b . ..'.ii11 ,.. VOL. 26, NO.2 WATER RESOURCES BULLETIN AMERICAN WATER RESOURCESASSOCIATION APRIL 1990 - GENERALIZED LOW -FLOW FREQUENCY RELATIONSmpS FOR UNGAGED SITES IN MASSACHUSETTSl Richard M. Vogel and Charles N. Kroll2 ABSTRACT: Regional hydrologic procedures such as generalized least squaresregressionand streamflow record augmentation have been advo~a~ed for obtaining e~timates ~f both flood-flow and lowflow statistics at ungaged sites. WhIle such procedures are extremely useful in regional flood-flow studies, no evaluation of, their merit in regionallow-flow estimation has been made using actual streamflow data. This study developsgeneralized regional regressionequationsfor e~tim~ting the d-day, T-year low-flow dis- coincident with streamflow gaging stations; therefore, accurate estimation of Iow-flow statistics at ungaged sites is a fundamental and widespread problem. Th 'd 1 d .d f 1 fl ' th e most Wl, e y use m ex o ow- ow m e Umted States IS the seven-day, ten-year low-flow (Q7 10), defined as the annual minimum seven-day ave~age daily discharge that is expected to be charge, exceeded and ~,T, 30 days. atungaged A Sites two-parameter mMassachusett? lognormal w~ere.d dlstnbutlon =.3,7,14, IS fit to in nine out of every , ten years (Riggs .. app I lcatlons et al., ~ft ~n reqwre . sequencesof annual minimum d-day low-flows and the estimated 1980). Smce water reso~rce parameters of the lognormal distribution are then related to two drainage basin characteristics: drainage area and relief. The resulting modelsare genersl, simple to use, and about as preciseas mos~ ~revious models that o~ly provide e~timates of. a single statistic such as Q7 10. Compansonsare proVIdedof the Impact of using ordinary least squaresregression,generalized least squares regression,and streamflow record augmentation proceduresto fit regionallow-f1owfrequencymodelsin Massachusetts. (KEY TERMS: low-flows; regional regression; low-flow frequency analysis; water quality management; Massachusetts; low-flow management; regional hydrology; generalized least squares regression;streamflowrecord augmentation; droughts.) knowledge of the magnItude of annual mmlmum lowflows for recurrence intervals (T) other than 10 years, and for durations (d) other than 7 days, this study takes a more general approach by specifying the general d-day, T-year event Qd,T. STUDY Th e regIona ' 1 regressIon . REGION . deve 1ope d In . th IS equa t Ions ' study are based on data obtained from twenty-three U .S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in or near Massachusetts. Table 1 provides the U,S. Geo- INTRODUCTION logical Survey streamflow-gaging station numbers, record lengths, and selected basin characteristics, In addition, site numbers used in this and other studies (Vogel and Kroll, 1989, 1990; Vogel et al., 1989, Fennessey and Vogel, 1990) are provided in Table 1, The location of those stations is shown in Figure 1. All of the rivers are perennial; that is, all streamflows are greater than zero. No significant withdrawals, diversions, or artificial recharge areas are within any of the basins; hence, the streamflows are considered to be unregulated (natural). The twentythree gaging stations employed here are about the only long-term, unregulated, continuous flow records available in or near Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is currently making hundreds of estimates oflow-flow statistics each year at ungaged sites for the purposes of determining waste-Ioad allocations, issuing and/or renewing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, siting treatment plants and sanitary landfills, and for decisions regarding interbasin transfers of water and allowable basin withdrawals. In addition, low-flow statistics are used widely in Massachusetts, and elsewhere, to determine minimum downstream release requirements from hydropower, irrigation, water-supply and cooling-plant facilities. Unfortunately, most locations where such low-flow statistics are required are not IPaper No.89079 of the WaterResourcesBulletin. DiscussioDB are open until December I, 1990. 2Respectively, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts Engineer, Goldberg Zoino & Associates, Inc., 320 Needham St., Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts 02164. 241 02155; and Staff WATER RESOURCES BULLETIN .f, -Generalized ww-FlowFrequency Relationships for UngagedSitesin Massachusetts ; ...; plot correlation coefficient test statistics to compare annual minimum flow series fit to 2- and 3-parameter lognormal, 2- and 3-parameter Weibull, and the log Pearson Type III distributions. On the basis of the previous studies, it was assumed in this study that all flow series considered here can be described by a twoparameter lognormal distribution. year event. In a comparative study of alternative estimators of quantiles of a two-parameter lognonnal distribution, Stedinger (1980) advocated the use of the maximum likelihood estimators shown above when one's primary interest is in estimating the lower quantile of the distribution. An excellent approximation to ~ is obtained using a formula proposed by Tukey (1960) TABLE1. U.S. Survey GagingStationNumbers andGeological Selected Basin Characteristics. Record Length (yrs) 73 34 37 16 34 23 19 11 22 38 31 44 20 17 48 52 20 34 Drainage Area A (mi2) 52.70 63.69 8.01 41.39 3.39 8.68 51.00 5.46 2.85 21.30 7.35 89.00 16.02 24.09 94.00 40.90 12.31 42.60 USGS GageNo. 01180500 01096000 01106000 01170100 01174000 01175670 01198000 01171800 01174900 0ll0l000 01187400 01169000 01111300 01169900 01181000 01332000 01097300 01333000 Site No.* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 01165500 01171500 19 20 65 45 12.10 54.00 01176000 01162500 01180000 21 22 23 71 63 28 150.00 19.30 1.73 Basin Relief H (ft) 1765 1161 240 1873 531 417 1317 530 585 277 877 1667 393 1298 1739 2068 248 2658 ~ = 4.91 0.14 ( -I-T 1 ) 0.14J (2) as long as 1.01 ~ T ~ 100 years. Figure 2 displays the fit of a two-parameter lognormal distribution to the twenty-three series of annual minimum 7-day low-flows shown in Table 1 using computer generated lognormal probability paper. The . d db b b .l . t 1t 1 t. SIteSare or ere y pro a 1 1 y p 0 corre a IOn coeffi1cient test statistics, i.e., site 1 displays the worst fit and site 23 displays the best fit to a two-parameter lognormal distribution. The empirical probability plot is shown using open circles and the fitted lognormal d . t . b t .. th l .d I . IS n u Ion IS e so I me. Th e fitt I ed t wo-parame t er lognormal distribution provides an excellent representation of each empirical cumulative density function. Each empirical probability plot is obtained by plot.ting the ordered observations q. versus Blom's ...(I) plottmg posItIon (Blom, 1958) . 797 1476 P{Q ~ q.) = 1- 3/8 I n + 1/4 801 718 643 (3) on computer generated lognormal probability plotting paper. Blom's plotting position is unbiased when *SeeFigure1 for the locationof eachsite. observations arise from a normal distribution, which is the case for the log transformed streamflows yj. The subscript i corresponds to the rank order for each streamflow, i=1 values, and i=nrespectively. corresponding to and the smallest and with largest Vogel ~a~Imum lIkelIhood estI~ates of th~ low-flow statIstIcs at each of the gaged SIteSare obtamed from ~.T = exp(~(d) + ZTCry(d» [ (T1 ) Kroll (1989) described procedures for generating prob- (1) ability plots on a computer. where n ~(d) = 1 L yj(d) n j=I REGIONAL LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY MODELS IN MASSACHUSETTS n Cr2(d) = -1- L(Y{d) -~(d»2 y n-l j=1 I Many investigators have developed regional models for estimating low-flow statistics at ungaged sites from readily available geomorphic, geologic, climatic, yj(d) = In[Qj(d)] and topographic characteristics for have example, Thomas and Benson, 1970). Such (see, models been developed use at ungaged many regions in the United forStates. Usually, sites theseformodels take the ti ~j(d).IS the mmImum d-day average dIschar~e m year I, n IS the number of years of record, and ZT IS a stan- dard normal random variable corresponding to the T- o~ --h ~.T -~1 243 " v bIVbn..P~ .."l ~A3 ... WATER RESOURCES (4 ) BULLETIN VogelandKroll where ~.T is obtained from gaged streamflow records, the X; are easily measured drainage basin and climatic cparacteristics, and the bi are parameter estimates obtained from the use of multivariate regression procedures. .Recently, Vogel et al. (1989) presented a regional .low-flow model that describes the time response of runoff from a watershed during dry periods. Describing the watershed as a system of linearized Dupuit-Boussinesq aquifers, they found that water- ~(d) crq(d) = exp(2~(d) +cry2(d))[exp(cry2(d))-1)] (5) where k is the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, A is drainage area, H is watershed relief, d is drainage density, ~ is the dimensionless baseflow recession constant and t is time. The product Hd is an approximation to the average basin slope. Here, as in Zecharias and Brutsaert (1985) the basin relief, H, is defined as the difference in elevation between the basin summit and the basin outlet where the basin summit elevation is the average of the highest peak and the two adjacent peaks on either side of it. The values of drainage area and relief are summarized in Table 1. Unfortunately, accurate estimates of k and ~ are difficult to obtain at an ungaged site; hence, those characteristics are ignored here. The inclusion of drainage density, d, did not result in improvements in our ability to estimate low-flow statistics at ungaged sites hence that basin characteristic is ignored here (see Kroll, 1989, Table 5.4). Instead, this study assumes that low-flows can be characterized by watershed area and basin relief alone. ~'(d) = In[bo] + b1In[A] + ~ln[H] In [crq(d)] = Inllio] + b1In[A] + Ea (8b) (9) where regression estimates of the moments in log space are obtained using the relations .'(d) ~'(d) (6a) = In [[1 + (crq'(d)/~'(d))2]1/2 .~~~) J cry'2(d) = In [ 1 + ( ~)2] (6b) Estimates of the moments of the annual minimum dday streamflows in real space are obtained from the moments in log space using the relations WATER RESOURCES BULLETIN (8a) Q'd,T= exp(~'(d) + ¥y'(d)) + ElL (7b) Table 2 summarizes the regional regression equations in Eq. (8) for the annual minimum d = 3- , 7- , 14- , and 3O-day low-flows. In general, the regression equations for liq'(d) have significantly higher coefficients of determination (R2), and lower standard errors of estimate (SE%), than the regression equations for crq'(d). In all cases, the model residuals (E), are approximately normally distributed as evidenced by the high computed probability plot correlation coefficient test statistics re (see Vogel and Kroll (1989) for discussion of these statistics). The tratios of the estimated model parameters, defined as each parameter estimate divided by its standard deviation, are always in excess of 7.2, 15.2, and 3.5 for lnllio], b1 and ~, respectively. Using ordinary least squares regression procedures, estimates of In[bo] in Eq. (6) are unbiased, and corresponding estimates of bo may contain slight bias. Only t-ratios for the unbiased parameter estimates, In[bo], are quoted here. The high t-ratios are evidence ofboth the significance and relatively high precision associated with all of the model parameter estimates in Table 2. The generalized regional low-flow frequency relations are obtained using and standard deviation, crq(d), of the annual minimum d-day low-flow series are obtained by using ordinary least squares regression procedures to fit the models In[~(d)] = bo A b1H~ crq'(d) = bo A b1 Ordinary Least Squares Regional Regression Procedures Regional regression equations for the mean, ~(d), (7a) where liy(d) and cry(d) are obtained using the estimators shown in Eq. (1). The resulting regional regression estimators for the moments in real space, denoted ~'(d) and crq'(d),may be rewritten as shed runoff at time t after the hydrograph peak may be described by Qt ==4 k A (Hd)2 ~ t = exp(~(d) + 1/2&q2(d)) 248 (lOa) (lOb) Genon"'od "'w.FloWF,..,uon'Y..Iatio~hip' fu, Ung...d SI", 10Mu~,hu~t" TABLE2 SU=a",orOnlina", r.~t Squ~ UlonEqnatw~ fu, Moment.orthOAnnaIMini=m d.day"'w.Fww.in...1 Sp~fu,tho 23 StudySi"' ",,'(d) = boAblHb, "01d) = boAb, MODEL hO h, ., ...13) 00031 (-77)0 L152 (152) 0454 (35) 351 957 09£7 1'«.(7) 000444 (-75) L132 (156) 0430 (35) 336 958 0968 ...114) 00065 (-74) Ll00 (160) .All (35) 3L8 980 0978 ...130) 00136 (-72) L065 (178) 0369 (36) n5 967 0988 ..13) 00429 (-141) L168 (189) 408 928 0983 ..17) 00558 (-130) Ll22 (163) 406 923 0976 ..114) 00759 (-lL2) L082 (152) 422 9L2 0978 ..130) t I I 0 R2' 01226 L058 355 932 (-107) (174) Critical voluoorr,i. 0963noing5%.ignifi~nooI~t ',i. tho probabilitypwtro~l.twn~mciont "'t .tatI.tk('..9" Thev"~. orR' .rea..n.tod furthOnUmb~or-orrreodom whi,hremaw al1.,p.,omotero..lm.twn CompntoduoingSE% = 100[oxP(0,'}-1]"',whore..' I. tbovarianooortho ~Idn".o, d.rmedin(6" V"u~ inparen..o~. ~t.ntw.oro.timatod modelpanmo"n In[boJ,b" andb, where Ii..'(d) and ".'(d) are given hy Eq (8) and ZT is obtained from Eq. (2). Figure 2 summarize5 the regre88ion e8timates of the distribution of annu81 minimum 7-day low-flow5 at the twenty-three 5ites u8ingdashed line8. Overall, the re8ult5 are quite good except for five sites (site numbers I, 5, 8, 14, and 15) where the regression estimates are only fair approximations to both the fitted lognormai distribution (LN2) and the empirical distribution shown using open circles. In general, the lack-of-fit is probably due to model error that results from not including additional basin characteristics such as the hydraulic conductivity and baseflow recession constant, both of which describe the geohydrologic response of each watershed. Riggs (1961), Vogel et al. (1989), and Kroll (1989) describe the improvement in regional low-flow frequency models that result from the inciusion of the baseflow recession constant. D SE%I /I .1 . etectlOno{ I n uentlO Ob r.' 0979 Vogcl.ndKroII. regional regression model If one or more sites 8re par. ticularly Influential, the re5ulting model would be que9tionable and more site5 would be required to bolster our confidence in the regres5ion model5. Draper and Smith (1981, Section 312 and Section 6,8) summarize a number of stand8rd St8tistiCS that can be employed to detect unusually influential observation5. As an alternative to these standard influence statistics, we use a graphical approach that is easier to explain. Each of the regression equations in Eq. (6) was fit to all sites except the one being validated, and the resulting estimates of Q7,T are shown as dotted lines in Figure 2. (Each dotted line repre5ents the regional estimate of Q7,T when that site is dropped from the original sample of 23 sitesJ In all cases, the subsample (validation) estimates are almost indistinguishable from the regression estimates based on all 23 sites. We conclude that none of the twenty-three sites employed in this study has an unusually large impact on the estimation of any of the parameters of the models in Eq. (6). servatlOns An experiment was performed to detect whether the deletion of any one of the sites affects the fit of the 249 WATER RESOURCES BULLETIN VogelandKroll The Im~act of Generalized Least Squares RegressLonProcedures ciated t-ratios obtained using OLS and GLS procedures are almost indistinguishable. However, because the GLS procedures account for the heteroscedastic structure of the errors and the cross-correlation of the flow-series used to estimate the dependent variables, they result in smaller model errors than the OLS models. Tasker and Driver (1988) reached similar conclusions for regional urban runoff water quality models. The total prediction error is the sum of the model error, sampling error, and measurement error. The latter is ignored here. GLS procedures document that the total prediction errors are larger than OLS procedures because GLS procedures account for the varying sampling errors associated with the dependent variabIes, but even GLS estimates of total error are low because they ignore measurement errors. The OLS and GLS model results in Table 3 show that the total prediction errors are largely due to model error; sampIing error remains insignificant by comparison. If measurement errors are ignored, these results indicate that future research in regional low-flow frequency analysis should concentrate primarily upon reducing model error . In the previous section ordinary least squares (OLS) regression procedures were employed to esti': mate the parameters of the regional model (eq. 6). Stedinger and Tasker (1985) observed that most regionalization problems, where the dependent variabIes are both cross-correlated and based on different record lengths, violate the commonly made assumptions that the model residuals are homoscedastic and independently distributed. They developed generalized least squares (GLS) regression procedures that account for the fact that the dependent variables are both cross-correlated and are based on samples with widely varying record lengths. A computer program which implements the GLS procedures is available (Tasker et al., 1987) and has already been employed in regional hydrologic studies for flood frequency analysis (Tasker et al., 1986; Potter and Faulkner, 1987) and urban runoff quality (Tasker and Driver, 1988). The authors are unaware of any previous applications of these procedures to regional low-flow frequency analysis. GLS regression procedures were used to fit the following regional models for annual minimum 7-day average streamflows In(~7,T) = In[bo] + b1ln[A] + ~ In[H] + v The Impact of Streamflow Record Augmentation Procedures (12) where Streamflow record augmentation procedures developed by Fiering (1963) and Vogel and Stedinger (1985), exploit the cross-correlation between concurrent flow records to obtain improved estimates of the ~7T = exp(~(7) + ZTcr (7» .y The residual error V is made up of model error £ and sampling error 11.The sampling error is due to the finite and varying length of records used to estimate Q7,T. In addition, sampling error in the dependent variable occurs because the sequences of annual minimum 7-day low-flows are cross-correlated in space. The average cross-correlation of the sequences was 0.35 and this value was used to characterize the covariance matrix of the residuals. An alternative would have been to model the cross-correlation offlow-series as a function of distance between sites as suggested by Tasker et al. (1987); however, we could not find any significant relations between cross-correlation and distance. Table 3 compares the parameter estimates and residual errors in Eq. (12) using both OLS and GLS regression procedures. The total prediction error v is equal to the sum of the model error £ and the sampIing error 11.Stedinger and Tasker (1985) and Tasker et al. (1986) describe procedures for estimating these error components using both GLS and OLS procedures. The model parameter estimates and their assoWATER RESOURCES BULLETIN moments of the flows at a short-record site. U sing the procedures outlined by Vogel and Stedinger (1985) and Vogel and Kroll (1990), record augmentation estimates of the mean and variance of the logarithms of the annual minimum 7-day low-flow series were obtained. Streamflow record augmentation requires the selection of a nearby hydrologically similar basin with a longer record than the site in question. For each of the 23 basins described in Table 1, the basin that led to the largest increase in effective record length (see Vogel and Kroll, 1990) was considered the long-record neighbor to be exploited in the record-augmentation procedure. This amounted to choosing a neighbor with simultaneously a high cross-correlation and long record length. The record-augmentation estimates of the .moments in log space, denoted liy*(7) and O"y*(7),were transformed into real space using the standard moment transformations for the lo~orrnal distribution gi'Yen in eq. 7, .the resulting estimates are denoted J.1q*(7) and O"q*(7). The record-augmentation estimators liq*(7) and crq*(7) 250 VogelandKroll CONCLUSIONS years of data. In addition, the large model error component of the total prediction errors implies that the .This study describes a procedure for developing sampling errors had only a marginal impact on the generalized regional regression equations for estimatanalysis. In general, GLS procedures will have signifiing the d-day, T-year low-flow statistic (~ T) at uncant advantages over OLS procedures in studies gaged sites in Massachusetts for d = 3, 7, 14, and 30 which seek to include very short-records such as at days. The resulting models (equations 8 9 and 10) partial-record sites. In such instances, GLS proceonly require estimates of the drainage ar~a ~d basin dures can lead to significant improvements because relief of the ungaged site. The procedure for estimatthe number of sites included in the analysis can be ing QdT at an ungaged site consists of substitution of increased considerably. the dr;Unage area A, and basin reliefH into Eq. (8) to In this study, record lengths ranged from 11 to 73 obtain Aq'(d) and <rq'(d), which are then substiyears and the average cross-correlation among concurtuted into Eq. (10) to obtain A;(d) and <r;(d), rent traces of annual minimum 7-day lo",:-flows was which in turn are substituted into Eq. (9) to obtain only 0.35. If the average cross-correlatlon among the final regression estimate Q'd T. The low-flow concurrent low-flow series were higher and if sites predictions from this model are ~omparable with with record lengths smaller than, say, 10 years were previous regionallow-flow investigations in terms of used, then GLS procedures would likely result in average prediction errors. ~e models developed~e signific~ntly different and more precise model param~re useful in practice due t~ !~ei!.-e~~~..SJL~.pp-tic~!-!9-n eter estImates than OLS procedures. and their ab~tyto ge~~-g~-~~!~li~~~~es Both OLS .and GLS procedures document that only and magnitudes oflow-flowsatungaged sites. a small fractIon of the total model error was due to --""Re~on-alnydro1ogic.models similar to those develsampling error; thus, efforts to reduce sampling error, oped here, known as "state equations," are in such as the application of streamflow record augmenwidespread use for estimating peak floodflows at tation procedures, led to only modest improvements in ungaged sites. to~ e~a~ple. NewtQn and Herrin the models described he~e: In the future, attention (1983) recommend such statistically based regional should focus on the remammg sources of model error: reeTe;s~O~e~uations ~-of-~~.s.e:d me~s~rement error, mode~ form, and ~h~ inclusion of determInIstIc mo els for estimating floodflows at addItIonal explanatory basm charactenstIcs. After all, t,lEgagedsites.-Their recommend&t1O-iisarebased-tipon as Wallis (1965) so clearly showed, one cannot hope to a- ~r~e nationWide ~dy using~mp-eti~ds uncover basic physical relationships using multivarid~~p~~!!1~ federal ~g~!!~ies. Unforate stati~tical pr~cedu~es without prior knowledge of tunately, most studies, such as this one, which have the physIcal relatIonshIps. attempted the same approach to estimate low-flow statistics at ungaged sites have met with only limited success. For example, Thomas and Benson (1970) show that average prediction errors for low-flow ACKNOWLEDGMENTS regional regression models in the Potomac river basin are at least twice as large as for analagous floodflow regional regression models in the same basin. Riggs (1961) Vo el et al. (1989) d Kr II (1989) h th t , g ..' an ..O S OW. a further reductIons In the predIctIon errors assocIated with such regionallow-flow models will likely result from the inclusion of additional watershed characteristics such as basin hydraulic conductivity, average basin slope, and the baseflow recession constant. This study has also compared the use of general- This researchwas supportedby a cooperativeagreement betwe?nTufts University and the U.S..~.ological Surveyw!th matchi~ fundsfromthe Massachus.etts DIVlSIOn of Wat.erPollutIon ControlIn the Departmentof EnvIronmentalProtection.We are gratefulto KatherineDriscollMartel for providingthe estimates of reliefin Table1. LITERATURECrrED izedS) least squares (GLS) squares . d and ordinary least.Blom, G., 1958. Statistical Estimates and Transformed Beta Variables. John Wiley and Sons,New York, N.Y., pp. 68-75and pp. 143-146. Draper, N. R. and H. Smith, 1981. Applied RegressionAnalysis, ~ohn Wiley & Sons,SecondEditi?n, New York. . FIermg, M. B., 1963.Use of CorrelatIon to Improve EstImatesof the Mean and Variance. U.S. GeologicalSurvey ProfessionalPaper 434-C. Fennessey, N. and R. M. Vogel, 1990. Regional Flow-Duration Curves at Ungaged Sites in Massachusetts.Journal of Water ResourcePlanning and Management,ASCE, 116(4). ( OL regressIon proce ures. GLS regressIon procedures led to almost identical regional regression model parameter estimates when compared with the OLS procedures. Although GLS procedures led to only. marginal gains in the prediction errors assoc. t d t .la he . th } fl . 1 . WI OW- OW reglona regressIon equa Ions, t at result only reflects the fact that all sites had at least eleven years of data, and most had more than twenty WATER RESOURCES BULLETIN 252 Generalizedww-Flow FrequencyRelationshipsfor UngagedSites in Massachusetts Kroll, C. N., 1989. Estimation and Usage of Baseflow Recession Constants,M.S. Thesis, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts. Newton, D. W. and J. C. Herrin, 1983.Estimating Flood Frequencies at Ungaged wcations. Proceedings of the Conferencein Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, pp. 528-533. Potter, K. W. and E. B. Faulkner, 1987.CatchmentResponseTime as a Predictor of Flood Quantiles. Water ResourcesBulletin 23(5):857-561. Riggs, H. C., 1961. Regional Low Flow Frequency Analysis. U.S. GeologicalSurvey ProfessionalPaper 424-B. Riggs,H. C., et al., 1980. Characteristics of ww Flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 106(5):717-731. Stedinger, J. R., 1980. Fitting wg Normal Distributions. Water ResourcesResearch16(3):481-490. 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