The GAF logo The RED BOX and the white type represent the most concise visual expression of the GAF brand. Strong, unique, simple, and timeless, it must be respected and applied to every GAF visual communication. Never, under any circumstances, should the logo be altered or recreated. Use only these approved guidelines when reproducing and applying the GAF signature logo. Clear space Clear space Clear space should be half the height of the letters (min.) Clear space Clear Space The RED BOX should always have a minimum space around it to ensure impact and legibility. As shown on the graphic, it’s recommended to keep a minimum amount of space around the red box equal to half the height of the letters. For example, the letters above are approximately 1” high. Therefore, when using the logo at the size shown above, you should maintain a minimum clear space around the logo of 1/2” (represented by the light blue shading). Full color RED: (this is the preferred logo for full color print usage) BLACK 2-color RED: (this is acceptable for use when full color printing would be prohibitively expensive) 100% Magenta 100% Yellow Pantone PMS 185 BLACK 1-color (for use only when 4-color or 2-color are not feasible or are prohibitively expensive, for example, when screen printing T-shirts or mugs or for embroidery) RED: Pantone PMS 185 Grayscale (this is NOT preferred and is for use only when you’re including the logo on something that is being printed with grayscale type) GRAYSCALE Color Color ia a key component of GAF’s visual identity. The consistent use of the colors accross brand communications builds recognition of the GAF brand, while contributing to a unified look and feel accross the board. Red is the main color. The exact tone may vary slightly according to the different methods and technologies used to reproduce it. Secondary Color Dark blue is used as a second color for GAF’s tag line (pictured 4 ways), some backgrounds, and most of our literature. The blue used is Pantone PMS 2757, translated in CMYK as C100/M79/Y0/K27 The typeface used for the tag line is Helvetica Bold Condensed Italic. Typography The consistent use of a typeface in all communication pieces increases recognition. Futura is the preferred typeface (attached). Helvetica and Arial can be used when Futura is not available or practical. When a Serif tyface is required, Caslon is the prefered typeface, with Goudy Old Style as a substitute. Don’t ...change the proportion of the logo ...change the angle ...print over the logo ...use backgrounds that hide the logo ...reverse the logo ...change the color or shape Any misuse of the brand diminishes its integrity and confuses our audience, in addition to promoting further misuse. The samples pictured here are common misuses that must be avoided. Consult the Creative Services Department in Wayne if you’re not sure about an unusual approach you’re considering.