 Course Code: ENG 4U1 Unit 1: Writer’s Workshop Big Ideas: ​
Reading and writing persuasive essays teaches how to articulate a thesis. ​
2. ​
The study of persuasive writing helps us to develop ideas related to conflict, education, and media. ​
3. Developing precision in the use of literary devices is important for communicating purposefully for an intended audience. Unit Learning Goals Knowledge (I will know): ● persuasive essay structure ● thesis development ● literary terminology Do (I will be able to): ● write a concise persuasive essay ● develop a cogent thesis ● incorporate a variety of literary techniques into writing ∙​
to discuss significant aspects of a literary text in a presentation format (seminar) Formative: ● group quotation analysis ● independent quotation analysis ● essay draft ● essay presentation and discussion ● discussion of persuasive essay samples ● literary terminology quiz Summative: ● persuasive essay ● seminar (elective) 