MAE 2102 Dynamics Summer, 2006 TR 4:30-7:05 UH 133


MAE 2102 Dynamics Summer, 2006

TR 4:30-7:05 UH 133

Instructor : Robert G. Gist

Office and Hours : ENG 244, Tue & Thu 12:00 noon - 12:30p, or by appointment

Office Phone/Fax : 719-262-3152

UCCS e-mail : rgist@uccs.eduailto:

Web Address :

Prerequisite : MAE 2101 (Statics)

Co requisite: Math 340 (Intro to Diff. Eq.)

Text : Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics (or Dynamics ), 10 th

Ed., by R. C. Hibbeler

Homework : The way you practice is the way you play the game. Homework is an important part of cementing the information from the lectures into practical application that will fulfill the objectives of this course. Homework will count as 25% of the course grade, and will be due at the start of class, typically one week after it is assigned. Study groups are acceptable and encouraged, but homework should be based on individual effort. To be graded, homework must be neat, readable and must show your work in arriving at the answers with intermediate calculations. Partial credit will be given for problems executed correctly but with computation errors. Homework turned in after it is due is subject to a 30% penalty. If extreme circumstances should present themselves, consult with me as soon as possible. Each homework set will consist of around 5-7 problems from the chapter. Each problem will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Correct procedures, correct answers

Some math errors

5 pts

4 pts

Several math errors or incorrect equations

Correct equations

3 pts

2 pts

Did not attempt 0 pts

Exams : There will be three exams given during the semester, each counting equally in your grade. I will give you at least a week’s notice as to the exact date of the exam as well as the material for which you will be responsible on each test. The last exam will be given on the day allotted for the final. Unless arrangements have been made PRIOR to any exam, THERE WILL

BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS.. For each exam, you will be allowed to bring a 3x5 inch index card with formulas and constants written on it. Calculators are also allowed to be used for the exams.

Grades : Your grade will be based on the following weighting:

Homework 25%

Exam #1

Exam #2



Exam #3 25%

The grading ranges are posted on my website. The ranges are: 4.0 (89.5 to 100), 3.x (79.5 to

89.4), 2.x (69.5 to 79.4), 1.x (59.5-69.4) and 0.x (0 to 59.4). Ranges include +’s and –‘s.

Students with disabilities should provide their letters of certification and accommodation within the first two weeks of class. Special accommodations for tests are required a week prior to the scheduled exam date.

R. Gist

MAE 2102 Dynamics Summer, 2006

TR 4:30-7:05 UH 133

Units : Keeping track and showing units (where they exist) is critical when reporting engineering results. Reminders will appear on homework problems with missing units prior to the first exam.

After that (including all exams) DEDUCTIONS WILL BE TAKEN FOR MISSING UNITS.

Calculators : Calculators and computers are a part of the modern engineer’s tool set. They provide an alternate means to check your answers and to reduce computation errors, but are no substitution for engineering common sense. If you can program and apply calculators to assist you in your problem solving, you are increasing your skill set. Calculators will be allowed during exams; HOWEVER, enough INTERMEDIATE STEPS MUST BE SHOWN to convince me that you understand how to solve the problem.

Significant Dates

Date Event

Jun 13 First Day of Class

Jul 4 Fourth of July

Aug 3 Final Exam


No class

4:30-7:00 PM (UH 133)

Read-ahead and Exam Schedule*

Date Topic



Read Ahead for Next Class

13-Jun Tue (12) Kinematics

15-Jun Thu (13) Force & Acceleration

20-Jun Tue (14) Work & Energy

22-Jun Thu (15) Impulse & Momentum

27-Jun Tue Unit Review

29-Jun Thu Review & Exam #1

4-Jul Tue Indep. Day Holiday

6-Jul Thu (16) Kinematics

11-Jul Tue (17) Force & Acceleration

13-Jul Thu (18) Work & Energy

18-Jul Tue (19) Impulse & Momentum

20-Jul Thu Review & Exam #2

25-Jul Tue (20) Kinematics

27-Jul Thu (20) Kinematics

1-Aug Tue (21) Kinetics

3-Aug Thu Review & Exam #3



Ch. 13

Ch. 14

Ch. 12 Ch. 15

Ch. 13

Ch. 14

Ch. 15 Ch. 16




Ch. 17

Ch. 18

Ch. 16 Ch. 19

Ch. 17

Ch. 18 & 19 Ch. 20



Ch. 20

Ch. 21

Ch. 21

* Dates (except holidays and final) are approximate, and subject to change. Dates of exams will be announced a week prior to administration.

R. Gist
