Stream Temperature Variability as an Indicator of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in Two Groundwater-Fed Streams (1) (1) M.A. Middleton ( and D. M. Allen ( 1) Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada 20 20 15 10 5 17 15 15 14 10 18 13 1 Jan-2009 May-2009 Aug-2009 Nov-2009 t Bertrand Creek site is located along the Canada-US Gravel Bar 15 14 t Water temperatures varied spatially and temporally in both streams, however, the patterns differed between the streams. t Fishtrap Creek water temperatures were more stable and maintained values near groundwater temperature despite having less riparian cover, suggesting surficial geology exerts greater influence on groundwater-surface water interactions and resulting water temperature patterns. border (Fig. 1). t Flows through Ft. Langley Formation (fine grained glaciomarine deposit). t Through the study reach, there are abundant trees and shrubs providing riparian cover and shade to the stream (Fig. 2 Photo). t Stream flows through rural residential area. Jul-2008 Figure 4: Mean annual precipitation, stream discharge, and groundwater levels for the study area. See site map below for locations.. t Table 2 shows that groundwater temperature maintains stable values annually. t Fishtrap Creek has less severe temperature ranges, and an overall lower mean temperature than Bertrand Creek. 13 t Temperature dataloggers were installed at 19 locations (Fig. 2) at the sediment-watero interface. t Local scale variability in owater temperature was observed between the dataloggers (Fig. 3), with mean variability of 1.19° C and a maximum variability of 5.82° 12 11 10 8 0 Oct-2008 5m Datalogger Location ID 0 16 0 5 Datalogger Location ID Jul-2008 In-stream Vegetation No Cover 1 - Datalogger Location ID t The streams have precipitation dominated flow regimes, with annual precipitation of 1500mm, with 70% falling between October and May, and less than 100mm as snow. Oct-2008 Jan-2009 May-2009 Aug-2009 1 N Flow 8 British Columbia Vancouver Island 0 U.S.A. t Fishtrap Creek site is located along the Canada-US border (Fig. 1). t Flows through primarily Sumas Drift, which is a coarse-grained outwash deposit that hosts the Abbotsford-Sumas aquifer (Fig. 1). t Through the study reach, there is limited riparian cover shading the stream (Fig. 6 Photo). t In study area, there is abundant in-stream vegetation from reed grass. t Stream flows through agricultural zone, dominated by blueberry and raspberry production. 11 t Temperature dataloggers were installed at 15 locations (Fig. 6) at the sediment-water interface. t Local scale variability in water temperature was observed between the dataloggers (Fig. 5), with mean variability of 1.18° C and a maximum variability of 6.35° C (Table 1). 2 20 40 10 30 0 20 -10 10 -20 0 Air Temp Stream Temp pattern as a result of having the same precipitation driven flow regime. Within the seasonal trends, there are differences in the stream t temperature patterns between the streams. 10 Bertrand Creek temperatures show stronger influence from air t 9 temperature, both daily and seasonally. Stream temperatures reach greater seasonal extremes, and the mean t annual temperature during the study period is higher than in Fishtrap Creek. Bertrand Creek has lower discharge overall, but has larger storm flow t events during the winter. 8 occurs in late summer, approximately one month after the minimum precipitation. 7 t Groundwater levels lag minimum stream 6 with less daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations. The stream temperatures remains closer to groundwater temperatures, t especially during the low flow period. Fishtrap Creek temperatures are not as strongly influenced by storm t flow events observed in the stream hydrograph. Figure 8 assumed to be sustained by baseflow as there are no other significant inputs to the system. 4 1 Fishtrap Creek 12 50 40 Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer 4 10 30 8 20 6 10 4 1 Bridge 0 2 -10 -20 Nooksak R. Salish sediments (fluvial, lacustrine) Sumas Drift (till, sandy till) Sumas Drift (sand, gravel, till lenses) Fort Langley Formation (stony clays) Study Sites (B=Bertrand, F=Fishtrap) Figure 1: Location of study sites on Bertrand and Fishtrap Creeks in southwest British Columbia. The surficial geology of the area comprises Quaternary aged sediments. Figure 2: Distribution of dataloggers over a short reach of Bertrand Creek. Photo shows representative riparian cover and bed material. Creek Bertrand Fishtrap Number of Data Loggers 19 15 Temperature Difference (oC) Mean Maximum Minimum 5.82 0.34 1.19 6.35 0.12 1.18 Table 1: Stream temperature variability (July 2008-October 2009) B F BC WA Figure 6: Distribution of dataloggers over a short reach of Fishtrap Creek. Photo shows lack of riparian shade, but abundant in-stream vegetation. Abbotsford Int’l Airport Climate Station Environment Canada Monitoring Well ABB01 BC Ministry of Environment Observation Wells Environment Canada and USGS Hydrograph Station Discharge Fishtrap Creek temperatures exhibit buffering from air temperatures, t r. Fish trap C 3 50 Both Bertrand (Fig. 7) and Fishtrap (Fig. 8) follow a similar seasonal t 2 5 3 5 30 12 6 F Pepin Br. WA Bertrand Cr. BC B 60 Groundwater Temp t During the low flow period, stream flow is 7 40 Flow discharge by approximately two months. Vancouver 500 km 70 Nov-2009 t Figure 4 shows that minimum stream discharge 9 50 Temperature (°C) 18 Figure 5 Bertrand Creek Mean Min. Max. Parameter Daily Air Temperature (oC) (Abbotsford International Airport) 11.3 -11.9 37.6 B1 Stream Temperature (oC) 11.17 0.04 22.91 F1 Stream Temperature (oC) 10.96 0.76 19.38 B1 Discharge (m 3/s) 0.72 0.01 60.31 F1 Discharge (m3/s) 0.60 0.00 9.98 10.1 12.9 ABB01 Groundwater Temperature (oC) 11.6 Table 2: Summary of climate and stream data (2008-2009) Discharge (m³/s) water temperature, discharge, air temperature, and groundwater temperature data were collected. t Two networks of temperature (Tidbit) loggers installed in groundwater-fed streams (Fishtrap and Bertrand Creeks) in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia (Fig. 1). t The streams are both precipitation driven, but differ in their surficial geology, land use, and riparian cover. t Temperature loggers were installed over short sections of stream, in a variety of settings, with different amounts of riparian cover, channel morphology, and bed material. 5m 0 Figure 3 Temperature (°C) t Over two low flow periods (July 2008 - October, 2009), 19 Figure 7 25 Temperature ( oC) groundwater-surface water interactions. t Stability of groundwater temperature relative to stream temperature is a feature that can help identify relative groundwater inputs, and the processes influencing water temperature. Full Cover Partial Cover No Cover 1 - Datalogger Location ID 25 Temperature ( oC) Water temperature can be a useful tool for assessing t Stream Temperature and Discharge Fishtrap Creek Discharge (m³/s) Climate and Hydrology Bertrand Creek Introduction 0 Groundwater Temp Air Temp Stream Temp Discharge Conclusions: t Fishtrap Creek has less protection from riparian cover, which would be expected to buffer daily and seasonal fluctuations in water temperatures, however, this creek has a more stable water temperature regime relative to Bertrand Creek. t Fishtrap Creek temperatures follow the pattern of groundwater temperatures more closely, suggesting a pattern of a gaining stream. t The results suggest that surficial geology of each stream exerts a greater influence on the groundwater-surface water interactions, and subsequently influence temperature. t Riparian cover does not appear to be the factor influencing overall water temperature patterns, however it may increase temperature variability at the local scale. t Multiple measurements or dataloggers should be used to capture variability in water temperatures