PES 213 General Physics III Spring, 2006 MW 1:40p-2:55p ENGR #239 Course Syllabus Instructor: Robert G. Gist Office and Hours: ENG 244, by appointment (MW 11-12, or by appt.) UCCS e-mail: Web Site: Prerequisite: PES 112; Co-requisite: MATH 136 Credit Hours: 3 Text: Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th edition, by Serway & Jewett Course Description: A continuation of PES 112. Topics covered include fluid mechanics, waves, temperature, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, light, and quantum physics. GRADING Exams: Exam material will be taken primarily from the book, but will include some information discussed in class. There will be three unit exams given during the semester, each counting as 25% of your grade each. I will give you at least a week’s notice as to the exact date of the exam as well as the material you will be responsible for on each test. The last of these exams will be administered on the day of finals. Unless arrangements have been made prior to any exam, missed exams will count as a zero. Homework: An important component of learning physics, in addition to lecture and reading, is application. Homework problems will be given for each chapter of study. Each problem will be worth up to 5 points. The assignment will generally be due a week after it is assigned. Late homework will not be accepted. Assignments will be given in class and will also be posted on the website above. Attendance: Attendance will not be monitored. It is each student’s responsibility to cover any material due to missed lectures. Grades: In summary, your grade will be based on the following: Evaluation Exam 1 Exam 2 Homework Exam 3 Approximate Date 20-Feb 22-Mar Approximately weekly 15-May 1:40 PM to 4:10 PM Weight 25% 25% 25% 25% The grade ranges will be A: 90-100%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-70%, D: 60-69%, F: Below 60%. UCCS permits grades to be further specified using +’s and –‘s. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES R. Gist 1 2/7/2006 PES 213 Spring, 2006 Reasonable accommodation: Students with a disability who require accommodations should provide a letter of accommodation from Student Enrichment Services (MH 105, x3354) within the first two weeks of the semester. Calculators: Calculators will be of great utility for this course. Calculators will be allowed during exams, if desired. Computers are not allowed to be used for exams. PDAs may be used with approval. Cell phones, PDAs, talking, leaving the classroom: Please show respect to the other members of the class by turning off the sound on cell phones and PDAs. Imperative phone calls should be taken outside the classroom. Also, keep conversation to a minimum during the lecture so that others can hear clearly. Please remain in the classroom unless an emergency arises, since foot traffic in the class can be disruptive to other students. Questions, comments: It is my hope that you will feel comfortable asking questions in class. Chances are that if you are unsure about some topic, there are others who have a similar question. I would like the class to be as interactive as possible. If you have relevant experience with a subject, please feel free to share comments with the class. COURSE OUTLINE I. Introduction, Oscillations and Mechanical Waves [Chapters 14-18] (Jan 18-Feb 20) II. Light and Optics [Chapters 35-38] (Feb 22–Mar 22) III. Thermodynamics/Relativity [Chapters 19-22] (Apr 3 – May 1) Significant Dates Date Mar 27 – Mar 31 May 15 (Monday) Event Spring Break Final Exam Note No class 1:40 PM to 4:10 PM * Dates (except holidays and final) are approximate, and subject to change. Dates of exams will be announced at least a week prior to administration. R. Gist 2 2/7/2006 PES 213 Spring, 2006 Topics, Read-ahead and Exam Schedule* 18-Jan 23-Jan 25-Jan 30-Jan 1-Feb 6-Feb 8-Feb 13-Feb 15-Feb 20-Feb 22-Feb 27-Feb 1-Mar 6-Mar 8-Mar 13-Mar 15-Mar 20-Mar 22-Mar 27-Mar 29-Mar 3-Apr 5-Apr 10-Apr 12-Apr 17-Apr 19-Apr 24-Apr 26-Apr 1-May 15-May Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Mon Introduction and Overview Fluid Mechanics --Ch 14 - Fluid Mechanics Oscillatory Motion Ch 15 - Oscillatory Motion Wave Motion Ch 16 - Wave Motion Sound Waves Ch 17 - Sound Waves Sound Waves Superposition and Standing Waves Ch 18 - Superposition and Standing Waves Superposition and Standing Waves Review Exam Intro to Light and Optics Ch 35 - Geometric Optics Geometric Optics Image Formation Ch 36 - Image Formation Interference of Light Waves Ch 37 - Interference of Light Waves Interference of Light Waves Diffraction, Polarization Ch 38 - Difraction Patterns & Polarization Diffraction, Polarization Review Exam #2 Spring Break Spring Break Temperature Ch 19 - Temperature Heat and 1st Law of Thermo. Ch 20 - Heat and 1st Law of Thermodynamics Heat and 1st Law of Thermo. Kinetic Theory of Gases Heat Engines, Entropy 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Ch 21 - Kinetic Theory of Gases Ch 22 - Heat Engines, Entropy (1st half) Ch 22 - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Quantum Theory Review Final Exam * Dates (except holidays and final) are approximate, and subject to change. Dates of exams will be announced a week prior to administration. R. Gist 3 2/7/2006