22S6 - Numerical and data analysis techniques Mike Peardon School of Mathematics Trinity College Dublin Hilary Term 2012 Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 1 / 11 Introduction to Markov processes Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 2 / 11 Markov chains In 1906, Markov was interested in demonstrating that independence was not necessary to prove the (weak) law of large numbers. He analysed the alternating patterns of vowels and consonants in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. In a Markov process, a system makes stochastic transitions such that the probability of a transition occuring depends only on the start and end states. The system retains no memory of how it came to be in the current state. The resulting sequence of states of the system is called a Markov chain. Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 3 / 11 Markov chains A Markov chain A system can be in any one of n distinct states, denoted {χ1 , χ2 , . . . χn }. If ψ(0), ψ(1), ψ(2), . . . is a sequence of these states observed at time t = 0, 1, 2, . . . and generated by the system making random jumps between states so that the conditional probability P(ψ(t) = χi |ψ(t − 1) = χj , ψ(t − 2) = χk , . . . ψ(0) = χz ) = P(ψ(t) = χi |ψ(t − 1) = χj ) then the sequence {ψ} is called a Markov Chain If P(ψ(t) = χi |ψ(t − 1) = χj ) does not depend on t, then the sequence is called a homogenous Markov chain - we will consider only homogenous Markov chains. Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 4 / 11 Markov matrix The conditional probabilities describe the probability of the system jumping from state χj to state χi . There are n × n possible jumps and these probabilities can be packed into a matrix, with elements Mij being the probability of jumping from j to i. The Markov matrix A matrix containing the n × n probabilities of the system making a random jump from j → i is called a Markov matrix Mij = P(ψ(t + 1) = χi |ψ(t) = χj ) Since the entries are probabilities, and the system is always in a well-defined state, a couple of properties follow. . . 0 ≤ Mij ≤ 1 Pn M =1 i=1 ij Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 5 / 11 Markov Processes (4) Dublin’s weather An example: On a rainy day in Dublin, the probability tomorrow is rainy is 80%. Similarly, on a sunny day the probability tomorrow is sunny is 40%. This suggests Dublin’s weather can be described by a (homogenous) Markov process. Can we compute the probability any given day is sunny or rainy? For this system, the Markov matrix is Sunny Rainy Sunny 0.4 0.2 Rainy 0.6 0.8 Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 6 / 11 Dublin’s weather (2) 1 0 If today is sunny we can write the state as ψ(0) = , 0.4 and the state tomorrow is then ψ(1) = , and 0.6 0.28 0.256 ψ(2) = , ψ(3) = , ... 0.72 0.744 0 If today is rainy we can write the state as ψ(0) = , 1 0.2 , and and the state tomorrow is then ψ(1) = 0.8 0.24 0.248 ψ(2) = , ψ(3) = , 0.76 0.752 The vector ψ quickly collapses to a fixed-point, which must be π, the eigenvector of M with eigenvalue 1, P2 normalised such that i=1 πi = 1. Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 7 / 11 Dublin’s weather (3) Finding the probability of sun or rain a long time in the future is equivalent to solving 0.4 0.2 π1 π1 = 0.6 0.8 π2 π2 with the normalising condition for the probabilities; π1 + π2 = 1 0.25 We find π = . This is the invariant probability 0.75 distribution of the process; with no prior information these are the probabilities any given day is sunny (25%) or rainy (75%). Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 8 / 11 Population migrations In a year, the fraction of the population of three provinces A, B and C who move between provinces is given by From/ To A B C A 3% 7% B 1% C 1% 2% 7% Show the stable populations of the three provinces are in the proportions 8 : 3 : 1 Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 9 / 11 Winning a Tennis game at Deuce Two tennis players, Alice and Bob have reached Deuce. The probability Alice wins a point is p while the probability Bob wins is q = 1 − p. Write a Markov matrix describing transitions this system can make. Answer: 1 p 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 M= 0 q 0 p 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 q 1 with states given by χ = {A wins, Adv A, Deuce, Adv B, B wins} Mike Peardon (TCD) 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 10 / 11 Winning a Tennis game at Deuce (2) Remember: entry Mij = P(ψ(t + 1) = χi |ψ(t) = χi ) Some transitions are forbidden (like Adv A → Adv B) Some states are “absorbing” - once in that state, the system never moves away. With a bit of work, it is possible to see the long-time average after starting in state χ3 ≡ Deuce is p2 π3 = 1−2pq 0 0 0 q2 1−2pq 1 The tennis game ends with probability 1 2 Alice wins with probability Mike Peardon (TCD) p2 1−2pq 22S6 - Data analysis Hilary Term 2012 11 / 11