Star Lab

Star Lab
Astronomy Lab 2
Spring 2007
name: ________________________
1. What is the proper name of the: 4th brightest star in Cassiopeia?
2. What is the proper name of the: 3rd brightest star in Leo?
3. What is the proper name of the: 1st brightest star in Draco?
4. What is the proper name of the: 2nd brightest star in Perseus?
5. Circle the brightest star of the following set:
a. Canopus
b. Vega
c. Shaula
d. Procyon
e. Betelgeuse
6. Circle the dimmest star of the following set:
a. Canopus
b. Vega
c. Shaula
d. Procyon
e. Betelgeuse
7. Circle the brightest star of the following set:
a. Regulus
b. Arcturus
c. Deneb
d. Spica
e. Hadar
8. Circle the dimmest star of the following set:
a. Regulus
b. Arcturus
c. Deneb
d. Spica
e. Hadar
9. Circle the brightest star of the following set:
a. Procyon
b. Acrux
c. Rigel
d. Achernar
e. Vega
10. Circle the dimmest star of the following set:
a. Procyon
b. Acrux
c. Rigel
d. Achernar
e. Vega
11. Circle the brightest star of the following set:
a. Betelgeuse
b. Antares
c. Altair
d. Adhara
e. Canopus
12. Circle the dimmest star of the following set:
a. Betelgeuse
b. Antares
c. Altair
d. Adhara
e. Canopus
13. Which star below isn’t in the same constellation as the others?
a. Algieba
b. Schedar
c. Caph
d. Segin
e. Ruchbah
14. Which star below isn’t in the same constellation as the others?
a. Regulus
b. Denebola
c. Thuban
d. Zosma
e. Adhafera
15. Which star below isn’t in the same constellation as the others?
a. Atik
b. Rastaban
c. Etamin
d. Nodus Secundus
e. Tyl
16. In the Main Sequence of the HR diagram which of the following is the hottest star?
a. Beta Centauri
b. Spica
c. Alpha Centauri
d. Procyon
e. Sirius
17. Which of the following Giants / Supergiants is the coolest?
a. Aldebaran
b. Polaris
c. Deneb
d. Rigel
e. Antares
18. Which star is the most luminous in (solar units)?
a. Betelgeuse
b. Canopus
c. Vega
d. Deneb
e. Sirius
19. Achernar is approximately how many solar masses?
a. 10 Msun
b. 6 Msun
c. 1 Msun
d. 0.1 Msun
e. 0.3 Msun
20. Deneb has a spectral classification of:
a. O
b. B
c. A
d. F
e. G
Latitude/Longitude of World
Sky Map (RA-Decl format)
StarGazer (Az-El format)
Virtual Telescope
List of Named Stars (alphabetical)
50 Nearest Stars
Brightest Stars
Star Catalog look-up
List of Constellations
Planets in constellations
Stardate - Moon Phases