MA342J: Introduction to Modular Forms Tutorial 1, January 26 1. Triangulation of H by the images of the fundamental domain. In class we constructed a fundamental domain D for the modular group Γ = SL(2, Z)/{∓1} in the upper half-plane H. Draw its images g(D) for the following elements g ∈ Γ: g = 1 , S , T , T −1 , T −1 S , T S , ST S , ST , ST −1 , ST −1 S Remark: The following property of fractional linear transformations is useful to draw these images. The image of any straight line or a circle is again either a straight line or a circle. Find some trivial combinations of the generators S and T , e.g. (ST )3 = 1. 2. Action of Γ on the “boundary”. The projective line P 1 (Q) can be constructed as the quotient of the set Q × Q \ {(0, 0)} by the multiplicative group Q× = Q \ {0} acting by α(x1 , x2 ) = (αx1 , αx2 ) . Its elements are denoted (x1 : x2 ) ∈ P 1 (Q), e.g. (3 : 2) = (3/2 : 1) = (1 : 2/3). This is called homogenous coordinates on P 1 (Q). Also one can view P 1 (Q) as Q with one point added “at infinity”, i.e. = Q ∪ {∞}. Check that these two sets are identified by the map ( x1 if x2 6= 0 , (x1 : x2 ) 7→ x2 ∞ otherwise. Define the action of Γ on P 1 (Q) by fractional linear transformations. Show that this action is transitive by finding for every α ∈ Q an element g ∈ Γ such that α = g∞. Is the element g with this property unique? Describe the set I(∞) = {g ∈ Γ|g∞ = ∞}. Remark 1: Analogously, one can construct the set P 1 (k) for any field k. Observe that P 1 (C) is the Riemann sphere we constructed in class. Remark 2: If H∗ = H ∪ P 1 (Q) then Γ\H∗ ∼ = Γ\H ∪ {∞} ∼ = P 1 (C) is the compactification of the quotient Γ\H we constructed in class. 1