MAE-2103 Engineering Mechanics I: Practice Exam #1 F u 

MAE-2103 Engineering Mechanics I: Practice Exam #1
Three forces are concurrent at point A.
magnitude 6 N and is directed along
F1 =<2,
û =<-0.8,
3, 4> N,
F2 has
0.6, 0.0>, and
magnitude 12N, lies in the x-z plane, and is 30 from the positive z-axis. Find
the resultant of these three forces.
r =<-2, -4, 4> m.
Find the direction cosine angles of the vector
Two forces act at point O as shown. F1=26 N and F2=10 N. Find the force
P and the angle  for equilibrium.
Find the vector cross product of P=<-1, 0, 3> and Q=<4, -2, 2>.
A tripod with legs AB, AC, and AD supports an unknown weight, P at
point A. Knowing that the compressive force in member AB is 70 N,
find the compressive forces in AC and AD.
R. Gist
Ver. A, Rev. 3
MAE-2103 Engineering Mechanics I: Practice Exam #1
The plate is supported by a rope, AB. Tension in rope AB is 12 N. Find
the moment vector about the origin due to this tension.
How much of moment
Two equal forces which lie in the x-y plane act in opposite directions on the
wheel, also in the x-y plane. The radius of the wheel is 0.12 m. Find the
resulting couple moment due to these forces. F1=24 N and acts at 45o above
horizontal and to the right, and F2 is equal but opposite to F1.
M =<20,
30, -40> N·m is in the direction
û =<-0.8, 0.6, 0>?
How much of the moment vector is perpendicular to û ? What is the angle between M and û ?
=<24, 36, 0> N and
point A located at
rA =<0,
FB =<0,
0, -10> N.
FA acts at
2, 0> m (with respect to the origin), and
FB acts at point B located at rB =<3,
0, 0> m. Replace these two
forces with an equivalent system of one force vector and one moment
vector acting at origin.
R. Gist
Ver. A, Rev. 3