A Real-Life Project Experience: Consulting Thielen Student Helath Center (TSCH) Online

A Real-Life Project Experience: Consulting
Thielen Student Helath Center (TSCH) Online
HIPAA Training
Yasemin Demiraslan
Farrah Dina Yusop
Ci 603 Advanced Instructional Sysyems Design
Project Description
The main purpose of the project to develop an online
training on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) and ISU Health Information Privacy and
Security Policy for the new employees at the Thomas B.
Thielen Student Health Center (TSHC), Iowa State
 to provide the employees, especially the new employees at the
Center, with the necessary information to protect patients’
personal health care and financial information according to HIPAA
and ISU policies.
Problem Description
Current HIPAA training at TSHC:
One-to-one and face-to-face basis.
Takes between 30 to 50 minutes depending on the
employees’ previous background working in healthcare
environment, their work needs and positions in the
The training must be conducted within the first 5 days
of employment date and before the employees have
direct contact with the patients.
Problems Addressed
Client’s needs assessment
Two meetings with the client were conducted in order
to clearly determine the scope of the project.
Helped us understand the challenges that the client
face in her everyday training.
Problems Addressed
Employees’ needs assessment
Conducted interviews with 6 newly employed
employees who had gone through the training on
HIPAA and ISU policies conducted by our client.
The purpose of these interviews was to understand
the effectiveness of the training conducted by our
client from the employees perspectives and to solicit
feedback on how we can better address their needs.
Online-based training – our needs analysis revealed
that online module is more preferable than any other
types of training, for instance, print-based materials
and CD.
Access anytime, anywhere
An effective way to recall the information they forget or need
Interactive elements –Including interactive elements
such as videos, audios and animations not only to
motivate the employees to take the training but also
to help them better understand how HIPAA and ISU
policies looks like in real life situations.
Breaking down the modules –Breaking down the
training modules into sub-modules. Each sub-module
will take only 20 to 30 minutes time for motivational
and easiness purposes, especially for employees who
would like to take the training during their lunch
Course of Actions
Start Date
End Date
1. identify client’s needs (Needs assessment)
29 Jan 2007
5 Feb 2007
1. conduct needs analysis (Needs assessment)
5 Feb 2007
26 Feb 2007
1. design content
and 26 Feb 2007
19 March
1. develop the prototype of the online module
(Design and development)
19 March 2007
9 April 2007
1. pilot test and revise the module (usability testing)
9 April 2007
23 April
1. disseminate the online module
23 April 2007
3 May 2007
Building a collaborative process with the client
Employees in the center has positive thoughts about
online training and find it effective in learning.
Future Recommendations
An online quiz can be added not only to test the
employees’ understanding on the content, but also to
‘wake them up’.
The development of “Test” and “FAQs” sections can
be another mini-project by itself.
Site navigation:
An presentation to orient the employees (can also be put on
TSHC website)
A help button can be added with some text explaining the
structure of the website with suggestions about navigation
through the website.