Their Eyes Were Watching God one

Their Eyes Were Watching God – Creative Assignment
Complete one of the assignments described below. Your final product will be assessed
using a criterion of the Application achievement category: the ability to convey elements
of the novel through a selected medium.
Group Presentation Topics: 4-5 minutes in length
In all topics, be sure to carefully convey the traits of the characters involved. Their
actions and words should be in keeping with their characters. Whenever possible, use
direct words from the novel. If you are performing a scene from the novel, your lines
should be memorized. Arrange for a prompter in case you forget a line.
1. Janie appears on Dr. Phil with either Logan Killicks, Joe Starks, Tea Cake or some
other combination of characters. Enact their dialogue.
2. You are reporting for CNN. "Cover" either the events of the hurricane or the trial of
3. Perform one of the dramatic scenes of the novel (eg. the mule's funeral, some porch
dialogue, the lamp lighting, etc.).
Individual Writing Topics:
Prose pieces should be 400-500 words. Poems should be a minimum of 12 lines.
1. As a south Florida reporter, write a newspaper article about the events of the hurricane.
2. Take on the role of a marriage counselor and write a summary report on sessions you
had with Janie and Joe Starks.
3. Write 2 poems:
Write one poem about Tea Cake from Janie's point of view.
Write the other poem about Janie from Tea Cake's point of view.
4. Write an entry in Janie's diary upon her return to Eatonville at the end of the novel.