New Directions in Exterior Differential Systems A conference in honor of Robert Bryant’s 60th birthday July 15–19, 2013 Titles and Abstracts Workshop Mini-Courses Andreas Cap, Michael Eastwood & J.M. Landsberg. Invariant differential operators and exterior differential systems. Tuesday, 3:30 - 4:30; Wednesday, 4:00 - 5:00; Thursday, 11:30 - 12:30. This course will present new developments in parabolic geometries, generalized BernsteinGelfand-Gelfand sequences and representation theory, and illuminate their relationship with EDS and Cartan geometry. The emphasis will be on explicit examples (for example, the prolongation of the Killing and conformal Killing operators) and open questions. Mark Green & Phillip Griffiths. Linear PDE systems and discrete series representations, including their limits. Monday & Tuesday, 11:30 - 12:30 & 2:00 - 3:00. As an outgrowth of recent work relating Hodge theory and representation theory through complex geometry, certain linear PDE systems have appeared whose solutions include the Harish-Chandra modules associated to the representations in the title. Their construction depends on the complex geometry of flag domains and the realization of the Harish-Chandra modules as cohomology groups associated to homogeneous line bundles. For very regular Harish-Chandra parameters, i.e. those far from the walls of their Weyl chamber, these PDE systems turn out to be closely related to classical Spencer resolutions of involutive over determined differential operators. For singular Harish-Chandra parameters, a seemingly new type of linear PDE system emerges, one whose structure has not been worked out. These lectures will give an overview of this theory, and we hope they will provide a complement to those of CapEastwood-Landsberg. The commutative algebra background of tableaux of exterior differential systems, characteristic modules and varieties, and generic initial ideals will be covered in the interests of making the lectures more complete and user-friendly. The outline of the talks is: (1) Complex geometry and representation theory–introduction of PDE system. (2) EDS theory, tableaux, characteristic modules and characteristic varieties, Spencer cohomology, Koszul cohomology. (3) Relation between discrete series with very regular infinitesimal character and Spencer sequences, geometry of the characteristic varieties, general case including limits of discrete series, examples. (4) Initial ideals, generic initial ideals, interpretation of the Cartan coefficients si and involutivity in terms of generic initial ideals, scheme structure of characteristic varieties. Chuu-Lian Terng. Moving frames, geometric curve flows, and integrable systems. Wednesday, 2:30 - 3:30; Thursday, 9:00 - 10:00; Friday, 11:30 - 12:30. In this mini-course, we plan to use some concrete and simple examples to give an elementary introduction on the following topics: (i) Construct soliton equations from simple Lie algebras and finite order automorphisms. (ii) Natural moving frames for curves on homogenous spaces. (iii) Geometric curve flows on homogeneous spaces whose geometric invariants flows are soliton. Conference Talks Jeanne Clelland. The geometry of lightlike surfaces in Minkowski space (joint with Brian Carlsen). Thursday, 3:15 - 4:00. We investigate the geometric properties of lightlike surfaces in the Minkowski space R2,1 , using Cartan’s method of moving frames to compute a complete set of local invariants for such surfaces. Using these invariants, we give a complete local classification of lightlike surfaces of constant type in R2,1 and construct new examples of such surfaces. (This work is based on Brian Carlsen’s undergraduate honors thesis.) Michael Eastwood. Conformal geometry in four variables and a deformation complex in five. Tuesday, 9:00 - 10:00. Starting with a neutral signature 4-dimensional conformal structure, one can build a 5-dimensional bundle over it equipped with a 2-plane distribution. Generically, this is a (2,3,5)-geometry in the sense of Cartan’s five variables paper, an aspect that was recently pursued by Daniel An and Pawel Nurowski (finding new examples concerning the geometry of rolling bodies where the (2,3,5)-geometry has G2-symmetry). I shall explain how to understand some elementary aspects of this “twistor construction” using “BGG-machinery.” This is joint work with Katja Sagerschnig and Dennis The. C. Robin Graham. Conformal BGG Sequences via Poincaré Metrics. Friday, 9:00 - 10:00. A new derivation of BGG sequences on conformal manifolds will be outlined. The BGG operators arise as obstructions to solvability of differential equations on a Poincaré space having the given conformal manifold as conformal infinity. This is joint work in progress with Olivier Biquard. Marianty Ionel. Austere Submanifolds in Complex Projective Space. Thursday, 10:15 - 11:00. A submanifold in Rn is austere if all odd-degree symmetric polynomials in the eigenvalues of the second fundamental form, in any normal direction, vanish. Harvey and Lawson showed that this condition is necessary and sufficient for the normal bundle of Rn to be special Lagrangian in the tangent bundle of Rn . In joint work with Tom Ivey, we investigate the conditions under which the normal bundle of a submanifold in CPn is special Lagrangian with respect to the Stenzel metric on the tangent bundle of the complex projective space, including some examples and classification results. Thomas Ivey. Austere Submanifolds in Euclidean Space. Tuesday, 10:15 - 11:00. A submanifold in Euclidean space is austere if for any normal vector ν all the odddegree symmetric polynomials in the eigenvalues of the second fundamental form in direction ν vanish. In their foundational calibrations paper of 1982, Harvey and Lawson showed that the conormal bundle of M ⊂ Rn is special Lagrangian in T ∗ Rn ∼ = Cn if and only if M is austere. The next significant work in this area was Robert Bryant’s 1991 paper “Some remarks on the geometry of austere manifolds”, in which austere 3-folds are classified, and all pointwise models for the second fundamental forms of austere 4-folds are also determined. In this talk I’ll discuss joint work with Marianty Ionel (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) in classifying austere 4-folds. While this problem is still unsolved, we have made progress in two areas: the classification of austere 4-folds that are maximal (i.e., where the second fundamental form spans one of the maximal austere subspaces on Bryant’s list) and classifying those that are ruled by 2-planes. In particular, in the first case we find that not all maximal subspaces can be realized (even locally) by austere submanifolds. In the second case we find new examples of families of ruled real Kähler 4-folds associated to holomorphic maps into certain k-symmetric spaces. Blaine Lawson. A geometric perspective on nonlinear partial differential equations. Monday, 9:00 - 10:00. I will discuss a geometric approach to the study of fully nonlinear pde’s on manifolds. Basic concepts of affine jet equivalence and monotonicity will be introduced. The discussion will include existence and uniqueness for the Dirichlet problem, a geometric characterization of the maximum principle, and removable singularity results. Applications to calibrated geometry and to potential theory on almost complex manifolds will also be discussed. Joseph M. Landsberg. Two things I learned from Robert and how they have helped me. Monday, 4:30 - 5:15. I will discuss the arts of exploiting (i) symmetry and (ii) the sacred equation d2 = 0. These arts have been useful in most of my work. To the extent time permits, I will give an overview of applications of these arts to algebraic geometry (secant varieties and rigidity), representation theory (geometric proof of the Cartan-Killing classification of complex simple Lie algebras), and theoretical computer science (the complexity of matrix multiplication). Benjamin McKay. Holomorphic exterior differential systems. Friday, 10:15 - 11:00. A landscape painting of various types of geometric structures and exterior differential systems on smooth complex projective varieties. Christopher Moseley. Finsler and Sub-Finsler Geometries. Monday, 3:30 - 4:15. Finsler geometry, in the words of Shiing-Shen Chern, is “Riemannian geometry without the quadratic restriction.” This talk will review some of the basic notions and important results in Finsler geometry, with special attention to Robert Bryant’s contributions. I will then present some results in sub-Finsler geometry from joint work with Jeanne Clelland and George Wilkens. Colleen Robles. Homological rigidity of Schubert classes. Thursday, 4:15 - 5:00. Robert Bryant (and Maria Walters, independently) showed that the varieties homologous to a multiple of a Schubert class in a compact Hermitian symmetric space are characterized by an exterior differential system. Since then the rigidity and flexibility of this system has been studied by several people. I will present a survey of this work with an emphasis on two of the dominant themes of the conference: the application of EDS and representation theory to geometric problems with symmetry. Abraham D. Smith. Hydrodynamic Integrability from the EDS perspective. Thursday, 2:00 - 2:45. Integrability is a somewhat vague term that different people use in different ways for different types of PDE. In more than 2 independent variables, hydrodynamic integrability is a particularly geometric notion of integrability arising from semi-Hamiltonian systems of conservation laws. In this talk, I’ll explain how this notion of integrability can be defined, studied, and generalized in an invariant manner using EDS and the characteristic variety. If time permits, I’ll discuss the implementation of EDS tools in the Sage mathematics software system, and also some hypotheses about the application of these integrable EDS to Bryant’s generalization of Cartan’s realization theorem for Lie pseudogroups. Sung Ho Wang. Conservation laws for CMC surfaces in three dimensional space forms. Monday, 10:15 - 11:00. The second order elliptic Monge-Ampere equation for CMC surfaces in a three dimensional space form is one of the prototypes of an integrable equation. It possesses many characteristic properties which are widely used in the theory of integrable PDE’s and differential geometry. We determine and give a recursive formulae for the infinite sequence of conservation laws making use in particular of an enhanced prolongation and a nonlocal symmetry called spectral symmetry. We also introduce the corresponding secondary spectral conservation law, and indicate the possible application of these structures to the theory of high genus CMC surfaces. Deane Yang. Affine integral geometry from a differentiable viewpoint. Friday, 3:30 - 4:15. We will describe how to define both known and new affine geometric invariants of a convex body using the homogeneous contour integral, which is an n-dimensional real analogue of the contour integral for a meromorphic function of one complex variable.