Literature Circles – Visionary

Literatur e Circ les – V isionary
Title of Novel: ___________________________________________________________
Author: _______________________________
Chapter(s): ____________________
You are the Visionary, that is, someone who perceives and illustrates. Find significant
examples of imagery and record your observations. On a separate piece of paper, draw a
sketch through which you portray at least one of your examples in a visual form. Include
a line or two of text as a caption, and come up with a relevant title for your piece. Note
that the objective here is not to necessarily produce fine art, but to promote reflection on
the novel. The artistic approach does not need to be that of realism; for example,
impressionistic or surrealist elements, among others, could also work. Remember to
include short quotations and page numbers with examples listed below.
Reason for Choice
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________