Data Assimilation for the Space Environment

Data Assimilation for the
Space Environment
Ludger Scherliess
Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Utah State University
Logan, Utah 84322-4405
GEM 2003 Meeting
Snowmass, CO
June 2003
Data Assimilation
Create a coherent and objective ‘picture’ of the space
environment by combing the information inherent
in the physical model and in the data.
 This
‘picture’ (analysis) should satisfy the physical
laws and fit the data as best as possible (within their
 The
analysis can than serve as the best initial
condition for a forecast.
Historical Background
Data Assimilation in the Atmosphere:
 Initial Attemps started in the 1950th (NWP)
 Currently adjoint/variational methods are used
 Used now also in re-analysis runs to get consistency
for the past 40 years.
Data Assimilation in the Oceans:
 Began with large scales (mean properties)
 Regional effords (e.g., Gulf stream) [10-15 yrs ago]
 El Nino, emphasis on equatorial pacific (coupled
with atmosphere)
 GODAE, produce operational upper ocean now- and
Data Assimilation in Space Sciences
 Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics
(AMIE, Richmond and Kamide, 1988)
 Initial Testing of Kalman Filter for Ionospheric Electron
Density Reconstructions (Howe et al., 1998)
 Kalman Filter to construct the global 3-D Electron Density
Field (GAIM)
Until Recently only relatively Sparse Data were available
Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements
Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI):
Utah State University (PI R. W. Schunk)
 University of Colorado - Boulder
 University of Texas at Dallas
 University of Washington
Basic Approach: Use a Physics-Based Ionosphere-Plasmasphere
Model as the Basis for Assimilating a Diverse Set of Real-Time
(or Near Real-Time) Measurements.
 Data Assimilation has been proven very successful in
Meteorology and Oceanography
 Need for More Accurate Now-Casting and Forecasting of
Plasma Distribution in the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
(and Magnetosphere?)
 Availability of Large Quantities of Data
 Diverse Data Sources (Apples and Oranges)
 Mature Theoretical/Numerical Space Environment Models
 Models contain our ‘knowledge’ of the physics
 Data contain information about the ‘true’ state
 Goal: Optimally combine Data and the Model to create
coherent Picture of the Space Environment
Solution satisfies the physical laws and ‘agrees’ with the data
(within their error bounds)
Both, however, are imperfect:
 Models: Forcing, Parametrization, etc.
 Data: Observational Errors
The Data Assimilation Cycle
Physical Model creates a forecast which is adjusted by the Data to create an
‘analysis’, which serves as the start for the next model forecast. In the analysis
the Data Errors and Model Errors are used as weights.
Data Assimilation Techniques
 3-d Var
T 1
J x   1/2x P x  1/2H x  x  y  R1 H x  x b  y o 
 4-d Var
T 1
J x   1/2x 0 P x 0  1/2
i 0
 Kalman Filter
xf = Mx + 
Pf = MPMT + Q
yo = Hx + 
K = PfHT (HPfHT + R)-1
xa = xf + K(yo - Hxf)
Pa = (I-KH)Pf
Hi M i,o (x 0 )  y io  R1Hi M i,0 (x 0 )  y io 
Fundamental Concept of 3D-Var
Start with a forecast of the physical model.
Produce an analysis by minimizing the difference between
the analysis and a weighted combination of
 the forecast (the background or best guess field) and
 the observations.
each time-step take a ‘snapshot’ of the state
This ‘snapshot’ will serve as the initial condition for the next
We want to minimize a “Cost Function” J which consists of:
J = JB + JO +JC
The Cost Function
J = JB + JO + JC
JB: Weighted fit to the background field
JO: Weighed fit to the observations
JC: Constraint which can be used to impose
physical properties (e.g., analysis should satisfy
Maxwell’s equations, continuity equation, …)
Strong Constraint: Exactly satisfied
Weak Constraint: Approximately satisfied
The Cost Function, cont.
A typical form for the JB term is:
JB = (xA - xB)T B-1 (xA - xB)
xA: Analysis Variable (e.g., Electron Density,Temperature,…)
xB: Background Field, obtained
from the Model Forecast
B : Background Error Covariance Matrix:
How good is your Forecast:
Good Forecast
high weight
Poor Forecast
low weight
The Cost Function, cont.
A typical form for the JO term is:
JO = [y - H(xA)]T R-1 [y - H(xA)]
y : Represents all Observations
Constantly compares
the data with the model
H : Forward Operator which maps the Grid Point Values to
Observations (can be linear
or nonlinear)
R : Observation Error Covariance Matrix:
Make use of the probable Errors of the Data
Good Data
high weight
Poor Data
low weight
(also includes the representativeness of the data)
The Cost Function, cont.
Analysis is found my minimizing J using “standard
minimization techniques” (find the gradient of J).
The analysis is found by:
 Analyzing all points at once
 Using all available data
The Physical Properties/Model
were used to:
 Obtain the best possible background field
 To constrain the Analysis
Cost function and the constraints are not explicitly
time dependent
Fundamental Concepts of 4D-Var
4D-Var introduces the temporal dimension to data assimilation
Find a close fit to the data that is consistent with the
dynamical model over an extended period of time.
Find the the closest trajectory
J x   1/2x P x 0  1/2 H i M i,o (x 0 )  y io  R1 H i M i,0 (x 0 )  y io 
i 0
4D-Var is a powerful technique to find:
 Initial conditions
 External Forcing
The Kalman Filter
In the Kalman filter the weight for the background (error covariance
matrix) evolves with the same physical model as the state!
x - Model State Vector
M - State Transition Matrix
 - Transition Model Error
P - Model Error Covariance
Q - Transition Model Error Covariance
y - Data Vector
H - Measurement Matrix
 - Observation Error
R - Observation Error Covariance
K - Kalman Gain
Kalman Filter Equations
x - Model State Vector
M - State Transition Matrix
 - Transition Model Error
P - Model Error Covariance
Q - Transition Model Error Covariance
y - Data Vector
H - Measurement Matrix
 - Observation Error
R - Observation Error Covariance
K - Kalman Gain
Model-State Forecast
Kalman Filter Equations
x - Model State Vector
M - State Transition Matrix
 - Transition Model Error
P - Model Error Covariance
Q - Transition Model Error Covariance
y - Data Vector
Model-State Forecast Error
H - Measurement Matrix
 - Observation Error
R - Observation Error Covariance
K - Kalman Gain
Kalman Filter Equations
x - Model State Vector
M - State Transition Matrix
 - Transition Model Error
P - Model Error Covariance
Q - Transition Model Error Covariance
y - Data Vector
H - Measurement Matrix
 - Observation Error
R - Observation Error Covariance
K - Kalman Gain
Measurement Equation
Kalman Filter Equations
x - Model State Vector
M - State Transition Matrix
 - Transition Model Error
P - Model Error Covariance
Q - Transition Model Error Covariance
y - Data Vector
H - Measurement Matrix
 - Observation Error
R - Observation Error Covariance
K - Kalman Gain
Kalman Gain
Kalman Filter Equations
x - Model State Vector
M - State Transition Matrix
 - Transition Model Error
P - Model Error Covariance
Q - Transition Model Error Covariance
y - Data Vector
H - Measurement Matrix
 - Observation Error
R - Observation Error Covariance
K - Kalman Gain
Model-State Analysis
Kalman Filter Equations
x - Model State Vector
M - State Transition Matrix
 - Transition Model Error
P - Model Error Covariance
Q - Transition Model Error Covariance
y - Data Vector
Model-State Analysis Error
H - Measurement Matrix
 - Observation Error
R - Observation Error Covariance
K - Kalman Gain
The Dynamical Model entered the Filter:
Evolution of the State Vector (make a Forecast)
Evolution of the Error Covariance Matrix
Error Covariance Matrix becomes time-dependent!
Model Error is explicitly included in the Assimilation
Data Assimilation Tasks
 Develop Physical Model
 Develop Assimilation Algorithm
 Data Acquisition Software
 Data Quality Control
 Executive System
 Validation Software
Kalman Filter Example
Electron Density Along Field Line
Kalman Filter with synthetic data
 Truth
generated with IFM with
Modified equatorial drift
1 Ne Measurement every 15 min at
magnetic equator
Kalman Filter Example
Electron Density Along Field Line
Kalman Filter with synthetic data
 Truth
generated with IFM with
Modified equatorial drift
1 Ne Measurement every 15 min at
magnetic equator
Kalman Filter Example
Electron Density Along Field Line
Kalman Filter with synthetic data
 Truth
generated with IFM with
Modified equatorial drift
1 Ne Measurement every 15 min at
magnetic equator
Kalman Filter Example
Electron Density Along Field Line
Kalman Filter with synthetic data
 Truth
generated with IFM with
Modified equatorial drift
1 Ne Measurement every 15 min at
magnetic equator
Kalman Filter Example
Electron Density Along Field Line
Kalman Filter with synthetic data
 Truth
generated with IFM with
Modified equatorial drift
1 Ne Measurement every 15 min at
magnetic equator
Next, consider the more complicated situation:
Global Reconstruction
Many observations
Different kinds of instruments measuring different
Observations are in different places
Data Distribution
We currently assimilate data from 16 globally distributed DISS Stations and
more than 100 GPS Ground Stations. The GPS Stations are linked to the Fleet of
GPS Satellites. In addition, we assimilate Electron Density Data from two DMSP
Satellites and simulated data from the C/NOFS satellite in the Filter.
Globa l Assimilat ion of Ionospheric Measurements
Ut ah St at e Universit y, ( 435 )7 97 -2 962 , schunk@cc.usu.ed u;
Universit ies of Colorado ( Boulder), Texas ( Dallas), and Washingt on
“ Bringing t he pieces to get her”
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Globa l Assimilat ion of Ionospheric Measurements
Ut ah St at e Universit y, ( 435 )7 97 -2 962 , schunk@cc.usu.ed u;
Universit ies of Colorado ( Boulder), Texas ( Dallas), and Washingt on
“ Bringing t he pieces to get her”
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Globa l Assimilat ion of Ionospheric Measurements
Ut ah St at e Universit y, ( 435 )7 97 -2 962 , schunk@cc.usu.ed u;
Universit ies of Colorado ( Boulder), Texas ( Dallas), and Washingt on
“ Bringing t he pieces to get her”
A Model TID
• In this “test,” the following are variables
– TID Equatorward Speed
– TID Width in Latitude
– TID Amplitude History
• In this “test,” the assumptions are
– TID is a perturbation on the background
– TID perturbed densities are very noisy
– TID moves along a meridian.
– Observations lie along the meridian.
• Propagation with simple advective model
1-D Propagation
 Propagation along meridian
 Density Perturbations
 Network of ~10 observatories
1-D Propagation
 Propagation along meridian
 Density Perturbations
 Network of ~10 observatories
1-D Propagation
 Propagation along meridian
 Density Perturbations
 Network of ~10 observatories
1-D Propagation
 Propagation along meridian
 Density Perturbations
 Network of ~10 observatories
The Observations
 10 Stations
 Density Perturbations
 100% Noise
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Guessed Velocity
50% Off
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density Perturbations
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
Guessed Velocity
50% Off
Kalman Filter Reconstruction
Reconstruction of TID Density
 Determination of TID Velocity
# of Stations = 10
100% Noise
True Velocity = 2
 Data Assimilation Techniques have proven to be very useful in
Meteorological and Oceanographic Specifications and Forecasts.
 Millions of Ionospheric Measurements Per Day Within 10 Years.
 Physics-Based Data Assimilation Models Will Provide Real-Time
Snapshots of the Global Ionosphere.
 Many Outstanding Scientific Problems Will be Resolved.
 Results Will be Available for Numerous Ionospheric Applications.