The Interstellar Medium of the Galaxy …the multiphase cloudy gas between the stars. Clouds are not as bright as stars! We must use a variety of observing techniques to see them, including: reddening, optical & UV absorption lines, 21 cm emission & absorption, molecular emission, far-IR observations. The Orion Deep Field Credit & Copyright: Robert Gendler Absorption/Emission/Reddening Interstellar Dust and Reddening Dust grains: micron-sized aggregates, like soot or cigarette smoke. Often ice covered in the ISM. Grain size ≈ wavelength of light (or near-IR). • Dust is: more transparent to red light, preferentially scatters blue light. • Rayleigh scattering: mostly why the sky is blue, and sunsets red. • Dust clouds can absorb visible light heavily. (20 mags. in V to the Milky Way center. • Far-IR and radio observations see through dust. • Can map clouds via dust absorption. Mapping absorption line clouds Absorption lines from different clouds have different Doppler shifts because of differential rotation and random velocity components. Relative Intensity -10 0 V (km/s) 10 • With this technique, typically get several clouds along the line of sight, and some measure of the amount of material in each cloud. • Except: clouds with nearly the same velocity relative to Earth will be confused. East of Antares Credit & Copyright: Johannes Schedler (Panther Observatory) (Some) Components of the Interstellar Medium Component Density (cm-3) T (K) Pressure (nT) Obs. Technique Hot corona 10-4 106 102 UV (O+5) lines, X-ray continuum Warm (HI, HII) 1 ≤ 104 104 Ion fine-structure lines, Optical abs. Lines, 21 cm emission/abs. Cold (Envelope) 100 80 104 Reddening, Neutral metal lines Some CO, H2 Cold (Core) 105 10 106 Molecules Why are there such different thermal phases? -Heating and cooling processes across a very broad spectrum. What determines the phases? There are several constraints, notably quasi-equilibrium conditions. - Mechanical equilibrium, and isobaric assumption (within a scale height). - Thermal equilibrium, heating ≈ cooling, n2Λ ≈ nΓ. A little cooling physics Cooling rate: nkT n Λ= . τ cool 2 Coolants include: atoms, ions, molecules, grains of various sizes….. € What’s τcool? τcool = <neσv>, assuming that the atom is excited primarily by collisions with electrons. Further assume: <neσv> = <ne> <σv>, and then, nn e kT Λ= σv . n2 And finally, € <σv> = <σ> <v>, in terms of the mean cross section and the (Maxwellian) mean velocity. However, this is a lousy estimate if the cross section has ‘resonances’. Generally need a quantal calculation. Some cooling curves (on trans.)…. Some Dynamical and Heating Processes in the ISM Process (local) Characteristic Length (pc) Energy Scale (J) Cloud collisions <λ> ≈ 100 mclσ2/2 ≈ 1042 Photoheating R ≈ 56 n-0.3 tOBLOB ≤ 1045 (HII regions) Supernovae 40 1044 Stellar winds “ bit less Grav. Collapse lJ ≈ 40 (T/100)3/2(100/n)3/2 GM2/R ≈ 1041 Magnetic effects, Alfven waves ???? Global disturbances: Spiral density waves, Other large-scale flows, AGN activity, Galaxy collisions…