude that b- Cz > o It also follows that all of the characteristic functions have positive slopes at +1. Hence the first, second, fourth, sixth etc. characteristic functions have minima at 7, and the odd-numbered characteristic functions except the first have maxima. The ever-numbered characteristic functions are all positive at 7oand the odd-numbered ones are all negative. These relationships are clear from Fig. 3 -8- ~L FA~~A.1·I w."e Wo CIIA~ ~·LC·A~ M)to) "0 Wn(-EC) If we put -=Z. in 5a and solve for b, we obtain Fig. 3 ) "(u..____ . -0-s ) w W (a.) b =- Now (1- 40)>O and hence for the first characteristic function b < cOZ, . For all other characteristic functions b > c 2z, . Thus we may summarize c2 < b. < c 2 Z C ,-lrb n o be is thus confined to the space between the lines b = cz and b= cfz t2 n , bn (n o ) must lie above the line b -- c We are interested in finding the b 's as a function It turns out that if the b 's together with the of c characteristic functions are known for some value of c t , say k, the characteristic values and functions may be obtained for values of cL in the neighborhood of k. Since the method applies for all values of a provided that the boundary condition at m, is that the derivative of the characteristic function is zero, it may be of interest to carry through the discussion retaining E even though the results obtained for a different from zero do not apply to the horn problem. For the sake of ease in writing we shall put Y= 0c We now seek values of b such that the integral which is finite at •1 of the equation ) w"- 2 Co+0 .W' +(b-. E) W = O (5C.) (-1.W has a zero derivative at !o expanded in powersof y- K). . We assume that b and W can be Thus b =I e,(Y- K) S=o where the e's are constants and the f's are functions of -9- . -- i ___ Substitution of these expressions into the differential equation yields 5o cc s t- :e nfs • - =0 Irn--o 5=0 Rewriting the double sum as a single sum and equating the coefficient of (Y-K)s to zero, we obtain a differential s equation for fs 0-"')f- -2(t+I) z f',+ (e-K e~- )f- - fs =(- (1) If W (1) is to be finite then evidently fs(1) must be finite. Likewise if W'(2.) = 0 for all values of Y, then fs( m) = 0. We have assumed that we have complete information about the characteristic values and functions when y=k, so that e. and fo are known and equation (8) may be used to determine the e's and f's successively. It is easily verified that equation (8) may be written ettcLl-' II + Ce.- KZ)(1- e) 0"fs ( 1 ~zy){Cl2-e)f - -, S eZ s-m - A Note that O:pj-tL r*foI + (e0-KEL 1;Lf) = o and therefore f, is an integral of the homogeneous equation corresponding to (8a). fis known and hence we can integrate If v satisfies the differential equation (80. 4 (rv') +SV=0 then an integral of the equation is given by = 5V4 3",' -10- -W __ __ I It follows then that f5 Now fs ( = 6 ) = 1t·c& o5[ o and fs (1) is finite. Accordingly S (t-E)*(~(fef-b~ emfs-jf.fd0 =o when -=.or 1. The first condition is met by taking Z, as the lower limit of integration; the second, by choosing es so that I S S(-1)GjZl e,)f,, or e,. emfs4-] = O a Zoensr -Z Cmf,, ~lr"c'e), ( iZ)ý 4 (9) gfl (10) Equation (10) does not yield et . For s =1 equation (9) is and hence E e fo ) z 0 can be computed if we know es-, , es-, ......* fs-Z , ...... fe * Then fs e and fr-, can be determined from the ex- pression 1k ) CL+1 f2 -11- I0? -If ___ · which by the use of equation (9) becomes The lower limit of the outer integral is chosen so that fS(1)= 0 and hence W(1) is independent ofT. The usefulness of this method, of course, depends upon a complete knowledge of the characteristic values and functions at = k. Now if k be taken equal to zero, equation (8) for s= 0 becomes (I- )ffo"- 2("-"tf.o +eofo= 0 which is the equation for the associated Legendre functions. f is then Pn, where n must be so chosen that P (Z' 0. e. is obtained from the relationship 0z)= e,= n(nUl) There is a method given by Bholanath Pal of computing the values of n for which a•P-M(z)= 0 for given values of z and m. His paper very conveniently furnishes tables from which the following values are taken I Roots of The Equation Zo COS Ph(z,) - 0 Z7%oCOS 15 300 n(n+l) n n(nt 1) n 14.12 213.5 6.83 53.5 26.29 717.5 12.89 179.0 18.93 358.5 38.35 1509. It is of course possible to obtain values of e0 for all values of z and m. jBulletin of the Calcutta Math. Soc. vol. ix (1917-1918), p.85 and vol x (1918-1919), p. 187 -12-9 I The method outlined above has the advantage that the characteristic function is obtained simultaneously with the characteristic value. ___ ___I_ III THE FIRST CHARACTERISTIC VALUE AND FLUNCTION The first characteristic function is by far the easiest to treat. This is a consequence of the fact that fo = 1 and e,= 0 for all values of z. . In the following discussion a is taken equal to zero. For this case I I EafcL +3 =f:.~ 3 From equation (11) I 0iz =Je,) ' Z,-a•J 1 f 2 :a 3a -P)• : •_ (•-3-e') log C1+-z)- Ij r 1 6- _ - ( _3L e l)÷101 b 6-z r+;+ or ,-- -~ e, where 3 f 3 is calculated from the expression which obtined is by putting s2 d a inequation (11). which is obtained by putting s = 2 and a= 0 in -14- equation (11). 1 __1_ -- ~- The calculation involves exceedingly tedious algebraic manipulation. We shall accordingly state the result and then verify it. f2-. 13 924-2.Zz+13 -6 e 92. 4.+) +(7-3 0)'lo9 t n-=' ( 2.) This expression is correct if it vanishes at z= 1 and if it satisfies the differential equation o -e Lf =(-(I- -e,) •, _•-) • .-zi•) = _- where fl, - 19 aM acnd f, Let us put 1 Re6 The equation for f. may thus be written 2 ~2.By differentiating equation (12), we obtain ao Now Iog It " h+Z o - -- -15- ~__ _. i_ i.-e WR ~· .... . -_ i_ hence S (4a-6)- 99= - 1 fP ± -FIb + 6t log L + L-.5 lI 1+1 £+& 03) I-E'-7~ 3 and fx 13 + 2. - -e.3.-3 -+1-.(.-• 8 aol0)9 C'-1 +Q)Io51 - j+e, l(,) 2 - 45z++60 z4-IS As -37 +6z-3-6 (-2n2+1_ Z2) - 1) Z e 3x~2 1 t 2 log Hence - 314+ 4ta-I + d) a 2- 109 'j - )1 We have thus verified that f, as expressed in equation (12) satisfies the differential equation. f,(l) is obviously zero. e- is obtained by putting f, (Z ) = 0. e= ex__F I+ +Z. log a) ( 135 If 1, is expressed in terms e, becomes 29 99 I9 9 e- 2 +Is e4 L91 of of X--to)- (,O the expression or Z. , expression the 92+ _ 5 )2 I+-?--9 I M,O 9 1o3 '+. +70 270 270 270 ,+4 9 -16- for g9.3-•i27•-14 +4 270 30O+60.3+30a 2 9. 4+9ij0-- t.) 109 ý+o O+7-3.-2 1-9o kniMMEMOM ° X -13 + - 9 0 4) The form in which we have expressed f2 and ez is not suitable for computation. In order that the series for W and b may converge with convenient rapidity it is necessary that fp and e1 be small numbers. As expressed in equations (12) and (14) f, and ez are the differences of large numbers, and to compute them requires carrying an inconvenient number of significant figures. It turns out that e 2 contains (1-z, ) as a factor, which is removed in the following way. Using the expansion for log - S+4 2 o2 11 9 1"35 e2,+ , we may write Z8 Z849 + njn +3£72 135 n=4 By expanding and then collecting terms, we arrive at e = -s0.• s' +0 z0c ir.-8 540 9 h=4 The numerator of the fraction is factored by synthetic division -5+15-3-23 +12+12-8 _1 - 5+10+7-16- 4.8 -5+10 + -76-49 +8 O U1 - 5 +5+12-4 -8 -5+ 5+1i2- 4-8 - 5+ 0+12+8 -5 + o0n2 + 8 0- 1 c The numerator must therefore contain (z.-1)3as a factor. -17- n-1 ~0___ **Iiiia ~ __L -e _· ... ·I ·_ Hence e. Q 0-)3 [ - .8 (00I+ - 2 (-) -4 n=4 The series in equation (15) converges rapidly for the values of z. in which we are interested and equation (15) is entirely satisfactory for computing e2 We now turn our attention to fz * It is desirable to introduce the following definitions. A (z) = 9z 4 - 2 2z+ . 13 1080 B (z) 2 log 1+z + 2 135 (2z -6z + 4) + (7-3z2 ) log l+z (z) - log 1z + (1-z) 1 ( 2 ) n 2 By putting log lz -.(1z) 1 ,,,( 2 )" n , it is possible to factor 2 (l-z) out of each one of the functions A 1 and U. Thus for the case of 3 ~L'1••2 (vY* A(1)- 1080 " I 9Z4-2a1 +88+ -- ( )Z(') "-2)- : W 2 -- 4 02 [ 9A2I+E-I In a similar way it may be shown that 2. = L)124~ 2 fl2. (~i~)~1 The expression for C is transformed in the following way. :- 2-2)n -18- " WAýi . From equation (12) f,= t (L) -A8 u)+ezlay 2(r)-e, I Or if we put ) f 2 f•= e etc- ) (um~ 1 [F1( Q-t)1 ()c(.)]+ f e,lo 9 A, B and C are independent of zo so that when once they are computed they hold for all horns and all frequencies. It is not practical to obtain f3 and e3 as explicit functions of z. We may summarize the results of this section as follows. For the first characteristic value and function: eo=o ef,= I 18 where A(s) - __ _•9"'+_8L-5 G(s),Z -Lf z -9e, =1 3 ~ .- )-e C) -19- ) ce ~ _I ~LCF~ _~___ ----- i_. ~ ~ IV NORMALIZATION OF THE FIRST CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION met by The boundary condition at the diaphragm is expanding a prescribed function in a series of the characteristic functions. It is therefore necessary to know the value or VC\ W -- This integration may be carried out for the first characteristic function in the following way. fr4 + -Y2-v *-. - 0f W ff W2 = fk + 2f.fy.+ f-.. + 2, W'a= - ,+f)7a* . : ff, 4 + Y, . . off,). * fo is 1, so that for normalization we need the following integrals I , ofeds Af- o and -- "" 2 - -" Using the expansion for log J+z, and expressing F# in terms 2 of z, , we obtain ,- I-.-o [ )'Z* ( -") •-c• _'_- _-___)+ v Ob b 3 -20- z ~ + + Z••" 4 ' . .- * a , - - OW110 I · ~I I·- To obtain If dz, we evaluate B(z)dz A(z)dz, and i(z)dz . It is easily verified by differentiation that X(z)dz. - 2(lizo) log L+ 27(1-5)-l10(l-z)-45(1-sz) 2 135 S16,200 Using the expansion for the logarithm we obtain in the same way as before. + -3 5, In a similar manner we find (-)t = (I 77-(3_6- o ')o-6)- - J and I I }{act Now where = IT+ e•• 0 1 I Tt o If (9)e( ( - ()d - () If all quantities are expressed in terms of zo , we have I:(1Z) 3 27z•2+81z,+22 z~z~;1) 1(z .3z,, -6) 8+" 54 5-40 z____l)2 9 n-1 n=t 8 +5 16,200 (1- z n+ ( 2 n ,,, .· I_ ~__ --f ~· _C ·· __· __· __ __ __ The quantity within the braces contains (1-zo) as a factor which is removed in the manner illustrated above. It turns out that 7a 2+ b6S 0o+-57Z -375 -s-,0so 0= 144 1800 4 +2 3+1) +" + n=4 It is readily shown that Clog Thus e2 (,o9 " ' - 0 'T-q r- contains (1-z I.!_.' a - 1 o) - n-( 22 5 We have shown how to calculate I and e. If~dz is calculated from thee relation e ei jfdz. Finally we must obtain an expression for k\b 4 7 -%-1 ,a 2: ] - or a 2 L ) o + ,4 102 I+F 2 1+ 2 It may be verified by differentiation in respect to zathat ¶' f,3d = I-n 6 2 36 ± 2e,- Z _ [-.+ When e"is expressed in terms of z,, -15 739*-.3 + 199 [=(389' zo 11:og(2 Z. 'h- M1 -22- 109 1+t 2 the expression becomes (, 0 24 - 0.5zo 4 90-62.1 The expansion for the logYterm is 1)-3- ej d 9f,2 2 e. (, - &,(lts.)lo91( I4t·) zi 2 og +Z MWM- ___ jl By using this expansion for log together with that for log we obtain successively f,2 dz (l-o) [210z+391zN+102z S - . . -67z,+24 1620 1-- 3 2 36 : . .e..(+z). (7i-2) ) 108 ftIdz n ((1-zo)1 195zoa-330Zo + 43z .2 -56z.-+ 48 .3240 Znl 216 8OZ 4[z .5Z -5_ll+22 *2, 3240 I 7.6 dz 2 (l)-so ) ,205z2 ... .+135z _ z (Zo +105z 12960 + 215z + I-1 288 _ za(z.ot-l (7zo-2) 864 V t IM L. 192 -) n-S T ,o)-s-t(Z1 n=S We are thus able to compute J•wdz and Iwzdz for the range of variables over which the series converg6. It is evident that the smaller the angular opening of the horn the better is the convergence. -23- ii --- " C· V THE SECOND AND HIGHER CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS As we have seen above, the first few e's and f's first characteristic value and function may be exthe for pressed explicitly as functions of ze A different method of approach must be used for the second and higher values. Here again the method can be applied when a is different from zero, the boundary condition at zo being that W'(zo)= O, and it is interesting to retain the I in the discussion even though for cases in which a40 the boundary condition is not appropriate to the horn problem. Let us suppose, just as we did before, that 2 all of the characteristic values and functions are known for c =k. Denote these functions by p.and the corresponding characteristic values by dn * The set of Pn's is orthogonal and complete so that the f's may be expanded in a series of the p's mA o where - a The boundary conditions are thus automatically satisfied, It is also possible to expand ztf, in a series of p's. Thus 2. 2.P '- , where CISM q No Replacing fS by its series expansion, we obtain h to notao V" d If we introduce the notation wVn then M Eao '%,--e) p,,,p,, -I2~1-t')2. I) co s' K v, -24 -24- r .... - -- -- I ·-· The differential equation for fs is Q- i)4s'- Z(a.i-)-zf• + (,eo- •z)•-- l-Zfs-, S-w- In order to obtain ase, we substitute the expansion for fS the differential equation obtaining into @0 m+o += m-o It must be noted that fo is some one of the p's. If we are seeking the (r÷ 1 )"* characteristic function then fr Pr and likewise eo=d,. We must also recall that the p's, being characteristic functions with characteristic values d when cL=k, satisfy the equation -?(L+) 1)-K (I-wiZ)p and hence equation (16) CO 1 ) P C= EP2, dm Pm becomes CO Z(C1 r'P., Z m= ho = p,-2 (S .,.,, rzOO tY"=O e ) +=I By equating coefficients oC pihwe obtain cxSn- C-51 ým-I ct me Now p=,. fo* It is therefore a solution of the homogeneous equation corresponding to equation (8); and consequently, any integral of (8) still satisfies the equation if it be increased byWpr, where u is an arbitrary constant. Accordingly aSr is completely arbitrary'and the numerator of the second member of equation (17) must vanish when s =r. This yields the condition from which es is computed. s or S G~or asr is arbitrary in the sense that it is an integration constant..It is actually chosen so that fs(1)= 0 -25- IMWim I - P o utor and since fo-Pr Writing we have aor= 1. Cs-a,r = ,Kr, we obtain S-i Sdo e= I s-ls,n Krn-- Z OL-.ret Notice that due to the orthogonal properties of the p's aon= 0 if n cr . From the expression given above for es o Hence eS cco where ion for"z0sm S-J Cls-,, Kn -Zn- -tr (18) t-z i~ans n is not taken equal to terms of the k's is S- , m Km~n ICs",n . The express(J9) dr-dCIm We are thus in a position to determine the a's in turn and likewise the e's. To apply this method we make use of the fact that when k=0 the p's are the associated Legendre functions of the first kind whose properties are well known. The discussion is now restricted to the case of a = 0. As an illustration let us compute the second characteristic value for a 300 horn. From Pal's investigation we know that the characteristic functions for c 2:0 are Po , P6 Pf 89 , P~8 1 93 etc. Since we are seeking the second characteristic value e,= (6.83)(1+ 6.83)= 53.5= dr . Likewise P,=P6s6 3 . Now e, = Krr = : S os3 o Sos 30. (0.83 . There is unfortunately no analytic method for evaluating the integrals which are involved in the expression for e,. Accordingly we are forced to use graphical means. Tallqvist' has published five place tables of P,(cose ) for integral values of n up to and including 32,e ranging from • to 90" in steps of one degree. The fractional order Pts can be iTallqvist : Tafeln der 24 ersten Kugelfunktionen P, (cos e) and Tafeln der Kugelfunktionen P2 (cos e) bis P3a(cos e ) Societas Scientiarum Fennica Commentationes Physico-Iathematicae vi 3 and Vi 10 -26- C___ :_~___ -~~-- obtained to three places from the tables by plotting P, (cose) against n for a given 0 . The followinga integrals were determined graphically. ios 30 108C[Z= IC 0Z224 ° 2.4 d S. d -000930 2 P -•.&Z 00388 coS 300 Cal 30o P2 3&L_= .02o3 I Co• 30o dt - . 02.3 12,89 Accordingly _~ e,- .0203 = .02022 -oTz5 's. We next determine the a, c From (19) a dmn-om aon G. - OL I .914 n= O But a on : 0 unless n =r aor = Therefore: rr Kmv"r - where -Im KImr dp~ Z~ p; tCd 0•p SI Thus dI too P •• . ~. oPp. CL 3.=8-10'3 (53. X.134) =r- 53.5-0 - S?~ooS = 5.41 x 10 da Pc -2 , . CoS 300 4 I53 d CoS 300Pr 89 P63 Cos 30 "' - 6. 02 XIO - 9.3 xi0 QX5. 5)(. Oi2-3) -27- 2 I______ _goMINNOW __1_-- _ From (18) e2. 27 in Kr"n Ko g p,pod Vj= ,,KO o= k 12 + +0(,Z P Pip 2 P6 a3 P12. K,~t C0-3 JCas Accordingly 3 0 2.U.75 %10o d CS 30"* P6.93 to 175 3.88o R ;t 3 .8 o n 9.30 x10 I -4 2.22 x 10' = 4.18 x 10- , ') -(6.02glo- 4)(4.18x o-') ..-e =(s.4/x o4)(1-.7Sx Hence the second characteristic value for 300 is 4 b = 53.5 '+ 0.914cet+7.0o• io'•-C. + ...... 7With the use of the following additional it is possible to obtain the coefficients in the of the third characteristic value for 300and for and for 15f. .. . . third .... . . characteristic . ..... . . . . . . . . . vi values . . . .. f r 1 Ie 7.0x 105 given by: integrals expansions the second A P .c= 0.00o555 d1o= 0.o0113 0o'S15 COS 30o ,,, . IX P, A =_ 3 xi 0-' IOSSO e. p 22 FS.2 14.115J Ico IS5 -0.00542 dE =0.00308 -- 4 2. 2-29 216.29 P 14.12 0. 00302 SP 5. 10o5 COIlSo The coefficients in the expansions for the first characteristic values are computed from equation (14). The expressions for the first three characteristic functions for 15 ° and 3 0 °are summarized below. eo= I15" S So = 30o bo= 0.96631C2-I.607xIO'¢ -. .. b,: 2Z1.5+0.977c z + O(C4 do')+.÷ ' t b,= 717.5 o0.980 C2 0 (C4xl '-)+ ..- ba= 0.8720 c- 9.0486 x dC4+.. . 5 ) bi.= 179.o + o.919 cz + 0 (C4r10- The convergence of a series representing a characteristic function depends to a large extent upon the value of e * -28- 20 b,1 53.5*0.914c2 +7.ox1Coc--. ' rii~iiii _ MM ai As we have pointed out previously b.h? c' zI for fl 1. Now all of the curves start out with a slope which is approximately one and if the intercept on the b-axis is not large the curve must bend soon after leaving the axis to keep from crossing the line b = c z.1 . Hence if eois small the series does not converge rapidly over as large an interval of cL as does a series for which e. is large. The second characteristic function for 300 is a case in point. The general features of the characteristic value curves are shown to an exaggerated extent in Fig. 4 10 Fig; 4 bomust lie between the straight lines b= c "z, and b= c * The other characteristic function curves start at the axis with approximately unit slope and approach the line b= c2 z 2 asymptotically. The expansion for b, does not converge rapidly because of the bend in the curve in the vicinity of c-=O. Figs. 5 and 6 are included to give a quantitative picture of the 15*and 30*cases. We have an interesting check on the values obtained by the method described above. Suppose that for a fixed value of c z plots are made, for a series of values of b, of W'(z) where W is that integral of equation (5a) which is unity at z= 1. From this set of curves, we can obtain W:'( z.) for various values of b. W'(z.) is then plotted against b and the characteristic values are the points where this curve crosses the axis. -29- __II: QiImiid i- ~_?___ -· The problem was originally approached along this line, the family of curves of W'(z) against z being obtained experimentally by means of the differential analyzer'. A comparison of the values of b,computed from equation (20) and obtained by means of the differential analyzer is given in the following table. b, for 30 c _ from 20 by D. A. - 50 8.5 8.3 -100 - 37.2 - 37.0 -150 - -200 -127.0 (2.0 " -126.0 There is considerable error involved in the differential analyzer method, especially in plotting !W'(zý against b. The agreement is good considering that both methods involve graphical processes. The accuracy with which we can know the first characteristic values is much higher than for the others because the coefficients in the expansion can be obtained by purely analytic means. If there were no other means available, the characteristic functions could be computed from the theory. It is more convenient, however, to calculate the characteristic values from equations (20) and then to use the differential analyzer to obtain the characteristic functions. The curves given in Figs. 7 and 8 with the exception of those for c =0 are the result of the procedure. The c2 : 0 curves were obtained from tables%. The higher functions show less and less dependency upon c1 , and a given characteristic function depends less upon c2 the smaller the angular opening of the horn.Thus in the 30*case, the third characteristic functions over the range of cl in which we are interested are all contained in the narrow band indicated in the figure. IFor a description of this machine see Bush, The Differential Analyzer, A New Machine in Solving Differential Equations, Journal of Franklin Institute Oct.1931. aloc.cit. -30- Qaiýwm_ .. I . In the 150case, the individual characteristic functions were not resolved by the analyzer. Hence only one curve is given. The second characteristic functions are contained in such a narrow band that it is not convenient to draw curves for ca between c 1 0 and ca* -600. Now the area under the c= 0 curves is zero and it follows, therefore, that for the case of a 15°horn and a diaphragm which behaves like a piston, the second characteristic function is not extremely important and the third characteristic function can be altogether neglected. In the 300case, the third characteristic function is not important. Another feature of the curves which is most clearly shown by the second characteristic function of the 300case is that at z- z., the curves are more nearly flat the higher the value of ct, Furthermore the curves for c2 - 0 for the functions except the first always lie closest to the axis S7~t no . These features indicate that lim W" (z.) 0 " e'%+ W- This supports our assertion that the characteristic value curves except the first approach the line b= caza_ asymptotically. For as we have already seen b= z -(1-z) o~w W (zTo) -( zo) Chcsr~cferis1ic t//c~ for /50 HOrn7I 800 600 50o D00 -400 -00 300 500 zoo b ert-•ic Values for 30 ° Horn 100 0 ,,D - 100 Fig 6 -200 _ ____I 1 -- - 1.0 W 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 ii- ' II ~ · · - -- -- --- 1. ------ ----------- _I_ _-----·· ftw;;ý II_ __ -----~I--LI---- W ).8 ).6 ).4 ).2 0 0.2 0.4 F I G. 8 MEN VI THE RADIAL FNC2TIONS The next step is to find a convenient representation of the functions which express the dependency of the velocity potential upon ).i, As was previously pointed out this problem can be reduced to that of finding F along the entire positive real axis where F satisfies the equation (1+xl) d2F + 2x dF dx' b+cx') F= 0 ......... (6a) dx and for large values of x represents a wave traveling out along the x-axis. The fundamental problem here is that of analytic continuation. Equation (6a), which is equation (5a) with z replaced by ix, has singular points at x=ti and x=ms We can therefore obtain series expansions of two independent integrals of (6a) which converge for Ixi-l. Let these integrals be represented by H.and H1 . It is likewise possible to obtain asymptotic series representations of two other independent integrals, say F and Fo which are valid whentcxl is large. F and Fare of the form. - F0 e i lezi u(x) o e_%i(x) x u is expressed as a series of descending powers of ex. It is evident that F represents a wave traveling outward since the phase decreases with increasing x. The radial problem would be completely solved if we could find A and B such that F=A (b,c2 ) Ho+B(b, c2 ) H, See for instance: Maclaurin: On the Solutions of the Equation (Va+kA)• -- 0 in Elliptic Coordinates and their Physical Applications. Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol.xvii Part I ___ _i~L dffiiiiI6 For the case in which b is chosen so that there exists one integral of (5a) which has no singularities in the finite portion of the complex plane, the connection problem has been solvediby using integral representations of the solutions. Thus solutions of (5a) may be written ,'fVW(a) = fc e icet t) u~t)dt where Q(t) itself satisfies (5a) and the path c is such that the bilinear concomitant vanishes. It seems unlikely that a suitable path exists when b is such that there is no solution which is finite at both +1 and -1. It is evident that the path may not pass through both +1 and -1 for a has a logarithmic singularity at one or the other of these points. If u is finite at +1, it is finite at that point only on one sheet of the Riemann surface so that a contour which starts at +1 and, after passing around -1, returns to +1 is unsatisfactory. Furthermore, attempts to find a closed contour on the Riemann surface which encircles one or both of the singular points have failed. It is not obvious that there exists a path such that one or the other of the two quantities (1-t 2 ) and (iczu-dA) dt vanishes at each end. There is another method which although theoretically possible is impractical. Expansions of solutions of the differential equation in a two-way Laurent series exist k which converge in the region outside of a circle of radius one about the origin. These solutions could be joined at a common point with the expansions about +1 and the connection would then be complete. The Laurent expansion is of the form where the s is determined by a continued fraction equation which insures the convergence of both the ascending and descending parts of the expansion. The equation for s must be solved by a cut and try method which is practically impossible to carry out because s is complex for the values of b involved. We know that the radial functions for large values of x represent waves traveling out along the x-axis. The amplitude as well as the wavelength depend upon x. t Stratton: Spheroidal Functions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol.21, 1 pp.51-62 cf. MacLaurin loc. cit -33- ~------~ Accordingly we are led to seek solutions of the form Sp(X)eiQt Q. Equation (6a) is of the self-adjoint form &Lr'j)t dx S q=o Let us assume y= Rewhere P, Q, r, s and x are all real. Substituting the expression for y into the differential j equation we obtain P+irtP+PQP =0 ir +sP ij PtrQ r-r Hence we have two equations rP-r42P +- s P0 O PP=O rC P t r*Q P +t The second one may be written (22) Hence A is the integration constant The first equation may be written P rP r Let us as a first approximation assume that P is a constant. Equation (22) yields Putting this value of Q in (21), we obtain (rs)Y4 Thus our first approximation to a solution of (21) is e This is the well-known Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. Let us carry the process one step further p= F If S e P _ __ -4 -34- 0-sr I Hence the second approximation to q is 4 4+ _ and the third approximation to P is A With the aid of this second order approximation, we can get some estimate of the error involved in using the W-K-B expression for the radial functions. Let A J- -F Z 45rr. ......... (24) Then P= [I + a r (sr.)- Thus A*L is a measure of the reliability of the W-K'B approximation. For equation (6a) where X= b/c' r = (+ xt) and S= -CaAh+X) Substituting these expressions into the equation (24) we obtain a_r_. 5 5(1+_s )'.Xx+ xOt'* 7-',Zx, )(htx')(a•+ ,)Q lb c' (t+x )(A+Y )3 This expression is evidently of the order of 1 so that the approximation becomes better as x increases. x ° We look then for the greatest error to be committed when x = 0. S(o) -8 -a a For the first characteristic value of a horn of reasonable angular opening A is approximately unity. We see then, that even when cl is as small as fifty, ~1) is mod- erately small compared to 1.The approximation be &es better as cl is increased. In the case of characteristic values other than the first, we must be careful in applying the W-K-B approximation that N is not too small. -35- M W FI PT PL~- i.e. that c2 is not in the vicinity of a root of one of the characteristic values. With this restriction in mind, we shall write S+ X XI)(I+XZ F = V4 where k is equal to ci(a real positive number)and X is assumed to be positive. Additional evidence for the validity of the WK-B approximation was furnished experimentally by comparison with differential analyzer solutions. In case X is negative X+t 2 has a zero at the point tx 2 <O0 and when x > x' Atx > 0. When x < x' ',I'. x' t In the vicinity of x ' the W-K-B approximation breaks down. It is to be noted that the exact solution which the expression represents asymptotically has no singuW.-Kx'. In order to get connections between the asympat larity totic representation of our function in the two regions we make use of the Kramers connection formulas. In the equation C)(rj + sM= let r be everywhere positive on the axis of reals and let S have a zero at x'. We shall call the region on the x-axis to the left of x', I and to the right, II. Let S < in I and c>o in II. Then it can be shown that if y is represented asymptotically in II by the expression y is approximated, but not asymptotically, in region I by dc Xi' the expression - AFor a complete discussion of these formulas see eremble, A Contribution to the B-V+K Method, Phys.Rev.vol.48(1935-6)p. 549 Kemble carries through the proof for r=l. However, there seems to be no reason why the argument is not equally valid when r has no roots in the neighborhood of x'and no real roots -36- 2' :L---;- Vis a constant which may have any value which does not 4) to be much smaller than I sin(-/ 4)l1. The cause (cos ('connection formula is written cos(f-n) e - cos x r rdx (IsIr) 4 I[sr]] By taking Y= 0, we have [[•JxJ}-d f' dx l -cos (Isl r) and by taking Y= -n/z 6sr] (Isr ) '4 Henc Ye e -A a (1e-~r) r)" 54 e .r' e Lsr]"'4 we have for region I Applying this exp:ression to ,,(6a), I Xta I -- 1xZ+X1 (i÷xa) •4 and for region II r- -x E : iK I (x'+x) (+x2) -37- X o ' d "- . Thus in the pegioi In I, F has a constant phase sinhflh '•Ii , t 0 andA= •-= for which spheroids the between back and moves air the and of position phase is independent The di! piston. non-rigid a of forth somewhat in the manner whic) for expansion the in turbance corresponding to a term vicinity the in wave as a b is positive is not propagated of the diaphragm. It is interesting to note, that the air near the throat is a dispersive medium. Let us consider the waves traveling outward along the axis of the horn. The phase is given by It follows then that the phase velocity w is expressed by w - C-M. (A V rr Ici1T I /?+X where v is the velocity which appears in the wave equation We see therefore that the phase velocity depends upon cz which in turn depends upon the frequency and hence waves of different frequency travel with different velocity. Likewise for a given frequency, the waves corresponding to the various allowed values of b are propagated with different velocities. As we have indicated in the introduction, any wave inside the horn can be considered to be the resultant of a suitable combination of elementary waves . Let us examine the velocity potential of the W, Fn eit first elementary wave. If the horn does not have too large an angular opening we may consider A to be unity. The real velocity potential is therefore given by V= ) cos(litKx) Because of the synnnetry about the axis of the horn we need to consider conditions in only one of the planes which passes through the axis. It is convenient to imagine that the velocity potential at any instant is plotted as a surface above a section through the axis. -38- II r Figs. 7 and 8 show that for a given value of x, the velocity potential is a maximum for z = 1. For a given value of z, the velocity potential is a damped cosine function of x. Thus the velocity potential surface has a series of peaks and depressions along the axis of the horn, the peaks and depressions becoming more and more pronounced the higher the frequency. A contour map of the surface will show the general features indicated in Fig. 9. The velocity at any point is perpendicular to the equipotential lines, so that there are points at which the velocity is transverse to the axis. This condition is noteworthy because a similar situation does not exist for the first elementary wave of a conical horn, the velocity potential of which being independent of the angular displacement from the axis shows no peaks. Fig. 10 indicates the velocity potential for the second elementary wave at t= 0. In this investigation we have considered the two fundamental problems which are encountered in establishing a foundation upon which to base a theoretical treatment of the hyperbolic horn. The first of these problems is the calculation of the characteristic values in order to obtain the characteristic functions; and the second, is the representation from the diaphragm to infinity of the radial functions. A method has been evolved for obtaining the characteristic values, and the validity of the W-K-B approximation to the radial functions has been established. Considered as a boundary value problem, the treatment is complete. Some of the more obvious physical consequences have been pointed out, but the details have yet to be deduced. It seems likely, for instance, that a comparison between the conical and hyperbolic horns will yield considerable information concerning the effect of the curvature at the throat. It is likewise both desirable and possible to investigate the case in which the diaphragm s considered to be a piston driven at a fixed frequency. I wish to express my indebtedness to Professor J. A. Stratton for his indispensable guidance and encouragerment. -39- Nili ~ q-l- --· - - -- Fi9 9 Fig 10 P- Peak D- Depression o -0 Potentiql 1--- " · BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE From 1927 to 1931, the author pursued a course of study at Lehigh University for which he was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics. During the next two years, as a teaching assistant in the IMathematics department at Lehigh, he carried on work for which he received the Masterts degree in 1933. In the same year he was awarded a graduate scholarship and admitted to the Graduate School of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During the years 1936 and 1937 he held an appointment as a Teaching Fellow in the Physics department of the Institute. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Mu Epsilon. -40-