CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL Assessment Date: __________ Time: ______ Nurse I.D.: ________ Policy No.: ___________ PERSONAL INFORMATION CLAIMANT INFORMATION Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________ State:_______ Zip:__________ Telephone: (____) _______________________ Please ask for government picture identification Date of Birth ___________ Sex: M F Other than insured, who is present at assessment? Name ____________________________ Relationship_____________________ Name ____________________________ Relationship ____________________ CONTACT INFORMATION Name: __________________________________ Relationship_____________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: (____) _____________________ Is this person present at the assessment? Yes No Relationship to Insured: _________________________________________ Does this person hold POA? Yes No If “No,” who has Power of Attorney? ___________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________________ There is no Power of Attorney LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 1 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL CURRENT LIVING ARRANGEMENTS Does client live alone? Yes No If “Yes,” who lives with the Insured? Name _______________________________ Relationship _______________________________ Name _______________________________ Relationship _______________________________ Place of Assessment: Private home If a private home, is it: Your own home Assisted Living Skilled Facility Assisted Living Skilled Facility Other: The home of another individual Other:_____________________________________________ Name of facility? ______________________________________admit date:_______________________ Reason Admitted?_____________________________________________________________________ Address (if different from above):_____________________________________________________ Phone (include area code)________________________ Fax: _________________________________ If in a facility, please obtain a copy of Current License and MDS / Nursing Assessment Insureds location before admit to facility: ___________________________________________________ Do you have a discharge date? No If no: Date of discharge unknown Plans to stay long term Yes If yes: Anticipated date of discharge: _________________ When were you last living at home? _______________________________________________________ Is the bed state licensed? (NOT necessarily Medicare licensed) Yes No How is the insured’s bed specifically licensed? Nursing home Assisted Living Facility Dementia Unit Other (be specific): ______________________________________________________________ If the insured is on a Dementia Unit, is it secured? Unsecured Door Alarms Only Secured (describe): ______________________________________________________________ Can the insured leave the facility unattended? Yes No Name of person who gave you above information: ____________________________________________ Administrator DON LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 Other (describe) ___________________________________ 2 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICAL INFORMATION: Have there been any changes in the insured’s medical history since the last care needs Yes No If “Yes,” please collect the following information: assessment? How has the insured’s condition changed? _________________________________________________ On what date did that change occur? ______________________________________________________ If the insured was previously receiving home care assistance, did the amount of assistance increase? Yes No If “Yes,” please describe the changes made in the level of home care assistance. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Are family members assisting with care? Yes No If “Yes,”: a. What type of assistance is being provided? _______________________________________ b. What is the frequency of the assistance provided? __________________________________ Information received from: ___ Insured ___ Family Member ___Chart ___ Other___________________ List any new physicians the insured has seen since the last care needs assessment: Physician’s Name: ______________________________________Specialty:_______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Date of last visit: ______________ Reason: _____________________ Physician’s Name: ______________________________________Specialty:_______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Date of last visit: ______________ Reason: _____________________ List any hospitalizations which have occurred since the last care needs assessment: Name of hospital: ________________________________________Dates:________________________ City and state of hospital: _______________________________________________________________ Reason for admission: _________________________________________________________________ Name of hospital: ________________________________________Dates:________________________ City and state of hospital: _______________________________________________________________ Reason for admission: _________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 3 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL MEDICATION LIST (list all current medications) Ask insured to show all of their prescription bottles and containers as well as over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements that they currently use. If insured is in a facility, you may attach a copy of their current medication list. If there are any medications for which there was no diagnosis listed, update the diagnosis list. Medication Reason Dosage Prescribing Physician Frequency Medication Administration: Independent Requires Supervision Requires Limited Assistance Requires Total Assistance HEALTH Does insured currently use oxygen? Continuous Yes No If “Yes,” check the appropriate box: At night only Other: ____________________________________ Has insured lost more than 10 pounds in the last six months without trying? If “Yes,” how many pounds? ________ lbs. Yes No No Does Insured follow a special diet or take nutritional supplements (e.g. ensure) Yes If “Yes,” what type? ____________________________________________________________________ No Does insured have paralysis in any part of body? Yes R arm R leg L arm L leg If “Yes,” check all that apply: Other (describe) ___________________________________________ Has insured had an amputation of any type? Yes No R arm R leg L arm L leg If “Yes,” check all that apply: Other (describe) ___________________________________________ Does insured have a prosthesis? Yes No If “Yes,” what kind? ___________________________ No Is insured wearing a cast? Yes If “Yes” a. Reason: ___________________________________________________________ b. Duration: ___________________________________________________________ c. Location: ____________________________________________________________ No Does the insured have any type of open wound or sore on their body? Yes If “Yes” a. Type of wound/sore: _____________________________________________________ b. Location: ______________________________________________________________ No c. Is it being treated? Yes d. Describe treatment: ______________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 4 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL Does the insured have any pain? Yes No If “Yes” a. Where is the pain? ___________________________________________________________ b. What is the severity? (on a scale from 1 to 10, 1= least & 10 = most severe): ______________ c. How often does it occur? _______________________________________________________ d. What causes the pain? _____________________________________________________ e. What relieves the pain? _______________________________________________________ f. What make the pain worse? ____________________________________________________ Has the Insured received Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy within the past 90 days? Yes No If “Yes” a. Date(s): ___________________________________________________________________ b. Reason: ____________________________________________________________________ c. Location: Home Outpatient Rehab Facility Hospital No Does the insured currently perform any type of exercise? Yes If ”Yes,” please describe: _______________________________________________________________ No Have there been other medical problems since the last care needs assessment? Yes If “Yes,” please describe: _______________________________________________________________ Is the insured bed bound? Yes No Can the insured follow simple directions? Yes No No Has the insured tripped or fallen in the past year? Yes If “Yes” a. Number of falls: ______________ b. Dates: __________________________________ c. Reason for fall(s)? _________________________________________________________ d. Was the physician notified? __________________________________________________ If the insured has fallen in the past year please complete the Fall Risk Assessment. LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 5 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL ADL ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS Activities of Daily Living Complete as it pertains to all functions noted by observing the insured. Examples of such observations are noted below under Considerations in Performing Assessment. Please note that while this assessment tool is similar to the OASIS, it is not the same. Please read each section carefully and mark the most appropriate response. Considerations in Performing an Assessment: Prior to assessing range of motion (ROM), a visual observation of the bathroom must be performed to determine actual range of motion required based on the individual’s bathroom facilities, e.g., toilet riser, grab bars, walk-in shower versus step-up tub. Ask the insured to ambulate to the bathroom to show you how they would perform toileting, getting in and out of a seated position, reaching, range of motion, and balance. Document observations of the insured getting in and out of a seated position, reaching, upper/lower extremity strength, fine motor skills, ROM, balance. Ask the insured to show you how they handle the supplies or equipment and related hygiene. Document observations of the insured managing continence such as strength, fine motor skills, ROM, balance. Also, document appropriate use of assistive devices. Ask the insured to show you how they would bathe, and observe ROM, balance, reaching back and feet, drying body off. Document observations of insured’s upper/lower extremity strength, fine motor skills, ROM, balance, reaching. Ask the insured to put on a sweater or shirt. Document observations of insured’s upper extremity strength, fine motor skills, ROM, balance. Document what type of assistive devices might help the insured complete the task, such as a device for buttoning. Definitions to consider: Verbal cueing: Unable to initiate or complete task without verbal instructions Stand-by assistance: Requires the presence of another person within arm’s reach for contact guard to prevent injury by physical intervention to complete the task if needed. Hands-on assistance: Requires physical assistance from another person to perform the activity. NOTE Send the completed assessment directly to the requesting company. DO NOT provide any part of the assessment to the insured. If the insured or their legal representative requests a copy of the assessment or any portion of the assessment, instruct them to put their request in writing to their long term care insurance company. LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 6 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL ADL ASSESSEMENT FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT Check the box that most accurately describes the level of assistance required. Provide a brief narrative of insured’s deficits. Ask to see insured demonstrate whenever possible. 1. Eating: The ability to feed self meals and snacks. Note: This refers only to the process of eating, chewing, and swallowing. It does not include meal prep or getting food to the table. Observed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes Interviewed No Type: ___________________________________________ Able to independently feed self Able to feed self independently but requires intermittent verbal cuing from another person Able to feed self independently but requires stand-by assistance due to swallowing difficulties or choking risk Unable to feed self and requires hands-on assistance throughout the meal/snack Able to take in nutrients orally and receives supplemental nutrients through a nasogastric tube or gastrostomy Unable to take in nutrients orally and is fed nutrients through a nasogastric tube or gastrostomy Unable to take in nutrients orally or by tube feeding Explanation/Examples: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please check when assistance is required: Morning Afternoon Evening Snacks Would any assistive devices, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence with eating? Yes No If “Yes,” please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 7 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL 2. DRESSING: Putting on and taking off all items of clothing and any necessary braces, fasteners, or artificial limbs, and selecting clean, weather-appropriate clothing Observed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes Interviewed No Type: ___________________________________________ Ability to Dress Upper Body (with or without dressing aids) including undergarments, pull-overs, frontopening shirts and blouses, managing zippers, buttons, and snaps: Able to get clothes out of closets and drawers, put them on, and remove them from the upper body without assistance Able to dress self but requires another person to get them out and set them within arms reach Able to dress upper body but requires verbal cueing to complete process Someone must stand by to help the patient put on upper body clothing Requires hands-on assistance from another person to dress the upper body Ability to Dress Lower Body (with or without dressing aids) including undergarments, slacks, socks or nylons, shoes: Able to obtain, put on, and remove clothing and shoes without assistance Able to dress self but requires another person to get them out and set them within arms reach Able to dress lower body but requires verbal cueing to complete process Someone must stand by the patient to put on undergarments, slacks, socks or nylons, and shoes Requires hands-on assistance from another person to dress lower body Explanation/Examples: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Length of time to fully dress: less than 15 min. 15 - 30 min. 30 – 45 min. > 45 min. How often is assistance provided? No. of times per day:__________; No. of times per week:_________ Who provides assistance? ______________________________________________________________ Would any assistive device, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence in dressing? Yes No If “Yes,” please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 8 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL 3. Transferring: The ability to move from bed to chair, on and off toilet or commode, into and out of tub or shower, and in and out of wheelchair. Observed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes Interviewed No Type: ___________________________________________ Able to independently transfer Transfers independently with use of an assistive device Someone must stand by the patient to transfer between stationary items Unable to transfer self but is able to bear weight and pivot during the transfer process with verbal cueing Unable to transfer self and requires hands-on assistance from another person to be transferred between stationary items Explanation/Examples: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Who provides assistance? ______________________________________________________________ How often is assistance provided? No. of times per day: _________; No. of days per week: __________ Would any assistive devices, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence with transfers? Yes No If “Yes,” please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 9 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL 4. Mobility/Ambulation: The ability to walk or move from one place to another once in a standing position, with or without the use of a cane or walker, or with the use of a wheelchair, once in a seated position, on a variety of surfaces. (Please have the policyholder demonstrate ambulation to and from the bathroom or bedroom.) Observed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes Interviewed No Type: ___________________________________________ Able to independently walk on even and uneven surfaces with or without assistive devices Able to independently climb stairs with or without assistive devices Requires use of a device (e.g., cane, walker) to walk alone Requires verbal cueing to negotiate stairs or steps or uneven surfaces Able to walk only with stand-by assistance from another person Chair-fast, unable to ambulate but is able to wheel self independently Unable to ambulate and requires hands-on assistance for all mobility Explanation/Examples: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Who provides assistance? ______________________________________________________________ How often is assistance provided? No. of times per day: __________; No. of days per week: _________ Would any assistive devices, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence with transfers? Yes No If “Yes,” please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 10 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL 5. TOILETING: Able to get to and from toilet or commode, get on and off toilet or commode, and maintain satisfactory personal hygiene. It does not include the need or use of assistive devices or adaptive equipment. (Ask the insured to walk to the bathroom and demonstrate ability to sit/stand from toilet.) Observed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes Interviewed No Type: ___________________________________________ Able to get to and from the toilet independently with or without a device With verbal cueing by another person is able to get to and from the toilet Able to get to and from the toilet with stand-by assistance from another Unable to get to and from the toilet but is able to use a bedside commode, bedpan or urinal independently Requires hands-on assistance from another person with all toileting Explanation/Examples: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Who provides toileting assistance? _______________________________________________________ How often is assistance provided? No. of times per day: __________; No. of days per week: _________ Does hygiene appear adequate? Unusual odors noted? Yes Yes No No If “Yes,” please explain: _________________________________ Would any assistive devices, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence with toileting? Yes No If “Yes, please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 11 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL 6. Continence: Ability to voluntarily control bowel and bladder function without the aid of another person or use an external catheter or other equipment to otherwise maintain a reasonable level of personal hygiene. It does not include the need or use of assistive devices or adaptive equipment. Observed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes Interviewed No Type: ___________________________________________ Bladder: Do you experience any loss of control of your urine? Yes No If yes, when did incontinence begin? ______________ Any treatments? __________________________ Is there a noticeable urine odor due to the bladder incontinence? Yes No If incontinent, is assistance required with personal hygiene related to the loss of control? Yes No Who provides continence assistance? _____________________________________________________ How often does the insured experience bladder incontinence? No. of times per day: __________; No. of days per week: _________ Does hygiene appear adequate? Yes No Explanation/Examples: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Would any assistive devices, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence with bladder continence? Yes No If “Yes,” please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Bowel: Do you experience any loss of control of your bowels? Yes No If yes, when did incontinence begin? ______________ Any treatments? __________________________ Is there a noticeable bowel odor due to the bowel incontinence? Yes No If incontinent, is assistance required with personal hygiene related to the loss of control? Yes No Who provides continence assistance? _____________________________________________________ How often does the insured experience bowel incontinence? No. of times per day: __________; No. of days per week: _________ Does hygiene appear adequate? LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 Yes No 12 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL Explanation/Examples: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Would any assistive devices, not already in place, increase the insured independence with bowel continence? Yes No If yes, please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Durable Medical Equipment (DME): Do you use any durable medical supplies like catheters or ostomy bags? Yes No If “Yes,” type of equipment/devices: _______________________________________________________ How long have you had the equipment/devices? _____________________________________________ Do you require assistance managing your equipment/devices? Yes No Would any assistive equipment/devices, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence with bowel or bladder continence? Yes No If yes, please indicate the type of equipment/devices deemed appropriate to increase independence: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 13 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL 7. Bathing: Ability to get in and out of a tub or shower, ability to effectively wash self in a tub, shower, or by sponge bath, and the process of drying off with or without the aid of another person. Assess insured’s ability to perform each type of bathing, completing all areas noted. Sponge Bath: Observed Uses adaptive equipment? Interviewed Yes No Type: ___________________________________________ Able to physically bathe self independently With the use of devices, is able to sponge bathe independently Able to sponge bathe with the assistance of another person (check applicable options): with verbal cueing to complete sponge bath for washing difficult to reach areas Participates in bathing self in sponge bath but requires stand-by assistance from another person throughout the bath Unable to participate in bathing and requires hands-on assistance from another person for the bathing process Tub: Observed Interviewed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes No Type: ___________________________________________ Able to physically bathe self independently With the use of devices, is able to bathe self in tub independently Able to bathe in tub with the assistance of another person (check applicable options): with verbal cueing to complete bath to get in and out of the tub for washing difficult to reach areas Participates in bathing self in tub but requires stand-by assistance from another person throughout the bath Unable to participate in bathing and requires hands-on assistance from another person for the bathing process Shower: Observed Interviewed Uses adaptive equipment? Yes No Type: ___________________________________________ Able to physically bathe self independently in the shower With the use of devices is able to bathe self in shower independently Able to bathe in shower with the assistance of another person (check applicable options): with verbal cueing to complete shower to get in and out of the shower for washing difficult to reach areas Participates in bathing self in shower but requires stand-by assistance from another person throughout the shower Unable to participate in bathing and requires hands-on assistance from another person for bathing in the shower LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 14 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL General: If in a facility, is it facility policy to assist with bathing? Yes No Number of baths per week: ______________________________________________________________ Who provides bathing assistance? ________________________________________________________ Does hygiene appear adequate? Unusual odors noted? Yes Yes No Please explain: _______________________________ No Please explain: _______________________________________ Would any assistive devices, not already in place, increase the insured’s independence with bathing? Yes No If “Yes,” please indicate the type of device(s) deemed appropriate to increase independence: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Explanation/Examples: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 15 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL Cognition Section Please refer to the discussion section included in Introduction to the Condensed Reassessment section of the LTC Claims Toolbox to learn more about utilizing cognitive testing and their application to policy language defining benefit triggers. This section would include the standardized test chosen by the insurance company to ascertain the cognitive functional level of the insured. The insurer should also consider including the scoring scheme by category (see example below) specific to the standardized test used. This will provide a consistent application of the insurer’s administrative policy on cognitive triggers if the assessor or a vendor will be performing tax qualified certification on behalf of the insurer. Normal Range #–# Mild Impairment #–# LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 Moderate Impairment #–# Severe Impairment #–# 16 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL BEHAVIORS & EMOTIONS BEHAVIORS “Yes” answers should only be recorded if there has been an actual occurrence of the behavior – not just when a concern exists that it could happen. For every “Yes” answer, please give details and approximate date of the occurrence(s) in the Comments section. 1. Have there been incidents of wandering? (Wandering is defined as incidents such as the insured being found away from the home, moving about without rational propose, or becoming Yes No permanently lost and unable to find their way home from a familiar place.) If “Yes,” on what dates? _________________________________________________________ Please describe the incidents. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Yes No If “Yes,” what is the Have these incidents been reported to insured’s physician? name of the physician? __________________________________________________________ 2. Have there been incidents of behaviors that subject the insured to significant safety risks? (This includes activities such as unsafe use of tools or recurring incidents such leaving gas stoves on Yes No If “Yes,” on what dates? ____________________________ while not cooking.) _____________________________________________________________________________ Please describe the incidents. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Yes No If “Yes,” what is the Have these incidents been reported to insured’s physician? name of the physician? __________________________________________________________ 3. Have there been incidents that pose a significant risk to the insured’s health? (These should generally be recurrent in nature, such as refusing to eat, refusing to follow medical treatments without a rational reason, or going outside in clothing that is completely inappropriate for the weather. They generally would not include using a “pill dispenser” to help take medication properly or eating (regularly) a diet that others might view as unhealthy but not bizarre.) Yes No If “Yes,” on what dates? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Please describe the incidents. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Yes No If “Yes,” what is the Have these incidents been reported to insured’s physician? name of the physician? __________________________________________________________ 4. Have there been incidents of abusive or violent behavior? (This generally should not include opinions that the insured is “grumpy, angry, or cranky” without actual abusive or violent behavior.) Yes No If “Yes,” on what dates? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Please describe the incidents. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ No If “Yes,” what is the Have these incidents been reported to insured’s physician? Yes name of the physician? __________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 17 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL 5. Have there been incidents of poor judgment or uncooperative behaviors that have resulted in the No If “Yes,” on what dates? insured being found/put at risk to harm themselves? Yes _____________________________________________________________________________ Please describe these incidents. ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Yes No If “Yes,” what is the Have these incidents been reported to insured’s physician? name of physician? _____________________________________________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ EMOTIONS Do you often feel sad or blue? Do you enjoy life? Yes Yes No If “Yes,” how often? __________ how long? __________ No If “No,” why not? __________________________________________ Circle all that currently apply, as reported by the ___ insured ___ caregiver: Angry Anxious Apathetic Combative Depressed Fearful Paranoid/Suspicious Withdrawn No Is the insured unsafe alone? Yes Explain _____________________________________________________________________________ No Have you ever been treated for any of the above-mentioned emotional problems? Yes If “Yes,” a. Which emotional problem: __________________________________________________ b. Dates of treatment: _______________________________________________________ c. Type of treatment: ________________________________________________________ What precipitated the above mentioned emotions? ___________________________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ General Affect: Please circle all that apply as observed by the Assessor: Agitated Alert Appropriately dressed Cheerful Confused Cooperative Disoriented Flat affect Lethargic Nervous Oriented Pleasant Tearful Well groomed Comments: __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 18 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL IADL ASSESSMENT Check the appropriate box concerning the insured’s ability to perform their Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Activity Insured is Independent Insured Requires Limited Assistance Insured Requires Total Assistance Insured Requires Supervision Did the insured ever do this activity? If alone, could the insured do this activity? Do you expect the insured to do this activity in the future? Meal Preparation Yes No Yes No Yes No Light Meal Preparation/Reheating Yes No Yes No Yes No Heavy Housekeeping Yes No Yes No Yes No Light Housekeeping Yes No Yes No Yes No Laundry Yes No Yes No Yes No Telephone Use Yes No Yes No Yes No Personal Finances Yes No Yes No Yes No Medication Management Yes No Yes No Yes No If the insured is unable to perform this activity: Who performs activity now? Did the insured ever drive? Yes No Yes No Frequency: ________________________________________________________ Does the insured still drive? No If “Yes,” by who? __________________________________ Was the insured instructed not to continue driving? Yes How does the insured get to medical appointments? _____________________________________________________________ Additional information/comments on IADLs: ____________________________________________________________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 19 Date Started CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL FALL RISK ASSESSMENT (If insured is in a facility, answers may be obtained by reviewing the chart.) Insured Name: _____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Environment Observed: Home ___ Facility ____ Physical Factors: Has the insured fallen in the last 30 days 31-180 days 181-365 days? How many times has the insured fallen in the last ____ 30 days ____ 31-180 days ____ 181-365 days? What caused the insured to fall? _________________________________________________________ Yes Was the insured injured? Was the insured seen by an MD? No Describe injuries ____________________________________ Yes Date _____________ No MD Name and Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ No If “Yes,” please describe:_________ Are there any fall precautions in place at this time? Yes ____________________________________________________________________________________ Has the insured complained of dizziness or exhibited unsteadiness in the past 30 days? Yes No Orthostatic Blood Pressures (Orthostatic pressures must be done in this order lying, sitting, standing. Two or three minutes must elapse between each position change) Lying: ____________ Sitting: ___________ Standing: _________ Has insured experienced an unplanned weight loss of 10 or more pounds since the last care needs assessment? Yes No If “Yes,” please explain: _________________________________________ Is the insured homebound? Yes No If “Yes,” how long? ____________ Why?________________ Environmental Factors Contributing to Fall Risk: Are stairs used to enter/exit? Yes No Yes Is sleeping area easily accessible to insured? Are walk areas to rooms used in home cluttered? Is there poor lighting in rooms or on stairs? No Yes Yes No No Are there electrical cords or phone cords crossing walk areas? Are there throw rugs present with edges not anchored? LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 Yes Yes No No 20 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL Medication Factors: Check all that apply for each condition: Condition History of Being Treated (other then meds) Taking Medication Anti-Anxiety Anti-psychotic Anti-depressant Anti-hypertensive Medication Factors: Is the insured taking any of the following (check all that apply): Diuretic Hypnotic Narcotic HOME HEALTHCARE INFORMATION Complete this section for all providers such as PT, OT and paid caregivers regardless of payer source. Caregiver/Agency Information Type of Care (e.g. HHA, HM, SN, PT, ADC, MOW, ERS, etc) Amount & Frequency (e.g. 2 hrs 6 x wk) Payer Source (Medicare, Private Pay, etc) Date Care Started Is Caregiver from a home care agency? Name: ______________ Address:_____________ Phone: ______________ Yes No Name: ______________ Address:_____________ Phone:_______________ Yes No Name: ______________ Address:_____________ Phone:_______________ Yes No Name: ______________ Address:_____________ Phone:_______________ Yes No Name: ______________ Address:_____________ Phone:_______________ Yes No Name: ______________ Address:_____________ Phone:_______________ Yes No LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 21 CONDENSED REASSESSMENT TOOL If there are unpaid caregivers providing services to the insured, please complete the following section: Are there any family or unpaid caregivers providing services? Yes No If “Yes,” Name: __________________________________ Relationship __________________________ How long is unpaid care expected to be needed? ____________________________________________ How many hours a week of unpaid care is received? _________________________________________ What unpaid services are you receiving? ___________________________________________________ Who is your main caregiver or person who helps you the most? Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number (s): Home _________________ Work ________________ Cell ____________________ Relationship: Spouse Child Sibling Parent Friend Other: __________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY THE ASSESSOR The insured receives assistance a TOTAL of ___ hours per day ___ days per week, including care provided by family. Yes No Current level of care is appropriate If No what would be appropriate level of care to meet the current needs of the insured? ____________________ LTC Claims Advisory Committee Guide 2007 22