Approximation Algorithms Thomas Rothvo Institute of Mathematis EPFL, Lausanne Spring 2010 1 / 292 Introdution (page 3) Steiner tree (page 8) k-Center (page 13) Traveling Salesman Problem (page 22) The Capaitated Vehile Routing Problem (page 31) Set Cover (page 35) Set Cover via LPs (page 38) Insertion: Linear Programming (page 44) Weighted Vertex Cover (page 60) Insertion: Algorithmi probability theory (page 66) Minimizing Congestion (page 75) Knapsak (page 91) Multi Constraint Knapsak (page 96) Bin Paking (page 102) The algorithm of Karmarkar & Karp (page 109) Minimum Makespan Sheduling (page 128) Sheduling on Unrelated Parallel Mahines (page 134) Multiproessor Sheduling with Preedene Constraints (page 143) Eulidean TSP (page 148) Tree Embeddings (page 174) Introdution into Primal dual algorithms (page 199) Steiner Forest (page 204) Faility Loation (page 227) Insertion: Semidenite Programming (page 244) MaxCut (page 254) Max2Sat (page 263) Budgeted Spanning Tree (page 270) k-Median (page 281) 2 / 292 Part 1 Introdution Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 3 / 292 Why approximation algorithms? Task: Solve NP-hard optimization problem A ! no eÆient algorithm (unless NP = P) Possible approahes: exponential time algorithms ! some theory but too slow and no lower bounds I heuristi ! fast, easy but no guarantee, not muh theory I approximation algorithms ! rih theory in many ases good lower bounds Running times: n = number of objets in instane, B biggest appearing number, " > 0 onstant I exponential: 2n ; n B I polynomial: n2 ; n100 ; n log B; n 21=" ; nO(1=") I O (1=") 4 / 292 Basi denitions Denition Let be an optimization problem and I is instane for A. Then OP T(I ) is the value of the optimum solution. Denition Let 1. A is an -approximation algorithm for a minimization problem if A(I ) OP T (I ) 8 instanes I where A(I ) is the value of the solution, that A returns for I . I Typial values for : 1:5; 2; O(1); O(log n) I Usually we omit and I in OP T (I ) I For a maximization problem: A(I ) 1 OP T (I ) I Attention: Sometimes in literature < 1 for maximization problems. For example 12 -apx means A(I ) 21 OP T(I ) 5 / 292 Denition PTAS Denition A" is a polynomial time approximation sheme (PTAS) for a minimization problem if A" (I ) (1 + ") OP T (I ) 8 instanes I and for every xed " > 0, the running time of A" is polynomial in the input size. Typial running times: O(n="); 21=" n2 log2 (B ); nO(1=") O (1=") 6 / 292 Denition FPTAS Denition A" is a fully polynomial time approximation sheme (FPTAS) for a minimization problem if for every " > 0 A" (I ) (1 + ") OP T (I ) 8 instanes I and the running time of A" is polynomial in the input size and 1=". I Typial running time: O(n3 ="2 ) 7 / 292 Part 2 Steiner tree Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 8 / 292 Steiner Tree Problem: Steiner tree I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ), metri ost funtion : E ! Q + , terminals R V I Find: Minimum ost tree T onneting all terminals R: OP T = minf(T ) j T spans Rg P I (T ) := e2T e I metri: 8u; v; w 2 V : uw uv + vw (triangle inequality) Steiner tree Steiner node terminal 9 / 292 Steiner tree (2) Fat If R = V , then Steiner Tree is just the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem whih an be solved optimally by piking greedily the heapest edges (without losing a yle). Algorithm: (1) Compute the minimum spanning tree T on R (2) Return T Theorem The algorithm gives a 2-approximation. 10 / 292 Proof of approximation guarantee I Claim: 9 spanning tree of ost 2 OP T I Let T be optimum Steiner tree I Double the edges of T I Observe: Degrees now even ) 9 Euler tour E visiting eah terminal Theorem (Euler) Given an undireted, onneted graph G = (V; E ). Then G has an Euler tour (tour ontaining eah edge exatly one) if and only if jÆ(v)j is even for all v 2 V . I I Shortut E suh that eah terminal is visited one Remove an edge ) spanning tree of ost 2 (T ) T ) ) 11 / 292 State of the art Known results: I There is a 1.39-approximation. I For quasi-bipartite graphs (no Steiner nodes inident): 1:22-apx I No < 96 95 -apx unless NP = P. 12 / 292 k Soure: Part 3 -Center Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 13 / 292 k -Center Problem: k-Center I Given: Undireted, metri graph G = (V; E ), k 2 N . Dene `(v; F ) := min uv u2F I Find: k many enters F V that minimize the maximum distane from any v 2 V to the nearest enter: OP T = min maxf`(v; F )g F V;jF j=k v2V 14 / 292 The algorithm Algorithm: (1) Guess OP T (2) F := ; 2 fuv j u; v 2 V g (3) REPEAT (4) IF 9v 2 V : `(v; F ) > 2 OP T THEN F := F [ fvg ELSE RETURN F 15 / 292 The algorithm Algorithm: (1) Guess OP T (2) F := ; 2 fuv j u; v 2 V g (3) REPEAT (4) IF 9v 2 V : `(v; F ) > 2 OP T THEN F := F [ fvg ELSE RETURN F 2 OP T F 3 b 16 / 292 The algorithm Algorithm: (1) Guess OP T (2) F := ; 2 fuv j u; v 2 V g (3) REPEAT (4) IF 9v 2 V : `(v; F ) > 2 OP T THEN F := F [ fvg ELSE RETURN F 2 OP T F 3 b b 2F 17 / 292 Guessing For simpliity we sometimes guess parameters: Algorithm with guessing: (1) Guess a parameter m (2) : : : ompute a solution S (3) return S using m : : : Algorithm without guessing: (1) FOR all hoies of m DO (2) : : : ompute a solution S (m) : : : (3) return the best found solution S (m) I I Still polynomial if the domain of m is polynomial Typial guesses: OP T , O(1) many nodes in a graph 18 / 292 The analysis Theorem One has jF j k and `(v; F ) 2 OP T for all v 2 V . I `(v; F ) 2 OP T , otherwise algo would not have stopped. I Remains to show jF j k. I Let F V; jF j = k be optimum solution. I Observe: uv > 2 OP T 8u; v 2 F : u 6= v I Hene the enters in F that serve u and v must be dierent ) jF j jF j k. 2 OP T b OP T b b b b opt enters F 19 / 292 Dominating Set Problem: Dominating Set I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ) I Find: Dominating set U V of minimum size OP TDS = minfjU j j U V; U [ [ u2U Æ(u) = V g dominating set Theorem Given (G; k), it is NP-hard to deide, whether OP TDS k. 20 / 292 Hardness of k-Center Theorem Unless NP = P, for all " > 0, there is no (2 ")-approximation algorithm for k-Center. Let (G; k) be DominatingSet instane. Suppose A is a (2 ")-algorithm for k-Center Dene omplete graph G0 on nodes V with ( 1 (u; v) 2 E (u; v) := 2 otherwise I 9 DS of size k ) k-Center solution with value 1 I 9k-Center solution with value 1 ) 9 DS of size k I Run A on G0 : I I I I A(G0 ) < 2 ) A(G0 ) = 1 ) answer to DS instane is YES I A(G0 ) 2 ) answer is NO 21 / 292 Part 4 Traveling Salesman Problem Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 22 / 292 TSP Problem: Traveling Salesman Problem (Tsp) I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ) with metri ost : E ! Q+ I Find: Minimum ost tour visiting all nodes min tour :V !V nX v2V (v; (v)) o 23 / 292 A 2-approximation for TSP Algorithm: (1) (2) (3) (4) Compute an MST T on G Double the edges in T Compute Euler tour E using edges in T Shortut to obtain a tour Theorem Algorithm yields a 2-apx. Let be optimum tour 9 a spanning tree on G of ost (T ) OP T (just delete an arbitrary edge from ) I Degrees are even after doubling, hene E exists and (E ) 2 OP T I () 2 OP T (G is metri, hene shortutting does not inrease the ost) I I 24 / 292 A 3=2-approximation for TSP Algorithm (Christodes): (1) Compute an MST T (2) (3) (4) Find min ost perfet mathing M on nodes V odd V with odd degree in T Find Euler tour in T [ M . Return obtained by shortutting the Euler tour M M 3 3 2 V odd T Reminder A perfet mathing in an undireted graph G0 = (V 0; E 0 ) is an edge set M E 0 with jÆM (v)j = 1 8v 2 V 0. The heapest perfet mathing an be found in poly-time. 25 / 292 A 3=2-approximation for TSP (2) Theorem The algorithm gives a 3=2-apx. I Again (T ) OP T I V odd := fv 2 V j jÆT (v)j oddg. I Claim: jV odd j is even beause jV odd j 2 X v2V 2T odd jÆT (v)j 2 X v2V jÆT (v)j 2 0 V odd 26 / 292 A 3=2-approximation for TSP (3) I Let be optimum tour. Obtain shortutted tour odd on V odd : (odd ) OP T . I Partition odd into 2 mathings M1 ; M2 on V odd I Let M 2 fM1 ; M2 g be the heaper of both mathings I (M ) 21 (odd ) 21 OP T I In T [ M all nodes have even degree, hene T [ M ontains an Euler tour of ost (T ) + (M ) 32 OP T . 27 / 292 A 3=2-approximation for TSP (3) I Let be optimum tour. Obtain shortutted tour odd on V odd : (odd ) OP T . I Partition odd into 2 mathings M1 ; M2 on V odd I Let M 2 fM1 ; M2 g be the heaper of both mathings I (M ) 21 (odd ) 21 OP T I In T [ M all nodes have even degree, hene T [ M ontains an Euler tour of ost (T ) + (M ) 32 OP T . odd 28 / 292 A 3=2-approximation for TSP (3) I Let be optimum tour. Obtain shortutted tour odd on V odd : (odd ) OP T . I Partition odd into 2 mathings M1 ; M2 on V odd I Let M 2 fM1 ; M2 g be the heaper of both mathings I (M ) 21 (odd ) 21 OP T I In T [ M all nodes have even degree, hene T [ M ontains an Euler tour of ost (T ) + (M ) 32 OP T . 2 M2 M1 3 M1 3 2 M2 29 / 292 Open Problems on TSP Open Problem I Is there a < 3=2-apx for TSP? I Held-Karp LP relaxation is onjetured to have integrality gap 4=3. 5381 I No ( 5380 ")-apx even if e 2 f1; 2g 30 / 292 Part 5 The Capaitated Vehile Routing Problem Soure: Bounds and Heuristis for apaitated routing problems (Haimovih, Rinnooy Kan) 31 / 292 The Capaitated Vehile Routing Problem Problem: Cvrp I Given: Undireted graph G = (C [ frg; E ) with metri osts : E ! Q + , depot r, lients C and vehile apaity k I Find: A tour of minimal ost whih visits all lients at least one, but must revisit the depot after eah k lient visits lient r k lients Assume: jC j = Z k (otherwise add lients at the depot) 32 / 292 A 5=2-apx for Cvrp Algorithm: (1) (2) (3) (4) Compute a 3=2-approximate TSP tour on lients Let v0; : : : ; vn 1 be lients in visiting order Choose randomly a starting node vi Starting from vi revisit r every k many lients (i.e. augment the tour with edges r ! vi; vi 1 ! r if i k i ) to obtain a Cvrp solution 0 vi +k 1 ::: vi +1 0 r vi vi 1 33 / 292 The analysis Lemma E [AP X ℄ 52 OP T I Opt. TSP tour osts OP TTSP OP T I Pr[need edge (r; vi )℄ = k2 P I E [AP X ℄ () + k2 v2C (r; v) I Look at a subtour in optimum Cvrp solution. Send k=2 lients [ounter-℄lokwise to r: edges in subtour used k=2 times P ) v2C (v; r) k2 OP T E [AP X ℄ () + hene () 32 OP T r subtour 2 X (r; v) 3 OP T + 2 k OP T = 5 OP T k v2C 2 k 2 2 34 / 292 Part 6 Set Cover Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 35 / 292 Set Cover Problem: Set Cover I Given: Elements U := f1; : : : ; ng, sets S1 ; : : : ; Sm U ost (Si ) I Find: OP T = I f1min ;:::;mg nX i2I (Si ) j [ i2I Si = U with o Greedy algorithm: (1) I := ; (2) WHILE not yet all elements overed DO (3) prie(S ) := jS n S(S ) S j i2I i (4) I := I [ f set S with minimum prie(S )g Theorem The greedy algorithm yields a O(log n)-approximation. 36 / 292 Analysis I Let e1 ; : : : ; en be elements in the order of overing. I Suppose S (S 2 I ) newly overed ek ; : : : ; e` z n k+1 elements }| { e1 ; e2 ; e3 ; : : : ; ek ; : : : ; ej ; : : : ; e` ; : : : ; en | {z overed by S } Dene prie(ej ) := prie(S ) for j 2 fk; : : : ; `g. Consider the iteration, when S was hosen: Still n k + 1 elements where unovered and it was still possible to over them all at ost OP T . Sine S minimizes the prie: OP T OP T prie(ej ) = prie(ek ) n k+1 n j +1 I Finally n n n X X X OP T AP X = prie(ej ) = OP T 1j = O(log n)OP T n j +1 I I j =1 j =1 j =1 37 / 292 Part 7 Set Cover via LPs Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 38 / 292 A linear program for SetCover Introdue deision variables ( 1 take set Si xi = 0 otherwise Formulate SetCover as integer linear program: min m X i=1 (Si )xi X i:j 2Si I (ILP ) xi 1 8j 2 U xi 2 f0; 1g 8i Cheapest Set Cover solution = best (ILP ) solution 39 / 292 The LP relaxation We relax this to a linear program min m X i=1 (Si )xi X i:j 2Si xi (LP ) 1 8j 2 U 0 xi 1 8i I (LP ) an be solved in polynomial time (see next hapter) I Let OP Tf be value of optimum solution I Of ourse OP Tf OP T I Integrality gap (n) := OP T (I ) instanes jIj=n OP Tf (I ) sup 40 / 292 The algorithm Algorithm: (1) Solve (LP ) ! x opt. frational solution (2) (Randomized rounding:) FOR i = 1; : : : ; m DO (3) Pik Si with probability minfln(n) xi ; 1g (4) (Repairing:) FOR every not overed element j 2 U heapest set ontaining j pik the 41 / 292 Analysis Theorem E [AP X ℄ (ln(n) + 1) OP Tf Consider an element j 2 U : Pr[j not overed in (2)℄ = 1+yey = Y i:j 2Si Y i:j 2Si Y i:j 2Si Pr[Si not piked in (2)℄ (1 ln(n) xi ) e ln(n)xi 1 due to LP ineq. zP }| { e ln(n) i:j 2Si xi 1 e ln(n) = n 42 / 292 Analysis (2) I Cost of randomized rounding: E [ost in (2)℄ = I m X i=1 m X i=1 Pr[Si piked in (2)℄ (Si ) ln(n)xi (Si ) = ln(n) OP Tf Cost of repairing step: In step (3), we pik n times with prob. n1 a set of ost OP Tf . Hene 1 E [ost of step (3)℄ n OP Tf = OP Tf n I By linearity of expetation E [AP X ℄ = E [ost in (2)℄+E [ost in (3)℄ (ln(n)+1)OP Tf 43 / 292 Part 8 Insertion: Linear Programming Soure: Geometri Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization (Grotshel, Lovasz, Shrijver) 44 / 292 Linear programs Let A 2 Rmn ; b 2 Rm ; 2 Rn then max T x Ax xi x2 opt. sol. b 0 8i aTi x bi x1 is alled a linear program. Alternatively one might have I min instead of max I no non-negativity xi 0 I Ax = b More terminology I onv(fx; yg) := fx + (1 )y j 2 [0; 1℄g I Set Q Rn onvex if 8x; y 2 Q : onv(fx; yg) Q I A set P is alled a polyhedron if P = fx 2 Rn j Ax bg I If P bounded (9M : P [ M; M ℄n ) then P is a polytope. 45 / 292 Verties Let P = fx 2 Rn j Ax bg be a polyhedron. Denition A point x 2 P is alled a vertex if there is a 2 Rn suh that x is the unique optimum solution of maxfT x j x 2 P g. Alternative names: basi solution, extreme point. x2 x P x1 46 / 292 Alternative haraterisations Lemma Let x 2 P = fx 2 Rn j Ax bg. The following statements are equivalent I x is a vertex I There are no y; z 2 P with (x ; y; z pairwise dierent) and x 2 onvfy; z g I There is a linear independent subsystem A0 x b0 (with n onstraints) of Ax b s.t. fx g = fx 2 Rn j A0 x = b0 g. x2 x P aTi x bi aTj x bj x1 47 / 292 Not every polyhedron has verties Example: The polyhedron P = fx 2 R2 j x1 + x2 1g does not have any verties. x1 + x2 1 x2 P x1 Lemma Any polytope has verties. Lemma Any polyhedron P Rn with non-negativity onstraints xi 0 8i = 1; : : : ; n has verties. 48 / 292 Support of vertex solutions Lemma Let x be a vertex of = fx 2 Rn j aTj x bj 8j = 1; : : : ; m; xi 0 8ig Then jfi j xi > 0gj m (#non-zero entries #onstraints). P (0; 12 ) x2 P = x 2 R2 P 4 x + 6 x 3 1 2 j x1 0; x2 0 x1 (0; 0) Proof: There is a subsystem I; J with jJ j + jI j = n and fx g = fx j aTj x = bj 8j 2 J ; xi = 0 8i 2 I g. Hene jI j = n jJ j n m. ( 34 ; 0) 49 / 292 Linear programming is doable in polytime Theorem Given A 2 Q mn ; b 2 Q m ; 2 Q n , there is an algorithm whih solves maxfT x j Ax bg in time polynomial in n; m and the enoding length of A; b; . The algorithm returns an optimum vertex solution if there is any. Polynomial here means that the number of bit operations is bounded by a polynomial (Turing model). I Enoding length (= #bits used to enode an objet) for I I I I I I integer 2 Z: hi := dlog2 (jj + 1)e + 1. rational number = pqP2 Q : hi := hpi + hqi vetor 2 Q n : hi := ni=1 hi i inequality aT x Æ: hai + hÆi P P matrix A = (aij ) 2 Q mn : hAi := mi=1 nj=1 haij i 50 / 292 The ellipsoid method Input: Fulldimensional polytope P Rn Output: Point in P (1) Find ellipsoid E1 P with enter z1 (2) FOR t = 1; :::; 1 DO (3) IF zt 2 P THEN RETURN zt (4) Find hyperplane aT x = Æ through zt suh that P fx j aT x < Æg (5) Compute ellipsoid Et+1 Et \ fx j aT x Æg with vol(Et+1 ) = (1 (1) n )vol(Et ) zt Et P zt+1 Et+1 aT x = Æ 51 / 292 The ellipsoid method (2) Problem: Separation Problem for P : I Given: y 2 Q n I Find: a 2 Q n with aT y > aT x 8x 2 P (or assert y 2 P ). y P a Rule of thumb If one an solve the Separation Problem for P Rn in poly-time, then one an solve maxfT x j x 2 P g eÆiently. Important: The number of inequalities does not play a role. Espeially we an optimize in many ases even if the number of inequalities is exponential. 52 / 292 Theorem Let P Rn be a polyhedron that an be desribed as P = fx 2 Rn j Ax bg with A 2 Q mn ; b 2 Q m , and let 2 Q n be an objetive funtion. Let ' be an upper bound on I the enoding length of eah single inequality in Ax b. I the dimension n I the enoding length of . Suppose one an solve the following problem in time poly('): Separation problem: Given y 2 Q n with enoding length poly(') as input. Deide, whether y 2 P . If not nd an a 2 Q n with aT y > aT x 8x 2 P . Then there is an algorithm that yields in time poly(') either I x 2 Q n attaining maxfT x j x 2 P g (x will be a vertex if P has verties) I P empty I Vetors x; y 2 Q n with x + y 2 P 8 0 and T y 1. Here running times are w.r.t. the Turing mahine model. 53 / 292 Weak duality Observation Consider the LP maxfT x j x 2 P g with P = fx 2 Rn j Ax bg. Let y 0. Then (yT A)x yT b is a feasible inequality for P (i.e. (yT A)x yT b 8x 2 P ). In fat, if yT A = T , then T x = (yT A)x yT b 8x 2 P Example: maxfx1 + x2 j x1 + 2x2 6; x1 2; x1 x2 1g Optimum solution: x = (2; 2) with T x = 4. x1 + x2 133 x + 2 x 6 1 2 2 3 ( x1 +2x2 6) x 0 ( x1 2) 1 ( x1 P x2 1) 3 x1 +x2 133 4:33 x1 x2 1 x 2 1 54 / 292 Weak duality (2) Theorem (Weak duality) Let A 2 Rmn ; b 2 Rm ; 2 Rn . Then fbT y j yT A{z= T ; y 0g} maxfT x{zj Ax bg} min | | (P ) (D) given that both systems are feasible. If (P ) is the primal program, then (D) is the dual program to (P ). I Note: The dual of the dual is the primal. I 55 / 292 Strong duality Theorem (Strong duality I) Let A 2 Rmn ; b 2 Rm ; 2 Rn . Then maxfT x j Ax bg = minfbT y j yT A = T ; y 0g given that both systems are feasible. Theorem (Strong duality II) Let A 2 Rmn ; b 2 Rm ; 2 Rn . Then maxfT x j Ax b; x 0g = minfbT y j yT A T ; y 0g given that both systems are feasible. 56 / 292 Hand-waving proof of strong duality Claim Let x be optimum solution of maxfT x j Ax bg. is a y 0 with yT A = T and yT b = T x . aTi1 x bi1 I I Let a1; : : : ; am be rows of A. Let I := fi j aTi x = big be the tight inequalities. Then there ai1 C a i2 b x b aTi2 x bi2 I Suppose for ontradition 2= f i ai yi j yi 0; i 2 I g =: C I Then there is a 2 Rn with T > 0; aTi 0 8i 2 I . I Walking in diretion improves objetive funtion. But x was optimal. Contradition! P 57 / 292 Hand-waving proof of strong duality Claim Let x be optimum solution of maxfT x j Ax bg. is a y 0 with yT A = T and yT b = T x . aTi1 x bi1 I I Let a1; : : : ; am be rows of A. Let I := fi j aTi x = big be the tight inequalities. I 9y 0 : yT A = T yT b Then there ai1 b x b C a i2 aTi2 x bi2 and yi = 0 8i 2= I (we only use tight inequalities) m X T T T T yi |(bi {zaTi x}) = 0 x = y b y Ax = y (b Ax ) = |{z} i=1 =0 if i=2I =0 if i2I 58 / 292 Complementary Slakness Warning: Primal and dual are swithed here. Theorem (Complementary slakness) Let x be a solution for (P ) : minfT x j Ax b; x 0g and y a solution for (D) : maxfbT y j AT y ; y 0g: Let ai be the ith row of A and aj be its j th olumn. Then x and y are both optimal , both following onditions are true I Primal omplementary slakness: xj > 0 ) (aj )T y = j I Dual omplementary slakness: yi > 0 ) aTi x = bi 59 / 292 Part 9 Weighted Vertex Cover Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 60 / 292 Vertex Cover Problem: Weighted Vertex Cover I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ), node weights : V ! Q+ I Find: Subset U V suh that every edge is inident to at least one node in U and Pv2U (v) is minimized. vertex over Consider the LP X min (v)xv v2V xu + xv 1 8 (u; v) 2 E xv 0 8v 2 V 61 / 292 Half-integrality Lemma Let x be a basi solution of (LP ). Then xv 2 f0; 12 ; 1g for all v 2 V , i.e. x is half-integral. Suppose x is not half-integral, i.e. not both sets are empty: o n n 1o 1 V+ := v j < xv < 1 ; V := v j 0 < xv < 2 2 I It suÆes to show that x an be written as onvex ombination x = 21 y + 21 z for 2 dierent feasible (LP ) solutions y; z. I xv2 V 3 v1 xv1 = 0:3 xv2 = 0:7 v2 2 V + 1 0 y x 0 (LP ) z 1 xv1 62 / 292 Half-integrality (2) I Dene 8 > <xv + " xv 2 V+ and yv := xv " xv 2 V > : xv otherwise V " " V+ xv 2 f0; 21 ; 1g +" +0 +" +0 8 > <xv " xv 2 V+ zv := xv + " xv 2 V > : xv otherwise V +" +" V+ xv 2 f0; 21 ; 1g " +0 " +0 +" I Tight edges (u; v) 2 E : xv + xu = 1 drawn solid I Constraints satised by y; z for " > 0 small enough. " 63 / 292 The Algorithm Algorithm: (1) Compute an optimum basi solution x to (LP ) (2) Choose vertex over U := fv j xv > 0g Theorem U is a vertex over of ost 2 OP Tf . Proof. Clearly U is feasible. Furthermore X X X (v) = dxv e(v) 2 xv (v) = 2 OP Tf : v2U v2V v2V 64 / 292 Inapproximability Theorem (Khot & Regev '03) There is no polynomial time (2 ")-apx unless Unique Games Conjeture is false. Unique Games Conjeture For all " > 0, there is a prime p := p(") suh that the following problem is NP-hard: I Given: Equations xi p aij xj for some (i; j ) pairs I Distinguish: I I Yes: No: max satisable fration 1 " max satisable fration " Example: x1 x2 13 4 x3 13 9 x1 ::: 65 / 292 Part 10 Insertion: Algorithmi probability theory Soure: Probability and Computing (Mitzenmaher & Upfal, Cambridge Press) 66 / 292 Probability theory Denition A (disrete) probability spae onsists of I A (ountable) sample spae modelling all possible outomes of a random proess. I A probability funtion Pr : 2 ! R suh that (a) 0 Pr[E ℄ 1 8E (b) Pr[ ℄ = 1 () For any (ountable) sequene of pairwise disjoint events E1 ; E2 ; : : : Pr h[ i X E = Pr[E ℄ i1 i i1 i Denition (Random variable) A funtion X : ! R is alled a random variable. 67 / 292 Probability theory (2) Denition (Expetation) Let X : ! R be a random variable. E [X ℄ = X i Then i Pr[X = i℄ Lemma (Linearity of expetation) Let X1 ; : : : ; Xn : ! R random variables with nite expetations. Then E n hX i=1 Xi i = n X i=1 E [Xi ℄ 68 / 292 Probability theory (3) Lemma (Independene) Random variables X1 ; : : : ; Xn are alled independent if 8I f1; : : : ; ng : 8xi : Pr h\ i2I i (Xi = xi) = Y i2I Pr[Xi = xi℄ Lemma Let X1 ; : : : ; Xn independent random variables. Then E n hY i=1 Xi i = n Y i=1 E [Xi ℄ 69 / 292 Probability theory (4) Lemma (Union bound) Let E1 ; : : : ; En be events Pr n h[ i=1 Ei i n X i=1 Pr[Ei℄ 70 / 292 Probability theory (5) Lemma (Markov bound) Let X 0 be a random variable. Then Pr[X a℄ E [aX ℄ Proof. The value E [X ℄ is E [X ℄ = E [X j X a℄ Pr[X a℄ + E [X j X < a℄ Pr[X < a℄ | {z } {z } | {z } | a a Pr[X a℄ 0 0 71 / 292 Probability theory (6) Theorem (Chernov bound) Let X1 ; : : : ; Xn be independent random variables with Xi 2 f0; 1g and X := X1 + : : : + Xn . For any Æ > 0 one has Pr[X (1 + Æ)E [X ℄℄ eÆ (1 + Æ)1+Æ E [X ℄ 72 / 292 Let t := ln(1 + Æ) > 0, pi := Pr[Xi = 1℄. Note that E [Xi ℄ = pi. Pr[X (1 + Æ)E [X ℄℄ e = Pr[etX et(1+Æ)E[X ℄ ℄ Markov E [etX ℄ tx () Æ)E [X ℄ et(1+ Qn E [ i=1 etXi ℄ et(1+Æ)E [X ℄ Qn tXi X1 ;:::;Xn indep i=1 E [e ℄ = et(1+Æ)E [X ℄ Qn Æpi () i=1 e Æ)E [X ℄ et(1+ Pn eÆ i=1 pi = et(1+Æ)E [X ℄ E [X ℄ Pn E [X ℄= i=1 pi eÆ = (1 + Æ)(1+Æ) E [etXi ℄ = pi |{z} et1 +(1 pi ) |{z} et0 = 1 + Æpi eÆpi =1+Æ =1 73 / 292 Probability theory (7) Theorem (Variants of Chernov bound) Let X1 ; : : : ; Xn 2 f0; 1g be independent random variables with and X := X1 + : : : + Xn and 0 < Æ 1. Then I Let E [X ℄, then Pr[X (1 + Æ)℄ e Æ2 =2 I Let E [X ℄, then Pr[X (1 2 Æ)℄ e Æ =2 74 / 292 Part 11 Minimizing Congestion Randomized rounding: A tehnique for provably good algorithms and algorithmi proofs (Raghavan, Tompson) Soure: 75 / 292 Minimizing Congestion Problem: MinCongestion I Given: Direted graph G = (V; E ) with demand pairs (si; ti ) si; ti 2 V , i = 1; : : : ; k I Find: si -ti paths Pi that minimize the ongestion max jfi : e 2 Pigj e2E s1 t1 s2 t2 s3 t3 76 / 292 Minimizing Congestion Problem: MinCongestion I Given: Direted graph G = (V; E ) with demand pairs (si; ti ) si; ti 2 V , i = 1; : : : ; k I Find: si -ti paths Pi that minimize the ongestion max jfi : e 2 Pigj e2E s1 P1 s2 s3 P2 P3 ongestion of 2 t1 t2 t3 77 / 292 A ow-based LP formulation of MinCongestion min C (8LP ) > v = si <1 X X fi(e) fi (e) = 1 v = ti > : e2Æ (v) e2Æ (v) 0 otherwise + k X i=1 f1 (e) = 12 on red e s1 f2 (e) = 12 on blue e s2 f3 (e) = 12 on green e s3 fi (e) C 8e 2 E C fi (e) 1 0 8i 8e 2 E f1(e) = 12 e t1 t2 C = 32 t3 78 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 3 2 1 s 2 t 3 79 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 p1 : v1 = 2 3 2 1 s 2 t 3 80 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 1 0 1 s 2 t 3 81 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 1 0 1 s 2 t 3p2 : v2 = 1 82 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 0 0 0 s 2 t 2 83 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 0 s p3 : v3 = 22 0 0 t 2 84 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 0 0 0 s 0 t 0 85 / 292 Path Deomposition I Input: s-t ow f : E ! Q + (without direted yles) I Output: Paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with values v1 ; : : : ; vm 0 (1) i := 1 (2) WHILE f 6= 0 DO (3) (4) (5) (6) Let pi be any s-t path in fe j f (e) > 0g vi := minff (e) j e 2 pi g f (e) := f (e) vi 8e 2 pi i := i + 1 p1 : v1 = 2 3 s p3 : v3 = 22 2 1 t 3p2 : v2 = 1 86 / 292 Path Deomposition Lemma The algorithm deomposes the ow in s-t paths p1 ; : : : ; pm with m jE j. X e2Æ+ (s) f (e) = m X i=1 vi and X i:e2pi vi = f (e) 8e 2 E I f remains a ow throughout the algorithm. I In eah iteration there is an edge, where the ow drops down to 0. 87 / 292 An approximation algorithm for MinCongestion Algorithm (1) Solve (LP ) ! ows f1; : : : ; fk fra. ongestion OP Tf (2) FOR i = 1; : : : ; k DO P (3) apply path deomposition to fi ! (pij ; vji ) ( j vji = 1 8i) (4) Choose Pi among pij 's with Pr[Pi = pij ℄ = vji Theorem With probability 1 1 the ongestion is O( ln n ) OP Tf . ln ln n n Consider any edge e 2 E . Let Xie 2 f0; 1g be the random variable, saying whether the si -ti path uses e. X1e ; : : : ; Xke are independent! P I Let X e := ki=1 Xie be the number of paths, rossing e. P P I E [X e ℄ = ki=1 Pr[Xie ℄ = ki=1 fi (e) OP Tf . | {z } I I =fi (e) 88 / 292 Proof (2) Pr h z Xe > =: Æ }| { E [X e ℄ i log n log log n +1 z }| { OP Tf 1 z }| { Æ OP Tf e ÆÆ e 3 = n big = Pr h_ e2E Xe > 6 lnlnlnnn ! ln n ln ln n lnln n ln n exp lnlnln n lnln n ln n exp 12 lnln n lnln n 1 ln n ln ln n ln n ln ln n n=2 ln n 1 1 lnln n OP Tf jE j n3 n i 89 / 292 Inapproximability Theorem (Andrews & Zhang - JACM'08) There is no log1 " n-apx unless NP ZPTIME(npolylog(n) ). 90 / 292 Part 12 Knapsak Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 91 / 292 Knapsak Problem: Knapsak I Given: n objets with weight wi 2 Q + and prot pi 2 Q + , size G 2 Q + I Find: Subset of objets, maximizing the prot and not exeeding the weight bound: o nX X pi j wi G OP T = max I f1;:::;ng i2I i2I 92 / 292 A dynami program for Knapsak Dynami program: (1) Assume restrited prots pi 2 f0; : : : ; B g (2) Compute table entries o nX X wj j pj b T (i; b) = min I f1;:::;ig j 2I j 2I = minimum weight needed for a subset of the rst i objets to obtain a prot of at least b using dynami programming T (i; b) = min T (i 1; b); T (i 1; b pi ) + wi 8i 8p = 0; : : : ; B | {z } | {z } (3) don't take i take i Reonstrut I leading to maxfb 2 N 0 j T (n; b) Gg Observation The algorithm nds optimum solutions in time O(n B ). 93 / 292 The FPTAS Algorithm: (1) Sale prots s.t. pmax = n=" (2) Round p0i := bpi (3) Compute and return optimum solution I for weights p0i 94 / 292 Analysis of FPTAS Theorem Let 0 < " 12 . The algo gives a (1 + 2")-apx in time O(n2="). I W.l.o.g. OP T pmax = n=" (we an delete objets that even alone do not t into the knapsak) I Let I be optimum solution for original prots. Let OP T 0 be optimum value for prots p0. Then X X X OP T 0 p0i = bpi pi jI j OP T n i2I I i2I i2I T (1 ")OP T 1OP + 2" Let I be solution found by dynami program: X X OP T pi p0i = OP T 0 1 + 2" i2I i2I 0 I B = maxfpi g n=" hene the running time is O(n2 =") 95 / 292 Part 13 Multi Constraint Knapsak Soure: Folklore 96 / 292 Multi Constraint Knapsak Problem: Multi Constraint Knapsak (Mk) I Given: n objets with prots pi 2 Q + and k many budgets Bj . Objet i has requirement aji 2 Q + w.r.t. budget j . I Find: Subset of objets, maximizing the prot and not exeeding any budget: nX o X OP T = max pi j aji Bj 8j = 1; : : : ; k I f1;:::;ng i2I i2I For arbitrary k there is no n1 "-apx: Take an Independent Set instane G = (V; E ). For eah edge e = (u; v) add an \edge budget onstraint" aeu = aev = 1; Be = 1. Then OP T = OP T . 1 max x1 +x2 +x3 1x1 +1x2 +0x3 1 ) 3 0x1 +1x2 +1x3 1 xi 2 f0; 1g 2 I IS 97 / 292 A PTAS for k = O(1) Algorithm: (1) Guess the d k" e items Ilarge in the optimum solution with maximum prot (2) Let x be optimum basi solution to the following LP max n X i=1 n X i=1 xi pi aji xi Bj 8j = 1; : : : ; k = 1 8i 2 Ilarge = 0 8i 2= Ilarge : pi > minfpj j j 2 Ilargeg 1 8i = 1; : : : ; n (3) Output I := fi j xi = 1g. xi xi 0 xi 98 / 292 The Analysis Theorem For onstant k the algorithm has polynomial running time. Furthermore AP X (1 ")OP T . I The produed solution is learly feasible I LP OP T (sine we guess elements from OP T ) I Observation: jfi j 0 < xi < 1gj k sine x is a basi solution and appart from 0 : : : 1 there are only k onstraints. I For i with 0 < xi < 1 one has pi k" OP T AP X n X X i=1 i:0<xi <1 bxi pi LP | {z pi k k" OP T } OP T k k" OP T = (1 ")OP T 99 / 292 Hardness of MultiConstraintKnapsak Theorem There is no FPTAS for MultiConstraintKnapsak even for 2 budgets, unless NP = P. Problem: Partition P I Given: Numbers a1 ; : : : ; an 2 N , S := ni=1 ai , m 2 f1; : : : ; ng P I Find: I f1; : : : ; ng : jI j = m; i2I ai = S=2 I I Reall: Partition is NP-hard. Dene Mk instane with 2 onstraints: maxPPn ni=1 xi i=1 xi ai S=2 Pn 1 x ( i=1 i S ai ) S (m 2 ) xi 2 f0; 1g 8i = 1; : : : ; n 100 / 292 Proof I I I Claim: 9 Partition solution , OP T m ) Suppose 9I : jI j = m; Pi2I ai = S=2. Then this is a Mk solution of value m sine X X 1) (S ai) = mS ai = S (m 2 Mk i2I i2I ( Let I be Mk solution of value m. X X 1: onstr. 2: onst. S jI j S S2 jI j S a i = (S a i ) m S 2 i2I | {z } I I I S=2 i2I HenePjI j = m. Then ineq. holds with "=" Thus i2I ai = S=2. Now suppose for ontradition we would have an FPTAS 1 . Then the FPTAS would for Mk: Then hoose " := n+1 give an optimum solution for the instane resulting from the Partition redution. 101 / 292 Part 14 Bin Paking Soure: Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms (Korte, Vygen) 102 / 292 Bin Paking Problem: BinPaking I Given: Items with sizes a1 ; : : : ; an 2 [0; 1℄ I Find: Assign items to minimum number of bins of size 1. OP T I n = min k j 9I1[_ : : : [_ Ik = f1; : : : ; ng : 8j : X i2Ij o ai 1 Dene size(I ) = Pi2I ai 103 / 292 First Fit First Fit algorithm: (1) Start with empty bins (2) FOR i = 1; : : : ; n DO (3) Assign Pitem i to the bin B with least index suh that ai + j2B aj 1 Lemma Let m P be the number of used bins. Then m 2 ni=1 ai + 1 2 OP T + 1. All but m 1 bins must be lled with 12 (otherwise we would not have opened a new bin): 1 n X 1 ai (m 1) 0:5 2 i=1 0 Pn bin 1 : : : bin m I Hene m 2 i=1 ai + 1. I 104 / 292 Linear Grouping I Input: Instane I = (a1 ; : : : ; an ), k 2 N I Output: Instane I 0 = (a01 ; : : : ; a0n ) with a0i ai and k dierent item sizes (1) Sort a1 a2 : : : an (2) Partition items into k onseutive groups of dn=ke items (the last group might have less items) (3) Let a0i be the size of the largest item in i's group group 1 group 2 group k I I0 a1 a2 0 ::: an 1 a01 = a02 = : : : 105 / 292 Linear Grouping (2) Lemma OP T (I 0 ) OP T (I ) + dn=ke. Consider solution OP T (I ). Assign item a0i of group j to a spae for item in group j + 1 I Assign largest dn=ke items to their own bin group 1 group 2 group k I I I0 a1 a2 0 ::: an 1 a01 = a02 = : : : 106 / 292 An asymptoti PTAS Algorithm of Fernandez de la Vega & Lueker: (1) Let I = fi j ai > "g be set of large items (other items are small) (2) Apply linear grouping with k = 1="2 groups to I ! I 0 (3) Compute an optimum distribution of I 0 (4) Distribute the small items over the used bins using First Fit Lemma The algorithm runs in polynomial time and uses at most (1 + 2")OP T + 1 bins. Let b1; : : : ; b1=" dierent item sizes in I 0. Possible bin ongurations P = fp 2 f0; : : : ; 1="g1=" j bT p 1g. jPj (1="2 )1=". I Solution is desribed by (np)p2P (np = how many times shall I pak a bin with onguration p?), np 2 f0; : : : ; ng I n(1=" ) possibilities for (np )p2P . I I 2 2 2 1=" 107 / 292 An asymptoti PTAS (2) I We need OP T (I 0 ) + # of bins additionally opened for the small items I Note that OP T (I 0 ) OP T (I )+djI j"2 e OP T (I )+d"OP T (I )e = (1+2")OP T using OP T (I ) Pi2I ai " jI j and OP T OP T (I ). I Suppose we need to open an additional bin for small items. Let m be total number of used bins. Then all but one bin are lled to 1 ". Hene OP T and m m X i=1 OP T 1 " ai (1 ") (m 1) + 1 (1 + 2")OP T + 1 108 / 292 Setion 14.1 The algorithm of Karmarkar & Karp 109 / 292 The Algorithm of Karmarkar & Karp Theorem (Karmarkar, Karp '82) One an ompute a BinPaking solution with OP T + O(log2 n) many bins in polynomial time. I Assume ai Æ := n1 (again one an distribute items that are smaller than n1 after distributing the large items. 110 / 292 The Gilmore-Gomory LP-relaxation I Let bi 2 N now the number of items of size ai I n = number of dierent item sizes P I m := ni=1 bi = total number of items I P = fp 2 Zn+ j aT p 1g set of feasible patterns I Variable xp = # of bins paked with pattern p Primal min 1T x X p2P (P (P )) xp p b max yT b x 0 y pT y Dual (D(P )) 1 8p 2 P 0 I # var. polynomial # var. exponential I # onstr. exponential # onstr. polynomial Idea: Solve the dual with Ellipsoid! I I 111 / 292 Example Dual I Item sizes a1 = 0:3; a2 = 0:4 max 31y + 0 7y2 1 I # of items b1 = 31; b2 = 7 00 11 1 1 02 1 I Set of patterns P = 0 0 1 2 1 2 3 B1 1C B1C 1; 2; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0 Primal min 1T x ( 10 20 11 12 01 02 03 ) x ( 317 ) x I 0 Opt basi solution is x = (0; 0; 0; 7; 0; 0; 173 ) 2 1Ay 10 20 30 y 1A 0 1 1 1 1:0 y2 0 1 3 1 0:8 0 0 0 0:6 2 0:4 b 1 1 0 1 0:2 D(P ) 21 0 0 0:2 0:4 0:6 0:8 1:0y1 112 / 292 Weak Separation Problem "-Weak Separation Orale for P Input: z 2 Qn R n , obj.ft. 2 Q n Vetor Output: One of the following I Case (A): Vetor a with aT x aT z 8x 2 P I Case (B): Point y 2 P with T y T z 2" Case (A): Case (B): a 2" z P P I If z 2 P , just return z (! ase (B)). z y 113 / 292 Grotshel-Lovasz-Shrijver Algorithm I Input: 2 Q n ; x0 2 Q n ; "; r; R 2 Q + : B (x0 ; r) P B (x0 ; R) I Output: y 2 P with T y OP Tf " (1) Ellipsod E0 := B (x0; R) with enter z0 := x0, y := x0 (2) FOR t = 0; : : : ; poly DO (4) Submit zt to "-weak separation orale (5) Case (A) ! a: Compute Et+1 Et \ fx j aT x aT ztg (6) Case (B) ! y 2 P : (7) IF T y > T y THEN y := Ty (8) Compute Et Et x x +1 \ f j Input/ Output: T zt g " r x0 R P y 114 / 292 Grotshel-Lovasz-Shrijver Algorithm I Input: 2 Q n ; x0 2 Q n ; "; r; R 2 Q + : B (x0 ; r) P B (x0 ; R) I Output: y 2 P with T y OP Tf " (1) Ellipsod E0 := B (x0; R) with enter z0 := x0, y := x0 (2) FOR t = 0; : : : ; poly DO (4) Submit zt to "-weak separation orale (5) Case (A) ! a: Compute Et+1 Et \ fx j aT x aT ztg (6) Case (B) ! y 2 P : (7) IF T y > T y THEN y := Ty (8) Compute Et Et x x +1 \ f Case (A): j T zt g a zt Et P 115 / 292 Grotshel-Lovasz-Shrijver Algorithm I Input: 2 Q n ; x0 2 Q n ; "; r; R 2 Q + : B (x0 ; r) P B (x0 ; R) I Output: y 2 P with T y OP Tf " (1) Ellipsod E0 := B (x0; R) with enter z0 := x0, y := x0 (2) FOR t = 0; : : : ; poly DO (4) Submit zt to "-weak separation orale (5) Case (A) ! a: Compute Et+1 Et \ fx j aT x aT ztg (6) Case (B) ! y 2 P : (7) IF T y > T y THEN y := Ty (8) Compute Et Et x x +1 \ f Case (A): j T zt g a zt Et P Et+1 116 / 292 Grotshel-Lovasz-Shrijver Algorithm I Input: 2 Q n ; x0 2 Q n ; "; r; R 2 Q + : B (x0 ; r) P B (x0 ; R) I Output: y 2 P with T y OP Tf " (1) Ellipsod E0 := B (x0; R) with enter z0 := x0, y := x0 (2) FOR t = 0; : : : ; poly DO (4) Submit zt to "-weak separation orale (5) Case (A) ! a: Compute Et+1 Et \ fx j aT x aT ztg (6) Case (B) ! y 2 P : (7) IF T y > T y THEN y := Ty (8) Compute Et Et x x +1 Case (B): \ f j 2" b T zt g Et zt P y 117 / 292 Grotshel-Lovasz-Shrijver Algorithm I Input: 2 Q n ; x0 2 Q n ; "; r; R 2 Q + : B (x0 ; r) P B (x0 ; R) I Output: y 2 P with T y OP Tf " (1) Ellipsod E0 := B (x0; R) with enter z0 := x0, y := x0 (2) FOR t = 0; : : : ; poly DO (4) Submit zt to "-weak separation orale (5) Case (A) ! a: Compute Et+1 Et \ fx j aT x aT ztg (6) Case (B) ! y 2 P : (7) IF T y > T y THEN y := Ty (8) Compute Et Et x x +1 Case (B): \ f j 2" b T zt g Et zt P y Et+1 118 / 292 Analysis Theorem Let OP Tf = maxfT x j x 2 P g. The GLS algorithm nds a y 2 P with T y OP Tf ". " " I Suppose for ontradition this is false. 2 2 I Let x 2 P be opt. sol.; ' input size. I Inequalities from ase (A) never ut y points from P r I Ineq. from ase (B) never ut points U U0 x 0 better than OP Tf 2" (otherwise we would have found a suitable y ) P I Let U := onvfB (x0 ; r); x g and " 0 T U = fx 2 U j x OP Tf 2 g. By standard volume bounds: vol(U 0) ( 21 )poly(') . But U 0 Et 8t. After t 0 poly(') many it. vol(Et ) = (1 (1) n ) vol(E0 ) < vol(U ). Contradition! x 119 / 292 A useful observation Observation Consider a run of the GLS algorithm for P Rn whih yields y 2 P . Let aT1 x b1 ; : : : ; aTN x bN be the inequalities whih the orale are returned for Case (A). I Eah aTi x bi is feasible for P I T y maxfT x j aTi x bi 8i = 1; : : : ; N g " " P y aTi x bi 120 / 292 Solving D(P ) Lemma Suppose ai Æ. Then we an nd a feasible solution y to D(P ) of value OP Tf 1 in time polynomial in n; m; 1Æ . I Apply GLS algo for " := 1. Choose y0 = ( 2Æ ; : : : ; 2Æ ). B y0 ; I Æ (Æ;:::;Æ)T p1 2 We use Pni=1 pi 1Æ for any feasible pattern p 2 P sine ai Æ y2 Æ D(P ) B (y0 ; n) D (P ) y0 Æ yT p 1 2 Æ y1 121 / 292 Solving D(P ) (2) I We solve "-weak separation problem for z 2 Q n . I If zi < 0 ! Case (A) (inequality zi 0 violated) I If zi > 1 ! Case (A) (inequality z T ei 1 violated) I Round z down to nearest multiple of 21m and term this vetor y. Solve p = argmaxfyT p j p 2 Pg (Knapsak with prots from 0; 1 21m ; 2 21m ; : : : ; 1) Case yT p > 1: Case yT p 1: I Then z T p yT p > 1 I Then y 2 D(P ). And ! Case (A). z T b yT b m 21m = 21 = 2" . y2 ! Case (B) y2 y z z yT p 1 y yT p 1 D(P ) y1 D(P ) I GLS yields a solution y mit bT y y1 OP Tf 1. 122 / 292 Finding a near optimal basi solution for P (P ) Theorem Suppose ai Æ. Then we an nd a basi solution x for P (P ) of value OP Tf + 1 in time polynomial in n; m; 1Æ . I I Run GLS to obtain sol. y to D(P ) with bT y OP Tf 1 Let yT p 1; p 2 P 0 be inequalities returned by yorale for 2 ase (A). P 0 P has polynomial size and y valid for D(P) T D(P ) b y D(P 0 ) I Compute optimum basi solution x 1T x = P (P 0 ) duality = D(P 0 ) I y b 2 P0 0 D(P ) P 1 (1) y for P (P 0 ) in poly-time.1 D( ) (1) D(P ) + 1 duality = P (P ) + 1 x is also a (non-optimal) basi solution for P (P ) 123 / 292 Geometri Grouping P I Input: Instane I = (a1 ; : : : ; an ), size(I ) = ni=1 ai bi n, I (1) (2) ai Æ Rounded up instane I 0 with n=2 di. item sizes OP Tf (I 0 ) OP Tf (I ) plus waste of O(log 1Æ ) Sort items w.r.t. sizes e1 e2 : : : em (ai appears bi times) Let G1 = fe1 ; : : : ; e` g be minimal set of items with P i2G ei 2, then ontinue with G2 ,: : :. Let `i := jGi j be number of items in Gi `1 `2 `3 `4 `5 Remove rst and last group ! waste I From Gi throw away smallest `i `i+1 I0 items ! waste waste Round up items in Gi 0 to largest item ! I G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Output: 1 1 (3) (4) (5) 124 / 292 Geometri Grouping (2) Lemma Size of waste is O(log 1Æ ). I I I I Size of 1st and last group is O(1) Consider group Gi . Total size of items in Gi is 3. Num of groups is n=2. Cleary 2Æ `1 `2 : : :. The ni := `i `i+1 smallest items in Gi have size 3 n` . ` X X waste 3 n` i 3 1j ` 2 = =Æ O(log 1Æ ) i i j =1 `i items of total size 3 i i 1 1 Gi ni items of total size 3 n`ii 125 / 292 The algorithm Algorithm: (1) (2) (3) (4) Compute a basi solution x to P (P ) with 1T x OP Tf + 1 Buy bxp times pattern p, let I be remaining instane Apply geometri grouping to I (with n dierent item sizes) ! I 0 (with n=2 dierent item sizes) Reurse Theorem One has AP X OP Tf + O(log2 n). Sine x is basi solution, jfp j xp > 0gj n. After (2) size(I ) Pp(xp bxp) n. P Let xt be solution x in iteration t. We buy pbxtp bins, but OP Tf dereases by the same quantity. I We pay in total OP Tf + total waste. We have O(log n) reursions; in eah reursion we have a waste of O(log 1Æ ) = O(log n). I I I 126 / 292 State of the art I Computing OP T exatly is NP-hard even if the numbers ai are unary enoded (i.e. BinPaking is strongly NP-hard). Open question One an ompute a Bin Paking solution with OP T + 1 bins in poly-time? Mixed Integer Roundup Conjeture One has OP T dOP Tf e + 1. 127 / 292 Part 15 Minimum Makespan Sheduling Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 128 / 292 Minimum Makespan Problem: Minimum Makespan Sheduling I Given: n jobs, job j has proessing time pj . Number m of mahines. I Find: Assign jobs to mahines to minimize the makespan. n X oo n pj max OP T = min I [_ :::[_ I =f1;:::;ng i=1;:::;m j 2Ii m 1 makespan 0 j pj 1 2 ::: m 129 / 292 A PTAS for Minimum Makespan Sheduling Algorithm: (1) Guess OP T (2) Call job with pj > " OP T large and small otherwise ! sub-instane I of large jobs (3) Round proessing times pj for large jobs down to multiple of OP T "2 ! instane I 0 with proessing times p0j (4) Distribute rounded large jobs I 0 suh that makesepan is OP T (5) Distribute small jobs onseutively on least loaded mahine 130 / 292 Analysis Lemma The algorithm runs in polynomial time and produes a makespan of at most (1 + ")OP T . Large jobs with rounded proessing times an be distributed optimally in polynomial time sine: 1="2 dierent job sizes, at most 1=" large jobs per mahine, hene O((1="2 )1=" ) many ways how to pak a mahine, hene nO((1=" ) ) possible solutions. I Clearly OP T (I 0 ) OP T (I ) OP T . Let Ii set of jobs on most loaded mahine (attaining the makespan). I Case: Small jobs don't in. makespan. No small job in Ii . I 2 1=" X j 2Ii pj X j 2Ii (p0 j + " "OP | {z T}) p0j P 0 OP T j Ii pj 2 (1 + ")OP T 131 / 292 Analysis (2) P I OP T m1 nj=1 pj = average load I Case: Small jobs do in. makespan. Then all mahines are lled up to makespan " OP T OP T . Hene makespan (1 + ")OP T small job makespan 0 " OP T OP T 1 ::: i ::: m 132 / 292 Hardness Lemma There is no FPTAS for unless NP = P. Minimum Makespan Sheduling Reall that given a BinPaking instane I = (a1 ; : : : ; an ); ai 2 N unary enoded and m; B 2 N , it is NP-hard to deide, whether m bins of size B suÆe to pak the items. I Suppose there is an FPTAS for Minimum Makespan Sheduling. Take items as jobs, m as number of mahines and " := P 1a +1 . Then the FPTAS would give an exat answer. opt. makespan B , 9 Bin Paking solution with m bins. I n i=1 i 133 / 292 Part 16 Sheduling on Unrelated Parallel Mahines Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 134 / 292 Sheduling on Unrelated Parallel Mahines Problem: Unrelated Mahine Sheduling I Given: Jobs J = f1; : : : ; ng, mahines M = f1; : : : ; mg. Running job j on mahine i takes a proessing time pij . I Find: Assign jobs to mahine to minimize the makespan. OP T n = I [_ :::[_ Imin=f1;:::;ng i=1max ;:::;m nX m 1 job j makespan j 2Ii pij oo pij 0 1 ::: i ::: m 135 / 292 How NOT to solve the problem LP: min T X i2M X j 2J xij pij xij xij Variables: = 1 8j 2 J T 8i 2 M 0 8i 8j xij T 8 > < 1 job j is assigned = > to mahine i : 0 otherwise = makespan Example: 1 job with exeution time pi1 = m, 8i = 1; : : : ; m Integer solution: x11 = 1 Frational solution: xi1 = m1 T =m T =1 ::: m 1 ::: I Integrality gap of m 1 ::: ::: m 136 / 292 A 2-approximation Algorithm: (1) Guess OP T (2) Compute basi solution x to X xij = 1 8j 2 J i2M X j 2J pij xij OP T 8i 2 M = 0 for i; j with pij > OP T 0 8i 2 M 8j 2 J (3) xij = 1 ) assign job j to mahine i (4) For not yet assigned jobs: Assign j to a mahine i with 0 < xij < 1 s.t. every mahine reeives at most 1 extra job xij xij 137 / 292 Analysis Theorem The algorithm runs in polynomial time and the makespan is at most OP T + maxfpij j xij > 0g 2 OP T . 1 0:7 1 Running time is learly polynomial: We solve a poly size LP in (2) and solve a maximum mathing problem in (4). 0:8 0:3 2 0:2 2 I Let H = (J [ M; E ) with E := f(j; i) j 0 < xij < 1g. For laim on 1 makespan we need to show that E 3 3 ontains a 0:4 fj not assigned in (3)g-perfet mathing. 4 x = 0:6 4 I ij J M 138 / 292 Analysis Theorem The algorithm runs in polynomial time and the makespan is at most OP T + maxfpij j xij > 0g 2 OP T . 1 Running time is learly polynomial: We solve a poly size LP in (2) and solve a maximum mathing problem in (4). 2 I Let H = (J [ M; E ) with E := f(j; i) j 0 < xij < 1g. For laim on makespan we need to show that E 3 ontains a fj not assigned in (3)g-perfet mathing. 4 1 J M I 2 3 4 139 / 292 Assigning the frational jobs (1) Claim E ) of H . Then Consider a onneted omponent (J [ M; x = (xij )(j;i)2E is still a basi solution of the subsystem LP (E ). X i2M X j 2J xij pij xij = 1 8j 2 J (LP (E )) T X j 2= J pij xij 8i 2 M 0 xij 1 8(j; i) 2 E Reason: If x 2 onv(fy(1) ; y(2) g) then x = (x ; x^ ) 2 onv(f(y(1) ; x^ ); (y(2) ; x^ )g). Contradition. 1 J 2 1 E M 2 3 3 4 4 J M 140 / 292 Assigning the frational jobs (2) I x is basi solution, hene =#onstr. in LP (E ) z }| { jE j = jf(j; i) j 0 < xij < 1gj jJj + jM j #nodes in E I But E is onneted, thus E is a tree + 1 extra edge. I Jobs have degree 2, hene leaves must be mahines. As long as there are mahine-leaves i, assign a j with xij > 0 to i and remove both, i and j . I A single even length job-mahine yle (potentially) remains. Extrat a mathing and we are done. J E : M J M M J M M J M J M 141 / 292 State of the art Exerise There is no (3=2 ")-apx for Unrelated Mahine Sheduling unless NP = P. Open Problem 1 Is there a 3=2-apx? Open Problem 2 A (2 ")-apx is still unknown even for the Restrited Assignment Problem where pij 2 fpj ; 1g. Theorem (Ebenlendr, Kral, Sgall '08) There is a 1:75-apx for the Restrited Assignment Problem if eah job j is admissible on 2 mahines. 142 / 292 Part 17 Multiproessor Sheduling with Preedene Constraints Soure: I Graham (1966): Bounds for ertain multiproessor anomalies (Bell Systems Tehnial Journal). I Leture notes of Chandra Chekuri 143 / 292 Multiproessor Sheduling with Preedene Constraints Problem: PreSheduling (P j pi ; pre j Cmax) I Given: Jobs J1 ; : : : ; Jn , job Ji has proessing time pi , preedene relation , # of mahines m I Find: (Non-preemptive) shedule of the jobs on m mahines respeting the preedene order and minimizing the makespan I Ji J` means that Ji has to be nished, before J` is allowed to start. Ji Input: Ji J` p` J` Solution: 1. .. m makespan 144 / 292 The algorithm Graham's List Sheduling: (1) FOR t = 1; : : : DO (2) IF a mahine j 2 f1; : : : ; mg is idle at t AND all predeessors of some (not yet proessed) job Ji are already nished THEN shedule Ji on mahine j starting from t I In other words: At any time, just start a job whenever possible. 145 / 292 The analysis Theorem The makespan of the produed shedule is at most 2 OP T I Find a sequene (w.l.o.g. after reordering) J1 ; : : : ; Jk s.t. I Jk is the last job of the whole shedule that nishes I J1 J2 : : : Jk (hain in the partial order ) I Ji is the predeessor of Ji+1 that is nished last 1. .. m J1 J2 ::: Jk makespan After Ji nished Ji+1 is startet as soon as a mahine is available. Hene between Ji is nished and Ji+1 begins, all mahines must be fully busy. I length of all busy periods OP T I Length of hain J1 ; : : : ; Jk is OP T I Makespan length hain + busy period 2 OP T I 146 / 292 Hardness Theorem (Svensson - STOC'10) For every xed " > 0, there is no (2 ")-apx unless a variant of the Unique Games Conjeture is false. Open Problem What is the omplexity status of P 3 j pi = 1; pre j Cmax (i.e. PreSheduling with unit proessing times and 3 mahines)? Known: I 4=3-apx. I P 2 j pi = 1; pre j Cmax is poly-time solvable 147 / 292 Part 18 Eulidean TSP Polynomial-time Approximation Shemes for Eulidean TSP and other Geometri Problems (Arora '98, Link) Soure: 148 / 292 Eulidean Travelling Salesman Problem Problem: EulideanTSP I Given: Points v1 ; : : : ; vn 2 Q 2 in the plane. I Find: Minimum ost tour visiting all nodes min tour :V !V n nX i=1 kvi v(i) k2 o vj = xj yj p(xi Goal: Find a PTAS! vi = kvi vj k2 = xj )2 (yi yj )2 xi yi 149 / 292 A random bounding box I Choose a minimal square S ontaining all points. I W.l.o.g. this square is [ L2 ; L℄2 with L = n=" 2 2N after saling. Hene OP T L = n=". I Choose a; b 2 f1; : : : ; L=2g randomly. I Let R = [a; a + L℄ [b; b + L℄ S be the randomly shifted bounding box. L R L S L 2 L b (0; 0) aL 2 L 150 / 292 Disretization I Move all points v to nearest point in Z2. I Changes the ost of any tour by 2n 2" OP T (sine OP T L = n=") 1 151 / 292 The dissetion I Divide the L L bounding box into 4 squares of size L2 L2 I Divide eah L2 L2 square into 4 squares of size L4 L4 I Reurse, until unit size squares are reahed I Size 2L 2L squares are level i squares I A line segment is on level i, if it is the boundary of a level i square but not of a level i 1 square I A grid line is on level i, if it onsists of level i segments i i L level 2 square level 0 square 1 level 1 square 152 / 292 The dissetion I Divide the L L bounding box into 4 squares of size L2 L2 I Divide eah L2 L2 square into 4 squares of size L4 L4 I Reurse, until unit size squares are reahed I Size 2L 2L squares are level i squares I A line segment is on level i, if it is the boundary of a level i square but not of a level i 1 square I A grid line is on level i, if it onsists of level i segments i i L level 1 segment 1 level 2 segment 153 / 292 The dissetion I Divide the L L bounding box into 4 squares of size L2 L2 I Divide eah L2 L2 square into 4 squares of size L4 L4 I Reurse, until unit size squares are reahed I Size 2L 2L squares are level i squares I A line segment is on level i, if it is the boundary of a level i square but not of a level i 1 square I A grid line is on level i, if it onsists of level i segments i i L level 1 grid line 1 level 2 grid line 154 / 292 Basi idea I Method: Use dynami programming. I Idea: Consider a level i square Q in the dissetion. For all ways how OP T an interset Q, ompute the heapest extension inside Q that visits all nodes in Q (using that we omputed similar information already for all smaller squares). Q opt. tour The number of possibilities how OP T an ross Q might be exponential/innite. I Solution: Limit this number. I DiÆulty: 155 / 292 Basi idea I Method: Use dynami programming. I Idea: Consider a level i square Q in the dissetion. For all ways how OP T an interset Q, ompute the heapest extension inside Q that visits all nodes in Q (using that we omputed similar information already for all smaller squares). Q opt. tour The number of possibilities how OP T an ross Q might be exponential/innite. I Solution: Limit this number. I DiÆulty: 156 / 292 Portals I On any level i line segment, plae 1" log L many level i portals (plus one per orner) I Distane of onseutive level i portals is 2L log" L i r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 2Li log" L r r r r r r r r r r r r r r " r r r r 1 log L portals r r r r r r r r r r r r r L=2i r r r r r level i square portal 157 / 292 Well rounded tours r r r Denition I r r A tour is alled well-rounded tour if: I It leaves and enters squares only at portals. I Eah square is entered at most 4 times. " r r r r r r r r r r r r opt. tour r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Eah square has " The number of times that a well-rounded tour an leave/enter a square is bounded by ( 4" log L + 4)O(1=") (whih is polynomial). 4 log L + 4 many portals. Theorem (Struture Theorem) There is always a well-rounded tour of ost (1 + O("))OP T . 158 / 292 Well rounded tours r r r Denition A tour is alled well-rounded tour if: I It leaves and enters squares only at portals. I Eah square is entered at most 4 times. " r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r well rounded tour I Eah square has 4" log L + 4 many portals. The number of times that a well-rounded tour an leave/enter a square is bounded by ( 4" log L + 4)O(1=") (whih is polynomial). r r Theorem (Struture Theorem) There is always a well-rounded tour of ost r r r (1 + O("))OP T . 159 / 292 Relation OP T vs. number of rossings I For the optimum tour and a grid line `, let t(; `) be the number of times that rosses `. 1 X t(; `) OP T p2 X t(; `) 3 grid lines ` grid lines ` I OP T = (1) #rossings I Goal: Turn opt. tour into a well-rounded tour, suh that the expeted ost inrease is O(") P` t(; `) I Alternatively: Average ost inrease per rossing must be O(1) " ` t(; `) = 4 160 / 292 Bending edges through portals I Consider a rossing of the optimum tour at a grid line ` i I Pr[line ` is at level i℄ = 2 L I If line ` is at level i, we have to bend edge through the nearest portal and loose 2Li log" L I The expeted length inrease is log XL = r 2Li log" L r 0 r r ` Pr[` at level i℄ portal distane at level i i=0 log XL i 2 L " 2" L 2i log L i=0 161 / 292 Pathing Lemma Lemma Given a TSP tour , rossing a line segment ` of length s an arbitrary number of times. 9 tour 0 rossing ` at most 2 times whih an be obtained by adding segments of length 6s. Cut at `. Let L1; : : : ; Lt be endpoints on the left side, R1; : : : ; Rt end points on the right. Imagine their distane to ` as 0. Say t is even (other ase is similar). I Add tours on Li 's and on Ri 's of ost 2s eah. I Add mathings (L2i 1 ; L2i ); (R2i 1 ; R2i ) for 2i < t and 2 edges (Lt 1 ; Rt 1 ); (Lt ; Rt ) of total ost 2s. I Degree of V [ fLi ; Ri j i = 1; : : : ; tg is even. Graph is again onneted. Hene there is a tour visiting all nodes (at least one). I s ` 162 / 292 Pathing Lemma Lemma Given a TSP tour , rossing a line segment ` of length s an arbitrary number of times. 9 tour 0 rossing ` at most 2 times whih an be obtained by adding segments of length 6s. Cut at `. Let L1; : : : ; Lt be endpoints on the left side, R1; : : : ; Rt end points on the right. Imagine their distane to ` as 0. Say t is even L1 R1 (other ase is similar). I Add tours on Li 's and on Ri 's of ost 2s eah. I Add mathings (L2i 1 ; L2i ); (R2i 1 ; R2i ) for 2i < t and 2 edges (Lt 1 ; Rt 1 ); (Lt ; Rt ) of total ost 2s. Lt Rt I Degree of V [ fLi ; Ri j i = 1; : : : ; tg is even. Graph is again onneted. Hene there is a tour `0 visiting all nodes (at least one). I b b b b b b b b b b b b s 163 / 292 Pathing Lemma Lemma Given a TSP tour , rossing a line segment ` of length s an arbitrary number of times. 9 tour 0 rossing ` at most 2 times whih an be obtained by adding segments of length 6s. Cut at `. Let L1; : : : ; Lt be endpoints on the left side, R1; : : : ; Rt end points on the right. Imagine their distane to ` as 0. Say t is even L1 R1 (other ase is similar). I Add tours on Li 's and on Ri 's of ost 2s eah. I Add mathings (L2i 1 ; L2i ); (R2i 1 ; R2i ) for 2i < t and 2 edges (Lt 1 ; Rt 1 ); (Lt ; Rt ) of total ost 2s. Lt Rt I Degree of V [ fLi ; Ri j i = 1; : : : ; tg is even. Graph is again onneted. Hene there is a tour `0 visiting all nodes (at least one). I b b b b b b b b b b b b s 164 / 292 Pathing Lemma Lemma Given a TSP tour , rossing a line segment ` of length s an arbitrary number of times. 9 tour 0 rossing ` at most 2 times whih an be obtained by adding segments of length 6s. Cut at `. Let L1; : : : ; Lt be endpoints on the left side, R1; : : : ; Rt end points on the right. Imagine their distane to ` as 0. Say t is even L1 R1 (other ase is similar). I Add tours on Li 's and on Ri 's of ost 2s eah. I Add mathings (L2i 1 ; L2i ); (R2i 1 ; R2i ) for 2i < t and 2 edges (Lt 1 ; Rt 1 ); (Lt ; Rt ) of total ost 2s. Lt Rt I Degree of V [ fLi ; Ri j i = 1; : : : ; tg is even. Graph is again onneted. Hene there is a tour `0 visiting all nodes (at least one). I b b b b b b b b b b b b s 165 / 292 Reduing the number of rossings (1) MODIFY Proedure: I Input: Grid line ` on level i I Output: Tour 0 rossing eah segment of ` at most 1=" times (1) FOR j = log L downto i DO (2) FOR all level j segments DO (3) IF segment is rossed > 1=" times THEN redue # rossings to 2 via Pathing Lemma j = log L ) ` j =i+1 ::: ) ` j=i ) ` Output: ) ` ` 166 / 292 Reduing the number of rossings (2) I Starting from optimum tour, we apply MODIFY to all horizontal and vertial grid lines. I Now onsider a xed grid line `. Want to show: E [ost for rossing redution at `℄ O(") t(; `) I Let `;j be number of times that MODIFY is applied to level j segments of grid line ` I Eah appliation of MODIFY redues the number of rossings of ` by 1=" 2 21" (assuming " 1=4). Hene X t(; `) `;j 1=(2") = 2" t(; `) j 0 The ost inrease of a single rossing redution on level j is I Thus X L E [ost inrease at ` j ` at level i℄ `;j 6 j 2 I 6 2Lj (by Pathing Lemma). j i 167 / 292 Reduing the number of rossings (3) E [ost for rossing redution at `℄ X = Pr[` at level i℄ E [ost inrease at ` j ` at level i℄ i0 reordering = P j 0 `;j 2"t(;`) I 2 L X i X i0 6 j i `;j 6 X `;j X i j 0 12 L 2j 2j ij 2 X j 0 | {z } 22j `;j 24" t(; l) 9 well-rounded tour of ost (1 + O(")) OP T 168 / 292 The dynami program (1) I Table entries: A(Q; (s1 ; t1 ); : : : ; (sq ; tq )) = ost of heapest extension of q subtours to well-rounded tour visiting all nodes in Q suh that subtour i goes from si to ti 8 squares Q 8q 2 f0; : : : ; 4="g 8 portals si; ti of Q I Number of table entries: r I O(n log L) many non-empty squares Q t1 r I There are O( 1" log n)O(1=") many ways to hoose O(1=") r portals out of O( 1" log L) portals s1 r I s2r r r Q r r t2 r s3 r Total number of entries: O(n(log n)O(1=") ) r r r r t3 r 169 / 292 The dynami program (1) I Table entries: A(Q; (s1 ; t1 ); : : : ; (sq ; tq )) = ost of heapest extension of q subtours to well-rounded tour visiting all nodes in Q suh that subtour i goes from si to ti 8 squares Q 8q 2 f0; : : : ; 4="g 8 portals si; ti of Q I Number of table entries: r I O(n log L) many non-empty squares Q t1 r I There are O( 1" log n)O(1=") many ways to hoose O(1=") r portals out of O( 1" log L) portals s1 r I s2r r r Q r r t2 r s3 r Total number of entries: O(n(log n)O(1=") ) r r r r t3 r 170 / 292 The dynami program (2) Lemma The best well rounded tour an be omputed in O(n(log n)O(1=") ) Compute table entries bottom-up (starting with smallest squares) s2 I For entry A(Q; (s1 ; t1 ); : : : ; (sq ; tq )): Let Q1; : : : ; Q4 be the subsquares of t1 Q. Guess (i.e. try out all 1 2 ombinations) the visited portals of Q1 ; : : : ; Q4 and their order ! O( 1" log n)O(1=") ombinations s1 3 4 I Look up table entries for Q1 ; : : : ; Q4 to determine ost. t3 I r Q Q Q Q r r r Q r r r r t2 r s3 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 171 / 292 The dynami program (2) Lemma The best well rounded tour an be omputed in O(n(log n)O(1=") ) Compute table entries bottom-up (starting with smallest squares) s2 I For entry A(Q; (s1 ; t1 ); : : : ; (sq ; tq )): Let Q1; : : : ; Q4 be the subsquares of t1 Q. Guess (i.e. try out all 1 2 ombinations) the visited portals of Q1 ; : : : ; Q4 and their order ! O( 1" log n)O(1=") ombinations s1 3 4 I Look up table entries for Q1 ; : : : ; Q4 to determine ost. t3 I r Q Q Q Q r r r Q r r r r t2 r s3 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 172 / 292 Generalizations Advantages of this approah: Appliable for many graph optimization problems, when nodes are points in the Eulidean plane (like Steiner Tree, k -Median, Steiner Forest, k -Tsp, k -Mst. I Works for general `p-metries (like maximums-norm) I Extends to any onstant dimension I (Theoretially) nie dependene on " I Theorem (Arora '98) Let d 2 N ; " > 0; p 2 N [ f1g be xed onstants. Then there is an expeted (1 + ")-apx for TSP if the nodesPare points in Rd and distanes are measured as kv ukp := ( di=1 jvi ui jp )1=p p d 1 in time n(O(log n))O( d1=") . This an be derandomized by inreasing the running time by a fator of O(n="). 173 / 292 Part 19 Tree Embeddings Soure: A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metris by tree metris (Fakharoenphol, Rao, Talwar: Link) 174 / 292 Tree metri Denition (Tree metri) Given nodes V , spanning tree T , edge osts (e) 8e 2 T . Then dT : V V ! Q + with dT (u; v) := length of u v path in T is alled a tree metri. dT (u; v) T (e) v u 175 / 292 Motivation Many optimization problems are easy on trees: Steiner tree, Tsp, k-Tsp, Steiner Forest, : : : I Question: Can we for any node set V and metri d : V V ! Q + , nd a tree metri dT suh that d(u; v) dT (u; v) d(u; v) 8u; v 2 V for a small distortion ? I Motivation: u d(u; v) v I Possible approah: For some graph optimization problem, ompute tree T . Then solve problem on tree optimally (or get O(1)-apx). Obtain a -apx (or O()-apx) for original problem. 176 / 292 Motivation Many optimization problems are easy on trees: Steiner tree, Tsp, k-Tsp, Steiner Forest, : : : I Question: Can we for any node set V and metri d : V V ! Q + , nd a tree metri dT suh that d(u; v) dT (u; v) d(u; v) 8u; v 2 V for a small distortion ? I Motivation: T dT (e) u d(u; v) v I Possible approah: For some graph optimization problem, ompute tree T . Then solve problem on tree optimally (or get O(1)-apx). Obtain a -apx (or O()-apx) for original problem. 177 / 292 One good, one bad news Bad news: 1 Theorem (Rabinovith, Raz '95) Any tree embedding for an n-yle must have distortion (n). 1 1 1 1 Good news: 1 a random edge. 1 1 1 II Delete For u; v 2 V with d(u; v) = k one has 1 1 1 1 dTT (u; v) = n k with probability knk and d (u; v) = k with probability 1 n . 1 I Expeted distortion is at most 2 sine: k k E [dT (u; v)℄ = (n k) + 1 k 2k n n | {z k } | {z k } 178 / 292 The Theorem Theorem (Fakharoenphol, Rao, Talwar '03) Given any metri (V; d), one an nd randomly (in time O(n2 )) a tree metri (V [ U; dT ) suh that I d(u; v) dT (u; v) 8u; v 2 V (i.e. dT dominates d) I E [dT (u; v)℄ O(log n) d(u; v) 8u; v 2 V That means the tree metri has an expeted O(log n) distortion. The tree will ontain extra nodes U , whih were not ontained in the original nodeset. Remark: 2U T 3 u d(u; v) v 179 / 292 Preliminaries Assumptions: I 2Æ = maxu;v2V fd(u; v)g I d(u; v) > 1 8u 6= v is diameter Denition A set system S is alled laminar if for every S1; S2 2 S one has either S1 \ S2 = ; or S1 S2 or S2 S1 . Idea: Obtain a random laminar family. 180 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) (2) (4) DÆ : b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 181 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) (2) (4) DÆ : b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 182 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) (2) (4) Di : b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 183 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) (2) (4) Di : b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 184 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) (2) (4) b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 185 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) (2) (4) b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 186 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) (2) (4) D0 : b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 187 / 292 Clustering Algorithm: (1) Choose a random permutation on nodes V (2) Choose 2 [0; 1℄ uniformly at random (3) DÆ := fV g (4) FOR i = Æ 1 DOWNTO 0 DO (5) Assign every node to rst node (w.r.t. order ) that has distane 2 2i 1 (6) All nodes that are assigned to the same node and are in the same luster (in Di+1 ) form a new luster of Di (7) D0 ; : : : ; DÆ : (2) (4) b b b b b b (8) (1) b (6) (3) b (5) 188 / 292 Dening the tree metri I Eah luster beomes an extra node I Insert edge of ost 2i between S 2 Di ; S 0 2 Di 1 if S 0 S DÆ ... Di Di 1 ... D0 I 2i 2i 2i 2i 2i 2V Note that in the last iteration (i = 0) we assign eah node to a luster enter at distane 2 20 1 1. Hene the lusters of D0 are indeed singletons (sine d(u; v) > 1 8u 6= v). 189 / 292 T d dominates d Lemma The tree metri dT dominates d, i.e. d(u; v) dT (u; v)8u; v 2 V I I I I Suppose u; v are in the same Di luster, but separated by Di 1 Cluster in Di have diameter 2 2 2i 1 2i+1 On the other hand dT (u; v) 2 2i . Hene d(u; v) 2i+1 dT (u; v) DÆ ... Di Di 1 ... D0 2i 2i 2i u 2i v 2i 2V 190 / 292 Proof of O(log n) average distortion Lemma For any u; v 2 V : E [dT (u; v)℄ = O(log n) d(u; v) If only one of the nodes u; v is assigned to enter w in an iteration i, then we say w uts edge (u; v) at level i. I We want to harge the u-v distane to that luster enter that uts the u-v edge X dTw (u; v) := 2i+2 I I Then i:w uts (u;v) at level i dT (u; v) X w2V dTw (u; v) sine: Suppose u; v are separated by DPi i(i.e. they are in the +1 T same Di+1 luster). Then d (u; v) j=0 2 2j 2 2i+2 . But in iteration i, we nd 2 luster enters w; w0 that ut edge (u; v), for both dTw (u; v); dTw0 (u; v) 2i+2. 191 / 292 Proof of O(log n) average distortion (2) I Assume w.l.o.g. that d(u; ws ) < d(v; ws ). I Let w1 ; w2 ; : : : be nodes in inreasing distane from u I ws an ut (u; v) only if I I (A) (B) 9 level i, where d(u; ws ) 2 2i 1 < d(v; ws ) u is assigned to ws ws 1 ws 2 2 i 1 2 2i w1 u 1 w2 ws 2 v 192 / 292 Proof of O(log n) average distortion (3) I Assume for a seond: 9i : 2i 1 d(u; ws ) < d(v; ws ) < 2i . I Then there is only one level i at whih ws might ut (u; v) I By triangle inequality, the length of the interval [d(u; ws ); d(v; ws )℄ is d(v; ws ) d(u; ws ) d(u; v): I Logsale length of interval is at most log2 2 2+d(u;v) . i 1 2 + d(u; v) log (1+x)2x d(u; v) Pr[(A)℄ log2 2 2i 1 2i 1 d(u; ws ) d(v; ws ) Standard: ::: 20 2i 1 2i 21 0 1 i 1 i 1 2 Logsale: 193 / 292 Proof of O(log n) average distortion (3) I Assume for a seond: 9i : 2i 1 d(u; ws ) < d(v; ws ) < 2i . I Then there is only one level i at whih ws might ut (u; v) I By triangle inequality, the length of the interval [d(u; ws ); d(v; ws )℄ is d(v; ws ) d(u; ws ) d(u; v): I Logsale length of interval is at most log2 2 2+d(u;v) . i 1 2 + d(u; v) log (1+x)2x d(u; v) Pr[(A)℄ log2 2 2i 1 2i 1 d(u; ws ) d(v; ws ) Standard: i 1 2 2 2 ::: 20 2i 1 2i 21 0 1 1 1 luster sizes Logsale: i 1 i 1 2 194 / 292 Proof of O(log n) average distortion (4) I Next, ondition on (A). Pr[u assigned to wsj(A)℄ Pr[ws 1st of w1; : : : ; ws w.r.t. ℄ = 1s I If (A) & (B ) happen, this inurs ost of 2i+2 . I Hene d(u; v ) d(u; v) 1 E [dTw (u; v)℄ 2i+2 2 i 1 = O 2 s s I For general ase: Let Æi be length of i ℄ Then applying the arguments [d(u; ws ); d(v; ws )℄ \ [2i 1 ; 2P ) T for eah Æi: E [dw (u; v)℄ i Æi O( 1s ) O( d(u;v s ). I Then nX2 nX2 d(u; v) T T = O(log n)d(u; v) E [d (u; v)℄ E [d (u; v)℄ = O s s s=1 ws s=1 s 195 / 292 Distortion must be (log n) Denition (Expander graph) An undireted graph G = (V; E ) is alled an (n; d; )-expander graph if I jV j = n I onstant degree: deg(v) = d 8v 2 V I edge expansion jÆ(S )j = min 1jS jn=2 jS j I I Random d-regular graphs are good expanders w.h.p. The diameter of expanders is (log n). Theorem (Bartal '96) A randomized tree embedding of any (n; d; )-expander graph (d; onstants) must have an edge with expeted distortion of (log n). 196 / 292 Steiner nodes are not really neessary Theorem (Gupta '01) Given a weighted tree T = (V; E; ), where the node set V = R[_ S onsists of required verties R and Steiner nodes S . Then in linear time, one an nd a weighted tree T = (R; E ; ) suh that dT (u; v) dT (u; v) 8 dT (u; v) where dT and dT are the indued tree metries. 2S T 2R T 197 / 292 Derandomization Theorem (FRT + Gupta + Charikar et al.) Given a omplete graph G = (V; E ) with metri ost funtion : E ! Q + . One an nd deterministially, in polynomial time: spanning trees T1 ; : : : ; Tq on V , osts di : Ti ! Q + and probabilities i > 0, 1 + : : : + q = 1 where q = poly(n). Then I For u; v 2 V and i = 1; : : : ; q one has (u; v) dTi (u; v) I For any u; v 2 V one has q X i=1 Here dTi : V i dTi (u; v) O(log n) (u; v): V ! Q+ is the tree metri indued by Ti and di . 198 / 292 Part 20 Introdution into Primal dual algorithms Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 199 / 292 A generi problem Situation: We want to approximate a problem, whih (in many ases) is of the form min n X j =1 n X j =1 Examples so far: Cover,: : : j xj aij xj xj bi 8i = 1; : : : ; m 2 f0; 1g 8j = 1; : : : ; n , , Set Cover Steiner tree Vertex 200 / 292 A primal-dual pair Primal "overing" LP: min n X j =1 n X j =1 j xj aij xj xj (P ) bi 8i = 1; : : : ; m 0 8j = 1; : : : ; n Dual "paking" LP: max m X i=1 m X i=1 bi yi (D ) aij yi j 8j = 1; : : : ; n yi 0 8i = 1; : : : ; m 201 / 292 A generi Approximation algorithm Generi primal-dual algorithm: (1) x := 0; y = 0 (2) WHILE x not feasible DO (3) Inrease dual variables in a suitable way until some dual onstraint j beomes tight (4) Set xj := 1 (5) RETURN x Generi analysis: I Show: At the end x is integer and feasible for primal I Show: At the end y is feasible for dual P P I Show: nj=1 j xj m i=1 bi yi ( is the apx fator) primal solutions dual solutions 0 Pm i=1 bi yi OP Tf OP T fator of Pn j =1 j xj 202 / 292 Relaxed omplementary slakness Lemma Let ; 1. Let x; y be primal/dual feasible solutions obtained by the algorithm. If P (A) Relaxed primal ompl. slak.: xj > 0 ) j m i=1 aij yi Pn (B) Relaxed dual ompl. slak.: yi > 0 ) j=1 aij xj bi Then AP X OP Tf . I Let AP X be the ost of the produed solution. Then AP X = (B) n X j =1 j xj m X i=1 m X n (A) X yi bi xj aij yi i=1 j =1 y dual feasible = m X i=1 yi n X j =1 aij xj OP Tf 203 / 292 Part 21 Steiner Forest Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 204 / 292 Steiner Forest Problem: Steiner Forest I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ), edge ost : E ! Q + , terminal pairs (s1 ; t1 ); : : : ; (sk ; tk ) I Find: Minimum ost subgraph F onneting all terminal pairs: OP T = Fmin E nX s1 3 3 s2 e2F (e) j 8i = 1; : : : ; k : F 8 3 8 t1 3 5 onnets si and ti o s3 6 3 t2 5 t3 205 / 292 Steiner Forest Problem: Steiner Forest I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ), edge ost : E ! Q + , terminal pairs (s1 ; t1 ); : : : ; (sk ; tk ) I Find: Minimum ost subgraph F onneting all terminal pairs: OP T = Fmin E nX s1 3 3 s2 e2F (e) j 8i = 1; : : : ; k : F 8 3 8 t1 3 5 t2 5 o s3 F 3 onnets si and ti 6 t3 206 / 292 The LP relaxation I For any S V dene ut requirement ( 1 if 9i : jS \ fsi; tigj = 1 f (S ) = 0 otherwise Primal LP relaxation: X min exe e2E X e2Æ(S ) Dual LP: max X S V (P ) xe f (S ) 8S V xe 0 8e 2 E f (S )yS X S :e2Æ(S ) (D) yS e 8e 2 E yS 0 8S V 207 / 292 Preliminaries I For F E; S V : ÆF (S ) = ffu; vg 2 F j u 2 S; v 2= S g I A ut S V is violated by F E , if there is a terminal pair (si; ti ) with jfsi ; tig \ S j = 1 but ÆF (S ) = ; I A ut S is ative w.r.t. F , if S is violated and minimal (i.e. there is no subset S 0 S that is also violated). I P An edge e is tight w.r.t. a dual solution (yS )S if S :e2Æ(S ) yS = e (i.e. if the dual onstraint of e satised with equality). 208 / 292 The algorithm (1) F := ;, y := 0 (2) WHILE 9 violated ut DO (5) (3) Inrease simultaneously yS for all ative uts S , until some edge e gets tight (4) Add the tight edge e to F Compute an arbitrary minimal feasible solution F 0 F 209 / 292 The ative uts Lemma The ative uts w.r.t. F E are onneted omponents of F . I Consider ative ut S (S minimal, f (S ) = 1, ÆF (S ) = ;). I ÆF (S ) = ; ) onneted omponents of F are either fully ontained in S or fully outside I S is violated, hene there is a pair jfsi ; ti g \ S j = 1 I The onneted omponent of F inside S that ontains si is also violated. Hene, S is a single onneted omponent (or we would have a ontradition). F ti F S impossible si F S impossible orret 210 / 292 Example s1 6 6 9 16 12 s2 t1 20 19 12 t2 211 / 292 Example s1 t1 20 6 6 9 16 12 19 12 s2 t2 ative set 212 / 292 Example edges added to F 6 s1 6 6 6 9 16 12 6 t1 20 s2 19 12 t2 6 yS = 6 for S = fs2 g 213 / 292 Example 6 s1 t1 20 6 16 12 8 s2 6 6 2 9 2 19 12 t2 8 214 / 292 Example 6 s1 t1 20 6 16 12 8 s2 6 6 2 1 9 3 19 12 t2 9 215 / 292 Example edge not neessary 6 s1 t1 20 6 16 12 8 6 6 2 2 9 3 19 12 s2 t2 9 F at the end of WHILE loop 216 / 292 Example 6 s1 t1 20 6 6 16 12 8 6 2 2 s2 9 3 19 12 t2 9 Solution F 0 217 / 292 Feasibility Lemma F 0 is a feasible solution. I Let F be the solution at the end of the WHILE loop. I F is feasible, beause there is no violated ut. I We do not delete neessary edges, hene F 0 is also feasible. Lemma y is dual feasible, i.e. P S :e2Æ(S ) yS e for all e 2 E . Eah time that an edge e gets tight (i.e. P S :e2Æ(S ) yS = e ), we add it to F . I We inrease yS only for violated uts { not for uts ontaining edges of F . I 218 / 292 The main analysis (1) Lemma Let y be the dual solution at the end of the algorithm. Then AP X = X e2F 0 I e e tight = X X e2F 0 e 2 X e2F 0 S :e2Æ(S ) yS X S V = yS 2 OP Tf : X S V () jÆF 0 (S )j yS X S V 2yS Consider any iteration i. Let be the amount by whih the dual variables yS were inreased. We show (*) by proving X jÆF 0 (S )j 2 #ative sets in it.i S ative in it.i 219 / 292 The main analysis (2) I Consider an intermediate iteration i with intermediate F . I Remark: F 0 nF might ontain edges that are added later F nF 0 might ontain edges that are deleted at the end. I Claim: X jÆF 0 (S )j 2 #ative sets in iteration i I S ative in it.i Shrink onneted omponents of F ! H 0 (S beomes node vS ). Nodes vS steming from ative uts S are ative nodes, others are inative nodes ative S I H0 F is a forest. Degrees are preserved. inative S 220 / 292 The main analysis (2) I Consider an intermediate iteration i with intermediate F . I Remark: F 0 nF might ontain edges that are added later F nF 0 might ontain edges that are deleted at the end. I Claim: X jÆF 0 (S )j 2 #ative sets in iteration i I S ative in it.i Shrink onneted omponents of F ! H 0 (S beomes node vS ). Nodes vS steming from ative uts S are ative nodes, others are inative nodes ative S I H0 F F0 is a forest. Degrees are preserved. inative S 221 / 292 The main analysis (2) I Consider an intermediate iteration i with intermediate F . I Remark: F 0 nF might ontain edges that are added later F nF 0 might ontain edges that are deleted at the end. I Claim: X jÆF 0 (S )j 2 #ative sets in iteration i I S ative in it.i Shrink onneted omponents of F ! H 0 (S beomes node vS ). Nodes vS steming from ative uts S are ative nodes, others are inative nodes H0 : ative vS 0 F inative vS I H 0 is a forest. Degrees are preserved. 222 / 292 The main analysis (2) H0 : ative vS F0 inative vS Consider non-singleton leaf vS . Edge to vS was not deleted. Hene f (S ) = 1. But then S was ative (sine S is a onneted omponent of F at iteration i). I Average degree over all nodes in a forest is 2 (sine # edges # nodes) and eah edge ontributes at most 2 to the degrees. I Inative nodes are inner nodes of degree 2, hene average degree of ative nodes average degree 2. I 223 / 292 Deleting redundant edges is ruial ::: 1 1 1 s1 1 1 1 v1 4 1 1 vn t1 1 2 Without the pruning step at the end of the algorithm, the solution would ost n + 4 instead of 4. Observation: 224 / 292 Conlusion Theorem The primal dual algorithm produes a 2-approximation in time O(n2 log n). Remark: The algorithm works whenever the requirement funtion f : 2V ! f0; 1g is proper, that means I f (V ) = 0 I f (S ) = f (V nS ) (symmetry) I If A; B V are disjoint and f (A [ B ) = 1 then f (A) = 1 or f (B ) = 1. Note: Funtion f for Steiner Forest is proper. 225 / 292 State of the art 96 -approximation algorithm unless NP = P I There is no 95 (same ratio as for the speial ase of Steiner tree). I There is still no better than 2-approximation known. I The integrality gap of the onsidered LP is in fat exatly 2. I There is also no other LP formulation known, whih might have a smaller gap. 226 / 292 Part 22 Faility Loation Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 227 / 292 Faility Loation Problem: Faility Loation I Given: Failities F , ities C , opening ost fi for every faility i. Metri ost ij for onneting ity j to faility i. I Find: Set of failities I and an assignment : C ! I of ities to opened failities, minimizing the total ost: o nX X OP T = min fi + (j );j I F;:C !I i2I F C j j 2C Without the metri assumption, the problem beomes (log n)-hard. I We assume w.l.o.g. ij ; fi 2 Z+ I Remark: ij i fi 228 / 292 Faility Loation Problem: Faility Loation I Given: Failities F , ities C , opening ost fi for every faility i. Metri ost ij for onneting ity j to faility i. I Find: Set of failities I and an assignment : C ! I of ities to opened failities, minimizing the total ost: o nX X OP T = min fi + (j );j I F;:C !I i2I F C j j 2C Without the metri assumption, the problem beomes (log n)-hard. I We assume w.l.o.g. ij ; fi 2 Z+ I Remark: ij i fi 229 / 292 The primal dual pair Primal LP: min X ij xij + X fi yi P i;j i2F xij xij xij yi Dual LP: max j j 2C ij j ij P X j 2C i2F 1 yi 0 0 8j 2 C 8i 2 F 8j 2 C 8i 2 F 8j 2 C 8i 2 F j ij + ij fi 0 0 8i 2 F 8j 2 C 8i 2 F 8j 2 C 8i 2 F 8j 2 C Intuition: I j is the amount that ity j "pays" in total. I ij is what ity j "pays" to open faility i. 230 / 292 The algorithm - Phase 1: (1) Initially all ities are unonneted (2) := 0; := 0; Ft := ; (3) WHILE not all ities are onneted DO (4) FOR ALL unonneted ities j DO (5) Inrease j (by 1 per time unit) (6) For tight edges j = ij + ij inrease also ij (7) IF Pj ij = fi (new) THEN (8) open faility i temporarily (Ft := Ft [ fig) (9) FOR ALL ities j where edge (i; j ) is tight DO (10) onnet ity to faility i (11) faility i is onnetion witness of j : w(j ) := i Phase 2: (1) Let H = (Ft ; E 0 ) with (i; i0 ) 2 E 0 if 9j 2 C : ij ; i0 j > 0 (2) Open a maximal independent set I Ft (3) FOR ALL j 2 C DO (4) IF 9j 2 I : ij > 0 THEN '(j ) := i (j diretly onn.) (5) ELSE IF w(j ) 2 I THEN '(j ) := w(j ) (j diretly onn.) (6) ELSE '(j ) := a neighbour of w(j ) in H (j indir. onn.) 231 / 292 Example: Phase 1 - Time: 0 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 C 10 1 3 5 3 1 10 5 3 1 1 F f1 = 4 f2 = 5 3 f3 = 2 232 / 292 Example: Phase 1 - Time: 1 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 C 10 1 3 5 3 1 10 5 3 1 1 =0 =0 F f1 = 4 =0 =0 3 f2 = 5 f3 = 2 233 / 292 Example: Phase 1 - Time: 2 1 = 2 2 = 2 3 = 2 4 = 2 C 10 1 3 5 3 1 10 5 3 1 1 =1 =1 F f1 = 4 =1 =1 3 f2 = 5 f3 = 2 234 / 292 Example: Phase 1 - Time: 3 onn.: w(1) = 1; 1 = 3 onn.: w(2) = 1; 2 = 3 onn.: w(3) = 1; 3 = 3 4 = 3 C 10 1 3 5 3 1 10 5 3 1 1 =2 =2 =0 F f1 = 4 temp. opened =2 =2 f2 = 5 =0 3 =0 f3 = 2 235 / 292 Example: Phase 1 - Time: 4 onn.: w(1) = 1; 1 = 3 onn.: w(2) = 1; 2 = 3 onn.: w(3) = 1; 3 = 3 onn.: w(4) = 2; 4 = 4 C 10 1 3 5 3 1 10 5 3 1 1 =2 =2 =0 F f1 = 4 temp. opened f2 = 5 temp. opened =2 =2 =1 3 =1 f3 = 2 236 / 292 Example: Phase 2: Graph H C F f1 = 4 temp. opened H f2 = 5 temp. opened f3 = 2 237 / 292 Example: Phase 2: The solution C F 2 I (faility opened) f3 = 2 238 / 292 Analysis Theorem P P P One has j 2C '(j );j + i2I fi 3 j 2C j . We aount the dual "payments" fj := payment for opening := j := payment for onnetion := ( '(j );j ( 0 '(j );j j if j diretly onneted if j is indiretly onn. if j diretly onneted if j is indiretly onn. Claim: j = fj + j . I I For indiretly onneted ities: lear For diretly onneted ities: j = '(j);j + '(j);j beause edge ((j ); j ) was tight. 239 / 292 Bounding the opening osts Lemma The dual pries pay for the opening ost, i.e. X i2I fi = X f j 2C j : A faility i 2 I was temporarily opened beause Pj ij = fi All j with ij > 0 must be diretly onneted to i beause: We opened an independent set in H in Phase 2, hene any i0 2 Ft with i0 j > 0 is not in I I Thus all j with ij > 0 i2I ij > 0 X X i temp opened f j = ij = fi I I j :(j )=i I j :ij >0 The laim X follows from X X X f j = fj = fi j 2C i2I j :(j )=i j i0 j > 0 2H i0 2= I i2I 240 / 292 Bounding the onnetion ost Lemma For any ity j 2 C one has '(j );j 3j . If j diretly onneted, then even j = '(j);j . Next, suppose j is indiretly onneted. I Then there is an edge (w(j ); (j )) 2 H (sine j was indiretly onneted). I This edge implies that there is a j 0 2 C with '(j );j 0 > 0; w(j );j 0 > 0. I j j0 tight: j w(j);j w(j);j > 0 0 (i);j > 0 0 w(j ) 2= I 2H (j ) 2 I 241 / 292 Bounding the onnetion ost (2) j tight: j w(j);j w(j);j > 0 w(j ) 2= I Event w(j);j > 0 only j0 2H happened if j w(j);j . For (i);j > 0 (j ) 2 I the same reason: j0 w(j);j0 and j0 (j);j0 . I Claim j j 0 : Consider the time t, when w(j ) was temporarily opened. Sine w(j ) is onnetion witness of j , j t. At this time t, it was w(j );j 0 > 0 (sine if w(j );j 0 = 0 at that time, then w(j );j 0 = 0 forever). At the latest at this time t, also j 0 was onneted and j0 stopped growing. Hene j t j0 . I Then metri ineq. |w{z(j);j} + |w{z (j );j (j );j}0 + |({z j );j 0 3j = 3j } I 0 0 j j0 j j0 j 242 / 292 Conlusion Theorem The algorithm produes a 3-approximation in time O(m log(m)), where m = jC j jF j is the number of edges. State of the art: Theorem (Byrka '07) There is a 1:499-apx for I Faility Loation . The integrality gap for the onsidered LP lies in [1:463; 1:499℄. Theorem There is no polynomial time 1:463-apx for unless NP DTIME(nO(log log n) ). Faility Loation 243 / 292 Part 23 Insertion: Semidefinite Programming Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 244 / 292 Positive denite matries Denition (positive semidenite Matrix) A matrix A 2 Rnn is alled positive semi-denite if 8x 2 Rn : xT Ax 0: Theorem (Diagonalization) Let A 2 Rnn be symmetri (i.e. aij = aji), then A is diagonalizable, i.e. one an write 0 1 0 . .. 1 1 0 : : : 0 0 : : : v : : : .. 1 . B C C B 0 2 : : : 0 C B . . A=B : : : v v C 1 nA B ... . : : : : : : : : :A .. .. . {z . } 0 0 : : : n | : : : v{zn : : : | {z } | =L =LT =D 1 C A } where vi 2 Rn is orthonormal Eigenvetor for Eigenvalue i , i.e Avi = i vi , kvi k2 = 1; viT vj = 0 8i 6= j . 245 / 292 Some useful results Lemma Let A 2 Rnn be a symmetri matrix (vi orthonormal Eigenvetor for i ). Then the following statements are equivalent (1) 8x 2 Rn : xT Ax 0 (2) (3) I I I i 0 8i There is W 2 Rnn with A = W T W T (1) ) (2): 0 viT Avi = viT (i vi) = i v|{z} i vi = i =1p p T p p (2) ) (3): A = LDLT = L D DLT = ( DLT )T |( DL ) {z } =:W (3) ) (1): For any x 2 Rn : xT Ax = xT (W T W )x = (W x)T (W x) 0 Remark: Matrix W an be found by Cholesky deomposition in O(n3 ) arithmeti operations (if p ounts as 1 operation). 246 / 292 The semidenite one 0 Write Y 0 if Y is positive semidenite. The set fY 2 Rnn j Y 0; Y symmetrig = onefxxT j x 2 Rn g is a onvex, non-polyhedral one. I Def.: I Fat: 247 / 292 A semidenite program Given: I I Obj. funtion vetor C = (ij )1i;jn 2 Q nn Linear onstraints Ak = (akij )1i;jn 2 Q nn ; bk 2 Q max X i;j X i;j I ij yij akij yij Y Y bk 8k = 1; : : : ; m symmetri 0 Frobenius inner produt: C Y := Pni=1 Pnj=1 ij yij 248 / 292 A semidenite program Given: I I Obj. funtion vetor C = (ij )1i;jn 2 Q nn Linear onstraints Ak = (akij )1i;jn 2 Q nn ; bk 2 Q max C Y Ak Y Y Y I bk 8k = 1; : : : ; m symmetri 0 Frobenius inner produt: C Y := Pni=1 Pnj=1 ij yij 249 / 292 Pathologial situations I Case: All solutions might be irrational. x = unique solution of 0 1 x 0 01 Bx 2 0 0 C B C 0 0 2x 2 A 0 0 0 2 x 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 1 3 4 p 2 is the 2 p 1 2 2 x I Case: All sol. might have exponential enoding 1 x i 1 . Then length. Let Q1 (x) = x1 2; Qi (x) := x i 1 xi 0 Q1 (x) 0 ::: 0 1 B 0 Q2 (x) : : : 0 C B C Q(x) := B 0 ... C A 0 0 : : : Qn(x) if and only if Q1(x); : : : ; Qn(x) 0. I.e. x1 2 0 and xi x2i 1 , hene xn 22 1 . ::: ::: ... n 250 / 292 Solvability of Semidenite Programs Theorem Given rational input A1 ; : : : ; Am ; b1 ; : : : ; bm ; C; R and " > 0, suppose = maxfC Y j Ak Y bk 8k; Y symmetri; Y 0g is feasible and all feasible points are ontained in B (0; R). Then SDP one an nd a Y with Ak Y bk +"; Y symmetri; Y 0 suh that C Y SDP ". The running time is polynomial in the input length, log(R) and log(1=") (in the Turing mahine model). 251 / 292 Solving the separation problem I Remark: We show that we an solve the separation problem, ignore numerial inauraies. I Let infeasible Y be given, we have to nd a separating hyperplane. (1) Case Ak Y < bk : return "Ak Y bk violated" (2) Case Y not symmetri: Find the i; j with yij < yji. Return "yij yji violated". (3) Case Y not positive semidenite. Find eigenvetor v with Eigenvalue < 0, i.e. Y v = v. Then X viT vj yij = vT Y v < 0 i;j hene return "Pi;j viT vj yij 0 violated". 252 / 292 Vetorprograms Idea: , , SDP: max X i;j X i;j Y symmetri and Y 0 9W = (v1 ; : : : ; vn) 2 Rnn : W T W 9v1; : : : ; vn 2 Rn : yij = viT vj =Y Vetor program: max ij yij akij yij bk 8k Y Y sym. 0 X i;j X i;j ij viT vj akij viT vj vi bk 8k 2 Rn 8i Observation The SDP and the vetor program are equivalent. 253 / 292 Part 24 MaxCut Soure: I Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) I Improved Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Cut and Satisability Problems Using Semidenite Programming (Goemans, Williamson) (link) 254 / 292 Problem denition Problem: MaxCut I Given: Complete undireted graph G = (V; E ), edge weights w : E ! Q + I Find: Cut maximizing the weight of separated edges OP T = max S V i e2Æ(S ) w(e) o S wij = 1 j n X 0 0 255 / 292 A vetor program I Choose deision variable for any node i 2 V : ( ( 1; 0; : : : ; 0) i 2 S vi = ( 1; 0; : : : ; 0) i 2= S I An exat MaxCut vetor program: X wij (1 viT vj ) max 2 (i;j )2E viT vi = 1 8i = 1; : : : ; n vi 2 Rn 8i = 1; : : : ; n vi = (1; 0; : : : ; 0) 8i = 1; : : : ; n I Then z =1 if (i;j )2Æ(S ); 0 o.w. 1 wij (1 2 (i:j )2E X }| viT vj | {z } { = 1 if (i;j )2Æ(S ) +1 o.w. )= X (i;j )2Æ(S ) wij 256 / 292 A vetor program (2) The relaxed vetor program: X wij max (1 viT vj ) (i;j )2E 2 viT vi vi vj 0 1 os() =viT vj b wij = 1 8i = 1; : : : ; n 2 Rn 8i = 1; : : : ; n wij 2 vi (1 os()) 257 / 292 A physial interpretation I n vetors on n-dim unit ball. I Repulsion fore of wij between vi and vj Example: Graph G 3 4 SDP solution: v4 2 wij = 1 v2 1 v5 4 5 v1 v3 5 I OP T = 4 I For SDP solution, plae v1 ; : : : ; v5 equidistantly on 2-dim. subspae. SDP = 5 12 (1 os( 45 )) 4:52 I Hene integrality gap 1:13. 258 / 292 The algorithm Algorithm: (1) Solve MaxCut vetor program ! v1 ; : : : ; vn 2 Q n (More preisely: Solve the equivalent SDP, obtain a matrix Y 2 Q nn . Apply Cholesky deomposition to Y to obtain v1 ; : : : ; vn ) (2) Choose randomly a vetor r from n-dimensional unit ball (3) Choose ut S := fi j vi r 0g Theorem P E [ (i;j )2Æ(S ) wij ℄ 0:87 OP T (i.e. the algorithm gives an expeted 1:13-apx). 259 / 292 Proof Consider 2 vetors vi; vj with angle Let R a be the 1-dim. intersetion of the n 1-dim. hyperplane x r = 0 with the plane spanned by vi ; vj I a has a random diretion I vi ; vj are separated , they lie on dierent sides of line aR , a lies in one of the 2 gray ars of angle I Pr[vi and vj separated℄ = 2 2 = I Expeted ontribution to AP X is wij I 2 [0; ℄. vj (i; j ) 2 Æ(S ) : aR 0 aR vi (i; j ) 2= Æ(S ) : vj vi a r b vj 0 vi 260 / 292 Proof (2) I Expeted ontribution of edge (i; j ) to AP X is wij I Contribution of edge (i; j ) to SDP is wij 12 (1 os()) E [AP X ℄ = 0:878: min 1 0 2 (1 os()) SDP 1 2 1 0:87 = = (1 os()) 1 (1 2 os()) 261 / 292 State of the art Theorem (Khot, Kindler, Mossel, O'Donnell '05) There is no polynomial time < 1:138-approximation algorithm (unless the Unique Games Conjeture is false). I That means the presented approximation is the best possible. 262 / 292 Part 25 Max2Sat Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 263 / 292 Problem denition Problem: Max2Sat V I Given: SAT formula C 2C C on variables x1 ; : : : ; xn . Eah lause C ontains at most 2 literals. I Find: Truth assignment maximizing the number of satised lauses OP T = max a=(a ;:::;a )2f0;1g 1 n n C 2 C j C true for assignment a I Example: ( x1 _ x2 ) ^(x1 _ x2 ) ^ (x1 _ x2 ) ^ (x1 _ x2 ) ^ x1 | {z } lause Optimal assignment: a = (0; 1) with 4 satised lauses. Problem is NP-hard though testing wether all lauses an be satised is easy. I Remark: 264 / 292 A quadrati program I Goal: Write Max2Sat as quadrati program X max aij (1 + yiyj ) + bij (1 yiyj ) i;j yi2 = 1 yi 2 Z for suitable oeÆients aij ; bij . I Here yi = 1 xi true; yi = 1 xi false I Let y0 := 1 be auxiliary variable. I Write ( 1 if lause C true for y v(C ) = 0 otherwise I For lauses with 1 literal 1 + y0yi ; v(xi ) = 1 y0yi v(xi ) = 2 2 265 / 292 A quadrati program (2) I For lause xi _ xj v(xi _ xj ) = 1 v(xi ) v(xj ) = 1 1 =1 y0 yi 2 1 2y0yj z}|{ 1 = 4 (3 + y0yi + y0yj y02 yiyj ) = 1 +4y0yi + 1 +4y0yj + 1 4yiyj I Similar for xi _ xj and xi _ xj . I We obtain promised oeÆients aij ; bij by summing up P C 2C v (C ). I Now: Relax the quadrati program to a (solvable) vetor program. 266 / 292 The algorithm Algorithm: (1) Solve MaxCut vetor program X max aij (1 + vi vj ) + bij (1 0i<j n vi2 = 1 8i = 0; : : : ; n vi 2 Rn+1 (2) Choose randomly a vetor r from n-dimensional unit ball (3) Let yi := 1 for all i that are on the same side of the hyperplane x r = 0 as v0 (the "truth" vetor) v i vj ) false vj 0 aR v0 vi true Theorem Let AP X := #satised lauses. Then E [AP X ℄ 0:87 SDP . 267 / 292 Analysis Case: Term bij (1 vi vj ) with angle between vi ; vj I Contribution to E [AP X ℄: 2bij Pr[yi 6= yj ℄ = 2bij I Contribution to Vetor program: bij (1 os()) = 0:878 I Gap: min0 1 2os( )) Case: Term aij (1 + vi vj ) with angle between vi ; vj I Contribution to E [AP X ℄: 2aij Pr[yi = yj ℄ = 2aij (1 I Contribution to Vetor program: aij (1 + os()) 2(1 =) 0:878 I Gap: min0 1+os( )) Case: yi 6= yj vj 0 vi vj vi a b r ) Case: yi = yj vj aR 0 vi aR 268 / 292 State of the art Theorem (Feige, Goemans '95) There is a 1:0741-apx for Max2Sat. Theorem (Lewin, Livnat, Zwik '02) There is a 1:064-apx for Max2Sat. Theorem (Hastad '97) There is no 1:0476-apx for Max2Sat (unless NP = P). Theorem (Khot, Kindler, Mossel, O'Donnell '05) There is no polynomial time 1:063-apx for Max2Sat (unless the Unique Games Conjeture is false). 269 / 292 Part 26 Budgeted Spanning Tree Soure: The Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (Goemans, Ravi) (link) 270 / 292 The Budgeted Spanning Tree problem Problem: Budgeted Spanning Tree I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ) with edge osts : E ! Q + and edge lengths ` : E ! Q + . Budget B . I Find: Spanning tree T minimizing the ost, while not exeeding the budget n X o X e j `e B OP T = max spanning tree T e2T (3; 1) (1; 2) ost (e) (0; 2) e2T (2; 1) (2; 1) length `(e) B=4 271 / 292 The Budgeted Spanning Tree problem Problem: Budgeted Spanning Tree I Given: Undireted graph G = (V; E ) with edge osts : E ! Q + and edge lengths ` : E ! Q + . Budget B . I Find: Spanning tree T minimizing the ost, while not exeeding the budget n X o X e j `e B OP T = max spanning tree T e2T (3; 1) (1; 2) ost (e) (0; 2) T e2T (2; 1) (2; 1) length `(e) B=4 272 / 292 Budgeted Spanning Tree is NP-hard Reall that Partition is (weakly) NP-hard: Problem: Partition P I Given: Numbers a1 ; : : : ; an 2 N , S := ni=1 ai P I Find: I f1; : : : ; ng : i2I ai = S=2 Redution to Budgeted Spanning Tree : (a1 ; 0) (a2 ; 0) (an; 0) ::: (0; a1 ) (0; a2 ) (0; an ) I Budget B := S=2. There is a feasible tree T of ost (T ) B; `(T ) B if and only if there is a Partition solution. I Problem also NP-hard for simple graphs (our algorithm will also work for multigraphs). I Reall: The Spanning Tree problem without a budget is easy. 273 / 292 Lagrangian Relaxation Original problem: minT (T ) T spanning tree `(T ) B Lagrangian Relaxation: minT (T ) + z (`(T ) T spanning tree B) := OP TLR (z) := OP T Lemma For any Lagrange multiplier z 0: OP TLR (z ) OP T . I Let T be the optimum solution: (T ) = OP T; `(T ) B . Then OP T z 0 }| { z (`(T ) B ) OP TLR (z ) = (T ) (T ) + |{z} | {z } 0 0 274 / 292 Solving the Lagrangian relaxation Lemma A sol. z ; T1 ; T2 an be omputed in poly-time where OP TLR = OP TLR (z ) is attained by T1 ; T2 , `(T1 ) B `(T2 ). I Assume w.l.o.g. (e); `(e) 2 Z. amax := maxf(e); `(e)g I For any spanning tree T , let gT (z ) := (T ) + z (`(T ) B ) I OP TLR (z ) = minT fgT (z )g. Hene OP TLR (z ) is onave. OP TLR gT1 (z ) b OP TLR (z ) z OP TLR (z ) attained by T : OP TLR (z ) attained by T : (T )OP TLR ; `(T )B (T )OP TLR ; `(T )B gT2 (z ) n amax z 275 / 292 Solving the Lagrangian relaxation (2) I For a given z , hoose 0 (e) := (e) + z `(e), then OP TLR (z ) = min f(T )+z (`(T ) B )g = min f0 (T )g z B sp.tree T sp.tree T I OP TLR (0) OP TLR (z ) I OP TLR (n amax ) 0 (if there is no tree with budget < B , then MST w.r.t. 0(e) := `(e) + na1 (e) is optimal). I Perform binary searh (needs O(log(n amax )) iterations): max (1) L := 0; R := n amax 1 (2) WHILE jL Rj 4n2 a2max DO (3) z := L R (4) T := M ST for ost funtion 0 (e) := (e) + z `(e) (5) IF `(T ) > B THEN L := z ELSE R := z + 2 z := rational number in [L; R℄ with min. denominator T1 := argminT fgT (z ")g T2 := argminT fgT (z + ")g (" := 8n2 1a2max should suÆe) I Use: z 2 Zq for some q 2 f1; : : : ; 4n2 a2maxg (6) (7) (8) 276 / 292 An example gfe2 g (z ) = 0 + (2 e1 : (2; 0) e2 : (0; 2) e3 : (3=2; 1) B=1 2 gfe3 g (z ) OP TLR = 11 0 1) z OP TLR (z ) 0 z z 1= 1 2 gfe g (z ) = 2 + (0 1) z 1 I In this example OP T = 23 ; OP TLR = 1 277 / 292 Obtaining 2 trees diering in 2 edges Lemma One an nd opt. Lagrange solutions T1 ; T2 with `(T1 ) B; `(T2 ) B whih dier in exatly 2 edges. I Let S0 ; Sk the trees returned by the S0 Sk algorithm with `(S0) B; `(Sk ) B e0 e1 that dier in jSk S0j := jSk nS0j + jS0nSk j = 2k edges I Let e0 2 S0 be edge maximizing 0 (e) := (e) + z `(e). There is an edge e1 2 Sk nS0 suh that S1 := S0 nfe0 g [ fe1 g is a spanning tree. Sine 0 (S0 ) = 0 (Sk ), 0 (e0 ) 0(e1 ). On the other hand 0 (S1) 0(S0 ) sine S0 has minimal 0 -ost. Hene 0 (S1 ) = 0 (S0 ) and jS1 S0 j = 2(k 1). I We iterate this to obtain S0 ; : : : ; Sk with 0 (S0 ) = 0 (S1 ) = : : : = 0 (Sk ) and jSi Si+1 j = 2 8i. I Sine `(S0 ) B; `(Sk ) B there must be a pair (T1 ; T2 ) := (Si; Si+1 ) with `(Si) B; `(Si+1) B . 278 / 292 T 2 is not that bad Lemma Let z ; T1 ; T2 be opt. Lagrange solutions, `(T1 ) B; `(T2 ) B s.t. jT1 T2 j = 2. Then (T2 ) OP T + max . I Reall that 0 }| (T1 ) (T1 ) + z (`(T1 ) z | I {z 0 { B}) = OP TLR (z ) OP T Let e1 ; e2 be edges with T2 = (T1 nfe1 g) [ fe2 g. Then (T2 ) = (T1 ) (e1 ) + (e2 ) OP T + max | {z } | {z } | {z } OP T 0 max 279 / 292 A PTAS Lemma There is a PTAS for Budgeted Spanning Tree . Guess the 1=" many edges of maximum ost in the optimum solution. I Contrat them. Now max " OP T in the remaining instane. I State of the art: It is not know, whether there is an FPTAS for Budgeted Spanning Tree. I [Hong et al.℄ an nd a tree T with (T ) (1 + ")OP T; `(T ) (1 + ")B in poly(n; 1=") (i.e. a biriteria FPTAS). I 280 / 292 Part 27 -Median k Soure: Approximation Algorithms (Vazirani, Springer Press) 281 / 292 k -Median Problem: k-Median I Given: Failities F , ities C , parameter k 2 N . Metri ost ij for onneting ity j to faility i. I Find: Set of at most k failities I and an assignment : C ! I of ities to opened failities, minimizing the onnetion ost: OP T := I F;jImin jk;:C !I i2I (j );i F C j X ij i 282 / 292 k -Median Problem: k-Median I Given: Failities F , ities C , parameter k 2 N . Metri ost ij for onneting ity j to faility i. I Find: Set of at most k failities I and an assignment : C ! I of ities to opened failities, minimizing the onnetion ost: OP T := I F;jImin jk;:C !I X i2I (j );i F C k j ij i 283 / 292 Integer program : P P min i2F j2C xij ij P x 8j 2 C i2F ij = 1 xij yi 8i 2 F 8j 2 C P y k i i2F yi ; xij 2 f0; 1g 8i 2 F 8j 2 C = OP T Lagrangian RelaxationP(z 0) : P P minP i2F j2C xij ij + z i2F yi k 8j 2 C i2F xij = 1 xij yi 8i 2 F 8j 2 C yi ; xij 2 f0; 1g 8i 2 F 8j 2 C = optimum faility loation value for instane with fi := z =: OP TF L(z) =: OP TLR (z) zk 284 / 292 Approximating the Lagrangean Relaxation (1) Reall the previous result: Theorem One an ompute a Faility Loation solution in poly-time, with onnetion ost + 3 faility ost 3 OP TF L: Let F L(z) F be the set of failities, opened by approximation algorithm if fi := z for all failities i 2 F . I For F 0 F and j 2 C let (F 0 ; j ) := mini2F 0 fij g be the distane of ity j to nearest faility in F 0 P I Let (F 0 ) := j 2C (F 0 ; j ) be the onnetion ost of a Faility Loation or k -Median solution F 0 . I 285 / 292 Approximating the Lagrangean Relaxation (2) jF L(z)j = # failities opened by apx-algo jF2 j k jF1 j sol F2 : infeasible/ (F2 ) 3 OP T sol F1 : feasible/ (F1 ) 3 OP T z z I jF L(0)j = jF j k; limz!1 jF L(z )j = 1 k I By binary searh in the interval [0; jC j maxi;j fij g℄, nd z 0, where jF L(z )j k jF L(z + ")j I Let F1 := F L(z + "); F2 := F L(z ) be the obtained approximate solutions (we ignore the "-term from now on, sine it an be made exponentially small). 286 / 292 Bounding the ost of F1; F2 Lemma Choose 0 1 with jF1 j + (1 )jF2 j = k. Then (F1 ) + (1 ) (F2 ) 3 OP T: Sine we use a (3; 1)-apx algo for Faility Loation: (F1 ) + 3z jF1 j 3 OP TF L (z ) (F2 ) + 3z jF2 j 3 OP TF L (z ) I Adding both inequalities with oeÆient and 1 , resp.: (F1 ) + (1 )(F2 ) + 3z (jF1 j + (1 )jF2 j) | {z } I =k I 3 OP TF L(z) = 3 OP TLR (z) + 3z k The 3zk term anels out and (F1 ) + (1 )(F2 ) 3 OP TLR (z ) 3 OP T 287 / 292 Combining F1 and F2 (1) Lemma We an randomly hoose a subset I F1 [ F2 of size jI j k of ost E [(I )℄ 6 OP T . We want to hoose I s.t. E [(I; j )℄ 2 (F1 ; j ) + (1 ) (F2 ; j ) : Then X X E [(I )℄ = E [(I; j )℄ 2 (F1 ; j ) + (1 ) (F2 ; j ) I j 2C j 2C 2 |( (F1 ) + (1{z ) (F2 ))} 6 OP T 3OP T 288 / 292 Combining F1 and F2 (2) F1 (i ;i ) F2 Case (1): With prob 1 : (F ;j ) F20 + ( F ;j ) 0 I Choose F2 F2 with jF1 j i1 i2 jF20 j = jF1 j so that for jF2 j any faility i1 2 F1 , also (F1 ; j ) (F2 ; j ) i3 j the faility i2 2 F2 F200 0 minimizing i ;i is in F2 I Choose F200 F2 nF20 with jF200 j = k jF1 j uniformly at random. Open I := F20 [ F200 . I Let i1 2 F1 and i3 2 F2 be nearest failities to j . Suppose i3 2= F20 (other ase later). I Note that Pr[i3 2 I ℄ = jFk j jFjFj j = 1 . Hene E [(I; j )℄ Pr[i3 2 I ℄ (i3 ; j ) +Pr[i3 2= I ℄ (i2 ; j ) | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 =1 (F2 ;j ) = (1 + ) (F2 ; j ) + 2 (F1 ; j ) (F2 ; j ) + 2 (F1 ; j ) 2(F1 ;j )+(F2 ;j ) 289 / 292 Combining F1 and F2 (2) Case (2): With prob : I Choose I := F1 [ F200 I Then i3 2= I ℄ (i1 ; j ) E [(I; j )℄ Pr[i{z 3 ; j}) +Pr[ 3 2 I}℄ |(i{z | {z } | {z } | =1 (F2 ;j ) = (F1 ; j ) + (1 )(F2 ; j ) F1 jF1 j i1 (F1 ; j ) (F1 ;j ) F2 F20 (F2 ; j ) i 3 j 00 F2 jF2 j 290 / 292 Combining F1 and F2 (3) I Overall: : E [(I; j )℄ (2)℄} Pr[ase (1)℄} |E [(I; j{z) in (1)℄} +Pr[ase | {z {z | =1 |( + 2(1 {z 2 I 2(F1 ;j )+(F2 ;j ) )) (F1 ; j ) + (1 } = E [(I; j ) in (2)℄ | {z } (F1 ;j )+(1 )(F2 ;j ) ) (1 + ) (F2 ; j ) | {z } 2 (For ase i3 2 F20 : E [(I; j )℄ (F1 ; j ) + (1 )(F2 ; j )). 291 / 292 The main result Theorem There is an expeted 6-approximation for k-Median in polynomial time (whih an be easily derandomized). State of the art: Theorem (Arya et al.) One an obtain a (3 + ")-apx in time O(n2=" ). I I Algorithm uses loal searh. The natural LP relaxation has an integrality gap of 3, but no algorithm is known that ahieves this value. 292 / 292