Diffuse Aurora Diffuse ff Aurora Eric Donovan – Midway Utah – June 21, 2007 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction Where do the particles come from? How do theyy become diffuse ff aurora Remote sensing the magnetosphere Unstructured quiet time H+ aurora Structure in the diffuse aurora Opportunities for future studies Final thoughts Acknowledgements: Stephen Mende, Fokke Creutzberg, Leroy Cogger, Brian Jackel, Emma Spanswick, Vassilis Angelopoulos, Louni Jussila, Mikko Syrjäsuo, Noora Partmies, Chuck Carlson, Howard Singer, Trond Trondsen, Mike Henderson Henderson, Sandy Murphree Murphree, Don Wallis Wallis, Matthieu Meurant Meurant, NASA NASA, CSA, CDAWeb, SSCWeb. Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora A Few Details Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Images from rom http://spaceweb.oulu.fi/~jussila/aurora/ Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora I t d ti Introduction Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora from - www.aldebaran.cz/actions/2002_aurora/start.html Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Show SNKQ Movie Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora FAST Orbit 05849 - 980213 IES and EES data from CDAWeb Energ gy Flux 16 8 0.0 1.6 0 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 3.0e8 6 Energy Fllux Energy (ke eV) 8 4 2 0 64 Energy Flux Eneryy (keV) 3e6 0.0 66 68 70 72 (erg/ssec/cm^2) (eV/cm m^2/s/sr/eV) 0.0 24 (erg/sec/ccm^2) 0.1 (eV/cm^2/ss/sr/eV) 0.2 Ene ergy Flux 0.3 74 Magnetic Latitude (Degrees) Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora FAST Orbit 05849 - 980213 IES and EES data from CDAWeb 150 30 0.0 1.6 -90 1.2 0.8 0.0 270 7.0e7 180 Energy Flux Pitch Angle (De egrees) 0.4 90 0 -90 64 0.0 66 68 70 72 (erg/ssec/cm^2) (eV/cm m^2/s/sr/eV) Energ gy Flux 1.2e6 (erg/sec/ccm^2) 0.0 270 Energy Flux Pitch Angle e (Degrees) 0.1 (eV/cm^2/ss/sr/eV) 0.2 Ene ergy Flux 0.3 74 Magnetic Latitude (Degrees) Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Where do the Particles Come From? Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora ExB m 2 2 Bx∇B vD = 2 + 2v || + v ⊥ B3 B 2q ( Eric Donovan ) June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Enerrgy (keV) Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Enerrgy (keV) Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora How does this become Diffuse Aurora? Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora FAST Orbit 05849 - 980213 IES and EES data from CDAWeb 150 30 0.0 1.6 -90 3.0 1.2 2.5 0.8 0.4 1.0 0.5 0.0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 radial distance (Re) 0 10 0.0 270 7.0e7 180 Energy Flux 1.5 Pitch Angle (De egrees) Kappa 2.0 90 0 -90 64 0.0 66 68 70 72 (erg/ssec/cm^2) (eV/cm m^2/s/sr/eV) Energ gy Flux 1.2e6 (erg/sec/ccm^2) 0.0 270 Energy Flux Pitch Angle e (Degrees) 0.1 (eV/cm^2/ss/sr/eV) 0.2 Ene ergy Flux 0.3 74 Magnetic Latitude (Degrees) Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Remote Sensing the Magnetosphere Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Latitude of equatorward boundary of proton aurora is highly correlated with magnetic field e d topo topology ogy near ea the t e CPS C S inner e edge. Eric Donovan June 2007 02 40 02 45 02 50 02 55 03 00 03 05 03 10 03 15 03 20 Diffuse Aurora 80 ML Lat (Degrees) 70 64 68 47 66 32 64 15 62 0 50 40 30 20 10 0200 30 20 10 0 -10 0230 0300 0330 SYM-H H (nT) 72 Peak Brigh htness (R) gil Intensity (R) Bx 400 nT T The brightness of the proton aurora tracks esk sudden changes in solar wind dynamic chu pressure. p essu e. 0400 UT (hhmm) (hh ) Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Poleward boundary of the diffuse 630 nm (Oxygen “Redline”) emissions is an excellent proxy for the open-closed boundary. Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Unstructured Quiet Time H+ Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Structure in the Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Proton (Hβ) auroral fading before EVERY substorm onset. onset Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Questions that need answering! Frames separated by 3 seconds Vertical striations on keograms are a consequence of patches “flashing” on. Whatever process is on one level aliasing with 3 seconds & the one second exposure time. 2007-03-13 Athabasca THEMIS ASI Eric Donovan 094533 094536 094539 June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Ath b Athabasca Optical p Pi2 Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Reproduced from Figure 10 in Yamamoto, T., S. Inoue, and C. Meng, Formation of auroral omega bands in the paired region 1 and region 2 field field-aligned aligned current system system, JGR JGR, 102(2531-2544), 102(2531 2544) 1997. 1997 Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Opportunities for New Studies Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Questions that need answering! Proton Diffuse Aurora Why does proton auroral fading occur in the 20 minutes prior to onset? Is proton diffuse auroral precipitation structured? Wh t are th What the relative l ti contributions t ib ti off the th various i causes off proton t precipitation? i it ti ? Are inductive electric fields important in proton auroral precipitation near onset? Are all discrete electron auroral arcs embedded in the proton aurora? Is there such a thingg as a discrete pproton auroral arc? Electron Diffuse Aurora What determines structure in the electron diffuse aurora? What is the role of CPS turbulence in diffuse auroral structure/brightness? Develop a relationship between CPS conditions and electron auroral brightness. Do processes such as BBFs play a role in diffuse auroral brightness? Is there a diffuse auroral signature of mid-tail reconnection? Develop a relationship between CPS conditions and electron auroral brightness. What are the relative contributions of the various causes of electron precipitation? Why is the poleward boundary of the diffuse electron aurora sometimes so sharp? Is the redline poleward boundary always a good proxy for the separatrix? Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Questions that need answering! 094533 Eric Donovan 094536 094539 June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Questions that need answering! Frames separated by 3 seconds Vertical striations on keograms are a consequence of patches “flashing” on. Whatever process is on one level aliasing with 3 seconds & the one second exposure time. Show THEMIS-Athabasca Movie 2007-03-13 Athabasca THEMIS ASI Eric Donovan 094533 094536 094539 June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Plasma physical mechanisms of DA precipitation Athabasca University Geophysical Observatory Instrument Complement NORSTAR H-beta Imager OMTI Multi-Spectral Imager NORSTAR Rainbow Imager NORSTAR Denswe D A Array Imager I (Narrow (N F THEMIS Panchromatic Imager OMTI Meridian Scanning Photometer OMTI Induction Coil Magnetometer NRCAN Fluxgate (at Meanook) NRCAN Riometer (at Meanook) NORSTAR Dense Array Imager (at Legal) MSP Scan Plane Fl Fluxgate M Mags MAGIC MACCS DMI AGI Athabasca U. IGPP-LANL McMac THEMIS GBO THEMIS EPO MEASURE NRCan CARISMA Proposed AUGO Campaign CGSM/NORSTAR Context Eric Donovan & Mike Greffen 63.37 62.37 61.37 Slave Lake Calling Lake Athabasca Legal Edmonton Red Deer Calgary Meanook (very near Athabasca in above map) Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora CHAMP Orbit Magnetic Midnight In the following plots I am stepping forward one orbit at a time starting from an orbit where the satellite passes through the night side over eastern Russia. g The contours show constant PACE latitudes from 50 to 80 degrees and longitudes separated by one hour of local time. The orbit is shown in red (projected geographically to the surface g about. Magnetic g which is not too bad for the orbit we are talking midnight is indicated by the dashed white thick line from 50 to 80 degrees PACE. Eric Donovan The black dots indicate fluxgate mags in North America and June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Considering just this one day in 2002, had all of the ASIs been operating that I expect will be operating by 2009 been running…. Champ would have passed though the FOVs of roughly 50 ASIs with one pass having continuous optical coverage from 55 degrees mlat (NORSTAR) to the magnetic pole (CHAIN) and passing though the FOVs of AMISR and PolarDARN. WE can expect this number of conjunctions for all three SWARM satellites during most times of year. With three satellites and the quality off E and d B observations b i that h SWARM will ill provide id this hi will ill b be an unprecedented opportunity for studies of auroral eledctrodynamics. Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Final Thoughts Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora Plasma Physics What causes the precipitation?? ECH Chorus EMIC Turbulence Potential Difference FL Curvature MASER ● ● Eric Donovan Geospace Remote Sensing What can we infer about geospace from the diffuse aurora? OC Boundary E- CPS inner edge H+ CPS inner edge Stretched-dipolar trans Stretching H+ pressure Presence off MHD waves Presence of waves ● ● Role in Dynamics Is the diffuse aurora “important”? Loss of low E eLoss of high E eLoss of low E H+ Low of high E H+ Direct role in currents Conductivity effects Role in wave generation ● ● June 2007 Diffuse Aurora References Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora High Points Discovery & Early Exploration of the Diffuse Aurora Rees, M., A. Belon, and G. Romick, The systematic behvior of H emission in the aurora, PSS, 5, 87-91, 1961. Petschek., H., and C. Kennel, Tail flow, auroral precipitation, and ring currents., Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, Volume 47, 137-138, 1966. L i A., Lui, A P. P Perreault, P l S.-I. S I Akasofu, Ak f and dC C. A Anger The Diffuse Aurora, PSS, Volume 21, 857-861, 1973 Eather, R., and S. Mende Airborne Observations of Auroral Precipitation Patterns, Patterns JGR, Volume 76, 1746-1755, 1971. Fukunishi,H., Dynamic relationship between proton and electron auroral substorms, substorms JGR, Volume 80, 553-574, 1975. Mende, S., and R. Eather, Monochromatic all-skyy observations and auroral precipitation p p patterns, p JGR, Volume 81., 3771-138, 1966. Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora High Points Properties of the major relevant plasma populations (mostly the CPS) Frank, L., Relationship of the plasma sheet, ring current, trapping boundary, and plasmapause near the magnetic equator and local midnight, JGR, 76(2265 2275) 1971. 76(2265-2275), 1971 Wing, S., Central plasma sheet ion properties as inferred from ionospheric observations, JGR, 103(6785-6800), 1998. Friedel, R., Airborne Observations of Auroral Precipitation Patterns, JGR, 76(1746-1755), 1971. Diffusion mechanisms Kennel, C., and H. Petchek, Limit on stably trapped particle fluxes, JGR, 71(128), 1966. Sergeev, V., E. Sazhina, N. Tsyganenko, J. Lundblad, and F. Søraas, Pitch-angle scattering of energetic protons in the magnetotail current sheet as the dominant source of their isotropic precipitation into the nightside i ionosphere, h PSS 31(1147-1155), PSS, 31(1147 1155) 1983. 1983 Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora High Points Inferring things from diffuse auroral boundaries A. Lui, C.-I. Meng, and S. Ismail, Large amplitude undulations on the equatorward boundary of the diffuse aurora, JGR, 87(2385-2400), 1982. W. Imhof, Fine resolution measurements of the L-ependent energy threshold for isotropy at the trapping boundary, JGR, 93(9743-), 1988. V. Sergeev and B. Gvozdevsky, MT-index: a new index to characterize the configuration of the magnetotail, Ann. Geophys., 13(1093-1103), 1993. G. Blanchard, L. Lyons, J. Samson, and F. Rich, Locating the polar cap boundary from observations of 6300 Å auroral emission, JGR, 100(7855-7862), 1995. E. Donovan, B. Jackel, I. Voronkov, T. Sorirelis, F. Creutzberg, and N. Nicholson, Ground-based optical determination of the b2i boundary: A basis for an optical MT-index, JGR, 108(doi:10.1029/2001JA009198), 2003. Rae, Kabin, Rankin, Fenrich, Liu, Wanliss, Ridley, Gombosi, and De Zeeuw Comparison of photometer anf glbal MHD determination of the open-closed field line boundary, JGR, 109(doi:10.1029/2003JA009968), 2004. Eric Donovan June 2007 Diffuse Aurora High Points Papers from which I learned the most M. Ashour-Abdalla, and C. Kennel, Diffuse auroral precipitation, in Auroral Processes, C. Russell Ed., 1977. V. Sergeev, E. Sazhina, N. Tsyganenko, J. Lundblad, and F. Søraas, Pitch-angle scattering of energetic protons in the magnetotail current sheet as the dominant source of their isotropic precipitation into the nightime ionosphere, ionosphere PSS, PSS 31(1147-1155), 31(1147 1155) 1983. 1983 D. Fontaine and M. Blanc A theoretical approach to the morphology and dynamics of diffuse auroral zones, JGR, 88(7171-7184), 88(7171 7184), 1983. D. Fairfield and A. Viñas The inner edge of the PS and the diffuse aurora, JGR, 89(841-854), 1984. PN P. Newell, ll Y Y. F Feldstein, ld t i Y. Y Galperin, G l i andd C.-I. C I M Meng, Morphology of nightside precipitation, JGR, 101(10737-10748), 1986. Frey, Mende, Carlson, Gérard, Hubert, Spann, Gladstone, and Immel The electron and proton aurora as seen by IMAGE-FUV IMAGE FUV and FAST, FAST GRL, GRL 28(1135-1138), 2001. Eric Donovan June 2007