Excellence and Engagement: Monash University Library 2016 Annual Plan

Excellence and Engagement:
Monash University Library 2016 Annual Plan
The focus of this 2016 Annual Plan, Excellence and Engagement, builds on the 2015 Annual Plan, Transforming Scholarship, which
articulates the multiple ways that Monash University Library contributes to the University’s achievement of its goal to be one of the best
research and learning and teaching universities in the world, with a global perspective and a commitment to innovation.
In order to be effective in this ambitious environment, and to capitalise on the opportunities provided by radical changes to technology,
pedagogy and research practice, the Library has re-created itself in a number of profound ways. It has transformed, and continues to
transform, all aspects of its endeavour. It is outward-looking and working in partnership with faculties to enhance students’ research skill
development, encompassing both information literacy and learning skills. It has for many years led the University’s understanding of and
approach to research data management. It has embraced e-learning in a myriad of ways and provides professional advice about
intellectual property and scholarly communication. It has re-envisioned the physical libraries so that they are user-focussed, responsive
and effective research and learning environments. It interrogates work practices in order to make them efficient and effective, and it
ensures that staff have the opportunity to build their ability to thrive in this transformed environment.
Excellence and Engagement recognises that the Library will make a greater contribution to the University if academics, students and
professional staff understand the Library’s full offer and engage with it. It highlights the centrality of the planning, delivery and evaluation
cycle, and recognises that partnerships and communication are the keys to improving engagement. It also anticipates the stronger base
for engagement that the refurbished libraries will afford from 2017, and commits to strategic planning to capitalise on this.
This Plan links to the University’s plans, especially the Academic and International Plans, and it underpins all individual Library staff
work plans. It outlines both the Library’s ongoing roles and its strategic priorities for 2016. Like the University itself it is ambitious and
Cathrine Harboe-Ree
University Librarian
November 2015
Monash University Library contributes to the transformation of the University by providing outstanding scholarly resources
and environments and through leadership and collaboration in research skills development, scholarly communication and the
use of technology.
Summary of 2016 strategic initiatives
Significantly improve research and learning environments, especially through the refurbishment of the Matheson and Caulfield
(Link to Academic Plan: Excellence in Education. Key collaborating partners: Facilities and Services, Office of the Vice Provost
Learning and Teaching (OVPLT), eSolutions)
Contribute to the success of the University’s education initiatives through Better Teaching, Better Learning, including building on
achievements in eLearning.
(Link to Academic Plan: Excellence in Education. Key collaborating partners: OVPLT, eSolutions)
Contribute to course development and unit enhancement to achieve the University’s Graduate Education strategies.
(Link to Academic Plan: Excellence in Education. Key collaborating partner: Office of the Vice Provost Graduate Education
Enhance student performance and employability through consideration and further use of the Research Skill Development and
Work Skill Development frameworks in the curriculum and the extra-curriculum environment.
(Link to Academic Plan: Excellence in Education. Key collaborating partners: OVPLT, OVPGE)
Improve research performance by providing leadership in research data management and high impact and sustainable open
(Link to Academic Plan: Excellence in Research. Key collaborating partners: eResearch Centre, eSolutions, OVPGE)
Engage with local and international partners to achieve advantageous and sustainable outcomes.
(Link to International Plan: Excellence in Education/Research. Key collaborating partners: Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global
Engagement, eSolutions, OVPGE)
Enhance understanding of the Library’s changing roles and contribution through effective evidence based communication.
(Link to Focus Monash: Enabling elements)
Develop a strategy to take Library and University research collections to the University and the world through public programs,
outreach, digitisation and other initiatives.
(Link to Focus Monash: Outreach)
The Library’s role
The Library contributes to the achievement of the University’s aspirations in a number of ways, including:
Providing high quality, welcoming research and learning environments that meet group and individual needs.
Providing a safe and secure environment for collections, staff and students, including facilities for people with special needs.
Developing, promoting and providing access to scholarly collections and resources across multiple sites, meeting individual
campus and faculty needs.
Ensuring that collections are discoverable and accessible, regardless of format or location.
Providing information, lending and online reading list services for library users.
Providing Monash University Lectures Online (MULO).
Providing materials from/to other libraries and suppliers for eligible students and staff.
Providing copyright education and advice for the development of programs and resources.
Partnering with faculty to ensure explicit development of information research, learning and employability skills in the curriculum
and to develop in- and extra-curricular resources and programs.
Leading research data management across the University.
Providing stewardship for the University’s research outputs through the Monash University Research Repository.
Managing Monash University Publishing and nurturing a culture of publishing.
Managing resources in an efficient, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable way in accordance with the University’s policies
and procedures.
Providing a robust, reliable and stable suite of Library applications and associated information technology infrastructure in
collaboration with University partners.
Engaging with the University’s internationalisation strategies.
Engaging with Monash students and staff in affiliated hospitals, teaching and research locations.
Engaging with and providing services as appropriate for Monash partner organisations, commercial operations and the
Promoting and providing information about the Library’s programs, resources and activities.
Providing an environment that encourages development of Library staff capabilities and skills.
2016 strategic initiatives
Significantly improve research and learning environments, especially through the refurbishment of the Matheson and
Caulfield Libraries. (Excellence in Education)
Reference to Academic &
Targets / measures
International Plans
1.1 Work with Facilities and
Academic Plan p.4
Contribution made to refurbishment.
University Librarian;
Services, eSolutions,
Excellent – Education – Learning
Directors; Manager,
architects and builders to
and teaching environment
Opening planned.
Matheson Library;
complete the refurbishment
Operations Manager;
of the Matheson Library.
International Plan p. 4
Communications Manager.
Excellent – Education – Talent,
Learning and teaching
1.2 Work with Facilities and
As above
Contribution made to expansion and
University Librarian;
Services, eSolutions,
Directors; Manager,
architects and builders to
Caulfield Library; Operations
complete the expansion and
Opening planned.
Manager; Communications
refurbishment of the
Caulfield Library.
1.3 Evaluate the
As above
Evaluation framework and methodology
University Librarian;
improvements achieved
identified for Matheson and Caulfield
Directors; Library Managers;
through the refurbishments
Library improvements.
Operations Manager,
of Matheson and Caulfield
Communications Manager.
libraries for possible
Improvements potentially applicable in
application in other libraries.
other libraries monitored and recorded.
1.4 Contribute to the Law
As above
Contribution made to planning
Directors; Manager, Law
Faculty planning processes
Library; Operations
for the building
1.5 Work with Facilities and
As above
Feasibility plan developed.
Directors; Manager,
Services to develop a
Hargrave-Andrew Library;
feasibility plan for the
Operations Manager.
enhancement of HargraveAndrew Library.
Significantly improve research and learning environments, especially through the refurbishment of the Matheson and
Caulfield Libraries. (Excellence in Education)
1.6 Upgrade identified
As above
Upgrade completed.
Directors; Manager,
aspects of the CL Butchers
Pharmacy Library;
Pharmacy Library.
Operations Manager.
1.7 In collaboration with
As above
An integrated governance model
University Librarian;
OVPLT and eSolutions,
Directors; Library Managers;
governance and an
Operations Manager.
evaluation framework for
Contributions made to the proposed
learning spaces are
framework for the evaluation of spaces.
developed, to provide a
continuum of spaces in a
connected campus
approach, including in the
Learning and Teaching
1.8 Provide input, as
As above
Contributions made to campus master
University Librarian;
appropriate, to the
planning processes and implementation. Directors; Library Managers;
development and
Operations Manager.
implementation of campus
master plans, including the
Forum, the HargraveAndrew Library Forecourt
and Peninsula campus.
1.9 Contribute to the
As above
Contributions made to the project
Directors; Library Managers;
Steering Committee for the
through the Steering Committee.
Operations Manager.
implementation of a
printing/copying solution in a
The project implementation had a
leadership role.
student focus.
The pilot program included the Library
as an early adopter.
Contribute to the success of the University’s education initiatives through Better Teaching, Better Learning, including
building on achievements in eLearning. (Excellence in Education)
2.1 Work in partnership with
faculties to progress Unit
Enhancement objectives.
2.2 Contribute to the
implementation of course
architecture and
development of new course
offerings (Undergraduate).
2.3 Continue to improve
eLearning resources and
Reference to Academic &
International Plans
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Talent,
Focus on student outcomes,
Learning and teaching environment
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education
Targets / measures
Contribution made to units identified for
enhancement in 2016 through measures
including the unit enhancement indicators
and other faculty reports.
Directors; Faculty Team
Leaders; Learning Skills
Manager; Information
Research Skills Manager.
Contribution made through faculty
committees, Notice of Planning process,
Library Impact Statements, Coursework
Admission and Programs Committee
(CAPC), Academic Standards and
Academic Board.
Directors; Faculty Team
Opportunities identified and acted on for
reviewing embedded skills development
and resources (eLearning and collections)
within course architecture.
New and revised templates, processes and
guidelines developed and embedded in
Library staff practice.
Library staff capability in pedagogical
approaches enhanced as reflected in
feedback and examples.
Directors; Information
Systems Manager;
Information Research
Skills Manager; Learning
Skills Manager;
eLearning Coordinator;
Copyright Adviser;
Faculty Team Leaders.
Number of sessions converted from face to
face to eLearning increased.
Contribute to the success of the University’s education initiatives through Better Teaching, Better Learning, including
building on achievements in eLearning. (Excellence in Education)
Number of students who start and complete
eLearning tutorials increased.
Library participation in the OVPLT
Educational Design community of practice
In collaboration with OVPLT, selected
existing or new eLearning resources made
available through BLT Bytes website and
the Continuing Education Excellence
Development (CEED) Framework.
2.4 Contribute to the
University’s development
and implementation of
Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC) offerings,
including Small Private
Online Courses (SPOCs).
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes, Learning and
teaching environment
AP p. 12
Inclusive - Public outreach and
MOOCs and SPOCs are copyright
compliant and include appropriate
information resources.
Directors; Faculty Team
Leaders; Copyright
Learning Online: Reflection, Engagement
and Motivation (LOREM) tool implemented
in all Monash MOOCs and SPOCs,
including at stages throughout the course.
In collaboration with OVPLT, LOREM
provided to FutureLearn for use in other
MOOCs and considered for application in
other Monash online courses.
2.5 Complete Research and
Learning Online project.
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes, Learning and
teaching environment
New platform, based on the redesigned
information architecture, implemented,
including redeveloped and new content.
Project Steering
Committee; Directors;
Information Research
Skills Manager; Learning
Skills Manager;
Contribute to the success of the University’s education initiatives through Better Teaching, Better Learning, including
building on achievements in eLearning. (Excellence in Education)
2.6 Develop discipline
specific academic integrity
resources to strengthen
ethical learning, teaching
and research using the
Monash Art Design and
Architecture (MADA)
creative integrity modules
as a model.
2.7 Provide leadership for
the University’s
implementation of Equella.
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Learning
and teaching environment
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education
2.8 Contribute to a
sustainable model for live
captioning of recorded
lectures, in partnership with
Campus Community
Division and OVPLT.
2.9 Contribute to the
development of an active
learning approach in
partnership with OVPLT and
Campus Community
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Learning
and teaching environment
Further targeted resources developed and
eLearning Coordinator;
Faculty Team Leaders.
Directors; Faculty Team
Contribution made to the Academic
Integrity and Intellectual Property
Protection Working Party.
Projects undertaken through the MonashWarwick Alliance completed.
Advice and guidance on the use of Equella
Resources for the implementation of
Equella identified.
Sustainable model established.
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes, Learning and
teaching environment
Options identified, including video and
multiple languages for the MOOC
environment, and Learning Tools
Interoperability (LTIs) for integration.
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education
Delivery of a MULO pilot using the Active
Learning Platform completed.
University Librarian;
Directors; Information
Systems Manager;
Information Research
Skills Manager; Learning
Skills Manager;
eLearning Coordinator;
Faculty Team Leaders.
Directors; Information
Systems Manager.
Directors; Information
Systems Manager;
eLearning Coordinator;
Information Research
Skills Manager; Learning
Skills Manager.
Contribute to the success of the University’s education initiatives through Better Teaching, Better Learning, including
building on achievements in eLearning. (Excellence in Education)
2.10 Contribute to the
University’s new and reworked on-campus and
online Orientation programs
in partnership with OVPLT
and Campus Community
AP p. 12
Inclusive – Connection and
Opportunities for using active learning tools
in other teaching and learning contexts
Contributions made to the online
Orientation programs.
Library Guide planned and completed.
IP p. 12
Inclusive – Connection and
Interconnections made between University,
faculties and the Library to achieve
integrated communication.
Directors; Information
Research Skills Manager;
Learning Skills Manager;
Faculty Team Leaders,
Contribution made to the Student Success
Steering Group and Orientation
Management Committee.
2.11 Explore opportunities
with OVPLT for Library staff
participation in the Peer
Partnership Program.
2.12 Establish governance
to implement the
recommendations of the
Pearson Evaluation Report
(Mastering, MyLabs and
The Neighbourhood) with
OVPLT, eSolutions,
Financial Resources
Management (FiRM) and
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Talent
Staged program developed.
Options to include Malaysia explored.
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Learning
and teaching environment
New governance structure implemented.
Directors; Information
Research Skills Manager;
Learning Skills Manager;
Faculty Team Leaders.
Contribute to course development and unit enhancement to achieve the University’s Graduate Education strategies.
(Excellence in Education)
Reference to Academic &
Targets / measures
International Plans
3.1 Contribute to the
AP p. 4
Directors; eLearning
Contribution made through faculty
implementation of course
Excellent – Education – Focus on
Coordinator; Information
committees, Notice of Planning process,
architecture and
student outcomes
Research Skills Manager;
Library Impact Statements, Coursework
development of new
Learning Skills Manager;
Admission and Programs Committee
graduate coursework
IP p. 7
Faculty Team Leaders.
(CAPC), Academic Standards and
International – Education
Academic Board.
3.2 Implement a continuous
improvement approach to
the Library’s contribution to
the Graduate Researcher
Professional Development
(GRPD) Program to
achieve sustainability,
including through
3.3 Contribute to faculty
Doctoral Programs.
3.4 Monitor and contribute
to the development of
courses under the MonashPearson Alliance (MPA).
AP p. 3
Excellent – Research –Talent,
Opportunities identified and acted on for
reviewing embedded skills development
and resources (eLearning and collections)
within the new architecture.
Evaluation and redevelopment of face-toface and online programs completed and
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education
AP p. 3
Excellent – Research –Talent,
IP p. 3
Excellent – Research – Talent,
AP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes, Learning and
teaching environment
Directors; eLearning
Coordinator; Information
Research Skills Manager;
Learning Skills Manager;
Faculty Team Leaders.
Contributions made through faculty
committees and development of programs,
resources and activities.
Directors; eLearning
Coordinator; Information
Research Skills Manager;
Learning Skills Manager;
Faculty Team Leaders.
Faculty teams involved in all MPAdeveloped courses.
Directors; eLearning
Coordinator; Information
Research Skills Manager;
Learning Skills Manager;
Contribute to course development and unit enhancement to achieve the University’s Graduate Education strategies.
(Excellence in Education)
Faculty Team Leaders;
IP p. 4
Copyright Adviser.
Excellent – Education
3.5 Contribute to Early
AP p. 3
Contributions made through OVPGE and
Directors; eLearning
Career Researcher (ECR)
Excellent – Research –Talent
Coordinator; Information
Research Skills Manager;
IP p., 3
Learning Skills Manager;
Excellent – Research
Faculty Team Leaders.
Enhance student performance and employability through consideration and further use of the Research Skill Development
and Work Skill Development frameworks in the curriculum and the extra-curriculum environment. (Excellence in Education)
Reference to Academic &
Targets / measures
International Plans
4.1 Expand Research
AP p. 4
RSD and other frameworks considered in
Directors; eLearning
Skill Development (RSD)
Excellent – Education – Focus on
all areas of the undergraduate and
Coordinator; Information
framework activity.
student outcomes
graduate coursework curriculum through
Research Skills Manager;
the unit enhancement process in
Learning Skills Manager;
AP p. 10
collaboration with OVPLT, OVPGE and
Faculty Team Leaders.
Enterprising – Education
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes
4.2 Expand use of the
Work Skill Development
(WSD) framework.
IP p. 10
Enterprising – Education
As above
Library staff performed interconnection role
with faculties, OVPLT and OVPGE.
WSD framework considered in areas of the
undergraduate and graduate curriculum
through the unit enhancement process in
collaboration with OVPLT, OVPGE and
Directors; eLearning
Coordinator; Information
Research Skills Manager;
Learning Skills Manager;
Faculty Team Leaders.
WSD framework investigated for use in
Student Futures, in particular as the project
moves from extra-curriculum to in
curriculum areas in stage 2, in association
with the Student Futures Skills List.
Improve research performance by providing leadership in research data management and high impact and sustainable open
scholarship. (Excellence in Research)
Reference to Academic &
Targets / measures
International Plans
5.1 Contribute to national
AP p. 3
Proposals for funding accepted, projects
University Librarian;
data management and eExcellent – Research –
planned and implemented.
Directors; Research Data
infrastructure initiatives,
Management Coordinator;
including the Australian
Contributions made to the University
Faculty Team Leaders.
National Data Service
AP p. 6
achieving positive outcomes for national
International – Research
data management and e-infrastructure
initiatives in particular ANDS.
IP p. 3
Excellent – Research
Contributions made to development of
future national data services.
IP p. 6
International – Research
The University’s position built and returns
maximised on other involvement in
national data management and
associated e-infrastructure in collaboration
with eResearch, eSolutions, faculties and
the Research Office.
5.2 Achieve endorsement
and commence
implementation of the
Research Data
Management (RDM)
Strategy 2016-2020.
5.3 Provide advice on
open access initiatives.
AP p. 3
Excellent – Research –
AP p. 3
Excellent – Research – Talent,
Focus, Infrastructure,
Broad contribution made to the national
and international discussion based on the
Library’s expertise.
Strategy developed in collaboration with
eSolutions and eResearch and endorsed
by the University.
Library staff contributed to implementation
of the RDM Strategy.
Contribution made to the University’s
ability to meet its open access
University Librarian;
Directors; Research Data
Management Coordinator;
Faculty Team Leaders.
University Librarian;
Directors; Research Data
Management Coordinator;
Improve research performance by providing leadership in research data management and high impact and sustainable open
scholarship. (Excellence in Research)
Library staff able to communicate the
Faculty Team Leaders;
IP p. 3
University’s strategy and processes on
Copyright Adviser.
Excellent – Research
open access initiatives and requirements.
5.4 Extend and improve
AP p. 3
Use of research data storage increased.
University Librarian;
access to University
Excellent – Research – Talent,
Directors; Manager,
research output.
Focus, Infrastructure,
Use of Monash.figshare increased.
Monograph Resources;
Research Data Management
Pure implemented as a repository
Coordinator; Information
IP p. 3
Systems Manager;
Excellent – Research
Research and Learning
Available range of integrated
Coordinators; Faculty Team
management tools (‘the ecosystem’)
Imaging Locus further developed and the
amount of data published increased.
5.5 Explore options to
develop researcher and
Library staff capability in
using tools to analyse
research data.
5.6 Develop researcher
and Library staff capability
in using tools to maximise
research impact.
AP p. 3
Excellent – Research – Talent
IP p. 3
Excellent – Research
AP p. 3
Excellent – Research – Talent
IP p. 3
Excellent – Research
Metadata standards and guidelines,
including the use of ORCID, are
developed and implemented.
A workshop in research analysis tools
developed in collaboration with
eResearch, eSolutions and the
BioInformatics platform, e.g. software
Library staff can use and provide advice
on research measurement, impact and
Faculties, the Research Office and the
Library collaborate to build researcher
capability in using researcher profiles,
altmetrics and social media.
Directors; Research Data
Management Coordinator;
Research and Learning
Coordinators; Faculty Team
Directors; Research Data
Management Coordinator;
Research and Learning
Coordinators; Faculty Team
Improve research performance by providing leadership in research data management and high impact and sustainable open
scholarship. (Excellence in Research)
5.7 Expand Monash
AP p. 3
The Monash University Publishing backlist Directors; Director, Monash
University Publishing’s
Excellent – Research – Talent,
and 2016 list published online in
University Publishing.
online open access
accordance with author requirements.
publishing program.
AP p. 12
Inclusive – Public outreach and
IP p. 3
Excellent – Research
5.8 Incorporate the
energies and expertise of
intellectual leaders within
and outside Monash
University to publish
works of the highest
quality and importance.
As above
Series Editors from within and outside
Monash University are appointed in areas
of high social and/or intellectual
Directors; Director, Monash
University Publishing.
Increased presence of the press’s titles in
broadsheet and journal review sections
and other mass media is measured.
Engage with local and international partners to achieve advantageous and sustainable outcomes. (International
Reference to Academic &
Targets / measures
International Plans
6.1 Communicate and
AP p. 6 & 7
Principles endorsed by the University,
University Librarian;
implement the principles
International – Research,
communicated and implemented.
for library provision to
Monash’s partners.
AP p. 9 & 10
Enterprising – Research,
6.2 Contribute to the
Malaysia whole campus
6.3 Contribute to the
implementation of a
sustainable model for
Monash South Africa.
6.4 In collaboration with
Global Engagement,
eSolutions, OVPGE and
faculties, contribute to the
focus on mobility for
staff, students and
IP p. 9 & 10
Enterprising – Research,
As above
As above
Contributions made.
Collaborative approach to engagement with
Malaysia established with the OVPLT and
other stakeholders.
Contribution made to the implementation of
a sustainable model.
AP p. 6
International – Education
Advice contributed on library provision for
IP p. 4
Excellent – Education – Focus on
student outcomes
Advice contributed on library provision for
non-structured relationships, e.g. Chile that
Monash establishes.
University Librarian;
University Librarian;
University Librarian;
Directors; Faculty Team
IP p. 7
International – Education
IP p. 12
Engage with local and international partners to achieve advantageous and sustainable outcomes. (International
6.5. In collaboration with
AP p. 3
Developments monitored and skills and use University Librarian;
Global Engagement and
Excellent – Research – Talent,
of resources increased. (Note: The
Directors; Faculty Team
the OVPGE, monitor
constraints on access to print and electronic Leaders.
developments at the
resources and skills programs at some
Indian Institute of
AP p. 4
international locations need to be taken into
Technology Bombay
Excellent - Education – Focus on
(IITB)-Monash Research student outcomes, Learning and
Academy and the
teaching environment
Southeast UniversityMonash University Joint
AP p. 6 & 7
Graduate School to build International – Research,
skills development and
use of resources.
IP p. 3 & 4
Excellent – Research, Education
6.6 Monitor and
AP p. 7
Initiative monitored and contributions made. University Librarian;
contribute to the
International – Education
development of the
University’s international
multicultural experience.
6.7 Participate in the
AP p. 3 & 4
Advice provided.
University Librarian;
CAUL copyright review.
Excellent – Research, Education
Directors; Copyright Adviser.
Enabling elements
Enhance understanding of the Library’s changing roles and contribution through effective evidence based communication.
(Enabling elements)
Reference to Academic &
Targets / measures
International Plans
7.1 Continue the Library
Enabling elements
Project objectives achieved according to
Directors; Manager,
Performance Metrics
Project charter.
Strategy & Planning;
Use of performance metrics for continuous
Manager; Applications
improvement embedded in Library staff
practice as a planning, evaluation and
communication tool.
Library wide approach to performance
metrics agreed across the Library.
7.2 Work in partnership
with the OVPLT, OVPGE
and faculties to develop
analytical capability to
enhance understanding of
student success.
Enabling elements
7.3 Explore a wider range
of performance metrics to
better understand the
Library’s contribution to
Monash’s research
Enabling elements
Interconnections with analytics initiatives
with OVPLT, OVPGE, University Planning
and faculties made and articulated.
Evidence contributed to the Student
Success initiative.
A range of performance metrics identified.
Directors; Manager,
Strategy & Planning;
Manager; eLearning
Coordinator; Information
Research Skills Manager;
Learning Skills Manager;
Faculty Team Leaders.
Directors; Manager,
Strategy & Planning;
Research Data
Management Coordinator.
Enhance understanding of the Library’s changing roles and contribution through effective evidence based communication.
(Enabling elements)
7.4 Work in partnership
AP p. 4
The Library has participated in project
with the Office of the
Excellent – Education
Chief Operating Officer
and Senior Vice-President IP p. 4
Library recommendations are made for
(OCOO), eSolutions,
Excellent – Education
identified projects
faculties and others in
Student First and other
Develop a strategy to take Monash University Library and University research collections to the University and the world
through public programs, outreach, digitisation and other initiatives. (Outreach)
Reference to Academic &
Targets / measures
International Plans
8.1 Develop a strategy for AP p. 12
Strategy developed and endorsed.
University Librarian;
public programs and
Inclusive – Embracing Alumni, Public
Directors; Communications
outreach and understanding
Manager; Manager,
Strategy & Planning.
IP p. 12
8.2 Develop a rare books AP p. 3
Strategy developed, endorsed and
Directors; Rare Books
strategy for 2016-2020.
Excellent – Research
Librarian; Communications
Manager; Manager,
AP p. 12
Strategy & Planning.
Inclusive – Public outreach and
8.3 Review collection
AP p. 3 & 4
Collection management policy reviewed.
Directors; Manager,
management policy,
Excellent – Research, Education
Information Resources;
including electronic
Collection Librarian;
resources principles.
Enabling elements
Faculty Team Leaders.
8.4 Review principles for
AP p. 3 & 4
Principles revised and implemented.
Directors; Manager,
expenditure of collection
Excellent – Research, Education
Information Resources;
Collection Librarian;
Enabling elements
Faculty Team Leaders.
8.5 Participate in the
AP p. 3 & 4
Advice provided to inform the project.
Directors; Manager,
Council of Australian
Excellent – Research, Education
Information Resources;
University Librarians’
Collection Librarian;
(CAUL) Bibliographic
Enabling elements
Document Delivery
Utilities Project.
Librarian; Faculty Team
8.6 Implement the Library AP p. 3
Policy and procedures implemented.
Directors; Rare Books
Exhibitions and Displays
Excellent – Research
Librarian; Communications
policy, procedures and
Guidelines developed and implemented.
Manager; Manager,
guidelines including
AP p. 4
Strategy & Planning.
staging the inaugural
Inaugural Gallery exhibition staged.
Develop a strategy to take Monash University Library and University research collections to the University and the world
through public programs, outreach, digitisation and other initiatives. (Outreach)
Gallery exhibition at
Excellent – Education – Learning and
Matheson Library.
teaching environment
AP p. 12
Inclusive – Public outreach and
IP p. 12