SOWO 505.957 Human Development in Context II: Adulthood

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SOWO 505.957
Human Development in Context II: Adulthood
Spring 2014
Fridays: 2:00 – 4:50 pm
Laurie Selz Campbell, MSW, CPRP
Tuesdays 12:00 – 1:30; available before class in Winston Salem
This course reviews typical and divergent adult development in context, surveys major
theoretical frameworks, and highlights the impact of social injustices on adult development.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze and evaluate major theoretical frameworks (bioecological, psychosocial, life span,
life course, risk and resilience, person-in-environment, systems) for examining adult
development in context;
2. Describe the development of individuals from early adulthood to old age, as well as
divergent developmental trajectories that may occur in response to a range of sociocultural-historical influences, personal decisions, biopsychosocial problems and social
injustices (e.g., illness, disability, deprivation, discrimination);
3. Explain the impact of gender, sexual orientation, culture/heritage, spirituality, race, and
socioeconomic status on typical and divergent trajectories of adult development;
4. Articulate how the family serves as the primary social context for adult development,
including implications of variations in family structure, development, and process in both
family of origin and family of choice.
5. Recognize and describe major health and mental health disorders and the co-morbidity
among these disorders that occurs during adulthood; and
6. Articulate key ethical issues for social workers related to adult health and mental health
(e.g., access to treatment based on diagnosis, health disparities, end of life decisions).
This course provides an overview of typical and divergent adult developmental trajectories,
including the impact of biological, psychological, spiritual, interpersonal, family, community,
socio-cultural, historical, and economic factors. In this course, families are considered a primary
social context for adult development. The course surveys major theoretical frameworks for
explaining typical and divergent adult development in environmental context. Additionally, the
course emphasizes risk and protective factors and resiliency as well as the impact of social
injustices, deprivation, and discrimination on adult and family development, functioning, and
Texts (Note -- these are the same textbooks you had for SOWO 500):
1. Hutchison, E. (2011). Dimensions of human behavior: The changing life course (4th Ed.)
Thousand Oaks, CA; Sage Publications, Inc.
2. Corcoran, J., & Walsh, J. (2010). Clinical assessment and diagnosis in social work practice.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Additional reading: Required articles, chapters, and web links will be available on Sakai.
Strongly recommended:
Frances, A. (2013). Essentials of psychiatric diagnosis: Responding to the challenge of the
DSM-5. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Teaching methods will include lecture/discussion, multimedia presentations, and small group
activities. My perspective is that we all have much to learn AND much to teach. You are
expected to attend all classes, to complete readings, and to participate actively in discussions. I
ask that you contact me, in advance, if you need to miss a class. Any student with significant
difficulty with these requirements should speak with me at the beginning of the semester so
that alternative contributions can be identified.
I expect that we will all be invested in creating a learning environment of respect and
engagement. During class, cell phones should be turned off or silenced. I welcome the use of
laptops for taking notes or completing small group tasks. However, I ask that you use them only
for relevant activities – not for checking email or surfing the Web. In addition, laptops must be
closed for certain guest speakers (to be announced). Your attention during class time is an
important sign of respect to your colleagues, and an important part of your learning. Please do
not have the mistaken assumption that others are unaware if you are disengaged from
what is going on in class! If distracting use of electronics is observed, I will need to strictly
limit their use to specific times during class.
1. Participation: You will start with a score of 10 points for participation, in recognition of a
norm of attendance, engagement, and informed participation. “Informed participation”
means that you have completed the readings and that your comments are thoughtful,
focused and respectful. Points will be deducted if you miss class without notice, are
repeatedly late or leave early, disappear for long periods on break, or are unprepared or
obviously disengaged.
2. Health Disparities Paper (due Feb. 28): This 6-8 page paper will describe a health or
mental health disorder or environmental condition, and its differential impact on a specific
subgroup (e.g., persons of a particular race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or
Begin by choosing a topic of interest – a health or mental health condition (e.g., diabetes,
cancer, schizophrenia) or circumstance (e.g. intergenerational caregiving, domestic or
community violence, environmental toxins) -- and a subgroup that is uniquely or
disproportionately affected. Then, develop your paper so that it addresses the following:
a. The etiology, symptomatology, and prevalence of the disorder/condition within
the subgroup on which you have chosen to focus.
b. The meaning and significance of the disorder/condition to those within the
subgroup. For example, some western interpretations of disorders are not shared
by all cultures (e.g. persons in some cultures believe that people with epilepsy are
touched by the gods). As another example, many disparities reflect generationslong discrimination and oppression, and may be experienced in this way.
c. Individual, family, or community factors that may affect the incidence or course of
the disorder/condition (for example, gun violence in low-SES neighborhoods may
prevent children from going outdoors to play or exercise; the resultant sedentary
lifestyle may lead to obesity).
d. The impact of the disorder or condition on your chosen subgroup, including
impacts on individuals, families, and communities (for example, how might the
incarceration of a significant portion of African American males affect family life,
employment outcomes, and other dimensions of well-being in the affected
e. Recommendations for assessment/intervention with members of your chosen
subgroup who are affected by the disorder or condition.
Recommendations for community assessment/intervention, including discussion
of policy changes that might affect the outcome or incidence of the condition or
disorder, with an eye toward issues of discrimination, inequality, and social justice.
Use current literature (typically within the past 8-10 years – the more recent, the better)
from scholarly journals to research your topic (a minimum of 6 references). Please use
subheadings to organize your thinking and to be sure that the paper flows logically. You
should include citations and a reference list in APA format.
Scoring Rubric for Health Disparities Paper
Etiology, symptomatology, and prevalence
Meaning and significance
Individual, family, or community factors that affect the incidence
Impact on individuals, families, communities
Specific recommendations for assessment/intervention at individual/family
Specific recommendations for macro/community intervention, policy change
Quality of sources used
APA style; quality and clarity of writing
Total points
3. Critical Thinking Paper (due March 28): In this paper, you will apply course material to
the analysis of an adult client. Your paper should be 5-7 APA-formatted pages, not including
the genogram, ecomap, and reference page. You will have a choice of two cases. You will
analyze the case, incorporating citations to relevant readings into your discussion. You
should include the following elements:
a. To the best of your knowledge about this person, create a genogram and an
ecomap to illustrate his/her position in the family and wider system. [Include as
b. Discuss the client’s development in the context of expectations and tasks
associated with his/her particular stage of adult development. Be sure to discuss
the defining characteristics of the particular stage, and their importance in light of
what the client is currently experiencing.
c. Identify sources of the client’s risk and resilience. These can be listed in bullet
points, with explanations as needed.
d. Discuss the ways in which the client’s functioning is impacted by family, culture,
and community context.
e. To the best of your knowledge regarding the DSM-V, what diagnosis would you give
this client? Be sure that your paper contains information that would justify your
decision; note, too, any areas in which you have insufficient information.
Write a brief conclusion in which you reflect on how you might use your
understanding of the factors discussed above to begin thinking about what might
be important to consider as a social worker who encounters this client.
Helpful notes: Organize your paper around these 6 categories, using subheadings to ensure that
you address all of the elements. Do not worry about summarizing the case; your instructor is
familiar with it!
Scoring Rubric for Critical Thinking Paper
Genogram & eco-map: Demonstrates relationships, flow of resources
Discussion of developmental stage in context with integration of literature
Sources of risk & resilience: List and explanation, integration of literature
Role of context (family, culture, community) with integration of literature
DSM diagnosis and substantiation
Reflection on important considerations for social worker
APA style; writing quality; use of language
4. Older Adult Life Review (due April 25): People usually engage in a process called life
review as they enter the later years of life. This involves organizing memories and reflecting
on significant actions and milestones that have shaped one’s life. Through this process,
people gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. This
assignment provides the opportunity to apply theories and information about human
development to the life course of an older adult.
The first part of this assignment is to interview an older adult to learn about his or her lifespan development. In the interview, you will ask the older adult (65 years or older) to
reflect on the most significant actions and milestones that have shaped his or her life. Your
informant could be a relative, friend, acquaintance, or client (if you are interviewing a client,
you must receive permission from your field instructor and must disguise the client’s
identifying information). If you need help locating someone to interview, contact your
instructor. Prior to beginning the interview, describe the assignment to your informant, tell
him/her that only the course instructor will be reading your summary and that you will not
include his/her name (you can make up a name for the person).
NOTE: This is a great learning experience if the person is willing to share. Do not interview a
person who is reluctant or depressed. We are not trying to push anyone into uncomfortable
The questions below are included to help structure your interview; please feel free to
change the order and wording of the questions and to add questions of your own. You may
want to start with lighter topics to warm-up your informant. It is helpful to write out your
questions so that you remember to include pertinent subjects and to keep the interview on
track. At the same time, maintain sufficient flexibility to learn from your informant should
he or she offer valuable information that is “off topic.”
- Tell me about what your life is like now? How would you describe a typical day?
- Tell me about the most important people in your life.
- What were the most significant events in your life?
- What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
- How has your sense of self (who you are) changed over the years?
- What brings you satisfaction? Would you share with me one of the highlights of
your life?
- Which period in your life was the most enjoyable? The most challenging?
- What challenges have you faced? How have you coped? What have you learned?
- Looking back at your life, what would you do differently?
- How was your life influenced by societal or cultural events?
The second part of the assignment involves using a theory and other information from the
course to explain the individual’s development in a 6-8 page paper that addresses the
a. Briefly describe the person, your relationship, the setting, and emotional climate.
b. What were the significant events that shaped this person’s life?
c. How have issues of diversity—race, ethnicity, rurality, gender/sexual orientation,
disability, social class, and others of relevance -- impacted this person's development?
Include the individual’s perception as well as your own perspective using your lens as
a social worker.
d. What risk factors have influenced this person’s development?
e. What coping strategies and resources has he/she used? Address family, community,
culture, and individual strengths. Are these typical of the resources available to others
in this cohort?
Use one of the theoretical perspectives on social gerontology (from the Kolb (2008)
chapter and/or the Hutchinson text) that you believe best interprets this individual's
developmental process and current functioning. Discuss your rationale for this
g. What have you learned from hearing this person's life review? What were your
expectations coming into the experience? Was there anything surprising or
unexpected that you learned?
Scoring Rubric for Older Adult Life Review
Description of individual interviewed, relationship, setting
Review of significant life events, using a life course perspective &
effectively incorporating course material
Thorough examination of issues of diversity and their impact on
the client’s life, effectively incorporating course material
Discussion of risk factors, effectively incorporating course
Discussion of coping strategies and resilience, effectively
incorporating course material
Theoretical discussion of the individual’s aging process as drawn
from the literature using applicable theories of social gerontology
Reflection on learning
Quality of writing (clarity, APA style)
Points will be assigned as follows:
Class Participation
Health Disparities Paper
Critical Thinking Paper
Older Adult Life Review Paper
Grades will be assigned as follows:
94 and above
69 and below
You are expected to adhere to scholarly writing guidelines and to use APA formatting in all of
your written work (unless otherwise specified). Please use the resources available to you to
ensure your success in this area. The web sites listed below provide additional information:
 (resources from the
School of Social Work, including an APA quick reference guide) (APA Style basics) (general information
about APA style). You are also encouraged to review the section on plagiarism, as it
constitutes academic dishonesty and will have significant consequences.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day noted. You must notify me at least 3
days before a due date if you would like to request an extension. If this does not happen, you
will lose 10% of the assignment’s points per day (including weekends, and including the date on
which the assignment was due, if you submit it after the beginning of class). Incompletes may
be granted if there are extreme and unforeseeable circumstances that affect your ability to
complete the semester’s work. An Incomplete requires that we develop a contract that specifies
the timeline for completing your work.
I assume that all students follow the UNC Honor Code. Please include the Honor Code
statement “I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance in completing this
assignment”, on all assignments. If reason exists to believe that academic dishonesty has
occurred, a referral will be made to the Office of the Student Attorney General for investigation
and further action as required.
If you have a disability that affects your participation in the course and you wish to receive
accommodations, you should contact the University’s Disabilities Services. They will notify me
of the documented disability, and we can design the appropriate accommodations to support
your learning.
Week 1 / January 10/ Introduction: Adult Development in Theoretical Context
 Bridging child/adolescent development to young adult/adult/older adult development
 Life course theory of development
 Bioecological systems theory for adult and family development
 Diverse family forms in adulthood
 Risk and resilience in adulthood
 Contextualizing development, including illness/disability, deprivation, discrimination
Required Readings:
Walsh, F. (2003). Changing families in a changing world: Reconstructing family normality. In F.
Walsh (Ed.) Normal family processes: Growing diversity and complexity (3rd ed., pp. 1-26).
New York: Guilford Press.
George, L.K. (2007). Life course perspectives on social factors and mental illness. In W.R. Avison,
J.D. McLeod & B. A. Pescosolido (Eds.), Mental health, social mirror (pp.191-218). New
York: Springer.
Related/ Optional Readings:
George, L. K. (2002). What life-course perspectives offer the study of aging and health. In R.
Settersten (Ed.), Invitation to the life course: Toward new understandings of later life (pp.
161-188). Farmingdale, NY: Baywood.
Wickrama, K.., Conger, R. D., Wallace, L. E., & Elder, G. H., Jr. (2003). Linking early social risks to
impaired physical health during the transition to adulthood. Journal of Health and Social
Behavior, 44, 61-74.
Week 2 / January 17/ Perspectives on Health and Mental Health in Adult Development
 Use of DSM framework within a social work practice context
 Frameworks for understanding health/mental health disorders in adulthood including
bioecological systems, life course, biopsychosocial, risk and resilience, stress and coping
 Focus on the interactions between health disorders and mental health disorders
 Overview of health inequalities
Required Readings:
DSM-5 Overview: The Future Manual, American Psychiatric Association website (1 page) You may also want to look at
the Frequently Asked Questions section of the website.
Corcoran and Walsh (2010). Chapter 2. Social Work and the DSM: Person-in environment
versus the medical model (this chapter was assigned in SOWO 500, so you should just need
to review it)
Link, B.G. & Phelan, J. (2006). Fundamental sources of health inequalities. In D.Mechanic,
L.Rogut, D.Colby & J.Knickman (Eds.), Policy challenges in modern health care.(pp. 71-84).
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
McQuaide, S. (1999). A social worker’s use of the diagnostic and statistical manual. Families in
Society, 80(4), 410-416.
Related/Optional Readings:
Poland, J. & Caplan, P. (2004). The deep structure of bias in psychiatric diagnosis. . In P. Caplan
& L. Cosgrove (Eds.), Bias in psychiatric diagnosis (pp. 9-23). NY: Jason Aronson.
Watters, E. (2010). The Americanization of Mental Illness. New York Times Magazine, January 8,
Week 3 / January 24 /Early Adulthood and Substance Abuse
 Physical, cognitive, emotional and social development in young adulthood
 Emerging adulthood: identity, beginning work/career, intimate relationships, forming
 Risk-taking behaviors
 Substance abuse
Required Readings:
Hutchison, E. Chapter 7: Young Adulthood.
Arnett, J.J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through
the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469-480.
Corcoran & Walsh, Ch. 10, Substance Use Disorders, pp. 294-336.
Related/Optional Readings:
Mahoney, C.A., Engstrom, M., & Marsh, J.C. (2012). Substance use problems in health social work
practice. In S. Gehlert & T.A. Browne (Eds.) Handbook of health social work (2nd ed.). (426467).
Straussner, S.L.A. (2003). Ethnocultural issues in substance abuse treatment. In S.L.A.
Straussner (Ed.) Ethnocultural factors in substance abuse treatment (pp. 13-28). New York,
NY: The Guilford Press.
Week 4 / January 31 / Early Adulthood and HIV
Required Readings:
Bouis, S., Reif, S., Whetten, K., Scovil, J., Murray, A., & Swartz, M. (2007). An integrated,
multidimensional treatment model for individuals living with HIV, mental illness, and
substance abuse. Health and Social Work, 32(2), 268-278.
HIV & AIDS: Review the material under
“Basics” for information about the nature of the illness, causes, tests, treatments, coping
Wheeler, D.P. (2007) Mounting a social work response to the worsening HIV epidemic in black
communities. NASW National Health Line, 156-159.
Linsk, N. L. (2011). Commentary: Thirty years into the HIV Epidemic: Social work perspectives
and prospects. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 10, 218–229.
Strug, D. L., Grube, B. A., & Beckerman, N. L. (2002) Challenges and Changing Roles in HIV/AIDS
Social Work, Social Work in Health Care, 35(4), 1-19. doi: 10.1300/J010v35n04_01
Related/Optional Readings:
Joseph, E.B. & Bhatti, R. (2004). Psychosocial problems and coping patterns of HIV seropositive
wives of men with HIV/AIDS. Social Work in Health Care, 39(1/2), 29-47.
Lichenstein, B. (2003). Stigma as a barrier to treatment of sexually transmitted infection in the
American Deep South: Issues of race, gender and poverty. Social Science and Medicine, 57,
Week 5 / February 8 / Early Adulthood and Psychotic Disorders
 Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Required Readings:
Corcoran & Walsh, Ch. 14, Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, pp. 435-466.
Schizophrenia website: This website has sections for
consumers, family, friends, professionals, with education and discussion boards as well as
scholarly information. Read “Schizophrenia Overview” section and read one of the
“Schizophrenia Success Stories”.
Davidson, L, Drake, R.E., Schmutte, T., Dinzeo, T. & Andres-Hyman, R. (2009). Oil and water or
oil and vinegar?: Evidence-based medicine meets recovery. Community Mental Health
Journal, 45, 323-332.
Related/Optional Readings:
Padgett, D., Hawkins, R. L., Abrams, C., & Davis, A. (2006). In their own words: Trauma and
substance abuse in the lives of formerly homeless women with serious mental illness.
Psychological Assessment, 76(4), 461-476.
Week 6 /February 15/ Middle Adulthood and Mood Disorders
 Depression and Dipolar Disorders
 Suicidality
 Dual Disorders
Required Readings:
Corcoran & Walsh, Ch. 9, Depression, pp. 253-293.
Corcoran & Walsh, Ch. 12, Bipolar Disorder, pp. 371-402.
Depression: Review “Basics”
Suicide Review information about suicide prevalence and prevention.
Suicide Prevention information geared to the non-professional.
Mental Health America: Co-occurring Disorders
Related/Optional Readings:
Kennedy, N. Boydell, J. Van Os, J. & Murray, R.M. (2004). Ethnic differences in the presentation of
bipolar disorder: Results from an epidemiological study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 83,
Tsai, J. & Chentsova-Sutton, J. (2002). Understanding depression across cultures. In I. Gotlib & C.
Hammen (Eds.), Handbook of depression (pp. 467-491). NY: The Guilford Press.
Video on Depression: Out of the Shadows
Chapter 4: Postpartum Depression, and Chapter 6: Common Depression
Week 7 / February 21 / Middle Adulthood, Health, and Family Processes
 Physical, cognitive, emotional and social development in middle adulthood
 Caregiving in middle adulthood, including considerations of parenting and caring for aging
 Divorce and other family transitions of middle adulthood
 Key health disorders, including cancer, diabetes, obesity; health disparities
Required Readings:
Hutchison, E. Chapter 8: Middle Adulthood.
Auslander, W. & Freedenthal, S. (2012). Adherence and mental health issues in chronic disease:
Diabetes, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. In S. Gehlert & T.A. Browne (Eds.) Handbook of
health social work (2nd ed.). (pp. 525-556). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Diabetes -
Review “Diabetes Basics” on this website.
Heart Disease - . Excellent basic information on heart disease
and also has “Maps and Statistics” which reviews prevalence rates among various
demographic groups
National Cancer Institute - This website is loaded with excellent
information. Review the basic information under “Cancer Topics”.
Obesity- Read “Adult Obesity Facts”
Related/Optional Readings:
Brashler, R. (2012). Social work practice and disability issues. In S. Gehlert & T.A. Browne (Eds.)
Handbook of health social work (2nd ed.). (219-236). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Davis, C. (2004). Psychosocial needs of women with breast cancer: How can social workers
make a difference? Health and Social Work, 29(4), 330-334.
Gehlert, S. (2012). The conceptual underpinnings of social work in health care. In S. Gehlert &
T.A. Browne (Eds.) Handbook of health social work (2nd ed.). (3-19).
Werner-Lin, A. & Biank, N.M. (2012). Oncology social work. In S. Gehlert & T.A. Browne (Eds.)
Handbook of health social work (2nd ed. ). (pp. 498-525).
Week 8 / February 28 / Middle Adulthood and Anxiety Disorders
Health Disparities Paper Due
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other
 Anxiety Disorders
Required Readings:
Corcoran & Walsh, Ch. 7, Anxiety Disorders, pp. 162- 218.
Anxiety Disorders, NIMH /NIH
Dobbs, D. (2009). The post-traumatic stress trap. Scientific American, 300(4), 64-69.
Related/Optional Readings:
Van der Kolk, B. (1987). The psychological consequences of overwhelming life experiences. In
Psychological Trauma. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Video: The Soldiers Heart (60
Week 9 / March 7 / Middle Adulthood and Intimate Partner Violence
 Traumatic experiences in adulthood (domestic violence, community violence)
Required Readings:
Macy, R.J., Ermentrout, D.M. & Johns, N.B. ((2011). Physical and behavioral healthcare of partner
and sexual violence survivors. In C. M. Renzetti, J. Edleson, &. R. K. Bergen (Eds.) Violence
Against Women Sourcebook (Vol. 2) (pp. 289-308).Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Pico-Alfonso, M., Garcia-Linares, M.I., Celda-Navarro, N., Blasco-Ros, C. , Echeburua, E. &
Martinez, M. (2006). The impact of physical, psychological, and sexual intimate partner
violence on women’s mental health: Depressive symptoms, posttraumatic stress disorder,
state anxiety and suicide. Journal of Women’s Health, 15(5), 599-611.
National Online Resource Center on Violence against Women . Click
on the “Applied Research Papers” section and read one article that interests you.
Related/Optional Readings:
Macy, R. J., Giattina, M., Sangster, T. H., Crosby, C., & Montijo, N. J. (2009). Domestic violence and
sexual assault services: Inside the blackbox. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14(5), 359373.
March 14- Happy Spring Break!!
Week 10 / March 21 / Older Adulthood
 Physical, cognitive, emotional and social development in late adulthood
 Families in later life; transitions, losses and gains, including work, family, and friends
Required Readings:
Hutchison, E. Chapter 9: Late Adulthood
Hutchison, E. Chapter 10: Very Late Adulthood
Kolb, P.J. (2008). Developmental theories of aging, In S.G. Austrian (Ed.), Developmental theories
through the life cycle. (2nd ed.) (pp. 302-345). New York: Columbia University Press.
(Provides depth about social gerontological theories of aging and will be very useful for your
Older Adult Interview paper)
AARP Web Site. Explore the themes and messages in site.
Related/Optional Readings:
Haber, D. (2009). Gay Aging. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 30(3), 267-280.
Stelle, C., Fruhauf, C., Orel, N. & Landry-Meyer, L. (2010). Grandparenting in the 21st Century:
Issues of Diversity in Grandparent–Grandchild Relationships. Journal of Gerontological
Social Work, 53(8), 682-701.
Week 11 / March 28/ Older Adulthood and Health Issues
Critical Thinking Paper Due
 Heart/cardiovascular disease and stroke
 Health and physical disability in older adulthood
 Caregiving in older adulthood
Required Readings:
Diwan, S., Balaswamy, S.& Lee, S.E. (2012). Social work with older adults in health-care settings.
In S. Gehlert & T.A. Browne (Eds.) Handbook of health social work (2nd ed.) (392-425).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Ai, A.L., & Carrigan, L.T. (2007). Social-strata-related cardiovascular health disparity and
comorbidity in an aging society: Implications for professional care. Health and Social
Work, 32, 2. p.97-105.
White, A., Philogene, G., Fine, L., & Sinha, S. (2009). Social support and self-reported health
status of older adults in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 99(10), 18721878.
Stroke -
Related/Optional Readings:
Cox, C. & Monk, A. (1993). Hispanic culture and family care of Alzheimer’s patients. Health and
Social Work, 18(2), 92-100.
Emlet, C A, & Poindexter, C. C. (2004). Unserved, unseen, and unheard: integrating programs for
HIV-infected and HIV-affected older adults. Health and Social Work, 29 (2), 86-97.
Mahoney, D.F., Cloutterbuck, J. Neary, S. & Shan, L. (2005). African American, Chinese, and
Latino family caregivers’ impressions of the onset and diagnosis of dementia: Crosscultural similarities and differences. The Gerontologist, 45(6), 783-792.
Week 12 / April 4/ Older Adulthood and Mental Health
 Cognitive disorders, including dementia
 Mental health disorders -- depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse, suicidality, eating
Required Readings:
Corcoran & Walsh, Ch. 15, Cognitive Disorders, pp. 469- 500.
Older Adults: Depression and Suicide Facts
Alzheimer’s -
Related/Optional Readings:
Cummings, S., Neff, J., & Husaini, B. (2003). Functional impairment as a predictor of depressive
symptomatology: The role of race, religiosity, and social support. Health & Social Work,
28(1), 23-32.
Plante. G. E. (2005). Depression and cardiovascular disease: A reciprocal relationship.
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental, 54, 45-48.
Week 13/ April 11/ Death and Dying
 Loss of partner
 Death and bereavement
 Death in individual life cycle and family life cycle
Required Readings:
1. Berk, L.E. (2007). Development through the lifespan. (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
pp. 634-663.
2. Hooyman, N.R., & Kramer, B. J. (2006). Resilience and meaning making. In Living through
loss: Interventions across the life span (pp. 63-86). New York: Columbia University Press.
3. Strada, E. (2009). Grief, demoralization, and depression: Diagnostic challenges and
treatment modalities. Primary Psychiatry, 16(5), 49-55.
Related/Optional Readings:
Herbert, R., Schulz, R., Copeland, V&, Arnold, R. (2009). Preparing family caregivers for death
and bereavement: Insights from caregivers of terminally ill patients. Journal of Pain &
Symptom Management, 37, 3-12.
Sanders, S., Ott, C., Kelber, S. & Noonan, P. (2008). The Experience of high levels of grief in
caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. Death Studies, 32,
Laurie, A., & Neimeyer, R.A. (2008). African-Americans in bereavement: Grief as a function of
ethnicity. Omega, 57(2), 173-193.
April 18 – Holiday – No Class
Week 14/April 25/ Course Wrap up
Older Adult Life Review Paper due