Monash University Library Academic Integrity Online Tutorial - Ethics Ethics module Use this document as an alternative to the online interactive tutorial Contents Academic Integrity Online Tutorial - Ethics ................................................................. 1 Ethics module................................................................................................................. 1 Use this document as an alternative to the online interactive tutorial ........................... 1 Screen 1 – Ethics ........................................................................................................ 2 Screen 2 – Ethics and academic integrity .................................................................. 2 Screen 3 – Ethics and professional standards ............................................................ 3 Screen 4 – Your ethical responsibility ....................................................................... 4 Screen 5 – Ethics and academic integrity .................................................................. 4 Screen 6 – Real-world stealing (i) ............................................................................. 5 Screen 7 – Real-world stealing (ii) ............................................................................ 6 Screen 8 – Real-world stealing (iii) ........................................................................... 6 Screen 9 – Claiming credit (i) .................................................................................... 7 Screen 10 – Claiming credit (ii) ................................................................................. 8 Screen 11 – Claiming credit (iii) ................................................................................ 9 Screen 12 – Claiming credit (iv) .............................................................................. 10 Screen 13 – Copying/Originality ............................................................................. 11 Screen 14 – Copying/Originality (ii) ....................................................................... 12 Screen 15 – Copying/Originality (iii) ...................................................................... 13 Screen 16 – Copying/Originality (iv) ...................................................................... 14 Screen 17 – Paying (tutors) ...................................................................................... 15 Screen 18 – Paying (tutors) ...................................................................................... 16 Screen 19 – Conclusion ........................................................................................... 17 Screen 20 – Additional resources ............................................................................ 18 Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 1 Monash University Library Screen 1 – Ethics Title slide image shows a figure holding the scales of justice. Ethics underpins the entire concept of academic integrity. It is a complex idea relating to whether things are considered ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. This module will help you identify and align your own ethical standards with those expected by Monash University. This activity will take approximately 5 minutes to complete Screen 2 – Ethics and academic integrity Image shows a female student in headscarf talking with a graduation scene in the background. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 2 Monash University Library Ethical standards can vary from person to person and between cultures. Within universities and academia, a general set of ethical standards are quite commonly agreed and used, while specific requirements can vary a little. Screen 3 – Ethics and professional standards Image shows the same student and, on her right, a conversation between a man and a woman. The word ‘Due’ is on the wall behind the man. Professional organisations also have their own ethical standards, which practitioners (such as teachers, lawyers, doctors or engineers) have to commit to on registering or entering the profession. It is important to recognise that the ethical standards relating to your studies or profession might differ slightly from your own personal standards. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 3 Monash University Library Screen 4 – Your ethical responsibility Image shows the student considering her responsibilities. It is your responsibility as a member of a particular group (e.g. as a Monash student) to be aware of the requirements and responsibilities of your position. You can learn about the expectations Monash has for you through the Student Charter ( Screen 5 – Ethics and academic integrity Image shows the student pointing towards the next screen and exercises to follow. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 4 Monash University Library The following exercise will help you to think about your own ethical standards, and to see how well you understand the ideas of academic integrity. Choose an answer then read the feedback for each. Screen 6 – Real-world stealing (i) Image shows the student pointing at the 4 options. How would you morally classify taking a magazine from a shop without paying? Choose one of the answers below: Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 5 Monash University Library Bad (Feedback: Your moral compass is exemplary, being fully aligned with the norms of society.) Not so good (Feedback: Well done, your moral compass appears to be well aligned with society.) Good (Feedback: Your moral compass is a little misaligned with the norms of society.) Very good (Feedback: Are you sure? Most members of Australian society would disagree with you strongly.) Screen 7 – Real-world stealing (ii) Image shows the student pointing at the 4 options. How would you morally classify taking a magazine from a shop without paying, with a friend or group of friends? Choose one of the options below: Very bad (Feedback: Your moral compass is exemplary, being fully aligned with the norms of society.) Bad (Feedback: Well done, your moral compass appears to be well aligned with society.) Good (Feedback: Your moral compass is a little misaligned with the norms of society!) Very good (Feedback: Are you sure? Most members of Australian society would disagree with you strongly.) Screen 8 – Real-world stealing (iii) Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 6 Monash University Library Image shows the student considering a moral issue. How would you morally classify taking something from someone's garden without asking them first? Choose one of the options below: Very Bad (Feedback: Your moral compass is exemplary, being fully aligned with the norms of society.) Bad (Feedback: Well done, your moral compass appears to be well aligned with society.) Good (Feedback: Your moral compass is a little misaligned with the norms of society.) Very Good (Feedback: Are you sure? Most members of Australian society would disagree with you strongly.) Screen 9 – Claiming credit (i) Image shows the student pointing at 4 options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 7 Monash University Library How would you morally classify taking an assignment from a friend’s bag and submitting it as your own? Choose one of the options below: Very Bad (Feedback: Your moral compass is exemplary, being fully aligned with the norms of society.) Bad (Feedback: Well done, your moral compass appears to be well aligned with society.) Good (Feedback: Your moral compass is a little misaligned with the norms of society.) Very Good (Feedback: Are you sure? Most members of Australian society would disagree with you strongly.) Screen 10 – Claiming credit (ii) Image shows the student standing with hands at her side. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 8 Monash University Library How would you morally classify claiming the credit for something done by a work colleague, without their knowledge? Choose one of the options below: Very Bad (Feedback: Your moral compass is exemplary, being fully aligned with the norms of society.) Bad (Feedback: Your moral compass appears to be well aligned with society.) Good (Feedback: Your moral compass is a little misaligned with the norms of society.) Very Good (Feedback: Are you sure? Most members of Australian society would disagree with you strongly.) Screen 11 – Claiming credit (iii) Image shows the student pointing at answer 4 options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 9 Monash University Library How would you morally classify discussing an idea with a group of friends, then claiming it as your own to win a prize /make money for yourself? Choose one of the options below: Very Bad (Feedback: Your moral compass is exemplary, being fully aligned with the norms of society.) Bad (Feedback: Well done, your moral compass appears to be well aligned with society.) Good (Feedback: Your moral compass is a little misaligned with the norms of society.) Very Good (Feedback: Are you sure? Most members of Australian society would disagree with you strongly.) Screen 12 – Claiming credit (iv) Image shows the student considering 4 answer options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 10 Monash University Library How would you morally classify giving credit to friends for supporting you when you win an award? Choose one of the options below: Very Bad (Feedback: Are you sure? Most members of Australian society would disagree with you strongly.) Bad (Feedback: Your moral compass is a little misaligned with the norms of society.) Good (Feedback: Your moral compass appears to be well aligned with society.) Very Good (Feedback: Your moral compass is exemplary, being fully aligned with the norms of society.) Screen 13 – Copying/Originality Image shows the student pointing at 2 answer options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 11 Monash University Library How likely are you to develop a new idea completely by yourself with no help from anyone? Choose one of the options below: Unlikely (Feedback: Well done. Remember that lectures, books, TV shows, movies and conversations with other people can all inform our thoughts and creations and should be credited appropriately.) Likely (Feedback: Very few people have this much originality! Lectures, books, TV shows, movies and conversations with other people can all inform our thoughts and creations and should be credited appropriately.) Screen 14 – Copying/Originality (ii) Image shows the student considering 2 answer options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 12 Monash University Library How morally acceptable is it to borrow a friend’s work, copy a couple of sentences and include them in your own assignment? Unacceptable (Feedback: Your moral compass is well aligned with Monash University Policy. You and your friend would be colluding, or you would be stealing if your friend didn’t know you had taken the assignment.) Acceptable (Feedback: Your moral compass is misaligned with Monash University Policy. You and your friend would be colluding, or you would be stealing if your friend didn’t know you had taken the assignment.) Screen 15 – Copying/Originality (iii) Image shows the student pointing at 2 answer options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 13 Monash University Library How morally acceptable is it to copy a paragraph from a journal article and include it in your own assignment? Choose one of the options below: Unacceptable (Feedback: Your ethical understanding of academic integrity is excellent. Remember to express ideas in your own words and reference appropriately.) Acceptable (Feedback: Actually, this is plagiarism. It’s good to find academic sources, but you need to express ideas in your own words and reference appropriately. If you wish to quote the exact text from a journal article or other source you should do so in quotation marks and cite the source.) Screen 16 – Copying/Originality (iv) Image shows the student considering 2 answer options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 14 Monash University Library How morally acceptable is it to copy a paragraph from Wikipedia and include it in your own assignment? Choose one of the options below: Unacceptable (Feedback: Well done. You seem to understand that academic integrity involves using only reliable sources and expressing these ideas in your own words. Wikipedia is not a reliable academic source.) Acceptable (Feedback: Actually, not only is this plagiarism but Wikipedia is not a reliable academic source. You may need to improve your cognitive skills to be able to find appropriate information and express it in your own words.) Screen 17 – Paying (tutors) Image shows the student considering 3 situations. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 15 Monash University Library Have you considered how acceptable these options are for your studies? Choose one of the options below: Buying an assignment from someone else (Unacceptable: correct, Acceptable: incorrect) Paying someone to take a quiz for you (Unacceptable: correct, Acceptable: incorrect) Paying someone to take an exam for you (Unacceptable: correct, Acceptable: incorrect) Question feedback: All of these are considered cheating and are serious breaches of university policy. Is this really the best use of your money? You have succeeded in gaining a place at University to learn these skills and gain disciplinary knowledge that you won’t gain by paying others to do your work. Screen 18 – Paying (tutors) Image shows the student considering 2 answer options. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 16 Monash University Library How about paying a tutor to help you understand how to study more effectively? Choose one of the options below: Unacceptable (Feedback: This would be a reasonable use of money, as the tutor is helping you to learn. Also remember the other learning resources and services provided by the university at no charge. The Getting Help module will link you to these.) Acceptable (Feedback: This is acceptable, as the tutor is helping you to learn. Also remember the other learning resources and services provided by the university at no charge. The Getting Help module will link you to these: Screen 19 – Conclusion Image shows the student pointing to a list of topics covered in the module. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 17 Monash University Library In the examples used here to demonstrate the ethics of academic integrity, you have identified that: Stealing ideas without acknowledging their creators is ethically the same as stealing property. That is, they are both unacceptable Even if others’ ideas are acknowledged, you need to develop skills to express them in your own words. Without doing so, you risk plagiarism Having academic integrity includes using appropriate academic sources for assignments If another person allows you to copy their work, this is called collusion. Both you and the other person are in breach of the Student Academic Integrity Policy. See link: Paying someone to do your university work will not help you learn and pass exams Paying a tutor to help you learn is acceptable, but there is a wide range of free learning resources and services available to you as a Monash student. Screen 20 – Additional resources Image shows titles and icons of related resources. Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 18 Monash University Library We hope that you found this activity useful. Click the links below to view other modules in this academic integrity tutorial: Introduction: Academic integrity ( Ethics ( Practical skills ( Cognitive skills ( Ctrl-C plagiarism ( Error-404 plagiarism ( Find-Replace plagiarism ( Hybrid & Mashup plagiarism ( Recycle & Clone plagiarism ( Remix plagiarism ( Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 19 Monash University Library Retweet plagiarism ( Collusion ( Consequences ( Getting help ( Monash University, Clayton Campus, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia Telephone +61 3 9902 6000 Facsimile +61 3 9905 4007 File name: 20