Revised 9 June 1995
April 2, 1995
Utah State University
College of Education and
Learning Resource Program
Educational Technology (M.S. Degree)
Don C. Smellie
Don C. Smellie, Dept. Head
College of Education & Instructional
Technology Department
4. MAJOR GOAL OF THE PROJECT: This proposal is for funds to develop the M.S. Degree program emphasis in Educational Technology for delivery over EDNET to teachers in the state.
The Proposal is for expanding an existing degree program for delivery over EDNET to educators in Utah.
This project will: (1) Give hundreds of educators access to a Masters degree that will provide desperately needed information on the role of technology in the learning process, (2) use technologies to learn about technology as a systemic process in education, (3) allow educators to learn about the role of technology in making systemic change in education, (4) cause better utilization by educators of the technologies that have been purchased by the state with ETI and HETI funds.
Utah State University
Department of Instructional Technology
I. ABSTRACT (A Proposal for Category A-3-e)
Utah can be proud of its effort to improve education through both the
Public and Higher Educational Technology Initiatives. The majority of the funds have gone to purchase hardware and software, but relatively little for training teachers. This proposal is a request for funds to develop the existing Educational
Technology program emphasis in USU’s Department of Instructional Technology for delivery throughout the state of Utah over EDNET. Educators in Utah are expected to be current and up to speed on the latest technologies of instruction.
This degree program can be considered a much needed technology in-service opportunity for educators throughout the state. Nineteen courses plus a project make up the curriculum for the Educational Technology Degree.
This degree has been offered on the weekends where students have driven to Logan for a class on Friday evening and another one on Saturday morning. The need for this training is high and the educators who have completed their masters degree in Educational Technology have been very pleased with the knowledge and skills they can now apply in their classrooms. It is a proven area of vital importance in this age of technology. This degree offering has great potential to insure that the dollars being appropriated for technology by the legislature will have a positive impact on learning.
The existing weekend program is limited to about 30 students due to driving distance and hazards related to winter driving. It makes sense to expand the access electronically so teachers throughout the state can be better prepared to incorporate technology into the learning process. The ultimate benefactors will be students who will gain access to knowledge through creative uses of technology by their teachers in the classrooms and library media centers in Utah.
This is a proven program with a 15 year history. Teachers that have completed the degree apply what they learn in their classrooms. The problem is only that limited numbers can have access to it under the current delivery model.
Delivering this program over EDNET will require a process of redesign of the courses for distance education. Quality course design is critical to effective distance education. The nineteen courses will require enhanced syllabi, independent study modules, video production, and other materials as determined through a detailed needs assessment that follows instructional design practices.
1. Importance of the meeting HETI’s mission and goals a. The importance of the proposed project in meeting HETI’s mission and goals
It is time to work smarter in education and quit reinventing so much instruction. Technology has changed other professions such as agriculture and
medicine, but educators have been slow to adopt new technological practices.
Technology will play a major role in the restructure and transformation of education. A goal of this program is to help teachers begin thinking about how education can be restructured to improve how we do schooling. A systemic approach is needed to cause true reform in education, and educational technology will be a major player in the process. The literature is full of articles calling for major reform in education.
This program was planned to help educators understand the role of technology in improving the learning process. By having more teachers holding masters degrees in educational technology, they can combine their knowledge of their subject matter with new strategies utilizing technology to work smarter and be more effective. The students of today expect a more visual and exciting approach to their education. The degree also provides a “domino” effect, where teachers with the technology degree share ideas and help educate other teachers in their school about effective uses of instructional design and technology.
The bottom line is that never in the history of humankind has there been a greater need for a degree program in educational technology. The entire HETI will fail if teachers do not buy into the philosophy behind the use of technology I education at all levels. This degree will prepare educators to understand the proper role of technology in the learning process. Most educators think that technology is hardware only and do not understand that it is a systemic process.
This program will cause educators to see themselves as facilitators of learning
rather than dispensers of information. They will learn to become facilitators by gaining knowledge of the importance of well validated, technology based learning experiences. The program will model the proper use of technology in instruction, thus meeting the mission and goals of HETI. b. The curriculum development mission and HETI category to which this project is addressed.
The category is A.3.e. It is an existing degree program which has been available in Logan in the summer quarter, on weekends and over a three year period, and on COMNET from USU at one time. It is a popular content area, designed for teachers who love to teach, are not seeking a way to leave the classroom, but want to better understand the role of technology and effectively use it in their teaching. With all the focus on technology in the state, nation, and society in general, many teachers are feeling technologically illiterate. This is a degree program that will make the teachers comfortable with technology and help them facilitate learning through its effective and creative use. c. For projects in categories a, b, and/or c.
This proposal is not applicable to this section d. For pilot multimedia on demand courses in category 4.
Not applicable
e. For proposed programs in category e, provide evidence of demand via program needs assessment.
The primary need for this degree program is based on fifteen years of demand for the program in the state of Utah. The program continues to draw teachers based on the fact that currently there are over 30 teachers from Utah,
Idaho, and Wyoming matriculated in the program seeking the degree. Graduates of the program hold significant positions in technology related areas in the public schools, colleges, and universities in the state. The majority of graduates are employed in the public schools, which is important in that the objective is to improve the use of the technology in making the education of young people more efficient and effective.
A need exists for this degree. Most educators are struggling to understand the role of technology in the learning process. The less informed define technology as simply machines and not as a systemic way of designing, implementing and evaluating the process of learning and teaching with specific objectives based on research in human learning and communications.
Technology employs a combination of human and non-human resources to bring about more effective instruction. It is true that the systematic process of technology has resulted in the invention of many tools and devices that can help educators facilitate learning more efficiently and effectively. It is also true that most people think of computers when they hear the word technology but others include distance education, multimedia, CD-ROM, and videodisc technologies.
This program provides a perspective and a systematic approach to education, putting the tools and devices in their proper place as excellent resources to improve the education of young people.
The participants historically have had a love for education, want to stay in the schools and universities, but want a degree that opens new thinking and simulates them to improve their teaching and creativity through the use of technology and good use of instructional design. Some graduates of the
Educational Technology program have moved to the district level to lead technology initiatives. Graduates have become the “technology leaders” in the local schools, working with fellow teachers to encourage them to adopt new innovative practices.
2. Discuss why you feel this program is appropriate for delivery using the technologies being proposed.
The Instructional Technology Department at USU needs to be involved in providing education at a distance. This is part of what we do! This program will not only benefit educators in other disciplines, but it will allow the department that teaches distance learning curriculum to put what they preach into practice. With its exclusive academic role assignment by the State Board of Regents, a degree program on EDNET provides an opportunity to test and practice good principles of distance learning, and at the same time provide much needed knowledge about the systematic approach to technology important to educators in Utah.
EDNET provides for two way audio and video. It is a much better quality delivery system than audio-graphic systems. The proposed program requires that students at remote sites form into groups for peer interaction, individual and group presentations, EDNET will allow these more creative learning approaches.
1. Objectives of the program
Delivering the Educational Technology Masters Program over EDNET will: a. Increase access to the program for educators in Utah (currently limited to students driving to Logan) b. Provide a better quality learning experience than has been previously available because of the two-way video and audio capability of EDNET c. Improve the general level of knowledge related to the use of technology in the teaching/learning process among educators in Utah d. Cause more teachers to shift from the “dispensing” mode of instruction to a “facilitator” mode e. Allow development of individualized multimedia learning modules to support the television based instruction f. Incorporate the use of E-mail to support the written communication and feedback to students enrolled in the program g. Utilize LIBNET to facilitate student access to library materials to support the degree program
h. Plan for local teaching assistants or site coordinators to facilitate learning by the students enrolled in the courses (To be paid by tuition revenue) i. Use the delivery system to promote interaction, critical thinking, and team work among the remote student population
2. Instructional Technologies to be employed, including innovative attributes.
The chart outlining the proposed degree program is in Appendix A.
Technology changes and the curriculum is updated regularly to keep pace with the evolution of the field. The instructional development process which is a component of the program will provide the basis for employing a variety of technologies. The funds requested to be used to apply the ID process to the re-design of each of the nineteen courses in program for adaptation for delivery over EDNET. Based on an analysis of each course, appropriate technologies will be used to best meet the needs of learners.
3. Describe the general instructional strategies
A combination of discussion, lecture, demonstrations, individualized modules, peer instruction, and simulations will be used in the program.
Extensive use of Utah Link, to provide not only E-mail linkages but instruction to students, will be used by the faculty teaching the courses.
LIBNET will be used as part of the information resources back-up that is so important for a successful learning experience.
4. General types of information resources that must be provided
Each faculty person who takes the lead for a particular course will be responsible to apply sound instructional development (ID) practices to create the best learning experience based on delivery over EDNET. Since all faculty in the department are schooled in the ID process, it is natural to approach this task in a professional way. Most of the faculty have taught over COMNET, so they understand its limitations are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to develop courses for delivery over EDNET.
Establishing a strong relationship with the local facilitators at the
EDNET sites is very important. This is a resource that is critical to success of the proposed program. Naturally the variety of resources listed in earlier parts of this document are vital to a successful program.
5. Life expectancy of the program.
This program will take three years (18 credits a year, plus the culminating project) for students to complete. It is based on the assumption that the majority of the graduate students will be full time employees of school districts or colleges. It has been our experience that two 3 credit classes is a maximum load when working full time.
The life of the program based on the three year cycle should go on for years due to the relevance of the content (educational technology) to society. The initial development funds requested in this proposal will be a
good investment due to the continued demand for the knowledge and skills it provides to educators.
6. Existing materials which might be incorporated into the technology based course
Since this program is currently begin offered on the weekend, plus the fact that it has been in existence as part of the Department of Instructional
Technology curriculum for 15 years, many materials such as videos, audio tapes, handouts, exist. These can become the basis for further refinement and adaptation for use in the EDNET mode of delivery. Some extended syllabus were developed for COMNET delivery but will need updated and modified. By nature this topic changes rapidly, so new materials will be needed on a continual basis to keep the curriculum on the cutting edge.
USU’s program has nine full-time faculty and eight faculty who hold other responsibilities on campus. Twenty-two other individuals are employed on the campus hold degrees in instructional technology that could be tapped to teach courses in the department over the EDNET system. A pool of talent also exists in the local area who could be used to teach some of the department courses. It is our intent to staff the proposed program with the best faculty to insure success of the offering. This will be a highly visible program so it is very important that it be
done right to protect the fine national reputation enjoyed by the Department of
Instructional Technology at Utah State University.
Other support personnel include the Multimedia and Distance Learning
Services who have made their program available to insure a successful offering.
The Dean of USU’s Learning Resources Program, Dr. Glen Wilde has made it clear that this proposal has his full support. The USU Learning Resources includes the Library, Telephone Services, Graphics, the Faculty Assistance
Center for Teaching (FACT), Photo Services, Multimedia and Distance Learning
Services, and the Computer Center.
Dr. Rex Tueller, Dean of Continuing Education, has also provided his support of the proposed distance learning program. Continuing Education will administer the program from the university, be responsible for budgets, make credit arrangements with the USU College of Education Dean and Department
Head, process the registrations, coordinate with the facilitators at the receive sites, interface with the Director of EDNET and coordinate promotions of the program with the local site facilitators.
1. Activities a. Select Faculty for each course. This will be the team that will work with the instructional developers to design and develop the
courses for EDNET. An evaluator will also be identified that is not associated with the program. b. Select and use an ID model for taking each course through the development process. c. Develop the courses with the two courses scheduled for Fall
Quarter of 1996 as first and the other courses that follow in winter and spring next. This process The development will continue doing multiple courses until all nineteen are ready for
EDNET. Other development will include:
1. Preparation of graphics
2. Multimedia production (CD-ROM, etc.)
3. Preparation of Handout materials
4. Production of video clips
5. Development of individualized instruction modules
6. Coordination of needed library support materials
7. Training of instructors on the use of EDNET
8. Training of TA’s
9. Test and evaluation materials development
2. Timelines
The program will begin fall quarter with the 1996/97 academic year and will continue for the 1997/98, and 1998/99 academic years. The three year offering of the degree assumes the educators enrolled in the
program are employed full time. This assumption is based on the history of the program offered twice on weekends and on COMNET for several years.
The development will begin when the funding is available in 1995 and continue until all courses are ready for delivery. If the funds are available, preference would be to accelerate the development as faculty load permits, and instructional development time is available through the FACT Center during the 1995/96 academic year and the summer of 1996.
3. Instructor and Instructional design support
Utah State University is fortunate to have a well organized Learning
Resources Program which exists to support the faculty in these types of activities. Some of the individuals hold instructional development degrees from the department making this proposal. The Learning
Resources program not only coordinates library support, but also offers other services including: Multimedia and Distance Learning, and
Faculty Assistance Center for Teaching (FACT), which includes ID capability.
The Ins.T. Department also has graduate students who could be employed to assist in the design of the courses for EDNET.
4. Production services and facilities
Multimedia and Distance Learning Services at USU are well equipped to assist the production of video and multimedia resources to support the courses. Other production would be done using graduate assistants who are studying ID and employed in the Faculty Assistance
Center for Teaching.
5. Inservice requirements and strategies
Faculty in the Department of Instructional Technology have been trained in instructional design, and some in distance education. Most faculty will need specific training in the system, with help in becoming comfortable with its unique characteristics.
USU’s Department of Instructional Technology has a long history among educators in Utah. The department has an exclusive role assignment from the Utah State Board of Regents to offer degrees in educational/instructional technology related areas. This role assignment is what has caused USU to offer this program using other delivery systems for the past fifteen years.
The inset. program is housed in the College of Education at
USU, and has its roots with public education. This program will help public schools better incorporate technology into education.
Financial match is related to the support from the Learning
Resources Program, faculty contributions from work done in
Developing the current weekend program and work on the
COMNET system.
Dr. Eastmond, a faculty member in the program who teaches evaluation, will be used in the early stages of the program to work with the faculty to organize the evaluation component. Evaluation is one of the five key areas in the ID models, so it will be an important aspect of this program. When evaluating the actual program as it is delivered over EDNET, and evaluator from outside the faculty will be used.
The university is implementing a new course evaluation program this year which was selected after considerable research.
It will be used for the general course evaluation and feedback to the instructor. The outside evaluator will be used for over-all program evaluation which will include and evaluation of the delivery mechanism. (EDNET)
Formative evaluation will be on-going over the three years to include small group interviews, materials evaluation, examination of student products, and classroom observation. The summative
evaluation toward the end of the three year will look at expected and unanticipated consequences of the program. Eisner’s
Educational Criticism Model will be used for the underlying theory for both the formative and summative evaluation.
The budget is outlined in Appendix B. The Educational Technology program leads to a Master of Science degree and will require the completion of 60 credits. The program consists of nineteen three credit courses, plus three credits for the culminating project. While there are costs associated with the initial development of courses for delivery at a distance, the long range impact of this program on education in Utah is key. For electronic distance education to be successful and well accepted, it must be good quality.
Copyright clearance will have to be estimated at this point until planning is completed for each course. The budget in Appendix B includes an estimate for the nineteen courses. The USU Learning
Resources Program has in place a service to help obtain copyright clearance on materials used in distance education.