Magnetosphere - Ionosphere Coupling Below 3000 km: Conversion of Upwelling Ions to Escaping Ions or If O+ is important in the magnetosphere, how does it get out of the ionosphere? Paul M. Kintner, Jr. with the help of R. Arnoldy, K. Lynch, K. Frederick-Frost, E. Klatt, J-E. Wahlund, J. Moen, A. Strømme, Y. Ogawa, K. Oksavik, W. Swartz + many others But first an unashamed advertisement • Chapman Conference on Midlatitude Ionospheric Dynamics and Disturbances • January 3-6, 2007 • Yosemite, California • ml • Abstract deadline- September 15, 2006 Outline • Motivation for investigating ionospheremagnetosphere mass coupling • Mechanisms of O+ escape from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere • Radar viewpoint (up to roughly 800 km altitude) • LEO Satellite viewpoint (near 850 km altitude) • Sounding rocket viewpoint (up to 1400 km altitude) • Modeling viewpoint • The next step- SCIFER 2 Motivation O+ in the Plasma Sheet Nosé, M., R. W. McEntire, and S. P. Christon (2003), Change of the plasma sheet ion composition during magnetic storm development observed by the Geotail spacecraft, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A5), 1201, doi:10.1029/2002JA009660. Motivation O+ in the Ring Current Daglis, I. A., R. M. Thorne, W. Baumjohann, and S. Orsini (1999), The terrestrial ring current: Origin, formation, and decay, Rev. Geophys., 37(4), 407–438. Motivation O+ Effect on Polar Cap Potential Winglee, R. M., D. Chua, M. Brittnacher, G. K. Parks, and G. Lu, Global impact of ionospheric outflows on the dynamics of the magnetosphere and crosspolar cap potential, J. Geophys. Res., 107(A9), 1237, doi:10.1029/2001JA000214, 2002 Mechanisms of O+ Escape • IRI-2001 Ionosphere for pre-noon cleft in darkness over EISCAT, Svalbard at solar minimum • O+ is mostly below 1000 km • Ti≈1500 °K • Te≈3000 °K MODEL Mechanisms of + O Escape Gravitational Binding Energy Set KE=PE 1 2 GMm mv = 2 r r = (6371 + 1000 ) ⋅105 cm G = 6.7 ⋅10 −8 dyne ⋅ cm 2 /g 2 M = 6 ⋅10 27 g Escape Velocity v = 10.4 ⋅105 cm/s Energy for O+ 1 2 −12 3 o mv = 13.9 ⋅10 ergs = 8.7 eV = 101 ⋅10 K 2 Mechanisms of O+ Escape Mean Free Path • At 500 km O+ decouples from neutrals • At 900-1000 km O+ decouples from O+ • O+ never decouples from H+ unless H+ density less than IRI model Mechanisms of O+ Escape Summary • Frictional heating in strong horizontal flows producing either elevated Ti or toroidal phase space distributions (T┴>T║) – Called Type 1 by Wahlund et al. [1992] • Soft precipitating electrons heat ionospheric electron gas which expands pulling ions along through ambipolar field. – Called Type 2 by Wahlund et al. [1992] • Transverse ion acceleration/heating by BBELF waves – Waves are presumed to be a combination of electrostatic ion cyclotron waves and ion acoustic waves driven by FAC Mechanisms of O+ Escape Overview • Where is transition between ion upwelling and wave heating? What are their relative roles? • How do FAC (via Poynting flux) fit into this picture? After Strangeway et al. [2005] Where Does One Go to Investigate Ion Outflows? • FAST measurements of ion outflows • Andersson et al, 2006 • 3200-4400 km alt. • Ion outflow flux from all measurements Radar Viewpoint • EISCAT radar and EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) • EISCAT is tristatic UHF and single VHF • ESR has a fixed antenna along B and a steerable antenna • Information is created by modeling echo return – – – – Doppler shift yields ion drift velocity Spectral shape yields Ti, Te/Ti, <Mi>, νin Amplitude yields density Also possible to have non-thermal or enhanced echoes which are coherent scattering from plasma waves – Time delay yields range – No echoes when wavelength exceeds Debye length Radar Viewpoint Echo modeling Radar Viewpoint Five parameters yield shape and amplitude of echo spectrum FFT(Echo) Additionally Doppler shift yields bulk ion drift velocity in line of sight thanks to Gudmund Wannberg for figure Radar Viewpoint-UHF Tristatic Type 1 Upflowing ions Radar Viewpoint-UHF Tristatic & VHF UHF Type 2 VHF (note different alt. scale) Radar Viewpoint EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) Pink is good SERSIO launch Radar Viewpoint Ion Temperature Anisotropic (TIA?) Outflow events NEIALS TiVHF> Ti║ ESR (Ti║) Ogawa et al., 2000 VHF radar (TiVHF) LEO Satellite Viewpoint • Plasma properties measured with plasma drift meter or segmented retarding potential analyzer • Yields mean or bulk cross track drift in horizontal and vertical directions • Drifts need to be fraction of orbital velocity (7 km/s) LEO Satellite Viewpoint Outflowing ions Down flowing ions Elevated Ti (or perhaps ion conic) Loranc et al. 1981 LEO Satellite Viewpoint Cusp/Cleft Outflowing ions Fieldaligned currents Sounding Rocket Viewpoint Sounding of the Cleft Ion Fountain Energization Region (SCIFER) Launched 1995 before ESR was built Apogee 1452 km over Svalbard Sounding Rocket Viewpoint • Apogee at 700 s • Ne tracked by plasma frequency emissions • Strong correlation between low densities, BBELF waves, and ion conics (TIA) • Examine boundary at 765 s next Sounding Rocket Viewpoint Sounding Rocket Viewpoint BBELF Wavelength Model Viewpoint • Electron precipitation 1.75 ergs/cm2 at <E>=300 eV • Convection 50mV/m • Downward heat flux 9x109 eV/cm2-s • Fluid model Seo, Y., J. L. Horwitz, and R. Caton (1997), Statistical relationships between high-latitude ionospheric F region/topside upflows and their drivers: DE 2 observations, J. Geophys. Res., 102(A4), 7493–7500. Modeling Viewpoint • • • Zettergren and Semeter at CEDAR Model ionospheric response to soft electron precipitation Result is increased Te, ambipolar E, and O+ outflow Turn on soft electron precipitation Model Viewpoint • “…combined effects of the soft electron precipitation at F-region/topside ionosphere and wave heating at higher altitudes considerably enhanced the O+ outflow at higher altitudes.” • Tu et al. [2004] Summary- Cautions • The ions lie (reflect history not instant in time) – 1000 m/s upflowing ion takes 10 minutes to climb 600 km during which the environment can change dramatically • Bulk measurements (ESR, plasma drift meters) average over entire distribution function and may disguise nonthermal distributions and wave-particle interactions • Rockets get snapshot of a biased event and do not make bulk measurements although they are getting better • Correlations do not imply causality • Interpretations depend on the physical observables obtained from a specific technique Where do viewpoints agree? • Upward ion velocities – Radar: 200-600 m/s (higher velocities at higher altitudes) – LEO Sat: 500-1000 m/s – Supported by Zettergren and Semeter model • Ion fluxes – – – – • Radar: 5x109 cm-2s-1 LEO Sat: 1-10x109 cm-2s-1 Rocket: 8x108 cm-2s-1 (all above 6 eV as ion conic) Agrees with Z and S model Electron temperature increases – Radar: Te≈ 6000° – Rocket : Te≈ 6000° – Agrees with Z and S model • Ion temperature increases – Radar: Ti≈ 4000° – Rocket : Ti≈ 4000° but also TIA and ion conics – Z and S model predicts 6000° but this may be because of long period of energy input Where do viewpoints disagree? • Ionospheric density – Radar and Z and S model say density increases: 105 cm-3 – LEO satellites and rocket say density decreases: <103 cm-3 • Large electric fields/drifts – Radar: Type 1 events – LEO sat: Not clear – Rocket: Large drifts in neighborhood but not coincident • Precipitating soft electrons – Radar: Implied by increased electron density and temperature – LEO sat: Cusp precipitation – Rocket: Precipitating soft electrons in neighborhood but not coincident So what is needed to resolve these apparent contradictions? • An experiment that measures thermal populations, suprathermal populations, fields, waves, and FAC (SCIFER-2 sounding rocket) • Continued modeling from the Zetergren and Semeter viewpoint • Understanding and modeling of how BBELF waves are created and transversely accelerate ions • Understanding the time dependence and evolution – Does Type 1 or 2 prime the pump for TIA? – Does TIA eat into the ionosphere expelling ions regardless of Type 1 or 2 contribution to outflows – Can Type 1 or 2 supply plasma with no TIA Next Step SCIFER-2 Thermal electrons Magnetometer for field-aligned currents Instrument Parameter Heeps-e Energetic Electrons Heeps-M Ions Mid-Energy Heeps-T Ions Thermal Beeps-T Thermal Ion Mass energy [eV] 5-16000 7-800 0.1-20 0.1-20 Number pitch angle bins 30 64 64 16 bin width deg 6 or 18 5 5 20 delta E/E [%] 15 20 10 10 G [cm2-ster-keV/keV/bin] 2e-4 1e-3 5e-5 2e-4 Extra Slides Summary- Observations Observation ESR/EISCAT LEO Sat Rocket Upflow velo. ≈ 1000 m/s ≈ 1000 m/s ?? nightside* Large ┴ drifts Yes Yes No (nearby) Te Increase Yes Yes Yes Ti Increase Yes but contaminated Yes NA* Ne Increases Decreases Decreases TIA (conics) Maybe NA Yes BBELF ?? (NEIALS) NA Yes FAC NA Yes NA* <1keV electrons NA Yes No (nearby) Fluxes 5x109 cm-2s-1 1-10x109 cm-2s-1 8x108 cm-2s-1 Increased scale ht. vs. TIA and wave particle interactions? • Evidence for waves – – – • Direct rocket observations of BBELF Radar Naturally Enhanced Ion Acoustic Waves (NIEALS) which my be related to BBELF LEO Satellite measurement of field-aligned currents required to create BBELF Evidence for TIA (ion conics) – – Direct rocket observations VHF radar showing that T┴>T║ References References 1 • • • • • • • • • Andersson, L., W.K. Peterson, and K.M. McBryde (2005), Estimates of the suprathermal O+ outflow characteristic energy and relative location in the auroral oval, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L09104, doi:10.1029/2004GL021434. Arnoldy, R.L., K.A. Lynch, P.M. Kintner, J. Bonnell, T.E. Moore, C.J. Pollock (1996), SCIFER–Structure of the cleft ion fountain at 1400 km altitude, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23(14), 1869-1872. Chappell, C.R., T.E. Moore, and J.H. 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Strangeway, R.J., R.E. Ergun, Y.-J. Su, C.W. Carlson, and R.C. Elphic (2005), Factors controlling ionospheric outflows as observed at intermediate altitudes, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A03221, doi:10.1029/2004JA010829. Tu, J., J.L. Horwitz, and T.E. Moore (2005), Simulating the cleft ion fountain at polar perigee altitudes, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67(5), 465-477. Tu, J.-N., J.L. Horwitz, P.A. Nsumei, P. Song, X.-Q. Huang, and B.W. Reinisch (2004), Simulation of polar cap field-aligned electron density profiles measured with the IMAGE radio plasma imager, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A07206, doi:10.1029/2003JA010310. References 3 • • • Wahlund, J.-E., H.J. Opgenoorth, I. Häggström, K.J. Winser, and G.O.L. Jones (1992), EISCAT observations of topside ionospheric ion outflows during auroral activity: Revisited, J. Geophys. Res., 97(A3), 3019–3037. Winglee, R.M., D. Chua, M. Brittnacher, G.K. Parks, and G. Lu (2002), Global impact of ionospheric outflows on the dynamics of the magnetosphere and cross-polar cap potential, J. Geophys. Res., 107(A9), 1237, doi:10.1029/2001JA000214. Wu, X.-Y., J. L. Horwitz, and J.-N. Tu (2002), Dynamic fluid kinetic (DyFK) simulation of auroral ion transport: Synergistic effects of parallel potentials, transverse ion heating, and soft electron precipitation, J. Geophys. Res., 107(A10), 1283, doi:10.1029/2000JA000190 Extra slides SERSIO Aurora SCIFER 2