Math 639
(updated: August 8, 2014)
Background: Linear algebra.
(1) Review matrix multiplication.
ABC where
1 2 3
A = 1 −1 0 B = 1
1 4 1
For example, compute AB, BC and
4 1 2 3
3 1 −1 0
(2) Review matrix vector multiplication, e.g., compute Av and Cw where
 
 
v = 2 w = 
 3 .
(3) Review linear independence, e.g., are the vectors
       
2  2  1 5
       
1  1  1 3
linearly independent?
(4) Review span, basis and dimension. Do the above vectors span R4 , if
not, then what is the dimension of the linear space which they span?
(5) Suppose A is an n × n matrix. What is the range of A? What is the
kernel (or null space) of A? Suppose A is the 4 × 4 matrix made by
using the 4 vectors above as columns. What is the dimension of the
range of A? What is the dimension of the kernel of A?
(6) Suppose A is an n × n matrix. Given b ∈ Rn , which of the following
conditions imply that the linear system Ax = b has a unique solution
x ∈ Rn ?
(a) The determinant of A is nonzero.
(b) The determinant of A is zero.
(c) The kernel of A is trivial, i.e., Ker(A) = {0} where 0 denotes
the zero vector in Rn .
(d) The dimension of the kernel of A is greater than zero.
(e) The range of A has dimension n.
(f) The dimension of the range of A is less than n.
(g) The rows of A are linearly independent.
(h) The rows of A are linearly dependent.
(i) The columns of A are linearly independent.
(j) The columns of A are linearly dependent.
(7) Review eigenvectors and eigenvalues: An eigenvector for an n × n
matrix A is a nonzero vector x ∈ Rn satisfying
Ax = λx
for some real or complex number λ. In this case, λ is the eigenvalue corresponding to x. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues satisfy the
(a) Eigenvalues are roots of the characteristic equation P (λ) = det(A−
(b) Eigenvectors with distinct eigenvalues are linearly independent.
(c) The eigenvectors of A span a space of dimension d with k ≤ d ≤ n
where k is the number of distinct roots of P (λ).
(d) When d = n, we say that A is diagonalizable, i.e., there are n
linearly independent eigenvectors whose span is Rn .
(e) When A is diagonalizable, we can form a matrix M with n independent eigenvectors of A as columns. In this case we get
D = M −1 AM
where D is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the
corresponding eigenvalues.
Discussion: One of the main goals of this class is to study iterative
solution of linear systems, i.e., to compute x ∈ Rn solving
Ax = b
where A is an n × n matrix and b ∈ Rn is given. This system has a unique
solution if and only if any of the conditions (a), (c), (e), (g), (i) hold (they
are all equivalent). In this case, we say that the matrix is non-singular.
When any of the conditions (b), (d), (f), (h), or (j) hold then the system
either does not have any solution or it has infinitely many of them. In this
case, we say that the system is singular. We shall assume that A is such
that we have a unique solution.
Although we shall start our investigation of iterative methods with simple
examples, it should be kept in mind that our goal is to solve systems with a
huge number of unknowns which arise from large scale scientific computation.
These problems, involving millions of unknowns, are well beyond what can
be solved by direct methods (e.g., Gaussian Elimination) even on today’s
fastest computers.
An iterative method for computing the solution of (1.1) is a process which
generates a sequence of iterates x1 , x2 , . . . in Rn given an initial iterate x0 ∈
Rn . Here is a simple example:
xi+1 = xi + (b − Axi ).
(1, 2)t ,
Let b =
x0 = (0, 0)t (for a row vector v t denotes the corresponding
column vector) and
3 0
0 1
Using MATLAB (or your favorite programming language) run the above
iteration for, say, 20 steps. This involves setting up a simple loop, e.g., in
for i=1:20
The above illustrates a simple programming example in MATLAB. Note
that the first and second line both create a column vector of dimension 2. In
matrix definitions, the comma separates entries in a row while the semicolon
separates rows. The “for” statement sets up a loop with counter “i” varying
from 1 to 20. The statement after the for loop implements the iteration (1.2).
Note that each time it is executed, the new iterate replaces (overwrites) the
previous. This is a common practice in implementation of iterative methods:
intermediate iterates are discarded in the iteration process.
What happens when you run the iteration. Is it converging? Do the same
experiment with
2 1
1 2
1 1/2
1/2 1
(Make sure that you reset you initial iterate before rewriting the “for” loop).
Some of you may have run the three examples by essentially typing the
six lines above three times (with appropriate modification to the definition
“a=...” line). To avoid such duplication, MATLAB provides the so-called
“m-file” capability. To illustrate this, create a file in your MATLAB directory
containing the five lines above excluding the “a=...” line and call it “iter.m”
We can now run the three examples by:
In all but the last example, the iterations were DIVERGING. To investigate the convergence or divergence of an iterative method it is useful to
derive a recurrence for the error. We first note that the solution x is a fixed
point of the iteration, i.e.,
x = x + (b − Ax).
If the solution is a fixed point for the iteration then we say that the iteration
is “consistent.” Subtracting the above equations, we find that the error
ei = x − xi satisfies
ei+1 = (I − A)ei .
Here I denotes the identity matrix (2 × 2 in this example). We see that
the new error is related to the old by a simple matrix multiplication. Of
course, multiplication by a matrix is a linear mapping. An iterative method
is called “linear” if the new error results from applying a linear map (matrix
multiplication) to the old error.
Note that the sequence {xi } converges to x if and only if the sequence of
errors {ei } converges to the zero vector.
Let us consider the first example above. We have
−2 0
ei+1 =
0 0 i
from which it follows that
ei =
(−2)i 0
0 0
and is clearly divergent (unless the first component of the initial error is
zero). This example illustrates that an iteration may converge for some
initial errors and not others. In general, we shall be interested in
methods which converge for all initial error!
Let us generalize this problem and consider A to be an n × n diagonal
matrix with entries Ajj = dj , j = 1, . . . , n. Applying the above analysis, we
again have (1.6) and so the j’th component of the error ei is given by
(ei )j = (1 − dj )i (e0 )j .
This method will converge for any initial error (and hence for any b and any
choice of starting iterate x0 ) if and only if
|1 − dj | < 1, for j = 1, . . . , n.
Of course, we would like to have methods which converge on a more
general class of problems. We start by generalizing the iteration methods by
introducing an iteration parameter τ and consider the iteration
xi+1 = xi + τ (b − Axi ).
The above method is called Richardson’s method. This iteration is consistent and a simple manipulation (do it!) gives
ei+1 = (I − τ A)ei
and so (1.7) is a linear iterative method. When A is diagonal, we have that
the j’th component of the error is given by
(ei )j = (1 − τ dj )i (e0 )j ,
j = 1, . . . , n.
Thus, this method is convergent for any right hand side and starting iterate
if and only if
max |1 − τ dj | < 1.
Now suppose that for two numbers λ0 and λ1 ,1
λ0 ≤ dj ≤ λ1 , for j = 1, . . . , n
with λ0 > 0. Then if we take τ = λ−1
1 ,
max |1 − τ dj | = max (1 − dj /λ1 ) ≤ 1 −
For our first example (1.3), we have λ1 = 3. Run this example (with τ = 1/3)
for 20 iterations and observe the convergence behavior.
Remark 1. This is not the best choice of iteration parameter. Actually,
τ = 1/2 is optimal. Can you see why?
We note that the derivation of (1.8) did not assume anything special about
A and so could be used for non-diagonal A. Suppose that M is an invertible
n × n matrix. Set ẽi = M ei then from (1.8),
M ei+1 = M (I − τ A)M −1 M ei ,
e i where A
e = M AM −1 .
ẽi+1 = (I − τ A)ẽ
Now, {ei } converges to the zero vector if and only if {ẽi } converges to the
zero vector (why?).
The transformation M AM −1 is called a similarity transformation. We
will be in great shape if we can find such a transformation which results
e since, in that case, we can simply apply our earlier
in a diagonal matrix A
analysis for the diagonal case. A matrix is called diagonalizable if there
exists an invertible matrix M with M AM −1 diagonal. The matrix (1.4) is
diagonalizable since
1 1
e = M AM −1 = 3 0 ,
0 1
1 −1
We see from (1.10) that {ẽi } will converge to the zero vector for any initial
error ẽi if we choose τ = 1/3. Note that the matrix M is used only for the
analysis. Run the iteration (1.7) using A given by (1.4) and τ = 1/3.
Remark 2. Not all matrices are diagonalizable. There are, however, fairly
general classes of matrices which are known to be diagonalizable. This will
be the subject of discussion in a later class.
Our method with parameter is, unfortunately, not general enough to deal
with all problems. Consider the matrix given by
3 0
0 −1
If you try the above method, you will find that it diverges (or at least fails to
converge for some starting iterate) for any choice of τ . The analysis leading
to (1.9) is still valid so for convergence we would need
|1 − 3τ | < 1 and |1 + τ | < 1.
This is impossible (even if we used complex τ ). To deal with this situation,
we need to change strategy. We note that since A is non-singular so is At
(the transpose of A). Thus, multiplying the equation Ax = b by At does not
change the solution set. We consider iterative solution of
At Ax = At b.
The above equation is called the “normal” equation corresponding to the
system Ax = b. In our simple example, At = A so we could have just
multiplied by A. As we shall see in later classes, multiplication by At will
work for more general matrices.
We can now apply our method (1.7) to (1.12). In this case, we use the
matrix At A and At b as the right hand side. Now At A has the positive
diagonal entries {1, 9} and we can choose τ = 1/9. Run this iteration 20
times. Note that you get convergence but it is not as fast as the analogous
iteration applied to the case when A was given by (1.3).
Problem 1. Consider A given by
3 −4
−4 3
Use (1.7) applied to the normal equations (1.12) to iteratively compute the
solution to Ax = b (b and x0 as above). Experiment with different values of
τ and try to determine when you get a convergent iteration.
Remark 3. We shall also be interested in solving systems involving matrices
with complex coefficients. In this case, the transpose in the normal equations
is replaced by the conjugate transpose, A∗ where (A∗ )ij = Āji and the bar
denotes the complex conjugate.