J Electr on i o u rn al o f P c r o ba bility Vol. 14 (2009), Paper no. 57, pages 1705–1726. Journal URL http://www.math.washington.edu/~ejpecp/ Spontaneous breaking of continuous rotational symmetry in two dimensions Franz Merkl Mathematical Institute University of Munich Theresienstr. 39 D-80333 Munich, Germany Email: merkl@mathematik.uni-muenchen.de Silke W.W. Rolles Zentrum Mathematik, Bereich M5 Technische Universität München D-85747 Garching bei München, Germany Email: srolles@ma.tum.de Abstract In this article, we consider a simple model in equilibrium statistical mechanics for a twodimensional crystal without defects. In this model, the local specifications for infinite-volume Gibbs measures are rotationally symmetric. We show that at sufficiently low, but positive temperature, rotational symmetry is spontaneously broken in some infinite-volume Gibbs measures. Key words: Gibbs measure, rotation, spontaneous symmetry breaking, continuous symmetry. AMS 2000 Subject Classification: Primary 60K35; Secondary: 82B20, 82B21. Submitted to EJP on June 21, 2007, final version accepted July 1, 2009. 1705 1 Introduction According to the famous Mermin-Wagner theorem and its more recent variants, Gibbs equilibrium distributions of thermodynamic systems in two dimensions usually preserve continuous symmetries of their local specifications. This holds, under weak conditions, for the preservation of translational symmetry and for inner symmetries like spin rotations. Important results concerning preservation of continuous symmetries in two dimensions have been proven by Mermin and Wagner [MW66], Dobrushin and Shlosman [DS75], Fröhlich and Pfister [FP81], see also[FP86], Pfister [Pfi81], and by Georgii [Geo99]. Over the decades, the regularity conditions on the interaction potential in Mermin-Wagner type theorems have been astonishingly weakened. Ioffe, Shlosman, and Velenik [ISV02] have proven the absence of continuous symmetry breaking in two-dimensional lattice systems without any smoothness assumptions on the interaction. Recently, a general version of this preservation of symmetries has been shown by Richthammer in [Ric05] and [Ric09], using only very weak regularity assumptions for the local Hamiltonians. This includes, among others, systems of hard disks in two dimensions at any chemical potential. On the other hand, theorems of Mermin-Wagner type [MW66] are not applicable to spatial rotations in two dimensions. For example, it is conjectured that not all Gibbsian equilibrium distributions describing hard disks in two dimensions at high chemical potentials are rotationally symmetric. Already Fröhlich and Pfister [FP81] remarked that (. . . ) the breaking of rotation-invariance, i.e. directional ordering, is possible, in principle, in two-dimensional systems with connected correlations which do not fall off more rapidly than the inverse square distance (. . . ) In this paper, it will be shown that some infinite-volume Gibbsian lattice particle systems in two dimensions indeed show spontaneous breaking of spatial rotational symmetry at low temperature. This symmetry breaking is shown for a system of two-dimensional “atoms”. In this system, the atoms are characterized by their location in the plane and their orientation. The local Hamiltonians are chosen rotationally symmetric. Nevertheless, the particle configurations are indexed by a triangular lattice. Thus, the permitted particle configurations may be viewed as a deformed triangular lattice. Motivation. In the physics literature, spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry in twodimensional solids has been taken as a fact already a long time ago; see e.g. [Mer68] in the case of a two-dimensional harmonic net. Even more, in the physics literature, melting transitions of two-dimensional solids and liquid and “hexatic” phases have been discussed, see e.g. [NH79]. However, from a fundamental, statistical mechanical point of view, the difference between crystalline solids and fluids is not well understood rigorously. The remarkable recent paper [BLRW06] shows the existence of a solidification phase transition for interacting tiles with zippers. With the exception of this reference, we are not aware of any other proof of a melting/freezing phase transition in a continuum system of interacting particles in thermal equilibrium. Even worse, there is no proof of crystalline order at low, but positive temperature for any realistic continuum particle system. It seems reasonable to take the breaking of rotational symmetry as one characteristic property of crystals. A goal in the long run is to understand models for crystallization of increasing complexity from a fundamental point of view. As a starting point, we examine a simplified model for a two-dimensional crystal. We exclude defects of the crystal by definition of the model, taking 1706 an infinite system of particles that looks locally like a slightly perturbed triangular lattice, up to perturbations of size ǫ > 0. Intuitively, one may think of ǫ being small, although this is not required in our model. The only reason why we work with the triangular lattice instead of square lattices is that we think that the triangular lattice may be a more realistic model for ordered two-dimensional particle systems. Our proof of spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry in this model relies on a simple variant of infrared bounds; no reflection positivity is required. The goal of this paper is to understand some features of two-dimensional crystals at low temperature in a simplified model. It tells us nothing about melting/freezing phase transitions. We do not know the high-temperature behaviour of the model discussed in this paper. It may be possible that for small ǫ > 0, it shows spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry at all temperatures, in other words, it might have no melting transition. One may compare it with the following: For a spin model with O(2)-invariant ferromagnetic interaction with a constraint that enforces approximate local alignment of the spins, Aizenman [Aiz94] proves a power-law lower bound for the correlation function at all temperatures. Similar to the Patrascioiu-Seiler model studied by Aizenman [Aiz94], our model forbids topological defects by using appropriate constraints. The present model also forbids lattice defects. It is a major task for future work to remove these constraints. 2 Results Definition of the model. Let τ := eπi/3 , and consider the triangular lattice T = (V, E) with vertex set V := Z + τZ and set of directed edges E := {(u, v) : u, v ∈ V with |u − v| = 1}. In particular, there are two directed edges with opposite directions between any pair of vertices at distance one from each other. We consider an infinite system of atoms, indexed by the vertex set V of the triangular lattice. Intuitively speaking, every atom has six “arms”. At the end of each arm, there is a “sticky ball” of radius ǫ, where ǫ > 0 is fixed (see Figure 1). Figure 1: An atom consisting of 6 arms with sticky balls at the ends of the arms. ǫ At each of the six sticky balls, another atom is located. The neighboring atom is located somewhere inside the ball of radius ǫ; it has again six sticky arms. In Figure 2, three atoms sticking together are shown. 1707 Figure 2: A molecule consisting of three atoms. Formally, for Λ ⊆ V , define the space ΩΛ of configurations on Λ by ΩΛ := {(x u , γu )u∈Λ ∈ (C × S 1 )Λ : x 0 = 0} (2.1) if 0 ∈ Λ, and ΩΛ := (C × S 1 )Λ otherwise. Thus, a configuration consists of the position x u ∈ C of the atom with index u and its orientation γu ∈ S 1 = {z ∈ C : |z| = 1} for every u ∈ Λ. The condition x 0 = 0 is a reference fixation of the configurations. We write γu = e iαu with − π < αu ≤ π. (2.2) A configuration in ΩΛ is of the form ωΛ = (ωu )u∈Λ with ωu := (x u , γu ). (2.3) For disjoint Λ, Λ′ ⊆ V , set ωΛ ωΛ′ := ωΛ ∪ ωΛ′ . We endow ΩΛ with the σ-field FΛ generated by the projections ωΛ 7→ x u and ωΛ 7→ γu to the individual coordinates and the reference measure ¨ Q Q δ0 (d x 0 ) u∈Λ\{0} d x u v∈Λ dγ v for 0 ∈ Λ, Q (2.4) ρΛ (dωΛ ) := Q otherwise; v∈Λ dγ v u∈Λ d x u here δ0 denotes the unit point mass in 0, and d x u and dγ v denote the Lebesgue measure on C and S 1 , respectively. Let ǫ > 0 be a fixed perturbation parameter, and let h : C → [0, ∞] be a potential with the following properties: • h is measurable and Lebesgue-almost everywhere continuous. • h is rotationally symmetric: h(a) = h(b) for |a| = |b|. • For all a ∈ C, h(a) ≥ |a|2 + ∞ · 1{|a|≥ǫ} . 1708 (2.5) • Furthermore, c1 (ǫ ′ ) := sup h(a) (2.6) a∈C:|a|<ǫ ′ satisfies c1 (ǫ) < ∞ and lim c1 (ǫ ′ ) = 0. ǫ ′ →0 (2.7) One possible choice for the potential is the function h(a) = |a|2 + ∞ · 1{|a|≥ǫ} . Let Λ ⊂ V be a finite set containing 0 with outer boundary ∂ Λ and set Λ := Λ ∪ ∂ Λ. For ωΛ ∈ ΩΛ and ω∂ Λ ∈ Ω∂ Λ with ωΛ ω∂ Λ = (x u , γu )u∈Λ , define the local Hamiltonian with boundary condition ω∂ Λ by X HΛ (ωΛ |ω∂ Λ ) := h(x u − x v − γu (u − v)). (2.8) u,v∈Λ: (u,v)∈E The partition sum associated with this local Hamiltonian at the inverse temperature β > 0 is given by Z e−β HΛ (ωΛ |ω∂ Λ ) ρΛ (dωΛ ) Zβ,Λ (ω∂ Λ ) := (2.9) ΩΛ with the convention e−∞ = 0. Note that Zβ,Λ takes finite values. Clearly, for ωΛ ω∂ Λ = (x u = u, γu = 1)u∈Λ , the local Hamiltonian is finite. This configuration has an atom with “standard orientation” at every u ∈ Λ; i.e. the atoms are located at the vertices of the triangular lattice. All other configurations with finite energy may be viewed as perturbations of this triangular lattice configuration. For ω∂ Λ ∈ Ω∂ Λ such that Zβ,Λ (ω∂ Λ ) > 0, the finite-volume Gibbs measure at the temperature T = 1/β with the boundary condition ω∂ Λ is defined to be the following probability measure on ΩΛ : µβ,Λ (dωΛ |ω∂ Λ ) := e−β HΛ (ωΛ |ω∂ Λ ) Zβ,Λ (ω∂ Λ ) ρΛ (dωΛ ). (2.10) A probability measure µβ on (ΩV , FV ) is called an infinite-volume Gibbs measure at inverse temperature β, if it satisfies the DLR-conditions: Z 1 µβ (A|ωΛc ) = 1A(ω̃Λ ωΛc )e−β HΛ (ω̃Λ |ω∂ Λ ) ρΛ (d ω̃Λ ) µβ -a.s. (2.11) Zβ,Λ (ω∂ Λ ) Ω Λ for any A ∈ FV and any finite Λ ⊂ V containing 0. In particular, this includes the requirement Zβ,Λ (ω∂ Λ ) > 0 for µβ -almost every ω ∈ ΩV . 1709 Rotational symmetry of the local specifications. For s ∈ S 1 and any Λ ⊆ V , define the rotation Rs : ΩΛ → ΩΛ , (x u , γu )u∈Λ 7→ (s x u , sγu )u∈Λ . For finite Λ ⊂ V with 0 ∈ Λ, note that both, the reference measures ρΛ and the local Hamiltonians, are invariant with respect to Rs : HΛ (Rs ωΛ |Rs ω∂ Λ ) = HΛ (ωΛ |ω∂ Λ ), (ωΛ ∈ ΩΛ , ω∂ Λ ∈ Ω∂ Λ ). (2.12) An infinite-volume Gibbs measure µβ is called rotationally invariant, if for all s ∈ S 1 , the image measure Rs [µβ ] of µβ under the map Rs equals µβ . Otherwise, we say that µβ spontaneously breaks the rotational symmetry. Theorem 2.1 (Spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry). Let ǫ > 0. At all sufficiently small temperatures β −1 > 0, there exists an infinite-volume Gibbs measure µβ that spontaneously breaks the rotational symmetry. More precisely, Eµβ [α0 ] = 0 and lim Varµβ (α0 ) = 0, β→∞ (2.13) so that for all sufficiently low temperatures β −1 , with respect to µβ , the orientation γ0 of the 0-th particle cannot be uniformly distributed on S 1 . Nevertheless, there is a homotopy between the standard configuration and a configuration that equals the standard configuration near infinity, but is rotated by an arbitrarily large angle on any fixed finite piece. The following remark states this more formally. Its proof is sketched at the end of Section 4. Remark 2.2 (Arbitrary rotations of finite pieces). For every ǫ > 0, every finite set Λ ⊂ V , and every ϕ > 0, there is a path (x u (t), γu (t))u∈V,−ϕ≤t≤ϕ in ΩV with the following properties: (a) Standard configuration at deformation parameter t = 0: For all u ∈ V , x u (0) = u and γu (0) = 1. (b) Admissible configurations: For all t ∈ [−ϕ, ϕ], the configuration (x u (t), γu (t))u∈V is admissible, i.e. for all (u, v) ∈ E, the bound |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| < ǫ holds. (c) Continuity: For all u ∈ V , the map t 7→ (x u (t), γu (t)) is continuous. (d) Rotation on Λ: For all u ∈ Λ and t ∈ [−ϕ, ϕ], we have x u (t) = e i t u and γu (t) = e i t . (e) Standard configuration near ∞: There is a finite set Σ with Λ ⊆ Σ ⊂ V , such that for all u ∈ V \ Σ and all t ∈ [−ϕ, ϕ], one has x u (t) = u and γu (t) = 1. Finite-volume Gibbs measures with periodic boundary conditions. For N ∈ N, let ΛN be a set of representatives for (Z + τZ)/(N Z + N τZ) with 0 ∈ ΛN . More specifically, we take ΛN = {k + τl : k, l ∈ {⌊−N /2⌋, . . . , ⌊N /2⌋ − 1}}. We introduce the space of all spatially periodic configurations with respect to N : (x u , γu )u∈V ∈ (C × S 1 )V : x 0 = 0, x u+l = x u + l, γu+l = γu for all per ΩN := . u ∈ V, l ∈ NV 1710 (2.14) (2.15) Note that the average density of particles for these configurations is just the same as in the standard triangular lattice V , due to the condition x u+l = x u + l rather than x u+l = x u + const · l. Sometimes, per per it is convenient to identify ΩN with the set ΩΛN = {ωΛN : ω ∈ ΩN }. We will implicitly use this identification below. For periodic boundary conditions with period N , we define the finite-volume Hamiltonian H N in analogy to (2.8) X X per h(x u − x v − γu (u − v)), ω = (x u , γu )u∈V ∈ ΩN . (2.16) H N (ω) := u∈ΛN v∈V : (u,v)∈E Note that this definition does not depend on the choice of the set ΛN of representatives for V /N V . sqr In the special case h(a) = |a|2 + ∞ · 1{|a|≥ǫ} , we denote this function H N by H N . Furthermore, we define the finite-volume Gibbs measure at inverse temperature β with periodic per boundary conditions to be the following probability measure on ΩN : µβ,N (dω) := e−β H N (ω) Zβ,N ρN (dω) (2.17) with the partition sum Zβ,N := Z per ΩN e−β H N dρN > 0. per (2.18) per Here, ρN denotes the reference measure on ΩN identified with ρΛN via the identification ΩN ≡ ΩΛ N . The following theorem is a finite-volume analogue of Theorem 2.1. The given bound is uniform in the size of the finite box. Theorem 2.3 (Finite-volume estimate). For all ǫ > 0 and all δ > 0, there exist β0 > 0 and N0 ∈ N such that for all β ∈ (β0 , ∞) and all N ≥ N0 , the variance of α0 with respect to the Gibbs measure µβ,N is bounded above by δ: Varµβ,N (α0 ) < δ. (2.19) Theorems 2.1 and 2.3 hold also for slightly different local Hamiltonians. For instance, we could index the atoms by the square lattice instead of the triangular lattice, and our results still hold. The following theorem provides the link between the infinite-volume result in Theorem 2.1 and the finite-volume estimate in Theorem 2.3. Theorem 2.4 (Infinite-volume limit). For all ǫ > 0 and all β > 0, there exists a strictly increasing sequence (Nk )k∈N of natural numbers such that the finite-dimensional marginals of (µβ,Nk )k∈N converge weakly to the finite-dimensional marginals of an infinite-volume Gibbs measure µβ as specified by the DLR-conditions (2.11). In particular, this means that for any (u, v) ∈ E, the inequality |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| < ǫ holds µβ almost surely. Furthermore, all finite-dimensional marginals of µβ are absolutely continuous with respect to the corresponding reference measures. 1711 Intuitive ideas behind the proofs. Before we prove our results, let us explain some intuitive ideas in a simpler model. This paragraph serves only to provide some rough intuitive background information without giving detailed proofs. The formal proofs of our theorems in later sections can be checked even if one ignores the intuitive picture. 0 Let x u0 := u, α0u := 0, and γ0u := e iαu = 1 denote the coordinates of the “standard configuration” with one particle with standard orientation at every vertex u. We set yu := x u − x u0 = x u − u. Note that αu = αu − α0u . Let 〈w, z〉 = Re(wz̄) denote the Euclidean scalar product of w, z ∈ C. sqr Let us consider the second order Taylor approximation at x 0 and α0 of the Hamiltonian H N viewed as a function of x and α. In these variables, the Hamiltonian of the linearized model is given by X X ¦ © gauss | yu − y v |2 − 2〈 yu − y v , i(u − v)〉αu + α2u (2.20) H N ( y, α) := u∈ΛN v∈V : (u,v)∈E for N -periodic configurations ( y, α) = ( yu , αu )u∈V ∈ (C×R)V . The corresponding local Hamiltonians for the infinite-volume system are invariant with respect to the linearized rotations R̃ t : ( yu , αu )u 7→ ( yu + t iu, αu + t)u (2.21) for all t ∈ R. However, since these linearized rotations do not preserve periodic boundary conditions, they are no symmetries of the model in finite volume with periodic boundary conditions. Let V ∗ := {p ∈ C : 〈p, v〉 ∈ 2πZ for all v ∈ V } = τ∗1 Z + τ∗2 Z, (2.22) p p where τ∗1 = 2π(1 − i/ 3) and τ∗2 = 4πi/ 3, denote the dual lattice to V . Furthermore, let Λ∗N be a set of representatives for (N −1 V ∗ ) mod V ∗ with 0 ∈ Λ∗N . For example, one may take Λ∗N = {N −1 m1 τ∗1 + N −1 m2 τ∗2 : m1 , m2 ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}}. We introduce Fourier variables: X yu e−i〈p,u〉 ŷ p = |ΛN |−1 and u∈ΛN α̂ p = |ΛN |−1 X αu e−i〈p,u〉 (2.23) (2.24) u∈ΛN with the inverse yu = X ŷ p e i〈p,u〉 and p∈Λ∗N αu = X α̂ p e i〈p,u〉 . (2.25) p∈Λ∗N gauss Because of translational symmetry, the Fourier-transform block-diagonalizes the Hamiltonian H N : Define the matrix A p for all p ∈ C by X |1 − e i〈p,l〉 |2 l(1 − e−i〈p,l〉 ) , (2.26) Ap = l(1 − e i〈p,l〉 ) 1 l∈N where N := {l ∈ V : |l| = 1} denotes the set containing the six neighbors of the origin in the triangular lattice. Then, one has for all N -periodic ( y, α): X ŷ p gauss . (2.27) H N ( y, α) = |ΛN | ( ŷ p , i α̂ p )A p i α̂ p ∗ p∈ΛN 1712 The only points where A p is non-invertible, are p ≡ 0 mod V ∗ ; see (3.20), below. Close to the singularity, i.e. in the infrared regime p → 0, one has |p|2 ip Ap = 3 + lower order terms, (2.28) −ip 2 and consequently, A−1 p = 1 3 2|p|−2 −ip|p|−2 ip|p|−2 1 + lower order terms. (2.29) Consequently, if we denote the entries of a 2 × 2-matrix B by B j,k , j, k = 1, 2, we obtain ( ŷ p , i α̂ p )A p ŷ p i α̂ p ≥ det A p |α̂ p |2 = (A p )1,1 |α̂ p |2 (A−1 p )2,2 ≥ c2 |α̂ p |2 (2.30) for all p close to 0 with a constant c2 > 0. If p stays bounded away from the singularity p ≡ 0 mod V ∗ , the same bound holds. Hence, unlike the well-known infrared bounds [FSS76] for the classical isotropic Heisenberg model in three or more dimensions, where the two-point function in Fourier space is bounded by O(|p|−2 ) as p → 0, the relevant entry of the covariance matrix in the linearized model is bounded by a constant, uniformly in p. This behavior remains the same for the model with Hamiltonian H N . The uniform lower bound for the finite-volume Hamiltonians H N is a crucial ingredient of our proofs. We derive it in Section 3. From this bound, we deduce the estimate for the variance of the angle α0 with respect to µβ,N stated in Theorem 2.3. In Section 4, we show how to pass to the infinite-volume limit. Remark on the one-dimensional analogue of this model. We emphasize that the mechanism for spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry as described above in the linearized model works only in dimension two (or higher dimensions). In one dimension, the linearized model does not exhibit spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry. Consider a one-dimensional chain of twoarmed molecules in a plane. One obtains the corresponding linearized model from (2.20) by replacing the two-dimensional vertex set V by the one-dimensional line Z with nearest-neighbour edges and replacing ΛN by {0, . . . , N − 1}. This model has a completely different behavior than its two-dimensional version. Let us sketch why. The representation (2.27/2.26) of the linearized Hamiltonian remains valid with Λ∗N = {2π j/N : j = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1} and N = {−1, +1}. However, in the one-dimensional model, (2 sin(p/2))2 i sin p (2.31) Ap = 2 −i sin p 1 which implies (A−1 p )2,2 = 1 2 sin2 (p/2) = 2 p2 + O(1) as p → 0. (2.32) In contrast to the two-dimensional model, this is not integrable near 0. As a consequence, the symmetry of linearized rotations is preserved in the corresponding infinite-volume model. This means 1713 that the one-dimensional linearized model does not have infinite-volume Gibbs measures unless one pins down one directional coordinate, setting e.g. α0 = 0. Of course, this analysis tells us nothing about the non-linearized one-dimensional model in a rigorous sense. However, it indicates that if rotational symmetry is broken in the one-dimensional non-linearized model, this is caused by a completely different mechanism, not accessible in the linearization. 3 Finite-volume arguments The aim of this section is to prove Theorem 2.3. Throughout the remainder of the article, we fix ǫ > 0. First, we state two simple properties of the finite-volume Gibbs measure µβ,N with periodic boundary conditions: Lemma 3.1 (Symmetry properties of the law of α v ). For all N ∈ N, β > 0, and v ∈ V , one has Lawµβ,N (α v ) = Lawµβ,N (α0 ) and Eµβ,N [α v ] = 0. (3.1) Proof. Let N ∈ N, β > 0, and v ∈ ΛN . The Hamiltonian H N and the reference measure ρN are per invariant under the translation (x u , γu )u∈V 7→ (x u+v − x v , γu+v )u∈V . Since the configurations in ΩN are spatially periodic, the distribution µβ,N is also invariant under this translation. It follows that γ v has the same distribution as γ0 under µβ,N . Hence, Lawµβ,N (α v ) = Lawµβ,N (α0 ). Next, since (u, v) ∈ E iff (u, v) ∈ E and h(a) = h(a) for all a ∈ C, one obtains X X X X h(x u − x v − γu (u − v)) h(x u − x v − γu (u − v)) = u∈ΛN v∈V : (u,v)∈E = u∈ΛN v∈V : (u,v)∈E X X u∈ΛN v∈V : (u,v)∈E h(x u − x v − γu (u − v)). (3.2) Thus, the distribution µβ,N is invariant under the reflection (x u , γu )u∈V 7→ (x u , γu )u∈V . In particular, γ0 and γ0 have the same law; hence α0 and −α0 also have the same law, since there is no mass in α0 = π. Consequently, Eµβ,N [α0 ] = 0. Note that the properties (2.5) and (2.7) of the potential imply that per {H N < ∞} = {ω ∈ ΩN : |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| < ǫ for all u, v ∈ V with (u, v) ∈ E}. (3.3) The following lemma states a crucial lower bound for the local Hamiltonian with periodic boundary conditions. Lemma 3.2 (Bounding the Hamiltonian). Let c3 = 8/π2 . For all N ∈ N and all ω = (x u , γu )u∈V ∈ per ΩN , the Hamiltonian satisfies the bound X H N (ω) ≥ c3 α2u . (3.4) u∈ΛN 1714 After a Fourier transform, this inequality may be viewed as a variant of formula (2.30) for Fourier variables p not necessarily close to 0. Proof of Lemma 3.2. It suffices to prove the bound (3.4) on the set {H N < ∞}. Recall the definition (2.23) of Λ∗N . We introduce again Fourier variables: For u ∈ ΛN , set X x u − u =: yu = ŷ p e i〈p,u〉 , (3.5) p∈Λ∗N γu − 1 =: zu = X ẑ p e i〈p,u〉 . (3.6) p∈Λ∗N Inserting these identities, we get for any u, v ∈ ΛN |x u − x v − γu (u − v)|2 =|(x u − u) − (x v − v) + (γu − 1)(v − u)|2 =| yu − y v + zu (v − u)|2 X © 2 ¦ = e i〈p,u〉 ŷ p (1 − e i〈p,v−u〉 ) + ẑ p (v − u) . (3.7) p∈Λ∗N Recall that N denotes the set of neighbors of the origin in the triangular lattice. For l ∈ N , p ∈ Λ∗N , and u ∈ ΛN , set ŵ p,l := ŷ p (1 − e i〈p,l〉 ) + ẑ p l, X wu,l := ŵ p,l e i〈p,u〉 . (3.8) (3.9) p∈Λ∗N Inserting these abbreviations in (3.7) yields the following expression for the Hamiltonian H N on {H N < ∞}: X X sqr |x u − x v − γu (u − v)|2 H N (ω) ≥ H N (ω) = u∈ΛN = X u∈ΛN v∈V : (u,v)∈E 2 X X ŵ p,v−u e i〈p,u〉 . (3.10) v∈V : p∈Λ∗N (u,v)∈E If (u, v) ∈ E, then v − u ∈ N . Using the definition of wu,l and applying Parseval’s identity, we obtain 2 X X X sqr H N (ω) = ŵ p,l e i〈p,u〉 u∈ΛN l∈N = X X l∈N u∈ΛN p∈Λ∗N |wu,l |2 = |ΛN | X X l∈N p∈Λ∗N |ŵ p,l |2 . (3.11) Next, we insert in the last expression the definition (3.8) of ŵ p,l : X X sqr H N (ω) =|ΛN | | ŷ p (1 − e i〈p,l〉 ) + ẑ p l|2 p∈Λ∗N l∈N =|ΛN | X ( ŷ p , ẑ p )A p p∈Λ∗N 1715 ŷ p ẑ p (3.12) with the same positive semidefinite matrix X |1 − e i〈p,l〉 |2 l(1 − e−i〈p,l〉 ) Ap = l(1 − e i〈p,l〉 ) |l|2 (3.13) l∈N as in (2.26). In order to bound the quadratic form given by A p from below, we rewrite (A p )1,1 and then derive a lower bound for det A p . Set 2 1 p 1 p N+ := {1, τ, τ } = 1, (1 + i 3), (−1 + i 3) . 2 2 (3.14) Then, N = N+ ∪ (−N+ ). Note that |1 − e i〈p,l〉 |2 = |1 − e i〈p,−l〉 |2 = 2(1 − cos〈p, l〉) holds for l ∈ N . Consequently, X X (A p )1,1 = |1 − e i〈p,l〉 |2 = 4 (1 − cos〈p, l〉) = 4(3 − cos s1 − cos s2 − cos s3 ) (3.15) l∈N l∈N+ with s1 = 〈p, 1〉, s2 = 〈p, τ〉, and s3 = 〈p, τ2 〉. For the determinant, we get: det A p = 6(A p )1,1 − (A p )1,2 (A p )2,1 . (3.16) We rewrite the last term in the last equation: 2 X l(1 − e−i〈p,l〉 ) (A p )1,2 (A p )2,1 = l∈N 2 X −i〈p,l〉 −i〈p,−l〉 l(1 − e ) − l(1 − e ) = l∈N+ X 2 = 2il sin〈p, l〉 l∈N+ 2 p p =2 sin s1 + (1 + i 3) sin s2 + (−1 + i 3) sin s3 =(2 sin s1 + sin s2 − sin s3 )2 + 3(sin s2 + sin s3 )2 . (3.17) Expanding the last term and using the estimate 4x y ≤ 2(x 2 + y 2 ) yields: (2 sin s1 + sin s2 − sin s3 )2 + 3(sin s2 + sin s3 )2 =4(sin2 s1 + sin2 s2 + sin2 s3 ) + 4 sin s2 sin s3 + 4 sin s1 sin s2 − 4 sin s1 sin s3 ≤8(sin2 s1 + sin2 s2 + sin2 s3 ). (3.18) Observe that sin2 x = 1−cos2 x = (1+cos x)(1−cos x) ≤ 2(1−cos x) holds for all x ∈ R. Combining (3.17) and (3.18) with this bound yields (A p )1,2 (A p )2,1 ≤ 16(3 − cos s1 − cos s2 − cos s3 ). 1716 (3.19) Inserting (3.15) and (3.19) into (3.16) we get: det A p ≥ 8(3 − cos s1 − cos s2 − cos s3 ) = 2(A p )1,1 . (3.20) In particular, det A p and (A p )1,1 can vanish only if s1 , s2 , and s3 are integer multiples of 2π, that is, for p ∈ V ∗ . As a consequence, for all p ∈ Λ∗N \ {0}, we have 1 (A−1 p )2,2 = det A p (A p )1,1 ≥ 2. (3.21) Thus, we get the following lower bound for the quadratic form described by A p : ( ŷ p , ẑ p )A p ŷ p ẑ p ≥ 2|ẑ p |2 (3.22) for all p ∈ Λ∗N . For p ∈ Λ∗N \ {0}, this is an immediate consequence of (3.21). In the singular case p = 0, the claim (3.22) is clear: ŷ0 ( ŷ 0 , ẑ 0 )A0 = 6|ẑ0 |2 ≥ 2|ẑ0 |2 . (3.23) ẑ0 We conclude from (3.12) and Parseval’s identity that X X H N (ω) ≥ 2|ΛN | |ẑ p |2 = 2 |1 − γu |2 . p∈Λ∗N (3.24) u∈ΛN Since |1 − e iα |2 = 2(1 − cos α) ≥ 4α2 /π2 for all α ∈ (−π, π], the claim (3.4) follows with c3 = 8/π2 . Lemma 3.3 (Bounding the partition sum). Let c3 be as in Lemma 3.2 and c1 as in (2.6). For all δ > 0, β > 0, N ∈ N, and all ǫ ′ ∈ (0, π−1/2 ) with c1 (3ǫ ′ ) < c3 δ/48, the partition sum defined in (2.18) satisfies the following lower bound: Zβ,N ≥ exp({c4 − β c3 δ/8}|ΛN |) (3.25) with c4 = c4 (ǫ ′ ) = log(2π(ǫ ′ )3 ). Note that by (2.7), c1 (ǫ ′ ) → 0 as ǫ ′ → 0, and consequently, there exists ǫ ′ with the required properties. Proof of Lemma 3.3. Here is the idea: The contribution of the configurations globally close to the standard configuration suffice to show the claimed lower bound. Let δ > 0, β > 0, and N ∈ N. We have Z Zβ,N ≥ e−β H N dρN H N ∈[0,c3 δ|ΛN |/8] ≥ exp(−β c3 δ|ΛN |/8)ρN H N ∈ [0, c3 δ|ΛN |/8] . 1717 (3.26) Let ǫ ′ ∈ (0, π−1/2 ) with c1 (3ǫ ′ ) < c3 δ/48, and define per Uǫ′ := {ω ∈ ΩN : |x u − u| < ǫ ′ and |αu | < ǫ ′ ∀u ∈ V }. (3.27) Uǫ′ ⊆ {H N ∈ [0, c3 δ|ΛN |/8]}. (3.28) We claim that To prove this, let ω = (x u , e iαu )u∈V ∈ Uǫ′ . Then, for any (u, v) ∈ E, |x u − x v − e iαu (u − v)| ≤ |x u − u| + |v − x v | + |1 − e iαu | · |u − v| < 3ǫ ′ ; (3.29) here we used that |1 − e iαu | ≤ |αu | and |u − v| = 1. Consequently, using the abbreviation (2.6), the last estimate implies X X h(x u − x v − e iαu (u − v)) ≤ 6|ΛN |c1 (3ǫ ′ ) < |ΛN |c3 δ/8; (3.30) H N (ω) = u∈ΛN v∈V : (u,v)∈E the last inequality follows by our choice of ǫ ′ . Hence, (3.28) holds. Consequently, ρN H N ∈ [0, c3 δ|ΛN |/8] ≥ρN Uǫ′ ≥(π(ǫ ′ )2 )|ΛN |−1 (2ǫ ′ )|ΛN | ≥ e c4 |ΛN | (3.31) with c4 = c4 (ǫ ′ ) = log(2π(ǫ ′ )3 ). Inserting this bound into (3.26) yields the claim of the lemma. Lemma 3.4. Let c3 be as in Lemma 3.2 and c1 as in (2.6). For all δ > 0, β > 0, and N ∈ N, one has « ¨ Z 3 4 1 2π ǫ β c δ 3 . (3.32) + log H N e−β H N dρN ≤ (πǫ 2 )−1 exp |ΛN | 6c1 (ǫ) − 4 2 c3 β c δ|Λ |/2<H <∞ 3 N N Note that for large β, the leading term in the exponent in the claimed upper bound is −β c3 δ|ΛN |/4. This is twice the leading part of the exponent in the lower bound (3.25) of the partition sum. The comparison between these two leading terms plays an important role below in the estimate (3.37). Proof of Lemma 3.4. Here is the rough idea. Using the key lower bound from Lemma 3.2, the integration over the α-variables is bounded by a gaussian integral. The remaining integration over the x-variables is bounded by a power of the area of the disks associated to the constraints. Recall that c1 (ǫ) < ∞ by (2.7). It follows from the definition of the Hamiltonian H N that H N ≤ 6|ΛN |c1 (ǫ) ≤ exp(6|ΛN |c1 (ǫ)) holds on the set {H N < ∞}. Consequently, using exponential Chebyshev in the first step and applying Lemma 3.2 in the last step, we obtain Z H N e−β H N dρN ≤ Z c3 δ|ΛN |/2<H N <∞ H N <∞ H N eβ(H N −c3 δ|ΛN |/2)/2 · e−β H N dρN ≤ exp({6c1 (ǫ) − β c3 δ/4}|ΛN |) Z ≤ exp({6c1 (ǫ) − β c3 δ/4}|ΛN |) Z e−β H N /2 dρN H N <∞ H N <∞ 1718 exp − c3 β X 2 u∈ΛN α2u dρN . (3.33) Next, we evaluate the last integral: Denote by B(x, r) the ball centered at x with radius r. Enumerate the vertices in ΛN as u1 , u2 , . . . , u|ΛN | in such a way that (ui , ui+1 ) ∈ E for all i and u|ΛN | = 0. per Consider ω ∈ ΩN with H N (ω) < ∞. By the description (3.3) of the set {H N < ∞}, for every u ∈ ΛN , the component x u is contained in the intersection of the six balls B(x v + e iαu (u − v), ǫ), where v runs through the neighbors of u. Consequently, to obtain an upper bound for the contribution to the integral coming from the integration over the x-variables, we can proceed as follows: we integrate successively x ui , i = 1, 2, . . . , |ΛN | − 1 over B(x ui+1 + e iαui+1 (ui+1 − ui ), ǫ). Since x 0 = 0, the integration over x u|Λ | yields no contribution. All other x u -integrations give as a factor the Lebesgue N measure of a ball of radius ǫ, namely πǫ 2 . Hence, Z Z Y c3 β X 2 c3 β 2 2 |ΛN |−1 exp − exp − dρN ≤(πǫ ) dαu α α 2 u∈Λ u 2 u H N <∞ u∈ΛN R N 2π |ΛN |/2 2 |ΛN |−1 ≤(πǫ ) . c3 β (3.34) Inserting this bound in (3.33) yields the claim of the lemma. Proof of Theorem 2.3. Let δ > 0. First, we rewrite the variance of α0 using the properties of the law of the αu ’s from Lemma 3.1, then we insert the bound from Lemma 3.2 for the Hamiltonian: Varµβ,N (α0 ) = = 1 X |ΛN | u∈Λ 1 |ΛN | Varµβ,N (αu ) N Eµβ,N X u∈ΛN α2u ≤ 1 c3 |ΛN | Eµβ,N [H N ]. (3.35) To bound the last expectation, we split the domain of integration into two parts, using that H N < ∞ holds µβ,N -almost surely: Eµβ,N [H N ] =Eµβ,N [H N 1{H N ≤c3 δ|ΛN |/2} ] + 1 Zβ,N Z H N e−β H N dρN . (3.36) c3 δ|ΛN |/2<H N <∞ The first summand is bounded by c3 δ|ΛN |/2. Denote the second summand in (3.36) by I. Inserting the bound from Lemma 3.3 for some ǫ ′ ∈ (0, π−1/2 ) with c1 (3ǫ ′ ) < c3 δ/48, and the bound from Lemma 3.4, we obtain: ¨ « β c3 δ β c3 δ 1 2π3 ǫ 4 2 −1 ′ I ≤(πǫ ) exp |ΛN | −c4 (ǫ ) + + 6c1 (ǫ) − + log 8 4 2 c3 β β c3 δ 1 − log(c3 β) (3.37) =(πǫ 2 )−1 exp |ΛN | c5 (ǫ ′ , ǫ) − 8 2 p with c5 (ǫ ′ , ǫ) = −c4 (ǫ ′ ) + 6c1 (ǫ) + log 2π3 ǫ 4 . Note that the leading contribution −|ΛN |β c3 δ/4 coming from Lemma 3.4 is only partially 1719 cancelled by the leading contribution |ΛN |β c3 δ/8 from Lemma 3.3. max{1/c3 , 8c5 (ǫ ′ , ǫ)/(c3 δ)}, one obtains I ≤(πǫ 2 )−1 ≤ c3 2 δ|ΛN | For β > β0 := (3.38) for all sufficiently large N , namely for N ≥ N0 := (c3 δπǫ 2 /2)−1/2 . Inserting this bound into (3.36) yields Eµβ,N [H N ] ≤ c3 δ|ΛN |. (3.39) Hence, (3.35) implies the claim Varµβ,N (α0 ) ≤ δ. 4 Infinite-volume arguments In this section, we use tightness arguments to pass to the infinite-volume limit. Lemma 4.1. The finite-dimensional marginals of µβ,N , N ∈ N, are tight. As a consequence, there exists a strictly increasing sequence (Nk )k∈N of natural numbers such that the finite-dimensional marginals of (µβ,Nk )k∈N converge weakly to the marginals of a limiting distribution µβ on ΩV . Proof. By the definition of µβ,N , we have for any finite edge set F ⊂ E: µβ,N ∀e = (u, v) ∈ F : |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| ≤ ǫ = 1. (4.1) Consequently, |x u − x v | ≤ 1 + ǫ holds µβ,N -almost surely for all (u, v) ∈ E. Since x 0 = 0, this implies |x u | ≤ dist(u, 0)(1 + ǫ) for all u ∈ V µβ,N -almost surely, where dist(u, 0) denotes the graph distance between u and 0 in the triangular lattice T . In particular, the finite-dimensional marginals of µβ,N are tight. Thus, using a diagonal sequence argument, there exists a strictly increasing sequence (Nk )k∈N of natural numbers such that the finite-dimensional marginals of µβ,Nk converge weakly to the corresponding marginals of a probability measure µβ on ΩV . In order to see that any infinite-volume limit µβ as in Lemma 4.1 is non-degenerate, we need to show that no mass of the measures µβ,N can accumulate in the boundaries |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| = ǫ of the admissible domain. More generally, the following lemma shows that no mass of the measures µβ,N can accumulate on null sets with respect to the reference measure. The proof is based on an entropy argument. Lemma 4.2. For all finite connected Λ ⊂ V with 0 ∈ Λ and all β > 0, there exist constants c6 (β, ǫ) > 0 and c7 (Λ, ǫ) > 0 such that for all N large enough and all measurable A ⊆ ΩΛ with 0 < ρΛ [A] < c7 , one has µβ,N [ωΛ ∈ A] ≤ 1720 c6 − log ρΛ [A] c7 . (4.2) Proof. Let us first explain the rough idea. The lower bound for the partition sum from Lemma 3.3 gives us an upper bound for the free energy per unit volume, and in turn an upper bound for the entropy (with the mathematics sign convention) per unit volume. This is used to derive an upper bound for the entropy of the system restricted to a fixed volume. Given this entropy bound, the thermal measure cannot give too much mass to sets of small reference measure. Fix a finite connected set Λ ⊂ V with 0 ∈ Λ, and let T be an (undirected) spanning tree of Λ. Let N be so large that Λ is contained in the box ΛN . Take BN ,Λ to be a maximal subset of ΛN with 0 ∈ BN ,Λ such that the sets b + Λ, b ∈ BN ,Λ , are pairwise disjoint subsets of ΛN . Note that there is a constant c8 (Λ) > 0 such that for all large enough N one has |BN ,Λ | ≥ c8 |ΛN |. (4.3) Let b + T denote the translation of the tree T by b. Furthermore, let TN be a spanning tree of ΛN that contains all trees b + T , b ∈ BN ,Λ . Define per Ω̃N :={(x u , γu )u∈V ∈ ΩN : |x v − x u | ≤ 1 + ǫ for all (u, v) ∈ TN }, Ω̃Λ :={(x u , γu )u∈Λ ∈ ΩΛ : |x v − x u | ≤ 1 + ǫ for all (u, v) ∈ T }; (4.4) (4.5) per here we have identified the trees TN and T with their edge sets. By (3.3), all configurations ω ∈ ΩN with H N (ω) < ∞ are contained in the set Ω̃N . In particular, the thermal measure µβ,N is supported on Ω̃N . Recall the definition (2.4) of the reference measure ρN = ρΛN . In the remainder of this proof, we work with the reference measure ρ̃N (dω) := 1Ω̃N (ω) ρN (Ω̃N ) ρN (dω) = 1Ω̃N (ω) (π(1 + ǫ)2 )|ΛN |−1 (2π)|ΛN | ρN (dω). (4.6) The normalization is chosen in such a way that ρ̃N is a probability measure. Changing the normalization of the reference measure does not change the finite-volume Gibbs measure µβ,N , it changes only the normalizing constant Zβ,N defined in (2.18). The new normalizing constant Z Z̃β,N := per ΩN e−β H N d ρ̃N (4.7) satisfies Z̃β,N = Zβ,N (π(1 + ǫ)2 )|ΛN |−1 (2π)|ΛN | ≥ Zβ,N (2π2 (1 + ǫ)2 )|ΛN | . (4.8) By Lemma 3.3, there exists a constant c9 ∈ R such that Zβ,N ≥ exp(c9 |ΛN |) holds. (In the terminology of Lemma 3.3, we can use c9 = c4 − β c3 δ/8 for any admissible choice of δ and ǫ ′ .) Hence, it follows that Z̃β,N ≥ exp(−c10 |ΛN |) (4.9) with −c10 := c9 − log(2π2 (1 + ǫ)2 ). By the definition (2.17) of µβ,N and the positivity of the Hamiltonian H N , we have log dµβ,N d ρ̃N = −β H N − log Z̃β,N ≤ − log Z̃β,N . 1721 (4.10) We take the expectation in the last inequality and insert the bound (4.9) for the partition sum to obtain the following estimate for the relative entropy: dµβ,N ≤ − log Z̃β,N ≤ c10 |ΛN |. (4.11) Eµβ,N log d ρ̃N Since relative entropies between probability measures are non-negative, we know c10 ≥ 0. Let λ denote the distribution of ωΛ with respect to ρ̃N , i.e. λ(dωΛ ) = 1Ω̃Λ c7 ρΛ (dωΛ ) (4.12) with c7 = ρΛ [Ω̃Λ ] = (π(1 + ǫ)2 )|Λ|−1 (2π)|Λ| . For this proof, λ serves as a reference probability measure on ΩΛ . We define per B ψN : ΩN → ΩΛN ,Λ , (x u , γu )u∈V 7→ ((x b+u − x b , γ b+u )u∈Λ ) b∈BN ,Λ . (4.13) Πβ,N := ψN [µβ,N ] (4.14) Let b denote the image of µβ,N under ψN , and let Πβ,N , b ∈ BN ,Λ , denote its marginals on ΩΛ . Furthermore, let ζN := ψN [ρ̃N ] (4.15) be the image of the reference measure ρ̃N under ψN . Note that ζN = λBN ,Λ is a product measure. The mathematical relative entropy can only decrease if we replace the measures by their image measure with respect to ψN . Hence, we get dΠβ,N dψN [µβ,N ] dµβ,N ≥EψN [µβ,N ] log = EΠβ,N log . (4.16) Eµβ,N log d ρ̃N dψN [ρ̃N ] dζN The last relative entropy can only decrease if we replace Πβ,N by the product measure Π̃β,N := Q b b∈BN ,Λ Πβ,N with the same marginals as Πβ,N . Since the distribution µβ,N is invariant under the b translation (x u , γu )u∈V 7→ (x u+b − x b , γu+b )u∈V for any b ∈ V , all marginals Πβ,N of Πβ,N are equal. Consequently, dΠβ,N d Π̃β,N EΠβ,N log ≥EΠ̃β,N log dζN dζN b b X dΠβ,N dΠβ,N = |BN ,Λ |E b log (4.17) = EΠ b log Πβ,N β,N dλ dλ b∈B N ,Λ for any b ∈ BN ,Λ . Combining the last inequality with (4.11) and (4.16), we obtain b dΠβ,N c10 |ΛN | ≥ |BN ,Λ |EΠ b log β,N dλ 1722 (4.18) for any b ∈ BN ,Λ . Hence, by (4.3), we get c10 c8 for all sufficiently large N . ≥ EΠ b log β,N b dΠβ,N dλ (4.19) Fix a measurable set A ∈ ΩΛ with 0 < λ(A) < 1. Since the relative entropy can only decrease if we take the image measure with respect to the indicator function 1A of the set A, it follows that b b d1A[Πβ,N ] dΠβ,N ≥E EΠ b log b 1A[Πβ,N ] log β,N dλ d1A[λ] = b [A] log Πβ,N b [A] Πβ,N λ[A] b [Ac ] log + Πβ,N b [Ac ] Πβ,N λ[Ac ] 2 2 b b b ≥ − − Πβ,N [Ac ] log λ[Ac ] ≥ − − Πβ,N [A] log λ[A] − Πβ,N [A] log λ[A]; e e (4.20) here we used that x log x ≥ −1/e for all x > 0, and λ[Ac ] ≤ 1, since λ is a probability measure. Combining (4.19) and (4.20), we obtain the following inequality: b [A] ≤ µβ,N [ωΛ ∈ A] = Πβ,N c6 − log λ[A] = c6 − log ρΛ [A] c7 (4.21) with c6 = c10 /c8 + 2/e; note that − log λ[A] > 0. Corollary 4.3. Let µβ be an infinite-volume limiting distribution as in Lemma 4.1. (a) The finite-dimensional marginals µβ [ωΛ ∈ ·] are absolutely continuous with respect to the reference measures ρΛ . (b) For all (u, v) ∈ E, the bound |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| < ǫ holds µβ -almost surely. (c) The local partition sums Zβ,Λ (ω∂ Λ ) arising in (2.11) are strictly positive for µβ -almost all ω. Proof. (a) Let N ⊂ ΩΛ be a null set with respect to ρΛ . Then for every δ > 0, there is an open set Aδ ⊆ ΩΛ with respect to the natural topology on ΩΛ such that N ⊆ Aδ and 0 < ρΛ [Aδ ] ≤ δ. Since the marginals of a subsequence (µβ,Nk )k∈N converge weakly to the corresponding marginals of µβ by Lemma 4.1, we conclude for all small δ, using the bound (4.2): µβ [ωΛ ∈ N ] ≤ µβ [ωΛ ∈ Aδ ] ≤ lim inf µβ,Nk [ωΛ ∈ Aδ ] k→∞ ≤ c6 − log ρΛ [Aδ ] c7 ≤ c6 − log δ↓0 δ c7 −→ 0. (4.22) Thus, µβ [ωΛ ∈ N ] = 0. (b) We note that for all (u, v) ∈ E, the weaker bound |x u −x v −γu (u−v)| ≤ ǫ holds µβ,N -almost surely for all N . Since the set of all (x u , γu , x v , γ v ) fulfilling this bound is closed, the same bound holds also µβ -almost surely. Furthermore, the set of all (x u , γu , x v , γ v ) fulfilling |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| = ǫ is a 1723 null set with respect to ρ{u,v} . Using part (a), this set is also a null set with respect to the marginal of the measure µβ on Ω{u,v} . Together, this implies part (b). Part (c) is an immediate consequence of part (b), since Zβ,Λ (ω∂ Λ ) is strictly positive for all ω ∈ ΩV with |x u − x v − γu (u − v)| < ǫ for all (u, v) ∈ E. Proof of Theorem 2.4. Fix β > 0, a finite set Λ ⊂ V , and take N ∈ N large enough. We know the DLR conditions (2.11) for the finite-volume Gibbs measures µβ,N instead of µβ . We rewrite these conditions in integral form as follows: For every finite Σ ⊂ V with Λ ∪ ∂ Λ ⊆ Σ, every bounded and continuous function f : ΩΣ → R, and every sufficiently large N , writing µβ,N ,Σ for the marginal of µβ,N on ΩΣ , one has Z Zβ,Λ (χ∂ Λ ) f (χΣ ) µβ,N ,Σ (dχΣ ) ΩΣ = Z ΩΣ Z f (ωΛ χΣ\Λ )e−β HΛ (ωΛ |χ∂ Λ ) ρΛ (dωΛ ) µβ,N ,Σ (dχΣ ). (4.23) ΩΛ Substituting the definition (2.9) of Zβ,Λ (χ∂ Λ ) and taking the difference of both sides, this is equivalent to Z Z ΩΣ ΩΛ [ f (χΣ ) − f (ωΛ χΣ\Λ )]e−β HΛ (ωΛ |χ∂ Λ ) ρΛ (dωΛ ) µβ,N ,Σ (dχΣ ) = 0. (4.24) Now, since the potential h is continuous almost everywhere on the set {a ∈ C : |a| < ǫ}, the integrand in (4.24) ΩΛ × ΩΣ ∋ (ωΛ , χΣ ) 7→ [ f (χΣ ) − f (ωΛ χΣ\Λ )]e−β HΛ (ωΛ |χ∂ Λ ) (4.25) is almost everywhere continuous with respect to ρΛ × ρΣ . Writing µβ,Σ for the marginal of µβ on ΩΣ , part (a) of Corollary 4.3 implies that ρΛ ×µβ,Σ is absolutely continuous with respect to ρΛ ×ρΣ . Hence, the function in (4.25) is also almost everywhere continuous with respect to ρΛ × µβ,Σ . As this function is bounded, we can pass to the infinite-volume limit in (4.24): Z Z ΩΣ ΩΛ [ f (χΣ ) − f (ωΛ χΣ\Λ )]e−β HΛ (ωΛ |χ∂ Λ ) ρΛ (dωΛ ) µβ,Σ (dχΣ ) = 0. (4.26) This identity together with the positivity of the local partition sums (part (c) of Corollary 4.3) is equivalent to the DLR condition (2.11). Proof of Theorem 2.1. By Theorem 2.4, the µβ,Nk -distribution of γ0 = e iα0 converges weakly as k → ∞ to the µβ -distribution of γ0 . Since e iα 7→ α ∈ (−π, π] is discontinuous only at the point e iα = −1 and µβ [γ0 = −1] = 0, Lemma 3.1 implies Eµβ [α0 ] = lim Eµβ,N [α0 ] = 0. k→∞ k (4.27) Using Theorem 2.3, we conclude that for δ > 0, we have lim Varµβ (α0 ) = lim lim Varµβ ,Nk (α0 ) ≤ δ. β→∞ β→∞ k→∞ Hence, it follows that limβ→∞ Varµβ (α0 ) = 0. 1724 (4.28) Sketch of proof of Remark 2.2. Given ǫ, Λ, and ϕ as in Remark 2.2, we fix R > maxu∈Λ |u|, and take a smooth function f : [0, ∞) → [0, 1] with f (r) = 1 for 0 ≤ r ≤ R, f (r) = 0 for all large r, and sup r>0 (r + 1)| f ′ (r)| < ǫ/ϕ. Taking log r times a negative constant close to 0, and translating and truncating this function appropriately, one can see that such a function f exists. We set for u ∈ V and −ϕ ≤ t ≤ ϕ x u (t) = e i t f (|u|) u, γu (t) = e i t f (|u|) (4.29) For this choice, the properties (a), (c), (d), and (e) are obviously true. To see the bound in (b), we estimate for t ∈ [−ϕ, ϕ] and (u, v) ∈ E, for some value r between |u| and |v|, using ||u| − |v|| ≤ 1: |x u (t) − x v (t) − γu (t)(u − v)| = |v| · |e i t f (|u|) − e i t f (|v|) | ≤ |v| · |t| · | f (|u|) − f (|v|)| ≤ ϕ · |v| · | f ′ (r)| ≤ ϕ · (r + 1)| f ′ (r)| < ǫ. (4.30) Acknowledgement We would like to thank two anonymous referees for making useful suggestions. References [Aiz94] M. Aizenman. 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