Health and Wellness Benefits of Spending Time in Nature Ecosystem Services Team

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
Health and Wellness Benefits of
Spending Time in Nature
Ecosystem Services Team
Portland, Oregon
Contact: Linda Kruger
907-586-7814 (office); 907-957-0335 (cell)
Guy Kramer
Drawing attention to the benefits of outdoor leisure and
recreation for improved health helps shift attention from the
downstream costs of health care to the upstream efforts to
prevent ill health from occurring. An upstream focus is also
empowering, enabling people to play a more prominent role
in individual and family wellness. In support of upstream
efforts, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC 2009) recommended translating scientific findings
into community and school practices to protect the health of
people where they live, work, learn, and play. This research
effort attempts to do just that.
Potential Deliverables
 Networking with others doing research and community
outreach related to this topic
Keith Routman
 Publishing a synthesis of information from published
 Identifying gaps and additional
work needed
 Translating findings into user friendly information
 Developing products and tools that can be used in
schools, hospitals, senior centers, doctor’s offices and
health centers. The benefits of spending time in nature
are not age restricted!
Research Results
Findings reported in the literature show that people who
walk 15 to 30 minutes a day are healthier than people who
don’t—they have fewer diseases, are less likely to get cancer,
have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, and have better
bone density. Walking improves digestion and decreases
the risk of intestinal cancer, reduces risk of type II diabetes,
and reduces insulin dependency of diabetics. Walking
recalibrates energy/fat storage so the body becomes more
efficient and trim. Walking helps the kidneys, the lymphatic
system, and the joints. It also diminishes some types of
arthritis (Hartman 2006). Research at Duke University in
1999 found that a brisk 30-minute walk three times a week
was more effective in reducing depression symptoms than
Zoloft ® alone or Zoloft ® and walking, and walkers were less
likely to have a recurrence of depression (Hartman 2006).
“Parks and other natural environments are a fundamental
health resource, particularly in terms of disease prevention”
(Maller et al. 2008). Researchers are demonstrating the
positive effects of nature on blood pressure, cholesterol,
outlook on life, and stress reduction. It has also prove
beneficial to those with attention deficit disorder (Kuo and
Taylor 2004). Spending time in nature also has been linked
to longevity and decreased risk of mental illness in studies
in Scandinavia and the Netherlands (De Vries et al. 2003,
Grahn and Stigsdotter 2003).
The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader
information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture or any product or service.
Health benefits of nature may also have relevance to
injury prevention and control, diabetes, asthma, arthritis,
musculoskeletal conditions, and other maladies, including
Keith Routman
cancer (Li 2009). In Japan, shinrinyoku or forest bathing
is a short, leisurely visit to a forest. A Japanese study of
men and women on a 3-day/2-night trip to a forest included
short walks each day (Li 2009). Blood and urine samples
were tested during and following the trip. Results suggest
that a monthly trip in nature could provide maintenance
levels of cells that work to prevent cancer generation
and development, among other benefits. Breathing in
antimicrobial compounds found in the essential oils of
trees increases relaxation and improves stress management
resulting in increased vitality and less anxiety, depression,
and anger. It also may decrease risk of psychosocial-stressrelated diseases. There may be opportunities to replicate
this work in coastal temperate rainforests in the Pacific
Northwest and Alaska.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention[CDC]. 2009.
The power of prevention: chronic disease… the public
health challenge of the 21st century.
De Vries, S.; Verheij, R.; Groenewegen, H.; Spreeuwenberg,
P. 2003. Natural environments—healthy environments? An
exploratory analysis of the relationship between green space
and health. Environment and Planning. 35(10): 1717–1731.
Grahn, P.; Stigsdotter, U.A. 2003. Landscape planning and
stress. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 2: 1–18.
Hartmann, T. 2006. Walking your blues away: how to heal
the mind and create emotional well-being. Rochester, VT:
Park St. Press. 112 p.
Kuo, F.; Taylor, A. 2004. A potential natural treatment for
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: evidence from a
national study. American Journal of Public Health. 94(9):
Li, Q. 2009. Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune
function. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.
15(1): 9–17.
Maller, C.; Townsend, M.; St. Leger, L.; et al. 2008. Healthy
parks, healthy people: the health benefits of contact with
nature in a park context. Melbourne, Australia: Deakin
University and Parks Victoria.