New GEM Focus Group: Aaron Schutza Physics & Astronomy Department Rice University


New GEM Focus Group:

Aaron Schutza

Physics & Astronomy Department

Rice University

( a m s 7 @ r i c e . e d u )

GEM 2014

Student tutorial

Image Courtesy of NASA/SOHO

 Systems science fundamentals

 What are the methodologies behind system science?

 Understanding geospace as a complex system

 Which regions of geospace constitute the system?

 How can system science be applied to geospace modeling?

 What methods will be used in Geospace Systems Science (GSS)?

 Major goals of GSS Focus Group

 What practical utility will come from GSS research?

 Focus group details

 Who’s coordinating

 Session schedule

 Future Goals

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 Systems science is the interdisciplinary study of complex systems and their interactions

 Two properties of systems science to focus on

 System-level thinking: employing a broad range of expertise to uncover underlying system interactions

 Investigation of collective dynamical system behavior using complex systems analysis techniques

 Statistical mechanics of complex systems

 Data analysis tools

 Characterization of systems in terms of indices

 Systems science has well established methods and is used in many natural and social sciences as well as engineering applications

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 System dynamics:

 Understanding behavior of complex systems over time

 Internal feedback loops

 Characteristic time delays in system components

 Simple systems combine in non-linear ways

 Causal loop diagrams

 Used to visualize how variables in a system are related

 Positive causal links change together (+)

 Negative causal links change oppositely (-)

 Classic example is the

Adoption model

 Two kinds of loops:

Reinforcing and Balancing


Potential adopters


Market saturation

Adoption rate

+ +


“Word of mouth”

6/15/2014 GEM Student Tutorial Day




 Time lags are also included in causal loop diagrams

Avg. Maternal Age Life



Births R


+ -




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 Can be extended to encompass an arbitrarily large scope of systems


Avg. Maternal Age Life



+ +

Births R

Population X

+ -

B Deaths

Population Y




GEM Student Tutorial Day 6

 Now that we have a way of organizing system variables, how do we describe their dynamics?

 System is represented as an element of a state space

 Degrees of freedom are reduced as much as possible, retaining the variables relevant to the phenomenology being studied

 This description yields a time dependent state vector that evolves through the state space, akin to Hamiltonian evolution

 Key characteristic of many system theoretical methods is the use of a geometrical interpretation

 Once this is all formalized, we study the statistical properties of the state

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 The magnetosphere-ionosphere system is complex and highly coupled

 Many processes act in tandem across interconnected regions

 Distinct systems already identified and well studied by GEM researchers

 Coupled solar-wind ionosphere-magnetosphere system:

 Driven convection

 Plasma inflow and outflow

 Ionospheric outflow

 Flux transport processes

 Wave-particle interactions

 Etc.

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 Solar wind drives ionosphere and magnetosphere

 Ionosphere drives the magnetosphere

 Magnetosphere drives the ionosphere

Plasma outflow

+ R + M-I coupling






GEM Student Tutorial Day 9

 How many more systems are involved?


Cold plasma interferes with reconnection


Plasma outflow

+ R + M-I coupling






GEM Student Tutorial Day 10

 Plasmasphere has several systems science characteristics

 A) Cold plasma outflow from the ionosphere accumulates when solar wind coupling is low

 B) When solar-wind coupling increases some of the plasma can be transported to the dayside boundary (drainage plume)

 Influx of cold plasma mass loads the solar wind reconnection site, reducing the reconnection rate

(Borovsky et al., 2013)

6/15/2014 GEM Student Tutorial Day

Borovsky (2014)


 Plasmasphere has several systems science characteristics

 The process effectively forms a negative feedback loop in the driving of the system

 The stronger the driving, the more plasma is fed into the reconnection site

 Strength of feedback depends on the time history of the magnetosphere (time lag)

6/15/2014 GEM Student Tutorial Day

Borovsky (2014)


 Examples of systems science approaches:

 Multifractal behavior of dissipation in the magnetotail has been studied using the AL index

(Valdivia et al., 2013)

 Plasma displays multiscale dynamics, phase transitions, turbulence, etc.

 Complex system dynamics

 ULF indices are correlated with solar wind variables, geomagnetic indices, and other multispacecraft measurements

(Borovsky & Denton, 2014)

 Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is used to correlate relativistic electron flux with time integrals of solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices

 A review of systems theory in space physics: (Vassiliadis, 2006)

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 Advance the study of system interactions in the underlying geospace phenomena

 Identify geomagnetic systems that play a role in the solar wind driven magnetosphere

 Spearhead research on key system-level questions involving those systems

 This will take some getting used to for the GEM community; it requires us to think differently

 Recent progress in radiation belt physics has shown system -level thinking can yield insight

 Additional systems characteristics of geospace need to be addressed:

 Polar-cap potential saturation

 Substorm expansion-recovery cycle

 Scale dependence on flow structures and entropy bubbles, etc.

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 Evaluate and incorporate systems -science methodologies into

GEM research

 Application of systems science methods has mostly been limited to:

 Geomagnetic indices

 Auroral images

 Magnetotail activations

 Focus group will be a demonstration project for the value of new analysis tools

 System science methodologies are evolving rapidly and there exists a large tool set ready to utilize

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 Develop analysis tools for characterization of processes and events in observations and simulations

 These will include algorithms for analyzing statistical mechanics of complex systems using established systems science methodologies adapted to geospace science

 Focus will be on:

 Multiscale interactions of velocity, electric/magnetic field

 Transient events

 Transitions in unstable magnetic configurations

 Nonlinear correlations between interacting regions

 Studying correlation of indices using CCA

 These tools will aid forecasting ability of global simulation models

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 Identification of dynamic couplings, time lags, and feedback processes

 New indices characterizing the state of the M -I system

 Data analysis guidelines and libraries of analysis codes

 Validation of multiscale performance for computational models of the magnetosphere

 Journal special issue on GSS

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 GSS Discussion Session: Wednesday 10:30-12:15

 “Timescales, Time Lags, and Feedback Loops in the Magnetosphere -

Ionosphere System”

 Audience discussions

 GSS Discussion Session: Wednesday 1:00 - 5:00

 “Long Running Measurements of the State of the System: What Can

Be Done?”

 Audience discussions

 GSS Planning Session: Thursday 10:30 - 12:15

 Systems Topics; Systems-Science Methodologies; Data Analysis Tools

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 Joint Session with Storm-Time Inner Magnetosphere: Monday

3:30 - 5:00

 “The Physics of Shielding”

 Joint Session with Magnetosheath: Thursday 1:30 - 3:00

 “The Origins of the Non-Adiabatic Heating from the Magnetosheath into the Magnetosphere”

 Future joint sessions are expected over the 5 year term from

2014 to 2018

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Joe Borovsky


Bill Lotko



Vadim Uritsky


GEM Student Tutorial Day

Juan Valdivia



 Coordinators with CEDAR:

Aaron Ridley


Josh Semeter


6/15/2014 GEM Student Tutorial Day 21

 Geospace has been i dent ified as a c omplex sy stem

 Non-linear, chaotic motion

 Feedback loops

 Coupling mechanisms

 Transient events

 Diverse phenomenology

 Two m ai n t hem es fo r t he GS S Fo c us Gro up:

 Systems thinking: Asking systems level questions to account for the connectedness of different parts of geospace

 Synthesis of GSS tools and techniques: Using methods to study the behavior of the magnetosphere without preconceptions from a physics standpoint

 Inter disciplinar y approac h i deal fo r a c o mmunity as di ver se as GE M r esearc her s

 Additional collaboration with ongoing GEM focus groups, with CEDAR, and with SHINE will take place in the future

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 If you’re interested please participate in the focus group sessions!

 Any questions?

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• Borovs k y, J. E., (2014), Feedbac k of the Magnetosp he re , Scienc e 7March 2014: 1086 -1087, doi:10.1126/ s c ie n ce .1 25 05 90

• Borovs k y, J. E., and M. H. Denton (2014 ), Explorin g the cross correlat ion s and autocorr ela ti on s of the ULF indices and incorporat ing the ULF indices into the system s science of the solar wind-dri ve n magnetosph e re , J. Geophys . Res. Space Physic s , 119, doi:10.1002/2 01 4 J A0 19 87 6

• Borovs k y, J. E., M. H. Denton, R. E. Denton, V. K. Jordanov a , and J. Krall (2013), Estimatin g the effects of ionospher i c plasma on solar wind/magnet o sp he re coupling viamass loading of dayside reconne cti on : Ion -plasm a- s h ee t oxygen, plasmasph er i c drainage plumes, and the plasma cloak, J.

Geophys . Res. Space Physic s , 118, 5695 –5719, doi:10.1002 /j gr a. 50 527

• Valdivia, J.A., Rogan, J., Munoz, V., Toledo, B.A., Stepanov a, M.(2013), The Magnetosp he re as a

Complex System, Adv. Space Res. ,51, 1934, doi: 10.1016/j.a s r.2 01 2. 04 .0 04

• Vassiliadi s , D. (2006), System s Theory for Geospace Plasma Dynamic s , Rev. Geophys. , 44, RG2002, doi:10.1029/ 20 04 R G0 001 61

Full Proposal for “Geospac e System s Science ” can be found at: h t t p : / / s p c . i g p p . u c l a . e d u / g e m / p d f / G E M - 2 0 1 3 _ F G - p r o p o s a l _ s y s t e m s % 2 8 g g c m - g s a % 2 9 _ B o r o v s k y - L o t k o - U r i t s k y - V a l d i v i a . p d f

6/15/2014 GEM Student Tutorial Day 24
