ENG 2D1 – Personal Essay Assignment


ENG 2D1 – Personal Essay Assignment

For this assignment you will be planning and creating a personal essay (400-500 words) based on one of the topics below. Though the essay is personal, and therefore comprised of personal examples, your essay should contain the following elements:

A Title (Call your essay something.)

An Introduction (Capture your reader’s attention and ensure that your thesis, either implicitly or explicitly, is evident within the first few paragraphs.)

Supporting Examples (This portion serves as the body of the paper, with your examples functioning as the equivalent of arguments. Develop at least one example to support your thesis. Be as specific and detailed as possible – using your knowledge of literary techniques and sensory details – in explaining the events that have shaped you)

Conclusion (Elicit further reflection by adding some perspective at the end of your essay. Take at least a few sentences to close. You may also integrate a thought-provoking question or quotation.)

Possible Topics


What does it mean to be free? Have you ever thought something could make you free, only to find out otherwise? Are you looking forward to gaining greater freedom? What will this stage of your life look like? Can you have freedom without responsibility?

2. Have you ever taken a risk that turned out to be worthwhile? How do you calculate risks?

3. How important is conformity in your life? Have you ever expressed yourself in a way that marked you out? If so, how did you feel about the experience?

A rough draft will be due on ___________________

The final draft will be due _____________________
