Performance Optimization Study of a Common Aero Vehicle Using a Legendre Pseudospectral Method by Kimberley A. Clarke B.S. Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2001 Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2003 © Kimberley A. Clarke, MMIII. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Author ........................................... ,epVtnnt ofAeronautics and Astronautics May 23, 2003 Certified by.... .................. Anil V. Rao, Ph.D. Senior Member of the Technical Staff The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. Technical Supervisor Certified by ............ ................ Jonathan P. How, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesis Advisor ...................... Accepted by ......... Edward M. Greitzer, Ph.D. H.N. Slater Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Chair, Committee on Graduate Students MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AEROBRES LIBRARIES [This page intentionally left blank.] Performance Optimization Study of a Common Aero Vehicle Using a Legendre Pseudospectral Method by Kimberley A. Clarke Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on May 23, 2003, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics Abstract The problem of performance optimization of a Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) is considered. In particular, the CAV is modeled as an unpowered high lift-to-drag ratio Earth penetrating re-entry vehicle. The CAV mission design problem is to determine a steering command that takes the CAV from a known initial state to a target on the surface of the Earth while optimizing a given performance index and satisfying all of the constraints imposed during flight. The CAV mission design problem is formulated as an optimal control problem. The optimal control problem is transformed to a nonlinear programming problem using a Legendre Pseudospectral Method. The nonlinear programming problem is then solved using a sparse nonlinear optimization algorithm. Once a solution to the CAV mission design problem is obtained, three main studies are conducted. First, the accuracy of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is evaluated and the desirable characteristics of the solution to the CAV mission design problem are defined. Second, a study is conducted to demonstrate the effect of the parameters on the performance of the CAV. This parametric study demonstrates the use of the Legendre Pseudospectral method as a design tool and provides insight to the behavior of the CAV. Third, a preliminary investigation is performed on the real-time application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to the CAV mission design problem. This real-time analysis includes an assessment of the robustness of the solution to realistic environmental disturbances. Technical Supervisor: Anil V. Rao, Ph.D. Title: Senior Member of the Technical Staff The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. Thesis Advisor: Jonathan P. How, Ph.D. Title: Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3 [This page intentionally left blank.] Acknowledgments I am very grateful for everyone who has made the completion of my masters degree possible. Without the unique network of the Draper staff, MIT faculty, family, and friends, I would not be where I am today. I would like to thank the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory for providing me with the funding and support necessary for the completion of my degree from MIT. In particular I would like to thank the GCB2 staff as well as the Education Office. I would also like to individually thank Doug Fuhry and Anil Rao. Doug, even though we only worked together briefly, I learned a lot from you. Special thanks to Anil Rao for the guidance and support not only on my project, but also with my job search. It has been two years of laughter, frustration, and growth. Oh and I will especially miss your corny, but funny engineering jokes. Thanks to the MIT professors and the entire Aero/Astro staff. The most amazing part about studying at MIT is the intelligence of the professors and their first hand experiences that are integrated into the classroom. Professor How, I am grateful for your patience and thank you for being my thesis advisor. Furthermore, I would like to thank professors Battin and Ramnath for being a reference for me on job applications. Now to my MIT friends, these past two years have been years of personal growth. Each and everyone of you has expanded my horizon and I thank you for that. In particular, I would like to thank the "forget your lunch Friday" Draper crew who I have directly shared the past two years with. Christine, thanks for the bathroom breaks, Thursday night dinners, and most importantly, the girl time. Jen, thanks for the kick-board chats, Friday morning breakfast, and trips to donate blood. "Coach" Geoff, thanks for bringing out the child in me by playing games while waiting in line for rides at "Great Adventure" and by stopping on a six hour car trip to ride go-carts. We have come a long way since Texas. Stephen, thank you for being my e-mail buddy, introducing me to Strongbad, and normalcy. Dave Benson, thank you for attending our review sessions, teaching me 5 how to make bread, and being my party buddy. Daveed, thanks for the pingpong breaks, late night e-mails, and 6 a.m. breakfast. Heidi, thanks for listening to my complaints, sailing, and your sanity. Stuart, thanks for all of your help and good luck with your music career. To the first year Draper fellows, Dave, Steve, and Drew, thanks for the fresh faces and I wish you the best of luck. I would also like to thank those who rescued me from my graduate studies. To my roommates, Sarah and Libby, thanks for providing me with food, clean clothes, and clean dishes these past couple of months. To "the girls" from Penn State, I want to thank you for your open ears and for understanding why I have not kept in touch recently. Nick, thanks for picking me up when I lost motivation and always knowing the right thing to say. Preston, thanks for moving to CT, leading me through the trees on ski trips, spooning, and most importantly, for making me laugh. Parker, thanks for giving me something to smile about despite my frustrations with writing my thesis. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their love and support. Thanks for putting up with my moods and helping me through these past two years. I could not have asked for more. This thesis was prepared at The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., under Internal Research and Development, Project Advanced Guidance and Trajectory Design, 03-2-5037. Publication of this thesis does not constitute approval by Draper or the sponsoring agency of the findings or conclusions contained herein. It is published for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. Kim berley A. Clarke.............................. 6 ............. Contents 17 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation ......................................... 17 1.2 Common Aero Vehicle ............................ 19 1.3 Mission Design Problem .......................... . 21 1.4 Mission Design Approach ........................... 23 1.5 Research Objectives .............................. 24 1.6 Thesis Overview ................................ 25 2 Common Aero Vehicle Problem Formulation 2.1 Overview .......................................... 2.2 Dynamic Model ................................ 2.2.1 Coordinate System .......................... 2.2.2 Equations of Motion ............................. 27 27 . 28 28 29 2.3 Boundary Conditions ............................. 34 2.4 Path Constraints ................................ 35 Perform ance Index .............................. . 36 2.5 3 Optimal Control: Problem Formulation and Solution Methods 3.1 39 39 Overview .......................................... 3.2 Optimal Control Problem ............................. 40 3.2.1 Dynamics ................................ 40 3.2.2 Path Constraints ............................... 41 3.2.3 Boundary Conditions ............................ 41 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Performance Index 3.2.5 General Form of an Optimal Control Problem .......... 42 .42 3.3 Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Analytic Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problems . . . 43 3.3.1 3.3.2 Numerical Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problems . 48 3.4 Direct Transcription of Optimal Control Problem Via Pseudospectral Methods 3.5 50 .................................. 3.4.1 Pseudospectral Methods .......................... 50 3.4.2 Legendre Pseudospectral Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Summary of Optimal Control ........................ 59 4 Numerical Optimization Study of the Common Aero Vehicle Problem Using the Legendre Pseudospectral Method 61 4.1 Overview .......................................... 61 4.2 Discretization via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method ........ 62 . 62 4.2.1 Optimization Vector ........................ 4.2.2 Discretization of the Dynamic Constraints ............ .65 4.2.3 Discretization of the Path Constraints and the Terminal Con66 straints ..................................... 68 4.2.4 Discretization of the Performance Index ............. 4.3 Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem ....... 4.3.1 .69 Summary of the Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Program69 ming Problem ................................. 4.3.2 Structure of the Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Program- 71 ming Problem ................................. 4.3.3 Scaling of the Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem ...................................... 72 4.4 Numerical Optimization via SNOPT ....................... 74 4.4.1 Description of SNOPT ........................... 75 4.4.2 User Requirements and Options for SNOPT ........... 8 .76 77 4.5 Numerical Optimization Study ....................... 4.5.1 Specification of the Required Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.5.2 Determination of an Adequate Number of Nodes . . . . . . . 81 4.5.3 Choice of Weighting Factors Used in the Performance Index . 88 Summary of the Numerical Optimization Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 5 Parametric Optimization Study of the Common Aero Vehicle Problem 99 4.6 5.1 99 Overview .......................................... 5.2 Key Features of the Trajectory and Control 5.3 100 ............... Effects of Dynamic Pressure on the Trajectory and Control ..... .105 5.4 Effects of the Stagnation Point Heat Load on the Trajectory and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 5.5 Effects of the Lift-to-Drag Ratio on the Trajectory and Control 5.6 117 . . 123 Summary of the Parametric Study ..................... 6 Preliminary Study of the Real-Time Application of the Legendre Pseu125 dospectral Method 6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 6.2 Common Aero Vehicle Flight Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 6.3 Assessment of the Accuracy of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method 129 . 134 6.4 Sum m ary.................................... 137 7 Conclusions 7.1 .137 Summary...................................... 7.2 Conclusions .................................. . 139 A Notation 143 B Matrix Derivatives 145 C Constraint Jacobian and Objective Gradient Derivation 149 C.1 Constraint Jacobian ................................. 150 C.2 Objective Gradient .................................. 176 9 D Initial Guess 179 E Earth Relative Downtrack and Crosstrack 183 10 List of Figures 1-1 Common Aero Vehicle Mission Profile ................... . 22 2-1 Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2-2 Free Body Diagram of the Common Aero Vehicle ............. 31 2-3 .............. Bank Angle ..................... 3-1 Distribution of LGL points for a given number of nodes 33 ....... 54 4-1 Sparsity Pattern of the Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem ..................................... 73 4-2 Angle of Attack vs. Time for M=(25, 50, 75, 100) ............. 83 4-3 Bank Angle vs. Time for M=(25, 50, 75, 100) ................ 83 4-4 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance for 50 Nodes ............................... 84 4-5 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Crosstrack 84 Distance for 75 Nodes ............................... 4-6 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance for 100 Nodes ............................ 85 4-7 Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for 50 Nodes ................ 85 4-8 Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for 75 Nodes ................ 86 4-9 Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for 100 Nodes . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 4-10Angle of Attack vs. Time for ki = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), k 2 = k3= 1.0 4-11 Angle of Attack Rate vs. Time for kI = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), k 2 86 90 =k3 91 1.0............................................. 11 4-12 Bank Angle Rate vs. Time for ki (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), k 2 =k 4-13 Angle of Attack vs. Time for k 2 (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki 4-14 Angle of Attack Rate vs. Time k 2 4-15 Bank Angle Rate vs. Time for k2 4-16Angle of Attack vs. Time for k 3 = = = 1.0 . 91 1.0 92 3 =k3 (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki 1.0 93 1.0 . 93 1.0 94 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), k =k (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki 3 = k2 = . . 4-17Angle of Attack Rate vs. Time for k 3 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki = k2 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4-18 Bank Angle Rate vs. Time for k3 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki = k 2 = 1.0. 95 5-1 Altitude vs. Energy for M=100, ki = k 2 = 1,k 3 = 0.1 . . 100 - . . .. . . . 5-2 Altitude and Dynamic Pressure vs. Time for M=100, ki = k2 = 1,k 3 = 0.1 . . . . . .. . . . - - -. -. .. . . -. . . . -. .. . 101 5-3 Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for M=100, ki = k2 = 1,k 3 = 0.1 ................. 5-4 Angle of Attack vs. Time for M=100, k 1 = 5-5 Bank Angle vs. Time for M=100, ki = k2 1,k 3 = 0.1 102 ...... 1,k3 = 0.1 ......... 103 104 5-6 Altitude vs. Energy for qmin = (11.97, 23.94, 35.91, 47.88) kPa . . . . 106 5-7 Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for qmin = (11.97,23.94,35.91,47.88) kPa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 5-8 Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for qmin = (11.97, 23.94, 35.91,47.88) kPa .......... 108 5-9 Angle of Attack vs. Time for qmin = (11.97, 23.94, 35.91, 47.88) kPa 108 5-10Value of the Performance Index vs. Minimum Allowable Dynamic Pressure for qmin = (11.97, 23.94, 35.91, 47.88) kPa .......... 109 5-11 Total Heat Load vs. Time for Qmnax = (1100, 1300, 1400,1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . 110 5-12 Heating Rate vs. Time for Qmax = (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700, 2000, 2300) MJ/m 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 11 5-13Altitude vs. Time for Qrmax = (1100, 1300,1400,1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 12 112 5-14 Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for Qmax = (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700, 2000, 2300) M J/m2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 5-15 Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for Qmnax = (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 . . 114 5-16Angle of Attackvs. Time for Qmax = (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 115 5-17 Bank Angle Rate vs. Time for Qmax = (1100, 1300,1400,1700,2000,2300) M J/m 2 . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 115 5-18 Value of the Performance Index vs. Qmax for Qmax = (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700,2000, 230 M J/m 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 5-19 Altitude vs. Energy for (L/D)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) . . . . . . 119 5-20 Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for (L/D)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 5-21 Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for (L/D)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,2.5) 120 5-22 Stagnation Point Heat Load vs. Time for (L/D)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,2.5)121 5-23 Angle of Attack vs. Time for (L /D)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) . . 121 5-24 Value of the Performance Index vs. (L/D)max for (L /D)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)12 6-1 Flight Simulation Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 D-1 Spherical Representation of Position with Respect to a Cartesian ECEF Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 D-2 Spherical Representation of Velocity with Respect to a Set of Axes Defined in the Cartesian ECEF Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . 181 E-1 Earth Relative Downtrack Plane and Earth Relative Crosstrack Plane 184 13 [This page intentionally left blank.] List of Tables 4.1 Numerical Values Used for Numerical Optimization .......... 4.2 Numerical Values for the Bounds on the Optimization Variables 4.3 .78 79 . Numerical Values for the Bounds on the Path Constraints ...... .79 4.4 Options Set in SNOPT ................................ 4.5 80 Terminal errors produced by integration for M = (50, 75, 100) . ... 87 4.6 Results from Varying the Weighting Factors (ki, k 2 , k 3 ) . . . . . . . . 6.1 Terminal Errors from the Simulation with Perturbations ....... 97 .133 6.2 Computational Performance of the Simulation with Perturbations . 134 D.1 Values Used to Generate an Initial Guess ................. 15 179 [This page intentionally left blank.] Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Motivation Gulf War II has brought attention to the importance of space applications on current warfare tactics. GPS navigation, high resolution imagery, and near-real- time missile detection via communication satellites are a few of the many critical technological capabilities that result from space applications. U.S. and coalition forces can gain significant advantages on the battlefield from space-based capabilities. At this point, it is evident that the U.S. can not afford the loss of space assets or even the current time delay of months to fix or replace failed systems [24]. Recognizing this, the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) has shifted its attention to "quick-response-space". The AFSPC is currently conducting an Operationally Responsive Spacelift Analysis of Alternatives (ORS/AOA) to address the issue of responsiveness in terms of space applications [241. This analysis will evaluate the application of ORS to military space assets for force enhancement, space support, force application, and counterspace. In particular, the United States currently has a high level of interest in developing global power projection capabilities because of instabilities in the international environment. While it may be desirable to place armed forces in enemy territory, such a strategy may be difficult to implement given current conditions. Consequently, it may be beneficial to conduct military operations remotely. The ultimate goal of the 17 AFSPC is to develop the abilities to launch satellites within hours or days of the given command, quickly repair a damaged system in space, and strike an enemy anywhere on the globe in less than one hour with conventional weapons [241. Space-based global strike refers to the ability to project power with conventional weapons from the United States to any point on the globe in less than one hour. With this new desired ability comes the challenge of demonstrating the technological feasibility of such an approach through vehicles capable of delivering the required conventional weapons. U.S. political and military leaders are re-examining the entire realm of space-based capabilities along with strategic weapons for new counteractive tactics [241. While B-2 bombers have demonstrated the ability to conduct global reach operations, the Air Force is not investing in more long-range bombers [25]. The existing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and sea-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) are also capable of striking any point on the globe, but they carry nuclear armed weapons. In order to project power without the use of nuclear weapons, ICBMs and SLBMs must be modified to carry conventional weapons and are referred to as conventional ballistic missiles (CBMs). However, rearming the current ICBMs and SLBMs would jeopardize the incredible accuracy and reliability of the already existing systems. In addition, CBMs can easily be mistaken as nuclear armed weapons [251. Therefore, advanced reusable space launch vehicles are being considered as a means for global projection. The distance and speed requirements associated with space-based global strike capabilities necessitates the design of a vehicle with space launch and Earth reentry capabilities [23]. Proposed space-based global strike vehicles include the Space Operations Vehicle (SOV) and the Common Aero Vehicle (CAV). The SOV is a fully reusable launch vehicle capable of flying sub-orbital pop-up trajectories. This type of trajectory allows the SOV to carry a significantly greater amount of weight through space. For example, an SOV capable of putting 6,000 lbs into orbit can carry 40,000 lbs through space in a pop-up trajectory [251. There are four basic capabilities behind the SOV motivating its design. First is 18 the desire for aircraft like characteristics including the reliability and maintainability of today's aircrafts [8]. The second desired capability is launch on short notice which corresponds to the feasibility of near-real-time to real-time com- pletion of missions. The last two capabilities, expeditious deployment rates and rapid transition between missions, reduce the cost of SOVs [8]. The CAV, currently being considered in the ORS/AOA, is a reentry vehicle that departs from a launch vehicle or other booster and returns to Earth with the purpose of delivering weapons, payloads, or cargo to a specified location. It is essentially a shell weighing 1300-2400 lbs (fully loaded) with a cross-range maneuverability of at least 2400 Nautical Miles [23]. Yet to be determined is whether or not to design a steerable ballistic CAV similar to the existing Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle (MaRV), Advanced Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle (AMaRV), or High Performance Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle (HpMaRV) concepts. Another design option is a fully powered steerable CAV with considerable maneuverability both in space and in the Earth's atmosphere. Nonetheless, the purpose of the CAV is to create rapid response for global reach from within the continental United States and to operate under abnormal conditions [23]. 1.2 Common Aero Vehicle The deployment of a CAV involves launch, atmospheric reentry, release of cargo, payload, or weapon depending on the mission, and disposal of the CAV. Three different launch vehicles are currently being considered for the CAV: an expendable ground launched rocket, an expendable air launched rocket, and the SOV. Both the expendable ground launched and air launched rockets will most likely However, in the long-term the SOV is be utilized for near term applications. most desirable because of its aircraft-like operability [231. Regarding launch scenarios, the following two trajectories are being considered: a pop-up trajectory and an orbital trajectory. As mentioned above, the pop-up trajectory allows for more weight to be carried by the launch vehicle. The orbital trajectory refers 19 to either a low Earth orbit (LEO) or one that orbits the Earth once. After the CAV is launched, it must re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, reduce speed, and rely on guidance to steer the vehicle to a specified release point. At this point the cargo, payload, or weapon is released for the purpose of either force application or force enhancement. Force application is utilized during combat before U.S. forces arrive in attempt to stall adversarial advances. For example, Small Smart Munitions can locate and identify stationary or mobile targets. Force application is also used to attack highly valued, heavily protected, or time critical targets. Examples of CAV payloads used for such missions include a single Unitary Penetrator that is used to destroy deeply-buried targets such as underground bunkers and storage facilities; an Agent Defeat Weapon that neutralizes biological or chemical weapons; Highly Effective Area Attack Submunitions that can attack multiple dispersed targets; and precision area attack weapons such as Low Cost Autonomous Attack Systems used to attack moving targets [23]. Force enhancement is used to strengthen and provide services for military operations. For example, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are used for reconnaissance or surveillance purposes and CAVs may provide a means of delivering urgent cargoes to remote locations in near-real-time [23]. Finally, the CAV may either be reusable or expendable. If the CAV is reusable, it must return to a suitable recovery area and if it is expendable, it must be destroyed without a trace. Many technical challenges stand between concept and development of the CAV. These challenges include designing a thermal protection, a propulsion system, a guidance and control system, and a payload release system. The CAV must be able to structurally withstand the forces created from rapid acceleration and deceleration as well as excessive heat build-up. The propulsion system is crucial for reentry positioning and must be safe and reliable. The guidance and control system must be able to accurately and reliably guide the CAV using inertial navigation and/or GPS. Finally, the CAV must be able to release the payload without disturbing its flight [23]. 20 1.3 Mission Design Problem The particular problem considered in this thesis is the application of a CAV as a kinetic energy weapon, where instead of using explosives, its kinetic energy upon impact is used to destroy a ground target. Consequently, the CAV is itself the weapon and its deployment is simplified to launch and atmospheric reentry. An unpowered bank-to-turn high lift-to-drag ratio vehicle model is chosen. Furthermore, the particular application is that of an Earth penetrator used to strike hardened deeply-buried targets (HDBTs). The high maneuverability of the CAV allows for contingencies such as avoiding adversarial anti-missile missiles (AMM's) or in flight re-targeting. The mission design problem is to steer the CAV from a fully specified initial state at or near atmospheric entry to a specified target on the surface of the Earth. The mission profile for the CAV considered, as shown in Fig. 1-1, consists of atmospheric entry, a skip maneuver, a glide maneuver, speed depletion, and Earth impact. The skip maneuver is characterized by a rise in altitude that en- ables the vehicle to fly in a low density region in order to make the required range. During the skip maneuver, control authority is lost as the vehicle rises in altitude. Thus, it is desirable to prevent the vehicle from exiting the Earth's atmosphere. In order to restrict the maximum altitude attained during the skip maneuver, the initial condition is taken to be at the point after atmospheric entry, but before the altitude of the vehicle starts to increase. The maximum altitude attained during the skip maneuver is limited by imposing a minimum allowable dynamic pressure constraint. During a glide maneuver, the vehicle flies along a trajectory without using much control effort. As the vehicle nears the target, it must deplete speed in order to meet the large but bounded terminal speed requirements for striking HDBTs. Finally, the mission terminates when the vehicle strikes the target on the surface of the Earth. Typical terminal conditions associated with HDBTs include position accuracy to within several meters, a speed large enough for Earth penetration, but low enough so that the 21 Figure 1-1: Common Aero Vehicle Mission Profile vehicle does not vaporize upon re-entry, and a nearly zero angle of incidence [26]. These terminal conditions require that the vehicle approach the target with negative lift. However, the CAV considered has one-sided angle of attack control (i.e. the angle of attack must remain positive throughout flight). Thus, the vehicle must rotate and fly upside-down in order to generate negative lift. Furthermore, the natural behavior of the vehicle is to maintain a larger terminal speed and a larger incidence angle at impact. The terminal conditions associated with striking a HDBT pose a great challenge for the guidance and control system due to the conflict that arises between high maneuverability and the need to achieve such tightly prescribed terminal conditions. Early in-flight, the high maneuverability is desirable for both reachability and contingency plans; however, as the vehicle nears the target this maneuverability becomes a liability. Small errors in vehicle attitude can produce extremely large errors in lift force that will, in turn, drive the vehicle away from 22 the desired target. Moreover, since this type of vehicle has one-sided angle of attack control, uncertainties in the environment can further increase errors. Con- sequently, the demands on the guidance and control systems increase greatly as the vehicle approaches the target. In this particular application, the ability to withstand unexpected events during flight is a critical requirement in meeting the boundary conditions with extremely high accuracy. In an attempt to obtain a solution robust to in-flight dispersions, it is beneficial to design a trajectory and control that has as much control margin as possible. The control margin is the magnitude of the difference between the actual control and the control limits. In addition to satisfying the initial and terminal conditions, the vehicle has thermal, structural, and operational constraints during re-entry. Thermal constraints include maximum limits on heating rate and total heat load, structural constraints include maximum limits on sensed acceleration, and operational constraints include limits on control authority (i.e. limits on steering and steering rate capability). For any set of initial and terminal conditions, a wide range of feasible trajectories and controls may exist. In order to obtain the most desirable performance, it is preferable to choose a particular performance index and determine the particular trajectory and control that optimizes this performance index. This results in the need to determine an optimal mission plan. The optimal mission planning problem is then described as follows: determine a steering command as a function of time that takes the vehicle from a specified initial state to a target on the surface of the Earth while optimizing the given performance index and satisfying all of the constraints imposed during flight. 1.4 Mission Design Approach The optimal mission planning problem described in the preceding section is an optimal control problem [3, 171. In general, aerospace optimal control problems are nonlinear and do not have analytic solutions. Consequently, a numerical 23 method must be used to obtain a solution to these optimal control problems. Numerical methods for solving optimal control problems can be categorized as either indirect methods or direct methods. Indirect methods solve a HamiltonianBoundary-Value-Problem (HBVP) which is often difficult to solve numerically [11]. Direct methods discretize the optimal control problem at particular time points which leads to a nonlinear programming problem (NLP). The resulting NLP is solved using one of the many available optimization algorithms. While direct methods have a wider range of convergence, the control time histories are not as accurate as those obtained via an indirect method [201. A method that combines the advantages of both indirect methods and direct methods is desirable. Pseudospectralmethods of Ref. [12, 16] utilize an approach to solve optimal control problems that has positive attributes of both indirect and direct methods. In a pseudospectral method, the optimal control problem is discretized at specified time points using a basis of global orthogonal polynomials. This discretization procedure provides an efficient transcription of the continuous-time optimal control problem to a NLP. The solution of the resulting NLP provides an accurate approximation to the continuous-time optimal control problem. In this thesis, the Legendre PseudospectralMethod of Refs. [7, 9, 10, 11] is applied to the Common Aero Vehicle optimal mission planning problem. 1.5 Research Objectives This thesis seeks to demonstrate the application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to the problem of performance optimization of the Common Aero Vehicle (CAV). In doing so, the accuracy of the Legendre Pseudospectral method is assessed as well as the desirable traits of the trajectory and control for the CAV. Furthermore, a parametric study is conducted to illustrate the use of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method as a design tool as well as to gain a better understanding of the behavior of the CAV under discussion. Finally, a preliminary investigation is performed of the real-time application of the Legendre 24 Pseudospectral Method to the CAV. The accuracy of the Legendre Pseudospec- tral Method is considered in regards to the simulation of the flight of the CAV and the robustness of the control to vehicle and environmental perturbations is considered. 1.6 Thesis Overview Chapter 2 mathematically describes the mission design problem stated in section 1.3. The equations of motion which govern the flight of the Common Aero Vehicle are derived and the known initial and terminal conditions are defined. Also included in this chapter are the constraints imposed throughout the flight of the vehicle and the development of a performance index which reflects the goal of maximizing the control margin. Chapter 3 provides the theory and motivation behind the mission design approach discussed in section 1.4. A formal definition of an optimal control problem is stated and from which it is seen that the CAV mission design problem is an optimal control problem. Also included is a discussion of analytic and numerical methods for solving optimal control problems, which motivates the use of a pseudospectral method. This discussion leads to an overview of pseudospectral methods and is followed by a detailed description of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method used to solve the CAV optimal control problem. Chapter 4 demonstrates the application of the Legendre Pseudospectral method to the CAV optimal control problem. The CAV optimal control problem is discretized and the resulting nonlinear programming problem is discussed. A brief overview is provided of the optimization algorithm SNOPT, which is used to solve the nonlinear programming problem. A numerical optimization study is then conducted to determine the number of nodes required to meet the accuracy requirements of the CAV mission design problem. Also included in the numerical optimization study is the determination of the values of the weighting factors in the performance index that produce the most desirable trajectory 25 and control. Chapter 5 presents a parametric optimization study of the CAV optimal control problem. This demonstrates the use of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method for both vehicle design and trajectory design. The key features of the trajectory and control generated from the Legendre Pseudospectral Method are discussed to provide insight on the behavior of the CAV. Parameters in the problem are then varied to determine the effect on the trajectory and control. The characteristics of the trajectory and control, using the control margin as a performance metric, are then evaluated. Chapter 6 describes a preliminary investigation into the real-time application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to the CAV. This is done by simulating the flight of the CAV using the control obtained from the Legendre Pseudospectral Method. The assumptions used to develop the simulation along with a description of the simulation itself is given in this chapter. The accuracy of the Legendre pseudospectral solution is assessed by comparing the trajectory obtained from the optimizer to the trajectory obtained via numerical integration. Perturbations which reflect realistic model uncertainties are then added to the simulation in an attempt to assess the robustness of the solution. Finally, Chapter 7 provides a summary of the material presented in this thesis and the conclusions drawn from the results obtained. 26 Chapter 2 Common Aero Vehicle Problem Formulation 2.1 Overview This chapter gives a quantitative description of the optimal mission planning problem stated in the introductory chapter. Recall that the optimal mission planning problem is to determine a steering command as a function of time that takes the CAV from a specified initial state to a target on the surface of the Earth while optimizing a given performance index and satisfying all of the constraints imposed during flight. First, a mathematical model of the CAV, which is an unpowered high lift-to-drag ratio vehicle in atmospheric flight, is developed. Second, boundary conditions are specified to indicate the known initial and terminal conditions for the vehicle. Third, constraints during flight are identified and quantified. Fourth, the desired performance index that is to be optimized is developed. 27 2.2 2.2.1 Dynamic Model Coordinate System In this particular application, the target is a point on the surface of the Earth. Consequently, it is most desirable to describe the motion of the vehicle using a coordinate system that rotates with the Earth. Furthermore, in this research we are interested only in vehicle performance. Therefore, it is adequate to model the vehicle as a point mass and consider only the translational motion of the center of mass (i.e. rotational effects are ignored). In this research, a Cartesian Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinate system is used. Fig. 2-1 shows schematically, the position, r, and inertial velocity, v, of the center of mass of the vehicle represented in an ECEF coordinate system where 0 marks the cen- Prime Meridian Nv G/ r 0 1 R Equatorial Plane Earth Figure 2-1: Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed Coordinate System ter of the Earth, N is the North Pole, and G is the location of the Greenwich Observatory in the United Kingdom. The three principle-axis directions of the ECEF frame are OQ, OR, and ON where OQ, OR, and ON are defined as follows. The OQ-axis is the first principle direction, lies in the plane (OG,ON), and passes through the equator (along the Prime Meridian). The ON-axis is the third principle direction and passes through the North Pole. Finally, the OR-axis completes 28 the right-handed system (OQ,OR,ON). Furthermore, the Earth rotates about the ON-axis with a constant magnitude 0. 2.2.2 Equations of Motion The three degree-of-freedom equations of motion in ECEF coordinates for a vehicle modeled as a point mass in flight over a spherical rotating Earth are derived as follows. The position of the vehicle is given as r = r(t) = xex + yey + zez (2.1) where ex is the unit vector in the direction of OQ, ey is the unit vector in the direction of OR, and ez is the unit vector in the direction of ON. Differentiating the position with respect to time, the absolute velocity, v, is given as v = v(t) = ar at ( Noting that w = + w xr (2.2) (ex,ey,ez) 2ez, we have that v = *ex + pje, + ez +Qez x (xex + yey + zez) (2.3) = (* - G2y)ex + (p + Qx)ey + zez Differentiating v(t) the absolute acceleration, a, is given as a=(a(t) (at)(ex,ey,ez)WXV =(lzr\(r at at2(ex,ey,ez) +2w x (ar) + w x (w x r) 2 t (ex,ey,ez) = (k - 7p)ex + (p'+ i)ey + 2ez + = ( -29 -Y 2 x)ex +((jy)ey +2k -+ ez x ((k - Qy)ex + (p + i2x)ey + ez) +ez (2.4) 29 Now, let vr represent the Earth relative velocity, i.e. ( vr =ar ar at (ex,ey,ez) = xex + pe, (2.5) + ez = vxex + vye, + vzez Substituting Eq. (2.5) into Eq. (2.4), the motion of the vehicle can be expressed in terms of the position and Earth relative velocity as at /av = Vr ex,ey,e) (, at )(ex,ey,ez) (2.6) a -2w x v, )= - w x (w x r) The following notation change is made and used in the remainder of this thesis: ) (ex,ey,ez) Applying Newton's second law to the vehicle, (i.e. F = ma) where m is the mass is the absolute acceleration of the vehicle, and F is the dt total force acting on the vehicle, we obtain of the vehicle, a =d - = Vr r F = - - 2w x vr - w x (w x r) (2.8) Throughout flight the vehicle is under the influence of gravitational and aerodynamic forces. The free body diagram of the vehicle shown in Figure 2-2 depicts the individual affects of each component of the total force applied. The gravitational force is denoted by g, the lift force is denoted by L, and the drag force is 30 AL g Figure 2-2: Free Body Diagram of the Common Aero Vehicle denoted by D. The total force on the vehicle is then given as: (2.9) F =g +L+ D where the following equations represent each of the forces with respect to their ECEF components. gzez g = gxex+gyey+ L = D = Dxex + Dye, + Dzez Lxex + Lye, + Lzez (2.10) The gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the center of the Earth and the vehicle given as g = -m P r r3 (2.11) where p is the Earth's gravitational parameter and r = lirll 2 is the radius. The aerodynamic model used to define the lift and drag forces is taken from Ref. [29] which assumes air is a uniform gas. A drag polar is used and is given as [221 CD = CDO + KCL CL = CL,Cxo 31 (2.12) where CD is the drag coefficient, CDO is the zero-lift coefficient of drag, K is the drag polar parameter, CL is the lift coefficient, at is the angle of attack, and CLa is the lift slope. The angle of attack is defined as the angle between the Earth relative velocity and the zero lift line. It can be seen that using the above assumptions, no lift is produced when c = 0. The lift and drag forces are defined as follows L (2.13) = LwL D. = -Dv V (2.14) where L is the magnitude of the lift force, WL is the unit vector in the lift direction, D is the magnitude of the drag force, and v = lIVr IIis the Earth relative speed of the vehicle. L and D are defined as where q = L = qSCL (2.15) D = (2.16) qSCD pv 2 /2 is the dynamic pressure and S is the reference area of the vehicle. The atmospheric density, p, is modeled as an exponential function of the radius as shown below p = po exp [-(r - Re)/H] (2.17) where po is the density at sea level, Re is the radius of the Earth, and H is the density scale-height [281. The lift direction WL lies in the (r,vy)-plane and rotates with the vehicle while 32 the drag direction is opposite vr. The lift direction, WL, is computed as follows: y Wi = W2 = V r x vr rxVr1 (2.18) W3 Wi X W 2 WL sin 0w 2+ cOS Ow 3 where o- is the bank angle taken from Ref. [291 as depicted in Figure 2-3. Therefore, L3 W, W, r Figure 2-3: Bank Angle the vehicle is controlled aerodynamically via a and o-. While in theory it is possible to control o( and - directly, in practice it is not possible to apply these controls instantaneously. Consequently, it is necessary to impose rate limits on a and -. Rate limits are imposed by augmenting the following two differential equations to the dynamics of Eq. (2.8) de = u, J = Uo. (2.19) (2.20) where u, and u- are pseudocontrols that define the angle of attack rate and the bank angle rate, respectively. The resulting augmented dynamics for an 33 unpowered vehicle in atmospheric flight over a spherical rotating Earth are given in Cartesian Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates as *c =vx 9; =v, 2 =v X 9x + Lx + Dx + 20v, + 2 9y + Ly + Dy -2Qv± 2 m X y (2.21) m 2.3 z + Lz + Dz Iz = di = u" 0- = uo. m Boundary Conditions The desired trajectory steers the Common Aero Vehicle from a fully specified initial position and velocity to a fully specified terminal position with terminal constraints on speed, the Earth relative flight path angle, and angle of attack. The Earth relative flight path angle, y, is computed from r and vr as y = arcsin r vr). The initial conditions are then given as r(to) = ro(2.22) Vr(to) = Vr,o while the terminal conditions are given as = r(tj) rf Vf y(tf) = Yf c(t5) = af 34 S= (2.23) 2.4 Path Constraints Flight path constraints are imposed throughout the entire trajectory. Trajectory constraints include restrictions placed on the radius, speed, and dynamic pressure while vehicle constraints include restrictions placed on the structural load- ing, thermal loading, and the control authority. Physically, the vehicle cannot fly below the surface of the Earth. Therefore, it is necessary to impose an inequality constraint on radius. Because the CAV has no propulsive capability, the speed will never increase during re-entry. In order to enhance the performance of the optimizer, a path constraint is placed on the speed. A dynamic pressure constraint is imposed during entry in order to maintain control authority. The CAV has a limit on the maximum sensed acceleration it can withstand. Therefore, a path constraint is placed on the sensed acceleration, a, which is defined as a = VD 2 + L 2 (2.24) During entry the vehicle absorbs heat. Because the amount of heat that the vehicle absorbs is limited by the material used in construction, a maximum allowable heat load constraint is imposed. In this research, the heat load is taken to be the stagnation point heat load [5] given as Q= to Qdt (2.25) where Q K(PIPo)os(VIV) 3 .S (2.26) ve is the speed of a vehicle in circular orbit at a radius equal to the radius of the Earth, po is the atmospheric density at sea level, and K is a known constant. Operational path constraints include limits on the angle of attack and rate limits on the angle of attack and bank angle. The resulting inequality constraints 35 imposed during flight are given quantitatively as r > Vmin : V 0 a,nin Uo-,min 2.5 Re vmax q ii a amax Q Qmax 5 O Uc Uo- (2.27) 5 amax 5 Ua,max Uaomax Performance Index The CAV mission design problem includes steering the vehicle from a known initial state to a specified terminal state. Thus, it is important for the guidance and control system to be able to reach the target. This requires a guidance and control system capable of not only steering the vehicle with precision and accuracy, but also designing a trajectory that is capable of handling environmental disturbances experienced throughout flight. In attempt to minimize the demands on the guidance and control systems, it is desirable to keep the controls away from their upper and lower limits. This allows for more flexibility in the controls to account for off-nominal perturbations experienced during flight. Defining the control margin as the magnitude of the difference between the actual control and the control limits, the goal of the performance index is to maximize the control margin. Therefore, a performance index is constructed that attempts to keep x in the middle of its capability and penalizes large control rates. Mathematically, a penalty is imposed on deviations in a from &, where 6 = VCDo/K. This value of 6t corresponds to the angle of attack at the maximum L/D ratio and lies in the middle of the bounds placed on the angle of attack. Minimization of the control rates (ux, u,) keeps the controls smooth and within their allowable limits. While many possible performance indices can be constructed, the 36 following performance index is used in this thesis: =ua to L + ks (max / 2/ u,max u 2] o-U,max dt (2.28) where ki, k 2 , and k 3 are positive constants. Each term is weighted by its respective maximum value for easier interpretation of the constants and squared to account for the possibility of a negative value. 37 [This page intentionally left blank.] Chapter 3 Optimal Control: Problem Formulation and Solution Methods 3.1 Overview Consider a dynamical system that is subject to constraints. Furthermore, con- sider a system whose state can be affected by the choice of various inputs or controls. Any input to the dynamical system that satisfies the constraints is called a feasible control. The time history of the state that results from the application of a feasible control is called a feasible trajectory.For many problems it is desired to determine the feasible control and feasible trajectory that optimizes a specified performance index for a dynamical system subject to constraints. Such a problem is called an optimal control problem. It can be seen from Chapter 2 that the CAV mission design problem is an optimal control problem. While in principle any well-posed optimal control problem has a solution, finding such a solution is often a difficult task. In this chapter an overview is given of the basic theory of optimal control. Furthermore, a survey of various numerical methods for solving optimal control problems is discussed. Finally, the method used to solve the CAV mission design problem, the Legendre Pseudospectral Method of Refs. [7, 9, 10, 11], is described. 39 3.2 Optimal Control Problem An optimal control problem consists of four parts: (1) a mathematical model describing the dynamics of the vehicle (equations of motion), (2) the boundary conditions that specify the initial and terminal states, (3) path constraints that are enforced during the trajectory, and (4) a performance index that measures the optimality of the solution. 3.2.1 Dynamics In general, a mathematical model for the dynamics of a particular system is comprised of three quantities: the state, the control, and the independent variable (generally speaking, time). The state, denoted x(t), is a vector whose components individually define the variables that are required to describe the behavior of the system at any instant of time. Denoting the dimension of the state by n, the state is given mathematically as xit) x(t) = x 2 (t ) E R" (3.1) xn (t ) Similarly, the control, denoted u(t), is a vector whose components individually define the inputs to the system at any instant of time. Denoting the dimension of the control by m, the control is given mathematically as Sui(t) u(t) = u 2 (t) Um(t) 40 E R' (3.2) The dynamics of the system are described via a system of ordinary differential equations of the form i t) = f (X(t), U (t), t) (3.3) where i(t) is the time derivative of the state vector and f : R" x R" x R - R". In general, the dynamics of Eq. (3.3) are nonlinear. 3.2.2 Path Constraints Virtually all problems in dynamical systems are subject to constraints during the evolution of the system. Such constraints are called path constraints. Denoting the number of path constraints by p, the path constraints are described mathematically as gmin s! g(X (t), u (t), t) s! gmax (3.4) where g: RI x Rm x R - RP and gmin E RP and gmax C RP are constant vectors. 3.2.3 Boundary Conditions The boundary conditions describe events that occur at either the beginning or the end of the trajectory. The boundary conditions are split into initial conditions that occur at the initial time, to, and terminal conditions that occur at the terminal time, tj. Denoting the number of initial conditions by qo and the number of terminal conditions by qf, the boundary conditions can be expressed mathematically as ho(x(to), to) = 0 (3.5) hf(x(tf), tf) = 0 (3.6) where ho : R" x R - Re and hf : Rn x R - Rqf. 41 3.2.4 Performance Index The performance index is the functional (i.e. it is a function of a function) that is to be optimized in the optimal control problem. The performance index produces a scalar output. Since the goal is to minimize (or maximize) the performance index, an accumulation (or depreciation) in value of the resulting scalar can be thought of as a cost penalty. Often referred to as the cost functional, the performance index can be broken into three parts: an initial cost, a terminal cost, and an integrated cost. As the name implies, the initial cost Jo is associated with the initial state, x(to), and the initial time, to. Similarly, the terminal cost Jf is associated with the terminal state, x(tj), and the terminal time, tf. The initial and terminal cost are given, respectively, as Jo = A4(x(to),to) Jf = (3.7) M(X(tf), tf) where AI : R" x R - R and N : R" x R - R. The integrated cost is a cost that accumulates throughout the trajectory and is given as t5 Ji = .1: (3.8) £(x(t), u(t), t)dt where f : R" x R"I x R - R. The total cost is then given as tf J = M(x(to), to) + N (x(tf), tf) + 3.2.5 fto L(x(t), u(t), 0 dt General Form of an Optimal Control Problem Using the definitions in Sections 3.2.1-3.2.4, an optimal control problem is now stated formally as follows. Determine the control u* (-), and the state x* (-) on the interval t c [to, tf] that minimizes the cost functional +T J = _'l(x (to), to) + X (x(ty ), tf ) + toI(x 42 t), u t), t d t (3.9) subject to the dynamic constraints x = f(x(t), u(t), t) (3.10) the path constraints gmi n g(x(t), u(t),t) s gmax (3.11) and the boundary conditions 3.3 ho(x(to), to) = 0 (3.12) hf(x(tf),tf) = 0 (3.13) Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problems A solution to an optimal control problem is obtained using either an analytic or a numerical method. Typically, optimal control problems cannot be solved using analytic methods and thus solutions are obtained via numerical methods. Nonetheless, it is important to understand both analytic methods and numerical methods. 3.3.1 Analytic Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problems Analytic solutions to optimal control problems are generally determined by one of two approaches: calculus of variations and dynamic programming. Calculus of variations involves setting the first variation of the cost functional (or an augmented cost functional) equal to zero which leads to a set of first-order necessary conditions for a solution to the optimal control problem. Pontryagin's Minimum Principle [17] is used to determine the optimal control. Application of dynamic programming leads to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation [17]. The HJB equation is a partial differential equation which governs the dynamics of the optimal cost functional. Calculus of variations, in combination with the 43 principle of optimality, leads to a derivation of the HJB equation. The intention here is to provide the reader with a brief explanation of analytic methods and the difficulties that hinder the implementation of analytic methods. For a complete explanation and derivation of both calculus of variations and dynamic programming please refer to Refs. [31 and [171. Calculus of Variations Calculus of variations, in terms of optimal control problems, is motivated by the desire to determine the feasible control and feasible trajectory that minimizes a performance index. In the unconstrained case, the optimal control problem simplifies to a functional minimization problem. Consider the functional J(x(t)). A local minimum of J exists at x* (t) if (3.14) J(x(t)) - J(x* (t)) > 0 for all admissible x(t) in some neighborhood around x*(t), (i.e. Ilx(t) - x* (t)I < c). If the neighborhood can be extended to the entire domain of x(t), then x* (t) is a global minimum. A necessary condition for x* (t) to be a local minimum of J is 6J (x*(t), 6x(t)) = 0 for any 6x(t) where 6J is the first variation of the functional. In order to determine if the stationary point is indeed a minimum, the second variation of the functional is considered. By doing so, second order sufficient conditions for a local minima are established. Please refer to Ref. [31 for a complete explanation and derivation of the second order sufficient conditions. By definition, an optimal control problem has constraints and thus the application of functional minimization to an unconstrained problem must be extended to handle a constrained problem. Consider the following optimal control 44 problem: Minimize J = tf L(x(t), u(t), t)dt T (x(tf), tj) + subject to the system equations x = f(x(t),u(t), t) and control constraints u(t) E U(t) where x(to) and to are fixed, tf is free, and there are simple form terminal constraints. In order to impose the state differential equations, an augmented cost functional Ja is considered where Ja = X(x(tf), tj) + I L(x(t),u(t), t) + A(t)T[f(x(t),u(t), t) t0 - i] dt A(t) E R" is the co-state. In taking the first variation in Ja, it is convenient to define the Hamiltonian,H [171: H(x(t), u(t), A(t), t) = L(x(t),u(t), t) + AT (t)f(x(t), u(t), t) (3.15) In terms of the Hamiltonian, the necessary conditions for an extremal trajectory are f(x, u, t) (3.16) x(to) = Xo (3.17) i _aH T (3.18) H(tj) + at (tf) = 0 (3.19) x (tf) = xf,i (3.20) Ai(tj) = axi (tj) 45 (3.21) where Eq. (3.16) is the dynamic constraints, Eq. (3.17) is the initial conditions, Eq. (3.18) is the co-state equations, Eq. (3.19) is the transversality conditions, and Eqs. (3.20) and (3.21) are the terminal conditions. In a neighborhood of a locally optimal solution, where the state and co-state differential equations and all the boundary conditions are satisfied, the first variation becomes 6]a f Hu(t)6u(t)dt to H, is the functional gradient of the augmented cost functional with respect to the control at every point in time. If the extremal solution is a minimum, then any variation from that point will yield a positive variation. Hu(t)6u(t) > 0 for all admissible 5u(t) The goal is to minimize H over the admissible range of u. From Pontryagin's Minimum Principle [17], the admissible control that minimizes H can be determined and is given as mn u* (t) = arg H(x*(t),u(t), A*(t), t) (3.22) u(t)EU(t) Only in simple cases can a solution that satisfies the necessary conditions stated in Eqs. (3.16)-(3.23) be obtained. The combination of nonlinear differential equations and split boundary values creates difficulty in finding an analytic solution to the optimal control problem. Dynamic Programming This approach uses calculus of variations and the principle of optimality to develop a partial differential equation which governs the optimal cost functional. Consider the following nonlinear system with general terminal constraints and control constraints. Minimize tJ J (x (t), U (t), t) = X (x(tj), tf ) + ft I(x (t), u(t), t d t 46 subject to xkt) = f (X(t), U(t), t) hf(x(tf), tf) = 0 u(t) E U(t) Given the initial state and control history, the state history is computable and the optimal cost is a result of the optimal control history. As a result, the optimal cost does not depend on the control, J*(x(t), u(t), t) = J*(x(t), t). Consider a control problem where given an initial state x(to), the goal is to drive the system to a terminal state, x(tf). Suppose that the optimal solution passes through some intermediate point x(ti). The principle of optimality states that the solution to the optimal control problem starting at x(t 1 ) and terminating at x(tf) is a segment of the solution to the optimal control problem that starts at x(to) and terminates at x(tj)'[17]. In other words, any portion of an optimal solution is itself an optimal solution. Using the principle of optimality and assuming that J is twice differentiable with respect to x(t) and t, a Taylor series expansion of J* about (x(t), t) yields the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation [17]: a*(x(t), t) = at min I (x (t), U(t), t) + a*(X (t), t f (X(t), U(t), t) u~U t) ax subject to the constraints J* (x(t), t) = N(x(t), t) on hf(x(t), t) = 0 The HJB equation is both necessary and sufficient for optimality [17]. If the above equation can be solved to obtain J* [x(t), t], then the optimal control is determined as a feedback law and is given as u* (t) = arg mn [L(x(t), u((t, t) + aj* (x(t), U(t), t (3.23) While the result of Eq. (3.23) applies to problems with general dynamics, a gen47 eral cost functional, and constraints, it is rarely possible to obtain analytic solutions to the HJB equation. HJB theory could be used to generate an optimal feedback law numerically, but this is not usually done. Instead the HJB equation is used to test the optimality of a control whose form was either guessed or obtained by some other method 1171. 3.3.2 Numerical Methods for Solving Optimal Control Problems In general, the optimal control problem of Sec. 3.2 cannot be solved analytically, so the solution must be attained using a numerical method. Numerical methods fall under two main categories: indirect methods and direct methods. In an indirect method, the Hamiltonian boundary-value problem (HBVP) that arises from the first-order necessary conditions via the calculus of variations is solved numerically. The general procedure for solving the HBVP [3] begins with making an initial guess for the unspecified initial (or terminal) conditions. An iterative procedure is then used to modify the estimate of the unknown initial (or terminal) conditions, where each modification should improve the solution. An improvement occurs when the current solution is "closer" to satisfying the necessary conditions than the previous solution. If the iterative procedure converges, it will produce a solution that satisfies all of the necessary conditions. Obtaining an initial guess is not a trivial procedure and thus more often than not the solution that results will violate at least one of the necessary conditions. Examples of such iterative procedures include steepest descent methods, neighboring extremal methods, and quasilinearization methods. Please refer to Refs. [3] and [17] for an explanation of each procedure. An advantage of using indirect methods is that an accurate co-state can be found [201, which is beneficial because this co-state is then used to compute an accurate control. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to obtain an initial guess for the unknown conditions at one end which will produce a solution sufficiently close to the optimal solution. As a result, it is often difficult to solve the optimal 48 control problem using an indirect method. In a direct method, the optimal control problem is discretized at particular time points called nodes. This discretization leads to a nonlinear programming problem (NLP). The number of nodes is chosen large enough so that the time steps are small enough to adequately represent the solution characteristics and the implicit integration of the system equations produce sufficiently accurate results. Provided that the time steps adequately represent the solution, the accuracy of the implicit integration depends on the specific quadrature rule used [12]. In terms of parameterizing the problem, there are two approaches taken: differential inclusion and collocation. Both of these methods involve implicit integration of the system governing equations. However, differential inclusion only discretizes the state variable time history while collocation discretizes both the state and control variable time histories. Differential inclusion methods replace bounded controls with bounds on admissible values of the state variable time rates of change. Elementary implicit integration rules are then used to write the time rates of change as functions of only the state variables. Since the control variables are eliminated, the number of variables in the resulting NLP is reduced which, in turn, significantly reduces the computation time required to solve the NLP [4]. Differential inclusion is restricted to problems with linearly appearing controls and the state rate must be determined by the least accurate quadrature rule, Euler integration [9]. In collocation methods, the state and control are known at the node points and the system governing equations are satisfied by including nonlinear constraint equations at the node points. The time histories of the state and control variables are obtained using interpolation and the state differential equations are satisfied using implicit integration. In most collocation methods, linear or cubic splines are used as the interpolating polynomial and Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rules, such as trapezoidal and Hermite-Simpson, are used for implicit integration [10]. The NLP resulting from using a collocation method typically has many more variables and constraints; however, collocation methods are more accurate 49 than differential inclusion [4]. Collocation methods can use implicit integration schemes with a higher order of accuracy and the number of nodes needed to obtain the same level of accuracy as in differential inclusion is much smaller. Finding a solution to the NLP that results from employing a direct method is significantly easier than solving a HBVP [19]. As a result, direct methods are capable of solving complex problems with a relatively poor initial guess. However, the co-state is not as accurate as that obtained via an indirect method. Consequently, it is difficult to implement a direct method in real time. 3.4 Direct Transcription of Optimal Control Problem Via Pseudospectral Methods Spectral collocation methods, also referred to as pseudospectralmethods [12, 27], combine the advantages of differential inclusion and collocation methods. Pseudospectral methods use differential inclusion, but retain the desired accuracy of using higher order quadrature rules. Partitioning of the time interval is based on the Gaussian quadrature formula, which results in an unequal distribution of time points. The state and control are approximated by global orthogonal polynomials while the derivative is approximated by a discrete differentiation operator. Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rules are then used to approximate the integral with a summation. Despite the fact that both methods use essentially the same technique, pseudospectral methods are faster and more accurate than traditional collocation methods [6]. The solution to the CAV optimal control problem considered in this thesis is solved using a pseudospectral method. 3.4.1 Pseudospectral Methods In pseudospectral methods the time interval is divided into segments where the nodes correspond to the locations of knots in Gaussian quadrature formulas. The knots in Gaussian quadrature formulas are chosen such that the approxi50 mation of the function is exact for polynomials of higher order [12]. According to the approximation theory, nodes that are the roots of orthogonal polynomials will yield the best approximation [9]. The state and control constraints are satisfied at the nodes using global orthogonal polynomials. Orthogonal polynomials are closely related to Gauss-type integration rules which yields an easy transformation of the state and control constraints to algebraic equations [10]. Letting Ti, for i = 0, 1, 2, ... , N represent the nodes, the function is approximated as y((T) N y(T) ~yN(T) = >y4 1T i=O where y is the value of y at T1 and <pi(T) are the interpolating polynomials such as Chebyshev or Legendre [121. The set of interpolating functions satisfy <hi (Tj) = Sij 1i=j 0 i =j Thus the value of yN(T) at the point Ti, for i = 0, 1, 2, .... ,N is equal to the value of the function y (T) Y (Ti) = yN (i According to this definition of interpolation, the approximation is exact at the nodes. Typically the derivatives are approximated using finite difference or finite element methods. In pseudospectral methods, the state differential constraints are imposed by collocating the differentiation matrix at the nodes. The differentiation matrix is determined by taking the analytic derivative of the interpolating polynomials as shown below N f(T) ~9N(T) yN (Ti) j=0 51 Denoting the differentiation matrix by D whose elements are Dij = <j (Ti), we have that j,N(T) (3.24) = DyN(T) In terms of accuracy, as N increases the convergence rate of finite difference or finite element methods decreases on the order of N-" where m is a constant that depends upon the order of the approximation and the smoothness of the solution. Spectral methods will converge faster than any finite negative power of N [16]. The integral performance functional is approximated using Gauss-Lobatto integration rules [9]. Consider the integral of y(T) with respect to a weighting function 0(r) Iy =f (T)Y(T)dT N Iy IyN f o1T) Y Yi~ 1 (T)dT i=O Discrete weights wi, for i 0,1, 2,...,N, which correspond to a set of orthogo- nal polynomials, are defined as wi j (T)pi(T)dr which results in the following summation approximation to the integral N IyN _ Wjy, i=0 3.4.2 Legendre Pseudospectral Method The Legendre Pseudospectral Method of Refs. [7, 9, 10, 11] is a direct method that converts the optimal control problem into a nonlinear programming problem. One of the many available software programs is then used to solve the resulting nonlinear programming problem (NLP). The collocation points for the Legendre Pseudospectral Method are the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) points 52 where the state and control parameters are the unknown values of the states and controls at the LGL points. The continuous time problem is transformed to a set of algebraic expressions using Nth degree Lagrange interpolating polynomi- als to approximate the state and control parameters and the performance index is descretized using the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule. The remainder of this section provides a detailed description of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method taken from Ref. [9]. Optimal Node Spacing When determining collocation points it is advantageous to choose a distribution that gives the best polynomial approximation. LGL points produce the smallest L2 interpolation error [9] and thus yield better results than approximations obtained using equidistant points [11]. The LGL points lie on the interval [-1,11 and are defined as -1 To TI = roots of LN(T) TN =1 for l = 1, 2,...,N - 1 where LN(t) is the time derivative of the Nth degree Legendre polynomial, LN(t)As depicted in Fig. 3-1, this particular node distribution creates a clustering of points near the endpoints. Denoting the initial time by to and the terminal time by tj, let t represent actual time and T E [To, TN T represent LGL time where -1, 1]. The actual time is mapped to LGL time by the follow- ing affine transformation: 2(t - to) - (tf - to) t5 - to (3.25) and conversely, LGL time is obtained from actual time via the inverse affine transformation: t - (tf - to)T + (tf + to) 2 53 (3.26) 46 a 3 ±.~ 35 *4** 0 * .4.4, * :4 4- * *40 - 0 4-,25 0 ~20 +4 + 4-. 4,4 .4 . ... 4. *.4# 44 +- 15|- 1 -1 * -0.8' e e-0.4' ' -0.6 's -0.2 I * 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 " Location of LGL Points Figure 3-1: Distribution of LGL points for a given number of nodes Taking the differential of Eq. (3.26), we obtain (3.27) dt = (tj - to) 2 d Subsequently, in terms of LGL time, the optimal control problem of Eqs. (3.9)(3.12) becomes: Minimize J = 'M(x(-1), t 0 ) + N(x(1), tj) + tf 2 to f L(x(T), u(T), T, to, tj)d r (3.28) subject to the dynamic constraints t5 - to x = tf2 f(x(T), u(T), T, to, tj) (3.29) the path constraints gmin : g(x(T), u(T), T, to, tf) 54 Ymax (3.30) and the boundary conditions ho(x(-1), to) = 0 (3.31) hf(X(1), tf) = 0 (3.32) Lagrange Interpolation with Legendre Polynomials The state and control functions are approximated at the LGL points using Nth degree Lagrange interpolating polynomials. Obtained from orthogonal Legendre polynomials, the Lagrange polynomials are the trial functions while the state and control variables at the LGL points are the unknown coefficients. Legendre polynomials have a weight function c(t) = 1 and are orthogonal over the interval [ -1, 1] [9]. In terms of Lagrange polynomials <q (T) for I = 0, 1, 2,..., N, the state and control variables are approximated as: N x(T) XN (3.33) XT4T _ 1=0 N u(T) UN(T) = YU Ti 1=0 P(T (3.34) where the general equation for the Lagrange interpolation scheme at the LGL pointsTi, 1=0,1,2,...,Nis (T - TO)... (T - TI- 1 )(T - T11)... (T - TN) (Tj - TO) ...(Tj - Tj- 1) (Tj -- Tj+1)... (Tj - TN) More concisely, Eq. (3.35) can be expressed as N <(T) = T - Tn M=1 T - Tm m:j 55 =1,...,N(3.36) (3.35) In order to obtain an expression of the Lagrange polynomial in terms of Legendre polynomials, a function w (T) is defined as N w(T)= 7 (T - Tm) (3.37) m=O Evaluating the time derivative of w at Tj, j = 0,1,2,...,Nwehave that N 'W)(Tj) H (-r1 M=1 mij - (3.38) Tm) Consequently, the Lagrange interpolating function can be rewritten as w(T) 1 (3.39) (T - Ti) W (Tj) Referring to the definition of the LGL points, the derivative of the Nth degree Legendre polynomial can be expressed as LN (T) = (T (T - TN-1) - TI) (T - T2) -.-. (3.40) Combining Eqs. (3.37) and (3.40) with the fact that To = -1 and TN = 1, we obtain N w(T) = 1 (T - Tm) = (T - To)(T - T 1 ) ... (T - = (T - To)LN(T) (T - TN) = (T2 _ 1)LN(T) TN-1)(T - TN) m=O (3.41) In addition, the Legendre polynomials are the eigenfunctions of the differential equation d dt (1 dt - T 2 )LN] + N(N + 1)LN(t) = 0 56 (3.42) Using this property, the following expression shows the relationship between 1W(T) and LN(T). N(N + 1)LN(Tj) = d [(T2_ 1) LNIT=T = W(TI) (3.43) The equation for the Nth degree Lagrange interpolating polynomial in terms of the Legendre polynomial of degree N is (T2 _ 1)iN (T) -(3.44) <pl(T ) = (T - TI) 1 N(N + 1)LN(TI) It can be shown that 1 if 1= k 0 if 1 =6ik= <pI(Tk) k (3.45) which leads to XN(Tk) uNTk X(Tk) = k = 0,1,...,N (3.46) U(Tk) Derivative Approximation To impose the state differential equations at the LGL points, a differentiation matrix is calculated by taking the analytic derivative of the interpolating polynomial. Since only the derivative at the node is desired, the following expression is used N N(Tk x(TlOL(Tk (3.47) 1=0 N = ZDkIx(TI) 1=0 57 (3.48) Dkl is the (N + 1) x (N + 1) differentiation matrix where LN(Tk) 1 LN(TI) Tk - k = Ti N(N + 1) k 1 0 4 DkIl= (3.49) N(N +1) k 4 0 1=N otherwise Integral Approximation Using the Gauss Lobatto integration rule, the cost functional is transformed to an algebraic expression in terms of the state and control as follows j jN = Al(XN(-1), to) + N(xN(1), t) = '(x(-1),to) + t C(XN N(T), UN(T), T)dt - N + + tft - (x(1), t) £(X(Tk), U(Tk), Tk, to, tf)Wk k=o where Wk are the weights corresponding to the Legendre polynomials [91 and are expressed as 2 1 Wk = N(N + 1) LN(Tk ) 2 (3.50) Nonlinear Programming Problem The optimal control problem of Equations (3.9)-(3.12) is approximated by the following nonlinear programming problem. Minimize the cost functional N J = 'M(x (-1), to) + X(x(1), t) + t2 to I (X(Tk), U(Tk), Tk, to, tf)Wk (3.51) k=O over the variables R", k =0, 1,.., N u(Tk) E RmI, k =0, 1,..., N x(TO) to E R tE C R 58 (3.52) (.2 subject to N Z DkLX(T) tf-t - 2 t f(x(Tk),U(Tk), Tk, to, tf) = 0, k = 0, 1,...N 1=0 gmax, gmin : g(X(Tk ), u(Tk), Tk, to, tf) ho(xo, to) hf(xN, tf) 3.5 = k=0,1,...,N 0 0 Summary of Optimal Control According to the definition of an optimal control problem presented in Section 3.2, the CAV optimal mission problem formulated in Chapter 2 is an optimal control problem. Because of the complexity of the optimal control problem, it is necessary to obtain a solution numerically. Numerical methods fall into two main categories: indirect methods and direct methods. Indirect methods produce an accurate control, but they require an initial guess that produces a solution close to the optimal solution. It is often difficult to obtain such an initial guess. Direct methods have a wider range of convergence than indirect methods, but produce a less accurate control than that which is obtained via indirect methods. Pseudospectral methods comprise a class of newly developed direct methods for solving optimal control problems which have a wide range of convergence and produce an accurate control. In the subsequent chapters, the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is applied to the Common Aero Vehicle mission design problem. 59 [This page intentionally left blank.] Chapter 4 Numerical Optimization Study of the Common Aero Vehicle Problem Using the Legendre Pseudospectral Method 4.1 Overview The purpose of this chapter is to provide a detailed description of the steps involved in obtaining a solution to the CAV optimal control problem via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method. In particular, the discretization of the CAV optimal control problem is described in detail. Properties of the resulting nonlinear programming problem are discussed in terms of characteristics that have an impact on the optimization algorithm. The optimization algorithm used to solve the NLP, SNOPT, is introduced with a brief explanation of how it solves the NLP. The user inputs required for the implementation of SNOPT are also included in this discussion about the optimization algorithm. Then, the specific values used for the vehicle dynamic model and the bounds on the variables and constraints described in the discretization process along with the inputs to SNOPT are listed. However, the number of nodes required to obtain a sufficiently accurate solution is unknown a prior. Similarly, the choice of values for the weighting factors in 61 the performance index that will produce the most desirable trajectory and control is also not known a priori. Consequently, the last two sections are devoted to the analysis used to choose appropriate values for the number of nodes and the weighting factors. In doing so, the accuracy of the results obtained via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is assessed and the desirable characteristics of the solution are noted. It may be useful to review Appendix A and B before proceeding. 4.2 Discretization via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method The Legendre pseudospectral transcription, described in Chapter 3, is applied to the CAV optimal mission design problem formulated in Chapter 2. Implementing the Legendre Pseudospectral Method requires discretization of the dynamics, boundary conditions, path constraints, and performance index. The resulting NLP is comprised of a bounded optimization vector, a bounded vector of equality and inequality constraints, and a cost functional. 4.2.1 Optimization Vector The optimization vector is comprised of the variables manipulated by the NLP programming solver to determine the optimal solution. These variables are referred to as decision variables and include the state and control variables at the LGL points as well as any undefined time points. The augmented state variables at the M (= N + 1) LGL points are the ECEF Cartesian components of position (x c RM, y (vx e RM, vY e (o- E RM). E M Vz E RM, z E RM), the Earth relative velocity components RM), the angle of attack (o E RM), and the bank angle The control variables at the M LGL points are the angle of attack rate (u, e Rm) and the bank angle rate (u, E RM) and the final time, tf E R, is the only undefined time point. In terms of these decision variables, the optimization 62 vector, xopt E R(f10M+1), for the CAV optimal mission design problem is xpt = X y Vx Z Vy Of Vz o Ua Uof- tf] (4-1) Naturally there is a range of admissible values pertaining to each of the decision variables. This leads to a lower bound vector bi c RM and an upper bound vector b, E RM for each state and control decision variable and a lower bound bEt5 c R and an upper bound bu,tf c R for the final time. An additional subscript on b, and b, indicates which decision variable pertains to the respective bound. Boundary conditions are then imposed by setting the upper and lower bounds equal to the same value. For instance, initial conditions are imposed by setting the upper and lower bounds equal to the appropriate initial value at the first LGL point. The vectors of lower bounds on each decision variable are: bi,x = X0 bi,, = YO Ymin bl,z = Zo bi,vx Xmin Zmin v V ... Xmin ... Ymin zmin ... x5 Yj Z] x,min ... Vx,min Vx,min ... Vy,min Vy,min bi,vy VyO Vy,min bi,vz Vzo Vz,min bi,a 0 0 ... ... Vz,min Vz,min 0 0 bi,o, = rmin bi,ux = Ucmin Ucn-min ... Ua,min Ua,min bi,uo- = uo,min Uo-,min ... U,min Uo-min bL,tf = o-min (4.2) -min ... 0min 0 Recall that the CAV considered has one-sided angle of attack control which is indicated by a lower bound vector of zeros. Also note that there are no initial conditions on the angle of attack and bank angle. This means that the optimizer is free to choose their respective initial values. 63 Combining the lower bound vectors corresponding to each of the decision variables yields a lower bound vector for the optimization vector denoted by BL,xopt -- bl,x bl,y bl,z bl,vx BL,xopt E R(1OM+1) as shown below. bl,vy bl,vz bl,of bl,or bl,uaf bl,uog bl,tf (4.3) Similarly, the upper bound vectors for each decision variable are bu,x X0 Xmax ... Xmax Xf ... Ymax YJ bUy = Yo Ymax bu,z = Zo Zmax zmax ... Zf bu,vx VxO Vx,max ... Vx,max Vx,max bu,vy vyo vy,max ... Vy,max Vy,max bu,vz Vzo Vz,max ... Vz,max aXmax bu,o = amax L(max ... bua = rmax o-max ... - max (4.4) Vz,max 0] 0-max bu,ua U a,max U ,max ... U ,max U ,max bu,uo Uo,max Uo,max ... U,max U,max bu,t = tfmax Notice that the terminal velocity is not fully specified and thus the bounds on the components of velocity at the last LGL point are simply the minimum and maximum values respectively. The resulting upper bound vector for the optimization e,xopt R(OM+l) as shown below vector is B Bu,xopt = bu,x bu,y bu,z bu,vx bu,vy bu,vz bu,t bu,o bu,ua bu, 0-u bu,tf (4.5) 64 Discretization of the Dynamic Constraints 4.2.2 In terms of the optimization vector, the equations of motion given in Eq. (2.21) are expressed as (4.6) xcem = f (xop) where vx vy vz gx + Lx + Dx + 2Qv, + Q 2x f(xOPt) = (4.7) gy +g~±L~±Ly + Dy -2v+0y 2Qvx +Q 2 y m gz + Lz + Dz m Using the differentiation matrix DN, the continuous time equations are trans- formed into an algebraic expression. The dynamic constraints defined in Eq. (4.7) are denoted by C E RM and a subscript that indicates which decision variable corresponds to that particular constraint equation. Rewriting the equations in constraint form yields vx Cx DNX Cy DNY Cz DNZ vy vz Dx + Lx + gx + 2wvy + Cvx DNVx tf - to Cvy DNVY 2 Coz DNVz Ca DNa Ca DNO' m + ±Y ±Ygy + m 2wvx + (2 Dz + Lz + gz m 65 2 = 0 (4.8) Together, these constraints comprise the dynamic constraint vector, Cde e R8M, as shown below Cdc [ Cx Cy Cz CVy Cvx CVz C C ] (4.9) Since the dynamic constraints are equality constraints, the lower bound vector, BL,dc E 4.2.3 R8M, and the upper bound vector, Bu,dc E p8M, are each a vector of zeros. BL,dc = 0 (4.10) BU,dc = 0 (4.11) Discretization of the Path Constraints and the Terminal Constraints Path constraints confine the optimizer to stay within a set region when determining the trajectory. Referring to the path constraints listed in Eq. (2.27), the path constraints corresponding to decision variables (a, u, u,) are included in the optimization bound vectors. The remaining constraints are placed on the radius, (r E RI), speed (v c RM), dynamic pressure (q c Rm), and sensed acceleration (a E RN) at every LGL point. Also included in this discretization is the terminal constraint on the total heat load (Q c R) at the final LGL point. Recall from Chapter 2 that the heat load is expressed as an integral. Discretization of the integral results in the following summation: Q = 2 t Wk (4.12) k=O The terminal boundary condition on the flight path angle has yet to be imposed and thus a constraint is placed on the sine of the flight path angle (Cy E R) at the final LGL point. The resulting constraint vectors, denoted by C and a subscript 66 which indicates the corresponding constraint, are: Cr r CV V Cq q(4.13) Ca a CO Q CY S where s = sin(y(tj)) (4.14) These constraints combine to form a constraint vector C1 tc C R(4M+2) as shown below Ch CPtC Cs C, Ca CQ Cy (4.15) where the subscript ptc is used to indicate path constraints and terminal constraints. Similar to the dynamic constraints, there are lower and upper bounds on each path constraint and terminal constraint. The bounds on the path constraints imposed throughout flight are denoted by b E RI where the subscript includes an 1 for lower bound or a u for upper bound and an additional letter to indicate which path constraint corresponds to the bound vector. The terminal constraints on the total heat load and the sine of the flight path angle are denoted by b E R and the same subscript notation as described above. The vectors of lower bounds on the path constraints and terminal constraints are: bir bi Re = Re ... Re Re ... Vmin Vf qn q" Vmin Vmin biqc= qmi qm1 n ... bia 0 0 ... bio = 0 biy = sin(yf) 67 0 0 (4.16) where the complete vector of lower bounds, BL,ptc E R(4M+2), on the path con- straints is blr BL,ptc ble blq blQ bla bly (4.17) Likewise, the upper bounds on each path constraint are bur rmax rmax Vmax Vmax ... Vmax V5 buq qmax qmax ... qmax qmax bua amax ... amax buv = buQ = buy = ... amax rmax rmax (4.18) amax Qmax sin(yf) and the vector of upper bounds on all of the path constraints, BU,ptc is [bur Bu,ptc bu bua buq buQ buy E p(4M+2) (4.19) Notice that the remaining terminal conditions pertaining to velocity are imposed through the bounds on the final speed and the final flight path angle. 4.2.4 Discretization of the Performance Index The performance index of Eq. (2.28) discussed in Chapter 2 is transcribed to a summation which produces a scalar F where F = t5 -k - k1 Nm a 2 )2 + k2 68 Ua,k Ua,max/ 2 + k3 uo,m uomax/ (4.20) 4.3 Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem Discretization of the CAV optimal mission design problem results in a nonlinear progranmming problem. A nonlinear programming problem (NLP) is a problem where it is desired to minimize or maximize a real-valued nonlinear function of variables subject to real-valued nonlinear constraints. This section is devoted to describing the NLP for the CAV mission design problem. First, it is important to understand the components of the NLP in terms of the breakdown of the constraints. Thus, the NLP is summarized by recognizing both the number and the type of constraints that comprise the NLP. Second, the structure of the problem is important in terms of understanding the NLP as well as choosing an optimization algorithm. Third, the NLP must be scaled properly in order to enhance the performance of the optimizer. In fact, in some cases it is necessary to appropriately scale the problem in order to even obtain a solution. 4.3.1 Summary of the Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem To summarize the NLP resulting from discretization of the CAV optimal control problem, the dynamic constraints, path constraints, and terminal constraints are joined to form the following constraint vector C c(12M+2). C = [ Cdc Cptc 1 (4.21) Similarly, the lower and upper bound vectors are also combined to form the vector BL,C E j(12M+2) and the vector Bu,c E 69 p(12M+2) respectively, where the subscript C is used to denote bounds pertaining to the constraints: BL,C = BL,dc BL,ptc (4.22) Bu,c = B,d BU,ptc (4.23) The resulting NLP is to minimize: N F = Ft5 2 - t Z wi i i=0 k1 L uc,i + k2 max \ amax ± ks / "' \Uu,max ) 2] (4.24) over x 0 pt subject to BL,xopt s BL,C Xopt s Cs Bv,xopt (4.25) Bu,c (4.26) The breakdown of the NLP in terms of the number of optimization variables and types of constraints is shown below. # of Optimization Variables = 10M + 1 # of Linear Equality Constraints = 10 # of Nonlinear Equality Constraints = 8M + 2 # of Linear Inequality Constraints = 3M # of Nonlinear Inequality Constraints = 4M + 1 The optimization variables are split as follows: 8M variables correspond to components of the augmented states at the LGL points, 2M variables correspond to components of the augmented controls at the LGL points, and the remaining 1 variable corresponds to the free terminal time. The 10 linear equality constraints correspond to each of the terminal boundary conditions with the exception of the speed and flight path angle. The nonlinear equality constraints are comprised of 8M constraints corresponding to the eight discretized differential equations at the LGL points and the remaining two correspond to the terminal 70 speed and flight path angle. The 3M linear inequality constraints correspond to the path constraints placed on the angle of attack and the controls (ua, u,) at the LGL points. The nonlinear constraints correspond to the remaining path constraints where 4M of the constraints correspond to the radius, speed, sensed acceleration, and dynamic pressure at the LGL points and the remaining 1 constraint corresponds to the total heat load at the terminal time. 4.3.2 Structure of the Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem After defining the NLP, it is useful to define the structure of the NLP. In general, the more information the optimizer knows about the problem, the better the optimizer will perform. Define the constraint Jacobian, [Cjac], as [Cjac] = aC aXopt (4.27) where [Cjac] is a (12M + 2) x (10M + 1) matrix. Each column corresponds to each optimization variable at the LGL points and each row corresponds to each constraint at the appropriate LGL points. (See Appendix B for a review of vector differentiation rules used in this thesis.) The structure of the problem is best described by indicating the dependence of the components of the constraint Jacobian on the components of the optimization vector using a dependence matrix [Cdep]. If a component of [Cjac] is dependent upon a component of xopt, then the corresponding element in [Cdep] is assigned the value of unity, otherwise it is zero. The resulting matrix [Cdep] is a matrix of ones and zeros commonly referred to as the dependency pattern. In the case of trajectory optimization problems, the dependence matrix is a sparse matrix, i.e. a large percentage of the individual derivatives of the nonlinear constraints with respect to the optimization variables are zero. The sparsity pattern for the CAV mission design problem is shown in Fig. 4-1 where rows Cx-C, correspond to the dynamic con- 71 straints, rows labeled r-a correspond to the path constraints, and Q and y are the terminal constraints. The sparsity pattern is partitioned into three main sections: the first partition corresponds to the discretized dynamic constraints, the second partition corresponds to the discretized path constraints, and the third partition corresponds to the terminal constraints. The dynamic constraints section can be partitioned even further into a block that depends only on the state decision variables, a block that depends only on the control decision variables, and a block that depends only on the final time. The block that depends only on the state decision variables has blocks of size M x M along the main-diagonal that result due to the dependence of the discretized differential equations on the differentiation matrix. The off-diagonal blocks are either the M x M zero matrix or the M x M identity matrix. The block that depends only on the control decision variables also consists of either the M x M zero matrix or the M x M identity matrix while the block that depends only on the final time is a column of ones. The discretized path constraints have dependencies similar to the block in the discretized dynamic constraint partition that depends only on the control decision variables. Finally, the terminal constraints depend on their respective state decision variables at the final LGL point and, in the case of the total heat load constraint, the final time as well. 4.3.3 Scaling of the Conunon Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem In the extreme situation, a poorly scaled problem may prevent the optimizer from even obtaining a solution and at the very least, it can negatively affect the performance of the algorithm. In particular, scaling can change the convergence rate, termination tests, and numerical conditioning [2]. A well-scaled problem will be much better behaved numerically. One of the basic guidelines in determining appropriate scaling factors is to make every state and control variable about the same order of magnitude and as close to unity as possible. One set of 72 x y z V,, v, V, Of O- u u,, t, C CA CzI C CLIv CUz C,, r V q a Q 'Y Figure 4-1: Sparsity Pattern of the Common Aero Vehicle Nonlinear Programming Problem scale factors that leads to a well-scaled NLP for the CAV mission design problem are as follows: Units of Length: Units of Time: Units of Density: Earth Radii Period of a Spacecraft in Circular Orbit at One Earth Radii Air Density at Sea Level Since the flight of the vehicle is restricted to the Earth's atmosphere, scaling the position by Earth radii makes the scaled position 0(1). The scale factor for time is chosen such that the scaled velocity 0(1) where the velocity is scaled by the term that results from dividing the units of length by the units of time. Similarly, 73 scaling the density of the atmosphere by the sea level density results in density values close to unity. From these three base values, a canonical transformation is used to convert all other values from one set of consistent units to another set of consistent units. In particular, the canonical transformation used in this thesis converts values from SI units to a set of nondimensional values with a magnitude close to unity. The following useful nondimensionalizing constants are derived in order to maintain a canonical transformation: nlength = nime = ndensity = 1e(4.28) (4.29) Po (4.30) (4.31) -ength nvelocity ntime nmass nforce ndensitynlength 4 fdensitynlength 2- - (4.33) ntime nenergy nforcenlength (4.34) and nondimensional angles are represented in radians. In order to nondimensionalize a quantity, simply multiply it by the corresponding scaling factor. Conversely, in order to dimensionalize a nondimensional quantity, divide by the appropriate nondimensionalizing constant. While nondimensional quantities are used in the optimization algorithm, the results are scaled to dimensional quantities for analysis purposes. 4.4 Numerical Optimization via SNOPT There are many available software programs capable of solving the resulting NLP; however, it is desirable to use a computationally efficient and robust method. The current problem has both linear and nonlinear inequality and equality constraints. Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods are designed to han74 dle optimization problems with linear and nonlinear constraints [131. In addition, it is beneficial to use an optimization algorithm that takes advantage of the sparsity of this problem. Three well-known SQP numerical optimizers are NPSOL, SNOPT, and SPRNLP. Both NPSOL and SNOPT were written by Gill, Murray, and Saunders [13, 14, 15] while SPRNLP is a Boeing code developed by Betts and Frank [1]. NPSOL is very similar to SNOPT; however, it does not take advantage of the sparsity of the Jacobian and is not designed to solve large-scale NLPs. The study conducted in Ref. [1] demonstrates that while SPNRLP solves larger problems in a shorter period of time, SNOPT is faster for smaller problems. SPNRLP has the advantage of utilizing first and second derivative information versus SNOPT which only uses first order information. Nonetheless, if given enough time, SNOPT will solve large complex problems with the same accuracy as SPRNLP. SNOPT is a dependable SQP method for solving sparse large-scale NLPs. 4.4.1 Description of SNOPT SNOPT is a general purpose solver for optimization problems that have many variables and constraints. It minimizes a linear or nonlinear function subject to bounds on variables and linear or nonlinear constraints. Using a SQP algorithm, SNOPT solves the NLP by solving a sequence of quadratic programming problems (QP subproblems). The basic idea is to iteratively solve the problem, each time working towards the optimal solution. In doing so, the task becomes to find a direction in which the function approaches a minimum and to determine how far to move in that particular direction. A series of major iterations and minor iterationsare completed to determine a search direction while a merit function is used to determine the step length. While a complete analysis of SNOPT is not included in the scope of this thesis, the following discussion is included to introduce the reader to the work required to solve major and minor iterations. For a more complete explanation please re- 75 fer to Refs. [131 and [151. Initially, SNOPT converts inequality constraints into equality constraints by introducing slack variables. Then SNOPT enters a major iteration which generates an iterate of the optimization variables that satisfy the linear constraints. The search direction for the next iterate is determined by solving a QP subproblem. Minor iterations correspond to the iterative process involved in solving the QP subproblem for each major iteration. In doing so, the nonlinear constraints are linearized by a Taylor series expansion. The QP subproblem is to minimize a quadratic approximation of a modified Lagrangian subject to linear constraints and simple bounds on the variables. A reduced Hessian algorithm is used to solve the QP subproblem where the Hessian is a matrix of second derivative information used to create the quadratic approximation. A BFGS quasi-Newton approximation of the Hessian is used versus other algorithms that utilize a full sparse Hessian. After the QP subproblem is solved, a new estimate of the solution is obtained by completing a line search on an augmented Lagrangian merit function. The merit function is used to determine if and how much progress is being made by the algorithm. The line search determines the step length (how far to go in the search direction) in order to produce the most significant decrease in the merit function. Eventually, this iterative process will converge to a point that satisfies the first order conditions for optimality. 4.4.2 User Requirements and Options for SNOPT User requirements in order to run SNOPT consist of creating two subroutines and supplying an initial guess. One subroutine defines the objective function and the other defines the constraints as well as the sparsity of the constraint Jacobian. Each must return their respective function values and, optionally, their respective gradients. SNOPT provides the user with the option of coding as many or few of the gradients as desired and the remaining derivatives are approximated with finite differences. In fact, SNOPT has the capability of verifying 76 the analytic gradients by comparing these gradients to finite difference approximations obtained via central differences. Using this capability, the user can correct any errors made in coding the analytic derivatives. While coding the ana- lytic derivatives will enhance the performance and increase the reliability of the optimization algorithm, analytic derivatives are often inconvenient to compute. As mentioned earlier, an initial guess must be supplied to the optimizer, which can be a daunting task depending on the problem at hand. Generally speaking, a good start is to select any feasible point. The user can control the performance of SNOPT by choosing various options. Each option has a default setting chosen based off of the norm for most problems. These options include tolerance levels, derivative verification , level of desired output, and both major and minor iteration limits. More detailed options include information about the QP subproblem, the SQP method, and the Hessian approximation. For a complete list and description of the options please see the SNOPT User's Guide [151. 4.5 Numerical Optimization Study This study involves the setup for numerical optimization, which includes specifying the values used to describe the CAV mission design problem and the values corresponding to the discretization of the mission design problem as well as the inputs necessary for the implementation of SNOPT. 4.5.1 Specification of the Required Inputs Table 4.1 includes all of the particular values used in the CAV mission design study. Bounds on the optimization vector corresponding to Eqs. (4.2) and (4.4) are listed in Table 4.2. The upper bounds on the position and velocity components correspond to 1.5 times their initial values respectively and the value of the lower bounds are simply the negative of the upper bounds. 77 Table 4.1: Numerical Values Used for Numerical Optimization Mass of the CAV (kg) Aerodynamic Reference Area (M2 ) 687 0.6 CL, Zero-Lift Drag Coefficient Drag Polar Parameter Density at Sea Level (kg/m 3 ) Density Scale Height (m) Angular Rotation of the Earth (s1) Radius of the Earth (m) Gravitational Parameter (m 3/s 2 ) Heating Rate Constant (W/m 2 ) 0.043 1 1.225 6914 7.29x105 6378145 3.986x 1014 1.9987x108 The boundary conditions used in this analysis were taken from Ref. [261 and are as follows: to = 0 x(to) = 6415145 m (=37 km in altitude) y(to) = 0m z(to) = 0m vx(to) = Om/s vy (to) = 7137.9 m/s vz(to) = 0m/s x(tf) 5773486 m y(tf) 2710645 m z(tf) = Om V(tf) = 1219 m/s y(tf) = -89.9 deg a(tf) = 0deg These boundary conditions correspond to a terminal state approximately 2800 km downrange from the initial position in the initial Earth relative trajectory plane. While the terminal velocity of the vehicle should actually be orthogonal 78 Table 4.2: Numerical Values for the Bounds on the Optimization Variables Variable Lower Bound (m) y (m) z (M) vx (m/s) vy (m/s) vz (m/s) ot (deg) 6 -9.6227x10 -9.6227x10 6 -9.6227 x106 -10706.85 -10706.85 -10706.85 0 Upper Bound 9.6227x10 6 9.6227x10 6 9.6227x106 10706.85 10706.85 10706.85 25 o (rad) -67T 6r ua (deg/s) u. (deg/s) -10 -30 10 30 tc (s) 0 5000 x to the plane tangent to the point of impact, (thus requiring a terminal flight path angle of -90 deg), the unit lift direction of Eq. (2.18) chosen for this study is undefined when y = -90 deg. Therefore, a terminal flight path angle of -89.9 deg is chosen in order to obtain results that are similar to those that would be obtained for yf = -90 deg. Bounds on the path constraints introduced in Eqs. (4.16) and (4.18) are listed in Table 4.3 where go is the gravitational acceleration at sea level. At this point, Table 4.3: Numerical Values for the Bounds on the Path Constraints Path Constraint r (m) V (m/s) Lower Bound Re 10 Upper Bound 9.6227x10 6 10706.85 q (kPa) 11.97 0o a (go) Q (MJ/m 2 ) 0 45 -00 00 sin(yf) -1 -1 the total heat load the vehicle can sustain is unspecified and thus the heat load is actually unconstrained. However, using the optimizer as a design tool, a parametric study presented in Chapter 5 will analyze the affects on the trajectory 79 and control from varying the maximum allowable heat load. The choice of weighting factors used in the performance index is not obvious prior to running the optimizer. Consequently, these values are varied and the results are compared to determine the values that reflect the most desired characteristics of the trajectory and control. The corresponding study and results are presented in Section 4.5.3. In terms of the inputs required to implement SNOPT, the information provided in Section 4.2 along with the specific values listed in Tables 4.1-4.3 are used to create the subroutines. The initial guess supplied to SNOPT varies depending on the specific case being run. A discussion of the choice of initial guess is given with the description of each case. In addition to the required inputs, the user must make three major decisions. First, the user must decide if the gain in speed and accuracy is worth the work required to compute and input the analytic constraint Jacobian and objective gradient. In this application, the analytic objective gradient and constraint Jacobian are computed analytically and are given in Appendix C. The analytic derivatives are verified using SNOPTs derivative verifier (as described earlier). Second, the options must either be tailored to the problem at hand or left at the default settings. For this study, the options corresponding to the limits on the total number of iterations, the number of major iterations, and the number of minor iterations were changed from their default values. Table 4.4 indicates the value to which each of these options were set as well as the default setting (note that m is the number of constraints in the NLP). Third, the number of nodes must be determined in order to produce accurate Table 4.4: Options Set in SNOPT OPTION Iteration Limit Major Iteration Limit Minor Iteration Limit SETTING 1000000 1000000 1000000 DEFAULT SETTING max(10000,20m) max(1000,m) max(1000,5m) results without sacrificing computational effort and time. This value is also un- 80 known prior to running the optimization algorithm and is problem dependent. Section 4.5.2 includes the analysis used to determine the appropriate number of nodes for this particular application. 4.5.2 Determination of an Adequate Number of Nodes The number of nodes used to solve the NLP arising from the Legendre Pseu- dospectral Method discretization directly affects the accuracy of the discrete approximation to the continuous time optimal control problem. An infinite number of nodes will theoretically produce the most accurate solution. However, the efficiency of the optimizer decreases as the number of nodes increases. Therefore, the process of determining an adequate number of nodes for a given problem involves a trade-off between the desired solution accuracy and the time required to obtain a solution to the NLP. An adequate number of nodes for the CAV mission design problem is determined by comparing results from using 25, 50, 75, and 100 nodes. In terms of solution accuracy, the smoothness of the control profile is considered along with the accuracy of the controls. While the time it takes the optimizer to solve each case is also considered, more emphasis is placed on the accuracy of the results. Nonetheless, the resulting control profile is weighted against the solution time in order to determine an appropriate number of nodes to use for this study. Please see Appendix D for a description of the initial guess used to obtain these solutions. Effects of the Number of Nodes on the Control Profile The smoothness of the control profile is assessed visually by observing the control profile along with the angle of attack and bank angle profiles. Even though the angular rates are the control in the optimal control problem, the angle of attack and bank angle are actually used to steer the vehicle. As a result, the smoothness of the angles is more important than the smoothness of the angular rates. Figures 4-2 and 4-3 clearly indicate that 25 nodes is not enough to obtain a 81 smooth control. Therefore, 25 nodes is no longer considered and a comparison is made between 50, 75, and 100 nodes. Accuracy of the controls is assessed by integrating the equations of motion to Earth impact (altitude=0) and comparing the resulting error in the terminal state. The same dynamic model used in the optimization algorithm is used in the numerical integration and the controls are approximated by Lagrange interpolation. Integration of the equations of motion is carried out using a 4t4 order Runga-Kutta routine with a constant stepsize of h = 0.001s. The position of the vehicle is completely described in a plot of altitude versus time and the Earth relative crosstrack distance versus the Earth relative downtrack distance. The Earth relative crosstrack and downtrack distance are defined in Appendix E. Since the terminal condition in the integration eliminates the possibility of a terminal error in altitude, the altitude profile is not shown. The crosstrack versus downtrack plots shown in Figures 4-4-4-6 may mislead the observer to think that the integrated solution matches the Legendre pseudospectral solution. In reality, there are differences, but they appear negligible in terms of the distance the vehicle is traveling. The same holds true in the plot of speed versus time for all three cases as shown in Figs. 4-7-4-9. 82 4-d C-4 100 0 200 400 300 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 4-2: Angle of Attack vs. Time for M=(25, 50, 75, 100) S) to '0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (s) Figure 4-3: Bank Angle vs. Time for M=(25, 50, 75, 100) 83 700 -. Integrated soln, h=0.(X)1i 35 0 - -. -- - - - - - -. - -.- -.. -.-.-.-.-.-.- - -.-.- -.-.-- -.-.- .- . 250- 200 - - - --- -- --- U aV > 150- ;-4 50 -- -- - 0 500 1(0 1500 2000 2500 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance (km) --- -- 3000 Figure 4-4: Earth Relative Downtrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance for 50 Nodes 500 -8- -.-. - 400 LPS soin, N= 75 Integrated soln. h-0.001 ---- - -- 300 200- 100- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance (km) 300 Figure 4-5: Earth Relative Downtrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance for 75 Nodes 84 CeI ;0 Cn C W- -1001 1 0500 1 1 1 1000 1500 20'00 2500 3oo Earth Relative Downtrack Distance (km) Figure 4-6: Earth Relative Downtrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Crosstrack Dis- tance for 100 Nodes Ct S -0 a) a) C.fl a) Ce a) F- Ce 0 100 200 30 400 50 60 Time (s) Figure 4-7: Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for 50 Nodes 85 7(X) 0 100 200 300 40() 500 600 70() Time (s) Figure 4-8: Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for 75 Nodes 8000 6000 5000 ~4000 3000 0 100 200 300 4(X) 500 600 Time (s) Figure 4-9: Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for 100 Nodes 86 700 In order to properly assess the accuracy, the error in terminal position and speed is calculated. The error in position and speed is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences between the integrated solution and the Legendre pseudospectral solution. Let the subscript "LPS" denote the solution obtained from the optimizer at the last LGL point and the subscript "INT" denote the results from integration to Earth impact. The terminal position error epos and the speed error espeed are then determined using the following equations: epos espeed = (XLPS XINT) - (Vx,LPS - 2 ± (YLPS - Vx,INT) 2 + y.NT) 2 + (ZLPS - (Vy,LPS - Vy,INT) 2 ZINT)2 + (Vz,LPS - (4.35) Vz,NT)2 (4.36) Table 4.5 shows the results from integration using the control histories attained for 50, 75, and 100 nodes. It is seen that the accuracy in position improves significantly as the number of nodes increases. On the other hand, the speed accuracy is virtually unaffected by the number of nodes used. Table 4.5: Terminal errors produced by integration for M = (50, 75, 100) No. of LGL Points (M) Position Error (m) Speed Error (m/s) 50 75 100 220.0763 40.2454 0.6722 9.53003 6.8386 5.9902 Effect of the Number of Nodes on the Solution Time One last mode of comparison is the solution time, which is highly dependent upon the type of machine used to run the optimization algorithm. The solution time for the 50 node case is 768.22 seconds, the 75 node case took 2653.62 seconds, and the 100 node case took 3378.91 seconds. Using 50 nodes significantly reduces the computational time to solve the problem and the difference in solution times between the 75 and 100 node cases is small in comparison. 87 Summary of the Results from Varying the Number of Nodes In determining an adequate number of nodes for the CAV mission design problem, the results from using 25, 50, 75, and 100 nodes were compared. The accuracy of the control profile was compared along with the solution time. Looking at the smoothness of the control profiles, it was immediately apparent that 25 nodes is not adequate for solving this problem. As to be expected, the 100 node case produced the most accurate results; however, it also required the longest amount of time to obtain a solution. Similarly, the use of 50 nodes significantly reduced both the accuracy of the solution and the solution time. While the 75 node case fell in between the 50 node and 100 node cases, the results from this case were closer to the 100 node case in terms of the control profile and solution time. Recall that the terminal conditions for HDBTs (described in Chapter 1) require position accuracy to within several meters and speed accuracy to within 500 m/s. While the speed accuracy requirements were satisfied in all three cases, the position accuracy requirements were only satisfied in the case of 100 nodes. In this analysis, the solution accuracy was more important than the time it takes to obtain a solution. Consequently, all the results presented in the remainder of this chapter will be shown for M = 100 (i. e. 100 Nodes). 4.5.3 Choice of Weighting Factors Used in the Performance Index It is crucial that the trajectory be robust to environmental perturbations, especially near the end of flight. A robust trajectory is one in which the terminal conditions are met despite unpredictable conditions experienced during an actual flight. The CAV used in this thesis has limited control authority. Thus, it is desirable to maintain control flexibility in order to compensate for unexpected disturbances. For instance, by keeping the angle of attack away from its upper and lower limits, it is possible to either increase or decrease the angle of attack in the presence of an uncertainty (e.g. a windgust, a thicker than predicted atmo88 spheric density, or a thinner than predicted atmospheric density). Furthermore, control flexibility is maintained by keeping the controls in the middle of their respective corridors. Consequently, the performance index keeps the angle of attack as close to the middle of its corridor (61) as possible. However, the angle of attack reaches a maximum near the end of flight in order to meet the terminal conditions on speed and flight path angle. This dramatic increase arises from the need to deplete speed over a short period of time and obtain a large and negative flight path angle. In order to decrease the speed of the vehicle, the drag must increase and thus the angle of attack increases. The terminal flight path angle requires that the vehicle approaches the target with negative lift. Since the angle of attack cannot be negative, the only way to generate negative lift on the vehicles is to rotate the vehicle 180 degrees. The amount of lift required to execute this maneuver causes the angle of attack to increase as well. The an- gle of attack then rapidly decreases to its prescribed terminal condition of zero degrees. In order to maintain flexibility in the angle of attack near the end of flight, the maximum angle of attack should be minimized. Redefining the control margin, the goal is to keep a near 61, to minimize 0(max, and to minimize uO and u,. Recall that ki corresponds to keeping a near 6z, k 2 corresponds to the angle of attack rate, and k 3 corresponds to the bank angle rate. The weighting factors in the performance index are selected according to the goal of maximizing the control margin and minimizing the control rates. In determining the appropriate values for k 1 , k 2 , and k 3 , each parameter is varied independently. The parameter being varied takes on the values of 0.1, 1.0, 10, and 100 while the remaining two parameters are set to 1.0. The initial guess used to obtain results is the solution to the 100 node case described is Section 4.5.2. Effects on the Control Margin due to Variations in ki Increasing k 1 places more emphasis on keeping the angle of attack near 6(. However, as mentioned earlier the angle of attack increases near the end of flight. In 89 order for the angle of attack to increase while more emphasis is placed on keeping the angle of attack near &, the angle of attack remains near 6 for as long as possible. By delaying the increase in angle of attack, the controls are forced to decrease the angle of attack to zero over a shorter time interval. Consequently, a remains closer to & for a longer period of time and the angle of attack rate increases as ki increases. In order to generate an adequate amount of lift to rotate the vehicle in a shorter period of time, amax and u, must also increase near the end of flight as ki increases. Figures 4-10 and 4-11 show that the maximum angle of attack and the angle of attack rate increases slightly at ki = 10 and noticeably for ki = 100. The same is true for the bank angle rate as indicated in Fig. 4-12. Also, the angle of attack rate reaches its minimum value at the end of flight for the values of ki = 1.0, 10, and 100. 25 20 CZ 15 0410 5 0' 0 100 200 400 300 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 4-10: Angle of Attack vs. Time for k1 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), k 2 = k3 = 1.0 90 -2- U -4 0 -6- kl= kl= -Ukl= A8 kl= 1 -10 0 1 30 S-8 -+* V 200 300 400 500 700 -600 Time (s) Figure 4-11: Angle of Attack Rate vs. Time for ki = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), k 2 = k= 1.0 6 2 _2 -4 --BA- -6 0 kl= kl= kl= kl= 10 0 200 400 300 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 4-12: Bank Angle Rate vs. Time for ki = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), 91 k2 = k3 = 1.0 Effects on the Control Margin due to Variations in k 2 Increasing k2 increases the emphasis on minimizing the angle of attack rate. In order to generate the same amount of lift using a slower angle of attack rate, the deviation of of from 6 increases as shown in Fig. 4-13. In regards to the maximum angle of attack, Fig. 4-13 also indicates that the smallest maximum angle of attack is obtained for k2 = 10 while the largest maximum angle of attack is obtained for k2 = 100. Figure 4-14 clearly shows that increasing k2 decreases the magnitude of the maximum angle of attack rate and the angle of attack rate reaches its minimum value at the end of flight for the values of k2 = 0.1 and 1.0. Fig. 4-15 shows that the bank angle rate appears to be unaffected by the variation in k2 . 25 20 U 15 0t 4-j 10 100 200 400 300 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 4-13: Angle of Attack vs. Time for k2 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki = k 3 = 1-0 92 Q-) 4-4 0 a-) 300 700 400 Time (s) Figure 4-14: Angle of Attack Rate vs. Time k 2 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki = k3 = 1.0 -4 a) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 4-15: Bank Angle Rate vs. Time for k 2 93 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki = k3 = 1-0 Effects on the Control Margin due to Variations in k 3 Increasing k 3 places more emphasis on minimizing the bank angle rate. Looking at Figure 4-16, the weighting on the bank angle rate appears to only affect the angle of attack profile in the case where k3 scenario (k3 = = 100. It is obvious that in this 100) the deviation of the angle of attack from et increases and the angle of attack reaches its upper limit. The angle of attack rate reaches its maximum value at the end of flight for every value of k3 , as indicated in Fig. 417. As to be expected, Fig. 4-18 confirms that as k3 increases, the bank angle rate decreases throughout the trajectory. 25 -4- y k3= 0.1 k3= 1.0 -UA k3= 10 k3= 100 20- - - - - to 0 100 200 300 500 400 600 700 800 Time (s) Figure 4-16: Angle of Attack vs. Time for k 3 94 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki = k2 = 1-0 -2 -4 4'- 0 -6 -8 0 100 500 400 300 200 600 700 Time (s) Figure 4-17: Angle of Attack Rate vs. Time for k3 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), ki = k2 1.0 1.5 S 0.5 01 <-0.5 2 -1 -1.5 -2'0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time (s) Figure 4-18: Bank Angle Rate vs. Time for k 3 = (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100), k 1 = k2 = 1.0 95 Summary of the Results from Varying the Weighting Factors in the Performance Index The performance index is constructed such that the optimal control and trajectory maximize the control margin. The control margin is measured by three terms. The first term keeps the angle of attack in the middle of its corridor, the second term minimizes the angle of attack rate, and the third term minimizes the bank angle rate. The desired trajectory and control is such that each of these terms is minimized. Analyzing these results according to the desired performance, each term in the cost functional is evaluated separately (without the weighting factor) as depicted below N Term1 =2 i=0 N 1 Term2 = Term3 = _ 2 Ofmax /2 2 (Ua,) i=0 Uoa,max 2 N i=0 20-,max) (4.37) Furthermore, the angle of attack profile is such that the angle of attack reaches a maximum value near the end of flight. Near the end of flight it is crucial to maximize the control margin which corresponds to minimizing the maximum angle of attack. Thus, the maximum angle of attack is also considered. The overall performance of the vehicle resulting from varying the weighting factors is assessed by considering all three terms defining the control margin as well as the maximum angle of attack. Consequently, the overall performance is assessed by summing the values of each term in addition to the maximum angle of attack. Table 4.6 summarizes the results from varying the parameters in terms of each of these values for each of the cases and the last column is a summation of the preceding values in each row. The only undesirable case is the last one where ki = k2 = 1 and k 3 = 100 because the angle of attack reaches its upper limit. However, the case where ki = k 2 = 1 and k 3 = 0.1 produces slightly more 96 desirable results. Consequently, these values are used for in the remainder of this thesis. Table 4.6: Results from Varying the Weighting Factors (ki, k 2 , k 3) ki 0.1 k2 k3 Termi 1 1 10 1 10 0.1 10 1 0.0048 0.0025 0.0023 0.0023 0.0024 0.0025 0.0047 0.0146 0.0025 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.6 10 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 0.11 10 100 Term2 0.0014 0.0020 0.0023 0.0026 0.0022 0.0020 0.0014 0.0011 0.0020 Term3 4.3919 x 104 4.6944 x 104 5.894 x 104 0.0017 4.6589 x 104 'I 0.0025 I 0.002 0.0026 0.0084 0.0020 0.0031 4.6944 x 104 4.9231 x 104 5.3504 x 104 5.3961 x 104 4.6944 x 104 4.188 x 104 2.633 x 10-4 amax Total 19.8101 19.8161 18.9726 20.2372 20.9097 18.9676 20.2320 20.9031 20.1295 18.9676 20.1346 18.9726 19.7476 19.7533 22.0621 22.0783 18.8591 18.8541 18.9676 19.3337 25 4 18.9726 19.3387 25.0118 Summary of the Numerical Optimization Study Applying the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to the Common Aero Vehicle optimal mission design problem results in a nonlinear programming problem. It is important to identify the sparsity pattern of the NLP and to scale the NLP properly in order to improve the performance of the optimizer. The CAV optimal control problem has a sparse nonlinear constraint Jacobian. SNOPT is designed to handle problems with sparse nonlinear constraint Jacobians and thus it is the optimization algorithm used to solve the NLP. Once the optimal control problem is discretized to form the NLP and the optimization algorithm was chosen, the specific values pertaining to the NLP and the options in SNOPT used in the optimization study were listed. A study was then conducted in order to choose an appropriate number of nodes in terms of the accuracy of the solution and the time required to obtain a solution. Results were obtained using 25, 50, 75, and 97 100 nodes and it was shown that 100 nodes was the only case that produced results which met the accuracy requirements set forth by the CAV mission de- sign problem. Using 100 nodes, another study was conducted to determine the choice of weighting factors in the performance index that produced the most desirable trajectory and control. In this case, it was desirable to design a trajectory that is robust to environmental disturbances. A robust trajectory corresponds to one in which the vehicle flies in the middle of its control capabilities. Thus, the control margin was used as a metric for quantifying the desirability of the trajectory and control. The control margin was assessed in terms of keeping the angle of attack in the middle of the corridor, minimizing the maximum angle of attack, and minimizing the control rates. One of the weighting factors was varied while the remaining two factors were held constant. It was found that setting ki = k2 = 1 and k 3 = 0.1 maximized the actual control margin and thus these values are used in the remainder of this thesis. Furthermore, upon the completion of this analysis it is evident that the value of the performance index reflects the control margin. In particular, the goal is to minimize the performance index, which maximizes the control margin. Thus, the smaller the value of the performance index, the larger the control margin and vice versa. 98 Chapter 5 Parametric Optimization Study of the Common Aero Vehicle Problem 5.1 Overview This chapter focuses on the general behavior of the Common Aero Vehicle as well as the response of the solution from the optimization to changes in parameters. Since the CAV is a new concept, it is important to first understand the motion of the vehicle during flight. Therefore, the first step is to identify the key features of the trajectory and control. Utilizing the optimization setup as a design tool, parameters are then varied and the differences in the trajectory and control profiles are determined. As discussed in Chapter 4, the performance index is a measure of the amount of control margin. Since the goal is to produce a solution that maximizes the control margin, the value of the performance in- dex is used as the metric to compare the quality of the solutions obtained for different values of the parameters. In particular, the quality of the solution is compared for different values of minimum allowable dynamic pressure, maximum allowable stagnation point heat load, and maximum lift-to-drag ratio of the vehicle. 99 5.2 Key Features of the Trajectory and Control The solution used to identify the key feature of the trajectory and control pertains to 100 nodes, ki = k2 = 1, k 3 = 0.1, qmin = 11.97 kPa, Qmax = oo, and (L/D)max ~ 2.4. The first key feature of the optimal trajectory is the behavior of the altitude as shown in Fig. 5-1. It is seen from Fig. 5-1 that the altitude increases twice during flight. Initially, the altitude increases to a region where the atmospheric density is small, thus allowing the vehicle to achieve the required range of 2800 km. The subsequent decrease in altitude increases the dynamic pressure in order to produce enough lift to rotate the vehicle. The final decline in altitude reduces the speed to meet the specified terminal speed of 1219 m/s and satisfy the required range. In order to maintain control authority, a constraint is placed on the minimum allowable dynamic pressure. The points where the altitude attains a local maximum correspond to points where the dynamic pressure constraint is active as seen in Fig. 5-2. 0 2 4 6 8 10 The second key feature of the 12 14 16 Energy (GJ) Figure 5-1: Altitude vs. Energy for M=100, ki = k2 = 1,k 3 = 0.1 100 18 10 0 -7 1 0 -Altitude Attains Local Maximum 4-0 Dynamic Pressure Constraint Active 0 100 200 400 300 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 5-2: Altitude and Dynamic Pressure vs. Time for M=100, ki = 1,k 3 0.1 optimal trajectory is the behavior of the in-plane out-of-plane motion. Figure 5-3 shows the Earth relative crosstrack distance versus the Earth relative downtrack distance traveled by the vehicle (see Appendix E). It is seen that the vehicle steers out of plane close to 410 km and actually approaches the target slightly from behind. The third key feature of the results is the behavior of the optimal angle of attack. It is seen from Fig. 5-4 that, because of the desire to minimize the performance index, the angle of attack remains near 6 = 11.9 deg throughout a large portion of the trajectory. The dramatic increase and decrease in angle of attack at the end of flight arises from the need to meet the terminal conditions on speed, flight path angle, and angle of attack. The increase in angle of attack near the end of flight arises from the need to deplete speed over a short period of time and obtain a large and negative flight path angle. In order to decrease the speed of the vehicle, the drag must increase and thus the angle of attack increases. Attaining the terminal flight path angle requires negative lift. Since 101 -~ - INUU k 4= 1.0k2= 1.0k3= 0.1 350 Q 300250 - - 0 200 150- - 100S500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance (km) Figure 5-3: Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for M=100, k 1 = k2 = 1,k3 = 0.1 the angle of attack must remain positive, the only possible way to generate a sufficient amount of negative lift is to roll (bank) the vehicle -180 degrees and increase the angle of attack. Once the vehicle is oriented properly, the angle of attack decreases rapidly in order to meet the required terminal condition of zero degrees. The last key feature of the optimal trajectory is the behavior of the bank angle. Fig. 5-5 shows that the vehicle is banked to -90 deg for roughly 200 seconds of flight. When the bank angle is -90 deg, there is no vertical component of the lift direction. The vehicle flies with this orientation in order to decrease the altitude of the vehicle. It is also seen in Fig. 5-5 that the bank angle is -180 deg when the vehicle reaches the target. As mentioned earlier, the restrictions on the angle of attack in combination with the terminal condition on the flight path angle (-89.9 deg) require that the vehicle fly upside-down as it approaches the target. Furthermore, lower in the atmosphere the forces acting on the vehicle are greater. Larger forces acting on the vehicle results in a high bank angle 102 18 161412108 4 20 100 200 300 400 500 700 600 Time (s) Figure 5-4: Angle of Attack vs. Time for M=100, k 1 = k 2 1,k 3 = 0.1 rate as the vehicle rotates to -180 deg. Since the performance index minimizes the bank angle rate, the vehicle ascends to a higher altitude before rotating. The altitude is increased by decreasing the magnitude of the bank angle. In this case, the bank angle decreases in magnitude to 50 deg from -90 deg before rotating the vehicle over. 103 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (s) Figure 5-5: Bank Angle vs. Time for M=100, ki = k2 = 1,k 3 = 0.1 104 700 5.3 Effects of Dynamic Pressure on the Trajectory and Control A minimum dynamic pressure constraint is added in order to keep the vehicle from exiting the Earth's atmosphere thereby maintaining aerodynamic control. In order to assess the affect of the minimum allowable dynamic pressure on the resulting trajectory and control, the minimum allowable dynamic pressure is varied between 11.97 kPa (250 psf) and 47.88 kPa (1000 psf) while Qmax = co 2.4) are held constant. The initial guess is the solution for the and (L/D)max case where M = 100, ki = k2 = 1, k 3 = 0.1, qmin = 11.97 kPa, Qmax = oo, and (L/D)max ~ 2.4. In terms of trajectory characteristics, it is known that the dynamic pressure is a function of density, which is a function of the altitude, and speed. While the initial and final altitude is specified in the boundary conditions, the altitude is free to increase and decrease throughout flight. However, the local maximum in altitude are constrained by the minimum allowable dynamic pressure. The initial and final speed is specified as well, but contrary to the altitude, the speed of the vehicle can only decrease during flight. The only way to increase the dynamic pressure without increasing the speed is to decrease the altitude of the vehicle. However, the vehicle must meet the range requirements for the terminal conditions which forces the altitude to increase in the beginning of flight. As depicted in Figs. 5-6 and 5-7, these conflicting trends result in the following trade-off: as the minimum dynamic pressure increases, the initial increase in altitude decreases and the speed depletes at a slower rate. Note that regardless of the constraint on the dynamic pressure, the vehicle reaches 20 km in altitude with nearly the same amount of energy and the remaining energy is dissipated in the same manner for all values of qmin. In regards to the lateral motion of the vehicle, it is seen in Fig. 5-8 that the crosstrack distance varies as the minimum allowable dynamic pressure decreases. Fig. 5-8 also shows that the vehicle approaches the target further from behind as the dynamic pressure constraint 105 60 50 - 40- "030 - 20 - .. . . . . -.. . - - qmin= 11.97kPa ... 10- -UA 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 qmin= 23.94 kPa qmin= 35.91 kPa qmin= 47.88 kPa 14 16 18 Energy (GJ) Figure 5-6: Altitude vs. Energy for qmin = (11.97, 23.94, 35.91, 47.88) kPa is lowered. In terms of the effects of the dynamic pressure on the control, the control profile is considered along with the value of the performance index. Referring to the angle of attack proffle in Figure 5-9, the maximum angle of attack increases slightly and the deviation of the angle of attack from d&increases as the minimum dynamic pressure increases. As to be expected, Fig. 5-10 shows that the value of the performance index increases as the minimum allowable dynamic pressure increases. Recall that the performance index is a measure of the control margin and the smaller the value of the performance index, the larger the control margin. Thus, increasing the minimum allowable dynamic pressure decreases the control margin. To summarize, the purpose of including a constraint on the minimum allowable dynamic pressure is to prevent the vehicle from skipping out of the atmosphere and to maintain control authority. As to be expected, as the minimum allowable dynamic pressure was increased, the maximum altitude reached de106 8000 7000 P .. - . 6000 - - 5000 - - -.. 4000 -.. 44 2000 -- - - S3000 - -4- qmin= 11.97 kPa qmin= 23.94 kPa -UA qmin= 35.91 kPa qmin= 47.88 kPa 1000 0 100 200 300 - 500 400 600 700 Time (s) Figure 5-7: Earth Relative Speed vs. Time for qi kPa = (11.97,23.94,35.91,47.88) creased. However, as the minimum allowable dynamic pressure was increased, the control margin decreased. Since in each case the vehicle did not exit the Earth's atmosphere, the case which maximized the control margin is desired. Thus, it is beneficial to design a vehicle that can be controlled at higher altitudes (i.e. at a lower minimum dynamic pressure constraint). 107 500 qmin= 11.97 kPa -*- V 450 A 400 V qmin= 23.94 kPa qmin= 35.91 kPa qmin= 47.88 kPa -U- 350-c-I 300 / 250 - II / 0 U 200 a) 150 - . . -. - -- I / - a) - 100 ... . -- 50 .. . . .. . . . .. . . 500 1500 1000 2500 2000 - 3000 3500 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance (km) Figure 5-8: Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for qmin = (11.97,23.94, 35.91,47.88) kPa 25 20( -4y -u-A qmin= 11.97 kPa qmin= 23.94 kPa qmin= 35.91 kPa qmin= 47.88 kPa 0 -.-- - 15 -. -... -. 10 -.-.-.-.- - -. to . .. .. ... .... . . .. . . . . .. . . .. -- 5 0 O0 I I I 100 200 300 I 400 I I 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 5-9: Angle of Attack vs. Time for q 108 = (11.97,23.94, 35.91,47.88) kPa 5.8 x 10- 5.6 - 5.4- - 5.2 - 5 - ---.- - 0 . 4.8 Sqmin= 11.97 kPa V qmin= 23.94 kPa * qmin= 35.91 kPa A qmin= 47.88 kPa 4.6 - 4.4 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 qmin (kPa) Figure 5-10: Value of the Performance Index vs. Minimum Allowable Dynamic Pressure for qmi = (11.97,23.94, 35.91,47.88) kPa 109 5.4 Effects of the Stagnation Point Heat Load on the Trajectory and Control The maximum allowable stagnation point heat load that the vehicle can withstand depends on the thermal protection system. The total stagnation point heat load sustained by the vehicle in the unconstrained case is approximately 2300 MJ/m 2 . In this study, the maximum allowable heat load is varied between 1100 MJ/m 2 and 2300 MJ/m 2 while qmin = 11.97 kPa and (L/D)max ~ 2.4 are held constant. The initial guess is the solution for the case where M = 100, ki = k 2 = 1, k 3 = 0.1, qmin = 11.97 kPa, Qmax = oo, and (L /D)max ~ 2.4. It is seen in Fig. 5-11 that this constraint is active in every case. Furthermore, tightening the constraint on the maximum allowable heat load results in an increase in the maximum heating rate, as shown in Fig. 5-12. In reference to tra2500 Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= 2000 1500F 2300 1900 1600 1200 1 100 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 - - -.- C 1000 -... 500 F I 0 I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Time (s) Load Heat Total 5-11: Figure (1100, 1300,1400,1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 vs. Time for Qmax jectory characteristics, it is known that the heat load is a function of density and 110 18 16 - Qmax= 1600 MJ/m2 . .. .. .. ~ ..-.. ... ....... . 14 12 Qmax= 1200 MJ/m2 Qmax= I1100 M J/m2 - - A-, -.. . .. . . .. .. 104 - 4 8O .. .. . 2 - . - - . - .. . . .. - - --- 4--. 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Time (s) Figure 5-12: Heating Rate vs. (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 Time for Qmax = altitude (see Eq. (2.25)). Using the same argument as presented in Section 5.3, the density is used to control the heat load. Consequently, the density is lowered to decrease the heat load. In order to decrease the density, the vehicle increases in altitude to a low density region until the dynamic pressure constraint becomes active. To relieve the dynamic pressure constraint, the vehicle descends to a lower altitude while depleting speed. Consequently, as the maximum allowable heat load is lowered, the vehicle undulates through the atmosphere at a higher frequency and, initially, the speed is depleted at a faster rate. In fact, the faster the altitude decreases, the faster speed is depleted.The affects on altitude and speed for different values of Qm ax are shown in Figs. 5-13 and 5-14. Similar to the affects of loosening the constraint on dynamic pressure, as the maximum total heat load is increased, the vehicle approaches the target from further behind. This trend is depicted in Fig. 5-15 which also shows that the vehicle takes a more direct trajectory and approaches the target from the front in the more 111 constrained cases. The crosstrack distance traveled by the vehicle is a maximum for Qmax = 1900 MJ/m 2 and is a minimum for Qmax = 1200 MJ/m 2 . -oL 0 100 200 300 400 500 700 600 800 900 Time (s) Figure 5-13: Altitude vs. Time for Q m ax = (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 The effects of the maximum allowable heat load on the control are evident by looking at the angle of attack profile, the bank angle rate, and the value of the performance index. The angle of attack is not specified in the initial conditions which allows the optimizer to choose the initial value for the angle of attack. As shown in Fig. 5-16, the angle of attack reaches its upper limit in the beginning of the trajectory for Qmax = 1200 MJ/m 2 and Qma = 1100 MJ/m 2 . Furthermore, amax is a minimum for Qmax = 1100 MJ/m 2 and a maximum for = 1900 MJ/m 2 . Also evident in Fig. 5-16 is that the deviations of a from & increase in both magnitude and frequency as Qmax decreases. However, as Qrnax the vehicle nears the target, it looses the ability to make any necessary corrections. Hence, the primary concern is maintaining control authority near the end of the trajectory. Figure 5-17 shows that the bank angle rate reaches its upper 112 8000 --- Qmax= 2300 MJ/m2 V --A 7000 cj~ Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= -*- 1900 MJ/m2 1600 MJ/m2 1200 MJ/m2 1 100 MJ/m2 S 6000 5000 4000 - 3000 . .. 2000| 1AA I 0 100 200 300 400 600 500 800 700 900 Time (s) Earth Relative Speed Figure 5-14: (1100, 1300,1400,1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 vs. Time for Qmax and lower limits both in the beginning and at the end of flight in the case where Qmax = 1200 MJ/m 2 and Qma = 1100 MJ/m 2 . It is seen from Fig. 5-18 that the value of the performance index increases as the maximum allowable heat load decreases. Thus, the control margin increases as the maximum allowable heat load increases. In each case the total heat load experienced by the vehicle is exactly the value of the maximum allowable heat load. To account for unexpected events encountered during flight, it is beneficial to add a buffer region between the amount of heat the vehicle will sustain and the amount of heat the vehicle is capable of withstanding. In other words, the trajectory and control should be designed based on a maximum allowable heat load which is less than what the thermal protection system is designed to handle. In addition, the maximum rate at which the vehicle can be heated also depends on the thermal system. Thus, the heating rate and the heat load experienced by the vehicle must both be taken into considera- 113 450 4 400 -I Qmax= 2300 MJ/m2 Qmax= 1900 MJ/m2 -U- MJI/m2 A - Qmax =1200 MJ/m2 -0- Qmax = 1100 MJ/m2 350 300 250 c 200 U 150 - 100 - - -..... -..... .... . ... ...-.. -... -.. . .. -.. ................ - .. -. -................ 50 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance (km) Figure 5-15: Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for Qmax = (1100, 1300, 1400, 1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 tion when designing a trajectory and control. Regardless, it was shown that the control margin increased as the maximum allowable heat load increased. Thus, it is desirable to design a vehicle that can withstand as much heat as possible. 114 2 0-2 15, 4-) 0 1 -4- Qmax= Qmax= -o- Qmax= -A -Qmax= -0- Qmax= n -5 0 100 2300 1900 1600 1200 I 100 | 200 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 | | 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Time (s) of Attack Angle 5-16: Figure (1100, 1300,1400, 1700, 2000,2300) MJ/m 2 vs. Time for Qmax r4 0' 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 700 900 Time (s) Rate Bank Angle 5-17: Figure (1100, 1300,1400,1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 115 vs. Time for Qmax 0.08 * Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= Qmax= y -.. 0.07- A A 2300 1900 1600 1200 1100 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 0.06a) 0.05a) C-) 0.04C I. 0.03- a) 0.020.01 ' 100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 4 2200 2400 Qm ax (MJ/m 2 ) Value of the Performance Figure 5-18: (1100, 1300,1400, 1700,2000,2300) MJ/m 2 116 Index vs. Qmax for Qmax 5.5 Effects of the Lift-to-Drag Ratio on the Trajectory and Control The maximum lift-to-drag ratio, (LID)max, is determined by the specific design of the vehicle. The vehicle used in this thesis has a maximum lift-to-drag ratio of approximately 2.4. This study analyzes the effects on the trajectory and control of varying (L/D)max between 2.0 and 2.5 while Qmax = oo and qmin = 11.97 kPa are held constant. The initial guess fed into the optimizer is the solution for the case where M = 100, ki k2 = 1, k 3 = 0.1, qmin = 11.97 kPa, Qmax = oo, and (L/D)max ~ 2.4. In order to vary (L/D)max, it is assumed that the lift coefficient corresponding to the maximum lift-to-drag ratio is constant. The zero-lift drag coefficient, CDO, and the drag polar parameter, K, are the parameters that are The lift-to-drag ratio is computed as altered as a result of varying (L/D)ma. follows: L _ D CL (5.1) CDo + KC2( Let CL be the value of CL corresponding to (L/D)max. Since (L/D)max is the maximum value of LID, a necessary condition for LID to equal (L/D)max is (L /D)= 0 aCL (5.2) Computing a(LID)/WCL using Eq. (5.1), we have that CDO - KC (CDO and from which we have that CL 0 + KCLZ)2 CDOIK. (5.3) Substituting CL into Eq. (5.1), CDO and K are given in terms of (L/D)max as follows: CDO = K = -(L CL 2(L/D)max 1 2CL(L/D)max 117 (5.4) (5.5) In regards to the effect of the maximum lift-to-drag ratio on the trajectory, as (LID) decreases the vehicle loses some of its maneuverability. In other words, if the vehicle is constrained to fly in the downtrack direction during a glide maneuver, the range of the vehicle will decrease as (LID) decreases. The only notable distinctions in the trajectory occurs when (L/D)max is reduced to 2.0. Thus, the comments on the results refer to the differences between a vehicle with (L/D)max = 2.0 and one with (L/D)max > 2.0. Figure 5-19 shows that during the initial increase in altitude an (L/D)max of 2.0 depletes more energy while achieving a slightly lower altitude and the maximum altitude attained near the end of flight is higher. Looking at the motion of the vehicle in the crosstrackdowntrack plane shown in Fig. 5-20, as the maximum lift-to-drag ratio increases, the vehicle approaches the target further from behind. The crosstrack distance is maximized at the lowest maximum lift-to-drag ratio and the vehicle approaches the target perpendicular to the downtrack direction. Looking at Fig. 5-21, the speed profile is noticeably different in the case where the maximum lift-to-drag ratio is the smallest. In the beginning of the trajectory, a vehicle with (L/D)max = 2.0 decreases its speed at a faster rate before reaching a relatively constant speed while, during the speed depletion phase, it depletes speed at a slower rate. It is seen in Fig. 5-22 that as the maximum lift-to-drag ratio increases, the total heat load increases as well. The effect of the maximum lift-to-drag ratio on the control is minimal. Fig. 5- 23 shows that as (L/D)max is increased the maximum angle of attack decreases slightly. In terms of the control margin, it is seen in Fig. 5-24 that the performance index increases as (L/D)max decreases. Notice that the increase in the performance index is relatively constant with the exception of the difference between (L/D)max = 2.0 and (L/D)max = 2.1. In this case, there is a greater increase in the performance index. Overall, varying the maximum lift-to-drag ratio has little affect on the trajectory and control margin until (L/D)max is reduced to 2.0. At this point, there is a clear distinction in the behavior of the vehicle even though the trends are sim118 60 50 0 - 20 - V -U--0. 0 0 2 4 6 8 12 10 2.0 2.1 L/Dmax= 2.2 L/Dmax= 2.3 L/Dmax= 2.4 L/Dmax= 2.5 L/Dmax= L/Dmax= 14 16 18 Energy (GJ) Figure 5-19: Altitude vs. Energy for (L/D)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) ilar. In designing the vehicle, it is important to keep in mind that the maximum lift-to-drag ratio effects the heat load that the vehicle endures throughout flight. Furthermore, the higher the maximum lift-to-drag ratio, the larger the control margin. Thus, in this particular application, the more maneuverable the vehicle the better. 119 500 450 400 L/Dmax= 2.0 L -O- A -0- I I -I - = /DT L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= 21 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 350 C 300- -10 x -/m -. 250- - ---- - -U ...-.. ..... . U 200- 4-0 150- -...... .... ... . . -.. -.-. . -.......... ...... -.. ........ 10050\500 500 00 1000 1500 2000 3000 2500 3500 Earth Relative Downtrack Distance (km) Figure 5-20: Earth Relative Crosstrack Distance vs. Earth Relative Downtrack Distance for (L ID)max = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) a) w) 4- L/Dmax= - L/Dmax= -U- L/Dmax= A- L/Dmax= -0- L/Dmax= L/Dmax= 1000 " 0 100 Earth Figure 5-21: (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 200 300 400 600 500 700 Time (s) Relative Speed 120 vs. Time for (L/D)max 2500 2000 C 1500 1000* L/Dmax= 2. . ..... . .............. .. V L/tb max = 2. ... .... -U--L/Dmax= 2. 500 -o A 200 100 0 400 300 L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= 2. 2. 2. 5 600 500 700 Time (s) Stagnation Figure 5-22: (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) Point Heat Load vs. Time for 18- . 16 S) 4-d - 14 121 __ 10 . . . . . ......... . ............ . .......... .. .. -.. - 4-4 .. ...-.. 8 . .. -.. .. 6 -44 2 V -UA -- 0, C 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 L/Dmax= 2.4 L/Dmax= 2.5 L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 5-23: Angle of Attack vs. Time for (L /D)ma = (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) 121 = I17 1 201 (L/D)ma -3 4.75 4.7 a) 4 .65| a) C-) 4.6 C a) 4.55. 4.5 * A A 0 00 4.45' 2 L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= L/Dmax= 2.05 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.15 . 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 (L/D)max Figure 5-24: Value of the Performance Index vs. (L/D)max for (L/D)max (2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) 122 5.6 Summary of the Parametric Study The key features of the optimal trajectory were described to provide insight to the behavior of the Common Aero Vehicle. It was seen that the vehicle initially increased in altitude until the dynamic pressure constraint became active. This was done to ensure the vehicle can travel the required downtrack distance. The local maximum in altitude reached near the end of flight resulted from the need to first increase the speed to generate lift and then the need to deplete speed, both of which are done in order to meet the terminal conditions. In terms of lateral motion, the vehicle steered 410 km out of the Earth Relative downtrack plane. Another important feature was that while the performance index kept the angle of attack near the middle of its corridor for a majority of the trajectory, the angle of attack reached a maximum value near the end of flight. This trend arose from the need to meet the terminal conditions imposed on the speed and the flight path angle. Furthermore, the vehicle was banked at -90 deg for about 200 seconds of flight in order to decrease the altitude of the vehicle and the terminal bank angle was -180 degrees, which resulted from the need to meet the terminal flight path angle. The minimum allowable dynamic pressure, maximum allowable heat load, and maximum lift-to-drag ratio were varied in order to assess their effect on the resulting trajectory and control profiles. The dynamic pressure constraint maintains control authority by preventing the vehicle from exiting the Earth's atmosphere. The minimum allowable dynamic pressure was varied and in each case the constraint became active at each point where the vehicle attained a local maximum in altitude. As the minimum allowable dynamic pressure increased, the initial increase in altitude decreased and the speed depleted at a slower rate. It was found that in terms of maintaining control authority, the lower the min- imum dynamic pressure constraint the better. The maximum allowable stagnation point heat load that the vehicle can sustain is determined by the thermal protection system of the vehicle. In each case of varying the maximum total 123 heat load, the optimizer designed a trajectory in which this constraint was active. This is an important characteristic to consider when designing the vehicle and in determining an optimal trajectory. As the maximum allowable stagnation point heat load was decreased, the vehicle skipped through the atmosphere more, initially depleted speed at a faster rate, and the vehicle took a more direct line to the target by approaching it more from the front (versus further downtrack). It was also found that the more heat the vehicle can withstand, the larger the control margin. Another design parameter considered was the maximum lift-to-drag ratio which reflects the maneuverability of the vehicle. Of the three parameters varied, the range of lift-to-drag ratios considered has the least effect on the trajectory and controls. Even though the differences in the control margin for each case was smaller, the higher the lift-to-drag ratio the larger the control margin. It is evident from this parametric study that the properties of the Common Aero Vehicle in combination with the required terminal conditions result in four important features of the trajectory and control. By varying parameters in the problem, it was found that that the looser the constraints on dynamic pressure and maximum heat load and the higher the maximum lift-to-drag ratio, the larger the control margin. 124 Chapter 6 Preliminary Study of the Real-Time Application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method 6.1 Overview This chapter addresses the potential real-time application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method. A useful method to consider in the context of real-time is one which is capable of obtaining a solution in a sufficiently short period of time, can solve a wide range of problems, and produces an accurate control. The ability to implement a method in real-time depends upon both the amount of computational resources that are available and the computational complexity of the problem. In particular, the execution time required to solve an optimal control problem using the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is highly dependent upon the optimizer and the machine used. A complete assessment of the solution time involves comparing the execution time of various optimization algorithms. However, this thesis is concerned with the Legendre Pseudospectral Method, not the optimization algorithm. Therefore, the execution time required to solve the CAV optimal control problem using the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is not 125 considered in this preliminary analysis. Furthermore, it is shown from the diversity of problems solved in Refs. [6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 211 that the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is indeed capable of solving a wide range of problems. Thus, this preliminary study is restricted to the assessment of the accuracy of the solution obtained using the Legendre Pseudospectral Method. The accuracy of the solution obtained via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is assessed by simulating the flight of the Common Aero Vehicle. In the simulation, the control is updated periodically based on the current state of the vehicle. However, a point is reached where the control can no longer be updated. At this point, the motion of the vehicle is simulated using the previous control to fly the vehicle until Earth impact. The state of the vehicle at Earth impact is considered to be the actual performance of the CAV while the most recent solution obtained via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is considered to be the predicted performance of the CAV. Thus, the accuracy of the solution obtained using the Legendre Pseudospectral Method is assessed by comparing the predicted solution to the actual solution. Furthermore, realistic vehicle and environmental dispersions are added to the simulation. The perturbed model is created with the intention of assessing the accuracy of the solution subject to "real life" uncertainties in the vehicle performance. 6.2 Common Aero Vehicle Flight Simulation Fig. 6-1 depicts a typical simulation for the flight of a vehicle, where N, G, and C are the navigation, guidance, and control systems, respectively, that comprise the flight software. The navigation system estimates the current state of the vehicle and provides this information to the guidance system. The guidance system uses the navigation information to determine the commands that steer the vehicle to the prescribed terminal state. The control system then implements these control commands and provides the control to the environment model. The environment model uses this information to simulate the flight of the vehi126 cle given a particular environment model and a vehicle model. The state of the vehicle at the end of the cycle is predicted by using the control from the flight software to integrate the equations of motion. The state calculated by the environment model is then fed into the navigation system and the steps described above are repeated for the duration of the flight. For simplicity, it is assumed in this simulation that the state is known perfectly and that there is no error associated with implementing the controls. As a result, the navigation and control systems are not modeled. Thus the simulation consists of the guidance system and the environment model. Furthermore, the simulation operates under the assumption that the optimizer can instantaneously produce a new set of control commands which are then updated every 10 seconds. Target Information Flight Software N G C 1_ _Model Figure 6-1: Flight Simulation Block Diagram Guidance System In this study, the "guidance algorithm" is the iterative procedure that arises from using SNOPT to solve the NLP that arises from the Legendre Pseudospectral Method. The guidance law is the steering command that arises from solving the NLP. The NLP is solved periodically at time intervals called guidance cycles: thus, each time the NLP is solved, the vehicle is closer to the target and the time of flight decreases. Since the number of nodes used throughout the simulation is 127 fixed and the duration of flight decreases with each guidance cycle, the absolute spacing between the LGL points decreases. This creates the effect of increasing the number of nodes, which increases the accuracy. As a result, instead of using 100 nodes (which was used to compute the trajectories in the previous chapters), the number of nodes is reduced to 50 for the guidance simulation. Furthermore, the guidance algorithm requires an initial guess. Prior to flight, an optimal solution to the CAV optimal control problem is generated. This predetermined optimal solution is supplied to the guidance system as an initial guess. In this study, the simulation begins with a converged optimal solution that corresponds to using 50 nodes and the numerical values previously stated in Chapter 4. After the completion of the first guidance cycle, the most recent solution generated by SNOPT is used as the initial guess for the current guidance cycle. Environment Model The environment model predicts the state of the vehicle after flying with the current control for one guidance cycle (10 seconds). The state of the vehicle is predicted by using the current control to integrate the equations of motion. The equations of motion include models of the vehicle and the environment. In particular, a 4 th order Runga-Kutta integration scheme with a constant stepsize of h = 1 s is used to integrate the equations of motion. Furthermore, Lagrange interpolation is used to compute the controls during the numerical integration. The integration is carried out in SI units because the information readily avail- able from the guidance system is usually in dimensional quantities. The state is then fed into the guidance system which solves the optimal control problem to determine a new set of control commands based on the most recent estimation of the state of the vehicle. In order to maintain a continuous control profile from one cycle to the next, the controls are included in the specification of the initial state. This process is repeated ideally until the time remaining in the flight is less than ten seconds. However, there comes a point at which the optimizer is unable to find an optimal solution. From the point where the optimizer is no longer able to find a solution, the flight of the vehicle is simulated using the 128 control from the last converged solution. For the remainder of this chapter, the portion of the simulation in which the control is updated is referred to as the closed-loop simulation while the portion of the simulation in which the control can no longer be updated is referred to as the open-loop simulation. 6.3 Assessment of the Accuracy of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method The simulation described in the Section 6.2 is implemented both with and without perturbations in the environment model. In the perturbed cases, dispersions in the value of the mass, lift-to-drag ratio, and the density are each added to the simulation separately. Simulation perturbations are implemented by altering the vehicle and environmental models used in the environment block. In all cases the predicted results obtained via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method are compared to the actual results generated by the environment model. In particular, the terminal error in position and speed is used to assess the accuracy of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method in terms of the potential for real-time application. These terminal errors are calculated in the same manner described in the node analysis. Please refer to Section 4.5.2 for a description of the specific equation used. Since an optimal solution from the optimizer by definition satisfies the terminal conditions, any error in the terminal state results from the open-loop simulation. Since the integration terminates at a zero altitude, the integration time may exceed the final time from the solution generated by the Legendre Pseudospectral Method. When this occurs, the integrator runs out of control. If the integration time is greater than the predicted final time, the control used in the integration is set equal to the control from the optimal solution corresponding to the final time and held constant. Thus both the time at which the open-loop guidance begins and ends along with the final time corresponding to the optimal solution are considered. 129 CASE I: Accuracy of Simulation Results Without Perturbations For this study, the model used in the environment model is the same as the model used in the optimization algorithm. The terminal position error is 14.0 meters and the terminal speed error is 2.77 m/s. While the position error violates the requirement of position accuracy to within several meters associated with striking HDBTs, the error is small when considering the distance traveled by the vehicle. The speed accuracy is well within the prescribed accuracy range of ±500 m/s. In this case the closed-loop simulation terminates at 610 seconds into the flight and at this point, the vehicle is flown open-loop for an additional 41 seconds. The integrated solution guides the vehicle to a zero altitude with a final time of 651 seconds while the last optimal solution from the Legendre Pseudospectral Method begins at 610 seconds and terminates at 647 seconds. Thus the actual solution terminates 4 seconds after the predicted final time. In order to improve the accuracy of the simulation results, the number of nodes can be increased. However, this will increase the solution time, which is undesirable when considering real-time. In terms of the open-loop simulation, there are two factors that effect the accuracy of the solution: the accuracy of the integration scheme and the length of time for which the vehicle is flown using the open-loop simulation. To improve the accuracy of the integration scheme it would be beneficial to conduct an analysis to determine which integrator produces the most accurate results given the control from the Legendre Pseudospectral Method. To shorten the duration of flight flown in an open-loop simulation, the point at which the closed-loop simulation terminates may be delayed by loosening the terminal constraints on the speed, flight path angle, and angle of attack. For example, since the terminal speed must lie within ± 500 m/s of vf, set the lower bound on speed at the final LGL point equal to (vf - 500) m/s and the upper bound at the final LGL point equal to (vf + 500) m/s. CASE II: Accuracy of Simulation Results with Perturbations in the Mass of the Vehicle In this case the value of the mass used in the environment model is per130 turbed by ±1%. This accounts for a 6.87 kg difference between the assumed and actual values of the mass of the vehicle. With a positive perturbation in mass, the closed-loop simulation terminates at 620 seconds into flight and the vehicle flies using the open-loop simulation for 84 seconds. The integrated solution terminates 3.04 seconds after the predicted final time from the last optimal solution. The terminal error in position is 290 m while the speed error is 36.7 m/s. A negative deviation in mass results in a 660 second closed-loop simulation and a 52 second open-loop simulation where the actual flight terminates 2.23 seconds after the predicted flight. The corresponding trajectory hits the ground 210 m away from the target with a 7.47 m/s error in speed. Comparing both cases, a negative perturbation in the mass results in a longer closed-loop simulation, shorter open-loop simulation, and better accuracy in regards to the terminal error in position and speed than a positive perturbation in mass. CASE III: Accuracy of Simulation Results with Perturbations in the Lift-to-Drag Ratio of the Vehicle In this case the lift-to-drag ratio (LID) is perturbed by ±1%. This is done by perturbing the lift coefficient and the drag polar parameter. Consider the situation where oc = ec. A ±1% (LID) perturbation corresponds to perturbing the angle of attack by ±0.119 deg while the drag polar parameter is perturbed by T0.1. With a positive deviation in the lift-to-drag ratio, the vehicle is flown using a closed-loop simulation for 570 seconds before switching to an openloop simulation for the remaining 82 seconds of flight. In this case the actual flight is 3.56 seconds longer than the predicted flight. The resulting terminal error in position is 287 m and the terminal speed error is 7.92 m/s. A negative deviation in (LID) has a much greater affect on the accuracy of the solution. In this case the closed-loop simulation only lasts for 500 seconds while the openloop simulation lasts for 153 seconds. The actual terminal time is 2.38 seconds greater than the predicted final time. The terminal error in position is 2580 m and the speed error is 71.4 m/s. A negative deviation in LID leads to a much shorter closed-loop simulation and a much longer open-loop simulation than a 131 positive deviation. Despite the fact that the difference in final times between the actual and predicted solutions is shorter, the terminal errors are significantly larger for the case with a negative perturbation versus a positive perturbation in the lift-to-drag ratio. CASE IV: Accuracy of Simulation Results with Perturbations in the Atmospheric Density In this case the density is perturbed by ±5%. Perturbing the density this amount results in a deviation of ±0.06125 kg/m 3 , respectively, from the assumed sea level density of 1.225 kg/m 3 . Take the situation where the vehicle is at a zero altitude. Using the strictly exponential density model of Eq. (2.17) and taking the vehicle to be at sea level, a ±5%deviation in the density results in a altitude deviation of roughly ± 345 m. This is an extremely large difference which will decrease as the density decreases. When the density is perturbed by +5%, the closed-loop simulation flies the vehicle for 550 seconds and from this point, the open-loop simulation flies the vehicle for 102 seconds. The final time from the open-loop simulation is 2.33 seconds longer than the final time predicted by the closed-loop simulation. The resulting terminal error in position is 1990 m and the terminal speed error is 54.2 m/s. Similar results are obtained from perturbing the density by -5%. The closed-loop simulation terminates at 570 seconds and the duration of the open-loop simulation is 98 seconds. This leads to a difference of 4.33 seconds between the actual and predicted final time of flight, where the actual final time is the greater of the two. The terminal error associated with the negative deviation in density is 1560 m for position and 113 m/s for speed. The closed-loop simulation is 20 seconds longer and the openloop simulation is 2 seconds shorter in the case with a negative perturbation versus the case with a positive perturbation in density. However, the difference in the actual final time from the predicted final time is much larger in the case with a negative perturbation. While the position error is better in the case with a negative deviation in density, the speed error is roughly double that of the case with a positive density deviation. 132 Summary of the Results from the Perturbed Simulations (CASE II-IV) Table 6.1 and 6.2 summarize the results from perturbing the environment model in terms of the terminal errors and computational performance. Table 6.1 lists the terminal position and speed errors corresponding to the value that was perturbed. It is evident from these values that while the vehicle does not hit the specified target, in every case the vehicle impacts the Earth with the required kinetic energy associated with striking HDBTs. Table 6.2 compares the computational performance of the simulation with perturbations where TCL is the duration of the closed-loop simulation, TOL is the duration of the open-loop simulation, and ATj is the difference between the actual final time and the predicted final time. It is seen that a negative perturbation in the mass of the vehicle results in the longest closed-loop simulation while a negative perturbation in the lift-to-drag ratio of the vehicle has the shortest closed-loop simulation.' The duration of the open-loop simulation directly relates to the terminal position error in the fact that the shorter the open-loop simulation, the smaller the position error. Thus, the case with a negative deviation in mass has the shortest openloop simulation and the case with a negative deviation in the lift-to-drag ratio has the longest open-loop simulation. The difference in final times between the actual and predicted solutions are pretty close for all of the cases considered. The case with a negative perturbation in the density model produces the largest difference while the case with a negative mass deviation produces the smallest difference in final times. Table 6.1: Terminal Errors from the Simulation with Perturbations Perturbation Position Error (m) Speed Error (m/s) +1% m 290 36.7 -1%m +1%L/D -1%L/D 210 287 2580 1990 1560 7.47 7.92 71.4 54.2 113 +5% p -5%p 133 Table 6.2: Computational Performance of the Simulation with Perturbations 6.4 Perturbation TCL (S) +1%m -1%m +1%L/D -1%L/D +5%p -5%p 620 660 570 500 550 570 (s) 84 52 82 153 102 98 TOL ATf (S) 3.04 2.23 3.56 2.38 2.33 4.33 Summary The Legendre pseudospectral method was assessed in the context of real-time application in terms of the solution accuracy. A flight simulation of the Common Aero Vehicle was constructed where the state of the vehicle was updated periodically throughout flight. A 4 th order Runga-Kutta integration scheme was used in the environment model to update the state of the vehicle. The updated state along with the last control were used as an initial condition while the previous converged solution was used as the initial guess for the optimization algorithm. Since the optimization process was repeated with current information regarding the state of the vehicle, the number of nodes was reduced to 50. It was found that without perturbations in the environment model, the terminal position error was roughly 14 meters. With this position error, the vehicle will miss the target; however, it is insignificant in comparison to the distance traveled by the vehicle. The speed error was well within the allowable bounds and thus, the vehicle will penetrate the surface of Earth with the required kinetic energy. The robustness of the solution was then addressed in terms of accuracy by adding perturbations to the mass, lift-to-drag ratio, and density values used in the environment model. A deviation in the mass of the vehicle was modeled in the environment and it was found that in terms of the terminal error in both position and speed, it is better to over estimate than to under estimate the mass of the vehicle. In terms of the lift-to-drag ratio, there was a large difference 134 in accuracy between a positive and negative deviation in the lift-to-drag ratio. In this case it is much more beneficial to under estimate the lift-to-drag ratio. With a density perturbation, the vehicle came closer to hitting the target with a negative deviation versus a positive deviation and the speed error was larger for the case with a negative deviation in density versus a positive deviation in density. Overall, the solution was the most sensitive to deviations in the density and the least sensitive to deviations in the mass. However, a negative deviation in LID resulted in the largest terminal position error. The results from the unperturbed simulation indicate that the Legendre Pseudospectral Method shows promise for use in real-time. In terms of the perturbed cases, the solution is the most sensitive to a negative perturbation in LID as well as any perturbation in the density model. The resulting position errors directly correspond to the duration of the flight flown using the open-loop simulation. In order to improve the accuracy of the solution subject to perturbations in the model, the duration of the open-loop simulation should be decreased. In order to improve the robustness of the solution to perturbations, a more accurate vehi- cle model should be developed and a more accurate atmospheric model should be used. However, these improvements may increase the solution time. Thus, in order to continue this analysis on the real-time application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to the Common Aero Vehicle a detailed comparison of both the execution time and the solution accuracy should be conducted. 135 [This page intentionally left blank.] Chapter 7 Conclusions 7.1 Summary The United States desires space-based global strike capabilities. Global strike refers to the ability to project power anywhere on the globe from the continental United States in short notice. This desire leads to the development of new vehicles which involve space launch and Earth re-entry. This thesis considered the use of the Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) as the Earth re-entry vehicle. Furthermore, the Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) considered is an unpowered bank-to-turn high lift-to-drag ratio Earth penetrating re-entry vehicle. The natural behavior of the vehicle conflicted with the behavior required to satisfy the terminal conditions for striking HDBTs. As the vehicle neared the target, the demands on the guidance and control systems increased greatly. In order to maintain control flexibility, it was desirable to determine a trajectory and control in which the control margin was maximized. The CAV mission design problem was to steer the CAV from a completely specified initial condition to a partially specified terminal state on the surface of the Earth such that a performance index is minimized and the constraints imposed on the vehicle are satisfied. This resulted in an optimal control problem. A solution to the optimal control problem was obtained using a direct Legendre Pseudospectral Method. The Legendre Pseudospectral Method discretizes 137 the optimal control problem at the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto points and the resulting NLP is solved using one of the many available software programs. The resulting Common Aero Vehicle NLP has both linear and nonlinear inequality and equality constraints and a sparse Jacobian. SNOPT is a general purpose solver that takes advantage of the sparsity of the problem and thus, it was used to obtain a solution to the NLP. The steps required to obtain a solution to the Common Aero Vehicle optimal control problem via the Legendre Pseudospectral Method were explained in detail. Also included was an analysis to determine the number of nodes to use in order to obtain an accurate solution. Another analysis involved in setting up the numerical optimization problem was the choice of weighting factors in the performance index that maximize the control margin. Thus, the generation of a trajectory and control was discussed in terms of the desired vehicle performance as well as the accuracy of the solution obtained. Once the optimization setup was completely defined, the key features of the trajectory and control were noted to better understand the Common Aero Vehicle. A parametric optimization study was then conducted to demonstrate the application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to vehicle design. The minimum allowable dynamic pressure, maximum allowable stagnation point heat load, and maximum lift-to-drag ratio were varied independently to determine their effects on the trajectory and control. Finally, a preliminary study assessed the real-time application of the Legen- dre Pseudospectral method to the Common Aero Vehicle optimal control problem in terms of the accuracy of the solution. This was done by simulating the actual flight of a Common Aero Vehicle. An environment model was used to update the state of the vehicle and the state was then used to update the control history. This process repeated until the optimizer could no longer find an optimal solution. At this point an open-loop simulation was used to fly the vehicle. The open-loop simulation integrated the equations of motion using the most recent control until the vehicle impacted the Earth. Included in this last analysis was the effect of model uncertainties on the ability of the control to steer the 138 vehicle to a specified target on the surface of the Earth. In both cases with and without uncertainties, the accuracy of the solution was assessed by calculating the resulting terminal error in position and speed. 7.2 Conclusions The Legendre Pseudospectral Method is capable of solving a complex optimal control problem. The trajectory and control generated using 100 nodes satisfied the strict accuracy requirements associated with the Common Aero Vehicle. Furthermore, the performance of the Common Aero Vehicle was optimized by maximizing the control margin. Maximizing the control margin refers to keeping the angle of attack near the middle of its corridor, minimizing the maximum angle of attack, and keeping the control rates small. The value of the performance index were used as a direct measure of the control margin corresponding to the optimal solution. The terminal constraints are the driving force behind the characteristics of the trajectory and control for the Common Aero Vehicle. The vehicle initially increased in altitude which resulted from the need to satisfy the range requirements. At each local maximum in altitude the density constraint became active. A minimum allowable density constraint was imposed to prevent the vehicle from escaping the Earth's atmosphere and to maintain control authority. Furthermore, the vehicle steered out of plane 410 km and traveled farther downtrack than the target. Thus, it actually approached the target from behind. While the performance index kept the angle of attack near the middle of its corridor throughout most of the trajectory, the angle of attack reached a maximum value near the end of flight. This resulted from the need to meet the terminal conditions on the speed and flight path angle. The terminal flight path angle also drove the bank angle to -180 deg. In order to obtain a flight path angle of -89.9 deg, the vehicle must approach the target with negative lift. Negative lift was generated by rotating the vehicle upside-down, which corresponds to a bank 139 angle of -180 deg. In order to better understand the behavior of the Common Aero Vehicle, the minimum allowable dynamic pressure, maximum allowable heat load, and maximum lift-to-drag ratio were varied. In each case where the dynamic pressure constraint was varied the local maxima in altitude corresponded to the points where the dynamic pressure constraint was active. Since the dynamic pressure constraint is a function of altitude and speed, as the minimum allowable dynamic pressure increased, the initial increase in altitude decreased and the speed decreased at a slower rate. The stagnation point heat load is also a function of altitude and speed. In each case where the maximum allowable heat load constraint was imposed, the optimizer yielded a solution in which the vehicle hit its upper limit on heat load. As the maximum allowable heat load decreased, the vehicle skipped through the atmosphere more and approached the vehicle on a more direct path. The looser the constraint on dynamic pressure and heat load, the larger the control margin. Thus it is desirable to design a vehicle that can not only fly in a low density region while still maintaining control authority, but can withstand a large amount of heat load. The lift-to-drag ratio corresponds to the maneuverability of the vehicle and had an insignificant effect on the trajectory and control. Nonetheless, the value of the performance index indicated that the higher the lift-to-drag ratio (the more maneuverable the vehicle) the larger the control margin. In terms of the real-time application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to the Common Aero Vehicle optimal control problem, a preliminary study was conducted. Without perturbations in the simulation environment, the position error was roughly 14 m and the speed error was well within the range of the required accuracy. These results are impressive considering the distance that the vehicle is traveling and the stressing terminal conditions imposed. This indicates that the Legendre Pseudospectral Method shows promise for the use in real-time and that a more detailed analysis involving the optimizer used in the closed-loop simulation and the integration scheme used in the open-loop simulation must 140 be conducted for a more conclusive assessment. The robustness of the solution was also considered in terms of the application of the Legendre Pseudospectral Method to the Common Aero Vehicle optimal control problem. The mass, liftto-drag ratio, and density in the environment model were perturbed and the resulting accuracy was considered along with the computational performance. The solution was the most sensitive to a negative perturbation in the lift-to- drag ratio followed closely behind with any deviation in the density. It was also seen that the shorter the open-loop simulation, the smaller the terminal error in position. 141 [This page intentionally left blank.] Appendix A Notation 1. If a e R"Y and b E R, the following notation represents term-by-term multiplication on vectors ab= ai a1 bi a2 a2 b2 a3 a3 b 3 an anbn and the same holds true for division. 2. A diagonal matrix is denoted by (-) as shown below. (1)= 1 0 0 ... 0 0 1 0 --- 0 0 0 1 -.. 0 - - -- 0 --- 1 3. Square brackets are used to indicate a matrix. For example, [0] is a matrix of zeros. However, in some instances, square brackets may represent a row or column "matrix". The matrix dimensions should be obvious based on the context. 143 [This page intentionally left blank.] Appendix B Matrix Derivatives The rules listed in this appendix pertain to the matrix manipulations used to calculate derivatives. These rules are used to calculate the analytic Jacobian and objective gradient. First, the matrix which results from taking the derivative of one vector with respect to another vector is defined. Second, the chain rule is used to generalize the rule for differentiating the multiplication of two vectors with respect to a common vector. The term common vector refers to the fact that both vectors in the multiplication are a function of the same vector. Consider the following two vectors with different lengths: y E Rm and x C R". Taking the derivative of y with respect to x results in the following m x n matrix: dy = dx dy 1 dy 1 dy 1 dy dx 1 dx dx 3 dxn 2 1 dy 2 dy 2 dy 2 dy dx dx2 dX 3 dxn dym dym dym dym dx dx dx dxn 1 1 2 3 2 (B.1) Now consider two vectors with the same length, a c R" and b c Rm. Define the vector y c Rm to be the term-by-term multiplication of a and b. Using the notation defined in Appendix A, y can be written as: y = ab 145 (B.2) Furthermore, assume that a and b are both functions of x E Rn. In order to determine the derivative of y with respect to x, the chain rule must be used. da1 db 1 bi+ aid da2 db 2 b + a2 dx1 2 dx 1 dy dx da1 b + db1 dx2 dx 2 da2 dx 2 dbm dam dxi dx 2 dam dx 1 da 1 dxn da2 dxn b2 + a 2 db2 dx 2 dam b dxn dbm +am dx db 1 dxn db2 dxn 2 +mdbm +am~~ dxn(I (B.3) Rewriting the matrix above as the sum of two matrices, the following is obtained: - b2 dy dx da1 da1 dx1 dx b2 dx 1 dxn b 2 da2 2 dx2 dxn dam bmdam bmdx1 dx dbi dx1 - bi dal a2 +± db 2 a 2 dx dx 1 dbm bdam mdx _ 2 _ adx db1 ~ dxn db ai dx 1 dx2 db 2 1 aid db2 azd dxn, 2 dbm adn dbm am dx 2 (B.4) dy Splitting each matrix in B.4 into the multiplication of two matrices d, can be dx rewritten as: bi 0 dy 0 0 --- 0 0 b2 0-- 0 0 0 a1 0 0 0 0 a2 0 0 0 0 0 da1 dx 1 da2 dx1 da1 da1 dx 2 dx 3 2 dx da 2 dx dx +± --- - bm am da 2 3 dam dam dam dx1 dx2 dx 3 dbi db1 db 1 dx 1 dx2 dx 3 db 2 db 2 db2 dx 1 dx 2 dx 3 dbm dbm dbm dx 1 dx dx 2 3 da 1 dxn da 2 dxn dam dxn dbi dxn db 2 dxn (B.5) dbm dxn Using the notation defined in Appendix A, the matrix equation in B.5 can be 146 condensed to the following form: dx (b) d + (a) dx dx 147 (B.6) [This page intentionally left blank.] Appendix C Constraint Jacobian and Objective Gradient Derivation This appendix defines the constraint Jacobian and objective gradient of the CAV mission design problem used in this thesis. The notation defined in Appendix A and the rules set forth in Appendix B are used. 149 C.1 Constraint Jacobian acx acx ay ax aC ax ax ac, ax acx acx acx az avx v acy acy y acy ay az vx- avy acz acz acz acz acz ay az avx avy acx ac, acx acvx ay acx avx az acey ay acoz ay aca az acovz aC ac ac, ac, acr ax ax acV ay ay aCq ax aCa ax acQ acoz avy aca Vx az ay acv aCq acoz az az acQ ac, aCy acy acy ae acx ae aca avy acQ acQ aca aCa avz ae aca aT a0 acr acr avz avz aca aCa acQ ax ay az acy acy acy acy avz acy ax ay z vx av-y avz v aCq v av ua a- aa aCa acr Toac, av aCq aua au acuz aue aca au ac, ac(7 aua acr aua au, acr u, acv acV at5 acz atj acvx atj at5 acoz ataca atf acJ atf acr atf ac, a, ana uT, aCq aCq atf aCq aCa aca aCa aco ao- aua aCa tf Cvy c acvy acy aca Oac( ac, avz v c y ao- aa v ac, au acz au ac.x au aua aca acy v v aua ac x a acvz aCq ac, Jo- ac,, a0- avz acoz acvy aU(T ana acz 0 acz acvy a- aua acvz acoz v aCq avx avx acy ac acz v ae avy ac, acv acv aCq ac acx avz avx az ay acr avx acv aCq acQ avx acr az acv ay avy vx acr acx Dua ac, j0- c avz acz avz avy aCa az acr ax az aca ay avy acx a ac,,y acvy acuz acvy avx ax actz ax aca ax aJac ac acx T, DVz au7 aae acQ aacQ aua acQ acQ au atj atf a- 7- aua -u-l atf acy acy acy acy acy 7a - auT, atj o ua _ (C.1) Partial Derivatives of Cx Constraint Cx = DNX - aCx ax a_ aCx acc = DN [01 = ay acx az (C.2) tfto)vx ao- [0] = [0] = [0] x [0] 0acx [0] ___= aCx avx acx av, aCx ___= - (tf,-to au,, (C) au, ac [0] atf [0] avz 150 _ 1 2 = -- [vx (C.3) Partial Derivatives of C, Constraint CY = DNY- acy ax acy ay acy az acy avx = [0] = DN = [0] = [0] acy t2to)V ac, aua acy = [0] = [0] = [0] (C.5) au" acy 0] - auf (t5 - to () - (C.4) vy 1 2 at5 acy avz [0] = Partial Derivatives of C, Constraint Cz = DNZ acz acz az [0] - = 2 t DN (C.6) vz acz ac( acz ao acz = [0] ax ay acz - [0] = [0] - = [0] (C.7) acz avz - [0] = [0] au" acz atf 0] - -I 2[vz] (t5 -to)() = Partial Derivatives of Cx Constraint Cvx = DNVx tf - ( to Dx + Lx + gx + 2wvy + w2] 151 (C.8) acvx ax acvx ay acox az acvx acvx (t5 _ - to) (aDx /\ax 2 (tf /aDx 2 to 2) )x ax / C Lx+ agx ay ay/ a Lx agx )z az/ J\az 2 +aLx _ _ / ( 5 - to \ 2 / \ 2 Dx av a Dxav t5-t0 /\avz _ _ tf-toDx acvx am o )\aa 2 (t5-to) acvx a o 2 - au" = atf agx \ay (t5 - to) /aDx acvx av avz acvx acvx aLx aDx (\ao + agx av, v agx + 2w )Lx vy avy Lx agx z avz Lx Nvz (C.9) agx Of aa/ aLx agx af/ av [0] [0] =-[Dx+Lx+gx+2wvy + ozX] Partial Derivatives of Coy Constraint Coy = DNVy - to D 152 +L + gy - 2wvx + w2y] (C.10) acvy ax / - to S(t K \2 acVY (tj -to) ay acvy + a L, ax x aDy a L, (tjt~)KaDy az 2 acvy avx \t2 t acvy avy acvy DN - az/ agy } avy avy avy )\aD a x ag, - 2w avx L, ag, avz avz/ a L, agy z Of aa/ L, ar agy [D+Ly +gy--2wvx+W 2 aD, aa acv (t-t atj ag, )z aLy 2 act5 aL, av f - t5 -to) - ay ) aa acVy +gy y av - to )D 2 aua ax/ Kvx \2 (t f S avz au, i ay 2 az ag, )K aDy or (c. 11) au/ [0] acoy - [0] = 2y yY Partial Derivatives of Coz Constraint Coz = DNVz tf 2 to) [Dz + Lz + gz] 153 (C.12) acvz (t5-to)K/aDz ax ) \ax \2 acvz ay \ 2 acvz _ 2( } acz Jvx \ 2 ) avy acvz _~~~ \ _2( 5- t } acvz au acvz _~ \ 2 = ( ac t 2 ay/ / Dz + agz \az + aLz az az/ /aDz \avx + aLz + agz\ avx avx + aLz + agz\ Dz avy avy avy/ aDz +L i t5-t \2 = DN - ay ay } ( t5- to); \ avzc K aDz + aLz + agz ( tf- to); _ + agz + aLz ax ax/ ) \ iJvz Jvz agz avz/ (C.13) DzLz + agz ~~ ( 5-oa + \aa ) ±a ax/ /aDz + aLz + agz \ao Jo a Jo/ [0] = = [0 ] - [Dz + Lz + gz] Partial Derivatives of C, Constraint C, acx ax = DNa - S [0] acta S [0] ay acaf = [0] az acta [0] avx ac actx av7 S(0] = ac t - 2 = ac a tj [0] 154 [0] tf - to 2 aca au" aua (C.14) DN = ac aci to u (C.15) = [0] 1 [ 2 Partial Derivatives of C, Constraint t Ccr= DNO - to 2 = [0] [0] x acc a [0] = DN - [0] =[0] az 3Co, 10] aucT [0] ac tj - to 2 avx aCo- avy (C.16) U (C.17) 1 atf 2 - [0] avz Don Partial Derivatives of Position Constraint Cr = X 2 +y 2 +z 2 (C.18) aCr =KX) a~r aCr ay [0] aCr [0] - aCr [0] az r au" aCr aCr av, aCr av2 aCr = Cr ac at5 -101 [0] = [0] = (C.19) = [0] = [0] [0] Partial Derivatives of Speed Constraint Co= v2, + v2 + v 155 (C.20) ax a f -- [0] ac -[0] C [0] acV 0 3C, ay azV u = [0] az /vx aCV ac. (C.21) aCV \ avx [0] _ av, \v 3CV avz |vz\ au, - [0] a - [0] atf \v/ Partial Derivatives of Dynamic Pressure Constraint Cq (C.22) = 1pv2 = v2 a = V2 = [0] _ = 1V)v2 = [0] a_ aC4 avx - aCq (pv) av, _C avz (pv) = av avx aC4qC.3 au, = [0] av at5 av, 0 (pv) av avz Partial Derivatives of Sensed Acceleration Constraint Ca = L 2 +1D2 156 (C.24) aL aCa ax aCa ay a az KD\ 3D KD) aK~ a \a/ aCa \a az aCa aca aca aua aCa aua ay azL \a av, \a/ avz avz aKD) av, + + aCa 'a atf ()a [0] = [0] (C.25) aD aCa av, aca aL Ca [0] = [0] aD D 3D /D\ \ai/av Partial Derivatives of Total Heat Load Constraint Ca = to) N k =O LK 157 () Pk Po 3.s51 Wk /2( Vk ) 3 /2 Ve I5 J g (C.26) 1/2 acQ ax aCQ 2 P Po 12 W ap ax 1/2 ay K 2 aCQ az aCQ Po p- 2/1 3 1/2 ( -1 2 ~2 p 1 12 po) tK - to12 1 )3 is v \PO) v ) ap .is az v 2.1 5 W / v aCQ -tv12.poiw t t - to avy aCQ aCQ aua aCQ aur aCQ 1 2. av (C.27) [0] [0] [0] = = - [0] 0] 1/2 a tf P 2 = Vk )3.15 7) (,~L\PO) jI Partial Derivatives of Terminal Flight Path Angle Constraint Cy rf -Vf (C.28) rfvf XfVx,f + Yf Vy,f + ZfVz,f rfvf 158 (C.29) acy axf vx,frfvf - (xfvx,f + yfvy,f + zfv z ,f)( rf /axf)vf (rfvf )2 acy Vy,5rfvf - (xJvx,f + yfvy,f + zJvz,5)( r/ ayf yf )vf (rfvf ) 2 acy vz,frfvf - (Xfvx,f + Yfvy,f + zfvz,f)(arf /azf)vf azj (rfvf )2 acy avx,5 xfrfv5 - (xJVx,f + Yfvy,f + zfvz,f )rf (arf/avx,f) (rfvf) 2 acy yfrfvf - (xfVx,f + YJVy,f + ZfVz,f)rf (aVf/avy,5) (rfvf )2 avy,f ZfrfVf acy avz,5 acxj = [0] acy = [0] ac a tf )rf(aVf5/aVz,f) (rfvf)z a5f acy aaU a,f o-f (XfVx,f + YfVy,5 + ZfVZ,f - (C.30) = [0] = [0] = [0] Partial Derivatives of r r = ar x+ rx ax z y+ ar o 2 (C.31) - (0] - [0] ar ay \r / a0 ar [0] r aO r ar [0] avx ar [0] ar avy avz aua = atf [0] 159 (C.32) = [0] = [0] Partial Derivatives of p p = po exp- ap ax ap _ ar/ax - H ap aaf (p) ar/ay () _ ay ap H ap avz (C.34) ap = [0] au = [0] =01at5 at ap avy = [0] aua ap av, 10 air = ar/az az [0] = ap H ap (C.33) (r-Re)IH = [0] ap =[0] 0 0 _ [0] =_ Partial Derivatives of v v = vV+v2,+v ± S (0] av ay ay av = av av 30- = [0] = [0] av az aua av av avz [0] 0] - =0] [ (C.36) av Ivx\ v \v / av (C.35) - [0] av _ Partial Derivatives of CL CL CL,O(a 160 (C.37) aCL -01 a aCL aCL = [0] ay (f aCL [0] acr aCL aCL az aCL aua avx, -(CL, a [0] [ (C.38) [0] =[] aCL au, [0] [0] aCL [0] aCL avy aCL tx) at avz, Partial Derivatives of CD aCD aCD [0] ax [0] ay aCL aCL [0] a0- aCL aCL az aCL= [0 [0] aua = [0] a 0 [0] [ acL au avx a L (2KCL) aca aCL avy aCL (C.39) CDO + KC CD atf (C.4) = [0 avz D = 12 2 pv2SCD 161 (C.41) Partial Derivatives of Drag Magnitude 1 D ax V2 K1v2SCD9 2 1V2SCD) ap K az aD (PSCD) aD av, ___ = (PSCD) / 1 ~ a az 2 avvx D _p ax ap ay 2 aD ay \ vSCD) aD aor [0] aD [0] Ju,, av aD a au, av aD av, t 2\ pv aCD o (C.42) [0] Partial Derivatives of Lift Magnitude LL= I al, 1 2 PV 2 SCL ap K /ax 2 KLI ap K2Iv2SCLav/az ax 2SCL aL \2 al, AL av, av - avy aL av, a / ap az / 1 2S aCL \ 2 PaV [0] - al au, [0] -[0 (C.44) aL au, (PSCL) av, (PSCL) _ ac, aL i2SCL ay (C.43) av aL av, atif av at (pSCLav =v (pSCL)av [0] Partial Derivatives of Gravity g = gxex + gyey + gzez (C.45) Partial Derivatives of gx gx= - 162 x (C.46) agx agx ax _ \r3/ agx ay agx _ agx avy agx - agx /ay 3px \ ar Kr4 / az ao agx [0] agx aua au, _ - [0] - [0] av2 agf <3px\ ar r4 az ag, avx agx +p( rpx\ ar 4 ax ax at5 - [0] = [0] - [0] - [0] (C.47) [0] Partial Derivatives of gy gy = K3piy /ax\ r 3Ay) K-b K3y ar r4 ag, r4 ax agy ay agy -~~ r4 az agy agy agy = [0] = [0] = [0] /az (C.48) y agy a; ag agy [0] [0] auo ag au" [0] agy [0] atj [0] (C.49) Partial Derivative of gz gz = -z 163 (C.50) (yz\ agz agz ar / ax /3pz\ ar 4 r lay ax r agz ay ag 4 az K-r3)\rH/az p + (3pz ar aa agz aug agz [0] agz avx agz avy au = agz agz [0] atf = [0] = [0] = [0] (C.51) [0] - = [0] [0] avz Partial Derivatives of Drag D = Dxex + Dyey + Dzez (C.52) Dx = D vx (C.53) Partial Derivatives of Dx vx aDx V aDv ax aDx aDx avx aDx avy aDx avz = aDx V - ~~Kvx~a! azV au" vx D +D v avx vx aD V avy (vx) D V avz [0] avr D vx _Dvx av v V2 ovx Dvx) -- --av--v2 avy aDx aua aDx a t5 D \V aa( aia aDx ax aDx ay aDx az /vx\ [0] (C.54) - [0] - [0] Dvx) av v2 avz Partial De rivatives of Dy Dy = D 164 Y (C.55) aDy ax aD, ay aD az aDy ax \v/ Kv aD, vy aD aDv\a (v y a \V/ az aD vy\ avy \v/ aDy avy aD, v /avy avz V _ Dv \v2 avx / v \ -vy- + /D) avz V2 / av KDvy\ av \v/ /vy) a ~\v /B aa _Dvy v2 aDc [0] aua aDy au, [0] (C.56) = [0] = [0] aD av a tf /avy Partial Derivatives of Dz (C.57) Dz = D V V aDz ax aDz ay aDz az aDz avx aDz avy vz v aD aDz ax Ba aDz vz aD a- vz aD-V az aD vz V avx - (vz- aDV avy aa vz = [0] = [0] = [0] aDz aua Dvz avx Dvz av avy v2 aDz au, av-- v2 aDz at aD (C.58) [0] aDz avz vvz aD / avz D V Dvz\ av v2 avz Partial Derivatives of Lift L = Lxex + Lye, + Lzez Partial Der ivatives (C.59) of Lx Lx = L (sinOw 2 ,x 165 + cos uw 3 ,x) (C.60) Lx ax aL (sin o-w2,x ALx ay aL Lx az Lx - ax ay - - + COS avy aL (sin o-w2x + COS 'Nvz avz, aL aL (sincow W3,x ( + (sin 0-) ' (L (cos -w 2,x - sinow 3 ,x)) = [0] = [0] = [0] aL ± aw2, aw ,x ((sin 0-) 2 (L) / (cos o-) (Cos-) ±(COS ' a a' aw3v ) awsx) 7) + (cos o-) a y, (sin (-) (L) ,x + cos w 3,x) + (L) 2 + (cos) (y -Ws,x) + (L) = aLx atf az (sin o-w2,x aL (sin-w ,x + cos o-w3,x) + 2 - aua aua (sin o) a (sin o-w2,x + Cos o-w3,x) + (L) (sinow 2 ,x + cos o-w3,x) + (L) ((sin av2 aL~ aL aL, aL (sin -) a ' + (cos a) + COS -W3,x) + (L) aw2 ,x + (cos) ac (sin-)a (C.61) Partial Derivatives of Ly Ly = L (sin Uw 2,y + cos -w3, y) 166 (C.62) + cos Uw 3,y) + ( L) ((sin a) a' =(sin-w2,y aLy aL a-ay ay aLy (sinow2,y + cos o-w 3 ,y) + ( L) aL (sinow 2 ,y + cos o-w 3,y) az = aL (sin-w 2 ,y aLy ± (L) aLy ((sin -) av, a +(cos ) -) ay + (cos 0-) azf + (cosa) a + (cos 0-) ay) + (cos-) aw 3 y ) + (cos) a ) 3 ,y)) [0] au" aLy [0] au, aLy atf ( (sin g-) avy + (L) (sin o) (sinaw 2 ,y + cos o-w 3,y) (L (cos O-w2 ,y - sin-w ao- (L) ((sin a-) av + cos w 3,y) + (L) (sin0-w2 ,y + cos w 3 ,) A y + ( L) (sin -) az aw 2y (sin-w2,y + cosow 3 ,y) + avy (sin -) + (cos-) a' = [0] (C.63) Partial Derivatives of Lz Lz = L (sinUw2,z + cos -w3, z) 167 (C.64) aLz aL ax aLz ay ax aLz aL ay (sin o-w2 ,2 + cos 0-w3 ,z) + az - (cos a-) axz + (cos a) aw3 z) (sin-w 2 ,2 + (L) (sin -) aw 2z + cos O-w3,z) (sino-w 2 ,z + cos O-w3,z) az (L) (sin- + (L) +-(cos a) az (sin a-) aw aLz az + (cos 0-) awz - avx aLz aL2 L - aLz aaz aLz au aLz aL - (sin o-) (sin0-w2,z + cos w 3,z) + (L) (sin o-) [0] au, = [0] at1 = [0] avy + (cos 0-) 2,z - sinw a)z + (cos a) aw 3,z + Waw 2 z + (cos0-) (sinow 2 ,z + cos ow3 ,z) +±(L)(sina a-a' = (L (cos-w = aL (sin-w2,z + cos a-w 3 ,z) + (L) V a' 3 ,z)) (C.65) Partial Derivatives of the Unit Direction wi v V (C.66) Partial Derivatives of wi,x wi,x = 168 vx v (C.67) awlx ax [0] - "awi,x ay awi,x az [0] = = [0] awix awx_ [0] ao [0] aua vx = [0] av aw,x [0 v2 avx V Kx) v av au, awl,x [0] V2 av, atf Kx) av avy aw,x aa awi,x 1 avx awix - avz (C.68) \V2 / avz Partial Derivatives of wi,y wyy aiy= ax (C.69) {0]aw~ aa awi,y = 0 =__ = [0] wi,y=[0 [0] = 'w~ = [0] 'w~ = [0] az aw)y Jvx V2/ awi,y _1 avy V [0] av aua awi,y vx au, vy) av V2 awi,y vyy vz \ V2/ avy awi,y atj [0] (C.70) - [0] av avz Partial Derivatives of wiz wi,z = Vz 169 (C.71) aw, ax aw, ay awl,z az aw, = [0] = [0] = [0] awl,z acx awi,z ao awl,z vz avx v vz avy v 2 2 aua av avx aw,z av avy awi,z auf. at; = [0] = [0] = [0] (C.72) [0] [0] 1\I - vz\ av Partial Derivatives of Unit Direction w 2 r x v (C.73) ||r x vil = (C.74) w2,xex + w2,yey + w2,zez Yvz W2,x = - (C.75) v z )2 + (xvy - yVx) (ZV S(Yvz - ZV) zvy 2 zvx - xvz w 2 ,y = + (zvx - XVz) 2 + (XVy - Yvx) 2 V(yvz - zvy)2 + (zvx - XVz) 2 + (XvY - yvx) 2 j(Yvz - zvY) 2 W2,z = 170 (C.76) (C.77) Partial derivative Of W2,x aW2,X, zvY) [vY (xv [ (yvz -zV Y)2 + (ZVX yVZ _ ax aW2 ,x [(yvz - zVY) 2+ (ZVX XVZ) 2 ± (XVY - yvx) 2 ] )2]1/ 2/ VZ) 2 + (XVY -yVx - zvY) 2 + (ZVX Vz [(YVz ay - xvI)]I Vz XV) 2 + (XVy -yVx )2]31/2/ YVx) - - - - K(YVz -zVY) [(yvz -VY [VZ (yvz - ZVY) - VX (xvY - yVx)] 2 3 2 2 2± (ZVX - XVZ) + (XVY - YVx ) ] / az~ ZVY) - 2 aW2,x avx ___x \ +-(ZVX -V) + - (ZVX - zVY) [z(zvx ~- ( ~(YVz - zvY) 2 + (ZVX- 2 XVZ) - zVY)[Ivx(zvx [(yvz av 2 K(yv (yv = 2± Z _XVZ) - Y2+ KVy[ (Yvz aW2, xvz) XVZ) xVz) - - 2 - x (XVY i + (XV y 3 YVx ) ] / 2 - Vy (YVz + (XVY Y(XV XIVz) ± (XVY 2 zvY)]I - 2 3 2 ] / -yVX) yYvx)]I 2 yVx) 2 ]3 1 yVx) 2 ] XV) 2 ± (XVY -Z[(YV -zzV Y)2 ± (ZVX 2 2 yVx) 2 ] 31 XVz) + (XVY [(yv z -ZVY) 2 + (ZV, / (C.78) -( yVz-zv)[X(XVy-YVxVZ(YVz-ZVy)l 2 + (XVY - yx zV)2+ (ZVX - XVZ) - KY[(vz-zV avX - (YVz [ (YVz - + (ZVX - XVZ) -ZVy)[Y(YVz ±V) = [0] aW2,x - [0] 2 -zvy) (ZVXXVZ) aua aw 2,x 2 ±+(XVY Y) 2±+(ZVX -XZ) zvY) 2 K( [(yvz au, / / / [ (yvz aw, / a tf 171 + (XVY -x(zv 2 + (XV - _x) 2 yVx) - v 2 ] 3 2 / xv)] X) V2]312/ Partial derivative Of w 2 ,y ____y _ ax Vz [(yVz -ZVY) +(ZVX -XVZ) 2 +(XV-yVx)2 ~ [(yvz - ZV y)2 +±(ZVx - wz) 2 ±+(XVYy-yVX)2]I2/ /(zvx - xvz)[Ivy (xv \(yvZ -zvY) aW2,y _ ay / az [(yVz - ZV y) f\zvx \(yvz 2 -ZVY) - - 2 - ± (zv, xvz) [V (yvz [(y~z - ZV y)I +(ZVX Kvx [(yVz aW2 ,y 2 - yvx) xVi) ] XV) 2± (XVY - yVx) 2 P/3 avx - / zvy) - vx (xvY - yvx)] VZ) 2 ±+(xvy -yv )2]3/2/ + (ZV 2 XV) 2 +±(ZVx -XVZ) xvz) IV,,(zvx ±V) (ZVX + (XVi - yVx) 2 ] ±+(XV yv)2]32/ xvz) - Vy (Yvz -XV) 2 ± (XVi z [ (YvZ - zvY) 2 + (ZVX ~(yv 2 - ZV )2 ± (ZVX -XVZ) aW,<y V Z - ±V) 2 K(zv (XVY ±+ (XV - - ZVO)I YVx )2 ] 3 /2 / yVx) 2 ] / y yVx) 2] 3 /2 -xVY 2 [z(ZVX XVZ) 2Y+(XV yYVx) 2]3/ - (V K avy(yvz K avz aW2 ,y aW2,y ±V) (ZVX - /(zvx ZVy ) 2 - 2 XVZ) 2 + (XVy -yVx) 2] + (ZVX + (ZVX - xVz) [Y(YVz \(YV z- ZVY) 2 + (ZVX , [0] -W , [0] iTou 20]- 10 au" -W, [0] -W, [0] au, at YX -z xII(yvz - zVY) -W - xVz)Ix (xvY - YVx) - z (yv zV I - ZV y)2 ± (ZVX - XVZ) 2 + (XV ~yVX) 2 ] 3 /2 I(yv - act ± (XVY XVZ) 172 XV) 2 + (XVY - zvY) -XVZ) - 2 yvx )2]3/2/ x (ZVX - XVI) ] ± (XVY~ - yV ]/ / (C.79) (.9 Partial derivative of w2,,z DW2,z ax ~[(yvz - zv~) 2 + (ZVX - K(xvi [(yVz aW2, XV) 2 - - zVY) + (ZVX -XVZ) 2 ± XV) (ZVX - K(xvY ~~(YVz -ZVX) 3 2 + az (I (YvK 2 ± -zvY) - (ZVX ±VY 2 Y I(YV -zVy) 2 + [(YVz - zvY) ____z avx K aW2z ____ - XVZ) 2 + (XVi - XVZ) 2 + (xviy XVZ) (ZVX + (ZV, 2 ± - XVZ) yx)]/ YVx )2]3/ 2 + (XVY (XVX - yVx) 2 ] yvx )2]3/2 )/2 -XVZ) (YVz K K avz K aW2, 2 zV ) 2±+(ZVxXVZ) yv) Iy(xvz (xvi-Y (Yvz zvY) - - 2 ± - yv) (ZVX - xV) 101(~z 2 z~ a[0] aor aux aW 2,z 2 - yYVx)I - xVz) -y (XVy YVx) Y -Z)2+(V XZ2+(V y)]3/ (xvi - yvx) Iz(zvx 2 + (XVY _ yvx)2 ] 1 / ±VY (ZVX [(YVz 2 (C.80) (XVy YVX)l zV y 2 (ZV -XVZ) [(YVz aW 2 ,z (ZVX (XVy - yvx) 2 ] 3/ 2/ - xvx -yvx)[Vz (yvz - zvY) [(Yvz yv )2]3/2/ (XVY - ± XVz)] YVx)[Vy (Xvy -YVx) -v2 (zvx 2 31 / 2 + (ZVX - XVZ) 2 ± (XV, ] yVx) ZVY) 2+ (xv , -yVx) 2] 2 VxK -vI(yvz ay 2] Kv[(yVz - ZVY) (~XV,) 2 ±+(XVYyX) [ 0] au, a tj 173 + (XVY YVx) - x(z + - xzv)] (XVY - yx ~z~-x) 2 3 2 ] Partial Derivatives of Unit Direction w 3 W3 = (C.81) Wi X W 2 (wl,yw2,z - wi,zw 2 ,y)ex + (wl,zw2,x - wi,xw 2 ,z)ey + (w,xw 2 ,y - y Partial Derivatives of W3,x (C.83) W3,x = Wl,yW2,z - Wl,zW 2 ,y aw3,x ax - Ow3,x - ay aw3,x az ax wi,y W2,z Wly ayWi,y - - ax w2,y W, - ay avx avy Ovx - aW3, Ovz au, aw3,x a t; vx w2,z + aw 2 ,zvywi,y w2,z + w2 , vy aw- Wl,y ~ avx avx W2,y vx - vy w2,y - aw awl wl,y - vy vx vy wl,z wl,z _w2,y w 2 ,y vy Wl,z (C.84) [0] auo aw,x aw3,x au" aw3,x W2,z ± -wl2y aws,x w l ,z wl__z ___wly - wl,z [0] = [0] [0] [0] Partial Derivatives of w 3 ,y W3,y = Wl,zW2,x - W1,xW2,z 174 (C.85) aW 2 ,x aw3,y aw2,2 ax ax ax aw 2,2 _wzx ay , 1,z ay aW3,y ~ ay ay ay az W1z- W2,x aW3,y avx avx aW3,y av, avx = W1,x + W2,x aw 2 ,x 1, aW + [W1,z z 'W2,x + W2,x vy aw, - -W1,z vx v, WWx± aw1 avx avz aW2,z W2,x -~ aW3,'y W1,X vx _____ NN2,z - a vy W1, ~ w1,-W2,z vy vx W, w1,x W2,z W1,x W2,z~ - w1,x W, v, - W2,z vy w1,x (C.86) aW3,y aua aw3,y a o- aw3,y au, = [0] = [0] = [0] aW3,y au, a3,y = [0] at5 Partial Derivatives of W3,z W3,z = Wl,xW2,y - W1,yW2,x 175 (C.87) aW2,y Wx aW3,z ax aW3,z W2,.x - ay -w1,x ay aW3,z aW 2 ,y - az 3 ax - W2,y Wx ay aW - W2,x W~ ax - ,z avx -aw = = [0] = [0] = [0] = [0] aw3, ay + 1,~~ avxW, w~ avx W2,xwy - ay aW1 ,x W vx v + w2,y + w1,x W2,x - - i~ vi; WJ~ vx vx wi,x W , - vy vy w2,x - w 2,x - Wi,y vY aW2,x W~ (C.88) vi; wiy [0] aty Objective Gradient Fgrad C.2 aF [ aF aF aF aF aF aF aF aF aF ay aZ avx avy Ovz o au" au- atff aof a& 1 (C.89) Objective Gradient N F = tf 2-to - Wk'k 2 k=O Fk1 0max /2! /2 2 + k2 ( Ua,k (Uamax) 176 ± k3 Uo-,k \Uo-,max 2 (C.90) aF aF = [0] = [0] = [0] aF aF [0] aF aF av, aF aua aF aua, aF = [0] = [0] = (tf - to)ki = [0] = (t5 - to)k (C.91) w Oax& Uxl w 2 L aor = (t5 - to)k 3 x,max w o-,max L 1 2 10 Wk k1 \ a - Umax /2! 2] 2 2 +k2(Umk) 177 + k3 ( Uo-,max) U-,k [This page intentionally left blank.] Appendix D Initial Guess In order to obtain a solution it is necessary to provide the optimization algorithm with an initial guess. The closer the guess is to the optimal solution, the less time it takes the optimizer to find a solution. However, if a poor initial guess is given, the optimizer may not even converge to an optimal solution. It is often difficult to generate an initial guess for a problem that is being considered for the first time, especially for complex problems. A different formulation of the CAV mission design problem studied in this thesis was actually solved prior to the work completed in this thesis [201. The differences between the problem statements stem from the fact that Ref. [20] formulates the equations of motion in spherical coordinates. The initial guess was taken to be a converged solution computed by applying the Legendre pseudospectral method described in this thesis and SNOPT. The solution uses the same constants stated in Chapter 4 and Table D.1 lists the values of the weighting factors used. Before the converged solution from using spherical coordinates is fed into ki k2 k3 .047597 19.828991 17.846091 Table D.1: Values Used to Generate an Initial Guess 179 the optimizer, the solution must be transformed to ECEF Cartesian coordinates. Coordinate Transformations Let r = (x, y, z) and v = (vx, vy, vz) denote the ECEF Cartesian position and velocity, respectively, of a vehicle. In spherical coordinates the position vector is defined by the geocentric radius r, the Earth relative longitude 0 measured East from the Prime Meridian, and the geocentric latitude <p measured positively North from the equatorial plane. Using Fig. D-1 it is evident that the position is e2e 0 ex Figure D-1: Spherical Representation of Position with Respect to a Cartesian ECEF Coordinate System transformed as x = rcos<cos0 (D.1) y = r cos <p sin 0 (D.2) z = r sin <6 (D.3) The velocity vector is defined by the Earth relative speed v, the Earth relative flight path angle y, and the heading angle (p. The flight path angle is the angle between the plane passing through the vehicle that is perpendicular to the position vector (local horizontal) and the velocity vector. When the velocity vector is above the horizontal, y is positive. The heading angle is positive in the eastward 180 direction. In order to transform the velocity vector, three additional unit vectors er, eo, and ep are defined as r er r eo ee (D.4) ez x r Ilez x r112 (D.5) x eo (D.6) =er As shown in Fig. D-2 , the velocity vector can then be written as Y e, Figure D-2: Spherical Representation of Velocity with Respect to a Set of Axes Defined in the Cartesian ECEF Coordinate System v = v sin yer + v cos y cos peo + v cos y sin qieo (D.7) The resulting transformation matrix from spherical coordinates to Cartesian co- ordinates is denoted by Ts2c where Ts2c = [ er eo e+ ] (D.8) The velocity is transformed as L v sin y vx vy vz = J Ts2c v cos y cos (P v cos y sin (p 181 (D.9) [This page intentionally left blank.] Appendix E Earth Relative Downtrack and Crosstrack This appendix defines the Earth relative downtrack and crosstrack distances. Let ro and vo be the initial position and velocity of a vehicle expressed in Cartesian Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates. The three orthogonal unit vectors, u 1 , u 2 , and u 3 , comprise the downtrack-crosstrack coordinate system and are defined as: The u1 -u 2 U1 = U3 = U2 = ro (E. 1) ro x vo (E.2) Ilrollz ||ro X Vo0ll2 (E.3) u3 x u 1 plane is the Earth relativedowntrack plane and the u 1 -u 3 is the Earth relative crosstrack plane. As shown in Fig. E-1, the downtrack angle is denoted by a while the crosstrack angle is denoted by b. Let r 12 be the projection of the position vector in the Earth relative downtrack plane and r 3 be the component of the position vector in the u3 direction. The downtrack and crosstrack angles 183 U3 U2 U1 Figure E-1: Earth Relative Downtrack Plane and Earth Relative Crosstrack Plane are computed as follows: (b riz a = arccos b =arctan( 11 r31 1 1) - rr 2rIIU 2 (E.4) (E.5) From these angle, the Earth relative downtrack distance d and Earth relative crosstrack distance c are then given as d = Rea (E.6) c = Reb (E.7) where Re is the radius of the Earth. 184 Bibliography [1] Betts, J. T. and Gablonsky, J. M., "A Comparison of Interior Point and SQP Methods on Optimal Control Problems", M&CT-TECH-02-004, Phantom Works Mathematics and Computing Technology, The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, March 2002. [21 Betts, J. PracticalMethods for Optimal Control Using NonlinearProgramming Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, 2001. [3] Bryson, A., and Ho, Y., Applied Optimal Control, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, 1975. [41 Conway, B. A., and Larson, K. 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