Revisiting Projection Methods over Automatic Oct-tree Meshes Agrawal, Bharat R. a,1, Pandey, Saurabha a Zeus Numerix Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Abstract: This work documents the ongoing effort on using projection methods over automatic oct-tree meshes. The mesh generation algorithm uses a quick and automatic method to create solver and geometry adaptive oct-tree mesh on a basic Cartesian grid. The mesh is a non-body fitted type of mesh and therefore is independent of the topology of the geometry. The method takes multiple water tight triangulated surface(s) as an input. The software then automatically creates oct-tree based Cartesian grids both outside as well as inside the geometry. The intersection of the cells with the triangles of the geometry is done using a very robust and efficient polygon clipping algorithm allowing the capture of geometry with 100% accuracy. Over this mesh an incompressible Euler solver based on projection method is being written. The solver is tested working for some simple test cases. Key words: Projection Method, Oct-tree, Cartesian Mesh, Incompressible Euler 1 INTRODUCTION Grid generation is a crucial first step in the whole process of numerically simulating a physics problem. Currently structured and unstructured meshes are widely used in the industry applications. However, they have the limitation that they cannot be automatically generated over complex geometries thus requiring large number of man hours in manually creating these grids. This arise a need for an automatic grid generation process. [1][2] Hereby, software has been developed which can automatically generate an octtree based Cartesian mesh over geometries of any complexity. The code has been tested on various geometries and is capable of generating 10 million cells in 10 seconds on a serial machine. To begin the process of writing a complex solver on these meshes an incompressible Euler solver has been written. The solver so far is tested for very simple standard test cases. The results over these meshes are also discussed in the later sections. 2 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION Computational Fluid Dynamics is the field of numerical equations approximately requires the use of computers to Email addresses: (Agrawal, B.R.) (Pandey, S.) 1Corresponding Authors solve any engineering problem. The advancements in computer technology since 1970 have made it possible to use it to do large amount of computation in a small amount of time [1]. But this was regarding solution of PDEs, grid generation part in CFD still lagged behind requiring a lot of human involvement, therefore it was a time consuming process. This produced the need of a quick and automatic grid generation algorithm with minimal human involvement. Cartesian meshes were introduced to cater to this increasing demand of quick mesh generation generator [3][4]. Cartesian Mesh was good for low fidelity simulation but if the desired accuracy of the solution was high the number of cells in the grid increased drastically as there is no concept of clustering in such mesh. Hence Oct-tree based Cartesian Grid was developed. These grids have the advantage of clustering and that too adaptive. If the gradient in a cell is going beyond a threshold the cell can be divided into eight equal cells to capture the gradient correctly [3][5][6]. Oct-tree based Cartesian grid is also very advantageous when the geometry of the body is very complex. If there is a sharp corner or irregularities in the surface, it is very difficult to capture the geometry using fixed size cells. But using adaptive oct-tree grids the cells can be refined to a very high level i.e. very small volume at places where very small size cells are required to capture the geometry. This Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 Revisiting Projection Methods improvement in capturing the geometry in turn improves the accuracy of the solver [1]. These advantages of oct-tree grids over Cartesian grids have a lot of promise in correctly simulating flow around very complex geometries. As these grid can be generated in no time over very complex geometries, if coupled with a quick compressible or incompressible solver can used as a design tool. Therefore oct-tree grid can be used to bring in the utilization of CFD in designing phase [1][4]. 3 GRID FEATURES 3.1 Geometry Input The software is aimed at reading geometries of any complexities and which can be easily generated using CAD software. There are various formats in which the CAD software can save the geometry, however, triangulated surfaces provides the best robustness required by a meshing algorithm. The robustness parameter considered here is primarily the water tightness of the geometry. The water tight requirement arises from a function (further referred as 'inout function') which determines whether a point is outside or inside the geometry. Further, the software can take polygon surface also which is converted internally into a triangulated surface by the software. The software can also take multiple geometries as well which may or may not intersect in the space. Geometry is stored in a half edge data structure wherein each edge is stored as a twin edge, each of these twin edges are same edges with opposite direction. Each edge belongs to two different adjacent triangles. This data structure provides an excellent and efficient traversal over the edges and vertices of all triangles and also their respective neighbouring triangles. 3.2 Grid Data Structure An oct-tree data structure has been used to store each cell where each cell can have none or 8 children. The cells which do not have children are the real existing cells of the grid which will be used in the solver whereas the cells which have children exist only for the completeness of the grid. The data structure is designed in such a manner where any neighbouring entity of a particular cell can be directly accessed. Also, for a particular face the cells which share that face can be directly accessed as right or left cell of that face [1]. The data structure allows an object of class cell cut info, face cut info and edge cut info to be associated with the cell, face and edge respectively. Each of these cut info objects stores the interaction of the cell with the geometry. Cell cut info stores the surface polygons lying inside the cells, face cut info stores the edges of these surface polygons which Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 completely lie in the faces and edge cut info stores the points at which the edge is intersecting the geometry 3.3 Inout function To automatically generate cells and decide which cell lies in which domain, a function which can tell whether a point is inside or outside the geometry is required. The 'inout' function is a generalization of this requirement; it determines the zone in which a point lies. The zones are referred to space which is divided by various intersecting or non intersecting water tight boundaries. The function takes a point coordinate as input and then fires a ray towards the positive x infinity. While doing so the intersections with the various boundaries present in the space is counted. If for a boundary, the ray crosses the boundary odd number of times then the point lies inside that boundary and if the ray crosses even number of times then the point lies outside the boundary. 3.4 Grid geometry interactions This is the most crucial part for any automatic meshing algorithm where the level of accuracy of capturing the geometry surface in the cut cells is decided. Since this level directly dictates the fidelity of the solution, the present algorithm achieves maximum possible accuracy in capturing geometry surface inside the grid cells. Each cell when created is populated with a list of intersecting triangles. Here a geometry triangle may or may not be associated with more than one grid cell depending completely upon how many cells it intersects. Whenever a bigger cell is divided to create new child cells, the list of triangles of the parent cell gets distributed among the children. Further, cut info stored in the parent cell is discarded and the new cut info is found for newly generated child cells. This is an important feature to allow AMR in the region close to boundaries. Fig. 1 shows how a boundary cell is divided into two parts by the geometry. In order to find the exact grid geometry interactions, each of the triangles associated with all the cells are clipped by the respective cell boundaries. This is done using the Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm. During this process all triangles are clipped by all the cells they are associated with. This gives a set of polygons in each Figure 1 Grid geometry interactions in a grid cell Bharat Raj Agrawal, Saurabh Pandey boundary cell which defines the cell cut info accurately to the accuracy of the geometry input. Then the volume of each cut cell is computed using divergence theorem on all the faces of the cell and the clipped polygons present in that cell [1][8]. 3.5 Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) The basic grid which goes into the solver is generally very coarse and meant to be subsequently refined as the gradients develop across the coarse cells. The present algorithm is capable of refining any particular cell or region at any given time. This enables the solver algorithm to check for high gradient cells in the computational domain and send them for refinement after the solver iteration is complete. Further, since the grid geometry interaction is dynamically found as soon as a cell is generated there remains no restriction on refining the grid at any point of time. 3.6 Parallelization To run very complex solver algorithm on a large number of cells parallelization is the only suitable method. For this the mesh is divided into various zones where each of the zones is solved by a single processor. The division of whole mesh into zones is done using Hilbert-Peano space filling curves which ensures minimum zone boundaries [9]. This is required to minimise the intercommunication between different processors. In the zone division algorithm, each of the cells is given a Hilbert value which arranges all the grid cells in a linear manner. This Hilbert value is given using an algorithm given by Hamilton [10]. Then depending on the total load of computing cell cuts, the domain is partitioned such that each processor gets equal load. The parallelization has been tested on several nodes of Synergy and PARAM YUVA clusters of Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC). Each of the machines in the cluster has 64 GB RAM and 4 Xeon Processors with each processor having 4 cores. On a single node the code could generate 13 million leaf cells in 10 minutes. Figure 2 Division of cells due to neighbours 4 SOLVER REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Volume accuracy First requirement is the accurate computation of the volumes of all the cells in the computation domain. The degree of accuracy in calculating the volumes of the cells directly dictates the fidelity of the solution [3][5][6]. A large number of cells in the oct-tree Cartesian mesh are regular cuboids in shape. These regular cells have well defined plane boundaries where the planes are x=const, y=const and z=const. However, some of the cells which intersect with the geometry can be chopped in any manner which creates complicated polyhedron. Hence it is these cells whose volume calculation requires computation effort and finally dictating the solution fidelity. 4.2 Neighbour traversal Second crucial requirement is the quick access to the neighbouring entities of a cell such as neighbouring cells and faces. This is taken care by the design of data structure wherein each cell has pointers to its six faces and each face has pointers to its left and right cells [1]. 4.3 Level difference in adjacent cells There is one constraint to ensure first order accuracy while calculating gradients on the face. It is that the levels of cells sharing a face, an edge or a vertex cannot differ by more than one. In Fig. 2, the dotted lines are the refinement happening because of this constraint [7]. 4.4 Boundary carpet Other constraint is to provide a layer of smooth equal level cells over the whole geometry to ensure there is no cells which have level less than the defined boundary level (BL) very close to the boundary. This case arises when a cut cell is very small in volume and since the adjacent cell is not cutting the boundary it can remain at a lower level as compared to the boundary level. This is done by making sure each of the cells which are a candidate for being a cut cell has all neighbours having level equal to that cell. The carpet provides a smooth layer in which the boundary layer effects can be well captured. In Fig. 3, black region is the internal of Figure 3 Division of cell due to geometry surface Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 Revisiting Projection Methods the geometry and the gray cells are candidates for being the cut cells. Hence the cell to the right is divided because of the constraint as shown by the dotted lines [7]. 5 .5 67),/ 01 8 ),/ ),/ 0* 2344 Rewriting the above equation for a cell in an oct-tree mesh SOLVER DETAILS 5.1 Incompressible Euler Equation The solver in progress on the oct-tree mesh is for a constant density and inviscid fluid. The work done is based on the incompressible solver developed by Popinet in 2003 [7]. The velocity and pressure are dependent on three spatial as well as temporal variables. Given as follows The Incompressible Euler equations used are Apart from the standard inlet and outlet boundary conditions the wall boundary is implemented with no orthogonal flow component at the wall. ! !"# $ %% where n is outward normal unit vector. Projection method with fractional-step is used to solve the above equations. In this method velocity U is known at time t and pressure P at (t – ∆t/2). These values are stored at the cell center. As a first step in projection method U'' is computed using the advection term. && '( ) * +),- , In the above equation A is the advection term given by [(U.)U]. In next step this U'' distribution is given to the projection operator which gives the new velocity at (t+∆t). It also updates the pressure field to the new pressure distribution at (t+∆t/2). 5.2 Advection Term The advection term is solved by applying divergence theorem in each cell. . *),/ 01 .5 67),/ 01 2344 9:;3< 2344 *),/ = 1;344 ),/ > ?@A:;3 B 9:;3< ),/ @A:;3 B where Uface is the extrapolated velocity at the respective face of the cell. Vcell is the volume of the cell and Aface is area of the face in consideration. n is the outward normal unit vector to the face. The velocities are known at the center of the cell but to calculate the advection term we need to extrapolate the velocities at the faces. This extrapolation is performed using Taylor series approximation. Hence the velocity at the face can be calculated as follows 0),/ )0 E / E0 ) E / E F)0/ )/ where d is the direction perpendicular to the plane of the face, ∆d is the distance of the face from cell center. Now the time derivative of velocity in the above equation can be replaced by spatial derivatives using the Euler equations thus giving ) E ) E ) E ) ) ),/ G H 6 / E / E / E / / ),/ G ) ),/ G / ) / ) E / H E ) E / H E ) E / E ) E / E ) E / E ) E / E ) / ) / 6 6 where Ux, Uy and Uz are velocities at the faces along x, y and z directions respectively. Once the velocity at the face is known from both sides of the cell simple upwinding is used to decide the final velocity at the center of the face. But to calculate the advection term we need normal velocity component at the faces of a cell. Also for this method to satisfy conservation equation the normal velocity should be divergence free. Therefore to make the normal velocity divergence free projection method is applied by solving the following equation 6I J+),- where P is pressure at cell center, Ut+∆t/2 is velocity at the face center. The resulting pressure field is then used to correct the normal velocity component. Therefore the corrected normal velocity is given by 0),/ 0K 60 Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 C DA:;3 Bharat Raj Agrawal, Saurabh Pandey While correcting the normal velocities at the face center, pressure gradient is also calculated at the cell center using the gradient values at the faces of the cell. Calculation of advection term also requires that the velocity is known at the face center along with the normal component. It is done using the same Taylor series approximation as mentioned above. But this time the velocities for approximation are now taken as the average of the normal corrected velocities at the faces of the cell as opposed to the cell centered velocity. The final velocity is then calculated using the equation 0),/ JK0 6 In general, the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of a vector field describes it in two components, one a divergence free vector field and the other is the gradient of a scalar field. Taking divergence of (1) and using the divergence free result of (2) will lead to the Poisson equation 6/ 6 K Hence the final divergence free velocity is given by ),/ K 6 6 NUMERICAL VALIDATION Here Ud' is face centerd velocity calculated by applying the Taylor series approximation and upwinding at the face. P is the interpolated value of gradient at the face. The linear interpolation is performed between the cells sharing the face. The first set of numerical validation is performed on the Poisson Solver. A unit cubical domain is taken with origin situated at the center of the cube. The cells in the cubical domain are initialized with the following divergence 5.3 Projection Method with k = l = m = 1. The exact solution of the Poisson Equation with the above divergence as the source term is given by The projection method due to Chorin [11] is used to update the velocity. According to this method intermediate velocity is calculated by solving the momentum equation ignoring the pressure variation. Then this intermediate velocity is used to compute pressure field such that the corrected velocity is divergence free. The projection method utilizes the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of a vector field U', which can be written as follows K ),/ 6 (1) where 6 +),- and the boundary condition is Figure 4 Residue plot for Poisson solver (2) 6 LL M - - 4 - N- OPQM OPQM4 OPQMN OPQM OPQM4 OPQMN 2 (3) where C is a constant. The domain is initialized with a constant zero pressure throughout the domain. The above problem is simulated with variable number of cells in the domain. The error in pressure is measured with respect to the pressure given by (3) and residue is the change in pressure compared to the last iteration. The results are shown in Fig. 4 and 5. The validation of Euler Solver is performed by following the work of Minion [12] and Almgren et al. [13] where the whole domain is initialized with the following velocity = / RSO/M OPQ/M = / OPQ/M RSO/M Figure 5 Error plot for Poisson solver Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 Revisiting Projection Methods The exact solution of the Euler Equation for these initial conditions is given by = / RSO@/M B OPQ@/M B = / OPQ@/M B RSO@/M B / RSO@TM B RSO@TM B 7.1 Mesh Polygon clipping is evident in Fig. 9 of grid over a shark. Clearly the boundary surface is very well captured even when the cell size is very large as compared to the geometry triangles' sizes. Fig. 10 shows the mesh over a mirage geometry. 7.2 Heat Conduction Solver The domain is taken again as a unit cube and periodic boundary condition is imposed. The variation of error and residue with time is shown for two different cases of refinement in Fig. 6 and 7. Since the above solution is bounded the variation of upper bound of the solution is also shown for different grid refinement cases in Fig. 8. 7 RESULTS The software has been tested on various geometries and is tested capable of generating a million cells in few seconds on a serial machine. A 3D heat conduction solver is also written. In Fig. 11, there is a temperature gradient below the front part of the shark. This temperature gradient is extending farther from the surface as compared to other parts of surface. This is because of the two fins of the shark, one going inside the plane of paper and one extending outwards. These fins can be seen in the grid result over shark. Thus this temperature gradient clearly signifies the working of the software in 3 dimensional framework. 7.3 3D Incompressible Euler Solver Fig. 12 shows pressure over the surface of a mirage. Figure 6 Velocity error plot Figure 7 Velocity residue plot Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 Figure 8 Maximum velocity variation Figure 9 Mesh over man and shark at very low BL Bharat Raj Agrawal, Saurabh Pandey 7.4 Scalability Using the PARAM YUVA cluster a scalability study is also carried out. Result is in Fig. 13. 8 Future work The present algorithm is targeted towards complex geometries like full scale aircrafts, automobile, etc. To create grid over such geometries in order to compute values such as drag may require boundary cells of micron scale. This easily translates into a billion of cells which is not possible to be generated and simultaneously stored on a serial machine. This arise a need for the parallelization of the grid generation process. Currently an Euler incompressible solver is in process of development which when fully developed will require to be merged with the grid generation process. The unified algorithm will also utilize the multigrid acceleration which has been found to improve the convergence time by an order of magnitude. The current grid lacks the advantage provided by the conformal grids for computation of boundary layer. For this purpose, adding the capability of structured cells near the boundary to create a hybrid mesh is also being formulated. 9 Conclusion A very fast and robust automatic mesher has been created for which the CFD industry has been eagerly waiting. Since the mesher is automatic and quick, one of the potential uses of this mesher can be directly seen in any aerodynamic sensitive design. Acknowledgement We would like to thank CDAC for providing motivation and platform to test our codes. Without their help this project could not be possible. We would also like to express our gratitude towards Basant K. Gupta, Sandeep S. and Shubhayu C. Figure 10 Grid over mirage Figure 12 Pressure variation over a mirage Figure 11 Heat solution over shark after 500 iterations Figure 13 Scalability of solver code up to 1024 cores Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 Revisiting Projection Methods REFERENCES 1. Aftosmis, M.J., Melton, J.E., and Berger, M.J., "Adaptive Cartesian Mesh Generation." Chapter 22 in Handbook of Grid Generation,, Thompson, J, Weatherhill, N., and Soni, B. eds. CRC Press 1998. 2. Berger, M.J., andd Aftosmis, M.J., "Aspects (and aspect ratios) of Cartesian mesh methods." Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Arcachon, France, July 1998. 3. Aftosmis, M.J., “Solution Solution adaptive Cartesian grid methods for aerodynamic flows with complex geometries”, geometries von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics,, Lecture Series 199702, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, Mar. 3-7, 7, 1997. 4. 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Ltd His current interest is in CFD Proceedings of ICEAE 2009 Saurabh Pandey had the graduate education at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indiann Institute of Technology Bombay and has been working as CAE Engineer at Zeus Numerix Pvt Ltd. His current interest is in CFD