Date: March 2002 BUILDING NASM Net Assignable Square Metres GASM GNR Total Building Area Gross/Net Ratio Date of Occupancy (original plus additions) Plan Bldg FM Bldg # # BURNABY CAMPUS Academic Quadrangle Alcan Aquatic Research Centre Applied Science Building Archeology Trailer Bee Research Building Chancellor's Gymnasium Convocation Mall Diamond University Centre East Academic Annex East Campus Trailers East Concourse Cafeteria East Theatre Annex Education Building Facilities Management Greenhouses Halpern Centre Maggie Benston Centre Robert C. Brown Hall Science Research Annex Shrum Wing B Shrum Wing C Shrum Wing K Shrum Wing P South Sciences Building Strand Hall Transportation Centre University Theatre University Theatre Studio Visitor's Parkade W.A.C. Bennett Library West Mall Centre 27420.24 294.43 10136.08 48.31 133.78 11524.42 487.89 1088.94 2408.38 2458.71 1396.14 1508.17 11780.09 4063.31 511.84 601.15 18154.74 12970.31 191.31 10275.38 9455.37 11402.36 8409.43 12363.99 7565.34 2564.64 2529.53 428.60 87.17 22872.52 20809.88 2.25 1.61 1.65 1.16 1.56 1.57 N/A 1.10 1.61 1.23 1.12 2.09 1.50 1.26 1.05 1.60 1.53 1.84 1.39 1.62 1.67 1.83 1.85 1.92 1.58 1.65 1.71 1.34 6.60 1.52 1.60 1965/67 1994 1989 1978 1982 1965/76 1965 1982 1991 1965/70/72 1970 1991 1978/83 1972/90 1971/82/90 1989 1973/96 1970/78 1994 1965/80 1965 1980/91 1970 1992 1971/2002 1965 1965 1965 1992 1965/76 1994 K39 X39 P46 W43 W44 M26 L34 B37 H61 L47 K42 N42 F41 U50 V42 G36 M33 E38 V45 O39 O37 O43 O41 R37 H44 L30 M34 M36 L22 H33 L26 OO2 O34 O38 O49 O24 OO7 OO3 O37 O44 O12 OO8 O43 O36 O13 O23 O39 O14 OO9 O45 OO5 OO5 O42 OO5 O41 O11 OO3 OO6 O16 O18 OO4 O40 1156.02 2168.01 423.32 103.66 3972.09 14959.87 1822.93 5643.74 279.23 4103.22 1217.24 1214.51 1202.50 1214.51 1214.71 1192.34 1214.44 1214.51 1214.50 23.37 106.29 1.79 1.12 1.14 N/A 1.10 1.13 1.20 1.18 1.09 1.13 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.03 1.09 1.09 1.09 N/A N/A 1977 1977/95 1965 1965/94 1993 1969 1966 1985 1967 1967 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 1994 1965 X42 G18 B54 H57 N13 N17 H22 P18 F26 N21 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 H49 B60 O34 O33 O90 O10 O95 O93 O91 O94 O19 O92 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O80 O22 O20 168993.13 261603.46 1.55 102.00 1330.99 3012.75 9457.46 102.00 1413.72 3995.09 14171.76 1.00 1.06 1.33 1.50 1994 1989/92/94 1999 HC2 HC1 HC3 O53 O50 O54 13903.20 19682.57 1.42 Kamloops Trailers 359.72 N/A 1994 KM1 O52 OTHER LOCATIONS TOTALS 359.72 N/A 281645.75 1.54 Animal Care Facility Childcare Centre President's Residence Pump House Hamilton Hall Louis Riel Residence Madge Hogarth House McTaggart-Cowan Hall Service Station Shell House Residence Townhouse Chilcotin Townhouse Cowichan Townhouse Kelowna Townhouse Kimberley Townhouse Kitimat Townhouse Penticton Townhouse Qualicum Townhouse Quesnel Townhouse Squamish Transit Loop Building Water Tower BURNABY CAMPUS TOTALS 12203.47 182.87 6126.70 41.68 85.72 7351.49 986.95 1495.19 2002.86 1249.97 721.28 7863.12 3230.69 488.39 376.66 11843.57 7041.73 137.52 6333.94 5654.31 6240.48 4548.73 6445.04 4799.63 1550.86 1477.44 319.13 13.20 15084.94 12968.68 644.19 1934.53 372.46 3615.82 13265.10 1519.57 4799.34 255.91 3646.71 1110.01 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 1152.44 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 HARBOUR CAMPUS 300-12 Water Street 611 Alexander Centre For Dialogue Harbour Centre HARBOUR CAMPUS TOTALS OTHER LOCATIONS TOTALS LEASED TO OTHERS BC Hydro Centre MPR Building Multi-Tenant Facility 182896.33 Inventory of Total SFU Space as categorised by Council of Ontario Universities (COU) Mar 08 2002 Description Area (m2) COU Code 01.1 Tiered Classrooms 5,500.66 01.2 Non-Tiered Classrooms 10,352.44 01.3 Classroom Service Space 78.98 02.1 Scheduled Class Laborator 12,033.52 02.2 Unscheduled Class Laborat 173.92 02.3 Undergraduate Laboratory 2,358.21 03.1 Faculty, Graduate or Rese 17,016.55 03.2 Faculty, Graduate or Rese 2,924.16 04.1 Faculty Offices 9,231.02 04.2 Other Academic Appointmen 2,002.29 04.3 Graduate Student Offices 3,407.65 04.4 Departmental Support Staf 4,945.17 04.5 Academic Office Support S 6,471.02 05.1 Library Collection Space 7,477.18 05.2 Library Study Space 6,004.40 05.3 Library Support Areas 4,103.72 06.1 Athletic Activity Areas 4,672.75 06.2 Athletic Seating Areas 216.43 06.3 Athletic Service Space 1,924.13 07.1 Food Facilities 2,093.43 07.2 Food Facilities Service 2,352.57 08.1 Bookstore/Merchandising 3,181.04 09.1 Plant Maintenance 2,246.05 10.1 Administrative Office Are 7,942.91 10.2 Administrative Office Sup 3,735.70 11.1 AV/TV Facilities 2,064.18 12.1 Computing Facilities 385.96 12.2 Other Central Services 2,761.51 12.3 Student Computer Rooms 1,338.48 13.1 Health Service Facilities 1,061.48 14.1 Student Offices and Suppo 2,324.44 14.2 Recreational Facilities a 1,073.44 14.3 Lounge and Service Space 1,579.85 14.5 Student Area Service Spac 417.74 15.1 Assembly Facilites 694.89 15.2 Exhibition Facility 684.68 16.1 Central Utility Plant 913.08 16.2 Other Non-Assignable Area 70,618.82 17.1 Residence Living Space 26,912.59 17.2 Residence Service Space 10,007.21 17.3 Institutional Administrat 372.46 18.1 Animal Facilities 629.72 19.1 Daycare Facilities 1,934.53 19.5 Inactive Assignable Space 450.94 19.6 Non-Institutional Agencie 2,237.50 19.7 External Instructional 3,309.81 21.1 Non University Controlled 523.55 Total 254,742.76 Date: March 2002 BUILDING Net Assignable Space in Square Meters (NASM) COU 4 COU 5 COU 6 COU 9 COU 1 COU 2 COU 3 Classrooms U/G Laboratory Research Laboratory Academic Office Library Study Recreation COU 10 Facilities Admin Office Maintenance COU 7,8,11-15 COU 16 General Services Circulation and Service COU 17 Residence Not Included In Formula Space COU 18 COU 19 Animal Care Daycare/Other COU 21 Leased to Others GASM Structure COU 1-21 COU 1-16 Total Building Structure % Area BURNABY CAMPUS Academic Quadrangle Alcan Aquatic Research Centre Applied Science Building Archeology Trailer Bee Research Building Chancellor's Gymnasium Convocation Mall Diamond University Centre East Academic Annex East Campus Trailers East Concourse Cafeteria East Theatre Annex Education Building Facilities Management Greenhouses Halpern Centre Maggie Benston Centre Robert C. Brown Hall Science Research Annex Shrum Wing B Shrum Wing C Shrum Wing K Shrum Wing P South Sciences Building Strand Hall Transportation Centre University Theatre University Theatre Studio Visitor's Parkade W.A.C. Bennett Library West Mall Centre 3426.41 716.85 1243.15 553.20 182.87 1928.62 41.68 85.72 3326.97 617.66 368.87 2409.00 6751.13 85.94 83.63 684.86 1638.79 239.43 1433.85 1084.30 446.69 235.89 368.55 1568.74 902.53 752.35 852.84 473.00 119.03 174.04 1088.05 1628.75 612.39 746.25 1485.20 39.96 728.66 9.37 9.92 1653.49 131.77 3336.77 2258.32 2504.68 2197.57 3807.47 711.57 224.40 32.68 930.99 2059.77 411.77 134.16 479.25 88.43 986.95 4.65 980.00 485.38 2602.35 62.18 1267.63 97.98 781.34 92.11 140.77 2942.21 9.12 18.66 46.05 76.73 96.74 475.23 470.04 2762.89 5.75 720.06 800.48 2264.68 1110.07 822.37 128.38 22.30 78.30 39.03 209.34 84.38 4045.13 452.32 120.68 94.73 295.12 28.60 2527.91 378.80 48.30 680.94 367.33 57.31 612.65 2812.71 381.63 397.41 1953.94 133.02 4731.38 4485.60 28.96 2868.12 2893.21 3712.98 2945.81 4839.01 2084.86 614.86 880.25 85.19 67.19 5702.16 6241.82 14.47 356.30 7955.55 154.08 325.76 27.90 134.57 256.77 38.63 725.12 804.82 645.19 13.20 3018.84 202.75 145.21 32.33 6008.18 14687.53 550.67 306.18 325.88 Animal Care Facility Childcare Centre President's Residence Pump House Hamilton Hall Louis Riel Residence Madge Hogarth House McTaggart-Cowan Hall Service Station Shell House Residence Townhouse Chilcotin Townhouse Cowichan Townhouse Kelowna Townhouse Kimberley Townhouse Kitimat Townhouse Penticton Townhouse Qualicum Townhouse Quesnel Townhouse Squamish Transit Loop Building Water Tower BURNABY CAMPUS TOTALS 1249.97 36.42 1648.86 1181.72 13470.30 80.43 3365.45 29.38 121.36 629.72 1934.53 372.46 85.61 62.81 3615.82 13265.10 1519.57 4799.34 255.91 7.91 3646.71 1110.01 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 1152.44 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 18.99 99.00 13482.91 13033.45 19765.19 24545.92 16769.41 6813.31 2246.05 10812.97 20825.14 67690.11 37292.26 629.72 2567.78 188.65 1746.47 31.13 643.93 6.63 19.46 1596.72 109.09 101.99 232.25 88.52 88.86 174.24 1104.26 450.99 23.45 91.47 1579.79 1442.98 24.83 1156.49 993.87 1448.90 914.89 1079.94 680.85 398.92 171.84 24.28 6.78 1964.06 1639.21 27420.24 294.43 10136.08 48.31 133.78 11524.42 487.89 1088.94 2408.38 2458.71 1396.14 1508.17 11780.09 4063.31 511.84 601.15 18154.74 12970.31 191.31 10275.38 9455.37 11402.36 8409.43 12363.99 7565.34 2564.64 2529.53 428.60 87.17 22872.52 20809.88 6.37% 10.57% 6.35% 13.72% 14.55% 13.86% 22.36% 9.37% 9.64% 3.60% 6.36% 11.55% 9.37% 11.10% 4.58% 15.22% 8.70% 11.13% 12.98% 11.25% 10.51% 12.71% 10.88% 8.73% 9.00% 15.55% 6.79% 5.66% 7.78% 8.59% 7.88% 25673.77 263.30 9492.15 41.68 114.32 9927.70 378.80 986.95 2176.13 2370.19 1307.28 1333.93 10675.83 3612.32 488.39 509.68 16574.95 11527.33 166.48 9118.89 8461.50 9953.46 7494.54 11284.05 6884.49 2165.72 2357.69 404.32 80.39 20908.46 19170.67 25471.02 263.30 9492.15 41.68 114.32 9879.40 378.80 986.95 2030.92 2370.19 1307.28 1333.93 10675.83 3612.32 488.39 509.68 16574.95 11527.33 166.48 9118.89 8461.50 9953.46 7494.54 11284.05 6855.11 2165.72 2357.69 404.32 80.39 20787.10 19170.67 155.53 233.48 50.86 18.05 356.27 1694.77 303.36 781.59 23.32 456.51 99.32 98.68 86.67 98.68 98.88 39.90 98.61 98.68 98.67 4.38 7.29 1156.02 2168.01 423.32 103.66 3972.09 14959.87 1822.93 5643.74 279.23 4103.22 1217.24 1214.51 1202.50 1214.51 1214.71 1192.34 1214.44 1214.51 1214.50 23.37 106.29 13.45% 10.77% 12.01% 17.41% 8.97% 11.33% 16.64% 13.85% 8.35% 11.13% 8.16% 8.13% 7.21% 8.13% 8.14% 3.35% 8.12% 8.13% 8.12% 18.74% 6.86% 1000.49 1934.53 372.46 85.61 3615.82 13265.10 1519.57 4862.15 255.91 3646.71 1117.92 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 1152.44 1115.83 1115.83 1115.83 18.99 99.00 370.77 24940.59 261603.46 9.53% 236662.87 195984.46 102.00 1413.72 3995.09 14171.76 5.85% 24.59% 6.16% 102.00 1330.99 3012.75 13299.25 102.00 1330.99 10947.00 12379.99 85.61 62.81 7.91 99.00 HARBOUR CAMPUS 300-12 Water Street 611 Alexander Centre For Dialogue Harbour Centre 102.00 2449.17 266.06 175.52 1446.38 815.89 763.64 1188.55 3841.79 3012.75 2352.25 82.73 982.34 872.51 HARBOUR CAMPUS TOTALS 2449.17 1532.20 175.52 1511.23 815.89 865.64 1188.55 3841.79 5365.00 1937.58 19682.57 9.84% 17744.99 1266.14 64.85 OTHER LOCATIONS Kamloops Trailers 334.90 24.82 359.72 6.90% 334.90 OTHER LOCATIONS TOTALS 334.90 24.82 359.72 6.90% 334.90 523.55 26902.99 281645.75 9.55% 254742.76 TOTALS 15932.08 14565.65 19940.71 26057.15 17585.30 6813.31 2246.05 11678.61 22013.69 71531.90 37292.26 629.72 7932.78 208364.45