Wisdom is not the product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it. - Albert Einstein The Seeding, Evolutionary Growth, Reseeding (SER) Model and DODEs, Courses-as-Seeds, Meta-Design, Social Creativity, SocioTechnical Environments and Web 2.0 Technologies Daniela Fogli, Elisa Giaccardi, and Gerhard Fischer L3D Meeting, February 13, 2007 Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 1 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 Seeding, Evolutionary Growth, Reseeding (SER) Model ! SER model accounts for and facilitates the understanding of: - differentiation between design time and use time - relation to learning and contributing - the way that these concepts/objectives depend on each other Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 2 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 SER Model and Domain-Oriented Design Environments (DODEs) Legend build on lower level Artifact A Artifact Domain Designer modify lower level Artifact B levels Client Environment Developer DODE Evolutionary Growth Seeding ReSeeding . Multifaceted Architecture p iS c fica eti n o at M h c r e Specific ation Specific ation g alCt o lrer p oE x ga o lCt lrer p oE x ontruc tiCons n ti ucstC o o rn na zerA ly g alCt o lrer p oE x Arg ume n o i n t a t Ca og l a t pfica ciS eti n o ate rchM ga o lCt lrer p oE x Arg ume n o i n t a t Ca og l a t gumonta re in t A orllus atI tr gumonta re in t A orllus atI tr time Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 3 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 Seeding, Evolutionary Growth, and Reseeding (SER) ! seeding - seed a domain-specific DODE using the domain-independent, multi-faceted architecture - provide representations for mutual learning and understanding between the involved stakeholders - make the seed useful and usable enough that it is used by domain workers ! evolutionary growth - co-evolution between individual artifacts and the DODE - learning on demand and end-user modifiability complement each other ! reseeding - formalize, generalize, merge, structure - a social and technical challenge Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 4 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 SER Model and Courses as Seeds Courses As Finished Products ! instructionist approach: learners answer problems given to them in the course by the instructor ! the learners are recipients of knowledge (the assumption is that the teacher/instructional designer has all the relevant knowledge) ! this model is adequate for courses where the learners get into a new field and therefore might have little to contribute, but it does not account for mutual competency and symmetry of ignorance ! this practice falls within the “gift wrapping approach” (quality is solely determined by the knowledge of the teacher and her ability to present this knowledge effectively) Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 5 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 Courses as Seeds ! a course considered a seed " many of the course participants are knowledgeable people in their own working environments and the learners are not just passive recipients of knowledge, but become (at least from time to time) active contributors ! at the end of the course, the content of the course will be greatly enriched through a semester-long interaction of knowledgeable people and important and relevant information will be incorporated into the course before it is taught the next time ! value added - a model for learning in a knowledge society which is built upon distributed cognition, peer-to-peer learning, articulated learners, long-tail knowledge distribution - a necessity for many domains/aspects of lifelong learning where communities of practice engage in the incremental construction and evolution of knowledge facilitated by a teacher Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 6 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 Other Applications ! DynaSites: A Substrate Based on the SER Model — an early exploration (Jonathan) ! Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory " transcending Simcity as a closed system (Hal) ! Silence of the Lands (Elisa) ! CreativeIT Wiki (Hal, Holger) ! 3D Warehouse " or more general: user-generated content (Yingdan) ! open source environments (Yunwen) ! Second Life (Mark, Bruce) Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 7 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 SER: A Foundation for Next Generation Wikis http://l3dswiki.cs.colorado.edu:3232/CreativeIT/ Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 8 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 3D Warehouse (http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/modelcycle?scoring=d) Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 9 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 Theoretical / Conceptual Challenges: ! explore middle ground between empty frameworks/architectures and complete systems ! what will motivate people to contribute? " utility = value / effort ! how can we reach the “tipping point” when the participation takes off — when did success models (e.g.: Facebook, YouTube, Second Life, Wikipedia, …) reach their tipping point? ! socio-technical environments — how do we seed the social infrastructure of the SER model ! do we need to differentiate between - creating and contributing content - modifying and evolving the systems Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 10 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008 SER: An Opportunity to Exploit the Long-Tail Knowledge Distribution Daniela, Elisa, and Gerhard 11 L3D Meeting, 2/13/2008