Outstanding Issues in MagnetosphereIonosphere Coupling: The Three-Dimensional Ionosphere R. J. Strangeway (UCLA) GEM2000 Snowmass Workshop Outline M-I Coupling in Theory: Electron and ion fluids Field-aligned currents as mediators Equivalence of loads Can the ionosphere “drive” the magnetosphere? – Poynting flux The “prompt” ionosphere Does this theory work? Dayside observations – Yes Nightside observations – No Problems posed by observations Highly variable field-aligned current structure Parallel electric fields Variable ionospheric conductivity Wave transients The three-dimensional ionosphere The Cowling conductivity conundrum Conclusion A complete understanding of M-I coupling requires the inclusion of non-uniform ionospheric conductivity models – both horizontally and vertically Governing Equations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions “Frozen-in” electron fluid: E + Ui× B – j × B/ne = 0 Momentum equation: ρ DUi = – ∇P + j × B – ρνin(Ui – Un) Dt Magnetosphere Ionosphere Maxwell’s Relations: ∇×B ∇× = µ 0 j ∇×E ∇× = – ∂B ∂t Note: Displacement current is ignored. This is equivalent to ∇ • j = 0 , and assuming wave speeds much less than the speed of light. Role of Field-Aligned Current The governing equations only included perpendicular currents. Field aligned currents arise from ∇⊥ • j⊥ + ∇|| • j|| = 0 . That is, field-aligned currents arise where there are shears in flows (for example) that result in a divergence of j⊥. Consider a shear Alfvén wave, which has field-aligned vorticity, and carries field-aligned current. Thus field-aligned currents exist so as to couple the magnetospheric and ionospheric plasmas. They flow as a consequence of the boundary conditions imposed by the two plasma regimes. Role of Poisson’s Equation The governing equations did not include Poisson’s equation ∇ • E = ρq/ε0 . This is because Poisson’s equation specifies ρ q given E, not the other way around. It is dangerous to speak of currents moving charges, and the resultant charge distribution making an electric field. Example - Magnetospheric Velocity Shear V Magnetopause/ Magnetosphere E J JxB S S B B JxB V J J E Ionosphere Enhanced flow (V) at high altitude (e.g., at magnetopause because of reconnection). Bending of field lines ( B). In northern hemisphere B opposite to V. JxB force in magnetopause/magnetosphere, J opposite to E (= -VxB) - generator. Field-aligned currents at edges of shear region. Current closure requires J in ionosphere. Current loop gives the B required by the field-line bending. Poynting flux (S = Ex B/ 0) into the ionosphere. Joule dissipation in ionosphere, JxB force overcomes the ionospheric drag. Enhanced flow at high altitudes plus ionospheric drag leads to field-line bending, and field-aligned currents. The larger the magnetospheric flow, and the higher the ionospheric conductivity, the larger the field-aligned currents and the greater the Poynting flux. Equivalence of Loads The frozen-in condition for the electron fluid, which is generally more “robust” than for the ion fluid, demonstrates the direct equivalence between electromagnetic and mechanical loads. Frozen-in condition: E + Ui× B – j × B/ne = 0 Therefore j • E = Ui • (j × B) Left-hand side is the rate at which electromagnetic energy is converted to mechanical energy – positive for an electromagnetic load. Right-hand side is the rate at which the magnetic field does work on the plasma – positive for a mechanical load. In the frame moving with the neutral atmosphere (primed variables) U′i • (j × B) = ρν inU′i 2 In this frame the ionosphere must always be both a mechanical and electromagnetic load. Can the Ionosphere Appear to Drive the Magnetosphere? Not in the mechanical sense, except for neutral winds. What about electromagnetically? Can the ionosphere appear to energize magnetospheric currents, yet still act as a mechanical load? From the frozen-in condition for the electron fluid j⊥ • E⊥ = Ui⊥ • = (B • ∇)B µ0 – ∇|| • S|| 2 – Ui⊥ • ∇ Β 2µ 0 2 – ∇⊥ • S⊥ – ∂ Β ∂t 2µ 0 ∇|| • S|| < 0 when field-aligned Poynting flux flows into the ionosphere, as occurs when the magnetosphere is a generator. For Poynting flux to flow out of the ionosphere (as required for the ionosphere to appear as an electromagnetic generator), there must be an excess of magnetic flux transported into the region of outward Poynting flux. That is, 2 Ui⊥ • ∇ Β < 0 2µ 0 Note that this equation makes no assumptions concerning induction electric fields, but it does imply that the ionosphere must be “compressible” for there to be outward Poynting flux. Region 1 Current Loop RA Ionospheric Flow RP Rs Rcx RA Region 2 Current Loop Rcx L What About the “Prompt” Ionospheric Response? The incompressibility of the ionosphere is invoked to explain the prompt response of the entire polar ionosphere to changes in the IMF. [See Lockwood and Cowley, 1999, and Ridley et al., 1999 for more discussion.] The implication is that the polar ionosphere is driving the magnetosphere, since it appears to be moving en masse before the nightside magnetosphere can “know” about changes on the dayside. However, the Poynting flux argument suggests that, because the ionosphere is incompressible, there is insufficient divergence of the horizontal flux transport to supply the upward Poynting flux to drive the magnetosphere. The answer [Lockwood and Cowley, 1999] is the presence of induction electric fields, which shield magnetospheric motion from the ionosphere. Simulation results [Maynard et al., Spring AGU, 2000] support this idea. The ionospheric convection pattern doesn’t change until the modified current systems are fully established. ISM Field-aligned Currents: BY Switch Merging starts 2:15 2:12 2:16 2:20 2:28 2:32 ∆E pattern established 2:24 Simulation time (hr:mm) Field-Aligned Current Differences from 2:10: BY Switch Hint of difference pattern 2:12 2:24 2:16 2:28 Simulation time (hr:mn) Difference pattern grows 2:20 2:32 ISM Potential Patterns: BY Switch Merging starts 2:15 2:12 2:16 2:20 ∆E pattern established 2:24 2:28 Simulation time (hr:mm) 2:32 ISM Potential Differences from 2:10: BY Switch Merging starts at 2:15 2:12 2:16 Hint of difference pattern 2:20 Difference pattern established 2:24 2:28 Simulation time (hr:mm) 2:32 Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling – Dayside Observations On the dayside, where ionospheric conductivity is uniform, the simple M-I coupling picture is largely correct. Strong equivalence between E and δB: δ B = µ 0ΣpE i.e., δ B[nT] = 1.26 Σp[S] E [mV/m] 1000 100 10 5 9 1000 100 10 4 dB_fac (nT) 400 200 o b e 0 -200 -400 E along V (mV/m) 40 20 Poynting Flux (mW/m2) 0 -20 15 10 5 Upward Ion Downward Elec. Number Flux Energy Flux (#/cm2/s) 2 (mW/m ) 0 -5 6•108 4•108 2•108 0 -2•108 UT ALT ILAT MLT Fri May 19 18:48:53 2000 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 21:45 4005.7 65.1 12.0 21:50 21:55 4095.4 4114.4 72.0 78.9 12.0 11.9 Hours from 1998-09-24 22:00 4062.6 85.9 11.5 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV 10000 10 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV Electrons Energy (eV) 10000 Ions Energy (eV) FAST Orbit 8275 1000 100 10 5 9 1000 100 10 4 1000 500 b o e 0 Poynting Flux (mW/m2) E along V (mV/m) -500 -1000 150 100 50 0 -50 150 100 50 Upward Ion Number Flux Downward Elec. (#/cm2/s) Energy Flux (mW/m2) 0 -50 6•109 4•109 2•109 0 -2•109 UT ALT ILAT MLT Fri May 19 19:16:09 2000 8 6 4 2 0 -2 00:00 4056.7 64.3 11.9 00:05 00:10 4113.1 4098.7 71.3 78.2 11.9 11.7 Hours from 1998-09-25 00:15 4013.7 85.2 11.3 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV 10 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV Electrons Energy (eV) 10000 dB_fac (nT) 10000 Ions Energy (eV) FAST Orbit 8276 1000 100 10 5 9 100 10 4 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 Poynting Flux (mW/m2) E along V (mV/m) dB_fac (nT) 1000 b e o 50 0 -50 60 40 20 UT ALT ILAT MLT Fri May 19 19:59:53 2000 Upward Ion Number Flux (#/cm2/s) Downward Elec. Energy Flux (mW/m2) 0 -20 4.0•109 3.0•109 2.0•109 1.0•109 0 -1.0•109 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 02:15 4092.1 64.0 12.1 02:20 02:25 4115.1 4067.3 71.0 78.0 12.2 12.3 Hours from 1998-09-25 02:30 3949.2 85.1 12.8 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV 10000 10 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV Electrons Energy (eV) 10000 Ions Energy (eV) FAST Orbit 8277 1000 100 10 5 9 1000 100 E along V (mV/m) dB_fac (nT) 10 4 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 b o e Upward Ion Number Flux Downward Elec. (#/cm2/s) Energy Flux (mW/m2) Poynting Flux (mW/m2) 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 3•109 2•109 1•109 0 -1•109 UT ALT ILAT MLT Fri May 19 20:53:03 2000 6 4 2 0 -2 06:40 4088.7 61.0 13.0 06:45 06:50 4115.8 4072.1 67.5 73.8 13.3 14.0 Hours from 1998-09-25 06:55 3958.0 79.3 15.4 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV 10000 10 Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV Electrons Energy (eV) 10000 Ions Energy (eV) FAST Orbit 8279 FAST Orbit 8274 - North FAST Orbit 8275 - North 12 MLT 12 MLT 2 km/s 19:20 UT 18 MLT 2 km/s 06 MLT 21:35 UT 18 MLT 06 MLT o 80 o 80 o 70 o 70 o 60 o 60 20:10 UT o 50 o 22:25 UT 50 200 nT 200 nT 00 MLT 00 MLT 1998-09-24 19:20 - 20:10 2 km/s In Eclipse 1998-09-24 21:35 - 22:25 FAST Orbit 8276 - North FAST Orbit 8277 - North 12 MLT 12 MLT 18 MLT 06 MLT 18 MLT 06 MLT o 80 o 80 o 70 o 70 o 60 o 60 o 50 o 24:40 UT 02:55 UT 200 nT 00 MLT In Eclipse 2 km/s 02:05 UT 23:50 UT 1998-09-24 23:50 - 24:40 50 00 MLT In Eclipse 1998-09-25 02:05 - 02:55 200 nT Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling – Nightside Observations The large amount of structure in the nightside particle and field observations make it difficult to relate local observations to processes occurring at either lower or higher altitudes. Data show: Highly variable field-aligned current structure – current closure? relationship between magnetospheric and ionospheric flows? Particle acceleration – parallel electric fields “pathological” distributions – strong wave-particle interactions, non “Knight”-type current carriers Alfvén wave transients – imperfect coupling, inertial Alfvén waves, Alfvén wave resonator 9 10000 1000 100 10 6 9 270 180 90 0 -90 6 8 4 8 270 180 90 0 -90 0.10 0.00 -0.10 -0.20 -0.30 -0.40 -0.50 Electron current (µA/m2) Ion current (µA/m2) 10000 1000 100 10 4 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 UT ALT ILAT MLT Sun May 28 16:35:17 2000 dB_fac (nT) field-aligned current (µA/m2) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 400 200 0 -200 -400 13:58 2528.9 73.3 21.7 14:00 2698.0 70.4 22.4 14:02 14:04 2860.6 3015.6 67.3 64.2 22.8 23.2 Hours from 1998-01-09 14:06 3162.5 61.1 23.4 b o e Log eV Log eV Log eV Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV Ions Electrons Ions Electrons Energy (eV) Energy (eV) Angle (Deg.) Angle (Deg.) FAST Orbit 5475 9 10000 1000 100 10 6 9 270 180 90 0 -90 6 8 4 8 270 180 90 0 -90 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 Electron current (µA/m2) Ion current (µA/m2) 10000 1000 100 10 4 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 UT ALT ILAT MLT Sun May 28 17:50:42 2000 dB_fac (nT) field-aligned current (µA/m2) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 05:50 2634.6 70.1 1.6 05:51 2718.2 68.3 1.6 05:52 05:53 05:54 2800.1 2880.2 2958.4 66.7 65.0 63.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 Hours from 1997-12-30 05:55 3034.7 62.0 1.8 05:56 3108.8 60.6 1.8 e o b Log eV Log eV Log eV Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV Ions Electrons Ions Electrons Energy (eV) Energy (eV) Angle (Deg.) Angle (Deg.) FAST Orbit 5363 9 10000 1000 100 10 6 9 270 180 90 0 -90 6 8 4 8 270 180 90 0 -90 0.20 0.10 0.00 -0.10 -0.20 -0.30 -0.40 10 5 0 -5 -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 4 UT ALT ILAT MLT Sun May 28 18:17:49 2000 dB_fac (nT) field-aligned current (µA/m2) Electron current (µA/m2) Ion current (µA/m2) 10000 1000 100 10 10:14 2472.0 70.1 0.3 10:16 10:18 2643.5 2808.6 66.7 63.3 0.7 0.9 Hours from 1997-12-30 e b o 10:20 2966.6 60.2 1.2 Log eV Log eV Log eV Log eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV /cm2-s-sr-eV Ions Electrons Ions Electrons Energy (eV) Energy (eV) Angle (Deg.) Angle (Deg.) FAST Orbit 5365 The Cowling Conductivity Conundrum Cowling conductivity, originally applied to the equatorial ionosphere, is also often applied to the auroral ionosphere. In terms of height-integrated conductivity and current intensity: J p = ΣpEx, J h = ΣhEx = –J p2 J p2 = ΣpEy2, J h2 = ΣhEy2 = Σ2hEx/Σp Ey2 = ΣhEx/Σp This can also be written in terms of conductivity and current density: jp = σ pEx, jh = σ hEx = – jp2 jp2 = σ pEy2, jh2 = σ hEy2 = σ h2Ex/σ p Ey2 = σ hEx/σ p Assuming E x is uniform, then since σ h/ σp varies as a function of altitude, Ey2 ∇× ≠ 0 . varies as a function of altitude, and ∇×E The variation of σh/ σp as a function of altitude means that j rotates with respect to E (i.e., Hall currents become important). If the Hall conductivity is nonuniform horizontally, then either ∂B ∂t ≠ 0 , or the Hall currents must close in the magnetosphere. How does the magnetosphere respond? [E = 50 mV/m, H = 500 km, ∂B ∂t = 100 nT/s] Conclusions • The mechanical (MHD, “B, v”) view of magnetosphereionosphere coupling works very well for uniformly conducting ionospheres. (Note, vertical gradients don’t matter if the conductivities are uniform horizontally.) • There is a strong equivalence between electromagnetic and mechanical loads in the ionosphere. This equivalence can only appear to break if there is a divergence of horizontal flux transport (~ Poynting flux). • Understanding M-I coupling in the nightside ionosphere requires not only the inclusion of parallel electric field effects, which modify the horizontal structure of the conductivity, but also the inclusion of vertical structure in the conductivity models. (Hall current closure.)