ENG1P – Character Sketch Assignment

ENG1P – Character Sketch Assignment
To finish our first unit we will be brainstorming, planning and writing a character sketch based on one of
the main characters from the short stories we have read. Since we have already completed an argument
paragraph (basically the same structure) this should be an assignment where we can all perform very well.
Step 1: Choose a story and character. The character can be from any of the stories we have read (“Gore”,
“Priscilla and the Wimps”, “Lamb to the Slaughter”, or “T aste of Melon”).
Story: _________________
Character: ______________________
Step 2: Fill out the brainstorming sheet on the back of this page. Choose your two best character traits.
The structure for your character sketch is the same as your argument paragraph:
Topic Sentence
Example: Dayna from the short story “The Shower” is a very organized person.
{Character Name} from the short story {Story Name} is a very {character trait} person.
Expansion Sentence
Example: Dayna shows that she is an organized person when she plans a party and runs a fashion
{Character Name} shows that he/she is a {character trait} person when he/she {Example #1} and
{Example #2}
Proof #1: Context, Lead in, Quotation, Analysis
Example: Dayna first shows her organizational skills when she is able to plan and arrange thirty
people to come to her house for a surprise baby shower. While at the shower, Dayna’s friend
Erica says, “I can’t believe she was able to put all of this together herself. Getting all of the food,
the decorations and the games together must have been very difficult” (Home 12). When Erica
expresses her surprise that Dayna was able to get all of the things at the party together on her own,
it shows how organized Dayna is. Dayna would have to work hard to plan her time before the
party to send out invitations, decorate the house, and prepare all of the food. All of these tasks
would take time and planning to make sure they were all done before the guests arrived. Being
able to arrange all of these elements demonstrates how Dayna is an organized character.
Proof #2: Context, Lead in, Quotation, Analysis
Remember to lead into your second example with a transition word. A good example of a
transition that would link this example argument would be:
Another example of when Dayna demonstrates her organizational skills is when she runs a charity
fashion show…
Concluding Sentence
Therefore, Dayna is a very organized person because she can plan both a surprise party and a
fashion show on her own.
{Transition word,} {Character Name} is a {character trait} character when he/she {Example #1}
and {Example #2}
This assignment will be due: _______________________________
Character Sketch Brainstorming Sheet
Character: ________________________
Possible Character Traits (list as many as you can think of):
Choose your two best traits.
Trait #1: ___________________
Trait #2: _______________________
Now find quotations from the story that prove your character trait. You need two per
trait! You may want to use the quotations from your double journal entries here. Make
sure to copy down the author’s last name and page number just like in the example.
Trait #1 Quotation #1: _____________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (
Trait #1 Quotation #2: _____________________________________________________
Trait #2 Quotation #1: _____________________________________________________
Trait #2 Quotation #2: _____________________________________________________
Character Sketch Planning Sheet
Topic Sentence:
Expansion Sentence:
Context for Quotation #1:
Quotation #1:
__________________________________________________________ (
Analysis: (How/Why does it prove the character trait):
Transition word used: _______________________
Context for Quotation #2:
Quotation #2:
__________________________________________________________ (
Analysis: (How/Why does it prove the character trait):
Concluding Sentence: (Remember to use a transition word to begin)
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