Revised 3/19/12 O F F IC E O F R E C O R D S A N D R E G IS T R A T I O N G R A D U A T E D IV I S IO N H E N R Y K A U F M A N M A N A G E M E N T C E NT E R 4 4 W E ST F O U RT H ST R E ET , S U IT E 6 -1 0 0 Cross Registration Form N E W Y O R K , N Y 1 0 01 2 -1 1 2 6 T E L: 2 12 -9 9 8 -0 6 6 0 F A X : 2 1 2 -9 9 5 -4 4 2 4 E M A IL : R E G IS T R N @ S T E R N . N Y U . E D U CROSS REGISTRATION PROCEDURE FOR NON-STERN STUDENTS Non-Stern students meet with their advisor to complete the NYU-Stern Graduate Cross Registration form and confirm that students have met the prerequisites for the course(s). Mandatory Prerequisite Verification - It is required that the students’ home school advisor provide an explanation detailing how each prerequisite has been satisfied by the student. Without this, the student will not be registered in the class. Advisors at the students home school may complete the form by verifying that the student has completed one of the following: Taken the pre-requisite course(s) at Stern. Earned an Undergraduate Major or Master’s degree in that subject area. Documented proof must be attached to the form. Passed a Stern Proficiency Exam. Obtained a USA CPA license, passing USA CPA exam grade, or Chartered Accountant certification. Documented proof must be attached to the form. The advisor then faxes the completed form to Stern’s Office of Records and Registration. If there is space available in the requested course(s), the student will be registered in Stern’s registration system. (Requests will not be accepted via phone or directly from students). The Office of Records and Registration will fax the form with a Permission Code back to the student’s advisor. The advisor will pass this code on to the student, who will use it to register for the Stern course(s) on the Albert registration system. If the student does not register on Albert within 48 hours, their course(s) will be dropped. Students automatically get a Stern account after registering; THIS ACCOUNT MUST BE ACTIVATED in order to access class resources. All students enrolled in Stern graduate courses MUST adhere to Stern’s policies and procedures including the code of conduct and honor code. Please know that Stern professors do not manage course enrollment or the registration process thus cannot override closed or restricted classes. If there are questions/concerns about enrollment space or the registration process students should contact their NYU advisers directly. (A) STUDENT INFORMATION Name: (Last) Title: (First) Mr. / Ms. University ID # : Date of Birth: Student Status: (Check one) Student has never registered for a Stern Graduate course. N ____ ____ -- ____ ____ -- ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ /____ ____ /____ ____ Student has previously registered for a Stern Graduate course. PRIMARY COURSE SELECTIONS (maximum 6 credits) STERN USE ONLY # Course Number & Sec. # What Is Course Prerequisite? How Was Course Prerequisite Satisfied? Permission Code EX FINC-GB.2302.10 COR1-GB.2311 COR1-GB.2311 1P 2P 3P ALTERNATIVE COURSE SELECTIONS (maximum 6 credits) # Course Number & Sec. # What Is Course Prerequisite? STERN USE ONLY How Was Course Pre-Requisite Satisfied? Permission Code 1A 2A 3A (B) SCHOOL/ADVISOR INFORMATION School (Check one) BPA (UGRAD STERN) GED (SCHOOL OF ED) GGA (GRAD GALLATIN) GPA (WAGNER) GRA (GRAD ARTS & SCIENCE/COURANT) LAW (LAW SCHOOL) SCE (REAL ESTATE) SOA (TISCH) SSW (SOC. WORK) OTHER: _______________________________________ Advisor’s Full Name: (Print Only) Phone No./Ext.: Fax No./Ext.: Nicki Rivers 8-8933 5-4186 Advisor’s Certification of Information: I certify that all student, course, and prerequisite information above is correct and accurate: __________________________________________ (Advisor’s Signature Required for Processing) Comments: Stern Use Only Faxed back by (Initials): Date: