President’s Division Fiscal Year 2006 Accomplishments and Fiscal Year 2007 Plans

President’s Division
Fiscal Year 2006
and Fiscal Year 2007 Plans
April 19, 2006
Helping Western Illinois University to
become the leading comprehensive
university in the United States
Agenda for Today’s Presentation
About the President’s Division
2. Leadership Accomplishments
3. Partnership Accomplishments
4. Compliance & Reporting Accomplishments
5. Measures of Divisional Productivity
6. FY 2006 Budget Enhancement Outcomes
7. Internal Reorganizations and Reallocations
8. FY 2007 Goals
9. FY 2007 New Operating Requests
10. FY 2007 New Facilities Requests
I. About the President’s Division
17 Staff and
Affirmative Action/
ADA Compliance
Internal Auditing
Planning, Budget
and Institutional
President’s Office
Our Successes are
built on:
Six University
Commitments to
Higher Values in
Higher Education
I. About the President’s Division
Our Mission:
To provide institutional LEADERSHIP
PARTNERSHIP in achieving the
mission, vision, values, goals, and
priorities of the University, while
Successfully offering SUPPORT for
Board, State, and Federal institutional
compliance and reporting
II. Leadership Accomplishments
On both campuses
Western Illinois University Board of
Trustees facilitation
Strategic Plan implementation
Affirmative Action and ADA Compliance
Internal Auditing Program
Governmental Relations
Master Plan development and
III. Partnership Accomplishments
President’s Area
Affirmative Action/
ADA Compliance
Governmental Relations
Internal Auditing
President’s Office
Academic Affairs
&Public Services
Student Services
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
Academic Affairs
† Implemented the Visiting Scholars Program for doctoral
Internal Control/Administrative Review of the Quad Cities
Quad Cities Academic Program Planning Committee
Quad Cities Budget Reporting
Data for Program Review
Assessment Activities
Cradle to grave system (National Survey of Student Engagement, First
Year Experience, General Education, Alumni Surveys, and many more)
Western Illinois University-Quad Cities Self Study
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
Administrative Services
† Partnered with Human Resources
3 pre-screening sessions for 132 applicants for
the Trainee and Learner placement program
14 successful placements (5 individuals of color)
† Utility and Infrastructure Committee
† Time Reporting
† Compliance Reporting with University
Information Management Systems
† Facilities Forum/Riverfront Users Group
Western Illinois University-Macomb
Facilities Forum
Master Plan
Current University Projects
Boyer Baseball Stadium
DPS Building
Hanson Field
Memorial Hall
Multicultural Center
Performing Arts Center
President’s Technology Advisory Group
Student Recreation Center
Coordination of Facilities:
Western Illinois University
Macomb Facilities Forum
Current Community Partnership Programs
City of Macomb Master Plan
Housing Options and Quality Near Campus
Route 336
Amtrak Route Continuation and Expansion
Coordination of Facilities:
Western Illinois University-Quad
Master Plan
Riverfront Users
Renew Moline
All Weather Road
Property Institute
Recreation Center
Urban Technology
WIU Design and
WIU Funding
University Square
Design by PSA Dewberry (Peoria Illinois) working
with the WIU-Quad Cities Riverfront Development
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
Advancement and Public Services
Partnering with University Relations
New Strategic Plan Dashboard
New Master Plan Web Site
Graphic Identities for the Quad Cities
Master Plan
Getting ready for the new comprehensive
The Future of Higher Education
Access, Opportunity & Affordability: The Future of Higher Education
A Midwest Response to the Secretary of the US Department of
Education's Commission on the Future of Higher Education
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
Student Services
Community-University Partnership Program
† Assessment Activities
Intramural and Sports Clubs Learning
Outcomes Surveys
Financial Aid Student Satisfaction
Student Leadership Opportunities
Service on Auxiliary Facilities System
† All-Funds Budgeting
† All Costs Increases
† Event Planning
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
The University Community
† Provided workplace and classroom accommodation to over 50
University employees and students
† Implementation of the market-equity salary adjustment program
† Strengthening shared governance
„ Shared governance reports at Western Illinois University
Board of Trustees Meetings
„ President’s Advisory Group
„ President’s meetings with the governance groups and
strategic plan updates
„ Endorsement of Performance Indicators and the Western
Illinois University-Quad Cities Master Plan
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
The University Community
Western Illinois University-Macomb and
Quad Cities Campus Action Planning Teams
† President’s Quad Cities Advisory Committee
† President’s Technology Advisory
† Monthly Strategic Plan Updates
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
The University Community
Support and coordination for over 150
faculty and administrative searches
$17,900 targeted advertising to members of
underrepresented groups
The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity
in Higher Education visit
National Enrollment Consultant, Ms. Carol
Civic Engagement Forum
Black Alumni Events
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
The University Community
Diversity Planning: 37 members of the
campus community serve on our 4
University-wide diversity committees
Affirmative Action Internship Committee
Anti Harassment Education Committee
ADA Advisory Committee
University Committee on Sexual Orientation
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
The Board of Trustees
We provide coordination for four quarterly meetings
and their annual retreat
† We welcomed five new Trustees
Bob Cook
Bill Edley
Bill Griffin
Steve Nelson
Blake Antonides
Changes in Board Reporting
Three-year trend analyses and All funds budget reports
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
Our Host Communities
Community-University Partnership Program
Working with the Macomb and Quad Cities
Chambers on Lobby Days and Other
Amtrak Continuation and Route Expansion
Postcard campaign
Renew Moline
Hosting the Future of Higher Education
III. Partnership Accomplishments:
Within the President’s Division
† Going paperless
† Hosted 24 unique university programs, socials,
events, and dinners (over 4,800 guests)
„ All U on the mall/egg creams
„ Sherman Hall Block Party
„ New Faculty Picnic
„ Sponsored Projects Reception
„ Holiday Open House
† Help prepare 150 speeches
„ Addressing over 36,000 individuals
IV. Compliance and Reporting
† Implemented Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention
Training for all employees, student workers, and graduate
assistants; over 1,600 completions to date
† Budgets and Requests to the Illinois Board of Higher Education
and the Illinois General Assembly
„ Fiscal Year 2007 budget development meeting with the IBHE
„ House appropriation complete
„ Senate appropriation complete
„ Governor’s budget complete
„ Awaiting Illinois General Assembly Action
† Facilitated Web Accessibility Coordinating Committee (IBHE
IV. Compliance and Reporting
Completed review and investigation of 34
complaints of harassment or discrimination
† Completion of the annual institutional audit
and 10 audited areas
† 24 Surveys for the Institution
US News and World Report
Princeton Review
Common Data Sets
The Fact Book and Fast Facts
IV. Compliance and Reporting
Reporting to External Agencies
Illinois Board of Higher Education (RAMP,
cost studies, performance reports, alumni
Office of Management and Budget
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data
National Collegiate Athletic Association
American Association of University
V. Measures of Divisional
1. COLLABORATION: Effectively working
with individuals, offices, and processes
and structures to effectively advance
University priorities and goals
2. COMMUNICATION: Providing access to
data and information that are reliable,
valid, useful and timely
3. CONSULTATION: Receiving
endorsement from our governance groups
VI. Divisional Budget Enhancement
Outcomes for Fiscal Year 2006
$100,000 for the Strategic Plan
Use of a Quad Cities Enrollment Consultant
Support for University participation in the
Foundations of Excellence Program
Assessment Software
Sending a campus team to a national workshop
on the needs of adult learners
Support for two planning graduate assistants
Support and promotion of the Strategic Plan
Unused funds will be returned to the University
for internal reallocation
VI. Divisional Budget Enhancement
Outcomes for Fiscal Year 2006
$250,000 for the Master Plan
Western Illinois University-Macomb
Sending a campus team to a national workshop
on campus master planning
Master “Pre-Planning” Services by The Campus
The first months of Goody-Clancy’s Services
Western Illinois University-Quad Cities
Master Planning Services by The Campus Studio
Publications for the Master Plan
Any unused funds will be returned to the
University for internal reallocation
VII. Internal Reorganizations and
Reallocations for Fiscal Year 2006
Merged of Planning, Budget and Institutional
† Created of a new position, University
Assessment Coordinator
† Welcomed Kerry Yadgar, Tere North, and
Erin Wooley to the Division
† Celebrated the distinguished careers of
divisional colleagues
VII. University Internal
Reallocations for Fiscal Year 2006
$6.2 Million in Internal Reallocations (6.0% of the
University’s appropriation)
Faculty and Staff Salaries
First Year Experience
Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
New Board of Trustees Scholarships
Classroom Enhancements
Comprehensive Campaign
WIU-QC Marketing
Strategic Plan Implementation
Master Plan Implementation
Utility Cost Increases
VII. University Internal
Reallocations for Fiscal Year 2006
$6.2 Million in Internal Reallocations (6.0% of
the University’s appropriation)
Academic Affairs
Administrative Services
Advancement and Public Services
Student Services
VIII. Fiscal Year 2007 Goals
Strategic Planning
Continue to advance faculty and staff
salaries to exceed the mean of peer
Support enrollment growth on both Western
Illinois University campuses
Aggressively pursue funding for the
Performing Arts Center and the Western
Illinois University-Quad Cities Riverfront
Engage in classroom enhancements
Audit of the Strategic Plan
VIII. Fiscal Year 2007 Goals
Master Planning
Successful Implementation of the Western
Illinois University-Quad Cities Master Plan
Finalize and receive governance
endorsement for the Western Illinois
University-Macomb Master Plan
Support existing construction
Continued pursuit of State capital funding
(new construction and permanent
Campaign Planning
VIII. Fiscal Year 2007 Goals
Diversity Planning
Support faculty and staff searches
Support the Learner and Trainer Programs
Enhance Web accessibility
‡ ADA Facilities Transition Compliance Plan
‡ ADA Compliance Manual for supervisors
‡ Emergency Evacuation for Individuals with
Disabilities Procedure Manual
‡ Campus Climate Survey
VIII. Fiscal Year 2007 Goals
Technology Planning
Migrate to a standardized platform (PBIR)
Attend University training programs
Continue to move towards a paperless
Enhance Web presence
Form a Strategic Plan for Technology
‡ President’s Technology Advisory Groups
Providing Recommendations to the
President’s Cabinet
VIII. Fiscal Year 2007 Goals: Solidifying
Our Foundation of Excellence
Five areas of planning form a foundation of
Strategic Planning
Master Planning
Comprehensive Campaign Planning
Diversity Planning
Technology Planning
VIII. Fiscal Year 2007 Goals: Solidifying
Our Foundation of Excellence
Advancement of
the Academic
Mission Statement
† Advancement of
our Strategic Plan
† Preparation of
Students in the
diverse, global
IX. New Operating Resources
$412,500 in Total Requests
Strategic Plan
Master Plan
Support for Affirmative Action
Half-Time Network Auditor
X. Facilities Requests
† Thank you to the Physical Plant
† We only have 2 requests
X. Facilities Requests
† Thank you to the Physical Plant
† We only have 2 requests
$57 Million
$71 Million
Thank you!!!
Ellyn Bartges
Carole Carter
Dixie Castlebury
Cathy Couza
Julie DeWees
Bonnie Elder
Al Goldfarb
Andrea Henderson
Rhonda Kline
Norma Markert
Barbara Mason
Tere North
Joe Rives
David Steelman
Erin Wooley
Kerry Yadgar
Martha Youngmeyer
President’s Division
Fiscal Year 2006
and Fiscal Year 2007 Plans
April 19, 2006
Helping Western Illinois University to
become the leading comprehensive
university in the United States