ENG 1D Categories and Requirements Knowledge and Understanding - demonstrates knowledge of story by choosing key quality of character - demonstrates knowledge of story by introducing context of quotations Thinking and Inquiry - explanation (how/why) of the quotation proves the stated traits Communication - structure and clarity of paragraph: - topic sentence - expansion - transitions - closing sentence - language conventions - punctuation - grammar - spelling - word usage Application - application of writing process and evidence of selfassessment Character Sketch/Analysis Rubric Name: 80-100 Level 4 70-79 Level 3 60-69 Level 2 50-59 Level 1 0-49 Below Level 1 - excellent trait chosen that is relevant and effective in analyzing character - trait chosen is relevant and clear in analyzing character - trait chosen is general and does not tell that much about the character - trait chosen is part of the character’s personality but is ineffective for analysis - trait stated is not evident in the story - effectively introduces quotation by giving appropriate and specific context - introduces quotation by giving appropriate and specific context - quotation is introduced, but context is general and vague - quotation is introduced but no context is given (ex. He said, “...”) - quotation is neither introduced nor put into context. (Sentence starts with the quotation) - effective how/why analysis that is linked to the topic and expansion sentences - how/why analysis that is linked to the topic and expansion sentences - contains only one part of analysis, weak link to the topic and expansion sentences - contains only one part of analysis, no link to topic and expansion sentences - no how/why analysis present - topic sentence, expansion, transitions, and closing sentence are clear and effective - topic sentence, expansion, transitions, and closing sentence are clear - topic sentence, expansion, transitions, and closing sentence are present but clarity is not consistent - use of topic sentence, expansion, transitions, and closing sentence is incorrect - no topic sentence - no expansion sentence - no transitions are used - no closing sentence - writing is error free - some minor errors are present but they do not interfere with the reader’s understanding - many errors in language conventions that often interfere with the reader’s understanding - so many errors in language conventions that the paragraph is very difficult to read - clear and effective use of a number of drafts to produce a high quality of work - clear use of a number of drafts to produce an acceptable level of work - little use of the writing process is apparent - no use of draft evident - errors in language conventions occasionally interfere with the reader’s understanding - a number of drafts used, but evidence of self-assessment limited