Description Process Opportunities Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service and implemented by State forestry agencies, the Forest Stewardship Program encourages private forest landowners to manage their lands using professionally prepared Forest Stewardship plans. These plans consider all associated forest-related resources to meet landowner objectives, including—but not limited to—timber, wildlife, fish, water, and aesthetics. • Develop a geodatabase that spatially displays Forest Stewardship plans and captures associated management activities. • Identify multi-state and regional planning opportunities— Connecticut and Massachusetts conducted a joint analysis in the Connecticut River Valley, identifying an important watershed that crosses State boundaries. The Spatial Analysis Project (SAP) is a geographic information system (GIS)-based strategic management tool that allows participating State forestry agencies to identify and spatially display important forest lands (e.g., rich in natural resources or vulnerable to threat), tracts currently under Forest Stewardship plans, and areas where there may be an opportunity to focus future Forest Stewardship Program efforts. Objectives • Promote strategic program delivery over traditional first-come, first-served basis. • Address accountability for positive results on the ground. • Provide a standard, consistent way to assess the impact Forest Stewardship plans have on the forest resource in addressing regionally or nationally important issues. • Analyze 12 common data layers that address resource potentials and threats and encourage States to use additional layers to address State-specific conditions/ issues. • Exclude areas not eligible for Forest Stewardship Program assistance. • Overlay common and State-specific datalayers to create a composite that maps areas of highest Forest Stewardship Program potential. • Assess existing Forest Stewardship tracts against the composite to quantify impact and identify opportunities. • Solicit State Stewardship Committee input throughout project development. • Focus limited program resources—Maryland is now able to focus Forest Stewardship Program efforts in resource-rich areas that are currently threatened by development. • Plan for future staffing needs—Missouri is using needs SAP results to develop a service forester staffing plan that will address highest potential workload areas. • Provide integrated program delivery delivery—The State-specific SAP assessment can include data to indicate where Forest Stewardship Program assistance can be focused to best complement other Federal and State programs available to private forest landowners, such as Forest Legacy, Forest Health, Fire Assistance, and Economic Action.