Table 35. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Sex, Fall 2008-2014 Number Enrolled Continuation Rates % Continued Continued to 2nd Yr to 3rd Yr Cumulative Graduation Rates % Graduated Graduated Graduated in 4 Yrs in 5 Yrs in 6 Yrs Year Enrolled 2008 Male Female Total 924 880 1,804 75.5% 71.6% 73.6% 64.5% 62.5% 63.5% 30.1% 29.4% 29.8% 50.4% 49.2% 49.8% 54.1% 54.5% 54.3% 2009 Male Female Total 816 817 1,633 70.8% 74.7% 72.7% 59.2% 64.5% 61.8% 27.8% 35.4% 31.5% 44.6% 51.4% 48.0% 49.9% 55.7% 52.8% 2010 Male Female Total 860 887 1,747 70.7% 72.0% 71.4% 62.7% 62.6% 62.7% 31.0% 30.3% 30.6% 47.9% 50.5% 49.2% ₋ ₋ ₋ 2011 Male Female Total 952 961 1,913 64.7% 70.6% 67.7% 56.0% 60.9% 58.5% 28.5% 31.1% 29.8% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 2012 Male Female Total 848 879 1,727 62.9% 63.8% 63.3% 53.9% 57.3% 55.6% 2013 Male Female Total 783 821 1,604 72.5% 71.6% 72.1% 62.1% 59.7% 60.8% 2014 Male Female Total 729 847 1,576 66.0% 69.2% 67.7% Figure 3. 4-Year and 6-Year Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Sex 4 Years Female (n=817) Total (n=1,633) Male (n=816) 6 Years Freshmen Starting Fall 2009 (n=1,633) Male (n=816) Female (n=817) Total (n=1,633) 27.7% 35.4% 31.5% 49.9% 55.7% 52.8% 84 Table 36. Retention and Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Ethnicity, Fall 2008 - Fall2014 Number Enrolled Year Enrolled Continuation Rates % Continued Continued to 2nd Yr to 3rd Yr Cumulative Graduation Rates % Graduated Graduated Graduated in 4 Yrs in 5 Yrs in 6 Yrs 2008 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Foreign Total 1,351 228 106 21 12 6 1,804 74.7% 70.6% 77.4% 61.9% 58.3% 83.3% 73.6% 64.6% 61.4% 64.2% 52.4% 33.3% 66.7% 63.5% 32.1% 18.4% 28.6% 14.3% 8.3% 66.7% 29.8% 52.3% 41.2% 43.8% 33.3% 33.3% 66.7% 49.8% 56.2% 47.8% 50.9% 52.4% 33.3% 66.7% 54.3% 2009 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 1,193 227 102 17 6 2 20 22 1,633 74.0% 74.1% 63.7% 64.7% 83.3% 100.0% 40.0% 68.2% 72.7% 63.6% 61.4% 50.0% 64.7% 66.7% 100.0% 15.0% 45.5% 61.8% 36.5% 16.7% 21.6% 11.8% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0% 22.7% 31.5% 52.9% 33.9% 36.3% 35.3% 33.3% 50.0% 10.0% 36.4% 48.0% 56.9% 41.9% 40.2% 47.1% 33.3% 100.0% 10.0% 36.4% 52.8% 2010 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 1,177 319 128 14 2 2 12 36 1,747 74.1% 62.4% 74.2% 64.3% 100.0% 50.0% 75.0% 63.9% 71.4% 66.7% 52.0% 60.9% 71.4% 50.0% 50.0% 75.0% 38.9% 62.7% 36.5% 12.9% 26.6% 14.3% 0.0% 50.0% 58.3% 19.4% 30.6% 56.2% 30.7% 41.4% 35.7% 0.0% 50.0% 66.7% 25.0% 49.2% 2011 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 1,121 504 160 11 2 1 3 43 1,913 72.4% 59.4% 63.1% 54.5% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 72.1% 67.7% 64.0% 47.9% 55.0% 36.4% 0.0% 100.0% 66.7% 62.8% 58.5% 37.2% 13.9% 25.0% 18.2% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3% 37.2% 29.8% 2012 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 896 502 176 14 4 20 46 1,727 71.7% 50.7% 59.7% 85.7% 50.0% 0.0% 80.0% 50.0% 63.3% 64.9% 40.5% 55.1% 71.4% 50.0% 0.0% 70.0% 43.5% 55.6% 2013 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 851 422 184 19 5 10 51 1,604 78.6% 62.7% 69.0% 63.2% 60.0% 0.0% 80.0% 64.0% 72.1% 69.9% 47.4% 60.3% 47.4% 20.0% 0.0% 80.0% 49.0% 60.8% 2014 White Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Foreign 2 or More Total 705 541 231 14 2 8 50 1,576 75.6% 61.0% 61.9% 71.4% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 46.0% 67.7% ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ Note: Unknown ethnic groups are not included in the breakdown, but are included in the total. No shows are not included in the headcounts. Students that are deceased or active veterans are not included in the percentages. 85 Table 37. Retention of New Full-Time Freshmen by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, Fall 2014 to Fall 2015 Fall 2014 Enrolled Returning Fall 2015 Percent Retained Number Percent Major Non-Returning Fall 2015 Academic Good Probation/ Standing Suspension Total Non-Returning Fall 2015 Number Percent White Male Female Total 367 338 705 273 260 533 74.4 76.9 75.6 45.8 57.7 51.6 67 56 123 27 22 49 94 78 172 25.6 23.1 24.4 Black Male Female Total 206 335 541 112 218 330 54.4 65.1 61.0 67.0 59.6 62.1 51 72 123 43 45 88 94 117 211 45.6 34.9 39.0 Hispanic Male Female Total 106 125 231 65 78 143 61.3 62.4 61.9 52.3 50.0 51.0 21 33 54 20 14 34 41 47 88 38.7 37.6 38.1 Asian Male Female Total 8 6 14 5 5 10 62.5 83.3 71.4 80.0 100.0 90.0 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 37.5 16.7 28.6 - - - - - - 5 5 10 13 14 27 61.9 48.3 54.0 - - - 2 3 5 1 1 2 3 4 7 20.0 40.0 28.0 150 174 324 98 87 185 248 261 509 American Indian Male Female Total - - - - Pacific Islander Male Female Total 1 1 2 1 1 2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 2 or More Male Female Total 21 29 50 8 15 23 38.1 51.7 46.0 50.0 73.3 65.2 Foreign Male Female Total 5 3 8 5 3 8 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 66.7 75.0 Unknown Male Female Total 15 10 25 12 6 18 80.0 60.0 72.0 58.3 33.3 50.0 Grand Total Male Female Total 729 847 1,576 481 586 1,067 66.0 69.2 67.7 52.6 58.0 55.6 NOTE: Includes summer matriculates, excludes "no shows" and active veteran students. 86 8 9 17 - - 34.0 30.8 32.3 Table 38. Total New Freshmen Fall to Fall Retention by Major, Fall 2014 to Fall 2015 Enrolled Fall 2014 Returning Students Fall 2015 Retained Changed Major Major Total (%) Non-Returning 2015 Left in Good Left in Standing Prob/Susp COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES African American Studies Biological Sciences Biology Clinical Laboratory Science Chemistry Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Pre-Chemical Engineering Pre-Pharmacy English* English Journalism (moved to Broadcasting FL15) Foreign Languages & Literature Foreign Languages & Cultures Geography Geography Meteorology Geology History Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics Nursing Pre-Nursing Philosophy & Religious Studies Philosophy Religious Studies Physics Physics Pre-Architecture Pre-Engineering Political Science Psychology Sociology & Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Women's Studies TOTAL ARTS AND SCIENCES 103 100 3 70 23 43 4 21 9 12 9 9 6 6 2 15 7 5 49 49 3 3 11 8 3 20 75 13 4 9 1 410 46 46 26 11 14 1 11 3 8 3 3 4 4 1 10 1 3 23 23 1 1 5 4 1 8 41 6 1 5 1 190 18 16 2 27 9 15 3 2 1 1 4 4 2 2 1 3 11 11 3 1 2 3 7 5 2 3 86 62.1 62.0 66.7 75.7 87.0 67.4 100.0 61.9 44.4 75.0 77.8 77.8 100.0 100.0 50.0 73.3 57.1 60.0 69.4 69.4 33.3 33.3 72.7 62.5 100.0 55.0 64.0 84.6 75.0 88.9 100.0 67.3 28 28 11 1 10 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 8 1 1 2 2 4 17 1 1 84 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Accounting & Finance Accountancy Pre-Accountancy Pre-Finance Agricultural Sciences Agriculture Pre-Agricultural Engineering Pre-Forestry Pre-Veterinary Medicine Computer Science & Info Systems Computer Science Information Systems Network Technologies Pre-Information Systems Economics & Decision Sciences Economics B.A. Pre-Economics Engineering 58 48 10 28 16 12 39 34 2 3 4 4 31 29 24 5 14 13 1 19 17 1 1 15 10 7 3 9 9 8 6 2 2 2 4 67.2 64.6 80.0 82.1 81.3 83.3 69.2 67.6 50.0 50.0 50.0 61.3 14 12 2 3 2 1 7 7 1 1 7 87 Total (%) 11 10 1 6 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 5 10 1 1 50 37.9 38.0 33.3 24.3 13.0 32.6 38.1 55.6 25.0 22.2 22.2 50.0 26.7 42.9 40.0 30.6 30.6 66.7 66.7 27.3 37.5 45.0 36.0 15.4 25.0 11.1 32.7 5 32.8 35.4 20.0 17.9 18.8 16.7 30.8 32.4 50.0 50.0 50.0 38.7 5 2 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 5 Table 38. Total New Freshmen Fall to Fall Retention by Major (Continued) Enrolled Fall 2014 Returning Students Fall 2015 Retained Changed Major Major Total (%) Engineering Technology Construction Management Engineering Technology Graphic Communication Management & Marketing Pre-Human Resource Management Pre-Management Pre-Marketing Pre-Supply Chain Management Pre-Business Undecided TOTAL BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY 38 10 24 4 57 2 23 21 11 23 278 19 7 8 4 30 1 12 10 7 5 131 - COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES Curriculum & Instruction Pre-Elementary Education Special Education Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising & Hosp. Family & Consumer Sciences Educational Studies* Bilingual/Bicultural Education Health Sciences & Social Work Emergency Management Health Sciences Health Services Management Social Work Pre-Social Work Instructional Design & Technology Kinesiology Athletic Training Exercise Science Physical Education Law Enforcement & Justice Admin Fire Protection Services Pre-Law Enforcement & Justice Admin Recreation, Park & Tourism Admin TOTAL EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES 64 52 12 25 25 2 2 34 3 3 28 64 35 21 8 335 22 313 4 528 COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION Art Broadcasting & Journalism* Broadcasting Communication Communication Sciences & Disorders Music Theatre Musical Theatre Theatre TOTAL FINE ARTS & COMMUNICATION OTHER General Studies University Advising Interdisciplinary Studies WESL TOTAL OTHER UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL 5 Non-Returning 2015 Left in Good Left in Standing Prob/Susp 3 3 1 6 51 63.2 70.0 54.2 100.0 64.9 50.0 65.2 61.9 72.7 47.8 65.5 11 3 8 10 1 2 4 3 7 60 3 10 6 4 5 36 25 21 4 12 12 1 1 18 2 2 14 27 12 11 4 13 13 3 99 21 16 5 2 2 1 1 5 5 11 8 2 1 232 2 230 1 273 71.9 71.2 75.0 56.0 56.0 100.0 100.0 67.6 66.7 66.7 67.9 59.4 57.1 61.9 62.5 73.1 68.2 73.5 100.0 70.5 9 7 2 8 8 9 8 1 3 3 7 19 9 7 3 57 6 51 102 18 39 39 18 9 27 15 4 11 126 9 23 23 10 5 18 8 3 5 73 2 2 2 3 1 4 3 3 15 61.1 64.1 64.1 72.2 66.7 81.5 73.3 75.0 72.7 69.8 3 10 10 4 1 3 4 1 3 25 13 38.9 35.9 35.9 27.8 33.3 18.5 26.7 25.0 27.3 30.2 2 258 1 261 1 105 1 107 53 53 50.0 61.2 100.0 61.3 59 59 1 41 42 50.0 38.8 38.7 1,603 600 478 67.2 330 195 32.8 5 7 - NOTE: Includes summer matriculates, excludes "no shows" and active veteran students. Includes all new freshmen, full-time and part-time. *Program name change 88 - 3 Total (%) - 9 1 1 - 2 2 7 6 1 33 1 32 54 4 4 4 1 2 2 36.8 30.0 45.8 35.1 50.0 34.8 38.1 27.3 52.2 34.5 28.1 28.8 25.0 44.0 44.0 32.4 33.3 33.3 32.1 40.6 42.9 38.1 37.5 26.9 31.8 26.5 29.5 Table 39. Graduation Rates of New Full-Time Freshmen by Admission Type, Fall 2007-2011 Year Enrolled Number Enrolled Continued to 2nd Yr Continued to 3rd Yr Graduated in 4 years Graduated in 5 years Graduated in 6 years Admission Type 2007 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,686 257 1,943 74.1% 67.3% 73.2% 64.7% 59.1% 63.9% 31.3% 17.1% 29.4% 52.2% 42.0% 50.8% 56.8% 51.4% 56.1% 2008 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,456 348 1,804 74.6% 69.5% 73.6% 65.4% 55.7% 63.5% 32.2% 19.5% 29.8% 52.1% 40.5% 49.8% 56.3% 46.3% 54.3% 2009 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,380 253 1,633 73.2% 70.4% 72.7% 62.4% 58.9% 61.8% 33.3% 22.2% 31.5% 49.6% 39.1% 48.0% 54.0% 46.2% 52.8% 2010 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,418 329 1,747 74.2% 59.1% 71.4% 65.9% 49.1% 62.7% 34.1% 15.9% 30.6% 52.7% 34.5% 49.2% 2011 Regular Admissions Special Admissions Total 1,433 480 1,913 71.3% 57.5% 67.7% 62.1% 48.3% 58.5% 34.7% 15.2% 29.8% Note: There are two admission types - admitted under regular admissions standards and admitted under special admissions standards. Students graduating within n years includes all students who graduated by the summer term of the nth year. The cohort selection is based on IPEDS GRS procedures. Six-year graduation rates exclude veterans with active status. Regular Admission includes students admitted as non-resident alien. Figure 6. Four-, Five- & Six-Year Graduation Rates All Students, Cohort Years 2007-2011 60% 56.1% 50.8% 49.8% 50% 40% 30% 29.4% 29.8% 31.5% 30.6% 54.3% 52.8% 48.0% 49.2% 29.8% 20% 10% 0% 4-Yr Grad Rates 2007 5-Yr Grad Rates 2008 2009 89 2010 6-Yr Grad Rates 2011