To: Members of the Western Illinois University Board of Trustees

Members of the Western Illinois University Board of Trustees
Steve Nelson, Chairperson
Bill Griffin
Blake Antonides
Mike Houston
Carolyn Ehlert Fuller
Bill Epperly
Joe Rives, Vice President, Quad Cities, Planning and Technology
February 27, 2009
February 2009 Strategic Plan Update
This month’s Strategic Plan Update updates you on Western Illinois University’s new engineering program,
national recognition for service learning/civic engagement, and the faculty computer upgrade program. All of
these actions are priorities in Higher Values in Higher Education 2008-2018.
Status Report on the New Engineering Program
Western Illinois University’s new engineering program provides academic excellence and enhanced
educational opportunities to students, and the Quad Cities-based program is receiving strong community
support. On February 25, 2009, the Western Illinois University-Quad Cities campus received $1 million in
contributions from the John Deere Foundation and The Moline Foundation for the University's engineering
program that will begin offering classes this fall.
The 133-semester hour engineering degree program will be a “plus-two” degree completion program (junior
and senior years) articulated with pre-engineering transfer programs on the Macomb campus and other fouryear universities, along with community colleges in Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, including Black Hawk College
and the Eastern Iowa Community College District.
The new engineering program supports many of the priorities in Higher Values in Higher Education 2008-2018,
Developing and offering new and expanded academic programs in areas of demand and need that
are consistent with the academic mission of the University;
Enhancing community college partnerships;
Expanding articulation agreements and the Dual Admissions Transfer Program to promote seamless
transfer to Western Illinois University and advisement that keeps students focused on degree
requirements and timely degree completion; and,
Achieving goals and priorities of the comprehensive fundraising campaign.
Gifts received from the John Deere and Moline Foundations will support initial space lease (until Building
One on the Quad Cities Riverfront Campus is open), remodeling, and equipment. The University is currently
negotiating a space lease after completing a selection process, and the College of Business and Technology is
conducting a search for a program director. The space lease will be presented to the Board for approval after
negotiations have been completed, and the Board will be kept advised on the status of the director search.
February 2009 Strategic Plan Update
February 27, 2009
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Additional information about the generous gifts to support the University’s engineering program is available at Press coverage is also available from February 26, 2009 articles in
Chicago, the Daily (Chicago suburban) Herald, Quad-City Times, and Rock Island Dispatch.
National Recognition for Service Learning and Civic Engagement
On February 9, 2009, The Corporation for National and Community Service in collaboration with the United States
Department of Education, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the President's Council on Service
and Civic Participation recognized Western Illinois University on its nationally prestigious Community Service Honor
The Community Service Honor Roll was established in 2006, recognizes 90 institutions nationally, and is the highest
federal recognition a school can achieve for its commitment to service learning and civic engagement. The University
was honored for many reasons, including participation in the Illinois Campus Compact for service learning, other
academic and co-curricular opportunities emphasizing personal growth and social responsibility, special events, and
Western's All Volunteer Effort.
As expressed in Higher Values in Higher Education 2008-2018, the University’s commitments to service learning and civic
engagement will continue by:
Supporting student-faculty interactions and active and collaborative learning through international studies,
internships, service learning, and undergraduate and graduate student research;
Providing opportunities for student development and learning outside the classroom; and,
Engaging in activities associated with the American Democracy Project.
Additional information on the University’s recognition and volunteer opportunities are available at and, respectively.
Update on Faculty Computer Upgrade Program
A high priority for University Technology is continuation of the faculty computer upgrade program. Staff from the
University (Mr. Mike Dickson and Mr. Matthew Clark) are currently working with the Associate Deans and College
Technology Representatives to coordinate the Fiscal Year 2009 ordering process.
As the program is implemented, colleges will select the computers to be replaced and colleges may engage in cascading
(rotating) of computers, meaning some will receive a new computer and others will receive a newer computer than they
currently have. However, before a computer is cascaded, it will first be given to University Technology for security
cleaning to prevent unintentional data and/or virus transmission. The program will continue to support the distribution
of new computers on both Western Illinois University campuses and remain sensitive to the needs of end users and the
academic calendar.
As this memorandum demonstrates, many students, faculty and staff are actively engaged in the implementation of the
University’s Strategic Plan. If you have any questions about or feedback regarding the continued successful
implementation of Higher Values in Higher Education, please contact me.
President Goldfarb
Provost Thomas
Vice President Hendricks
Vice President Johnson
Vice President Thompson
CSEC President Lavin
Alumni Council Chair Hoffman
COAP President Meixner
Associate Provosts Dallinger and Hawkinson
Faculty Council Chair Bailey
Assistant Vice President Williams
Faculty Senate Chair Devolder
Planning, Budget, and IR Staff
SGA Presidents Dulski and Garrison President’s Office Support Staff