A DIGITAL COMPUTER SOLUTION FOR LAMINAR FLOW HEAT TRANSFER IN CIRCULAR TUBES by MAR 13 Perry Goldberg 53 L I rf R A-R SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE AND MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February, 1958 Signature redacted - of the Author Signature ~~0~~~~~~ Department of N9chanical Engir C 'a. Certified by e ring, January 20, 1958 3ignature redacted Thesis Supervisor Accepted by .. Signature redacted .a e l./Ga a S n Chairman, Departmental Commit7 e on Graduate Students 0, A DIGITAL COMPUTER SOLUTION FOR LAMINAR FLOW HEAT TRANSFER IN CIRCULAR TUBES by Perry Goldberg Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on January 20, 1958, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. ABSTRACT A need exists for determining solutions to the laminar flow heat transfer problem for circular tubes in which the velocity and temperature profiles are developing simultaneously. The equations describing the heat transfer can be derived rather easily and must be solved using numerical or other approximate techniques. Programs for the IBM 650 and 704 computers are written to obtain heat transfer solutions using finite difference equations. These programs and the solution methods are discussed in the present thesis. Also presented in the thesis are numerical results obtained for various Prandtl numbers and two different boundary conditions. The computer solutions are in agreement with the solutions calculated by W. M. Kays and verified with experimental data. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Warren M. Rohsenow Professor of Mechanical Engineering ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is indebted to Professor W. M. Rohsenow, who supervised the thesis, for his valuable comments, advice, and encouragement. The writer also wishes to thank Mr. B. Thurston of the MIT Computation Center for his valuable assistance in running programs on the 704 electronic data-processing machine. This work was done in part at the MIT Computation Center, Massachusetts. Cambridge, 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page -Section ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . i . .. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES 1. INTRODUCTION vii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1. 1 Available Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 2 Derivation of Physical Equations . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . 8 . . 9 NUMERICAL METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2. 21 Langhaar Velocity Profiles . . . . . . . . . . 17 2. 22 Parabolic Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1.4 Objectives of the Report .. 2. 1 Finite-Difference Equations 2. 2 Velocity Profiles 2. 3 Boundary Conditions 3. v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1. 3 Boundary Conditions Considered . . 2. . . . .. . . .. 2.4 Local and Mean Nusselt Numbers 2. 5 Computing Machines MECHANICS OF COMPUTER SOLUTIONS 3. 1 Logical Block Diagrams . ... 3. 11 Velocity Block Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3. 12 Diagrams for 704 Solutions . . . . . . . . . . 25 3. 2 650 Program for Langhaar Velocity Profiles . . . 29 3.3 704 Programs for Heat Transfer Solutions . . . . . 33 3.4 650 Test Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 iv Page Section 3. 5 4. 5. 704 Test Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESULTS OF STUDY...... 39 ... 42 ................... 4. 1 Velocity Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4. 2 Heat Transfer Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4. 3 Discussion of Computer Results . . . . . . . . . . 63 CONCLUSIONS. .... -68 .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY APPENDIX B. LANGHAARtS VELOCITY PROFILES APPENDIX C. BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . .. . . . . . . . . 69 71 75 y LIST OF FIGURES F page No. Caption 3 1 Available Constant Wall Temperature Solutions..... 2 Fluid and Surface Temperature Variations, Constant 4 Finite-Difference Approximation 5 Logical Block Diagram for Velocity Calculation 6 Block 00 for Velocity Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Block 10 for Velocity Calculation . . . . .. 8 Logical Block Diagram for 704 Solution . . . . . . . . 9 Block 00 for 704 Temperature Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . 10 16 . 26 .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Temperature Difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Constant 27 . Fluid and Surface Temperature Variations, 28 . 3 10 . . . . . . Wall Temperature 30 . Fig. No. 31 Block 10 for 704 Mean Fluid Temperature Calculation 32 11 Generalized Velocity Profiles, Langhaar 45 12 Local Nusselt Numbers for Constant Wall Temperature, Numerical Solutions 13 . . . . . . . . 10 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Local Nusselt Numbers for Constant Temperature Numerical Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numerical Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Constant Wall Temperature Solutions, Numbers 15a 59 Mean Nusselt . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . 14b 58 Mean Nusselt Numbers for Constant Wall Temperature, . 14a . Difference and Langhaar Velocity Profiles, 60 Mean Nusselt Numbers for Constant Temperature Difference and Langhaar Velocity Profiles, Numerical Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 vi Fig. No. 15b Page No. Caption Semi-Log Plot of Mean Nusselt Numbers for 16 . Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 . Constant Temperature Difference Numerical 66 Solutions for Parabolic Velocity Profiles and Constant Wall Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . vii LIST OF TABLES . . 11 . . 38 . Numerical Solutions Presented in This Report for . 40 . 1 Page No. Caption Table No. . 41 5 Values of Langhaar Velocity Profiles Obtained on 650 . 42 6 Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Langhaar Velocity Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Comparison of 650 Computer Solution and Test Solution for 3 Y = 2. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test Solution and Computer Solution for Pr = 1. 0, Langhaar Velocity Profiles, and Constant Wall Temperature 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kays' Solution and 704 Solution for Pr = 0. 7, . . Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 1. 0 . . . Langhaar Velocity, Pr Langhaar Velocity, 49 = 2. 0 . . . 50 Pr = 5. 0 . . . 51 Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 0. 5 . . . Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, 12 48 Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, 11 Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 0. 7 . . . Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, 10 47 Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, 9 = 0. 5 . . . Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, 8 Pr 52 Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 0. 7 . . . 7 Langhaar Velocity, . Temperature, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature . Langhaar Velocity Profiles, and Constant Wall 53 viii ture Difference, 55 Pr Local Nusselt Numbers Parabolic Velocity, = 5. 0 . . . Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Tempera- 56 Different . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Increments 17 Pr = Z. 0 . . . Langhaar Velocity, ture Difference, Langhaar Velocity, 16 54 Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, 15 1. 0 . . . 14 Langhaar Velocity, Pr . ,Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Tempera- 64 Mean Nusselt Numbers for Parabolic Velocity, Constant Wall Temperature, A L . . . . . . ... and Varing Increments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Page No. Caption Table No. 65 1. INTRODUCTION With the advent of the gas -flow heat exchanger, the solution of the laminar-flow heat transfer problem for low density fluids in small diameter tubes received added importance. this problem exists. However, At present, no closed form solution to solutions have been obtained for a fluid with Prandtl number equal to 0.7 *and for very high and very low Prandtl number fluids where the flow can be idealized as fully developed or uniThese solutions are limited in their usefulness because they were form. obtained for special cases. Interest in the past was directed toward the solution of the problems associated with oil-flow heat exchangers. When oils are the primary fluid satisfactory solutions have been obtained because oils are high Prandtl number fluids; the velocity profile develops much faster than the temperature profile, hence the idealization of fully developed flow is adequate. For heat exchangers utilizing liquid metals the idealization of uniform flow is adequate because liquid metals have low Prandtl numbers. Therefore, the temperature profile developes much faster than the velocity profile. However, when fluids with intermediate Prandtl numbers are used, no such flow idealizations yield an adequate discription of the velocity distribution that exists within a circular tube. -Hence, a more accurate discription of the flow must be used along with numerical or approximate techniques to obtain useful solutions. 1. 1. Available Solutions. The majority of available solutions have been obtained for constant tube wall temperatures. However, this does not restrict the use of these solutions because Klein and Tribus2 have demonstrated that by using -*These numbers refer to references in Appendix C. step functions the constant wall temperature solutions can be manipulated to yield the solutions for any wall-temperature distribution. The available constant wall-temperature solutions are plotted in Fig. 1. The ordinate is the mean Nusselt number, the local Nusselt numbers averaged over the tube length, and the abscissa is the inverse of the independent nondimensional length variable that appears in the energy equation, sometimes called the Graetz number. All of these solutions are based upon the idealization that the velocity and temperature profiles are uniform at the tube entrance. , The following is a list of the available solutions that are plotted in Fig. 1: 1. Two constant wall temperature solutions have been proposed by Graetz, 3 one for uniform-velocity flow and one for parabolic-velocity flow. The uniform velocity solution can be obtained for all Graetz numbers. However, the parabolic velocity solution can be obtained only for Graetz number less than 100. This solution involves an infinite series of which only three terms are known. For Graetz numbers less than 100, the series converges rapidly and three terms are sufficient. But, for larger Graetz numbers the convergence is slower and three terms do not yield adequate results. 2. Leveque3 developed a solution for parabolic-velocity flow and high Graetz numbers by using a flat plate solution as an asymptotic approximation. This solution is good only near the tube entrance, Graetz numbers greater than 1000. /00 -0* 80 60 -10 *10 GRAETZO ELOCITY -IivFORM POHLHAU5EN __ _ 'EU MODIFIED FOR TUBE, PPROXIMATION - PR= 0.7 -____ /0 __POHLH AUSEN, PLATE, ______FLAT 6 - NORRIS AND STREID ----- NTERPOLATION NuMERICAL LANGHAA Pr=07- - -- - 20 BY WM.ifqy6, VE LOCITY PROFILE, Pr= 0.7 SOLUTION ~ 3 PARABOLIC VELOCITY .20 .30 .40 .60 .so J.o 2.O 3.0 X/IL FiG.I. AVAILABLE W.0 I.0 aoi /o 20 Re Pr x /0-2 / .10 CONVSTPSVT WALL T-EvPERATURE SOLUTIONS 30 40 60 S0 100 3. Norris and Streid have proposed that on a log log plot, such as that in Fig. 1, a straight-line interpolation be made between the Graetz and Leveque parabolic -velocity solutions. 4. For any tube cross-section, when the velocity and temperature are uniform at the tube entrance, the behavior near the entrance is approximated by the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate. Therefore, at high Graetz numbers the Pohlhausen 3 flat plate solution is a good approximation to the true solution. For 0. 5 < Pr < 15 the Pohlhausen solution is RePr Nu x/D m ln (1) 4 4Nu. 1-mi RePr (x/D) where the mean Nusselt number based on the initial temperature difference Nu mi is Nu mi 0.664 Pr0 . 167 RePr 0.5 (x/D)J The Pohlhausen flat plate approximation for circular tubes can be improved by correcting the flow cross Symbols are defined in Appendix A. (2) sectional area with the boundary layer displacement thickness from the Blasius 3' laminar boundary layer solution. 5. A numerical solution has been obtained by W. M. Kays employing the Langhaar5 velocity profiles for a fluid with Pr = 0. 7. This solution obtained by "hand". methods agrees well with experimental data. A solution has been obtained by Sparrow using integral methods. How- ever, the accuracy of this solution is poor and, therefore, it is not plotted in Fig. 1. Solutions "2" and "4" are adequate for Graetz numbers ) 1000, but inadequate for the real area of interest in heat exchanger design, Graetz numbers 4 100. All of the available solutions, with the exception of the solution by Kays, are satisfactory only for very long or very short tubes and for high or low Prandtl number fluids. Therefore, to obtain adequate design data in the laminar-flow region for gas-flow heat exchangers with both temperature and velocity profiles approximately uniform at the tube entrances, a direct solution of the energy-balance differential equation is necessary. Numerical solutions of the energy equation for various Prandtl numbers and for two different boundary conditions are presented in the present report. These solutions were obtained on a high speed digital computer using numerical methods similar to those used to obtain the solution for Pr= 0.7 byW. 1. 2. M. Kays. Derivation of Physical Equations. When the only heat transfer mechanism in the tube is conduction, when fluid properties are constant, and when conversion of mechanical to thermal energy is neglected, the following differential equation is obtained by applying the energy equation to an annular control surface in a space bounded by cylindrical surfaces dx in length and of radii r and r + dr: =Vc --+vrc -- (3) kr -r ar rx Jr + k r x2 4X r The terms to the left of the equal sign represent the radial and axial conduction and the terms to the right represent the radial and axial enthalpy flux. This equation is reduced to 1 14 t r Jr r) = c k (4) ax or .-Jr2 + -r ar k (L) 2jx if the following assumptions are made: 1. The axial conduction terms are small compared to the other transfer terms and can be neglected. 2. The presence of the radial enthalpy term greatly complicates the solution of the reduced equation and because this term is small except at large Graetz numbers the radial enthalpy flux can be neglected without introducing very large errors. The reduced equation, Eq. (5), nondimensional variables can be normalized by defining the Ar Tt 1 7 tI V A , T v and kx LA 2 vmecr0 4(x/D) RePr Substituting, Eq. (5) becomes .--. ++21-..-. JT T P2 R JR V ...-TT JL (6) An expression for the local Nusselt number Nu is obtained by equating the heat transfer rate per unit of length q as determined by the difference between the wall temperature and the mean fluid temperature with q as determined by the temperature gradient at the wall. The former expression for q is q = hZlr0 At = hZrr0t - Tm(7) where h is the unit conductance for convective heat transfer. The latter expression for q is = k21Tr q = k2nr0 ~ r wlr wall ~~ 0 JR . wall (8) The local Nusselt number is defined as 2hr 0 A hD Nu =.-. Therefore, by equating Eqs. 9 k k (7) and (8) and by solving for Nu the following result is obtained, 2 Nu = lJ R Iwall (10) TW - T m The mean Nusselt number Nu m is the local Nusselt number Hence, averaged over the tube length. L Nu Nu dL =. (11) m L_0 After the temperature distribution T is determined at any cross section L from Eq. (6), the mean fluid temperature is found by performing the following integration, T =2 VTRdR. 0 Finally, the local and mean Nusselt numbers are evaluated with Eqs. (12) and (13). 1. 3. Boundary Conditions Considered. For the solution to the temperature equation the following two boundary conditions are considered: 1. Constant wall temperature. 2. Constant wall-to-fluid temperature difference. (12) These two boundary conditions represent the extreems generally encountered in two-fluid heat exchangers. The fluid and surface temperature variations for both conditions are plotted in Figs. 2 and 3, with L the normalized length variable as the abcissa. Figure 2 shows that for Condition I the difference between the wall and the fluid temperatures Figure 3 is large at the tube entrance, but decreases as L increases. shows that for Condition 2, both the wall and fluid temperatures increase as L increases, but that the difference between the two remains constant. Condition 1 is a good approximation of the wall temperature distribution that occurs in condensers, evaporators, and often in parallel-flow heat exchangers when the two fluid capacity rates and heat transfer resistances are nearly equal. For many fluid to fluid heat exchangers, such as counter-flow heat exchangers utilizing two fluids with equal capacity rates and heat transfer resistances, Condition 2 has application. When either boundary condition is used, the primary information of interest is the mean Nusselt number. With Nu m, the fluid exit temperature and the over- all heat exchanger performance can be predicted. Therefore, the local Nusselt number is of secondary importance. 1'. 4. Objectives of the Report. The objectives of this report are: 1. To present numerical solutions for laminar flow heat transfer in circular tubes. 2. To describe the digital computer solutions for obtaining these solutions. The numerical solutions should help simplify the trial-and-error heat-exchanger design proceedure. Table 1 is a summary of the numerical solutions presented in this report for fluid flow described by the Langhaar5 velocity profiles. i0 5URFACE K i.e- T PLUID I .6 -I E /,0 7.0 .1 0.z 0.3 .4 0.5 0.6 Q7 0.8 4CX/) - ReP Fi.2. FLUID AND SURFACC TEMP1RATURE CONSTA/IT V..A7AT/O1N.S WAL- T-MPERAT-iUqE 6 5-1 T -LVI 4 / 35 0.0 0./ o.3 02 o.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (xID) 4 Re P- Fi&.3. FLU/Da /qND SURFAC.E TMPERATURE- CONSTANr VAR/A r/OM.1, rEMPERqATURE ThFFERG'SCE TABLE 1. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT FOR LANGHAAR VELOCITY PROFILES (Temperature and Velocity Assumed Uniform at Tube Entrance) Prandtl Numbers Boundary Condition 1 0.7 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 2 Solutions have been obtained also for fully developed flow (parabolic velocity profiles) and these solutions are compared with the Graetz analytic solution to help determine the accuracy of the numerical methods. Solutions have been obtained for Pr = 10 and Pr = 50. However, when Pr = 10 or Pr = 50, the velocity profile developes much faster than the temperature profile and the idealization of fully developed flow yields adequate solutions for Graetz numbers 4 100. Therefore, these solutions are not included in the present report. The following programs are discussed in the report: 1. A program for the 650 magnetic drum data-processing machine for calculating numerical values of the Langhaar velocity profiles. 2. A program for the 704 electronic data-processing machine for obtaining the constant wall temperature solutions. 3. A 704 program for obtaining the constant temperature difference solutions. 4. A 704 program for determining the parabolic velocity solutions. 2. NUMERICAL METHODS When the velocity distribution is other than a constant or some simple function of R and L, the normalized temperature equation, Eq. (6), is difficult to solve analytically. Therefore, alternate solution techniques are a necessity when the fluid flow is described by the Langhaar velocity profiles. The proposed solution method discussed in the present section involves approximating the continuous system with an "equivalent" lumped-parameter system. For this finite difference method of solution, the basic approximation is obtained by replacing a continuous domain with a pattern of discrete points within the domain. Instead of obtaining the continuous solution for T within the domain, approximations to T are obtained only at the isolated points and when necessary, values, derivatives, intermediate and integrals are obtained from the discrete solution by interpolation techniques. The remainder of Sec. 2 presents (1) the finite difference approximations used to reduce the normalized temperature equation, (2) the resultant finite-difference equations for computing the temperature T, (3) a discussion of the Langhaar and parabolic velocity profiles, methods used to evaluate the mean fluid temperature, number, (4) the the local Nusselt and the mean Nusselt number, and finally (5) a brief discussion of the computing machines used. 2. 1. Finite -Difference Equations. After the continuous formulation of the physical system is deter- mined, the discrete formulation is obtained by replacing derivatives with finite-difference approximations. For the present study the following commonly used approximations are utilized: 1 S T =------TR-AR, L + TR+AR, L JR ZA R = -- Equations (13), -\ + O AR (TR-AR, L - 2TR,L+ T R+AR,L JT JT- - 1 T R,L+AL - TRL JL AL + (13) (A-) +(ALI (14) (15) \ (14), and (15) are termed explicit finite-difference formulae because the only unknown appearing in the derivative expressions is the desired quantity, in this instance TR, L+AL, for which the calculation is being performed and once the relationship between derivatives is defined the unknown quantity can be obtained easily. The derivative approximations are derived from Taylor series expansions and the last term in Eqs. (13) through (15) expresses the order of the Taylor series remainder. When the intervals AR and AL are small enough the remainder behaves essentially like a constant times --2 -2 AR or AL. /-/Hence, the terms 0 (ZAR and 0 (AL are indications of the size of the approximation errors. When Eqs. (13), (14), and (15) are substituted into Eq. (6), 22T .- -+.1.-. =1V._._. 2T (6) vl R2 R J)R L the resultant expression can be solved for TR, L+AL to obtain the relationship TR, L+AL f1 TR+AR, L + f2 TR, L + f 3 TRR-AR, L. (16) 14 The coefficients f , f 2 , and f 3 are defined as A L iAR 2R VJ1R 1 1 f 2 Z AL -2 1 AR and - f3 3 lil V AL AR I1 AIR 2R An examination of the expressions for f 1 and f 3 indicates that as R goes to zero the two coefficients and, hence, the centerline temperature go to infinity. in any real situation the centerline temperature can However, never go to infinity. Eq. (16) cannot be used for finding the Therefore, centerline temperature T Furthermore, because the temperature distribution is radially symmetric, when R is zero TO+AR, L = (17) O-AR,L Hence, to determine the centerline temperature f and f3 can be added, thus eliminating the 1/2R terms and yielding the equation TO, L+AL 4 T AR, L +2 TO, L (18) where f 4 is defined as )(ZAL) V AR The finite-difference equations, Eqs. (16) and (18), imply that when the temperature and boundary conditions are known at the cross-section 115 AB of Fig. 4, the solution for all points within the shaded triangle ABC How- can be obtained if the velocity values are known within the triangle. ever, the continuous system is parabolic6 and has a single characteristic perpendicular to the tube walls across which discontinuities can occur. Therefore, 'before the solution can be determined at points such as C in Fig. 4, the boundary conditions at cross-section C must be known. This result indicates that implicit finite-difference formulae, which behave more like the continuous system than explicit formulae, would yield more accurate results than explicit finite-difference formulae. the implicit formulae are used, However, if 1/AR simultaneous equations must be solved at each AL. - Therefore, this type of solution is more complex than the explicit method and is much harder to handle on a digital computer. The explicit formulae are used to solve Eq. (6) and the increment in AL is chosen small enough such that the errors introduced by the finitedifference approximations are small. The solution to the finite-difference equation, Eq. (16), will converge as long as all the coefficients f 1 , f., and f 3 are of the same sign. Hence, the values for AL and AR cannot be chosen independently. For all solutions, the radius R is divided into 10 equal parts and AR is 0. 1. Therefore, the limiting value of AL is chosen so that the coefficient f 2 is positive throughout the calculation. Because the smallest value of V used in the calculation is 0. 384, the limiting value of AL is AL =0.0019. (19) For all but one of the solutions AL is less than AL The solution for Pr = 0. 5 is obtained by choosing AL greater than AL and letting the calculation proceed until f2 becomes negative, at which time the 16 rse WAWL 5~u Fi G. 4. FINITE -PDiFEREfcE APPRoxlMATION ac We A/L L 17 calculation is ended. The convergence constraint was not violated for any of the solutions presented in this report. 2. 2. Velocity Profiles. Numerical solutions for laminar-flow heat transfer in circular tubes are obtained for two different velocity distributions, the Langhaar velocity profiles and the parabolic velocity profiles. The solutions for parabolic velocity profiles are used to estimate the accuracy of the numerical solutions obtained for the Langhaar velocity profiles. 2. 21. Langhaar Velocity Profiles. The equation proposed by Langhaar for the velocity distribution of a laminar flowing fluid in a circular tube is V(Y, where the parameter R)= I('R) - (20) is some function of a nondimensional length variable (4 x/D)/Re that is independent of the Prandtl number, (21) \ Re / 4 x/D y. =4 The I's appearing in Eq. (20) are modified Bessel functions of the first kind and are defined as 2k+ p I (W)= . k=0 k!(k+p)! Therefore, Eq. (20) can be rewritten (22) V( (L Z~) Zk (k!) 2 k= o (k! = -k= 0 ) ,R) $0 2k 00 (23) r2 k=0 k! (k + 2)! or removing the k=0 term from the summation and adding parens R2 k=1I V( 2, R) = k! j . k 2 '2 (2 k-- I . k! (24) 2 (k + 2)(k + 1) Equation (24) is in a convenient form to program for a digital computer. The velocity V( 3, R) is calculated from this equation on a 650 magnetic drum data-processing machine. The two parameters that affect the nondimensional-velocity distribution are the tube radius R and the parameter (4x/D)/Re which represents the length from the tube entrance to some cross section x. The radius R was varied from its value at the tube center line to its value at the tube wall in increments of 0. 1. 0 and Therefore, R .1 A R = 0. 1 for all solutions. The length variable L of Eq. (6) and the parameter (4x/D)/Re are related by the Prandtl number, 19 4x L I Pr (25) D Re Hence, to make the values of V as calculated from Eq. (24) directly applicable to a finite-difference solution of Eq. (6) without interpolation, the increment in (4x/D)/Re is chosen to be 0. 001, and for any Prandtl number the increment . 001/Pr. AL for a finite-difference solution is chosen as Also. Langhaar's data indicates that the velocity profile is fully developed at (4x/D)/Re equal to 0. 300. Therefore when the stability conditions discussed in Sec. 2. 1 permit, the solutions are calculated for values of (4x/D)/Re less than or equal to 0. 250, at which point the temperature profile is sufficiently developed such that interpolation to the fully developed temperature solution yields adequate results. The actual values of J used on the digital computer are obtained by first plotting the values tabulated in Langhaar's paper 5 then selecting values of ' for (4x 0 . = 0. 250 Re at increments of (4x/D)/Re equal to 0.001. 2. 22. Parabolic Velocity. When the flow in a circular tube is fully developed the velocity profile is parabolic and constant at each cross section. The velocity is a function of radius only V = 2(1 - R ) (26) and the coefficients fl, f 2 ' f 3 , and f4 can be expressed in terms of R, and AL. By substituting Eq. (26) for V in the definitions of fy f' A R, f3' and f 4 the coefficients for fully developed flow are obtained; f 11 (29) AL ( 1 ,. AR A--R2 2. 3. Z7 R2) AL 2A L . 2R 1(28) -- AR f R2 2 AL 1 f (Z(l 1 2(1 - R2 A R 2R (30) 1 2(l - R2 Boundary Conditions. The numerical solutions presented in this report are obtained assuming the velocity and temperature constant at the tube entrance. The nondimensional fluid temperature at the entrance is assumed always to be one and for the constant wall temperature solutions the wall temperature is assumed to be two. For the constant temperature difference solutions the difference between the wall temperature and the mean fluid temperature is taken as one along the length of the tube. When computing the constant temperature difference solutions the wall temperature at any cross section is obtained by adding one to the mean fluid temperature at that particular cross section. Z. 4. Local and Mean Nusselt Numbers. Once the temperature distribution is obtained at some cross-section L, the local Nusselt number Nu is determined from Eq. (10). However, before this calculation can proceed the mean fluid temperature and the temperature The mean fluid temperature is gradient at the wall must be evaluated. R T But, R is one. m = R max 2 (31) RVTdR. 0 max Hence, Tm = 2 (32) RVTdR. 0 The integral in Eq. (32) is evaluated with Simpson's rule. The resultant approximation to the mean fluid temperature is R= 0. 9 Tm = ZAR m R=0. 1 [(RVT)R- AR + 4 (RVT)R + (RVT)R+ AR1, ARRR1R (33) R = 0. 1, 0. 1 + 2 AR, 0. 1.+ 4 AR, -.. 0.9, where the subscripts refer to the radius at which the values of R, V, and T are obtained to form the product (RVT). To determine the mean fluid temperature at any cross section L, the wall temperature at L is not needed because the velocity is zero at the wall and, therefore, the term (RVT)R+ AR is always zero when R = 0. 9. Hence, for the constant temperature difference solutions the mean fluid temperature is obtained at section L although the wall temperature at L is unknown. To evaluate the temperature gradient at the wall, the temperature profile at any cross section L is approximated as the parabola T =Twall + a(1 - R) + b( - R) (34) and the gradient is obtained by first differentiating Eq. (34) with respect to R, then letting R equal one. The gradient is (R = - a. (35) R= The constant a is found by evaluating Eq. (34) at two different radii, R = 0. 9 and R = 0. 8, and solving the two resultant equations for a in terms of T o8,' T 0.9, and Twall; a = 5 (4T 0 . 9 - T 0 . - 3 Twall) 8 (36) and the gradient at the wall is T (R/R=I With Eqs. (10), = - 5(4T 0 .9 - T0. 8 - 3 Twall). (37) (33), and (37) the local Nusselt number at any section L can be determined when the temperature profile at L is known. The mean Nusselt number given by Eq. (11) L Nu mL is evaluated also with Simpson's rule. Nu dL J X Hence, Num is approximated as (11) L- A L Nu AL m (Nu L- AL 3 + 4Nu + Nu+ ), L+ AL) L (38) A L L = A L, 3 AL, 5 AL, L - A L, where the quantities being summed are local Nusselt numbers evaluated at the cross sections indicated by the subscripts. 2. 5. Computing Machines. The solutions to the temperature equation, Eq. (6), and the velocity equation, Eq. (24), are both obtained with the aid of IBM digital computers. The temperature solutions are determined with the 704 electronic dataprocessing machine and the velocity calculations are performed with the 650 magnetic drum data-processing machine. The former computer has magnetic-core storage and over eight thousand storage registers with an access time of 12 microseconds. This machine stores information and performes all of its arithmetic operations in the binary number system. The 650 computer is a decimal machine, all information is stored and all calculations are done in the decimal number system. This machine has magnetic drum storage with a capacity of 10, 000 or 20, 000 digits and an access time that varies with the position of the read out heads with respect to the position of the desired information on the drum. 3. MECHANICS OF COMPUTER SOLUTIONS This section presents a discussion of the programs used for determining (1) velocity values within a circular tube for laminar flow, (2) the solution to the temperature equation, and, (3) the values of local and mean Nusselt numbers for a laminar-flowing fluid in a circular tube. Because two different computers are used for these calculations, this section can be divided into two distinct parts, one for the discussion of the 650 program and the other for a description of the 704 programs. 3. 1. Logical Block Diagrams. To facilitate the programming of equations and, hence, the solution of problems involving equations, logical block diagrams are constructed. These diagrams are obtained by placing arithmetic and logical operations in boxes and connecting these boxes with vectorsthat indicate the direction in which the calculation is proceeding. The block diagram has two purposes: 1. It helps keep the over-all requirements of the problem well in mind. 2. It reduces the large problem that is difficult to visualize and comprehend into a series of many smaller problems, each of which may be readily visualized, understood, and programmed. The diagrams can be drawn at many levels. Depending upon the complexity of the problem being solved, a single box might represent one arithmetic operation or a multitude of arithmetic operations. 3. 11. Velocity Block Diagrams. Because the calculation of the velocity from Langhaar's equation, 25 2 )ok 1 - R2k .2 V(6, R)= k= Z 2 C12 + 2 , k! J Wo 0 )2 . ... , (39) (k + 2) (k + 1) .k! k= 1 2 2 involves determining values of two infinite series, some criterion for terminating both series must be established before any computation or programming can proceed. In Appendix B it is shown that all terms of both series decrease monotonically for k greater than or equal to two. Therefore, because k is always two or greater, both series are terminated by assuming that all fractional terms less than some quantity neglected, where A can be A is defined as A A -f 5x10. The exponent f in the definition is one plus the number of significant digits desired in the numerator and denominator of V. Also, because the number of significant digits in a quotient is equal to the number of significant digits in either numerator or denominator whichever is smaller, f plus one is the number of significant digits desired in the velocity V. Figure 5 is the complete logical block diagram for the velocity calculations. The blocks labeled 00 and 10 in Fig. 5 are expanded and redrawn in Figs. 6 and 7 respectively. 3. 12. Diagrams for 704 Solutions. The logical block diagram for the complete 704 solution, Fig. 8, is composed of five major blocks. ture solution, These blocks represent (1) the tempera- (2) the evaluation of the mean fluid temperature, (3) the 26 READ AN H 5ET 5ELECr y AND SET 'R=0 SET |N v V = 0 SET M=I BLOCK 00 'YES -R VNK= - -7 K.K REPLACE'S K YES SLOC< 10 xf2 VD - K! (Kf 2}X+ 1) R + 0.1 R EPLA CES ,q DK PCH R$ V4 L R EPLA C S {YES Lv Fic. 5. 14K< A VIN No Lo&lciAL BLocK DIAGFM ro' VELOCTrY CAqLCULArION K 2 K! RK R -RK- 1 FiG. 6. B1LOCK 00 FOR VELOCITY C A LCU L ATION (i Fi. 7. (T K 2 ja) (K+- l) BLOCr< 10 FOR CA LCULATION VELOCITY determination of the temperature gradient at the wall, (4) the calculation29 of the local Nusselt number, and (5) the calculation of the mean Nusselt number. Each of these blocks can be subdivided. However, the third and fourth blocks represent straightforward algebraic manipulations and the fifth block is very similar to the second block. first and second blocks are expanded. Therefore, only the Figures 9 and 10 represent the temperature solution and the evaluation of the mean fluid temperature respectively. 3. 2. 650 Program for Langhaar Velocity Profiles. With the aid of the logical block diagrams Eq. for the 650 magnetic drum data-processing machine. (24) was programmed An optimized program was assured by subscribing to the rules of coding for the Symbolic Optimum Assembly Program (S. O. A. P. ). Because the parameter X is generally a mixed number, the floating point subroutines of the MIT Selective System (MITSS) were used. Thus, the need for scale factoring and for shifting decimal points either before or after performing fixed point multiplication or division was eliminated. In this manner, the time ordinarily needed for coding the problem was reduced and the program was simplified. However, no real time advantage was gained because the floating point routines require more machine time than the fixed point routines. The assembled program is outlined here: 1. Initially, seven values of X are read into the machine and placed in appropriate storage registers. 2. The first of the seven values of Y is selected and R is set equal to zero. 3. The selected value of X is operated upon to obtain the value 0 AND INITIAL INFORMATION T-EMPERATUR E DISTRIUTION READ IN VELOCirY L=O SET BLOCK 00 1 RL+AL T,L+AL REPLACE BLOCK 7 'fl TR+AR,L + fa TR,L t+liTR-AR,L 4 TAR.,L + T R 0 2 'O,L WITH TRL+4L 10 Tr VT) R+AR+ 4(AVT) + (RV T R-AR] R 0.I BLOC/ 20 -- 3 R BLOCK 30 U/JT% -'~Rl flu \ 7- - .- rY- 1BLOCK 40 L-ATL Nu,= 3 PRINT AL OUT N + NVL. T "I AND L+2 AL + Nu4_ , +, L 7-y7 4aL , Nux, iVlm R EPLACES L+AL F~io... LIiCAL fBLoerw DIAGRAM FoR 704 SOLUTION 31 PcMO G. ~ OAL*L 4 Z 4L 7ARL REPLACES 41 V A R +Z I7-- -A) YK()(A)(? RSL+AL IR+,AR,L R =. OYE Fi. 1BLOCK 00 o R-ARL TRL 704 NO T EMP ERA TURre C ALCULATIONS 32 S ET R 0.1 (RvT) R +2?R R EFLACES EIIR -4(RVT) (-vr) T =(RVT)RA2 - q(RvT) + (Rvr) NO 1 qo.q Yes I7 r =PA K Fi. 10. BLOCK 10 rom 704 MEAm FLu Tr-eMPATURE CA LCUL AT 1 ION I 33 of V at the radius R and the result of this calculation plus some identification is punched on an IBM card. 4. The parameter R is indexed and control is transferred back to (3). After R has been indexed nine times, control is transferred to the next part of the program step (5). 5. The machine selects the next value of Y , sets R back to zero, and transferres control back to (3). This procedure is repeated six times, thus using all seven values of 6 and the program then continues with step (6). 6. A new card is read into the machine and seven new values Control is then of X are placed on the magnetic drum. transferred back to (2). This procedure is repeated until the read card hopper is empty, at which time a read light is energized and the program is stopped. All machine results obtained in this study were for (40) A= 5(10 4). Hence, the calculated values of velocity V used for the temperature solutions. are good to three decimal places. 3. 3. 704 Programs for Heat Transfer Solutions. With the aid of block diagrams, Figs. (8), (9), and (10), the heat transfer problem was coded for the 704 electronic data-processing machine. The program was written in the standard symbolic coding language agreed upon by members of the Share organization so that the Share Assembly Program (SAP) could be utilized. All arithmetic operations are performed on floating-point numbers with floating-point instructions and index registers are used to count and regulate cyclic processes. 34 The 704 programs are composed of five major parts, the calculation at any cross section L for (1) the temperature distribution, fluid temperature, (3) the temperature gradient at the wall, Nusselt number, and (5) the mean Nusselt number. (2) the mean (4) the local The assembled program for the constant wall temperature solutions is outlined here. Initially: 1. The velocity data and all other starting information are read into the machine. Temperature Distribution: 2. The coefficients f2 and f 4 are determined for R equal to zero and the center-line temperature is evaluated. 3. The radius R is indexed and the coefficients f , f , and f 2 3 are calculated. 4. The temperature at the indexed radius is obtained and control is transferred back to (3). This procedure is continued, always using the proper velocity values, until the entire temperature distribution at section L is determined. 5. The program then continues with step (5). The temperature distribution at L replaces the distribution at L - A L. Hence, the first time through the program the temperature distribution at A L replaces the starting temperature distribution. Mean Fluid Temperature: 6. After step (5) is completed, the mean fluid temperature is computed with Simpson's rule by averaging the product VTR over the tube cross section. 35 Temperature Gradient at the Wall: 7. The gradient at the wall is evaluated by assuming that the temperature distribution between R equal to 0. 8 and the wall is a parabola. Hence, the gradient is the derivative of the temperatuire evaluated at R equal to 1. 0 and is obtained from Eq. (37). Local Nusselt Number: 8. The local Nusselt number at section L is determined by dividing twice the temperature gradient at the wall by the wall temperature minus the mean fluid temperature. All values of local Nusselt number are preserved in the machine s-o that the mean Nusselt number can be determined at any section L. Mean Nusselt Number: 9. The mean Nusselt number at section L is obtained with Simpson's rule by averaging the local Nusselt numbers over the tube length between section L and the tube entrance. For the computer solutions, the local Nusselt number at the tube entrance is assumed to be 30. This figure is obtained by evaluating Eqs. (10) and (37) at the tube entrance. However, this assumption appears to be rather poor for many Prandtl numbers. Hence, mean Nusselt numbers are also evaluated on a desk calculator with the values of local Nusselt numbers obtained on the 704 and with a starting mean Nusselt number at L = 0. 004 as determined from the Pohlhausen flat plate solution, Eqs. (1) and (2). Finally: 10. After the calculations at section L are completed, the values of L, T , ( 4 T/a R)R = 1, Nu , and Nu mx written on magnetic tape. m are Also, at some fixed interval of L other than A L the temperature distribution TR is placed on tape. The length L is incremented and control is transferred back to (2). This cyclic process is re- peated until f 2 becomes negative or until the desired number of length increments A L have been considered. When the program stops, the magnetic tape that contains the results is taken to special off-line equipment and a list out of the results is obtained. The constant temperature difference solutions proceed as the constant wall temperature solutions with the following exceptions: 1. After the mean fluid temperature is found, the wall temperature at L is obtained by adding one to the mean fluid temperature. This value of wall temperature then re- places the value at L - A L. 2. Because the difference between the wall temperature and the mean fluid temperature is always one, the local Nusselt number is obtained by multiplying the temperature gradient at the wall by two. The 704 program for the parabolic-velocity, constant wall-temperature solutions is much simpler than the two programs discussed in the preceding paragraphs. of R alone. For the parabolic-velocity solutions, the velocity is a function Hence, the f. functions do not need to be calculated at each 1 station along the tube length but can be determined at the first station, stored in the machine, and used at all stations. This simplification plus the fact that a very small amount of velocity data need be stored in the machine greatly reduces the complexity of the program for parabolic-velocity solutions. 3. 4. 650 Test Solutions. To check-the assembled program and to determine whether or not production running can be started, a test solution for = 2, that was cal- culated by hand, is compared with a trace of the 650 program. The test solution values and the values obtained from the trace are tabulated in Table 2. A comparison of these values reveals that the machine numbers are in agreement with the test solution. Therefore, it is assumed that no errors were made in the final assembly of the program and production running is started. After completing the production runs a comparison of machine results is made with some values of center-line velocity that are listed in Langhaar's paper. 5 The following values are compared: Langhaar 650 Results (4x/D)/Re 1.9800 1.9799860 .227 1.9434 1.9434035 .156 1.8573 1.8572992 .095 1.3514 1.3514404 .010 When the 650 results are rounded off to four places, the machine values and those of Langhaar are in exact agreement. Hence, it is assumed that the program accomplished what it was designed to agcomplish, namely determine the velocity V at various radii R and lengths L. 38 Table 2. Comparison of 650 Computer Solution and Test Solution for W= 2.0. Program Position End of 1st Loop Computer Solution Test Solution -1. 6616667x10~ 1 -1. 6616667x10 1 2nd Loop -2. 0333333x10-2 -2.0333333x10-2 3rd Loop -8. 8888900x10~ 4 -8.8888900x10 4th Loop 4. 4212963x10~4 4. 4212963x10 44 1.8573035 1.8572992 Final Value 4 704 Test Solutions. 3. 5. Two test solutions are used for the 704 computations. solution was obtained with a desk calculator for Pr tube wall temperature. of = The first test 1. 0 and a constant Calculations were made for the first two increments A L, that is, values were obtained for L = A L and L = 2 A L. This solution is used to check the assembled program and after a satisfactory machine solution is obtained production running is started. The test solution and machine results appear in Table 3. The second test solution was obtained by W. M. Kays at Stanford University and is used to verify the 704 program. Kays computed a solution for Pr = 0. 7 and a constant tube wall temperature with numerical techniques similar to those used in the present study. Table 4 is a tabulation of Kays' results and the 704 results obtained for Pr = 0. 7 and a constant tube wall temperature. From this table it is apparent that the machine results agree very well with the test solution. are not in exact agreement. However, the two solutions A large initial discrepancy is present because the incremental length A L used for both solutions was not the same. For Kays' solution A L = 0. 001 was employed for L = 0 to L = 0. 010, and A L = 0. 002 for L > 0. 010, whereas for the 704 solutions A L = 0. 00143 was employed for all L. Kays verified his solution with experimental data. Therefore, the foregoing discussion indicates that the 704 program is correct and can be used to compute within the region of interest heat transfer solutions for laminar flow in circular tubes. 40 Table 3. Test Solution and Computer Solution for Pr = 1. 0, Langhaar Velocity Profiles, and Constant Wall Temperature. L= .002 L= .001 .Test Solution Radius Computer Solution Test Solution Computer Solution .Temperature 1. 00000 1 .00000000 1 .00000000 1 .00000 1 .00000 1.0&0000000 .99999985 0.2 1. 00000 .99999992 .99999 .99999992 0.3 1. 00000 1 .00000000 .99999992 0.4 1. 00000 .99999992 .99999 .99999 0.5 1. 00000 .99999992 1 .00000 .99999985 0.6 1. 00000 .99999992 1 .00008 .99999992 0.7 1. 00099 1 .00000000 1 .00080 1.00000000 0. 8 99999 .99999992 1 . 01124 1.01124864 0.9 1. 11430 1 .11431486 1 .21116 1.21118170 Q .1. 00000 0.1 .99999985 Mean Fluid Temperature 1.01993 1.01992723 1.04155 1.04156030 Gradient at Wall 12.7140 12.7137023 10.8330 10.8326090 'Local Nusselt Number 25. 9451 25. 9444049 22. 6052 22. 6046752 .Mean Nusselt Number 16. o642 16.0637156 41 Kays' Solution and 704 Solution 0.7, Langhaar Velocity for Pr Profiles, and Constant Wall Temperature. Table 4. Kays 704 .004 18.46 17.45 .010 11.31 10.87 .020 7.90 .030 6.53 6.52 . 040 5.82 5.80 .050 5.34 5.34 .060 5.02 5.01 .070 4.75 4.7 6 .080 4.57 4.57 .090 4.42 4.41 .100 4.29 4.29 .110 4.18 4.19 . 120 4.09 4.11 . 130 4.03 4.04 .140 3.97 3.98 .150 3.91 3.93 .160 3.88 3.89 .170 3.85 3.85 .180 3.82 3.82 .190 3.79 3.78 .200 3.77 3.76 . RePr/(x/D) Nu Nu (4x/D)/RePr Kays 704' 1000 17.44 17.58 400 200 7.77 11.28 11.25 133. 100. 9.12 9.09 80. 66. 7.95 7.93 57. 50. 7. 19 7.18 44. 40. 6.67 6.66 36. 33. 6.27 6.26 30. 28. 5.96 5.96 26. 25. 5.72 5.72 23. 22. 5.52 5.52 21. 20. RESULTS OF STUDY 4. In this section the results obtained for particular Prandtl-numbers are presented. Only those results useful in heat exchanger design have been included, other machine results have been deleted. Also, because the results are useless without some indication of their accuracy, a discussion of the accuracy of the numerical methods is included in this section. 4. 1. Velocity Results. The velocity calculation was made for twenty-five hundred different positions within a circular tube on the 650 magnetic drum data-processing machine. The calculations for cross sections close to the tube entrance used the most machine time, twenty-nine seconds per cross section. The shortest solutions used four and a half seconds for cross sections where the velocity profile was very nearly developed. The average solution time was six and a third seconds and the total 650 time used for production running was slightly over two hundred minutes. A summary of the resultant velocity solutions appears in Table 5. The values in this Table are good to at least three figures to the right of the decimal point. profiles. Also, Fig. 11 is a plot of the generalized velocity In this Figure, V is plotted against the tube radius R with the expression LPr as a parameter. These profiles are invariant with changes in Prandtl number. The velocity values obtained from the 650 were used with the 704 to compute heat transfer solutions for various Prandtl numbers and boundary conditions. Table 5. Values of Langhaar Velocity Profiles Obtained on 650. (rounded off to three places) 4(x/D) Re RADIUS 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 .004 1.253 1.253 1.253 1.251 1.247 1.237 .010 1.351 1.350 1.347 1,340 1.326 1.300 .020 1.483 1.480 1.469 1.450 1.416 1.362 .030 1.577 1.571 1.554 1.522 1.472 1.396 .040 1.647 1.640 1.616 1.575 1.511 1.418 .050 1.703 1.693 1.665 1.615 1.540 1.434 .060 1.751 1.740 1.707 1.649 1.564 1.446 .070 1.790 1.778 1.741 1.677 1.584 1.456 .080 1.821 1.808 1.767 1.699 1.598 1.463 .090 1.846 1.832 1.789 1.716 1.610 1.469 .100 1.868 1.853 1.808 1.731 1.621 1.473 .110 1.887 1.871 1.824 1.744 1.629 1.477 .120 1.903 1.886 1.837 1.755 1.636 1.481 .130 1.916 1.900 1.849 1.764 1.643 1.484 .140 1.928 1.911 1.859 1.772 1.648 1.486 .150 1.938 1.920 1.867 1.779 1.653 1.488 . 160 1.947 1.929 1.875 1.785 1.657 1.490 .170 1.954 1.936 1.881 1.790 1.660 1.491 .180 1.960 1.942 1.886 1.794 1.663 1.492 .190 1.965 1.947 1.891 1.797 1.665 1.493 .200 1.970 1.951 1.895 1.800 1.667 1.494 .210 1.974 1.955 1.898 1.803 1.669 1.495 .220 1.978 1.959 1.902 1.806 1.671 1.496 .230 1.981 1.962 1.904 1.807 1.672 1.496 .240 1.983 1.964 1.906 1.809 1.673 1.497 .250 1.986 1.966 1.908 1.810 1.674 1.497 Table 5. (continued) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.215 1.162 1.036 .733 1.251 1.159 .983 .646 1.275 1. 138 .918 .565 1.284 1. 118 .876 .521 1.287 1.103 .847 .493 1.288 1.090 .826 .472 1.288 1.079 .807 .455 1.287 1.070 .793 .442 1.287 1.063 .782 .432 1.286 1.057 .773 .424 1.285 1.051 .765 .418 1.285 1.047 .758 .412 1.284 1.043 .753 .407 1.284 1.040 .748 .403 1.283 1.037 .744 .400 1.283 1.035 .741 .397 1.283 1.033 .738 .395 1.282 1.031 .735 .393 1.282 1.030 .733 .391 1.282 1.028 .731 .389 1.281 1.027 .730 .388 1.281 1.026 .729 .387 1.281 1.025 .727 .386 1.281 1.025 .726 .385 1.281 1.024 .726 .385 1.281 1.023 .725 .384 2.o Re .8. .250 /.64 '.4 4/D- K V v-rn .8 L Pp= Re =. 004 .6- .4- 2 /o .6 FiG. /I. .6 -4 GENERALIZED .Z 6 .I VS-LOCITY .4 .6 . 1.o PRqoF-1LEr, L-ANrH ARR 4. 2. Heat Transfer Results. The 704 electronic data-processing machine solutions are summarized in Tables 6 through 15. The constant wall temperature solutions appear in Tables 6 through 10 and the constant temperature difference solutions appear in Tables 11 through 15. Solutions were obtained for Prandtl numbers 0. 5, 0. 7, 1. 0, 2. 0, 5. 0, 10. 0, and 50. 0. However, the solutions for Pr > 5. 0 are not presented in this report. For Pr > 5. 0 the velocity pro- file develops much faster than the temperature profile and the idealization of fully developed or parabolic flow yields adequate results within the region of interest in heat exchanger design. Two columns of each of these Tables are devoted to mean Nusselt numbers. The values obtained from the 704, "704 Num", were obtained by making the simplifying assumption that for all Prandtl numbers the local Nusselt number at the tube entrance is 30. This particular value was chosen because it is consistent with Eqs. (10), (12), and (37). However, because errors are propagated downstream and because near the tube entrance finite difference errors are large, the mean fluid temperature changes rapidly, and the radial enthalpy flux, neglected in the reduced temperature equation, may be of some importance, this approach does not yield accurate results. A more accurate method is to employ an approximate solution in the vicinity of the tube entrance and then to use Eq. (12) and the local Nusselt numbers to obtain the downstream mean Nusselt numbers. The values appearing in the columns headed "Nu m" were obtained on a desk calculator using the Pohlhausen flat plate solution to obtain a starting mean Nusselt number at RePr/(x/D) = 1000. The computer results are also summarized in Figs. 12, 13, 14, and 15. The constant wall temperature results are plotted in Figs. 12 and 14, 417 Table 6. Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 0. 5. 4 (x/D)/(Re Pr) Nu .004 17.02 22. 40 .007 13.11 20. 35 .010 10.91 17.09 .020 7.91 13.05 .030 6.65 11.12 .040 5.93 -9.89 .050 5.46 9.05 .060 5. 12 8.42 .070 4.87 7.93 .080 4.67 7.53 .090 4.52 7.21 .100 4.39 6.93 .110 4.28 6.69 .120 4.20 6.49 .130 4.12 6.31 .140 4.06 6. 15 . 150 4.01 6.01 . 160 3.96 5.89 .170 3.93 5.77 .180 3.89 5.67 . 190 3.86 5.57 . 200 3.84 5.49 . 210 3.82 5.41 .244 3.76 5.18 . 278 3. 72 4.99 704 Nu m Nu m 24.5 RePr/(x/D) 1000 571.4 17.84 400 200 11.41 133.3 100 9.24 80 66.7 8.06 57.2 50 7.31 44.4 40.0 6.78 36.4 33.3 6.38 30.8 28.6 6.07 26. 7 25.0 5.82 23.5 22.2 5.62 21. 1 20. 0 5.45 19.0 16.4 5.04 14. 4 Table 7. 4(x/D)/RePr Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 0. 7. .Nux 704 Nu m . 004 17.45 22. 79 .007 13.13 19.75 .010 10.87 17.26 .020 7.77 13. 11 .030 6.52 11.10 .040 5.80 9.86 .050 5.34 9.00 .060 5.01 8.36 .070 4.76 7.86 .080 4.57 7.46 .090 4.41 7. 13 .100 4.29 6.85 .110 4.19 6.61 .120 4.11 6.41 .130 4.04 6.24 .140 3.98 6.07 .150 3.93 5.93 .160 3.89 5.80 .170 3.85 5.69 .180 3.82 5.57 .190 3.80 5.49 .200 3.78 5.41 .210 3.76 5.33 .280 3.68 4. 92 .350 3.65 4.67 .Nu m -23. 8 (RePr )/(x/D) -1000 571.4 17.58 400 zoo 11.25 133.3 100 9.09 80 66.7 7.93 57.2 50 7. 18 44. 4 40.0 6.66 36.4 33.3 6.26 30.8 28.6 5.96 26.7 25. 0 5.72 23. 5 22. 2 5.52 21.1 20.0 5.35 19.0 14. 3 4.69 11.4 49 Table 8. 4(x/D)/(RePr) Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 1. 0. .Nu 704 Nu m ..004 -17.47 .22. 96 .007 13. 04 19. 61 .010 10..72 17. 22 .020 7.60 13.04 .030 6.36 10.99 .040 5.66 9.74 .050 5.21 8.88 .060 4.89 8.24 .070 4.65 7.74 .080 4.46 7.34 .090 4.32 7.01 .100 4.20 6.74 .110 4.11 6.50 .120 4.03 6.30 .130 3.97 6.12 .140 3.91 5.97 .150 3.87 5.83 .160 3.83 5.71 .170 3.80 5.59 .180 3.77 5.49 .190 3.75 5.40 .200 3.73 5.32 .210 3.71 5.24 .230 3.69 5.11 .250 3.67 4.99 Nu 21.5 RePr/(x/D) 1000 571. 4 16. 64 400 200 10.82 133.3 100 8.77 80 66.7 7.67 57.2 50 6.96 44.4 40.0 6.46 36.4 33.3 6.08 30.8 28.6 5.79 26.7 25.0 5.56 23. 5 22. 2 5.37 21. 1 20. 0 5.22 19. 0 17. 4 4.97 16. 0 5c0 Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 2. 0. Table 9. 4(x/D)/RePr Nu ..004 17. 15 22. 88 . 007 12. 57 19. 33 .010 10.24 16. 92 . 020 7.23 12. 67 .030 6.05 10. 64 .040 5.40 9. 40 .050 4.98 8. 56 .060 4.69 7. 94 .070 4.47 7. 45 .080 4.31 7. 07 . 090 4.18 * 100 4.08. .110 4.00 .120 3.94 6. 6. 6. 6. x 704 Nu m 76 Nu m 19.20 08 1000 571.4 15.47 400 200 10.18 133.3 100 8.28 80 66.7 7.26 57.2 50 6.61 44.4 40.0 49 27 (RePr)/(x/D) 6.15 36.4 33.3 Table 10. 4(x/D)/RePr .Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Wall Temperature, .Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 5. 0. Nu 704 Nu m . 004 .16. 16 22. 33 .007 11.62 18.59 . 010 9.46 16.14 .020 6.74 11.98 .030 5.71 10.04 .040 5.15 8.88 .050 4.79 8.10 Nu m 16. 90 RePr/(x/D) .1000 571.4 14.01 400 200 9.35 133.3 100 7.68 80 52 Table 11. Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 0. 5. 4(x/D)/RePr Nu .004 17.65 22. 75 .007 13.81 20. 79 .010 11.62 17.64 . 020 8.61 13. 69 .030 7.37 11.78 . 040 6.67 10. 57 .050 6.21 9.75 .060 5.88 9. 13 . 070 5.64 8.65 .080 5.45 8.26 .090 5.30 7.94 . 100 5. 18 7. 67 .110 5.08 7.44 .120 5.00 7.23 .130 4.92 7.05 . 140 4.87 6.90 .150 4.82 6.77 . 160 4.78 6.64 .170 4.74 6.53 .180 4.71 6.43 190 4.68 6.34 .200 4.66 6.26 .210 4.64 6. 18 x 704 Num Nu 24.50 RePr/(x/D) 1000 571.4 18.25 400 200 12.02 133.3 100 9.90 80 66. 7 8.75 57. 2 50 8.02 44.4 40. 0 7.50 36.4 33.3 7.12 30.8 28. 6 6.82 26.7 25. 0 6.58 23.5 22.2 6.38 21.1 20.0 6.22 19. 0 Table 12. 4(x/D)/RePr Nu - x Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 0.7. 704 Nu M Nu 23.8 004 17.97 23. 23 007 13.75 19. 97 010 11.52 17. 72 020 8.43 13. 67 030 7.19 11. 70 040 6.49 10. 47 050 6.04 9. 68 060 5.72 9. 00 070 5.48 8. 52 080 5.29 8. 12 090 5.15 7. 80 10.0 5.04 7. 53 110 4.94 7. 30 120 4.87 7. 10 130 4.81 6.95 140 4.76 6. 93 6. 77 150 4.71 6. 63 6.66 160 4.67 170 4.64 6. 52 6. 41 180 4.62 6. 31 190 4.59 6. 22 200 4.57 6. 14 210 4.56 6. 06 280 4.49 5. 68 350 4.46 5. 43 RePr/(x/D) 1000 571.4 17.95 400 200 11.81 133.3 100 9.70 80 66. 7 8.56 57.2 50 7.84 44.4 40. 0 7.33 36. 4 33.3 30. 8 28.6 26.7 25.0 6.43 23.5 22.2 6.24 21.1 20.0 6.08 19.0 14.3 5.44 11.4 54 Table 13. Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 1. 0. Nu 704 Num Num . 004 17.89 23. 17 21.5 .007 13.60 19. 94 .010 11.30 17. 63 .020 8.21 13. 54 .030 6.99 11. 53 .040 6.31 10. 31 .050 5.87 9.34 .060 5.56 9. 46 8. 83 .070 5.33 8. 35 8.26 .080 5.16 7. 96 .090 5.03 7. 64 .100 4.92 7. 37 .110 4.84 7. 15 .120 4.77 6. 95 .130 4.71 6. 78 .140 4.67 6. 63 .150 4.63 6. 50 .160 4.60 6. 38 . 170 4.57 6. 28 .180 4.55 6. 18 .190 4.53 6. 09 .200 4.52 6. 02 .210 4.51 5. 94 .230 4.49 5. 82 .250 4.47 5. 71 4(x/D)/RePr -RePr/(x/D) 1000 571.4 16. 96 400 200 11.33 133. 3 100 80 66.7 57.2 50 7.58 44.4 40.0 7.09 36.4 33.3 6.74 30. 8 28.6 6.46 26.7 25.0 6.24 23. 5 22.2 6.06 21.1 20.0 5.92 19.0 17.4 5.69 16.0 55 Table 14. -Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, Langhaar Velocity,. Pr = 2. 0. 4(x/D)/RePr Nu 704 Nu m .004 17.50 23. 04 .007 13.03 19. 60 .010 10.74 17. 25 .020 7.75 13. .030 6.60 11. 10 .040 5.97 .050 5.58 9. 89 9. 06 .060 5.31 8. 46 .070 5.11 7. 99 .080 4.97 7.63 .090 4.86 7. 32 100 4.78 7.07 4.72 6.86 .110 Nu .m 19.20 (RePr)/(x/D) 1000 571.4 15.74 09 400 200 10.62 133.3 100 8.71 80 66.7 7.74 57.2 50 7.13 44.4 40.0 6.70 36.4 56 Table 15. Summary of Numerical Solutions Constant Temperature Difference, Langhaar Velocity, Pr = 5. 0. 704 Nu 4(x/D)/RePr Nu .004 16.45 22. 47 .007 1Z. 00 18. 82 .010 9.87 16.42 .020 7.21 12. 34 .030 6.22 10.44 .040 5.70 9.32 .050 5.38 8.56 rn Nu .m 16. 90 (RePr)/(x/D) 1000 571.4 14.23 400 200 9.74 133.3 100 8. 13 80 6.0 _r_ 0.5- PPr= PrPr .-- iR ASOL C - - - - - 0.7 5.7 '1.0 o /0 ?0 30 40 60 s0 80 70 90 /00 Re PvCx! D) F/c. /2. LOCAL NU55GLT UMBERS FOk NUMEAICRL CONSTAt WALL SOLUTIONS TEropeRruRe, 7.0 -- - Pr= - Pr =0.7A -Pr 6.0 - Pr o .o Nux 4.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 '?0 /0 RePr (x/o) Fl&. 13. LOCAL NUSSELT DIFFERENCE NYUMBEAS AND LAN&qHAAR FOR CONsrnNr TcMPERA TUR E VELocirr NUMERICAL PROFILES, SOLTrIONS = 0.7 .____Pr /B j 0 ooo - 8 7 40 ~ P= 2.0 PARAqOLlC VELOCITr 5 / _______ ____0_ 000- 0 -- r-- - 10 l0 30 +0 50 60 70 80 90 /00 //0 IZ0 130 RePr (xID) Fi&. Ma. MEAto NUSSELT NJMBERS FOR CONSTANT NUMERICAL SoLUrToNS WALL TMPE,,qrURE 1,0 60 40 30 GRAETZ UNIFORM VELOCITY Na7"n (ANALYTIC) p Prz 0.7 Pr=z.o /0 Pe= 6:otcVtcy PiA.BOLIC VELOCITY (NVmeRiCAL) - TuBe ENTRANCE 0 100 /000 i0 Re Pr (X/D) Fi.. 14b. CONSTRNT WALL TErIPERRTRE $0LUTIONS Nu5seL-r NumssPs 3 61 / ---- - - Pr0. 7 /h 1.0 - -04 9 pi C Pe2. 4 oo- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 /00 /10 10 RePr (x/o) Fic. 16a. MEAN NusseLr DIFFERENCE NUmscR65 FOR CONSTANT Th-MPEaA'UR E ANo LANGHARR VELOCITY PROFIL ES, NuMERICA.. SOLUrIONS /30 140 62 q0 30 Pr=o.s e0 - Pr 0. Pr= 1.0 /0 Tu,6E EnTRAtC E 0 1000 to 100 - .Re P (X/D) Fic.Ib. SEmi-Lo& PLOT OF MEN NUSSELT NuMBER5 CONSTANT TE mPS7RATURE DIFFFRENcE SOLUTIONS FOR NuMERICAL 63 the constant temperature difference results in Figs. 13 and 15. vs. RePr/(x/D) and Figs. 14 and 15 are plots of and 13 are plots of Nu Nu Figures 12 Figures 14(b) and 15(b) are semilog plots. vs. RePr/(x/D). Only the more accurate mean Nusselt numbers have been plotted. The total 704 time used for production running was 14. 9 minutes. The average solution time was 43 seconds. 4. 3. Discussion of Computer Results. By comparing numerical solutions with the analytic solution of the same problem a qualitative statement of the accuracy of the numerical Therefore, methods can be made. computer solutions were obtained for parabolic velocity profiles and a constant tube wall temperature with the same numerical methods used to obtain the results presented in Sec. 4. 2. Solutions were computed for each length increment . 001/Pr used previously. These computer solutions are summarized in Tables 16 and 17. The mean Nusselt numbers were obtained with the second method discussed in Sec. 4. 2 using the Leveque solution in place of the Poh-lhausen solution. Figure 16 is a plot of the analytic solution of Graetz and the computed numerical solutions. An investigation of these curves indicates that (1) as the length increment A L increases, the difference between the analytic solution and the numerical solutions increases, (2) the numerical solution values are always less than the analytic values, and (3) the maximum difference between the computer solutions and the analytic solution occurs for A L = 002, the largest increment plotted, and is less than 4 per cent for RePr/(x/D) 4 120. Therefore, the numerical methods yield good results within the region of interest and heat exchangers designed with the results of Sec. 4. 2 should always be more than adequate for the application under consideration. Table 16. Local Nusselt Numbers Parabolic Velocity, Different L Increments Nu 4 (x/D)/RePr .002 ,00143 ..004 11.27 . 007 x 64 for A L= .. 001 .0005 0002 10. 51 10. 90 11.54 .11. 93 8.39 8.68 8.83 9.05 9.21 571.4 .010 7.51 7.66 7.76 7.89 7.97 400 . 020 6.03 6.08 6. 12 6. 16 6.19 200 .030 5.33 5.36 5.39 5.41 5.43 133.3 .040 4.92 4.94 4.95 4.97 4.98 100 . 050 .4. 64 4.65 4.66 4.68 4.68 80 . 060 4.43 4.45 4.45 4.64 66. 7 .070 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 57.2 .080 4.16 4.17 4.17 4.18 50 .090 4.07 4.07 4.08 4.08 44.4 .100 .3. 99 4.00 4.00 4.01 40.0 .110 3.93 3.93 3.94 3.94 36.4 . 120 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.89 33. 3 .130 3.83 3.84 3.84 30.8 . 140 3.80 3.80 3.81 28. 6 .150 3.77 3.77 3.78 26.7 . 160 3.75 3.75 3.75 25. 0 .170 3.73 3.73 3.73 23.5 .180 3.71 3.71 3.71 22. 2 .190 3.69 3.70 3.70 21.1 .200 3.68 3.68 3.69 20.0 .210 3.67 3.67 3.68 19.0 RePr/(x/D) 1000 65 Table 17. Mean Nusselt Numbers for Parabolic Velocity, Constant Wall Temperature, and Varing Increments A L. AL 4(x/D)/RePr . 002 .00143 .001 .0005 .0002 RePr/(x/D) ..004 16. 10 .16. 10 16. 10 .16. 10 16. 10 1000 .010 11.67 11.73 12. 05 12. 00 12. 14 400 .030 8.00 8.06 8. 20 8. 22 8. 29 .050 6.78 6.82 6.11 6.14 6. 93 6.23 6.97 .070 6. 91 6. 21 .090 5.68 5.71 5. 76 5. 77 44.4 .110 5.37 5.40 5. 44 5. 45 36. 4 .130 5.14 5.16 5. 20 30.8 .150 4.96 4.98 5. 01 26.7 .170 4.82 4.84 4. 86 23.5 .190 4.70 4.72 4. 74 21.1 .210 4.60 4.62 4. 64 19.0 4. 49 16 .250 .350 .500 4.23 4.04 133,3 80 57.2 11.4 8 9.0 AL=.0005' GRAETZ 8.0 _ L =.OO/43 7.0 ____ .0014 ___L AL-..O02. Nam 6.0 s.o 4.0 .0 > 20 q0 60 80 /00 /20 140 160 lao 2O Re P(X/D) Fic.16. SOLUTIONS FOR PARABOLIC VELOCiTY CONPiTANT PROFILE,5 WALL TEMPERATURE AND 67 An estimate of the rate of convergence of the numerical methods can be obtained from Table 16. In general, the numerical solution converges to the true solution as the working increments become infinitely small or as the number of increments taken become infinitely large. Therefore, at any tube cross section, the local Nusselt numbers computed with the smaller length increments approach the true value faster than the numbers computed with the larger increments. for At 4(x/D)/RePr = 0. 050, the values A L = 0. 0005 and A L = 0. 0002 have apparently converged to the true value rounded off to two decimal places and the value for the largest increment A L = 0. 002 is in error by less than 1 per cent. For the A L = 0. 002 solution 25 increments must be taken to have 4(x/D)/RePr 0. 050. Hence, the parabolic-velocity solutions all converge to within 1 per cent of the true solution after 25 increments have been taken along the tube length. Because the numbers used to compute the Langhaar-velocity solutions differ from those used for the parabolic-velocity solutions, the preceding discussion can be applied only qualitatively to the Langhaar-velocity solutions. The local Nusselt numbers obtained on the 704 computer for the Langhaar velocity profiles are adequate for most practical applications. The solutions are very good at 4(x/D)RePr - 0. 050 or RePr/(x/D) !._ 80. 8 5. CONCLUSIONS The results presented in this report are by no means exact. Aside from using approximate methods of solution, the problem had to be idealized before any solution could be attempted. of these approximations, However, being cognizant the results can be used to good advantage to simplify the trial and error design of circular-tube gas-flow heat exchangers. Further studies of the laminar flow heat transfer problem in circular tubes should include: 1. A study of the errors involved in neglecting the radial enthalpy flux. 2. A more precise investigation of the accuracy of numerical methods of solution. APPENDIX A. Unit Definition Symbol a, b GLOSSARY. Constants appearing in approximation of temperature profile at a. tube cross section. ft 2 A Area c Specific heat. D Tube diameter. f One plus the number of significant digits desired in V. f. Coefficients for evaluating TR, L+ A L Btu/ (lb OF) ft i= 1, 2, 3, 4 h Unit conductance for convection heat transfer. Ii Modified Bessel function of the first kind i k Unit thermal conductivity k Summation variable. L Nondimensional length variable, p Any positive integer. q Heat transfer rate per unit length r Radial distance measured from tube centerline ft r Total tube radius ft R Nondimensional radial distance variable, t Temperature. 0F tl Initial fluid temperature. 0F T Nondimensional temperature variable, Tm Nondimensional mean fluid temperature. T Nondimensional wall temperature. v w Axial fluid velocity. Btu/hr ft2o F, = 0, 2. Btu/hr ft2oF/ft 4(x/D)/RePr. 1 . t/t r/r . Btu/ft hr ft/sec Unit Definition Symbol vm Mean fluid velocity. ft/sec v Radial component of fluid velocity. ft/sec V Nondimensional velocity, VD Denominator of velocity expression. VN Numerator of velocity expression. Vt Sample series. x Axial distance from tube entrance. v /vm' ft Parameter in Langhaarts velocity expression. A Number used for terminating series. AL Increment in L. A Lx Limiting value of A R Increment in R. a L. lbs/ft 3 Fluid density. Fluid viscosity. Nu. mi lbs/(hr ft) Mean Nusselt number based on initial temperature difference. Mean Nusselt number. Nu Nu x P r Re Local Nusselt number, Prandtl number, hD/k. ,c/k. Reynolds number based on tube diameter, vmD /g Subscripts usually refer to a position within a circular tube where the velocity or temperature is evaluated. APPENDIX B. LANGHAAR'S VELOCITY PROFILES The equation for Langhaar's velocity profiles V('X R)= k=0 k =O0 involves two infinite series. (.2 (k!) O0 k 00R 2k 2 00 k=O ( (k!) 2 (B-i) \2k+2 k! (k +2) The purpose of this Appendix is to show that the fractional terms of both the numerator and denominator series decrease The following series is used to illustrate this point: ) monotonically. V:A = 0 (A )22k k=0 (k!)Z .(B Three cases are of interest: 1. For A less than one the numerator of Eq. (B-2) is a fraction raised to a positive power greater than one and as the exponent increases the numerator decreases. Also, the denominator increases as k increases. There- fore, the fractional terms for this case, 0 4 A 4. 1, decrease monotonically. (o 2. For A equal to one Eq. (B-2) is simply V' (1) = 7 k= 0 (k 2 .(B The terms of this series obviously decrease smoothly. -3) 3, For A greater than one the initial term or terms of the However, when k becomes series are greater than one. greater than A by some amount the k'th term becomes a fraction and the terms following this'fractional term decrease monotonically. To illustrate this result a general term of the series is written out as Vk- (A A)(A (k -k) A)x- (k -1)(k - x(A -1) A) x: --- (B-4) x(l - 1) or V A"- A k A k - k x A - A (k- 1)(k - 1) x A - A -x (B-5) 1 - 1 When k is less than A, all the terms in the product of Eq. V (B-5) are greater than one. is greater than one. Hence, the entire term However, when k becomes larger than A the first term of the product becomes less than one. As k gets even larger, more and more of the terms in the product become less than one. Finally, enough of the terms become sufficiently less than one so that their product also becomes less than one. After this occurs, the next term of the series, the k + 1 term, becomes AA xx -- x. A A .. (B-6) (k + 1)(k + 1) (k)(k) A A 1 1 __+_=_ or V k+1 = A - A (k + 1)(k + 1) k yt k (B-7) where k is greater than A and Vt fore, V+ is less than one. There- is less than V1 and all succeeding terms decrease monotonically. The denominator of Eq. (B-1) can be written o 2k k=0 (k!.) 2 2 A~ A(B-8) VD (k + 2)(k+ 1) or A2 (k + 2)(k + 1) Vj( VD=C k=- 0 (B-9) The terms A 2 /(k + Z)(k + 1) decrease smoothly as k increases. because V decreases monotonically, the fractional terms of V Hence, also decrease monotonically. To complete the proof it is necessary to prove that the fractional terms of the numerator series decrease monotonically. The mathematical statement of this problem is A k+I (k + 1)!) 2 2 2 2 L Ak (AR)k+ (k + 1)!] (AR)k k! k! ( 0 for 2 Ak k! 2 (AR) --k! If Eq. (B-10) can be proved for (k) A.. k 2 <(B-12) k! )2 1. (B-11) 74 then Eq. (B-10) will certainly be true for Eq. (B-11). Also, because the maximum value of R used in Eq. (B-1) is 0. 9, when Eq. (B-10) is true for R then it must be true for R less than R This follows because . maxma as R becomes smaller, the terms containing R become less significant and the proof of Eq. (B-10) approaches the proof for Eq. (B-3). Equation (B-10) can be rewritten A A A2 1 - RkR2 1 - R2k. (B-13) (k!)2 (k! ) 2(k + 1)2 Cancelling the common term and separating terms involving A and R, Eq. (B-13) becomes 1 - R 2kR2 - 2k Equation (B-12) implies that A < k. 1 proved for A (k + 1)2 .(B-14) A2 Therefore, if Eq. (B-14) can be = k, then when A -4 k the proof is still true. Substituting k for A in Eq. (B-14) 1 (k + 1)2 RZkR 2 1 - This expression is true for k -15) .( k2 2k 2 when R - 0. 9. Hence, for k = 2 the fractional terms of the numerator of V, 00 AZk Vn k k= 0 (k! ) 2 j k=0 (AR) 2k+ 2 (B-16) (k!) decrease monotonically. The fractional terms of both numerator and denominator series decrease monotonically and both series converge very rapidly. 75 APPENDIX C. 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY. "Numerical Solutions for Laminar Flow Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes", by W. M. Kays, Tech. Report No. 20, Navy Contract N60NR-251 T.O.6, Stanford University, California, October 15, 2. "Forced Convection from Nonisothermal Surfaces", by John Klein and Myron Tribus, ASME Paper No. 53-SA-46, Semiannual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, 3. 1953. 1949. Trans. ASME, August, 1940. "Steady Flow in the Transition Length of a Straight Tube", by H. L. Langhaar, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 6. June, "Laminar Flow Heat Transfer Coefficients for Ducts", by R. H. Norris and D. D. Streid. 5. presented at ASME "Heat Transfer", Vol. 1, by Max Jakob; John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y., 4. 1953. June, 1942. "Engineering Analysis", by Stephen H. Crandall, McGraw-Hill Book Co.., Inc., New York, N.Y., 1956.