PHYSTCS 221 Fall 2007 EXAM2: November14,20078:00pm-10:00pm Name(printed): Recitation Instructor: Section# INSTRUCTIONS: Thisexam contalns25 multiple-choicequestions plus 2 extracredit questions, each worth 3 points. Chooseone answer only for each question.Choosethe best answerto each question. Answerall questions. Allowed material:Beforeturningover this page,put away all materialsexceptfor pens,pencils, erasers,rulersand your calculator.There is a formulasheetattachedat the end of the exam. Othercopiesof the formulasheet are not allowed. Galculator:In general,any calculator,includingcalculatorsthat performgraphing,is permitted. Electronic devicesthat can storelargeamountsof text,data or equations(likelaptops,palmtops, pocketcomputers,PDA or e-book readers)are NOT permitted. lf you are unsurewhetheror not your calculatoris allowedfor the exam, ask your TA. How to fill in the bubble sheet: Use a number2 pencil.Do NOT use ink. lf you did not bringa pencil,ask for one. Writeand fill in the bubblescorresponding to: - Your last name,middleinitial,and firstname. * * Your lD number (the middle 9 diqits on vour ISU cardl * * - Specialcodes K to L are your recitationsection.(Honorssection,pleaseenter24). Alwaysuse two digits(e.9.01, 09, 11, 13) Pleaseturn over your bubbtesheetwhen you are not writingon it. lf you needto changeany entry,you must completelyeraseyour previousentry.Also,circle your answers on this exam. Beforehandingin yourexam,be sure that your answerson your bubblesheetare what you intendthem to be. You may also copy down your answerson a piece of paperto take with you and comparewith the postedanswers.You miy use the table at the end of the examfor this. When you are finished with the exam,placeall exam materials,includingthe bubblesheet,and the exam itself,in your folder and returnthe folderto your recitationinstruitor. No cell phone calls allowed. Eitherturn off yourcell phoneor leaveit at home.Anyone answeringa cell phonemust hand in theirwork;theirexam is over. Besf of luck, Paul Canfield and paula Herrera 28. Which of the following changesto an oscillating systemwill causethe smallest changein the system'speriod? A) For a spring / mass system,double thq mass. B) For a spring / mass system,double the spring constant. a simple pendulum (point masson a string), double the length of the string. $For 'p)/For a simple pendulum (point masson a string), double the mass. All of the above changesaffect the period in the samemanner. D -Tr t 29. An insulatingrod with chargeQ is placedat distanced froman uncharged metal surface.The electrostatic forcebetweentherodsis: A) Zero. B) Attractiveit Q > 0, repulsiveif e < A. ( A Attractive if Q 0, repulsiveif Q > 0. (92Attractive, independently of the signof e. E) Repulsive,independently of the signof e. --fl*. {-Dd Jot-*t *es tl^o cneM 't, b-t 1 /-( - a")tlrfurL 8)o \ ) 8,c 1\^*k tt.- rDJ ov f\*sde \) .UtLvg '..^ lt^c Trr It + *+ ,.,' 3 0 . Fourforcesof equalmagnitudeF anddifferentdirectionsareappliedat different pointson a rod of lengthL asshownbelow.All the forcesarein the planeof this page.Whatis the magnitudeof the net torqueaboutpoint P? A) 0.r3FL ,3tr0.s0rz E) r.zFL Lt2 L \ - a 7 o (e {) c = o,63rL 3 I . An insulating,rod is balancedat its centerof massand is allowed to rotate in the horizontalplane, that we shall take as the xy plane. It has a positive chargeon one end of the rod and an equally sized,negativechargeon the other end of the rod. Taking the pivot as the origin, the positive end is located at (x, y) : (0, I ) and the negativeend is locatedat (0, -l). For which directionwill an appliedfield, of magnitude1000N/C, result in the largestpotential energy of the system? A) Along the x axis, pointing in the positive direction B) Along the x axis, pointing in the negativedirection ;Q Along the y axis, pointing in the positive direction (!t Along they axis, pointing in the negativedirection E) Along the direction of the vector that runs from the origin to the ( I ,l point. ) /\d l,\ t.:,t rrJ U: D,D t LJr"ox t{U^^ -1 >x t clre F *^J *hF'tILl "l^'rci.r.\^ 32. Two particles of masses m and2m move toward one another with speedsv and2v, respectively,and collide. After the collision, they come out at a 45" angle as shown in the figure. 6 lt^ ,1, u'Y ,,, What is the speedof the centerof massof the systemafter the collision? 5 A ) v J ) B)' -::v a I.r vv tlz ( c)/v 555553v E) J'" -R^$- retsw\ S t\*- e u J \ " l ' t J i l g(\ ^ t r * k = i vftY et*o.qe r../r {u D),>.) lnn\r-?s-n.2,{T - r l u i .i A \ t l- u ' I rrv 33. Two charges+q and-3q areplaced on the x-axis as shown. L (left), M (middle) and R (right) refer to the points along the x axis that are to the left of q, betweenthe two charges,and to the right of -3q, respectively. 3 * =_ > ' , *'.61 G 4 € - q o" T The net electric field is of course zeroat infinity, but there might be other points along the x axis where the net electric field is zero, too. In which region(s)? .4. ( AD In regionL Y) In regionR C) In regionsL andR (therearetwo pointswhereE: 0) D) In regionM E) Thenet electricfield is neverzeroon thex axis(exceptat + o) T.6\"^fu FW") L oJ A" LI4n c^^rLrujtfilffi,u* /n- r F I $"rt t - - . \o141611ro G\r. I L . q - clr^r=trq, l,(nh- qil.r-16, tn e, nn q.''.f,.rJ , /q L- / (.^ntez"-i tr*ors u c(s)c;I [O €' q ) Ftr' crJ;;.Drt<-l o C4 = 1 AsLt,{'lx 6 irot/ t^'tna,i 34. A point chargeQisatthe centerof a sphericalmetal shell of radii R and 2R. The shell has a net charge-3 Q.The chargeon the inner surfaceof the shell is: q A) 2g -a 0 D) E) 2Q a ?-+Q - 4- o ,$oU \ ) i ?,n s -q kgandradius1.15x 103km. If a 0.5-kgrockis of mass1.31x 1022 35. plutois a sphere from a heightof 10m abovethe surfaceof Pluto,how long will therock released taketo hit the ground? A) 1.4s B) 2.2s C) 4.2s (4 5.5s Y) 6.7s 36. A proposedlow-budget carnival ride consistsof a cabin hung from a vertical spring "shakes"the passengersin the cabin with harmonic oscillations (seefigure). The that combinedmassof the cabinsand the passengersis 1000kg, and the spring constant is 6000 N/m. For safety reasons,the accelerationof the passengersshould never exceed3S @:9.8t m/s2).What is the maximum amplitudeof the oscillations? A) 1.6m A) 3.3m 4em C 9 6.5 m D) E) 8.0m &u^y= AuF .-1 L,D-= At,t cn A ? < % I LL rn 3ry T: *?n 37. A non-uniform rod of mass2.0 kg and length 2.0 m can rotate freely about an axis through a point P that is 1.0 m away from the centerof massof the rod. The rod is releasedfrom the horizontal position. When the rod is vertical, the angular speedof the rod is 3.0 radls. What is the moment of inertia of the rod about point P? A) B) C) D) 0.67kg -t 2.2kgmz 2.7 kgmz 3.6ke m2 @o oki-' csrulVrilIru €"Rt'41 V \ O + -'$J : L4,**o \ + 93' : q.+kf*_ ()JL 38. A cylinder is releasedfrom the top of an incline and rolls down without slipping. Which of the following statementsaboutthe friction force betweenthe cylinder and the incline is true? A) There is no friction. B) The friction is kinetic and points up along the incline. C) The friction is kinetic and points down along the incline. @) The friction is static and points up along the incline. Y) The friction is static and points down along the incline. ql*Tf..b gfrn"- tmtn^'s'fh r6U1. anr"ll^puf efrIr' k T*nF d,s&, r,tel- nrl$\t- nd^ilrr'e rocL-ru- \lP t+ Te^"b \_* {t$- Wc-o,t;>u l \ c-1knd.c-r 4,IIAJ\d, n\o,anl tul l,- +D \ t\A.+1 [t-. 1f"o qlz:rcncq- { -f* .]- $\'\ KUe*- d^$-;;o) t^s[.icl^-L-D\J$ c.r?a\e- dar,orr ) 39. Considertheorbitsof the planetsin thesolarsystem.Whichof the following quantitiesis NOT constantthroughoutthe orbit? A) Mechanicalenergy Ct\A"gular speed )fangular momentumaboutthe sun. D) Noneof the quantitiesaboveareconstant. E) All the quantitiesaboveareconstant. 6,f5"1-c^Sqxf J b o(t'en"G c{c*io"/ C.slu',\a,,"}ul-.t*. k, lI " 40. A 50 g beadis in equilibrium at the end of a springwith k: 2.5 N/m. At t -0, the beadis pulled 0.30 m and released.A dampingforce F - -bi actson the bead,and the amplitudeof the motion decreases to 0.10 m in 5.0 s. Find the magnitudeof the dampingconstantb. ,l^ kds e) 0.022 B) 0.45kg/s C) 1.7kg/s D) 8.2kg/s E) 38 kg/s L At+rz d*e hv / | * D 2 2}n l^ - . u I + Ao- - : A - r \ ^( o,oqj L^) , nOr o ,e^) c':l o.,tDn- of radii 11: R, 12: 41. A pointchargee> 0 is at thecenterof threeconcentric'spheres the ZR andrt: 4R.Therearenof otherchargesnearby.Whatis the relationbetween (6r is the flux throughthe ithsphere). electricfluxesthroughthese'spheres? @ t: 2 Q z : 4 Q t @ t: 4 @ z : l 6 , t l6h - 4Qz: Qt 4 @ t: 2 Q z : ( D t of the above. @None A) B) C) Di T T A O = 9, f,a 9g: € 42. A uniform rod of massm andlengthI has two small spheresof massm attachedto the ends.The systemrotateswith initial speeda.rsin the horizontal plane, about the centerof the rod. Suddenly,both spheresdetachand drop from the rod. What is the angularspeedof the rod right after the spheresdrop? A) cosl7 B\ 2ool5 6>o saolz Y) E)7ao l1^o- qLiueg cte-hd'J*-tLe--F G;,q +ric.\lr^ erF.-Tt.r- rpd , so U ;o nM \ d4zcftc L! v ,ls mfrja-lr 43. The figure below is made of eight uniform squaresof side a. Find the x component of the centerof mass. v ( o {D A ' ) a4 B ) a J 'f^) | (-. I la | - \J2 D) 2a J ra\ L I' 3a 4 -(/w b.^ A tu1- *tL- 8 juv\Lo \*"V iF'f ) n 4' - L'Js.tL 1t^1 3 ob1*.l, ffin\€J I X c t , na 2n!-o.) * z-(o)* \.,/ crn abuw ,frrJ ,n-.=L tf*l'Eo) E, L -) L 44. Below, the momentum vectorsof two objectsare shown before and after a collision on a frictionlessair table. Which of the figuresbelow is not physically possible? *i*^-{=.-+ \ \- F n\ '.J: ' - t n ' k . , -. f- P l t | tn"o f c g c- t tt-o 4v fr ;* t-\ - r p T!* s r s / d ,n,h,*O h oU | r ko * 4 cim rrwirtuv.^ I f'ryg! \r* n"e- Y d*leClrrn-\ n Lqr. /-\..,-M ^A-^ \, CtDanq,n+.J\^" l'x 45. Treat the orbits of Earth and Mercury as essentiallycircular. A spacecraftis in an orbit about the Sun with the perihelion point at the orbit of Mercury and the aphelion point at the orbit of the Earth. Calculatethe flight time for the spacecraftto travel from Earth orbit to Mercury orbit. (The radius of Mercury's orbit is 5.6 x 1010m and the radiusof Earth's orbit is 1.5 x l0ll m. The massesof Mercury, Earth and the Sun are 3.30 x 1023kg,5.97 x l02akg, and x 1030kg respectively.) Y^M{ne : ae- A) 365 days II 208days Gl)to4 days Yt 88.0days E) 27.3days cnrilrL"-l*'rrts = T -, I = { - ?- z-tta1L Z* \)GMs,n 46. A 2.00 m long rod with a massof 15.0kg is attachedto the left wall by a hinge. It is supportedon the other end by a masslessstring attachedto the right wall. If the strlng makesan angle of 37.0 degreeswith the wall, what is the tension in the string if the rod is horizontal and motionless? A) 46.0N b31:3N ttf r22N E) 147N tOtLu.lV I -L a | \_4\ A/4hrf I h{ t h, n g(- " LTexr3}o ^^th = C) e' = n2 cN) 2cnB+ 47. The sketchbelow shows four identicalmassesattachedby masslessrods to form a rectangleof dimensions2L x L. For which axis of rotation will this rectangular object have the smallestrotational moment of inertia,/? $) n) I z*rrf-- ?nnf Llnnt-7 I t I t- E) I tn*r,axr C.€lnr-&- $F I Rqc'il+r:"tt' 1 I i-I _ I -,b{s L Axts arTcF II { r L . L t 'Jt*tz) I q ']- , ^ .,,,,.,.. rl l u L{-'A> I I I I r \'?- tcn 1- +t ta-r,t*\,z/ )Y l = c r t L (b{"f \.- 6mL 48. An electronwith speedof 5.00 x 108cm/s entersan electricfield of magnitude I .00 x 103N/C, traveling along the field lines, as shown below. If the region with the electricfield is 1.50cm long, what is the electron'sspeedwhen it emergesfrom this region? *) E -+l A) 5.00 x 108cm/s @i+.+4xro8cm/s tf 3.33x lo8cm/s D) 2.22 x 108cm/s E) 0 cm/s *--+ e V W : lJ: .Ir i' q _*+i --+l *----*l =l =l 1.5q) me <../w\ s7- lSl I \O cn \€€, ., \ nneftr 6"t,\u ) Jh--,e- I 49. A thin rod, one meter in length and with a massof 100 g, is rotated about an axis locatedat one end. The rod is initially at rest. If a force of 15 N is applied perpendicularto the far edgeof the rod (initiallypointing into the page),what is the magnitudeof the rod's angularvelocity 3.0 secondslater? 7a= aq Fl =f3**)o< A) 45.0s-r B) 135s-r G\ 450s-' @)r35os{ E) 5400s-' I l , .% T-r€)F 7 I ?r I I I 2^EL c/t = u\ - I n nl \'l lts (ll : r I .^1 {a t L I = cn> I F = t6N) cn: Ol V$. t =3 , O r . [= I cn o 50. A 0.400kg iron massslidesdown a frictionlessincline, as shown. At the bottom of the incline the iron masssticksto a 3.00 kg plasticmass,initially at rest,and the combinedmassslideson a horizontalfrictionlesssurface. The velocitv of this combinedmassis: ^n {\A))0.466mts H o.qg2mls C) 1.36m/s D) 3.96mls E) Noneof the above finoco af T& dorn 1r"o t-"tiruq-' * t $-: ^ 4 + lrbn ., ' lqt)" CYltro.-' t^ - l f Cna[J 'r v v r(?Th ( 1 \_/ . i*d \t(Dn \v 1 t : rYw\lnr w ol*fur qq\ 7 , q %@ 2 crr66*h forcethata 3.00kg mass,with an initial 5I . Thegraphbelowshowsthetime dependent If the forceis in (l:0 sf velocityof 5.00m/sin thepositivexdirection,experiences. thepositivex direction,whatis themass'svelocityat t 1.00s? n Qyl3.3 m/s B) 15.0mis C) 24.4mls D) 35.0m/s E) 50.0m/s Z:p 1 [rc r{NJ qreor tt^si N) := \( Eoox\o"%\(ioo : ZS rr./s 4l cn q =qt CI --- z{Us f -I bh ? to-3 "^1, 52. Let's look at two spring/masssystems.In system1, a massMr is hung from a vertical spring. In system2, an identical,verticalspringhas a massMz:2M1hung from it. The resonantfrequenciesof thesesystemsarefl andfz, respectively.What is the ratio betweenthe two resonantfrequencies,fl:f2? -T..A A)2 B) U2 r6tJz )dulz. E) None of the above oft fre;a#i'U'tu7 r l i1o**.J tt ffi"al $5tr".tnc^E-, eplvrr, / \E { \J; -tJ-"" JL +, \\ t( :* Vn'- \' l4 U rrlL t-- \"T \ frr? V* , -' u2- \\^a- Tt-a 53. A 300 g massis attachedto a string that is wrappedarounda pulley. The pulley has a radius of 20 cm and the string unwinds from the pulley without slipping. If the massaccelerates downwardwith a:7 .77 m/s2,whatis the rotationalmomentof inertia, I, of the pulley? $ 2.00 x l0-3kg-*' tl-*t 6@3.r4xro-3 C) 4.00 x 10-3kg--' D) 1.26x 10-2kg-m' E) 2.00 x l0-2kg-*t -T= Mo. MM1 \ J TR -_ A_u \ r I I I I I t t (la f?"x : gs R.3 4 K- \- : f\,ta* Md(+-r) T. -7 54. A solid, uniform spherewith a radiusof 30.0 cm and a massof 4.00 kg is hung so that it rotatesabout a point on its edge. What is the period of the sphere'smotion if it oscillateswith a small amplitude? A) 0.695s @ t.3os C) 6.95s D) 9.45s E ) 1 3 . 0s "f1,e.*^0 T.&hr'"^ - -T= r-rF- : i l l 7T ?I ite rg I d= P-- a: -ts b) t d * =- ^? n n ? L =Trrilc