United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Trade and Development Board

5 February 2008
English/French/Spanish only
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Trade and Development Board
Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XII
Hearing with civil society and the private sector
Geneva, 28 January 2008
List of participants
Note: The entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat.
Members of the Board
Mr. Daría Celaya Alvarez, Conserejo, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Mr. Zakhar Naumov, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Mathias Bogaert, Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève
Mr. Pedro Luiz Dalcero, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Sergio Caruacho, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Petko Draganov, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva
Mr. Ludmil Kotetzov, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Liu Lijuan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Côte d'Ivoire
Mr. Bakary Junior Bamba, Attaché, Mission permanente, Genève
Mr. Nicos Nicolaou, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Isse Abdillahi, Sous Directeur chargé des ONG et de la société civile au
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Djibouti
Mr. Meraneh Daher
Mr. Carlos Santos, Conserejo, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Mr. Mohamed Gad, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Fisseha Yimer, Ambassador, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Heli Niemi, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Emmanuel Farcot, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
Mr. Holger Rapior, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Loretta Asiedu, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Mauricio Alfred Perez Zepeda, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente,
Mr. Asianto Sinambela, Director for Trade, Industry and Intellectual Property
Rights, Department of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta
Ms. Dinar Sinurat, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Joannes Ekaprasetya Tandjung, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission,
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr. Mohammad Ali Zarie Zare, Second Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Pasquale D'Avino, Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva
Ms. Sara Conoscenti, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Hassan Alobaidli, Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Rarisoa Annie, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève
Mr. Fredrik Arthur, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Gonçalo Teles Gomes, Premier Secrétaire, Genève
Ms. Octavia Cerchez, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Russian Federation
Mr. D. Godunov, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Martina Lodrant, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Matevz Trost, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Pere Marzasal, Consejero Comercial, Misión Permanente, Ginebra
Sri Lanka
Mr. Chulabhaya Magedaragamage, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to
WTO, Geneva
Syrian Arab Republic
Ms. Souheila Abbas, Deuxième secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève
Ms. Supavadee Chotikajan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Mr. Fabio Daniel Di Cera Paternostro, UNCTAD Desk Officer, Permanent
Mission, Geneva
Mr. Mathias Daka, C.D.A, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Isabelle M.M. Lemba, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Mr. Dudar Zhakenov, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva
Ms. Zharkin Kakimzhanova, First Secretary and Head of the WHO Unit,
Ms. Assem Mussina, Third Secretary, Unit on WHO Issues, Geneva
Holy See
Mr. Jean Tardieu, Expert, Mission permanente, Genève
Intergovernmental organizations
Economic Community of West African States
Mr. Yaya Sow, Representative to the European Union
Mr. Enobong Umoessien, Acting Director Private Sector, Commission Abuja
European Community
Presidency of the European Union
Ms. Martina Lodrant, Permanent Mission of Slovenia
Mr. Dimitrij Grèar, Ministry of the Economy, Slovenia
Mr. Matevz Trost, Permanent Mission of Slovenia
European Commission
Mr. Jorge Vitorino, First Secretary, Permanent Delegation of the European
Commission in Geneva
General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
Mr. Guus Houttuin, Head, Liaison Office in Geneva, General Secretariat of the
Council of the European Union
Mr. Bruno Hanses, Counsellor, Liaison Office in Geneva, General Secretariat of
the Council of the European Union
League of Arab States
Mr. Saad Alfaragi, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève
Mr. Youcef Tiliouant, Premier attaché, Délégation permanente, Genève
Non-governmental organizations
General Category
Action Aid International
Mr. Aftab Alam, Pakistan
Mr. Amade Suca', Mozambique
Cameroon Organization for Promoting International Economic Cooperation
Ms. Micheline Makou Djouma, Geneva
Mr. Claude Citon, Geneva
Centre for Development Cooperation (KEPA)
Ms. Tytti Nahi, Finland
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches
Mr. Rogate Mshana
Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE)
Ms. Ana Yumari Torres
Ingénieurs du Monde
Mr. François Ullmann
International Alliance of Women (AIF)
Ms. Helene Sackstein, Grub, Switzerland
International Federation of Agriculture Producers (IFAP)
Mr. Charles Akande, France
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
Ms. Anne-Laure Constantin, Geneva
Mr. Marek Poznanski, Belgium
International Gender and Trade Network (IGTN)
Ms. Maria Rosaria Iorio, Geneva
International Organization for Standardization
Mr. Beer Budoo
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Ms. Esther Busser, Geneva
Oxfam International
Mr. Romain Benicchio, Geneva
Oxfam Novib
Ms. Marita Hutjes, Netherlands
Third World Network – Geneva
Ms. Yvonne Miller
Mr. Matin Khor
Third World Network – Africa
Mr. Yao Graham
Ms. Kathleen Boohene
Mr. Edward Oyugi
Traidcraft Exchange
Ms. Liz Dodd
Village Suisse ONG (VSONG)
Mr. Adalbert Nouga
Ms. Marie Suzanne Ngo Boum
World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows
Mr. Jose Fernando Ruiz
World Trade Centre Association
Mr. Nebo Dimitrijevic, Geneva
Special Category
Center of Concern – International Gender and Trade Network (IGTN)
Ms. Maria Rosaria Iorio, Geneva
Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative
Relationship with the United Nations (Congo)
Ms. Anne Laure Solnon, Geneva
Ibon International and Reality of Aid
Ms. Suzana Cruz
Instituto de Estudos Socioeconomicos (INESC)
Ms. Iara Pietricovsky de Oliveira, Brasilia
Office Africain pour le développement et la coopération (OFADEC)
Mr. Mamadou Ndiaye, Senegal
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Ms. Linnéa Lagergren, Geneva
Synergy for Development and International Partnership (SDIP)
Ms. Alpha Ayandé, Geneva