Note: that LMU does not have an equivalent course but will... the title from MECC.

Note: If the Lincoln Memorial University equivalency has the number 199 or 299, this signifies
that LMU does not have an equivalent course but will transfer the course as elective credit using
the title from MECC.
Fall 2013 – Summer 2014 Transfer Equivalencies
Mountain Empire Community College
ACC 105 Office Accounting
ACC 111 Accounting I
ACC 112 Accounting II
ACC 124 Payroll Accounting
ACC 211 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 212 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 215 Computerized Accounting
ACC 219 Governmental Accounting
ACC 221 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 222 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 231 Cost Accounting I
ACC 232 Cost Accounting II
ACC 261 Principles of Federal Taxation I
ACC 262 Principles of Federal Taxation II
ADJ 100 Survey of Criminal Justice
ADJ 105 The Juvenile Justice System
ADJ 107 Survey of Criminology
ADJ 111 Law Enforcement Org. & Adm.
ADJ 130 Introduction to Criminal Law
ADJ 133 Ethics & the Criminal Justice Pro.
ADJ 140 Introduction to Corrections
ADJ 236 Principles of Criminal Investigation
ADJ 245 Mgt. of Correctional Facilities
ADJ 248 Probation, Parole & Treatment
AGR 205 Soil, Fertility & Management
ART 100 Art Appreciation
ART 101 History & Appreciation of Art I
ART 102 History & Appreciation of Art II
ART 121 Drawing I
ART 122 Drawing II
ART 125 Introduction to Painting
ART 131 Fundamentals of Design I
ART 132 Fundamentals of Design II
ART 180 Introduction to Computer Graphics
ART 221 Drawing III
Lincoln Memorial University
ACCT 199 Office Accounting
ACCT 199 Accounting I
ACCT 199 Accounting II
ACCT 199 Payroll Accounting
ACCT 210 Financial Accounting
ACCT 299 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 299 Computerized Accounting
ACCT 299 Governmental Accounting
ACCT 299 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 299 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 299 Cost Accounting I
ACCT 299 Cost Accounting II
ACCT 299 Principles of Federal Taxation I
ACCT 299 Principles of Federal Taxation II
CRIM 105 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRIM 199 The Juvenile Justice System
CRIM 199 Survey of Criminology
CRIM 199 Law Enforcement Org. & Adm.
CRIM 210 Criminal Law
CRIM 199 Ethics & the Criminal Justice Pro
CRIM 199 Introduction to Corrections
CRIM 299 Principles of Crim. Investigation
CRIM 299 Mgt. of Correctional Facilities
CRIM 299 Probation, Parole & Treatment
ENVS 220 Soils
ART 100 Art Appreciation
ART 199 History & Appreciation of Art I
ART 199 History & Appreciation of Art II
ART 110 Drawing I
ART 210 Drawing II
ART 199 Introduction to Painting
ART 105 Design I: 2-d
ART 205 Design II: 3-d
ART 199 Intro. to Computer Graphics
ART 299 Drawing III
ART 222 Drawing IV
ART 241 Painting I
ART 242 Painting II
ART 275 Relief Printmaking
ART 283 Computer Graphics I
ART 284 Computer Graphics II
ASL 101 American Sign Language I
ASL 102 American Sign Language II
ASL 115 Fingerspelling & Number Use
ASL 125 Hist. & Cult. of the Deaf Community
ASL 150 Working with the Deaf
ASL 201 American Sign Language III
BIO 101 General Biology I
BIO 102 General Biology II
BIO 141 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 142 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 205 General Microbiology
BIO 231 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 232 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BUS 100 Introduction to Business
BUS 111 Principles of Supervision
BUS 116 Entrepreneurship
BUS 121 Business Mathematics
BUS 165 Small Business Management
BUS 200 Principles of Management
BUS 202 Applied Management Principles
BUS 205 Human Resource Management
BUS 235 Business Letter Writing
BUSN 236 Communication in Management
BUS 241 Business Law I
BUS 242 Business Law II
BUS 285 Current Issues in Management
CHM 101 General Chemistry I
CHM 102 General Chemistry II
CHM 111 College Chemistry I
CHM 112 College Chemistry II
CHM 241 Organic Chemistry I
CHM 242 Organic Chemistry II
CHM 245 Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHM 246 Organic Chemistry II Lab
ART 299 Drawing IV
ART 220 Painting I
ART 299 Painting II
ART 299 Relief Printmaking
ART 299 Computer Graphics I
ART 299 Computer Graphics II
HUMN 199 American Sign Language I
HUMN 199 American Sign Language II
HUMN 199 Fingerspelling & Number Use
HUMN 199 Hist. & Cult. Deaf Community
HUMN 199 Working with the Deaf
HUMN 299 American Sign Language III
BIOL 111 General Biology I
BIOL 112 General Biology II
BIOL 261 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 262 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 230 Microbiology
BIOL 299 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 299 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BUSN 100 Introduction to Business
BUSN 199 Principles of Supervision
BUSN 199 Entrepreneurship
BUSN 199 Business Mathematics
BUSN 199 Small Business Management
BUSN 299 Principles of Management
BUSN 299 Applied Management Principles
BUSN 299 Human Resource Management
BUSN 299 Business Letter Writing
BUSN 299 Communication in Management
BUSN 299 Business Law I
BUSN 299 Business Law II
BUSN 299 Current Issues in Management
CHEM 100 Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM 199 General Chemistry II
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 221 Lab Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 222 Lab Organic Chemistry II Lab
CST 100 Principles of Public Speaking
CST 105 Oral Communication
CST 110 Intro to Speech Communication
CST 116 Speech Workshop
CST 130 Intro to the Theatre
CST 131 Acting I
CST 132 Acting II
CST 151 Film Appreciation I
CST 152 Film Appreciation II
CST 250 The Art of the Film
CST 266 Outdoor Drama
ECO 110 Consumer Economics
ECO 130 Survey of Economics
ECO 201 Prin. of Economics- Macroeconomics
ECO 202 Prin. of Economics- Microeconomics
EDU 200 Intro to Teaching as a Profession
ENG 111 College Composition I
ENG 112 College Composition II
ENG 115 Technical Writing
ENG 121 Intro to Journalism I
ENG 122 Intro to Journalism II
ENG 210 Advanced Composition
ENG 211 Creative Writing I
ENG 212 Creative Writing II
ENG 241 Survey of American Lit. I
ENG 242 Survey of American Lit. II
ENG 243 Survey of English Lit. I
ENG 244 Survey of English Lit. II
ENG 251 Survey of World Lit. I
ENG 252 Survey of World Lit. II
ENG 256 Literature of Science Fiction
ENG 278 Appalachian Literature
ENG 281 American Folklore I
ENG 282 American Folklore II
FOR 135 Wildlife & Fisheries Management
FRE 101 Beginning French I
FRE 102 Beginning French II
GEO 210 Intro. to Cultural Geography
GOL 105 Physical Geology
GOL 111 Oceanography I
COMM 200 Fund of Speech Comm.
COMM 199 Oral Communication
COMM 199 Intro to Speech Communication
COMM 199 Speech Workshop
COMM 100 Introduction to Theatre
COMM 230 Fundamentals of Acting
COMM 199 Acting II
COMM 199 Film Appreciation I
COMM 199 Film Appreciation II
COMM 299 The Art of the Film
COMM 299 Out Door Drama
ECON 199 Consumer Economics
ECON 199 Survey of Economics
ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC 290 Intro to Teaching & Profession
ENGL 110 Freshman Composition
ENGL 210 Writing about World Lit.
ENGL 199 Technical Writing
ENGL 199 Intro to Journalism I
ENGL 199 Intro to Journalism II
ENGL 299 Advanced Composition
ENGL 299 Creative Writing I
ENGL 299 Creative Writing II
ENGL 299 Survey of American Lit. I
ENGL 299 Survey of American Lit. II
ENGL 299 Survey of English Lit. I
ENGL 299 Survey of English Lit. II
ENGL 299 Survey of World Lit. I
ENGL 299 Survey of World Lit. II
ENGL 299 Literature of Science Fiction
ENGL 299 Appalachian Literature
ENGL 299 American Folklore I
ENGL 299 American Folklore II
WDLF 100 Intro. Wildlife & Fisheries Mgt.
FREN 111 Beginning French I
FREN 112 Beginning French II
GEOG 211 Intro. to Human Geography
SCI 100 Intro to Earth Science
SCI 199 Oceanography I
GOL 112 Oceanography II
GOL 225 Environmental Geology
HLT 106 First Aid & Safety
HLT 110 Personal & Community Health
HLT 116 Personal Wellness
HLT 230 Principles of Nutrition
HIS 101 History of Western Civilization I
HIS 102 History of Western Civilization II
HIS 111 History of World Civilization I
HIS 112 History of World Civilization II
HIS 121 United States History I
HIS 122 United States History II
HIS 205 Local History
HIS 225 Topics in European History I
HIS 226 Topics in European History II
HIS 262 United States History in Film
HIS 267 The Second World War
HIS 269 Civil War & Reconstruction
HIS 270 America in the Gilded Age
HIS 276 U. S. History since World War II
HMS 100 Introduction to Human Services
HUM 100 Survey of the Humanities
HUM 111 Great Books I
HUM 112 Great Books II
HUM 195 Introduction to Appalachian Study
HUM 260 Survey of Twentieth-Century Culture
ITE 115 Intro to Computer Applications
MKT 100 Principles of Marketing
MKT 110 Principles of Selling
MKT 216 Retail Organization & Mgmt.
MKT 270 Marketing Management
MKT 282 Principles of E-Commerce
MTH 105 Survey of Technical Math I
MTH 106 Survey of Technical Math II
MTH 126 Mathematics for Allied Health
MTH 141 Business Mathematics I
MTH 142 Business Mathematics II
MTH 151 Math for Liberal Arts I
MTH 152 Math for Liberal Arts II
MTH 157 Elementary Statistics
SCI 299 Oceanography II
SCI 299 Environmental Geology
HLTH 120 First Aid & Safety
HLTH 200 Personal Health
HLTH 220 Lifetime Wellness
HLTH 210 Nutrition
HIST 199 History of Western Civilization I
HIST 199 History of Western Civilization II
HIST 121 World History to 1500
HIST 122 World History since 1500
HIST 131 American History to 1877
HIST 132 American History since 1877
HIST 299 Local History
HIST 299 Topics in European History I
HIST 299 Topics in European History II
HIST 299 United States History in Film
HIST 299 The Second World War
HIST 299 Civil War & Reconstruction
HIST 299 America in the Gilded Age
HIST 299 U. S. History since World War II
SOCW 199 Intro to Human Services
HUMN 199 Survey of the Humanities
HUMN 199 Great Books I
HUMN 199 Great Books II
HUMN 199 Intro to Appalachian Study
HUMN 299 Survey of 20th-Century Culture
ISYS 100 Computer Literacy
MKTG 199 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 199 Principles of Selling
MKTG 299 Retail Organization & Mgmt.
MKTG 299 Marketing Management
MKTG 299 Principles of E-Commerce
MATH 199 Survey of Technical Math I
MATH 199 Survey of Technical Math II
MATH 199 Mathematics for Allied Health
MATH 199 Business Mathematics I
MATH 199 Business Mathematics II
MATH 199 Math for Liberal Arts I
MATH 110 Math Reasoning & Problem Sol
MATH 270 Probability & Statistics
MTH 158 College Algebra
MTH 163 Pre-Calculus I
MTH 164 Pre-calculus II
MTH 241 Statistics I
MTH 242 Statistics II
MTH 271 Applied Calculus
MTH 273 Calculus I
MTH 274 Calculus II
MTH 275 Multivariable Calculus & Linear Alg.
MTH 277 Vector Calculus
MTH 279 Ordinary Differential Equations
MTH 285 Linear Algebra
MTH 286 Discrete Mathematics
MTH 287 Mathematical Structures
MTH 299 Differential Equations
MTH 292 Topics in Differential Equations
MUS 121 Music Appreciation I
MUS 122 Music Appreciation II
MUS 133 Recording Systems Services I
MUS 139 Shape Note Singing
MUS 150 Old Time String Banjo
MUS 167 Beginning Appalachian Dulcimer
MUS 168 Beginning Clawhammer Banjo
MUS 169 Beginning Fiddle
MUS 170 Beginning Rhythm Guitar
MUS 171 Beginning Mandolin
MUS 172 Beginning Upright Bass
NAS 106 Conservation of Natural Resources
NAS 125 Meteorology
NAS 131 Astronomy I
NAS 132 Astronomy II
NAS 171 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
NAS 172 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
NAS 215 Man and His Environment
NUR All Courses
PHI 211 The History of Western Philosophy I
PHI 212 The History of Western Philosophy II
PHT 101 Photography I
PHT 102 Photography II
PED all courses
MATH 115 College Algebra
MATH 199 Pre-Calculus I
MATH 120 Trigonometry
MATH 299 Statistics I
MATH 299 Statistics II
MATH 299 Applied Calculus
MATH 130 Differential Calculus
MATH 230 Integral Calculus
MATH 235 Multivariate Calculus
MATH 299 Vector Calculus
MATH 299 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 299 Linear Algebra
MATH 299 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 299 Mathematical Structures
MATH 299 Differential Equations
MATH 299 Topics in Differential Equations
MUSC 100 Music Appreciation
MUSC 199 Music Appreciation II
MUSC 199 Recording Systems Services I
MUSC 199 Shape Note Singing
MUSC 199 Old Time String Banjo
MUSC 199 Beginning Appalachian Dulcimer
MUSC 199 Beginning Clawhammer Banjo
MUSC 199 Beginning Fiddle
MUSC 199 Beginning Rhythm Guitar
MUSC 199 Beginning Mandolin
MUSC 199 Beginning Upright Bass
SCI 199 Conservation of Natural Resources
SCI 199 Meteorology
SCI 199 Astronomy I
SCI 199 Astronomy II
SCI 199 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
SCI 199 Human Anat. & Physiology II
SCI 299 Man and His Environment
Approval of Dept. Chair
PHIL 299 History of Western Philosophy I
PHIL 299 History of Western Philosophy II
ART 230 Photography I
ART 299 Photography II
PHED Elective
PHY 121 Principles of Physics I
PHY 122 Principles of Physics II
PHY 201 General College Physics I
PHY 202 General College Physics II
PHY 241 University Physics I
PHY 242 University Physics II
PLS 135 American National Politics
PLS 211 U.S. Government I
PLS 212 U.S. Government II
PSY 116 Psychology of Death & Dying
PSY 120 Human Relations
PSY 126 Psychology for Business
PSY 200 Principles of Psychology
PSY 215 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 231 Life Span Human Development I
PSY 232 Life Span Human Development II
PSY 235 Child Psychology
REL 200 Survey of the Old Testament
REL 210 Survey of the New Testament
REL 231 Religions of the World I
REL 232 Religions of the World II
REL 240 Religions in America
SOC 200 Principles of Sociology
SOC 215 Sociology of the Family
SOC 268 Social Problems
SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I
SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II
PHYS 100 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 199 Principles of Physics II
PHYS 211 General Physics I
PHYS 212 General Physics II
PHYS 299 University Physics I
PHYS 299 University Physics II
POLS 199 American National Politics
POLS 211 American Government: National
POLS 212 American Government: State
PSYC 199 Psychology of Death & Dying
PSYC 199 Human Relations
PSYC 199 Psychology for Business
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 299 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 221 Child/Adolescent Development
PSYC 222 Adult Development
PSYC 299 Child Psychology
REL 210 Survey of the Old Testament
REL 220 Survey of the New Testament
REL 299 Religions of the World I
REL 299 Religions of the World II
REL 299 Religions in America
SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 299 Sociology of the Family
SOCI 299 Social Problems
SPAN 111 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 112 Beginning Spanish II